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Predator Pro Dongle Troubleshooting

When i-Cite TM is started, it will attempt to connect to the sensor head. If it is not able to, you will see
this window.

This guide is designed to determine the cause of this error by following a sequence of steps.

Trouble Shooting Steps

1. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\i-cite NxT\Support\ChpUtils.exe.

2. The version number for this utility will appear in the title bar. It must be version 2.7.2127.0 or
later for this troubleshooting guide. Newer versions are available from the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/ChpUtils/
3. Switch to the CCG4 page by clicking in the tree on the left.

4. The Connection should be automatically populated with “PXB 0.0”. If it is not, then there is an
internal connection problem in the controller.
5. Push the “Read Information” button. The controls in the Information section will be populated
with information from the CCG4.

6. The “Version” of the “Active” image should be 1.6.2127.0 or later. See the section Updating the
CCG4 Firmware for steps to update the version.
7. The “Connected” checkbox of the Sensor Port section will be unchecked if the cable is not
connected. It may also be unchecked if the CCG3 fails to start correctly.
8. The status box in the Sensor Port section will show any faults that were detected on the port. If
there were no faults, it will show the bus voltage. The port power supply voltage will be shown
in perentesis.
9. If the port power supply voltage is less than 4 V, then the power supply has failed. The
controller will need to be replaced. A temporary fix may be to use the EXT port instead of the
SENSOR port. It is likely that the EXT port will eventually fail as well.
a. Note: If the port power supply voltage is not shown because of a fault, it can be read in
the Register section by selecting “Port 1, VProvider” and then pressing “Read”.

10. The bus voltage should be above 8 V.

a. Note: If the bus voltage is not shown because of a fault, it can be read in the Register
section by selecting “Port 1, VBus” and then pressing “Read”.

11. Press “Read Information” a few times to make sure the bus voltage does not go below 8 V. If
the bus voltage is fluctuating below and above 8 V, then the CCG3 is in a reset loop. See the
section Recovering from CCG3 Reset Loop if this is the case.
12. Set the “Address” in the “Register” section to “Port 1, CC Status”, then press “Read”. The Value
should be set to 0x0102, 0x0201, 0x0100 or 0x0001. If it is another value, then the protection
diodes for the port are damaged.

An error message of <invalid register> indicates that the CCG4 firmware version needs to be
updated. See the section Updating the CCG4 Firmware for steps to update the version.

The table below gives technical detail on how to interpret the value.

CC1 Status CC2 Status

0x0000 Active Cable Present Active Cable Present
0x0001 Device Present Active Cable Present
0x0002 Open Active Cable Present
0x0100 Active Cable Present Device Present
0x0101 Device Present Device Present
0x0102 Open Device Present
0x0200 Active Cable Present Open
0x0201 Device Present Open
0x0202 Open Open

Active Cable Present: Cable is detected. When neither the cable or device is detected, the CC
line will be toggled between Ra Present and Open to check for a provider device.
Device Present: Device is detected.
Open: Neither cable or device detected. Passive cables may not be detected.

13. Switch to the CCG3 page by clicking in the tree on the left.
14. The Connection should be automatically populated with “PXB 0.0, port 1”. If it is not, then the
CCG3 is unable to connect to the CCG4. This could be because the cable is not plugged in or the
CCG3 is in a reset loop.
15. Push the “Read Information” button. The controls in the Information section will be populated
with information from the CCG3.

16. The “Version” of the “Active” image should be 1.5.1989.0 or later. See the section Updating the
CCG3 Firmware for steps to update the version.
17. The status box in the Port section will show any faults that were detected on the port. If there
were no faults, it will show the bus voltage.
18. The bus voltage should be above 8 V.
a. Note: If the bus voltage is not shown because of a fault, it can be read in the Register
section by selecting “VBus” and then pressing “Read”.

19. The “5V Enabled” checkbox of the Port section will be checked when the sensor head is properly
20. Switch to the FX3 page by clicking in the tree on the left.

21. The Connection should be automatically populated with the unique ID of the sensor head. If it is
not, then there is likely a driver issue. Refer to the Updating the FX3 Driver section for steps to
reinstall the driver.
22. Push the “Read Information” button. The controls in the Information section will be populated
with information from the FX3.

23. If the “Read Information” button results in an “Unable to open FX3 device” error there may be a
cable issue. Either the cable is not fully seated or it is not a USB 3.1 Gen 1 cable. Charge-only
cables can not be used.
24. Run Device Mangager and expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers section.

25. The “Coherix Pro Sensor Head” should be listed.

26. Wait 15 seconds to make sure the “Coherix Pro Sensor Head” does not disappear. If it appears
and disappears, there is a problem with the FX3 driver. See the section Updating the FX3 Driver.
27. If a device called “USB-Serial Composite Device” is listed, you must use version 2.17.08B of i-Cite
TM or later. If you use an earlier version of i-Cite, the dongle will not be recognized. The latest
version of i-Cite is available from the file transfer site. Software/Latest Version/

28. Run i-Cite TM. It should start up without a dongle error.

Updating the CCG4 Firmware
1. Exit i-Cite TM if it is running.
2. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\i-cite NxT\Support\ChpUtils.exe.

