Wząne Optimal Power Quality Meter Placement (Opqmp)

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Article in Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development · March 2018

DOI: 10.31272/jeasd.2018.2.16


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2 authors:

Kassim al-anbarri Mohammed A Hasan

Mustansiriyah University University of Louisiana at Lafayette


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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx

ISSN 2520-0917



*Dr. Kassim A. Al-Anbarri1, Mohammed F. Hasan 2

1) Assist Prof., Electrical Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering. Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
2) Research scholar, Electrical Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering., Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad,

Abstract: Meters placements play an important role in attaining the system observability for estimating
the state of the power system. This paper presents algorithms to select the best locations for installing the
meters by using artificial intelligence techniques. Two algorithms have been proposed and implemented
in order to avoid the circumstances arisen by random distribution of the meters. The first algorithm
include optimal placement of meters by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The second algorithm
utilizes the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) to select the best allocation of meters. The proposed algorithms
randomly searches the best location of meter placement based on the minimum error of state estimation.
In comparison to traditional methods, PSO and ABC able to search the optimal measurement placement
without having to test possible location one after another since PSO and ABC are an optimization
method. The performance of the proposed algorithms are verified by applying the proposed algorithms on
IEEE-14 and 30 bus standard test system. The obtained results reveal the importance of optimal selection
of meter placement in accelerating the convergence the state estimation process. The capability of the
proposed algorithm in determining the best estimate of the state variables accurately with a less number
of iterations and less execution time than conventional method (WLS) is clarified.
Keywords: State Estimation, Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, meter placement

‫الموقع االفضل للمقاييس لتخمين حالة منظومة القدرة باستخدام تقنيات الذكاء الصناعي‬
‫ ٌمذو هزا‬.‫ تهعت اختٍبس يىالع انًمبٌٍس دوسا يهًب فً انىصىل انى انًشالجخ نهًُظىيخ يٍ اجم تخًٍٍ انذبنخ نًُظىيخ انمذسح‬:‫الخالصة‬
‫ تى التشاح و ثُبء خىاسصيٍتبٌ ورنك نتجُت‬.ً‫انجذث خىاسصيٍبد الختٍبس انًىلع االيثم نُصت انًمبٌٍس ثبستخذاو تمٍُبد انزكبء انصُبع‬
‫ تتضًٍ انخىاسصيٍخ االونى تذذٌذ انًىلع االيثم نهًمبٌٍس ثبستخذاو تمٍُخ أيثهٍخ انذشذ‬.‫انظشوف انتً تُشأ عٍ انتىصٌع انعشىائً نهًمبٌٍس‬
‫ تجذث انخىاسصيٍبد‬.‫ أيب انخىاسصيٍخ انثبٍَخ فتستخذو تمٍُخ يستعًشح انُذم االصطُبعٍخ فً تذذٌذ انًىلع االيثم نهًمبٌٍس‬.ً‫انجضٌئ‬
ٌ‫ ثبنًمبسَخ يع انطشق انتمهٍذٌخ فب‬.‫انًمتشدخ ثشكم عشىائً عٍ انًىلع االيثم نهًمبٌٍس استُبدا عهى دسبة انخطأ االصغش نتخًٍٍ انذبنخ‬
‫تمٍُخ أيثهٍخ انذشذ انجضٌئً و تمٍُخ يستعًشح انُذم االصطُبعٍخ لبدسح عهى انجذث عٍ انًىلع االيثم ثذوٌ انذبجخ الختٍبس انًىالع‬
‫ أظهشد انُتبئج‬.‫ عمذح‬03 ‫ عمذح و‬41 ‫ تى انتذمك يٍ اداء انخىاسصيٍبد انًمتشدخ ثتطجٍمهب عهى يُظىيبد انمذسح انمٍبسٍخ رواد‬.‫انًذتًهخ‬
ً‫ تى تىضٍخ لبثهٍخ انخىاسصيٍبد ف‬.‫انًستذصهخ أهًٍخ اختٍبس انًىلع االيثم نهًمبٌٍس فً تعجٍم التشاة انذم فً اجشاء تخًٍٍ انذبنخ‬
.‫دسبثبد انتخًٍٍ االيثم نًتغٍشاد انذبنخ وثعذد ألم يٍ انتكشاساد وصيٍ تُفٍز ألم يٍ انطشق انتمهٍذي‬

1. Introduction
State estimation is an essential tool utilized in the real-time monitoring of the power
system. It is the cornerstone of the power system security analysis.

