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Allison Gary had been feeling tensed and uneasy since 6:00 in the morning, at first she felt

it was her
hormones acting out but her pregnancy was only four months old to make her feel so restless. She
couldn't understand why she was having a bad feeling ever since she woke up that the life of someone
dear to her is in danger, she couldn't drink or eat all morning, or sit or relax. She could not control the
anxiousness anylonger, she approached Erick, her husband in his bathroom while he was having a cool
shower bath Allison was so flustered she barely stared at his drenched nude body and she stood in front
of him, grabbed his hand, and spoke to him with tears streaming down her face, "Erick I don't know
what is wrong with me, I feel so strange, so uneasy. I can feel that something bad has happened but I
don't understand why I am feeling this way. This isn't me."

"Please tell me what to do because I stop feeling this way. I can't be calm or fine."

"Please relax okay, it's not good for our baby, " he placed his comforting hands on her shoulder while
staring down at Allison's round stomach, "go get some rest. I'm sure that it's all okay."

"That's what I've been trying to do to relax, to calm down.., " she yelled in frustration, "but it's not
working. Look at me, I look so miserable." She was scrubbing her hair in nervousness, strands of her jet-
black hair fell across her face making her look like a mess and her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"I need to know the truth.., " she howled in sadness, "could my sister be okay? She is the only family I
have, and if I am this stressed it could be that her life is in danger Erick."

Erick suddenly felt a sharp lump of guilt in his throat hearing her talking about her sister and he froze for
almost a while as his mind was reflecting on her sister, Allesia that Allison's throbbing feeling of Allesia's
life being in danger is not just a hunch but the actual truth and he felt too nervous to hold her hands or
look into her eyes he edged away from her and was trying to leave the room quietly and she quickly
wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her face on his back, "please don't leave me.. I'm worried
about my sister don't go away."

Erick's eyes were getting hot and red with tears reflecting on Alessia he tried to suppress the tears from
falling, but Allison noticed and they made her feel so uncomfortable, "why are you crying hon? Is it
because of me? Do I look so pathetic that you feel sorry for me?"

"No..., " He shook his head in reply, "actually.., " he was speaking and he got interrupted by the
squeaking noise of the bedroom doors as Allison's maid barges in and she was screaming her name, her
voice sounded hoarse Allison panicked and ran out of the bathroom approaching her, "what

"It's your sister Alessia."

Allison immediately sensed Alessia was in deep danger staring into her maid's sullen eyes and her heart
raced incessantly, "what happened to her?" Tears stood in her eyes.

"She is dead Ms Allison..!" She howled, "her body was thrown outside the gates of the ranch."
Allison's heart stopped for a moment so stupefied and she screamed, "sister...!" Her hands were shaking
unsteadily like they would fall off her wrists and she eagerly wanted to see her sister she followed her
maid outside and she froze flabbergasted that it was actually her sister laying cold and motionless on the
floor. Also, Alessia's body was stained and covered by the filthy mud and dried leaves her body was
thrown in making her appear as messy as a trash bin.

Erick's grandmother, Gratia, his brother, Deib, his Father, Simeon and Allison's cousin sister, Khloe
stepped out soon as they learnt of Alessia's dead body, and they were all also astonished when they saw
her. Gratia was gasping and she was shaking in sadness Alessia and her had been quite close throughout
the years Allison moved into the ranch as Erick's wife, she was like a grand daughter to her, Alessia
always massaged her shoulders before she goes to sleep.

"Alessia...!" Allison howled at the top of her voice and she fell down on her knees besides her. What was
surprising, and quite confusing was Erick was nowhere near Allison or staring at Allesia's corpse like
everyone was Khloe found it quite strange that he wasn't stepping out of his room either and when she
peeked at him from his windows, his face was a portrait of guilt his features twisted in a mask of shame
and regret and when she tried to look into his eyes, they appeared hollow, his skin seemed rather pale,
stretched taut over a gaunt frame, the hollows of his cheeks and temples giving him a haunted, skeletal
appearance. His mouth was a thin, bloodless line, pressed into a grimace of remorse. His shoulders are
hunched, his posture that of a man weighed down by the burden of his actions.

Khloe knew at that moment Erick was the murderer as her mind was also reflecting on the sullen look on
his face when she saw him last night. He was also drunk when he arrived home 11:15 in the cold rainy
storm. Erick downed few bottles of liquor and he could barely walk properly anymore he marched into
the hall in his pair of huge boots weak and dizzy he pressed himself against the mahogany doors as he
tried to walk in and he was staggering as he walked he fell on Khloe who quickly grabbed him from
falling on the floor.

His face was sombre and soaked Khloe thought his face was wet by the rain, she did not realize they
were tears until
He wanted to lay down somewhere to catch some sleep, but he was too dizzy to properly spot his way
his vision was so blurry he wasn't able to notice he was approaching a brick instead of a couch, and he
was almost smacking his head against the wall and a young lady quickly grabbed him pulling him away
so fast he rolled for a while turning from the wall and he was thrown into her arms.

The entire hall of the living room of the ranch was dead-silent at 11:22 in the cold rainy night, and a
sudden squeaking of the doors suppressed the silence. A young man in a pair of huge boots pushed the
huge mahogany doors burst open,

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