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Lesson 03
Dressing Up
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

In this lesson you will learn:

• 4 words 4个单词
• 4 sentences 4个句子


Part A Part B Part C

Let’s Learn Let’s Talk Review
8 mins 16 mins 1 min
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2 mins
Part A. Let’s Learn

1. comb one’s hair 梳头

/koʊm wʌns her/

Don’t forget to comb your hair.


TI: Listen to the audio and let S repeat. Correct S if necessary.

Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2 mins
Part A. Let’s Learn

2. do up one’s hair 扎头发

/du ʌp wʌns her/

Do up your hair.

TI: Listen to the audio and let S repeat. Correct S if necessary.

Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2 mins
Part A. Let’s Learn

3. get dressed 穿衣服

/ɡet drest/

Hurry up and get dressed.


TI: Listen to the audio and let S repeat. Correct S if necessary.

Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2 mins
Part A. Let’s Learn

4. do make-up 化妆
/du ˈmeɪkʌp/
I’m just doing make-up, and
then I’ll be ready.

TI: Listen to the audio and let S repeat. Correct S if necessary.

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2.5 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have learned. Then do role
play with your teacher.

1. A: I’m going to school.

B: Don’t forget to __________.

A: 我要去上学了。
B: 不要忘了把头发梳一下。

TI: T asks S to fill in the blanks (answers are on the next page) then does role play with S for two times. Switch your roles the second time.
Correct S as necessary.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2.5 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have learned. Then do role
play with your teacher.

2. A: Do I look good?
B: You can __________.

A: 我这样好看吗?
B: 你可以把你的头发扎起来。

Answer to the previous page: comb your hair
TI: T asks S to fill in the blanks (answers are on the next page) then does role play with S for two times. Switch your roles the second time.
Correct S as necessary.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2.5 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have learned. Then do role
play with your teacher.

3. A: Hurry up and __________.

B: It’s still early.

A: 快穿衣服吧。
B: 还早呢。

Answer to the previous page: do up your hair

TI: T asks S to fill in the blanks (answers are on the next page) then does role play with S for two times. Switch your roles the second time.
Correct S as necessary.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2.5 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have learned. Then do role
play with your teacher.

4. A: Time to go.
B: I’m just __________, and then I’ll be ready.

A: 该出发了。
B: 我正在化妆,一会儿就准备好了。

Answer to the previous page: get dressed

TI: T asks S to fill in the blanks (answers are on the next page) then does role play with S for two times. Switch your roles the second time.
Correct S as necessary.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

4 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Try to answer the following questions.

1. Do you comb your hair every day?
2. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
3. Do you spend a long time getting dressed every day?
4. Do you think it is necessary for girls to do make-up?
Answer to the previous page: doing make-up 10

g Guide S properly.
TI: T asks S to answer the questions. S only needs to give simple answers.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

2 mins
Part B. Let’s Talk

Sample Answers
1. Do you comb your hair every day?
No, I only comb my hair sometimes.
2. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
I like to wear T-shirts and jeans.
3. Do you spend a long time(花很多时间) getting dressed every
day?No, I don’t. I need only five minutes to get dressed.
4. Do you think it is necessary(有必要的) for girls to do make-up?
Yes, I do.

TI: T goes through the sample answers with S. g

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1 min

Part C. Review 回顾
In this lesson you have learned:

Four phrases 四个词组

• comb one’s hair
• do up one’s hair
• get dressed
• do make-up
Four sentences 四个句子
• Don’t forget to comb your hair.
• Do up your hair.
• Hurry up and get dressed.
• I’m just doing make-up, and then I’ll be ready.
Learn & Talk 0 © 2018 Acadsoc Limited

After Class

Other words related to this topic:


mirror 镜子 perfume 香水
/ˈmɪrɚ/ /pɝːˈfjuːm/

tissue 面巾纸 shave 刮

/ˈtɪsjuː/ /ʃeɪv/


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