*Corresponding Author alanbarri@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

State estimation determines the optimal static state of the system (voltage magnitude
and phase angle) by processing the available measurements based on an appropriate
system model. A big improvements in state estimation process have been reported in
the literature since the pioneer work of Schweppe [1,2]. One of the challenging issues
in state estimation in power systems is how to satisfy the observability conditions of the
system. System observability is the status of obtaining a proper state estimate by using
the available measurement units. It was found in the literature [3-5] that the type and
location of measurements is an important factor in the robustness of the state estimator.
Previously, the measurement placement selection was carried out by using trial and
error method on random basis. Abbasy[6] proposed an algorithm for measurement
selection problem based on redundancy identification technique. An algorithm for
processing the measurements sequentially and forming an observable measurements
scheme was given in[7]. Das [8] proposed a simple rule-based algorithm for placing the
meters in a radial distribution system. A comprehensive survey on meter placement in
power system state estimation was demonstrated in [9]. Optimal location of phasor
measurement unit (PMU) was presented in [10-11] by using binary integer
programming. Due to their promising performance, swarm intelligence techniques are
still attracting the researchers and have being applied in several fields of power system
analysis [12-17]. Mahari[18] applied a binary imperialistic competition algorithm in
optimal placement of PMU to maintain system observability. Optimal location of PMU
with limited number of channels was presented in [19].
In this paper, an efficient algorithms are proposed to select the optimal locations of
meters while satisfying system observability. The proposed algorithms are utilizing
swarm intelligence techniques, namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) technique for obtaining the optimal location. This paper is
organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the traditional weighted least square method.
The Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony techniques are presented in
section 3. In Section 4 the proposed algorithms are presented. The application of the
proposed algorithms on typical test systems is presented in section 5. Finally, section 6
presents the conclusion.

2. Traditional WLS Technique

The vector of measured quantities are related to the state vector by the following
non-linear system of equation:
[z] = [ ( ) ] + [e] (1)
[z] : Measurement vector, , ( )- : nonlinear function of the state vector used to
calculate the value of the measurement, x: system state vector (voltage magnitudes
and angles), , - : the error of the measurement.
The best solution of state estimate vector x may be determined by minimizing the sum
of weighted squares of residuals:

( ̂) ∑ (2)

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

, - , - 0 1
, - is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the variances of the measurement error,
[ - weighting factor is defined by the inverse of the measurements variances.
Consequently, measurements of a higher quality have smaller variances that relates to
their weights. Equation (2) can be represented in matrix form:

min J( ̂) = , ( ̂)- [z h( ̂)] (3)

The necessary conditions for a minimum is that :
( )
( ) ( ) , ( )- (4)
( )
Where, [H(x)] 0 1
, ( )- g( ) (5)

( ) (6)
( ) , ( )- , ( )-

( ) , ( )- , ( )- (7)

, ( )-, - , ( )- , ( )- (8)
, [H(x)]:the measurement Jacobian
matrix of dimension (m × n), k a number of iteration, is the solution vector at
iteration k, , ( )-: the gain matrix, : Updated state in k+1 iteration[20].

3. Swarm artificial intelligence techniques

The first technique utilized in this paper is PSO presented by Eberhart and Kennedy
in 1995 as a good substitute to genetic algorithm (GA). PSO is one of the population
based artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Each particle(individual) in the population
can be considered as candidate solution. The location of each particle is symbolized by
-axis site. The symbol (the velocity of -axis) represents velocity (displacement
vector) while represents (the velocity of -axis) . The location and the velocity
information of the individual are used in modifying the location of the individual[21].

The velocity of each individual is adjusted by the following equation:

( ) ( (9)

where is present velocity of individual i at iteration k, and are

random numbers between 0 and 1, is present site of individual i at iteration k,
is of individual i, is of the group, is weight function for
speed of individual i, generally, the variation of the value of is assumed to be linear
from 0.9 to 0.4 as the iterative process continues. is weight constants for cognitive
and neighboring term. Typically, the weighting function is used in following equation:

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

where is the initial weight, is final weight, is maximum iteration
number, is present iteration number. By using equation (10), diversification
characteristics is progressively reduced. By using equation (9), a specific velocity that
progressively obtains close to pbests and gbest can be calculated. The present site
(searching point in the solution space) can be adjusted by the following equation[22]:

