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(eBook PDF) Social Psychology 10th Editionby Elliot


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Social Psychology 10th Edition (eBook PDF)

Social Psychology 10th Edition (eBook PDF)
Preface xiii New Frontiers in Social Psychological Research 43
About the Authors XIX Culture and Social Psychology 43
Special Tips for Students xxi Social Neuroscience 44
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology 45
1 Introducing Social Psychology 1 Summary 48 • Test Yourself 49

Defining Social Psychology 3

TRY IT! Conflicting Social Influences 4 3 Social Cognition: How We Think
Social Psychology, Philosophy, Science, About the Social World 51
and Common Sense 4 On Automatic Pilot: Low-Effort Thinking 53
Ho\,• Social Psychology Differs From Its People as Everyday Theorists: Automatic
Closest Cousins 5 Thinking With Schemas 53
TRY IT! Social Situations and Shyness 7 Whlch Schen1as Do We Use? Accessibility
The Power of the Situation 9 and Priming 55
Underestin1ating the Po\,•er of the Situation 10 Making Our Schemas Con1e True: The
The Importance of Construal 11 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 57
#trending What's in a Name? 14 #trending Do You Believe in Astrology? 59
Where Construa ls Come Fron1: Basic Hun1an Motives 15 Types of Automatic Thlnking 61
The Self-Esteem Motive: The Need to Feel Good Auton1atic Goal Pursuit 61
About Ourselves 16 Auton1atic Thinking and Metaphors About the
The Social Cognition Motive: The Need Mental Strategies and Shortcuts: Judgmental
to Be Accurate 17 Heuristics 63
Why Study Social Psychology? 19 HEURISTIC • HOW SIMILAR IS A TO B? THE
Summary 20 • Test Yourself 21 REPRESENTATIVENESS HEURISTIC •

2 Methodology: How Social TRY IT! Reasoning Quiz 68

Psychologists Do Research 23 Cultural Differences in Social Cognition 69
Cultural Determinants of Schemas 70
Socia l Psychology: An Empirical Science 24 Holistic Versus Analytic Thlnking 70
TRY IT! Social Psychology Quiz: What's Your Prediction? 25
Controlled Social Cognition: High-Effort Thinking 72
Fom1ulating Hypotheses and Theories 26 Controlled Thinking and Free Will 73
TRY IT! Can You Predict Your (or Your Friend's) Future? 74
Mentally Undoing the Past: Counterfactual Reasoning 75
Research Designs 27
Improving Human Thinking 76
The Observational Method: Describing Social Behavior 28
The Correlational Method: Predicting Social Behavior 29 Summary 80 • Test Yourself 81

TRY IT! Correlation and Causation: Knowing the 4 Social Perception: How We Come to
Difference 33 Understand Other People 83
The Experin1ental Method: Ans\,•ering
Nonverbal Conm1unication 85
Causal Questions 34
TRY IT! Using Your Voice as a Nonverbal Cue 86
#trending Correlation Does Not Equal Causation 41 Culture and the Channels of Nonverbal
viii Contents

First Impressions: Quick But Long-lasting 91

#trending First Impressions Formed Online 92
6 Cognitive Dissonance and the
Need to Protect Our Self-Esteem 149
The Lingering Influence of lnitial
lmpressions 93 The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance: Protecting
Causal Attribution: Ansv,ering the "Why" Question 96 Our Self-Esteem 150
The Nature of the Attribution Process 97 Decisions, Decisions, Decisions 153
The Covariation Model: Internal Versus External DISTORTING OUR LIKES AND DISLIKES • THE
Attributions 98
The Fundamental Attribution Error: People
as Personality Psychologists 100 The Justification of Effort 155
THE ROLE OF PERCEPTUAL SALIENCE IN THE Counterattitudinal Behavior 157
Self-Serving Attributions 106
The "Bias Blind Spot" 107
TRY IT! The Internal Consequences of Doing Good 161
Culture and Social Perception 110 JUSTIFYING OUR OWN IMMORAL ACTS
Holistic Versus Analytic Thinking 110 Avoiding Ten1ptations 163
The Hypocrisy Paradigm 165
Cultural Differences in the Fundamental
Dissonance Across Cultures 166
Attribution Error 112
Culture and Other Attributional Biases 113 Advances and Extensions of Cogrutive Dissonance
Theory 167
Summary 115 • Test Yourself 117
Self-Affim1ation Theory 167
5 The Self: Understanding Ourselves TRY IT! Values Affirmation Writing Exercise 169
in a Social Context 119 Dissonance in Close Relationships: Self-Evaluation
Maintenance Theory 169
The Origins and Nature of the Self-Concept 120 Some Concluding Thoughts on Dissonance and
Cultural Influences on the Self-Concept 122 Self-Esteem 172
TRY IT! A Measure of Independence and #trend ing Politics and Cognitive Dissonance 172
Interdependence 123 Overcoming Dissonance 174
Functions of the Self 124 Narcissism and the Dangers of Too Muell
Self-Knowledge 125 Self-Esteem 174
Knowing Ourselves Through lntrospection 125 TRY IT! Measuring Your Narcissism 175
Summary 178 • Test Yourself 179
TRY IT! Measure Your Private
Self-Consciousness 127
7 Attitudes and Attitude Change:
MORE THAN WE CAN KNOW Influencing Thoughts and Feelings 181
Knowing Ourselves by Observing Our The Nature and Origin of Attitudes 183
Own Behavior 128 Where Do Attitudes Come Fron1? 183
AROUSAL • INTRINSIC VERSUS EXTRINSIC TRY IT! Affective and Cognitive Bases of Attitudes 186

#trending Growth Mindset in the Classroom 137 Explicit Versus Implicit Attitudes 187
Using Other People to Kno\,• Ourselves 137 When Do Attitudes Predict Behavior? 188
Predicting Deliberative Behaviors 189
Self-Control: The Executive Function of the Self 141 PERCEIVED BEHAVIORAL CONTROL
Impression Management: All the World's #trending Predicting Environmentally Friendly Action 191
a Stage 143 How Do Attitudes Change? 192
Ingratiation and Self-Handicapping 144 Changing Attitudes by Changing Behavior:
Culture, ln1pression Management, and Cognitive Dissonance Theory Revisited 193
Self-Enhancement 145 Persuasive Communications and Attitude
Summary 146 • Test Yourself 147 Change 193
Contents ix

THE CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL ROUTES TO Other Tactics of Social Influence 245
Obedience to Authority 248
ATTITUDE CHANGE The Role of Nom1ative Social Influence 252
En1otion and Attitude Change 199 The Role of Informational Social Influence 253
Attitude Change and the Body 201 RESPONSIBILITY

The Power of Advertising 203 The Obedience Studies, Then and No\v 256
Ho\<\' Advertising Works 204 Summary 258 • Test Yourself 260
Subliminal Advertising: A Form of Mind Control? 204
9 Group Processes: Influence in Social
TRY IT! Consumer Brand Attitudes 206 What Is a Group? 264
Advertising and Culture 207 Why Do People Join Groups? 264
Resisting Pers uasive Messages 208 The Con1position and Functions of Groups 265
Attitude Inoculation 209 SOCIAL NORMS • SOCIAL ROLES • GROUP
Being Alert to Product Placement 209 COHESIVENESS • GROUP DIVERSITY

Resisting Peer Pressure 210 #trending Diversity Research and the Affirmative
When Persuasion Attempts Backfire: Action Controversy 268
Reactance Theory 211 Ind ividual Behavior in a Group Setting 269
Summary 213 • Test Yourself 214 Social Facilitation: When the Presence of Others
Energizes Us 269
Influencing Behavior 216 CAUSES AROUSAL

Conformity: When and Why 218 Social Loafing: When the Presence of Others
Informa tional Social Influence: The Need to Kno\,v Relaxes Us 272
What's "Right" 221 Gender and Cultural Differences in Social Loafing:
The Importance of Being Accurate 223 Who Slacks Off the Most? 273
Deindividuation: Getting Lost in the Cro\,•d 274
When lnfom1ational Confom1ity Backfires 224
When Will People Conform to Infom1ational ACCOUNTABLE • DEINDIVIDUATION INCREASES
Group Decisions: Are Two (or More) Heads
Normative Socia l Influence: The Need to Be Accepted 228
Better Than One? 277
Conformity and Social Approval: The Asch
Process Loss: When Group Interactions Inhibit
Line-Judgment Studies 230
Good Problem Solving 277
The Importance of Being Accurate, Revisited 233 FAILURE TO SHARE UNIQUE INFORMATION •
The Consequences of Resisting Normative GROUPTHINK: MANY HEADS, ONE MIND
Social InfJ uence 235 Group Polarization: Going to Extremes 281
TRY IT! Unmasking Normative Social Influence Leadership in Groups 282

Social Influence? 236
WHEN THE GROUP IS IMPORTANT • WHEN ONE HAS Conflict and Cooperation 286
TRY IT! The Prisoner's Dilemma 288
#trending Social Norms and Bigotry 239 INCREASING COOPERATION IN THE PRISONER'S
Minority Influence: When the Fe\,' Influence the Many 240 DILEMMA

Conformity Tactics 241 Using Threats to Resolve Conflict 289

The Role of Injunctive and Descriptive Norms 241 EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION

Using Norms to Change Behavior: Beware the Negotiation and Bargaining 291
"Boomerang Effect" 244 Summary 293 • Test Yourself 294
x Contents

Situational Determinants of Prosocial Behavior:

10 A ttraction and Rela tionships: From When Will People Help? 349
Initial Impressions to Long-Term Environment: Rural Versus Urban 349
Intimacy 296 Residential Mobility 350
What Predicts Attraction? 298 The Number of Bystanders: The Bystander Effect 351
The Person Next Door: The Propinquity Effect 298 NOTICING AN EVENT • INTERPRETING THE EVENT


