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You can change the company as per your

preference …these are the most common

MR & HR questions Asked.

Q1. About Yourself?

Q2. Tell me about your family?

Q3. Why Should we hire you?
Q4. Why do you want/what motivates you to join TCS?
Q5. Describe yourself in one sentence or word?
Q6. Rate yourself in programming and why?
Q7. Favourite subject and why?
Q8. Strength and Weakness?
Q9. Willing to relocate?
Q10. Ready for the night Shifts?
Q11. How will you manage a team of 4members? “OR” How will you manage a team if
you become team leader?
Q12. Why did not you do project on latest technology?
Q13. Challenges you faced during your projects?
Q14. What do you learn for the projects?
Q15. What will you do if your team lead does not support you?
Q16. Do you want to work alone or in a team?
Q17. Do you know any latest technologies?
Q18. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 5 years?
Q19. Tell about your Long term and short term goal.
Q20. Discuss the situation when you helped someone when they are in some struggle.
Q21. How do you motivate yourself at hard times?
Q22. How good are you are decision making? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 and
explain why.
Q23. What if I won’t select you?
Q24. Why you choose web development?
Q25. How would you handle the pressure to meet the deadline of the project?
Q26. Suppose you are staying out of the boundary and we don’t have cab facility for
there, how would you react?
Q27. Describe your project?
Q28. What are your goals?
Q29.If you given a technology which is new to you, will you work on it?
Q30. Do you want to pursue higher studies?
Q31. Expalin about your leadership?
Q32. Any situation you have to convince team members?
Q33. Any useful things done in this pandemic?
Q34. Things that you don’t like ?
Q35. What you u do if you don’t know a techskill?
Q36. Have you worked under pressure?
Q37. Are you willing to take up testing job if required?
Q38. What are you expectations in TCS?
Q39. Tell about greatest challenge in your life?
Q40. Tell me something about your achievements?
Q41. What do you know about TCS/company in terms of its business values?
Q42. How do you handle all your daily activities? Do you plan well in advance?
Q43. How flexible are you?
Q44. What changes did the pandemic made within you?
Q45. Which company is your dream company?
Q46. How you will generate data… to work on a project if its not available on the
Q47. What will u do if ur team member is opposing your ideas everytime?
Q48. Do you know about service agreement?
Q49. What is the real life use case of you projects?
Q50. What if tomorrow you got a higher package from another company?
Q51. Any extra Curricular activities?
Q52. Justify the strengths mentioned in resume?
Q53. Did you encounter any problems during the project , and if so how did you
overcome them?
Q54. Can you share an example of a bug you faced in the project and how you resolved
Q55. Tell me your hobbies likes and dislikes.
Q56. What you feel special u have compared to other candidates?
Q57. Any special about your hometown?
Q58. Would you like to work in a team or individually?
Q59. You have an idea but your senior is arrogant and not listening to you, what will
you do?
Q60. Suppose you are a team lead, and there is a conflict in your team, how would you
handle it?
Q61. Explain about day to day life task that you want to automate?

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