The second technique utilized in this paper is the artificial bee colony(ABC) which is
introduced by Karaboga in 2005. ABC simulates the foraging demeanor of the bee
colony and employs this intelligent foraging demeanor to solve numerical and
engineering design optimization problems. This algorithm uses a particular
communication method to find the food sources, where the food sources could be
flower patch, etc. In ABC, the food sources represent the possible solutions not
individuals (honey bees), where as in other algorithms, such as PSO, each possible
solution represents an individual of the swarm. This feature represents an important and
basic difference between the ABC and other population based on the swarm intelligence
algorithms [23]. In ABC algorithm, the artificial bee colony comprises of three groups
of bees: employed bees, scouts and onlookers. The first half of the colony comprises the
employed bees and the second half contains the onlookers. There is only one employed
bee for each food source; which means that the number of food sources around the hive
is equal to the number of employed bees. The employed bee of which its food source
has been deserted by the bees will become a scout [24]. The dancing area represents the
most important part of the hive with respect to exchange of information, where the
communication occurs among bees associated to the quality of food sources. There is a
bigger chance for onlookers for selecting more profitable sources where more
information is circulating about the more profitable sources. Employed foragers
exchange their information with a probability, which is relative to the profitability of the
food source, and the exchanging of this information through waggle dancing is longer in
period. Therefore, the staffing is relative to profitability of a food source.

The followings are the main procedures of the algorithm[25]:

1. The employed bees are moved on their food sources and the quantities of nectar are
2. The scouts are moved to find new food sources.
3. The best food source found so far is saved.

The location of a food source represents a potential solution to the optimization problem
and the nectar quantity of a food source corresponds to the value (fitness) of the related

Primary food sources are produced randomly within the domain of parameters, which
could be produced by the following equation:

( )( ) (12)
where * +, * +, is the number of food sources, is the number
of optimization parameters. and are lowers and upper boundaries of
dimension, respectively. The employed bee produces an adjustment on the food source

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

site (solution) in her memory depending on the local information (visual information)
and discovers the adjacent food source and then assess its quality. To find the adjacent
food source, the following equation is used:

( ) (13)
Within the neighborhood of each food source location represented by , a food source
is specified by changing one parameter of . In equation (13), j is a random integer
in the range [1,2,…D] and k {1,2,...SN} is a randomly selected indicator that has to
be different from i. is a real random number distributed uniformly in the range [-1,
1]. As can be seen from equation (13), as the difference between the parameters of the
and decreases, the disturbance on the site decreases. Thus, as the search
approaches to the optimal solution in the search space, the procedure length is
adaptively reduced.

After producing within the boundaries, a fitness value for a minimization problem
can be allocated to the solution by the following equation:

⁄( ) (14)
{ }
( )

where is the cost value of the solution . For maximization problems, the cost
function can be used directly as a fitness function. A greedy choice is applied between
and ; then the best one is chosen depending on the fitness values that represents
the quantity of nectar from the food sources at and . If the source at is superior
to that of in terms of profitability, the employed bee saves the new site and forgets
the old. Else the past site is retained in memory. If cannot be improved, its counter
holding the number of experiments is increasing by 1, else, the counter is reset to 0.

An onlooker bee assess the nectar information taken from all employed bees and
chooses a location for the food source with a probability regarding to its nectar quantity.
This probabilistic choice depends on the fitness values of solutions in the population.
A fitness-based choice scheme might be a roulette wheel, stochastic universal sampling,
ranking based, tournament choice or another choice scheme. In basic ABC, roulette
wheel choice system in which each slice is commensurate in size to the fitness value.
The probability can be expressed as follows:


In this probabilistic choice scheme, as the nectar quantity of food sources is increased,
the number of onlookers which visits them also increase. In the ABC algorithm, a real
random number is created within the range [0,1] for each source. If the probability value
( ) in equation (15) related with that source is bigger than this random number, then
the onlooker bee produces an adjustment on the site of this food source position by
using equation (13) as in the case of the employed bee. After the source is assessed, the
greedy choice is applied and the onlooker bee either saves the new site by forgetting the
old, or retains the old one. If solution cannot be improved, its counter holding

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

experiments is increased by 1; else, the counter is reset to 0. This process is recurrent

until all onlookers are distributed onto food source positions [27].

4. Proposed algorithms
In the proposed algorithms, an optimization technique of PSO and ABC are used to
assist in determining the optimal placement of meters for power system state estimation.
These algorithms are randomly looking for the best location of meters based on the
minimum error in the state estimate. The major concern is to realize a high accuracy
level for state variables from the optimal meters placement obtained. Compared with
conventional methods, PSO and ABC are capable to search the optimal placement of
meters without having to test possible location one after another since PSO and ABC
are an optimization methods. It searches better location of meters by iteratively
improving the random location guided by selected minimum objective function.