FINAL COMMENTS ABOUT SIMILARITY Diffusion of Responsibility in Cyberspace 356
#trending "Hook-Up Culture" and Today's Youth 302 Effects of the Media: Video Gan1es and Music Lyrics 357
Reciprocal Liking 302 How Can Hel p ing Be Increased? 358
Physical Attractiveness 303 Increasing the Likelihood That Bystanders
OF BEAUTY • THE POWER OF FAMILIARITY • Increasing Volunteerism 360
Summary 361 • Test Yourself 363
Evolution and Mate Selection 307
12 Aggression: Why Do We Hurt Other
Peop le? Can We Prevent It? 365
Making Connections in the D igital World 311
Attraction 2.0: Mate Preference in an Online Era 311 Is Aggression Innate, Learned, or Op tional? 366
The Promise and Pitfalls of Meeting People Online 312 The Evolutionary View 367
Love and C lose Relationships 314
Defining Love: Companionship and Passion 315 Culture and Aggression 369
TRY IT! Passionate Love Scale 316 CULTURES • CULTURES OF HONOR
Culture and Love 317 Gender and Aggression 371
Attachn1ent Styles in Intimate Relationships 318 PHYSICAL AGGRESSION • RELATIONAL AGGRESSION
Your Body and Brain in Love 320 Leaming to Behave Aggressively 373
Assessing Relationships: Satisfaction and Some Physiological Influences 375
Theories of Relationship Satisfaction 322 Social Situations and Aggression 377
Frustration and Aggression 377
The Process and Experience of Breaking Up 327 Provocation and Reciprocation 379
Summary 330 • Test Yourself 331 TRY IT! Insults and Aggression 380
Weapons as Aggressive Cues 380
11 Prosocial Behavior: Why Do Putting the Elements Together: The Case of
People H elp? 333 Sexual Assault 381
Basic Motives Underlying Prosocial Behavior: MOTIVATIONS FOR RAPE • SEXUAL SCRIPTS AND
Why Do Peop le Help? 334
Evolutionary Psychology: Instincts and Genes 335 Violence and the Media 383
KIN SELECTION • THE RECIPROCITY NORM Studying the Effects of Media Violence 384
TRY IT! The Dictator Game 336
GROUP SELECTION The Problen1 of Determining Cause and Effect 386
Social Exchange: The Costs and Re\,•ards of Helping 337 How to Decrease Aggression 389
Empathy and Altruism: The Pure Motive for Helping 338 Does Punishing Aggression Reduce Aggression? 389
Personal Qualities and Prosocial Beh avior: Why
Can We Release Anger by Indulging It? 390
Do Some People Help More Than Others? 342
Individual Differences: The Altruistic Personality 342 AGGRESSION • BLAMING THE VICTIM OF OUR
Gender Differences in Prosocial Behavior 343 AGGRESSION
TRY IT! Empathic Concern 344 What Are We Supposed to Do \,•ith Our Anger? 392
Cultural Differences in Prosocial Behavior 345 VENTING VERSUS SELF-AWARENESS


#trending Helping Across the Political Divide 347
TRY IT! Controlling Your Anger 393
The Effects of Mood on Prosocial Behavior 347
Contents xi

#trending "Re-accommodation": The United Inducing Hypocrisy 450

Airlines Debacle 395 Removing Small Barriers to Achieve Big Changes 452
Disrupting the Rejection-Rage Cycle 396 Happiness and a Sustainable Lifestyle 454
Summary 398 • Test Yourself 401 What Makes People Happy? 454
13 Prejudice: Causes, Consequences, ENGAGED IN SOMETHING YOU ENJOY • ACCUMULATE
and Cures 402
TRY IT! Applying the Research to Your Own Life 456
Defining Prejudice 403
Do People Kno\,• What Makes Them Happy? 457
The Cognitive Component: Stereotypes 404
Summary 458 • Test Yourself 459

TRY IT! Stereotypes and Aggression 406

The Affective Component: Emotions 408 Social Psychology in Action 2
The Behavioral Component: Discrimination 409 Social Psychology and Health 461
T RY IT! Identifying Your Prejudices 409 Stress and Human Hea lth 462
Resilience 463
Effects of Negative Life Events 464
Detecting Hidden Prejudices 414
Ways of Identifying Suppressed Prejudices 414
TRY IT! The College Life Stress Inventory 465
Ways of Identifying Implicit Prejudices 415
Perceived Stress and Health 466
The Effects of Prejudice on the Victin1 417 Feeling in Charge: The Importance of Perceived
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 417 Control 467
Causes of Prejudice 421 DISEASE, CONTROL, AND WELL-BEING

Pressures to Conform: Normative Rules 421 Coping v,ith Stress 472

#trending Everyday Discrimination in Gender Differences in Coping \,•ith Stress 472

Professional Sports 423 Social Support: Getting Help from Others 473
Social Identity Theory: Us versus Them 423 TRY IT! Social Support 474
ETHNOCENTRISM • IN-GROUP BIAS • OUT-GROUP Reframing: Finding Meaning in Traumatic Events 475
Prevention: Promoting Healthier Behavior 476
Summary 478 • Test Yourself 479
Realistic Conflict Theory 427
Reducing Prejudice 429
The Contact Hypothesis 430 Social Psychology in Action 3
WHERE CONTACT CAN GO WRONG Social Psychology and the Law 481
Cooperation and Interdependence: The Jigsaw
Eyewitness Testimony 483
Classroon1 433
Why Are Eye\,•itnesses Often Wrong? 483
TRY IT! Jigsaw-Type Group Study 435
Judging Whether Eye\vitnesses Are Mistaken 488

Summary 437 • Test Yourself 439 TRY IT! The Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony 491
The Recovered Men1ory Debate 491
Social Psychology in Action 1 Juries: Group Processes in Action 494
Using Social Psychology to Achieve a Ho\v Jurors Process Information during the Trial 494
Sustainable and Happy Future 440 Confessions: Are They Ahvays What They Seem? 495
Deliberations in the Jury Room 497
Applied Research in Social Psychology 443
Summary 498 • Test Yourself 499
Capitalizing on the Experimental Method 444

Social Psychology to the Rescue 446 References 507

Using Social Psychology to Aclueve a Sustainable Future 447 Credits 545
Conveying and Changing Social Norms 447
Name Index 549
TRY IT! Reducing Littering with Descriptive Norms 448
Keeping Track of Consumption 449 Subject Index 568
Introducing a Little Competitiveness 450
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h en we began writing this book, our overriding one video in Chap ter 9 tells the s tory of how a studen t
goal was to capture the excitement of social psy- learned to avoid process loss in her s tudy groups. These
ch ology. We have been p leased to hear, in man y videos are in the Revel version of the text, placed along-
kind notes an d messages from professors and s tudents, that s ide th e relevan t concepts.
we succeeded. One of ou r favorite responses was from a A secon d new featu re, ca lled #trendin g, is a b rief
studen t who said that the book was so in teresting that she ana lysis of a curren t event tha t illustrates a key p rinci-
always saved it for last, to rewa rd herself for finishing h er ple in each ch apter. In Ch apter 11 on Prosocial Behavior,
o ther work. With that one studen t, a t least, we succeeded in for example, we describe an incident in which a White
making our book an enjoyable, fascin ating story, not a dry den tist from Texas, in town for Dona ld Trump's inaugu-
report of facts and figures. ration, left a $450 tip for an African American wa itress.
Th ere is always room for improvement, however, and Students a re asked to thin k abou t how concep ts in the
our goal in this, the tenth edition, is to make the field of chap ter migh t help explain why the man acted so gen-
social psych ology an even better read. When we teach the erous ly, such as Ba tson's empathy-altruism hypothesis.
course, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing the Importan tly, th ese examp les will be updated frequen tly
s leepy students in the back row sit up vvith in terest and in the Revel version of the text, such that s tudents w ill al-
say, "Wow, I didn't know that! Now tllnt's in teresting." We ways be able to connect wha t they are reading to cu rrent,
hope that s tudents who read ou r book w ill have tha t same real-world events.
reaction. Third, every chapter now begins w ith a feature called,
"What do YOU trunk?" where s tudents answer a survey
question designed to illustra te a concept in that ch apter. In
What's New in This Edition? Chapter 6, for example, students are asked, "Have you ever
joined a group that required you to do something humili-
First a word about wh a t has not ch an ged. As mentioned, ating or dangerous in order to gain membership?" In the
we have don e ou r best to tell the story of social psychol- Revel version of the text, s tudents get immediate feedback
ogy in an en gaging way that w ill reson a te w ith stu dents. on h ow o ther s tudents h ave answered (23°/o said yes to this
We also h ave retained features that h elp studen ts lea rn question ). Then, at the end of the chapter, there is a w riting
and re ta in th e materia l. As before, each chap ter begins exercise tied to the survey question that instructors can as-
w ith lea rning objectives, whjch a re repea ted in th e sec- sign if they wish. In Chapter 6, for example, the question
tions of the chapter tha t a re most relevant to th em and in is, "How does justification of effort h elp explain wh y haz-
th e ch apter-endin g su mmary. All major sections of every ing and initiation rites are common across so many d ifferent
chapte r end with review quizzes. Research shows th at group types?"
students learn material better when they are tested fre- Lastly, we h ave expanded a feature tha t proved to be
q uently; thus, these section q uizzes, as well as the test very popular with users of the Revel version of the previ-
q uestions at the end of every chapter, should be helpful ous edition, namely v ideos tha t recreate classic experiments
learnin g a ids. In the Revel version of the text, ins tructors in social psych ology. These videos, recorded exclus ively for
have th e option of assignin g these quizzes and giving this book, give students a vivid and contemporary look at
course credit for correct answers. Each chap ter a lso has h ow an experiment was done and what it found.
our Try It! fea ture that invites s tudents to apply wh at And, of cou rse, we have upda ted the tenth edition s ub-
th ey have learned to their own lives. Several of these Try stantially, vv ith numerous references to new research. Here
It! features h ave been updated. is a sampling of the new research that is covered:
We are p leased to add severa l new features to the
tenth ed ition th a t we believe w ill appeal to s tudents • Chapter 1: This chapter contains updated examples,
and ma ke it even easier for th em to learn the materia l. a new Try It!, and a new section on the role of bio-
The first is called #Surviva lTips which are brief videos logical approaches and evolution ary theory in social
recorded by studen ts who have taken a social psychol- psych ology.
ogy class. Each one tells a personal story re laying how • Ch apter 2: A signa ture of our book continues to be a
th e student applied social psychology to better n aviga te readable, s tudent-friend ly ch apter on resea rch methods
or "survive" a real s ituation in their lives. For example, in social psychology. This chapter has been updated

