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Andrea Taboada & Khurts Erdenetsetseg

Consumer Behavior

Major Assignment

1.Explain briefly the two possible

approaches the company is thinking of
following. Which target would you choose
and why?

Students or Families: “Tata outlined his plan to build a low-cost "people's car" for the rapidly
growing middle class of consumers in India”.

We would choose the target of Families. Because it is a car whose price / product ratio is very
good for the working middle class. Instead, a student is not a 100% reliable target since they
might not be independent or their income might be low and the average salary would limit them
to acquire and maintain a car. It is crucial to add that their decision will be based on a long term
spending of money.

2. Which are the consumer needs of the

target you chose? ( The answer based on
Maslow's Pyramid; use as many layers as
possible, but not all are necessary)

Self Actualization:
● Ease of transportation
A car can be more efficient when it comes to transporting a family because of its space and
performance to go on many type of roads.
● Satisfaction of buying a car to fill the family needs
Buying a car fulfills the need to belong in a society. In India owning a car can show a higher
financial position.

● Belonging or offering a good experience as a family, the car brings together
As our target audience are families, we think these reasons are connected to the social need of
owning a car.

● Safe transportation
Acquiring a car brings sense of safety and comfort.
● Safer than a motorcycle

3.Which value does this product cover

(choose two dimensions that your think that
are important and explain why)

Functional Value: The functional value of the Tata Nano is transportation and since we chose
the family target audience, the capacity of 4 people adds extra functional value.

Perceived risk: The perceived risk of acquiring a Tata Nano instead of a motorcycle is having in
mind that an accident with a motorcycle could lead to death as well the fact that a car could be
used in many situations as rainy days or more rural area roads. Instead, having a Nano can be
safer and practical.

4. Think of a communication strategy to

attract the consumers (target chosen)
attention; It should simulate the peripheral


Carro a la mitad en ALTO RELIEVO.

Dimensiones reales … posicionado en algun espcio estratégico para que puedan comparar el
tamaño y el precio - marcar el precio en algun espacio del AD.

Indian family inside. Adapt the AD to India .


It’s a car to only drive - literally

Doesn't consume much gas.

Communication Strategy.

Our communication strategy would be based on a Campaign called: Why choose Nano?

The campaign will consist of the placement of printed ads placed in train stations and bus
stops. The printed AD would be a printed Tata Nano with its real dimensions and with an Indian
family inside the car with a text in Indian mentioning one benefit of owning the car. “Small Size,
Little Price, Great Drive.” could be the title of one of the ADs and the price would be displayed
in the corner of the ad.

Another AD for the campaign would be the comparison of a motorcycle and the Nano. Since the
motorcycle is one of the main competitor products for the car.

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