4.1 Optimal placement algorithm of meters by using PSO

Step1: Inputting the voltage of reference bus, traditional and real data of measurements.
The real measurements taken from Newton-Raphson load flow.
Step2: Initializing the parameters of PSO. Setting up the group of the parameters of the
PSO such as, acceleration constants ( and ), number of individual(Number of
variables ( ) ), maximum number of iteration, maximum and minimum of Inertia
weight ( ) and Population size .
Step3: Calculating the state estimation by using the traditional method (WLS).
Step4: Randomly creating an initial population of individuals (locations of meter) , the
velocities and the positions of the individuals. Setting the iteration index i .
Step5: For each individual (location of meter), if the number of the bus is within
boundary limits, the state estimator is calculated using WLS method. Otherwise, that
individual (location of meter) is not feasible.
Step6: Recording and updating the optimum values. The two optimum values are stored
in the process of the search. Each individual moves in the direction related to its
previously optimum solution it has reached so far which is stored as . Another
optimum value to be stored is the , which accounts for the global optimum value
achieved by neighboring individuals. and are the minimal value of the cost
function. This step also updates and . Initially, the fitness of each individual
is compared with its . If the current solution is better than its , then is
replaced by the current solution. Then, the fitness of any particle is compared with
. If the fitness of any individual is better than , then is replaced.
Step7: The position and the velocity of the individual have to be updating. This is done
by using equation (9). A movement in the direction of chosen bus is represented by the
velocity of an individual. Meanwhile, the position of the individuals is updated by
applying Equation (11).
Step8: Checking End criterion. The end criterion is checked, if it is satisfied, the
algorithm is stopped; otherwise, step 3-7 is repeated until the end criterion is satisfied.
In this paper, the particles are locations of meters as shown below:

, - (16)
where, : the number of meter with selected bus, which limits according to number of
existing measurements and : location of meter.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

The Fitness Function (objective function)

In this paper, PSO and ABC are implemented to find the optimal locations of
meters through minimizing the error in bad measurements data, where the optimal
solution is found by minimizing the objective function in equation (17) through
exchanging the location of meters between the real and traditional measurements. The
process will be finished when the termination condition reaches a prescribed value.
Figure(1) and (2) shows the procedure of PSO and ABC techniques. Tables (1) and (2)
illustrates parameters of techniques used.

, - , - , - (17)

, -: Residue of measurement errors
, -: is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the variances of the measurement error

The termination condition : maximum number of iteration.


Initialize the PSO parameters : No. of

variables,C1,C2 ,W, Population size and
maximum No. of iteration

Termination condition Run SE program by using

acquired? WLS for each particle

Yes Assign fitness value to

each particle (location)

Assign the Update Pbest and Gbest

best location
of meters in
SE program
Calculate velocity of the

Update position of the

Figure 1. Flowchart for Optimal Location of Meters by PSO

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Table 1. Parameter of PSO for Optimal Location of Meters

For optimal location of meters Number or Value
(parameter of PSO)
Number of variables(n) associated with measurements existing
(Number of meters)
Maximum Inertia weight (wmax) 0.9
Minimum Inertia weight (wmin) 0.4
Cognitive acceleration factor (C1) Social 1.5
acceleration factor(C2) 1.5
Population size (nPop) 30
Maximum number of iteration(Maxite) 100

4.2. Optimal placement algorithm of meters by using ABC

Step1: Inputting slack bus voltage, traditional and real measurement data. The real
measurement taken from Newton-Raphson load flow.

Step2: Initializing the population of the colony(location of meters). Randomly, the

Scout bee selects the food source (location of meters) within the boundaries. A food
source positions(location of meters) are initialized through the scout bees which is
indicated as , where the value of is bounded within 1 to nPop.

Step3: The employee bee assesses the food sources (location of meters) for its fitness
value(cost function) and the best location of meters are kept as global minimum
(minimized objective value). To check the better food source(optimum location of
meters),the employee bee visits the neighborhood(another buses). If the objective
function(fitness value) for the recently visited food source is better than previous one
substitute previous food source by new one; otherwise, the previous one is kept.

Step4: The employee bee share their information related to the nectar amounts and the
positions of their sources(location of meters) with the onlooker bees on the dance area.
The onlooker bee assesses the probability of the food sources (location of meters) by
using equation(15) and modifies the position of the food source. Based on the
information that share more onlooker bees were sent to high fitness food source and less
onlooker bees sent to small fitness food source.