xiv Preface

for the ten th edition with new references and examples can vary in p redicting outcomes when it comes to
and a discussion of the replication debate in social evaluation of job resumes based on applican t name.
psychology. A new in teractive feature is also included to explain
• Chapter 3, "Social Cognition: How We Think Abou t the formula for persuasion according to the Ya le
the Social World ," has been upda ted with more than Attitude Change app roach.
40 new references. There is a new section on the p lan- • Chapte r 8, "Conformity and Obedience: Influencing
ning fallacy and d iscussions of recent research find- Behavior," n ow opens with a more positive focus on
ings, such as a study on counterfactual thinking and socia l influence, in the form of Pete Fra tes an d the
people's belief in God. ALS ice bucket cha llenge. We have add ed a discus-
• Chapter 4, "Social Perception: How We Come to s ion of the proliferation of "fake news" in the section
Und ers tand Other People," now includes several new on informationa l social influen ce. The chapte r a lso
features, including a new opening drawing on the Black features a new interactive video d emonstrating s tu-
Mirror television series, an in teractive photo ga llery on dents employing var ious social influence techniques
using first impressions to your ad van tage, a discussion an d added discussion of contemporary criticism of
of cross-cu ltural attitudes regarding karma and beliefs Milgram's research.
in a just world , and a reorganized discussion of Kelley's • Chapter 9, "Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups,"
covariation model. now opens with an analysis of p roblematic group deci-
• Chapter 5, "The Self: Understanding Ourselves in a sion making and stra tegizing in Hilary Clinton's 2016
Social Con text," has been updated with more than 35 campaign team. We have also added coverage of recent
new references. The chapter headings h ave also been research on combating the p roblematic effects on deindi-
reorganized into three major sections, which should viduation online and group polarization via social media
make the material clearer to stud ents. There is a new feeds. The chapter also includes expanded and updated
opening example about children raised by animals and discussion of the prisoner's dilemma and a new photo
how they might have influenced their sense of self. gallery regarding resource dilemmas.
Lastly, the section on self-esteem has been upda ted and • Chapter 10, "Attraction and Relationships: From
moved to Ch apter 6. Initial Impressions to Long-Term Intimacy," has
• Chapter 6, "Cognitive Disson ance and the Need to a new title to better reflect the balanced focus be -
Protect Our Self-Esteem," is one of the most exten- tween initia l a ttraction and relationship trajectory I
sively revised chapters in this edition. This chap· satisfaction . A new interactive p h oto gallery exp lores
ter has a lways been a signature of the book; we are the relationship between mere exposure and liking,
the only text to devote an entire chapter to cogni· and a new inte ractive v id eo illustra tes th e ma tching
tive dissonan ce theory an d self-esteem maintenance. h ypoth esis in attraction. We have added coverage
We p roudly retain this chapter in our ten th ed ition, (includ ing an in teractive figure) of Sternberg's
continuing to p resen t classic work in cogni tive disso- triangular theory of love and have reorganized and
nance in a highly readable manner w ith compelling upda ted the concluding section on relationship
examples designed to d raw students in. At the same satisfaction and b reaking up.
time we h ave updated the chapter, adding a major • In Chapter 11, "Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People
new section on advances and extensions of dissonance Help?" includes more than 30 new references, expanded
theory that includes discussions of self-affirmation discussions of empathy and altruism and volunteerism,
theory an d self-eva luation mainten ance theory. There and a revised discussion of religion and p rosocial
is also a section on n arcissism and self-esteem, wh ich behavior.
prev ious ly appeared in Chapter 5. Lastly the chapter • Chapter 12, "Aggression: Why Do We Hurt Other
has two new Try It! exercises tha t studen ts will enj oy: People? Can We Preven t It?," has significan t conten t
In on e they complete a va lues affirmation writing ex- updates in addition to covering new research. Our
ercise, and in an other they can take a sh ort version of discussion of testosterone and aggression is more nu-
the Narcissistic Personali ty Inventory and get feed - an ced, disentangling some aspects of gen der and h or-
back on their score. mones and in troducing the o ther sex h ormone related
• Chapter 7, "Attitudes and Attitude Change: to aggression, estradiol. We also in troduce and evalu-
Influencing Thoughts an d Feelings," includes a new a te two formal evolution ar y theories of aggression:
opening story, new examples from Election 2016 in the challenge hypothesis and d ual-hormone theory.
th e discussion of affectively based attitudes, and new We also streamlined the section on sexual assault
discussion of how implicit versus exp lici t attitudes to make this importan t section clearer. Overall, the
Preface xv

chapter narrative n ow emphasizes the con vergen t fact inspired the creation of Revel: an interactive learning
evidence for th e role of impulsivity in aggression environment designed for the way today's students read ,
across b iological and psychological evidence. think, and learn. Built in collaboration with educa tors and
• In Chapter 13, "Prejudice: Causes, Consequences, stu dents nationwid e, Revel is the newest, fu lly digital way
and Cures," has undergone a major organizational to deliver respected Pearson conten t. Revel enlivens cou rse
and conten t u pdate. We generalized th e discussion content with media interactives and assessments- icluding
of prejudice from the strong focus on Black-White an in teractive figure) of ntegrated directly within the au-
and male-female relations to relate more generally thors' narrative-that p rovide opportunities for students
to other e thnic, gender, and stigmatized identities. to read abou t and p ractice course material in tandem. This
Nonetheless, we maintain an importan t dialog on irnmersive educationa l technology boosts student engage-
anti-Blackness, including a d iscussion of police shoot- ment, which leads to better understanding of concepts and
ings and activ ist groups. We expanded the discussion improved performance throughou t the course.
of emotions as a core component of prejudice, throu gh
which we included more physiological research on Learn More about Revel
prejudice in to the ch apter. Und er the ways to reduce h ttp:/ /
prejudice, we have exten ded th e discussion of inter- Rather than simp ly offering opportunities to read
group con tact to teach studen ts about indirect contact, about and stud y social psychology, Revel facilitates
and we have streamlined the d iscussion of the jigsaw deep, engaging interactions w ith the concepts that mat-
classroom. The entire chapter was upda ted with new ter most. By p roviding opportunities to improve skills
examples from recent popula r culture an d in teractive in analyzing and in terp retin g sou rces of psychological
components in Revel. evidence, for example, Revel engages students directly
• Social Psychology in Action chapters- "Using Social and immediately, which leads to a better understanding
Psychology to Achieve a Sustainable and Happy of course material. A wealth of student and instructor
Future," "Social Psychology and Hea lth," and "Social resources and in teractive materia ls can be found within
Psychology and the Law"- have been updated w ith Revel. Some of our favorites are mentioned in the infor-
many references to new research, but remain shorter mation that follows.
chapters. When we teach the cou rse, we find tha t stu- For more information about all the tools and resou rces
dents are excited to lea rn abou t these applied a reas. in Revel and access to your own Revel account for Social
At the same time, we recognize that some instructors Psychology, go to revel.
have difficulty fitting the ch apters into their courses.
As with the p revious edition, ou r approach remains to Instructor Resources
maintain a shortened length for the applied ch apters to We know that instructors are "tou r guides" for their stu-
make it easy to integra te these chapters in to different dents, leading them throu gh the exciting world of social
parts of the course in whatever fashion an instructor psychology in the classroom. As such, we have invested
deems best. SPAl, "Using Social Psychology to Achieve tremendous effort in the creation of a world-class collection
a Sustainable and Happy Future," includes an u pdated of instructor resou rces that will support p rofessors in their
opening example abou t the effects of climate change mission to teach the best course possible.
and new examples of ways in which students can both Coauthor Sam Sommers gu ided the creation of this
act in sustainable ways and maximize their well-being. supplements package, which has been reviewed and up·
In SPA2, "Social Psychology and Health," we updated dated for the tenth ed ition. Here are the highlights of the
coverage on perceived con trol interventions among supplements we are pleased to provide:
nursing home residents and included a new interactive
on coping with s tress. SPA3, "Social Psychology an d PRESENTATION TOOLS AND CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES
Law," has a new v ideo abou t attention al blindness and • Social Psychology PowerPoint Collection (0134700732)
an interactive feature on best p ractices in eyewitness The PowerPoints provide an active forma t for pre-
identification p rocedures. senting concepts from each chapte r and incorpo-
ra ting relevant figures an d tables. Instructors can
Revel for Social Psychology choose from three PowerPoint presentations: a lec-
ture p resen tation set tha t h igh lights major topics
RevelTM from th e chapters, a highly visual lecture p resenta -
When students are engaged deeply, they lea rn more ef- tion set with embedded videos, or a PowerPoint
fectively and perform better in their courses. This simp le collection of the complete art files from the tex t. The
xvi Preface

PowerPoint files can be downloaded from www work starts on the eleventh edition), and for frequently pro- vjding excellent real-life examples that illustrate social psy-
• Ins tructor's Resource Manual (0134700694) The chological concepts. He also gives special thanks to all of his
Instructor's Manua l includes key terms, lecture ideas, teachers of social psychology, for introd ucing him to the field,
teaching tips, suggested readings, chapter ou tlines, for continued support, and for serving as role models as in-
studen t p rojects an d research assignments, Try It! exer- structors, mentors, researchers, and writers.
cises, critical-thinking topics and discussion questions, No book can be written and p u blished without the
and a media resource guide. It h as been updated for h elp of many people working with the authors behind the
the tenth edition with hyperlinks to ease facilita tion of scenes, and our book is no exception. We need to give a
navigation within the Instructor's Resource Manual. spooal thanks to Elizabeth Page-Gould for her tremendous
h elp in rev ising two of the chapters. Her d eep knowledge
ASSESS MENT RESO URCES of social psychology and wond erful writing style contrib-
• Tes t Bank (0134700740) Each of the more than 2,000 uted greatly to this edition. We wou ld also like to thank the
questions in this test bank is page-referenced to the text many colleagues who read one or more chapte rs of this edi-
and categorized by topic an d skill level. Each question tion and of p revious editions of the book.
in the test bank was reviewed by several instructors
to ensure that we are providing you with the best and Reviewers of the Tenth Edition
most accu rate content in the industry. Jim Allen, State University of New York, College at Geneseo;
• MyTest Test Bank (0134677897) This Web-based test- Kathryn Anderson, 011r Llldy of the Lake University; Anila
generating software p rovides ins tructors "best in class" Bhagavatula, California State University- Long Beach; Amy
features in an easy-to-use program. Create tests and Bradshaw-Hoppock, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Universiti;;
easily select questions with drag-and-drop or poin t- Ngoc Bui, University of La Verne; Bernardo Carducci, Indiana
and-click functionality. Add or modify test questions Universiti; Southeast; Alex Czopp, Western Washington
using the built-in Question Editor, and p rin t tests in a Universiti;; Keith Davis, University of South Carolina;
variety of formats. The program comes w ith full techni- Michael Dud ley, So11then1 Illinois Universiti; Edwardsville;
cal support. Heid i Eng lish, College of the Siskiyo11s; Joe Ferrari, DePau/
University; Christine Floether, Centenary College; Krista
Forrest, University of Nebraska at Kearney; Allen Gorman,
Acknowledgments Radford University; Jerry Green, Tarrant Counti; College;
Dana Greene, University of North Caro/inn; Donnell Griffin,
Elliot Aronson is delighted to acknowledge the collabora-
Davidson County Comm11nity College; Lisa Harrison,
tion of Ca rol Tavris. He would also like to acknow ledge the
California State University, Sacramento; Gina Hoover, Ohio
con tribu tions of his best friend (who also happens to be his
State Universiti;; Jeffrey Huntsinger, Loyola Universiti;
wife of 60 years), Vera Aronson. Vera, as usual, provided in-
Chicago; Alisha Janowsky, Universiti; of Central Florida;
spiration for his ideas and acted as the sounding board for
Bethany Johnson, Universiti; of Nebraska- Omaha; Deborah
and s upportive critic of many of his semiformed notions,
Jones, Columbia University; Suzanne Kieffer, University of
helping to mold them into more sensible analyses.
Hou.ston; Marvin Lee, Tennessee State University; Alexandra
Tim Wilson would like to thank his gradua te mentor,
Luong, University of Minnesota Duluth; Robyn Mallett,
Richard E. Nisbett, who nu rtured his interest in the field
Loyola University Chicago; Brian Meier, Getti;sburg College;
and showed him the continuity between social psychologi-
Andrea Mercurio, Boston University; Lori Nelson, Universiti;
cal research and everyday life. He also thanks the many stu-
of Iowa; Darren Petronella, Nassau Communiti; College;
dents who have taken his course in social psychology over
Jennifer Rivers, Elms College; Kari Terzino, Des Moines Area
the years, for asking fascin ating questions and p roviding
Community College; T. Joel Wade, Bucknell University; Angela
wonderful examples of social psychological phen omena in
Walker, Quinnipiac University; Chrysalis Wright, Universiti;
their everyday lives. Lastly, he thanks the many graduate
of Central Florida; Garry Zaslow, Nassau Community College;
stud en ts with whom he has h ad the p rivilege of working
Jie Zh ang, Universiti; at Buffalo
for joining him in the ever-fascinating discovery of new so-
cia l psychological p h enomena.
Sam Sommers would like to acknowledge, first and fore- Reviewers of Past Editions
most, the Sommers ladies, Marilyn, Abigail, and Sophia, for Jeffrey B. Adams, Saint Michael's College; Bill Ad ler,
being patient with round-the-clock revision sessions, for tol- Collin County Community College; John R. Aiello, R11tgers
erating the constantly expanding mass of papers and books University; Charles A. Alexan der, Rock Va/lei; College;
on the floor of the study (he promises to clean them up before Sowmya Anan d, Ohio State University; Nathan Arbuckle,
Preface xvii