3. The version number for this utility will appear in the title bar. It must be version 2.4.1994.0 or
later for this troubleshooting guide. Newer versions are available from the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/ChpUtils/
4. Switch to the CCG4 page by clicking in the tree on the left. The CCG4 negotiates the power used
on the USB ports of the controller.

5. The Connection should be automatically populated with “PXB 0.0”. If it is not, then there is an
internal connection problem in the controller.
6. Push the “Read Information” button. The controls in the Information section will be populated
with information from the CCG4.

7. The firmware is divided into two images. The “Active” image is the image that is currently
booted. The active image can not be updated while running. When the firmware is updated,
the inactive image will be updated and then the device will be set to boot from the inactive
image, making it the new active imate.
8. Press the “Write From File” button.
9. Open the firmware file you wish use for the update. The latest CCG4 firmware can be found on
the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/
10. A progress window will show the update progress. If you are using a monitor connected to the
USB port, it will turn off while the CCG4 resets.
Updating the CCG3 Firmware
1. Exit i-Cite TM if it is running.
2. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\i-cite NxT\Support\ChpUtils.exe.

3. The version number for this utility will appear in the title bar. It must be version 2.4.1994.0 or
later for this troubleshooting guide. Newer versions are available from the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/ChpUtils/
4. Switch to the CCG3 page by clicking in the tree on the left. The CCG3 requests power for the
sensor head.

5. The Connection should be automatically populated with “PXB 0.0, port 1”. If it is not, then the
sensor is not able to connect to the controller. See the Troubleshooting Steps section.
6. Push the “Read Information” button. The controls in the Information section will be populated
with information from the CCG3.

7. The firmware is divided into two images. The “Active” image is the image that is currently
booted. The active image can not be updated while running. When the firmware is updated,
the inactive image will be updated and then the device will be set to boot from the inactive
image, making it the new active imate.
8. Press the “Write From File” button.
9. Open the firmware file you wish use for the update. The latest CCG3 firmware can be found on
the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/
10. A progress window will show the update progress.
Updating the FX3 Driver

1. Exit i-Cite TM if it is running.

2. Disconnect the sensor head.
3. In the Start menu type “cmd” and click on the “Run as administrator” link.
4. Change directory to the folder where the FX3 driver is located.

5. Type “UpdateDriverStore.bat” and press Enter.

6. Connect the sensor head.

7. If this does not fix the issue, follow the steps in the FX3 Clean Install section.
Recovering from CCG3 Reset Loop
1. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\i-cite NxT\Support\ChpUtils.exe.

2. The version number for this utility will appear in the title bar. It must be version 2.4.1994.0 or
later for this troubleshooting guide. Newer versions are available from the file transfer site. Resources/Firmware and
FPGA/Predator3D Pro/ChpUtils/
3. Switch to the CCG4 page by clicking in the tree on the left.

4. Set the Command to “Set Provider Volts”.

5. Set the port in the Command section to “Sensor Port”.
6. Set the voltage in the Command section to “5 V”.
7. Press the Execute button. The Status should change to “Success”.

If the Status does not say “Success”, try it a few more times until it does.

8. Set the Command to “Set Port Enable”.

9. Set the port in the Command section to “Sensor Port”.
10. Set the action in the Command section to “Disable”.
11. Press the Execute button. The Status should change to “Success”.

If the Status does not say “Success”, try it a few more times until it does.

12. Set the Address to “Port 1, VBus”.

13. Press the “Read” button in the Register section.

14. If the Value is greater than 1.0, then the software disable did not work. In this case, you must
disconnect the sensor head from the controller.
15. Wait for the sensor head to cool down to room temperature. This can take 10 to 15 minutes.
16. If you disconnected the sensor head from the controller, re-connect it.
17. Press the “Reset Device” button. If you are using a monitor connected to the USB port, it will
turn off while the CCG4 resets.
FX3 Clean Install
1. Exit i-Cite TM if it is running.
2. Disconnect the sensor head.
3. Before you modify the driver, you should make a Windows Restore Point. You can do this by
running “Create a restore point” from the start menu.
4. Open Device Manager.
5. From the View menu turn on Show Hidden Devices.

6. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers section.

7. Right click on the first Coherix Pro Sensor Head and select Uninstall device from the context
8. Turn on the “Delete the driver software for this device” option.

9. Press Uninstall
10. In Device Manager right click on the first Coherix Pro Sensor Head FW Loading… and select
Uninstall device from the context menu.
11. If the “Delete the driver software for this device” option is present, turn it on.
12. Press Uninstall
13. Repeat steps 7 through 12 until there are no Coherix Pro devices left.

14. In the Start menu type “cmd” and click on the “Run as administrator” link.
15. Change directory to the folder where the FX3 driver is located.
16. Type “UpdateDriverStore.bat” and press Enter.

17. Connect the sensor head.

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