Step5: Food sources (location of meters) which cannot be enhanced after a period of
time are abandoned and the scout bee creates new food sources (new location of
meters). Equation (13) is used to create an adjacent food source.

Step6: Repeating the process until the termination condition is reached.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)


Initial Food Position(location of

meters) (solution)

Calculate the nectar

amounts(best locations) of
the food source

Determine new food source(new

locations) in the neighbors around
the old food sources by
employed bees

Calculate the nectar

amounts(best location) of
the food source
Calculate the nectar amounts
of the food source

Determine new food source(new

location) in the neighbors around No All onlookers
the old food sources by onlooker distributed ?
bees Yes

Calculate the nectar amounts

of the food source

Find the abandoned food

(neglected locations) sources

Are termination criteria


Final food sources positions

(location of meters)

Figure 2. Flowchart for Optimal Location of Meters by ABC

Table 2. Parameter of ABC for Optimal Location of Meters

For optimal location of meters Number or Value
(parameter of ABC)
Number of variables(n) associated with measurements existing
(Number of meters)
Population size (colony size)(nPop) 30
Number of Onlooker Bees 25
Acceleration Coefficient Upper Bound 1
Maximum number of iteration(Maxite) 100
Abandonment Limit Parameter(L) 2000

5. Results and Discussion

The algorithms are examined and tested on IEEE-14, IEEE-30 bus standard test
system. The Mean Square Error (MSE) is used as index to illustrate the accuracy of the
proposed algorithms. MSE is defined in equation (18) as follows:

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

∑ .| | / (18)

Where, N: number value of measurement.

: true value of measurement .
: estimated value of measurement .

The proposed algorithms for optimal placement of meters by using artificial intelligence
technique PSO and ABC are applied on IEEE-14 ,IEEE-30 bus standard systems .The
optimum placement of meters obtained for IEEE-14 and 30 bus system are given in
Table(3) and Table(4) respectively.

5.1 IEEE-14 bus

The proposed algorithms are applied to determine the best estimate vector of IEEE-
14 bus test system with a set of 20 conventional meters[28]. Which includes optimal
placement of meters by using PSO and ABC based on weighted least squares and
rectangular coordinates system to avoid the singularity of gain matrix. A comparison
was made in terms of accuracy and results. The objective function randomly searches
the best possible meters placement of the system which produces the best quality of the
state variable( ). As many researchers indicated that the weight of meters has an
effect on results and accuracy for power system state estimations. The results obtained
reveal that the accuracy of estimated state is increased as a measurement placements are
exchanged throughout minimizing the errors in measurements.

The results of applying the proposed algorithms to the IEEE-14 bus test system are
given in Tables (5 and 6) and Figures(3 and 4). There is a clear discrepancy between the
true bus bar voltages and the estimated voltages obtained by using traditional WLS,
while the estimated voltages vector obtained by using the proposed algorithms are
similar to the true voltages. It can be seen that the accuracy of proposed methods related
with a new optimal placement of meters are better as compared with conventional
method (WLS). From table (9) it can be seen that MSE for voltage estimates for PSO
(9*10^-6) and ABC (5*10^-6). Also from table (10) it can be seen that MSE for bus
angle for PSO (4*10^-6) and ABC (5*10^-7). This shows that ABC method is better
than PSO. Number of iteration for PSO (6 iter.) is better than ABC (7 iter.) and both
them are less than WLS (8 iter.). On the other hand, the execution time for proposed
methods are less than WLS and that shown in table(11).

Table 3.Optimal Placement of Meters by using PSO and ABC for IEEE-14 bus
The optimal placement of meters by The optimal placement of meters by
using PSO for IEEE-14 bus standard using ABC for IEEE-14 bus standard
system system
bus Bus injection Bus flow bus Bus injection Bus flow
voltage (real and (real and voltage (real and (real and
reactive) reactive) reactive) reactive)
5 2 4-2 6 3 2-1
5 5-1 4 3-4
9 6-11 5 6-5
10 6-12 9 7-8
11 7-8 10 8-7

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

12 8-7 11 10-9
13 9-4 12 10-11
14 9-10 13 11-6
11-10 11-10
13-14 13-12
14-9 13-14
14-13 14-13