Ohio Stnte University; Art Aron, Stnte Universiti; of Ne1u St. John Fisher College; William Rick Fry, Youngstown Stnte
York, Stony Brook; Danny Axsom, Virginia Polytechnic University; Russell Geen, Universiti; of Missouri; Glenn
Institute nnd State University; Joan W. Baily, Jersey Citi; State Geher, Stnte Universiti; of Ne1u York nt New Pnltz; David
College; Norma Baker, Belmont University; Austin Baldwin, Gersh, Houston Community College; Frederick X. Gibbons,
Universiti; of Iowa; John Bargh, Ne1u York University; [own State University; Cyn thia Gilliland, Louisinnn Stnte
William A. Ba rnard, University of Northen1 Colorado; Doris University; Genaro Gonza lez, University of Texas; Jessica
G. Bazziru, Appalnchinn State University; Arthur Beaman, Gonza lez, Ohio State University; Sara Gorchoff, Universiti;
University of Kentuckt;; Gordon Bear, Ramapo College; Susan of Cnlifornin, Berkeley; Beverly Gray, Youngsto1un Stnte
E. Beers, Sweet Brinr College; Ka thy L. Bell, University of University; Gordon Hammerle, Adrian College; H. Anna
North Carolina at Greensboro; Leon ard Berkowitz, University Han, Ohio State Universiti;; Judith Harackiewicz, Universiti;
of Wisconsin- Madison; Ellen S. Berscheid, University of of Wisconsin- Madison; Elaine Hatfield, University of Hawaii,
Minnesota; John Bickford, University of Massachusetts, Mnnon; Vicki S. Helgeson, Carnegie Mellon Universiti;; Joyce
Amherst; Thomas Blass, University of Maryland; C. Hemphill, Cnzenovin College; Tracy B. Henley, Mississippi
George Boeree, Shippensburg Universiti;; Lisa M. Bohon, State University; Ed Hirt, Indiana University; Harold
California State University, Sncrnmento; Jenrufer Bosson, The Hunziker Jr., Coniing CommuniflJ College; David E. Hyatt,
Universiti; of Oklahoma; Chante C. Boyd, Carnegie Mellon University ofWisconsin- Oshkosh; Mari ta Ingleh art, Un iversiti;
Universiti;; Peter J. Brady, Clark State CommuniflJ College; of Michigan; Carl Kallgren, Behrend College, Pennsylvania
Kosha Bramesfeld, Pennsylvania Stnte Universiti;; Kelly State University, Erie; Steph en Kilianski, Rutgers Universiti;;
A. Brennan, University of Texns, Austin; Richard W. Brislin, Bill Klein, Colby College; James D. Johnson, University of
Enst-West Center of the University of Hawaii; Jeff Bryson, North Carolina, Wilmington; Lee Jussim, Rutgers Universiti;;
San Diego State University; Melissa Burkley, Oklahoma State Stephen Kilianski, Rutgers University; Fredrick Koenig,
Universiti;; Amy Bush, University of Houston; Amber Bush Tulane University; Alan Lambert, Washington UniversiflJ,
Amspoker, Universiti; of Houston; Brad Bushman, lawa State St. Louis; Emmett Lampkin, Kirk1uook Community College;
Universiti;; Thomas P. Cafferty, Universiti; of South Cnrolinn, Elizabeth C. Lanthier, Northern Virginia Co111muniflJ
Columbia; Melissa A. Cahoon, Wright State University; College; Pa tricia Laser, Bucks County Community College; G.
Frank Calabrese, Community College of Philadelphia; Michael Darnel Lassiter, Ohio University; Dianne Leader, Georgia
Caruso, University of Toledo; N icholas Christenfeld, Institute of Technology; John Lu, Concordia Universiti;;
Universiti; of Califoniin, San Diego; Margaret S. Clark, Stephanie Madon, [own State Universiti;; John Ma larkey,
Carnegie Mellon Universiti;; Russell D. Clark, III, University Wilmington College; Andrew Mamon, SI. Mary's Universiti;
of North Texas; Susan D. Clayton, Allegheny College; of Minnesota; Allen R. McConnell, Michigan Stnte Universiti;;
Megan Clegg-Kraynok, West Virginia University; Brian M. Adam Meade, North Carolina State Universiti;; Joann M.
Cohen, University of Texns, San Antonio; Florette Cohen, Montepare, Tufts University; Richard Morelan d, Universiti;
Rutgers Universiti;; Jack Cohen, Camden Counti; College; of Pittsburgh; Dave Na lbone, Purdue Universiti;- Calumet;
Steven G. Cole, Texas Christian University; Eric J. Cooley, Carrie Nance, Stetson University; Todd D. Nelson, Michigan
Western Oregon State University; Diana Cordova, Yale State University; Elaine Nocks, Furman University; Matylda
University; Traci Cra ig, University of Idaho; Jack Croxton, Osika, Universiti; of Houston; Cheri Pa rks, Colorado Christian
State University of Ne1u York, Fredonia; Keith E. Davis, University; W. Gerrod Pa rrott, Georgetawn University; David
University of South Cnrolinn, Colu111bia; Mary Ellen Dello Peterson, Mount Senario College; Mary Pritcha rd, Boise Stnte
Stritto, Ball State Universiti;; Dorothee Dietrich, Ha111line University; Cynthia K. S. Reed, Tarrant County College; Dan
Universiti;; Kate Dockery, Universiti; of Florida; Susann Richard, Universiti; of North Florida; Neal Roese, Universiti;
Doyle, Gainesville College; Steve Duck, University of [own; of Illinois; Darrin L. Rogers, Ohio State Universiti;; Joan
Michael G. Dudley, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Rollins, Rhode Island College; Pau l Rose, Southern Illinois
Karen G. Duffy, Stnte University of New York, Geneseo; Va lerie University Edwardsville; Lee D. Ross, Stanford Universiti;;
Eastman, Drury College; Tami Eggleston, McKendree College; Alex Rothman, University of Minnesota; M. Susan Row ley,
Timothy Elliot, Universiti; of Alnbamn- Binningham; Steve L. Champlain College; Delia Saenz, Arizona State Universiti;;
Ellyson, Youngstown Stnte University; Cin dy Elrod, Georgia Brad Sagarin, Northern Illinois University; Fred Sanborn,
State University; Kadimah Elson, Universiti; ofCalifoniia, Snn North Carolina Wesleyan College; Conrue Schick, Bloomsburg
Diego/Grossmont College; Rebecca S. Fahrlan der, University University; Norbert Schwartz, University of Michigan;
of Nebraska nt Omaha; Alan Feingold, Yale University; Gretch en Sechris t, University at Buffalo; Richard C.
Edward Fernandes, East Cnrolinn Universiti;; Phil Finney, Sherman, Miami University of Ohio; Paul Silv ia, Universiti;
Southeast Missouri State Universiti;; Susan Fiske, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Randolph A. Smith, Ouachita
of Massachusetts; Robin Franck, Southwesten1 College; Denise Baptist University; Linda Solomon, Mnry111ount Mnnl1nttan
Frank, Ramapo College of Ne1u Jersey; Timothy M. Franz, College; Janice Steil, Adelphi University; Ja kob Steinberg,
xviii Preface

Fairleigh Dickinson University; Mark Stewart, American We also thank the wonderful editorial staff of Pearson
River College; Lori Stone, University of Texas at Austin; for their expertise and profession alism, including Dickson
JoNell Strough, West Virginia University; T. Ga le Thompson, Musslewhite (Ed itorial Director), Cecilia Turner (Con ten t
Bethany College; Scott Tindale, Loyola University of Chicago; Producer), Chris topher Brown (Executive Product
David M. Tom, Columbus State Community College; David Ma rketing Man ager), Louis Fierro (Editoria l Assistant),
Trafimow, Ne1u Mexico State University; Ruth Wa rner, St. an d Angel Chavez (Project Manager). We would especially
Louis University; Anne Weiher, Metropolitan State College like to thank Thomas Finn (Developmen tal Edito r), who
of Denver; Gary L. Wells, Iawa State University; Jackie provided expert guidance w ith constan t good ch eer and
White, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Paul L. insight even throu gh barrages of e-mail exchanges and a t-
Wienir, Westen, Michigan University; Kipling D. Williams, tachments, and Amber Chow (Portfolio Manager), whose
Universiti; of Toledo; Tama ra Williams, Hampton University; smart vision for the book, and commitment to making it as
Paul Windschitl, University of Iowa; Mike Witmer, Skagit good as it can be, h ave truly made a difference. Finally, we
Valley College; Gvven Wittenbaum, Michigan State University; thank Mary Falcon, bu t for whom we never would have
William Douglas Woody, Universiti; of Northern Colorado; begun this p roject.
Clare Zaborowski, San Jacinto College; William H . Zachry, Thank you for inv iting us into your classroom. We wel-
Universiti; of Tennessee- Martin; Leah Zinner, University of come you r suggestions, and we would be delighted to hear
Wisconsin- Madison you r comments abou t this book.

