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Sci-fi tank rules brainstorm

Sci-fi rules

Movement: number of CMs a model may move
- skill: used to hit with melee and ranged attacks
- save: armour saving throw to negate successful wounds
- wounds: number of unsaved wounds a model may take before being destroyed

Weapon stats
- range: min-max distance a weapon can fire in CMs
- Fire power: score needed on a D6 to wound after a successful hit
- damage: number of wounds a weapon causes after a successful fire power check

Turn sequence
- initiative phase: both players roll ad6 and add their strategy value. Highest total may
Pick who activates the first unit
- action phase: players take turns activating units
- clean up phase: resolve moral issues, remove markers

- Move and shoot: unit may move up to their full movement value and then fire all
- Shoot and move: A unit may fire all weapons and then move up to their full
movement value
- Move at the double: May move up to double their standard movement value
- Overwatch: A unit may sacrifice their action this turn to go on overwatch. Once per
turn a unit on overwatch may interrupt the enemy's turn and immediately fire at the
enemy unit.

- All models from a unit must end their movement within 5cms of each other

- Check LOS and measure range. All weapons within LOS and range may fire.
- Weapon with the indirect fire rule ignore LOS
- Roll a number of D6 equal to the weapons rate of fire
- After any shooting modifiers , all shots that equal or exceed the models ‘skill' hit.
Rolls of 6 are always hits, rolls of 1 are always a miss.
- For each hit roll a D6, any hits that equal or exceed a weapons fire power rating
causes a wound.
- For each wound the defender may roll an armour save, any rolls that equal the units
armour rating are ignored. Fail saves cause the number of wounds equal to the
weapons damage characteristic.
0-30cm 31-60cm 61-90 90cm+
No Modifier -1 -2 -3
- -1 If enemy Unit is in light cover (Forest, Crops, wood building, hull down behind a
- -2 if enemy unit is in heavy cover (concrete buildings, tank pits/fortifications)

Air power
- begin off table, when activated you may move on from anywhere on your board edge
- can only be shot at by weapons with the anti air special rule. Weapons with the AA special rule may
shoot at ground targets with a -1 to hit
- moves Number of CMs (each unit could be different), each unit will have its own rules for number of
turns it may make

Air actions
- intercept: may make a move action and shoot at any enemy model within range and los with the fly
- ground attack: may make a move action and shoot at any enemy model without the fly ability that is
within range within range and los.
- flat out: may make two movement actions
- stand down: immediately remove models from the board . They can not 're enter for one full turn.
Models who re-enter do so with full ammo

Special rules

Supreme commander- +2 to initiative roll, other units can use their leadership
Commander- +1 to initiative roll
Scout- May make a free move after deployment but before the first the first turn. If both players have
scout units, both players roll off to see who moves first, both players take turns moving units

Army Concepts

Empire of man: strategy value 2

- Battle tank: tank cannon, 3x hmg

- Siege tank: siege cannon, 1 laser cannon, 2 heavy flametrowers
- Tank destroyer: AT gun, laser cannon
- Flame tank: 2x heavy flame throwers
- Plasma tank: heavy plasma cannon, 3x plasma cannons
- I tank: 5x hmg
- AA tank: 4x light autocannons
- Scout walker: light autocannon (scout)


- Tempest: fighter, 1x nose light auto cannons, 2x nose laser cannons, 45cm movement, light
- Typhoon: fighter bomber, nose 4x light autocannons, 2x dorsal laser cannons, 6x bombs or 6x aa
missiles or 6x ground attack missiles, 30cm movement, medium armour
- Warwick: heavy bomber, nose 2x laser cannons, rear 2x hmgs, 2x dorsal hmgs, 12200 kilos of
HE, 20cm movement, medium armour

Renegades: strategy value 2

- Medium tank: 2x laser cannons, 2x hmg

- Heavy tank: 4x laser cannons, 2x hmg
- Battle tank- cannon, 3x hmgs (captured EoM tanks)
- Stalkers (walker): Heavy autocannon (scout)
- Causes fear


- Avenger: fighter, 4x nose autocannons, 60cm movement, light armour

- Fury: light bomber: 2x nose laser cannons, 2x nose autocannons, 8x bombs, 30cm movement,
medium armour

Orcs: strategy value 1

- Ramshackle vehicles
- Half tracks
- Buggys
- Scout walker: 1x Missile pod, 1x Claw (melee)


- Ramshackle Fighter, 6x Hmgs, 30cm movement, medium armour

- Ramshackle Fighter Bomber- 10x Hmgs, 8x bombs, 20cms, heavy armour
- Ramshackle Bomber- 2x nose autocannons, 4x rear HMGS, 4x Dorsal hmgs, 12000 kgs of HE,
15cm movement, heavy armour

Space elves: strategy value 3

- Grav tanks


- Lupine:Fighter, 2x nose Laser Cannons, 60cm movement, light armour

- Belladonna: Fighter Bomber, 2x nose hmgs, 1x nose laser cannon, 2x nose missile pods, 45cm
movement, light armour
Space bugs: strategy value 1

- Monsters with base to baseattacks and MGs

- Artillery bugs
- Ignores fear


- Fighter, 2x nose Venom Cannons (autocannon stats), 2x giant claws (melee)

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