Table 4. Optimal Placement of Meters by using PSO and ABC for IEEE-30 bus
The Optimal placement of meters by The Optimal placement of meters by
using PSO for IEEE-30 bus standard using ABC for IEEE-30 bus standard
system system
bus voltage Bus Bus flow bus voltage Bus Bus flow
injection (real and injection (real and
(real and reactive) (real and reactive)
reactive) reactive)
1 5 2-4 1 1 1-3
7 3-1 2 2-1
8 4-3 6 4-2
10 5-2 9 5-7
12 5-7 10 6-8
13 7-5 11 6-9
14 8-28 12 7-5
15 9-11 14 7-6
16 10-6 15 8-28
17 10-20 16 9-10
18 10-21 18 9-11
19 10-22 19 10-17
23 11-9 20 12-13
24 12-13 21 12-16
26 15-12 23 13-12
28 15-14 25 15-18
29 15-18 26 19-20
30 17-16 30 20-19
18-15 22-24
20-19 23-15
22-10 23-21
22-24 24-22
24-23 24-23
25-26 25-26
26-25 25-27
29-27 27-25
29-30 29-30
30-29 30-29

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Table 5. Actual voltages, estimated voltage, and errors for the 14-Bus system
Bus Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Abs. Abs. error Abs. error
No. Actual WLS By using By using error For PSO For ABC
(p.u) polar PSO (p.u) ABC(p.u) WLS
Form Polar
(p.u) Form
1 1.06 1.0068 1.0547 1.0612 0.0532 0.0053 0.0012
2 1.045 0.9899 1.0441 1.0479 0.0551 0.0009 0.0029
3 1.01 0.9518 1.0195 1.0134 0.0582 0.0095 0.0034
4 1.01423 0.9579 1.0153 1.0167 0.05633 0.00107 0.00247
5 1.01724 0.9615 1.0172 1.0196 0.05574 0.00004 0.00236
6 1.07 1.0185 1.0711 1.0722 0.0515 0.0011 0.0022
7 1.05034 0.9919 1.0514 1.0519 0.05844 0.00106 0.00156
8 1.09 1.0287 1.091 1.0916 0.0613 0.001 0.0016
9 1.03371 0.9763 1.0348 1.0356 0.05741 0.00109 0.00189
10 1.03256 0.9758 1.0337 1.0345 0.05676 0.00114 0.00194
11 1.04748 0.9932 1.0486 1.0495 0.05428 0.00112 0.00202
12 1.0535 1.0009 1.0546 1.0557 0.0526 0.0011 0.0022
13 1.04711 0.9940 1.0482 1.0493 0.05311 0.00109 0.00219
14 1.02131 0.9647 1.0224 1.0236 0.05661 0.00109 0.00229
MSE 0.00311 0.000009 0.000005
No. of
iter. 5 8 6 7

Figure 3.Comparison Between Actual and Estimated Values of the Bus Voltage Magnitude

Table 6. Actual voltage angles, estimated angles, and errors for the 14-Bus system
Bus Angle Angle Angle Angle Abs. Abs. Abs.
No. Actual WLS For For ABC Error error error
(rad.) (rad.) PSO (rad.) For For PSO For ABC
(rad.) WLS
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 -0.08705 -0.09646 -0.0888 -0.0872 0.00941 0.00175 0.00015
3 -0.2224 -0.2479 -0.225 -0.222 0.0255 0.0026 0.0004

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

4 -0.17901 -0.19922 -0.1813 -0.1785 0.02021 0.00229 0.00051

5 -0.15297 -0.17031 -0.155 -0.1526 0.01734 0.00203 0.00037
6 -0.25164 -0.28065 -0.2538 -0.2508 0.02901 0.00216 0.00084
7 -0.23129 -0.25745 -0.2335 -0.2307 0.02616 0.00221 0.00059
8 -0.23129 -0.25743 -0.2335 -0.2307 0.02614 0.00221 0.00059
9 -0.25887 -0.2882 -0.261 -0.2581 0.02933 0.00213 0.00077
10 -0.26252 -0.2923 -0.2647 -0.2617 0.02978 0.00218 0.00082
11 -0.25914 -0.28867 -0.2613 -0.2584 0.02953 0.00216 0.00074
12 -0.26648 -0.29706 -0.2686 -0.2656 0.03058 0.00212 0.00088
13 -0.26718 -0.29772 -0.2693 -0.2663 0.03054 0.00212 0.00088
14 -0.28038 -0.31235 -0.2825 -0.2795 0.03197 0.00212 0.00088
MSE 0.000654 0.000004 0.0000004