Elliot Aronson

Tim Wilson

Sam Sommers
About the Authors
real-world problems. Dr. Aronson's own recent books for general
Elliot Aronson audiences include Mista kes Were Made (bu t not by ME), with
When I was a kid, we were the only Jew ish family in a v ir- Carol Tnvris, nnd a memoir, Not by Chance Alone: My Life as
u len tly anti-Semitic neighborhood . I had to go to Hebrew a Social Psychologist.
sch ool every day, la te in the afternoon. Being the only
youngster in my neighborhood going to Hebrew school
made me an easy ta rget for some of the older neighborhood Tim Wilson
toughs. On my way h ome from Hebrew sch ool, after da rk, One day when I was 8, a couple of older kids rode up on
I was frequently waylaid and roughed up by roving gangs their bikes to share some big news: They had d iscovered an
sh ou ting anti-Semitic epithets. abandoned h ouse down a country road. "It's really neat,"
I have a v ivid memory of sitting on a cu rb after one they sa id. "We broke a window and nobody cared !" My
of these beatings, nursing a bloody nose or a split lip, feel- friend and I hopped onto ou r bikes to investiga te. We had
ing very sorry for myself an d won dering how these kids n o trou ble finding the h ouse-there it was, sitting off by
could hate me so much when they d idn' t even know me. I itself, with a big, jagged hole in a first-floor window. We
thought abou t whether those kids were taugh t to hate Jews got off of our bikes and looked a round. My friend foun d a
o r whether, somehow, they vvere born that way. I wondered baseball-sized rock lying on the ground and threw a per-
if their hatred could be changed- if they got to know me fect strike through another firs t-floor wind ow. There was
better, would they h ate me less? I specu lated about my own some thing exhilarating about the smash-an d-ting le of sh at-
character. What would I have done if the shoe were on the tering glass, especially when we knew there was nothing
o ther foot- that is, if I were bigger an d stronger than they, wrong with what we were d oing. After a ll, the house was
would I be capable of beating them up for no good reason? abandoned, wasn't it? We b roke nearly every wind ow in
I didn't realize it at the time, of course, but eventually I the house and then climbed through one of the first-floor
discovered that these were p rofound questions. And some wind ows to look around.
30 yea rs later, as an experimenta l social psychologist, I had It was then tha t we realized something was te rribly
the great good fortune to be in a position to answer some of wrong. Th e house certainly did not look aband oned. There
those questions and to in vent techniques to redu ce the kind were pictu res on the wall, nice furniture, books in shelves.
of p rejudice that had claimed me as a victim. We went home feeling frightened and confused. We soon
Elliot Aronson is Professor Emeritus at the University of learned tha t the house was the h ome of an eld erly cou ple
Califoniia nt Santa Cruz and one of the most renowned social psi;- who were avvay on vacation. Even tually, my pa rents dis-
clwlogists in the 1110rld. In 2002, he tuns chosen as one of the 100 covered what we h ad d one and paid a subs tan tial sum to
most eminent psychologists of the twentieth century. Dr. Aron.son repair the wind ows. For years, I pondered this inciden t:
is the only person in the 120-year history of the American Psycho- Why did I d o such a terrible thing? Was I a bad kid? I didn't
logical Association to l1ave received all three of its major awards: think so, an d neither d id my parents. How, then, could a
for distinguished tvriting, distinguished teaching, nnd distin- good kid do such a bad thing? Even though the neighbor-
guished research. Mnny other professional societies have honored h ood kids sa id the house was aban doned, wh y cou ldn't my
his research and teaching ns well. These include the American frien d and I see the clear signs tha t someone lived there?
Association for the Advance111ent of Science, tvhich gave him its How crucial was it that my frien d was there and threw
highest l1onor, the Distinguished Scientific Research award; the the first rock? Althou gh I didn' t know it at the time, these
American Council for the Advance111ent and Support of Educa- reflections touched on several classic social psych ologica l
tion, 1vl1ich named l1im Professor of the Year of 1989; the Society issues, such as wh ether only bad people do bad things,
for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, which awarded him whether the social situation can be powerfu l enough to
the Gordon Allport prize for his contributions to the reduction of ma ke good people d o bad things, and the way in which
prejudice among racial nnd ethnic groups; and the William fames ou r expectations abou t an event can make it difficu lt to see
Atvard from the Association for Psychological Science. In 1992, it as it really is. Fortunately, my ca reer as a vandal ended
he was named n Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sci- with this one incident. It did , however, mark the beginning
ences. A collection of papers and tributes by his former students of my fascination with basic questions abou t how people
and colleagues, The Scientist and the Humanist, celebrates his und erstand themselves and the social world- questions I
contributions to social psychological theon; nnd its application to contin ue to investigate to this day.

xx About the Authors

Tim Wilson did his 11ndergrndunte tvork at Willin111s College h ad watched was of an actor, and in some versions of the
and Hn111pshire College and received his PhD from the University study h e mentioned having a girlfriend. In other versions,
of Michigan. C11rrently Sherrell f. Aston Professor of Psychology h e mentioned a boyfriend. Wha t the researchers were actu-
at the University of Virginia, he fins published n11111ero11s articles a lly stud ying was h ow this social ca tegory information of
in the nrens of introspection, attitude change, self-knowledge, and sexua l orientation wou ld influence pa rticipan ts' attitudes
affective forecasting, ns tvell as n recent book, Redirect: The Sur- about the interaction.
prising New Science of Psychological Change. His research And then she took ou t a tape measure.
has received the support of the National Science Fo11ndntion and The tape measu re was to gauge h ow close to my pa rt·
the National Institute for Mental Health. He hns been elected n er 's ch air I had p laced my own chair, the hypothesis being
ttvice to the Executive Board of the SociehJ for Experi111ental So- that discomfort with a gay partner might manifest in terms
cial Psychology and is a Fellow in the A111erican Psychological of participants placing their ch airs farther away. Greater
SociehJ and the Society for PersonalihJ and Social Psychologtj. In comfort with or affirtity for the partner was predicted to
2009, he tvas named a Fellow of the A111erican Acnde111y of Arts lead to more desire for proximity.
and Sciences. In 2015 he received the William James Fellows And a t that, I was h ooked. The little voice in my head
Atvard fro111 the Association for Psychological Science. Wilson h ad grovvn from a whisper to a full-throated yell that this
has taught the Introduction to Social PsychologtJ co11rse nt the was a field I could get excited about. Firs t of a ll, the re-
University of Virginia for more thnn 30 years. In 2001 he tvns searchers had tricked me. That, alone, I thought was, for
awarded the University of Virginia All-UniversihJ 011tstnnd· lack of a better word, cool. But more important, they had
ing Teaching Atvnrd, and in 2010 wns awarded the University of done so in the effort to get me an d my fellow participants
Virginia Disting11ished Scientist Atvard. to revea l something about our attitudes, p referen ces, and
tendencies tha t we never would have admitted to (or per-
h aps even would have been aware of) h ad they just asked
Sam Sommers us directly. Here was a fascinating ly crea tive research de-
I went to college to major in Eng lish. I only found myself in sign, being used in the effort to study what struck me as an
an Intro to Psychology course as a second-semester fresh- incredibly important social issue.
man because, well, it just seemed like the kin d of thing you Like I said, I was hooked. And I look forward to help·
d id as a second-semester freshman. It was when we got to ing to introduce you to this field that caught me by surp rise
the social psychology section of the course tha t a little voice back when I was a student and con tinues to intrigue and
in my head s tarting whispering something along the Imes inspire me to this d ay.
of, Hey, yo11've gotta admit this is prethJ good st11ff It's n lot like Sn111 So111111ers earned his BA from Willin111s College nnd his
the conversations you hnve with your friends about daily life, but PhD fro111 the University of Michigan. Since 2003 he hns been a
tvith scientific dnta. faculty 111e111ber in the Depnrtnient of PsychologtJ nt Tufts Uni·
As part of the class, we h ad the opportunity to partici- versity in Medford, Massachusetts. His research examines is-
pa te in research s tudies for cou rse credit. So one day I found sues related to stereotyping, prejudice, and group diversity, with
myself in an interaction s tudy in which I was going to work n partic11/nr interest in hotv these processes play out in the legal
on solving problems with a partner. I walked in and it was do111ain. He has tvon multiple teaching awards at Tufts, includ-
clear tha t the other guy had arrived earlier- his coat and ing the Ler111an-Ne11bauer Prize for 011tstnnding Teaching and
bag were a lready hanging on the back of a cha ir. I was led to Advising and the Gerald R. Gill Professor of the Yenr Award. He
another, sma ller room and sh own a video of my soon-to-be was also ind11cted into the Tufts Hall of Diversity for his efforts
partner. Then I was given a series of written questions abou t to promote nn incl11sive cli111nte on campus for nll students. He
my perceptions of him, my expectations for our upcoming hns testified as an expert tvitness on issues related to racial bins,
session together, and so forth. Finally, I walked back into the j11ry decision 111aking, and eyewitness 111emory in cri111inal trial
main area. The experimenter h anded me a chair and told proceedings in eight states. He /ins tvritten two general audience
me to put it down anywhere next to my partner's cha ir, and books related to social psychologtJ: Situations Matter: Under-
that she wou ld go get him (he, too, was p resumably com- s tanding How Context Transforms Your World (2011) and
p leting written questionnaires in a priva te room). This Is Your Brain on Sports: The Science of Un derdogs,
So I did. I put my chair down, took a seat, and waited. the Value of Riva lry, an d What We Can Learn from the
Then the experimenter returned , bu t sh e was alon e. She T-shirt Cannon (2016). He is nlso co-a11thor of Invitation to
told me the study was over. There was n o other participant; Psychology (7th edition), along with Carole Wnde, Carol Tavris,
there would be no p roblem solving in pairs. The video I nnd Lisn Shin.
Special Tips for Students
/ / Th ere is then creative reading as well as crea- to o ther people. Still others are short quizzes that illustrate
tive w riting," said Ra lp h Wa ldo Emerson in social psychological concepts.
1837, and that aptly sums up wha t you need to Watch the videos. Our carefully curated collection of in-
know to be a proficien t studen t: Be an active, creative con- terviews, news clips, and research study reenactments is
sumer of information. How do you accomp lish tha t feat? designed to enhance, and help you better understand, the
Actually, it's not difficult. Like everything else in life, it jus t concepts you're reading. If you can see the concept in ac-
takes some vvork-some clever, well-planned, p u rposeful tion, it's likely to sink in a little deeper.
work. Here are some suggestions abou t h ow to do it.

