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Class period: _________________ Date: _______________________ Waynesburg University Lesson Planning Documents Part Two: Writing the lesson

plan Translating thoughts into a plan of action ______________________________________ Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: (Provide Standard number and statement) 3.1.3. A 1 Describe characteristics of living things that help to identify and classify them. 3.1.3. A 2 Describe the basic needs of living things and their dependence on light, food, air, water, and shelter. Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) Students will describe and identify characteristics of animals. Students will: discuss different characteristics of animals, identify adaptations that animals use for their survival, and identify how animals adapt to different environments.

Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) Make observations while circulating around the room, observing whether students are engaged with different discussions. Individually assess if students participate in the favorite animal discussion, work together in an Animal Characteristics activity (Prezi), and help participate, record, or present in sharing the information.

Materials: overhead board or poster paper to post discussion questions giant panda picture computer Internet access Panda Picture (S-3-2-1_Panda Picture.doc) Pennsylvania Animal Pictures (S-3-2-1_Pennsylvania Animal Pictures.doc)

Pennsylvania Animal Recording Sheet (S-3-2-1_Pennsylvania Animal Recording Sheet.doc) Graphic organizers and worksheets for prezi site

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson) and Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: To makes sure I am including all students I will follow any IEP modifications that are needed. Students will be grouped and allowed to use their books while filling in the worksheet. I will allow for extended time if needed and I will co-teach if needed. Enrichment Techniques: Students who might need an opportunity for additional learning can research an animal and its habitat. Have students report on the animals characteristics and how the characteristics help it survive. Students who are going beyond the standards can research the ideal pet for the class. Research the necessary diet, environment, and rules for a class pet. Lesson Presentation Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: Detailed Teaching Sequence including teacher presentation, student practice, and assessment: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) Have students think about their favorite animal. Have these questions posted on the board: What animal group do they belong in? What kind of environment do they live in? How do they survive in their environment? What adaptations help them survive in their environment? Show students a picture of a giant panda as an example (S-3-2-1_Panda Picture.doc). You can choose a different animal if you like. An animal that I like is the Giant Panda. What do you think the giant panda needs for survival? Give background for the Giant Panda: China is the only natural habitat of the Giant Panda. In cloudy forests where bamboo grows, the environment is cool and wet. Giant Pandas are actually carnivores, but they have adapted and depend on

eating bamboo because that is what is available in their environment. The giant pandas have large and strong jaws along with large molar teeth to chomp and eat through large bamboo trees or large bamboo branches. The giant pandas paw has a thumb and five fingers. The thumb that belongs to the giant pandas paw helps it eat bamboo easily. If the panda did not have a thumb, it would mean that the panda would have great difficulty eating bamboo. More information about the Giant Panda can be found at: Now I want you to think about a favorite animal. Lets read these questions together again and see if you can answer them about your favorite animal. Display the following questions on a chart or board What kind of environment does the animal live in? How does it survive in their environment? What adaptations help it survive in its environment? Students may need time in a computer lab looking up information about their favorite animal or have access to books in a library. Give 15 minutes to look up information. Have students share information about their animal. Can you think of some animals that are native to Pennsylvania? Have students think of different ideas. Show pictures of a few Pennsylvania animals. Split kids into eight groups, or use fewer pictures if you want larger groups. Give each group a picture of a Pennsylvania animal and a recording sheet (S-3-2-1_Pennsylvania Animal Pictures.doc) and (S-3-2-1_Pennsylvania Animal Recording Sheet.doc). Explain to students what you want them to do. Have them decide who is going to record the information. Read the questions on the sheet and explain what you are looking for. Give about ten minutes for students to discuss and record. When time is almost up, survey the groups to see if they need more time. Once completed, have students share information about their animal and any personal experiences they may have had. Have students work in groups to navigate (Animal Kingdom site); each group will have to use the prezi site to answer questions about the animal kingdoms. Closure: Review the prezi site together as a class and go over the answers to the worksheet.

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