Figure 4.Comparison between actual and estimated values of the bus phase angle

5.2 IEEE-30 bus system

The set of measurement of the IEEE-30 bus system consists 46 conventional
meters [28]. Tables (7 and 8) and Figures (5 and 6) show the results obtained by the
application of the proposed algorithms to the IEEE-30 bus test system. There is a
similarity between the estimated state vector obtained by using the proposed algorithms
and the true values. Also, it is clear that a better accuracy is achieved with using the
optimal placement algorithms as compared with the conventional method (WLS). A
comparison of the MSE for the elements (voltage estimates and bus angle) of the
estimated vector for both artificial technique PSO and ABC clarify the effectiveness of
the proposed algorithms. From table (9) it can be seen that MSE for voltage estimates
for PSO (3.8*10^-4) and ABC (3.3*10^-5). Also from table (10) it can be seen that
MSE for bus angle for PSO (2*10^-5) and ABC (3*10^-6). This shows that ABC
method is better than PSO. Number of iteration for PSO and ABC (9 iter.) are less than
WLS (12 iter.). on the other hand, the execution time for proposed methods are less than
WLS and that shown in table(11).

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Table 7.Actual voltages, estimated voltage, and errors for the 30-Bus system
Bus Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Abs. Abs. Abs.
No. Actual WLS By using By using error error error
(p.u) polar PSO ABC WLS For PSO For ABC
Form (p.u) (p.u) Polar
(p.u) Form
1 1.06 0.9865 1.0689 1.063 0.0735 0.0089 0.003
2 1.043 0.97 1.0593 1.0474 0.073 0.0163 0.0044
3 1.01964 0.9474 1.0355 1.0188 0.07224 0.01586 0.00084
4 1.01041 0.9384 1.0273 1.0193 0.07201 0.01689 0.00889
5 1.01 0.9335 1.0293 1.0126 0.0765 0.0193 0.0026
6 1.00958 0.9395 1.0326 1.015 0.07008 0.02302 0.00542
7 1.00197 0.9287 1.0237 1.0061 0.07327 0.02173 0.00413
8 1.01 0.9449 1.0372 1.0153 0.0651 0.0272 0.0053
9 1.03925 0.9667 1.0587 1.0447 0.07255 0.01945 0.00545
10 1.02147 0.9472 1.0419 1.0273 0.07427 0.02043 0.00583
11 1.082 1.0093 1.1007 1.0862 0.0727 0.0187 0.0042
12 1.04959 0.9746 1.0688 1.0562 0.07499 0.01921 0.00661
13 1.071 0.9954 1.089 1.0774 0.0756 0.018 0.0064
14 1.03202 0.9559 1.0518 1.0381 0.07612 0.01978 0.00608
15 1.02508 0.9491 1.0451 1.0313 0.07598 0.02002 0.00622
16 1.03042 0.9555 1.0503 1.0368 0.07492 0.01988 0.00638
17 1.01876 0.9441 1.0391 1.0246 0.07466 0.02034 0.00584
18 1.01145 0.9352 1.032 1.0177 0.07625 0.02055 0.00625
19 1.00656 0.9306 1.0273 1.0128 0.07596 0.02074 0.00624
20 1.0095 0.9339 1.0302 1.0157 0.0756 0.0207 0.0062
21 1.00819 0.9328 1.0289 1.0141 0.07539 0.02071 0.00591
22 1.01196 0.9372 1.0326 1.0177 0.07476 0.02064 0.00574
23 1.00855 0.9331 1.0292 1.0145 0.07545 0.02065 0.00595
24 0.99908 0.9231 1.02 1.005 0.07598 0.02092 0.00592
25 1.00318 0.927 1.0241 1.0096 0.07618 0.02092 0.00642
26 0.98525 0.907 1.0065 0.9917 0.07825 0.02125 0.00645
27 1.01445 0.9395 1.0269 1.0211 0.07495 0.01245 0.00665
28 1.00779 0.9398 1.0306 1.0095 0.06799 0.02281 0.00171
29 0.99442 0.9176 1.0072 1.0012 0.07682 0.01278 0.00678
30 0.98284 0.9051 0.9957 0.9897 0.07774 0.01286 0.00686
MSE 0.00553 0.00038 0.000033
of 6 12 9 9

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Figure 5.Comparison between actual and estimated values of the bus voltage magnitude