Get to Know the Textbook Just Say No to the Couch

Believe it or n ot, in writing this book, we thought carefu lly
abou t the organization and s tructure of each chapter. Things Potato Within
are presented as they are for a reason, and that reason is to Because social psychology is abou t everyday life, you might
help you learn the materia l in the best way possible. Here lull you rself into believing that the material is a ll common
are some tips on what to look for in each chapter. sense. Don't be fooled. The ma terial presented in this book
is more complicated than it might seem. Therefore, we want
Key terms are in boldface type in the text s o that you'll
to emph asize that the best way to lea rn it is to work with it
n otice them. We define the terms in the text, and tha t defi-
in an active, n ot passive, fashion. You can't just read a chap-
nition appears again in the margin. These marginal defini-
ter once and expect it to stick with you. You have to go over
tions are there to help you ou t if later in the chapter you
the material, wrestle with it, make your ovvn connections to
forget wh at something means. The marginal definitions are
it, question it, think abou t it, in teract with it. Actively work-
quick and easy to fin d. You can also look up key te rms in
ing with materia l makes it memorable an d makes it you r
the alphabetical Glossary at the en d of this textbook.
own. Because it's a safe bet that someone is going to ask you
Make sure you notice the h eadings and s ubheadings. The about this material later and you're going to have to p ull it
headings are the s keleton that holds a chapter together. They out of memory, do what you can to get it into memory n ow.
link together like vertebrae. If you ever feel lost, look back to Here are some techniques to use:
the p revious heading and the headings before it- this will
• Go ahead and highlight lines in the text- you can do
give you the "big picture" of where the chapter is going. It
so in Revel by clicking and d ragging the cursor over
shou ld also help you see the connections between sections.
a sentence; you can even choose you r own color, and
The summary at the end of each chapter is a succinct short- add a n ote! If you highligh t important points, you will
hand presentation of the chapter information. You should read remember those important points bette r and can scroll
it and make sure there are no surprises when you do so. If any- back through them later.
thing in the summary doesn't ring a bell, go back to the chap- • Read the ch apter before the applicable class lecture, not
ter and reread that section. Most important, remember that the afterward. This way, you' ll get more out of the lecture,
summary is intentionally brief, whereas your understanding which will likely introduce new ma terial in ad dition to
of the material should be full and complete. Use the summary what is in the chapter. The ch apter will give you the big
as a study aid before your exams. When you read it over, ev- picture, as well as a lot of detail. The lecture will en-
erything should be familiar. When you have that wonderful han ce that information and help you p u t it all together.
feeling of knowing more than is in the summary, you'll know If you h aven't read the chapter first, you may not un-
that you are ready to take the exam. derstand some of the points made in the lecture or real-
Be sure to do the Try It! exercises. They will make concepts ize which points are most important.
from social psychology concrete and help you see how they • Here's a good way to study material: Write ou t a key
can be applied to your own life. Some of the Try It! exercises concept or a stud y in your own words, withou t look-
replicate social psych ology experimen ts. Others reproduce ing at the book or your notes. Or say it out loud to
self-report sca les so you can see where you stand in relation yourself- again in your own words, with you r eyes

xxii Special Tips for Students

closed. Can you do it? How good was your version? of a social psychologist- and try to apply wha t you
Did you omit anything important? Did you get stuck a re learning to the behavior of friends, acquaintances,
at some point, unable to remember wha t comes next? If s trangers, an d, yes, even you rself. In each chapter you
so, you now know tha t you need to go over that infor- will see how other students h ave done this in brief
mation in more detail. You can also study with some- v ideos called #Su rv ivalTips. Ma ke sure you use the
on e else, describing theories and studies to each o ther Try It! exercises. You w ill fin d ou t how much social
and seeing if you're ma king sense. psychology can h elp us un derstand ou r lives. When
• If you have troub le remembering the results of an im- you read the news, think about wh at social psychol-
portant study, try drawing your own version of a graph ogy has to say about curren t events and behav iors; we
of the findings (you can use our da ta graphs for an idea believe you will find that you r understan ding of daily
of h ow to p roceed). You will probably find that you life is rich er. If you n otice a news a rticle that you think
remember the research results mu ch better in pictorial is an especially good example of "social psychology
form than in words. Draw the information a few times in action," p lease sen d it to us, with a full reference to
and it will stay with you. where you foun d it an d on wh at page. If we decide to
use it in the next edition of this book, we'll list you r
• Remember, the more you work with the material, the
n ame in the Acknowledgments.
better you will learn and remember it. Write it in your
own words, talk about it, explain it to o thers, or d raw We realize that 10 years from now you may not re-
visual representations of it. member a ll the facts, theories, and names you learn n ow.
• Last bu t not least, remember tha t this material is a Although we hope you w ill remember some of them, our
lot of fun. You h aven't even started reading the book main goal is for you to take with you in to your future a
yet, bu t we think you're going to like it. In particu- great man y of the broad social psychological concepts p re-
lar, you'll see how much socia l psychology has to tell sented h erein- and, perhaps more important, a critica l and
you abou t you r real, everyday life. As this course p ro- scien tific way of thinking. If you open you rself to social
gresses, you mjght want to remin d you rself to observe psych ology's magic, we believe it will enrich the way you
the events of your daily life with new eyes- the eyes look at the world and the way you live in it.
Chapter 1
Introducing Social

Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives

Defining Social Psychology Where Construals Come From: Basic Human
LO 1.1 Define social psychology and distinguish it from Motives
other disciplines. LO 1 .3 Explain what happens when people's need to feel
Social Psychology, Philosophy, Science, and Common good about themselves conflicts with their need to
Sense be accurate.
How Social Psychology Differs From Its Closest The Self-Esteem Motive: The Need to Feel Good About
Cousins Ourselves
The Social Cognition Motive: The Need to Be Accurate
The Power of the Situation
LO 1 .2 Summarize why it matters ho,v people explain and Why Study Social Psychology?
interpret events, as well as their own and others' LO 1.4 Explain why the study of social psychology is
behavior. important.
Underestimating the Power of the Situation
The Importance of Construal

2 Chapter 1


Do you consider yourself good at predicting how people around you will behave and
react under different circumstances?


It is a p leasure to be your tour guides as we ta ke you on a jou rney through the world of
social psychology. As we embark on this journey, ou r h ope is to convey our excitemen t
abou t social psychology- what it is and why it matters. Not only do we, the authors,
enjoy teaching this stuff (which we've been doing, combined, for more than 100 years),
we also love contributing to the growth and development of this field. In addition to
being teachers, each of us is a scien tist who has con tribu ted to the know ledge base that
ma kes up our discipline. Thus, n ot only are we leading this tour, we also helped crea te
some of its attractions. We will travel to fascinating and exotic places like prejudice,
love, p ropaganda, education, conformity, aggression, compassion ... all the rich variety
and su rprise of human social life. Ready? OK, let's go!
Let's begin with a few examples of the heroic, touching, tragic, and puzzling
things that people do:
• Jorge Munoz is a school bus driver during the day but works a differen t "job" at
night Feeding the hungry. When h e gets h ome from his last school bus run, he
an d his family cook meals for dozens of people using donated food and their own
money. They then serve the food to people down on their luck who line up at a
s treet comer in Queens, New York. Over a 4-year period Munoz has fed more than
70,000 people. Why does he do it? "When they smile," Munoz says, "That's the
way I get paid." (http: / / =1606)
• Kristen h as known Martin for 2 months an d feels tha t she is madly in love with
him. "We're soul mates!" she tells h er best friend. "He's the one!" "What are you
thinking?" says the best friend. "He's completely wrong for you! He's as d ifferent
from you as can be-different background, religion, politics; you even like differ-
ent movies." "I'm not worried," says Kristen. "Opposites attract. I know that's
true; I read it on Wikiped ia!"
• Janine and h er bro ther Oscar are arguing about fraternities. Janine's college
didn't have any, but Oscar is at a la rge sta te university in the Midwest, where he
h as joined Alph a Beta. He wen t through a severe and scary hazing ritual to join,
an d Janine cannot understand why he loves these gu ys so much. "They ma ke
the p ledges do such stupid stuff," she says. "They hu miliate you and force you
to get sick drunk and p ractica lly freeze to dea th in the m idd le of the night. How
can you possibly be h appy living there?" "You don' t get it," Oscar replies." Alpha
Beta is the best of all fra ternities. My frat brothers jus t seem more fun than most
o ther guys."
• Abraham Biggs Jr., age 19, had been posting to an online discussion board for
2 years. Unhappy about his future and that a relationship had en ded, Biggs an·
n ounced on camera tha t he was going to commit suicide. He took an overdose
of drugs an d linked to a live video feed from his bedroom. None of his hun·
d reds of observers called the police for more than 10 hours; some egged him on.
Paramedics reached him too late, and Biggs died.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Project Gutenberg eBook of The skeleton
scout; or, The border block
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Title: The skeleton scout; or, The border block

Author: Albert W. Aiken

Release date: July 16, 2022 [eBook #68538]

Language: English

Original publication: United States: Beadle and Adams, 1872

Credits: David Edwards, Graeme Mackreth and the Online

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(Northern Illinois University Digital Library)







17. Ben, the Trapper.

22. Indian Jo, the Guide.




Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by


In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.




