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Prayer for the 5 Aspects of the Divine Mother

Prayer to the “Five Impressions of the Light”

This prayer is from the teachings of Fernando Moya1, a direct disciple of Samael Aun Weor:


Oh! Isis endless light of the heavens, May it always be like it is on this day.
May you not be spoken of as a tangible thing
but, instead, as the perpetual light of the heavens that is never extinguished.
You are what has been, is and will be. The winged sphere and the blue of the sky are yours.
Queen of Heaven, Divine Pentagram, be my guiding star upon the sea,
be my support so that my boat will not sink.
Sustain me so that I do not to lose myself in this great ocean of life;
You are my refuge in these stormy nights that often seem endless.
My hopes are enclosed and encoded in you,
do not let me leave the light; Have mercy on my soul. Amen.


Oh! Tonanzin, you are my guide, You are my support and my sustainer;
come unto me, come unto me...
Spread your wings and envelop me in them;
Oh, Divine Mother, you are my tireless refuge.
Oh, my Divine Guardian, I ask you,
in the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and by the blood of the Christ,
To deposit a ray of light in my essence
and in it: the strength & willpower needed to continue on this path.
Do not let me leave the light; Have mercy on my soul, protect me;
Oh my Mother, help me, give me hope;
You, Divine Mother, are my greatest treasure. Amen.


Oh! Coatlicue, Coatlicue, Coatlicue
We invoke your power for our soul
in order for you to sow the seeds of the unattainable warrior in our Being.
Guardian of mine, who has to wage 10,000 battles for the love of my soul,
You who descends to the very infernos in order to rescue my essence,
who has shed more than one tear because of your love for me
and who does not know what it is to take a rest;
You who unsheathes your sword without any doubt,
and who launches yourself into battle without thinking:
you have faced dragons, demons and entities in order to liberate my soul.
You who take 1,001 forms in order to reach where I am,
Mother Death, through my ignorance, I have dreaded you
but, nonetheless, you have done so many things out of love for me.

1 English: Spanish:

To you, Ineffable Lady, I direct this Prayer,
you who have been my staff of support, my protective shield, and my sword in every battle;
Day after day, you intervene for me
and make it so that my prayer comes out of the darkness
and is heard in the heavens.
You present yourself in the tribunals of the law
in order to intervene and return to intervene again & again for me.
To you, I direct this Praise, and I give thanks for all that you do,
be my guide, Ineffable Lady, be my support and sustain me, be my refuge,
do not let me leave the light, have mercy on my soul.
Help me to get out of this darkness in which I find myself,
help me to die from moment to moment
and deposit within me your strong light
in order to achieve the great rebellion and rescue my soul;
Help me to fight, by your side,
against the demons that personify me,
in order to return to you.
Oh! my Mother, take me by the hand and walk me on this arduous & narrow path,
since while I am by your side, I will never be lost,
because you guide me and your steps will be mine. Amen...

4) PRAYER TO “MAHA KUNDALINI” (Tlazocamati, Mother Nature)

Oh! Divine Mother Maha Kundalini.
Divine Butterfly, you who dilutes herself in all that exists;
We invoke thee, naturalizing force.
My particular Mother Nature, infinite mercy and goodness,
we ask thee for forgiveness for all our transgressions;
Be our guide, our support and sustain us;
Do not let me leave the light, have mercy on my soul. Amen

5) PRAYER TO THE ELEMENTAL MAGICIAN (Stella Maris, our own “Maga Elemental”)
Oh! my Divine Mother Elemental Magician,
like a sacred ibis, you rest within my seminal waters and fertilize them
giving life to my whole universe.
You wake up the seamless & winged love charms,
Oh Divine Mother Elemental Magician, ineffable and divine nectar,
blow into my glands where the rhythm of my life palpitates
and purify me, so that the Commandment of Rome is refined,
in order for Love to blossom and recuperate its innocence
and in order to liberate chastity.
You are my guide in sexual transmutation, my support and my sustainer,
in order to not spill a single drop of my Sexual Energy.
My hopes are enclosed and encoded within you, Wife of Eros, custodian of the sacred waters;
Do not let me leave the light, have mercy on my soul.
Amen, Amen, Amen.

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