Table 8.Actual voltage angles, estimated angles, and errors for the 30-Bus system
Bus No. Angle Angle Angle Angle Abs. Abs. Abs.
Actual WLS For For ABC Error error error
(rad.) (rad.) PSO (rad.) (rad.) For For PSO For ABC
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 -0.09345 -0.1093 -0.0937 -0.0932 0.01585 0.00025 0.00025
3 -0.13144 -0.1543 -0.1303 -0.1302 0.02286 0.00114 0.00124
4 -0.16204 -0.1903 -0.1603 -0.1625 0.02826 0.00174 0.00046
5 -0.24738 -0.2879 -0.2428 -0.245 0.04052 0.00458 0.00238
6 -0.193 -0.2269 -0.192 -0.1921 0.0339 0.001 0.0009
7 -0.22453 -0.2626 -0.2217 -0.2229 0.03807 0.00283 0.00163
8 -0.20629 -0.2437 -0.2058 -0.2052 0.03741 0.00049 0.00109
9 -0.24547 -0.2877 -0.2417 -0.244 0.04223 0.00377 0.00147
10 -0.2735 -0.3202 -0.2687 -0.2717 0.0467 0.0048 0.0018
11 -0.24547 -0.2877 -0.2417 -0.244 0.04223 0.00377 0.00147
12 -0.26397 -0.3088 -0.2591 -0.2629 0.04483 0.00487 0.00107
13 -0.26397 -0.3088 -0.2591 -0.2629 0.04483 0.00487 0.00107
14 -0.27928 -0.3266 -0.274 -0.2777 0.04732 0.00528 0.00158
15 -0.2794 -0.3269 -0.2742 -0.2778 0.0475 0.0052 0.0016
16 -0.27271 -0.319 -0.2678 -0.2713 0.04629 0.00491 0.00141
17 -0.27696 -0.3241 -0.272 -0.2752 0.04714 0.00496 0.00176
18 -0.28984 -0.3389 -0.2841 -0.2877 0.04906 0.00574 0.00214
19 -0.29262 -0.3422 -0.2869 -0.2904 0.04958 0.00572 0.00222
20 -0.28886 -0.3379 -0.2833 -0.2867 0.04904 0.00556 0.00216
21 -0.28305 -0.3313 -0.2779 -0.2813 0.04825 0.00515 0.00175
22 -0.27892 -0.3266 -0.274 -0.2772 0.04768 0.00492 0.00172
23 -0.28326 -0.3315 -0.2781 -0.2815 0.04824 0.00516 0.00176
24 -0.2845 -0.333 -0.2793 -0.2827 0.0485 0.0052 0.0018
25 -0.28051 -0.3277 -0.2755 -0.2791 0.04719 0.00501 0.00141
26 -0.28805 -0.3361 -0.2827 -0.2865 0.04805 0.00535 0.00155

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

27 -0.27325 -0.3193 -0.268 -0.2721 0.04605 0.00525 0.00115

28 -0.20449 -0.2407 -0.2027 -0.2024 0.03621 0.00179 0.00209
29 -0.29509 -0.3449 -0.2893 -0.2937 0.04981 0.00579 0.00139
30 -0.31079 -0.3633 -0.3046 -0.3091 0.05251 0.00619 0.00169
MSE 0.00185 0.00002 0.000003

Figure 6.Comparison between actual and estimated values of the bus phase angle

Table 9. Comparison of the estimation accuracy in bus voltage magnitude

Mean Square Error (MSE) in bus voltage magnitude
Test System WLS in Polar Proposed Algorithms
IEEE-14 bus test 0.00311 0.000009 0.000005
IEEE-30 bus test 0.00553 0.00038 0.000033

Table 10. Comparison of the estimation accuracy in bus phase angle

Mean Square Error (MSE) in bus phase angle
Test System WLS in Polar Proposed Algorithms
IEEE-14 bus test 0.000655 0.000004 0.0000004
IEEE-30 bus test 0.00185 0.00002 0.000003

Table 11. Execution time in seconds

Test System CPU time in (Sec.)
WLS in Polar Proposed Algorithms
IEEE-14 bus test 0.039422 0.027636 0.008753

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. xx, No. xx, Month 2xxx www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)

IEEE-30 bus test 0.15386 0.070345 0.037463


6. Conclusion
The application of swarm artificial intelligence technique in the selection the
optimal location of the meters has been presented. Two algorithms have been
implemented. The algorithms utilized PSO and ABC technique for obtaining the
optimal placement. The application of the proposed algorithms on typical test systems
has been given in the paper. The results obtained reveal the importance of the meter
locations in estimating the state vector of the system in terms of the execution time,
accuracy and the number of iterations for the system to be converged. The results also
reveal that the ABC technique is more efficient than the PSO technique in the
estimation of the system state.

The authors would like to thank Mustansiriyah University www.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq
Baghdad-Iraq for its support and providing the facilities to carry out the present work.

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