The scene opens upon one of those great rivers of the West, in the
country which Tecumseh claimed and fought for so gallantly. The
forest was at rest, save only the songs of birds and the splash of the
fish leaping in the river. A thicket of bushes which bordered the path
down to the water, was suddenly pushed aside and a grim face
peered out, a face rendered doubly fierce by its war-paint, for it was
that of an Indian of Tecumseh's noble race.
Satisfying himself that no one was in sight, the Indian rose slowly,
stalked out into the path, and took his course toward the river.
Another and another followed, until ten had come into view, gliding in
silence down the forest-path.
Each savage was naked save the breech-cloth and moccasins. Only
the man who first showed himself, was differently dressed. He was a
tall, stately warrior, bearing upon his naked breast the totem of his
tribe painted in bright colors, and wearing upon his dark hair the
plumed head-dress of a chief.
Each Indian carried a rifle of the most approved make in the English
service, together with the inevitable scalping-knife and tomahawk.
Not one of them spoke, but followed their chief's cautious steps
down to the water's edge, where, sheltering themselves behind the
bushes, they peered across the stream.
It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was already out of sight
behind the tree-tops on the western shore. But, not upon the glories
of nature did the eyes of those fierce-visaged sons of the forest rest.
What then?
Upon the other shore, close to the river, stood a log cabin of the
largest size, with heavy walls and doors, calculated to resist any
ordinary attack. The fields around it were green with varied crops, for
it was now near the end of summer.
A strong wall of logs, hewn smooth, and leaving no chance to a
climber, surrounded the house. It was plain that the builder, whoever
he might be, was fully awake to the dangerous position he occupied
in the midst of the Indian country, but that he did not apprehend any
immediate attack was apparent, for his huge stockade gates were off
the hinges and leaning against the walls on either side.
The Indians lay under cover of the bushes, their gleaming eyes
riveted upon their expected prize, but they made no movement, for
they beheld a man standing upon the point which stretched out into
the stream, a rifle in his hand, pacing up and down as if on guard.
As they gazed a strange sight greeted their astonished vision.
Something was coming down the river in mid stream. It seemed to
be a man, seated in a canoe.
The current swept him rapidly downward, and, as the nondescript
craft came near, they saw a man seated astride of a log, keeping its
head down the current by the aid of a flat stick which he held in his
hand. As he neared the stockade he began to paddle vigorously, and
whirled the head of the log more toward the shore. By this time the
watcher on the point had run down to the water's edge, and the click
of a rifle-lock sounded.
"Ahoy, there!" he shouted.
"Hello!" replied the man on the log. "How de dew?"
"Hadn't you better come ashore?" said the sentry, persuasively,
pointing his rifle.
"Seeing it's yew, I donno but I had," replied the navigator, coolly.
"Yew seem mighty pressing, somehow."
"I'd like to persuade you to come ashore," replied the sentry, with a
"Ain't I coming?" growled the man on the log. "Yew needn't put on
sech style over me, I guess! I ain't said nothing tew yew, I judge.
Don't be sech a 'tarnal fool tew keep p'inting that weepin at me. It
might go off."
"It will go off, if you don't come ashore, sir," replied the sentry. "Hurry
The Yankee—there could be no mistake as to his nationality—turned
the head of the log toward the shore, and as it struck the land, began
to rise slowly from the water. The sentry kept up his attitude of
command so long as his Yankee friend showed only the ordinary
amount of bone and muscle, but his eyes opened as foot after foot
rose from the water, and the Yankee stood six feet seven in his
stockings! A queer looking specimen of the genus homo he was,
such as, for the good of the race, nature rarely framed. In breadth of
shoulder and girth of body he was no larger than men of ordinary
size, and this added to his imposing hight. His face, which did not
show a particle of beard, was round, good-natured and smiling,
furnished with a mouth of mighty breadth, and a nose curved like the
beak of an eagle. His arms were of extraordinary length, even for so
tall a man, reaching nearly to the knee. His hair was of a flaming
He was dressed in a dirty shirt of homespun, which never had known
any other cleansing since first put on than that it received from the
clouds or streams. A black leathern belt was strapped about his
waist, but it bore no more deadly weapon than an ordinary knife. His
feet were covered by moccasins rudely made and tied with buck-skin
strings. Upon his head he wore a cap of beaver-skin, mangy and
worn bare in spots, giving him a far from prepossessing appearance.
A certain whimsical, devil-may-care air marked the fellow, which was
irresistible, and the sentry laughed aloud, as the long stranger faced
him on the beach. The sentry was a young man in the dress of a
rifleman, with the bar of a captain on his shoulders. He was a stout-
built, handsome fellow, and looked with an air of commingled
amusement and astonishment, at the lofty proportions of the new-
"You are a nice specimen of a prize-baby," he said, running his eyes
up the long, lank body.
"Yaas, yaas! My mother always said I was a sweet little infant!"
replied the Yankee. "How's all the folks?"
"Oh, they are in good health. I hope you left your own family in a
good state of preservation, my long friend."
"My fam'ly allers travel with me," said the stranger. "Thar ain't so
many of us so't we kin afford to sep'rate. Got a right neat little place
here, ain't yew? Sort o' like the looks of it myself."
"What were you doing on that log?" demanded the sentry.
"Lord love yew, I thought you knew that! I was riding."
"Any fool knows that," replied the young man, roughly.
"Then what made yew ask me, if yew know'd it so well?" demanded
the Yankee, indignantly. "Yew git eout! kan' a feller-being take a ride
if he wants tew?"
"Waal, I was a-coming down the river, and I thought I'd ruther ride
than walk, so I took to the water. But look a here, darn and blast
sech contrary logs as that thar. I've bin pitched neck and crop inter
the water four times in the last five miles, and darn my ear ef this
ain't the trewest thing I've said this good while. I got along a darned
sight better when I could get my foot on the bottom and steer that
way. Yes I did."
"How far have you come?"
"I dunno nothing 'bout distances in these dangerous woods. It might
have bin ten miles an' it might have bin twenty, I dunno."
"Do you travel without arms?"
"Not by a darned sight, I don't! What dew yew call them things?"
He stretched out a pair of arms nearly as long as an ordinary man's
"Pshaw! I mean have you no weapons."
"Got a jack-knife," replied the Yankee, coolly.
"Is that all?"
"Ain't it enough? Thunder! yew don't want a man tew be a walking
armory, dew yew?"
"You are an odd chicken. Perhaps you won't object to giving me your
"No, thank yew, I don't like to give away my name. I dunno whether I
could git a better one."
"What is your name?"
"Oh; yew want me tew tell my name. Waal, try Seth Spink, and see
how that will work. I'm the all-firedest man yew ever did see. I've
traveled from St. Louis tew Bostin, and from Oswego tew New
Yorleans. Thar ain't no place on this created hemisphere where I
ain't set my foot. Yaas," he continued, "I've rode alligators in the
bayous of Louisiana and it make it more lively for a man, 'cause he
has to keep jerking up his legs to keep the young alligators from
chawin' 'em off."
"There; that lets you out," said the young captain. "Now I'll return
your confidence. This is one of the outposts of the fur company, and
my father's house at the same time. His name is Matthew Floyd. My
name is William Floyd, and I have the honor to be a captain in the
rifles, upon the staff of Governor Harrison."
"Glad tew meet yew, William," said the Yankee, extending a hand
looking like a side of mutton. "Shake."
"Confound your impudence," said the staff officer. "It passes all
belief. But come into the house and get something to eat, although I
am afraid that long body will breed a famine."
"Don't yew believe it! yew give me a little hog or tew and a small
beef-critter for supper, and I won't complain. I like a light meal, I
"A small hog or two and a beef-critter? Do you mean to eat the
provisions of the entire garrison at a single meal?"
"'Tain't much of a garrison that don't eat no more nor that! All right;
then bring me a loaf of bread and a ham, and I'll show you how tew
Captain Floyd laughed, and led the way into the house through the
open gate of the stockade. The Yankee had picked up a stick on the
bank and was whittling away dexterously, whistling in the minor clef,
but keeping his eyes about him nevertheless. He shook his head
when he saw the gates off the hinges, and muttered to himself. Floyd
turned upon him quickly.
"What are you growling about there? Let me know at once."
"Git eout! Waal, if yew must know, I was thinking what a darned good
pertection a gate is to a house when it's off the hinges, standing
ag'in' the wall."
"You are inclined to be sarcastic, and are more observing than I gave
you credit for. To tell the truth up to this time we have been in no
danger. The Shawnees have been friendly, and Tecumseh himself
has eaten in our house. The Prophet was here only last week."
"The Prophet; the brother of Tecumseh, who has built a town upon
the upper Wabash near Tippecanoe."
"I dunno much about it, but it seems to me I did hear summers that
that Prophet is a treacherous old cuss," said Seth.
"I have heard the same, but he appeared very friendly."
The Yankee said nothing more, and they entered the house. A girl,
who was reading near a window, rose to receive them, looking
surprised as she saw the stranger.
"Cousin Madge," said Floyd, in a bantering tone, "let me introduce to
you an errant knight who has wandered from the paternal castle
even to the banks of the Wabash. His ancestral name is Spink."
"How can you, Will?" said Madge, laughing. "I am sure Mr. Spink is
very welcome."
She was very beautiful—a strange flower to bloom in the wilderness.
She was not the daughter of Matthew Floyd by blood, but the child of
a dear friend, Herbert Carlysle, who had long ago gone down into
the valley of the shadow, leaving her to his care. And when the hour
of trial came to her adopted father, she followed him boldly, to make
a new home and fortune upon the prairies of the far west. She was,
as we introduce her, a young girl, with hair banded back from a lofty
brow, and rolled in great braids upon her regal head; a face a little
browned by exposure to the sun, but very beautiful. She came
forward immediately and greeted the Yankee with cordial ease and
grace, and he looked down on her with a broad smile.
"A strange place tew bring sech a gal as this, Capting Floyd," he
said. "The towns would be the safest place fur her, now."
"She will not leave my father," said Floyd. "If we could have our way
she would not be here. Madge, our friend is hungry. Will you go to
Phillis and ask her to get him something to eat? She probably will not
do it unless you speak coaxingly to her, for a more obstinate old
woman never breathed."
"W'at?" exclaimed a voice. "Who you's talking 'bout, mass' Will? You
t'ink cause you's white dat dis chile gwine ter lay down so dat you
can tramp on her, but she ain't; no sah! I's a nigger, but Goramity he
med me black hese own self, an' all de water in Egypt can't wash me
white, nohow."
"Now Phillis—" said Will.
"Oh, hold you hush, do, mass' Will! You gwine 'bout to mek mischief,
dat's w'at you's gwine to do! You s'pose I gwine to dirty all my dish
for dis low-lived Yankee truck, gwine 'bout in de woods like a roarin'
lion for to come for to go fur to eat ebbery t'ing? How we give him
'nough to eat, a great long shadder?"
Phillis had come up unobserved while they were talking, and stood in
the doorway when Will made that allusion to her native obstinacy.
She was a ponderous female, weighing very nearly three hundred
pounds, being built on the model of the redoubtable Wouter Van
Twiller, of famous memory, who was five feet six inches high, and six
feet five inches in circumference. She held in one hand a dishcloth,
and in the other a frying-pan which she had been washing when
curiosity called her to the door.
"There's a sight to wake the finer feelings of our natur'," said the
Yankee, looking at the negress with a grin. "A good fat, healthy
female like that is a credit to human natur', she is, by Jehosaphat.
She makes me think of my maternal grandmother, only the old lady
had the misfortune to be white, more the pity! 'Cause the good Book
teaches us thar was a good chaince of black men in Scripter times.
Now, my grandmother—"
"See yer," said the old housekeeper, "you's git inter trouble one of
dese days, ef you fool roun' dis chile. G'way, g'way, you's makin'
mischief! Oh, gosh all to pieces, you gwine stan' dar and poke fun at
me all de time? Berry well; wait till I gub you any t'ing to eat, dats all!"
"But, aunty—" said Madge, coaxingly. "How can you act so?"
"Dar, dar, chile! 'Tain't dat I valley cookin' de leastest bit, it do mek
me powerful mad when dey pokes fun at me."
"Did the old lady think I was funnin'?" said the Yankee, with a solemn
face. "I wa'n't, now that's a fact. My grandmother was a bu'ster, now
you'd better believe! Why, ef you was to put her on one end of a
beam, and this old lady on the other, you'd see this old lady fly like a
bird in the air. She wouldn't weigh a feather alongside of my old lady,
that gal wouldn't."
"Tole 'em I wa'n't so drefful fat," said Phillis, considerably mollified.
"But, dey won't none ob 'em beliebe me, nohow. Dar; I's go an' see
w'at I kin pick up for de gemman. Would you like some venison?"
"Or mebbe veal would suit ye better?"
"I ain't partic'lar. I'll taste 'em both. Ef ye've got some pickles handy,
throw a bushel or two on the table with a couple of hams, and two or
three loaves of bread. Any thing will dew for a lunch."
Phillis looked at him very much as she would have looked at a
dangerous maniac unfit to go at large, and went slowly out into the
kitchen, the floor shaking under her ponderous tread. The next
moment a storm of vituperation directed at the heads of her
satellites, announced that she was at work, and a savory smell was
wafted to their nostrils. Seth pricked up his ears like the war-horse
"that smelleth the battle afar off," and waited. When the table was
set, he marched in and gave Phillis a grand exemplification of the
power of a good appetite. Pone bread in huge masses leaped down
his capacious maw. Slice after slice of venison followed, washed
down by various cups of coffee. Phillis, appalled at his appreciation
of her cookery, watched with uplifted hands, and finally fled to Will
Floyd in dismay.
"You git dat wolf outer dis house jus' as quick as you kin! He stay har
one week an' he eat us out ob house an' home."

By the time the Yankee had finished his repast, night had come on,
and he came hurrying out of the kitchen, with his mouth full of
venison steak, and ran to the window.
"How many dew yew reckon in this post, boss?" he said, turning to
the young soldier.
"Myself, my father, two soldiers of the rifles, and two black boys."
"Yaas. Now let me ask yew a little question. Does it look like
common sense for yew tew keep yure gates off the hinges?"
"To tell you the truth, I have some doubts myself, but the Prophet
seemed to think it showed confidence in the Indians on the Wabash
to leave the gates open, and it was more to please him than any
thing else that we did it."
"The Prophet? Now, see here, capting; I ain't bin but a little while in
this kentry, but I know what the Shawnee Prophet is. He's a
treacherous old fox. He's got some plot ag'in' the people of this
section, and I know it, sartin sure! Jest see the raft of villains he's got
round him up thar on the Wabash. Kickapoos, Winnebagoes,
Micmacs, Shawnees, and the Old Scratch knows what other nations
—the riff-raff and off-scourings of the tribes. They're nice fellers to
live nigh, ain't they?"
"I have often thought them dangerous," said Floyd. "But what can we
"Yew kan put up yure gates, anyhow. And say; hadn't yew better call
in yure men, ef yew've got any outlyin', 'cause it's gittin' dark."
"I think you are right," said Floyd.
He took down a horn, and going to the door, took a long breath and
blew a gallant blast, which echoed far and wide through the depths
of the forest. Shortly after, the tramp of coming feet could be heard,
and there emerged from the woods behind the house four men
advancing at a hurried pace. As they entered the stockade the
Yankee saw that two of them were common soldiers of the American
army, one an Indian of the Shawnee nation, and the fourth an old
man with white hair. The Yankee swung himself up on the head of a
cask standing within the stockade, and, taking out a piece of pigtail
tobacco, twisted off a mighty "chaw," and sat there, rolling the sweet
morsel under his tongue.
"What made you so late, father?" said young Floyd, advancing.
"Willimack got puzzled in regard to the path, and if we had not heard
your horn, I do not know how long we might have stumbled about in
the darkness."
The Yankee uttered a long whistle and thrust his tongue into his
cheek. The sound drew the attention of the old man to him, and he
scanned him curiously.
"Who is this?" he said.
"A traveler, who has stopped here for shelter," replied the young
man, coming forward. "What did you mean by that whistle, Spink?"
"Sho, now! Don't be so blasted inquisitive. I wouldn't, anyhow. I'll tell
yew by an by; but, the fust thing yew dew is to put up them gates, do
ye hear?"
The Indian had been standing just within the gates, and, as he heard
the voice of the stranger, he cast a quick glance in his direction, and
his hand stole to the handle of his hatchet. But, the Yankee sat upon
the cask, beating time with his heels upon the sides, and muttering
to himself. The Indian stalked gravely to his side, and looked fiercely
into his face. The savage was a rather good-looking brave of the
Wyandot tribe, whose powerful limbs, strong shoulders, and
muscular hands gave promise of great strength. The down-easter
endured his fixed gaze for the space of three minutes without moving
a muscle of his set face, until the savage spoke.
"Who is this?" he said. "Dare you come here to sing an evil song in
the ears of my father with the gray hair, to make him distrust his
brethren of the Shawnees and Wyandots?"
"Oh, git eout! Who said any thing tew yew? The most cantankerous
Injin I ever see in all my born days."
"You laugh at Willimack, the chief? Why should my father put up his
strong gates?"
"'Cause he's a man of sense, I guess. Now, don't rile up, Injin, don't!
'Tain't that I care any thing about yew, understand, but I sort o' hate
to see things go this way. Willimack, they call you?"
"Willimack is my name."
"All right. Been guiding this party on a prospecting tour, so tew
"We have been exploring," said the elder Floyd.
"See any Injin signs?" asked Seth.
"A great many," replied the old man. "What of that? The Indians are
friendly now."
"Glad to hear it, 'cause I didn't know it. So this man Willimack lost his
"Youngster," said the Yankee, leaping off the barrel, "you come here
a minnit. I want tew speak with yew."
Young Floyd went with the Yankee aside, followed by the suspicious
glances of the savage, who would have gone aside with them, but
Floyd signed to him sternly to keep back, and he obeyed, chafing
"Look here," said Spink, when they were out of ear-shot. "They say
we Yankees are a little gumptious, an' I guess we be, but, it don't
need much smartness tew see threw his gilding. That Injin is a
Wyandot, and knows every foot of the soil along the Wabash, and yit
he loses his way! Now, does that sound nat'ral? I only ask yew fair."
"It does look strange."
"Then put up yure gate. I won't tell yew why, but it'll be better for yew.
Now I'll tell yew how tew prove Willimack, cuss him! Go out an' offer
tew put up the gates, and yew see ef he don't huff and want tew
hurry away."
"Let him go."
"Umph! No; don't dew any thing of the kind. Keep him all night, by all
"For what purpose?"
"Never mind. Yew will find eout, afore morning. Oh, blame my cats ef
it ain't hard tew git any thing threw yew! Why don't yew go an' put up
them cussed gates?"
"I will do it," said the young man, turning back quickly. "Here, Forbes,
Lefebre! I want you to help me put up these gates."
Willimack started and turned upon the young man almost fiercely, for
his eyes burned like glowing coals. The young soldier looked at him
in surprise.
"Let my young brother pause before he puts his hands to something
for which he will be sorry," said the Wyandot. "He has trusted the
great tribe, and they have never deceived him, then why should he
do wrong to them now? Let the gates rest. There is nothing to fear
from the Shawnees and Wyandots."
"The Indians have no right to be angry if we close our doors," replied
Floyd. "There are good warriors as well as bad, and some of these
wicked ones might chance to pass by."
"Then the chiefs of the Shawnee would punish them," said
"That would be but little help to us, you understand," said Floyd,
"after they had taken our scalps. No, I think I will close the gates."
"Don't let him waste time talkin'. Shet 'em up now!"
"Ha, dog of the long back," screamed Willimack, "do you come to
make a bad heart between the Indians and their white friends?
Willimack will drink your blood."
"Ah, no yew won't," replied long Seth, with admirable composure,
thrusting his hands into his pockets, and looking keenly at the
savage. "Yew ain't so dry as that comes tew. Shet them gates, darn
yew! I tell yew not tew lose time!"
Willimack suddenly drew his hatchet and rushed at the imperturbable
Yankee, who did not even take his hands from his pockets, but,
when the Indian came within reach, planted his moccasined foot in
the region of the knife-belt, with a force which sent the Wyandot
flying against the side of the stockade, half stunned. The elder Floyd
would have helped him up, but Spink demanded of him angrily to
desist, and help them to raise the gates, while the negro boys
brought out the heavy bars and had them ready to drop into their
places. Just as they were about to raise the first gate to its place, the
Indian staggered to his feet, and turned to go away.
"Farewell, men of the bad heart," he said. "A deep sorrow has come
upon the heart of Willimack. His soul is very sad, because the
brother with the gray hair has turned against him."
"Oh, hush up, yew," said the Yankee, releasing his hold on the gate,
"and git intew yure corner ag'in."
"No," said Willimack, "I will stay no longer in the place where I have
been insulted."
"Yew won't, eh?"
"No; Willimack will go."
"I differ; Willimack will stay. Yew ain't goin' tew git eout and call yure
comrades up here afore we git the gates in shape. Don't yew b'lieve
"I really think you are too fast, my friend," said the elder Floyd. "The
Indians have always treated me well."
"I don't care a darn how they've treated yew. That Injin ain't goin' out
of this gate till it's hung; and if yew take my advice, yew'll keep him
till morning, 'cause I b'lieve my soul he's got comrades outlying in
them bushes."
"I will go!" screamed Willimack. "Who will stay the course of the chief
of the Wyandots?"
"This identical cuss. Yew offer tew go eout of this gate, and I'll give
yew a back-hander that will make yew forgit yure parents. Now yew
bet yure boots on that."
Willimack was no coward, and made a rush at the immovable figure
of the Yankee, knife in hand.
For the first time the ire of Seth Spink seemed to be fully aroused,
and, rushing at the chief with a snarl like that of a wild beast, he
caught him by the wrist, and, giving it a wrench, shook the weapon
from his grasp. Then, seizing him by the shoulders, he lifted him
from the ground, shook him as a terrier shakes a cat, and dashed
him to the earth with stunning force.
"Bring ropes here!" he hissed. "The devil is in this condemned skunk,
bigger than a woodchuck."
Will Floyd threw him some pieces of buck-skin, with which he bound
the feet of the savage, and then sprung up to work upon the gate.
"Work, ye devils, work!" he shouted, applying his Herculean strength
to the huge door. "Up with her, quick! How a man of yure
understanding could take them gates off the hinges I don't know."
"We thought it would please the savages," said the elder Floyd. "I am
afraid we are doing wrong."
"Ef yew don't sing another song in less than an hour, then I'm a
nigger. Heave with a will, boys; no time to lose. It's the mercy of God
that yure son blew that horn for yew tew-night, mister, or Willimack
would have led yew into an ambush."
"I can hardly believe that, sir," said the old man.
"Can't yew? Take hold of that gate there. Lift away! What's that?
Somebody give the son of a tinker a belt in the mouth."
Willimack, lying upon his back, had begun a succession of fearful
yells, intended to hasten the movements of his friends. He was
answered by a cry so close at hand that the people of the stockade
were appalled by the closeness of their enemies. They worked away
with desperate zeal, and with a cry of delight felt the door swing to its
place and dropped the heavy bars before it. Long Seth turned in a
fury upon the Indian.
"Yew ought to have yure coat tails filled chock full of boots—old
boots, big boots, heavy boots, long boots, and moccasins tew match.
Ef I had my way, yew'd git it, tew. Ah, yew pizen critter!"
As he spoke, they heard the sound of rushing feet, and the first of
the savage band who had been lying upon the other bank of the
stream, and who had crossed at dusk, rushed up against the gate

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