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Teachers: Aaron Abaday

Aslima S. Ayunan
Arbhegyle Bacon
Noraina Imam
Learning Area: Social Studies/ Araling Panlipunan
Grade level: V
Method: 4A’s

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. explain the status of Filipino women during the pre colonial period;
b. identify the various rights of women; and
c. appreciate the importance of women in pre Hispanic era.

a. Topic: The Status of Women

b. References: SSC 202 page 9-14
c. Materials: Cartolina, Pentel pen, Pictures, and Laptop.
d. Subject Integration: ESP
e. Activities: Jumbled Letters, Guess the Word, Facts or Bluff and roulette of knowledge


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Preliminary Activity

A. Prayer

Class let us all stand and feel the

presence of the Lord.

James, please lead the prayer. In the name of the Father, of Son, of the holy
spirit, Lord thank you for today for taking care of us.
Bless us all Lord every day in Jesus name. Amen.

B. Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning, teacher.

How are you today, class? We are good, teacher.

C. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today class? No one is absent, teacher.

D. Checking of Assignments

Do we have an assignment? Yes, teacher.

Okay, pass it forward.

E. Drill

Activity: Jumbled Letters

Re arrange the jumbled letters to
form words. Write the word on the space
provided beside the jumbled letters.


F. Review

Before we proceed to our new

lesson this morning. Let us first have a
short recap.

Class, what was our last topic

yesterday? Teacher our topic yesterday was all about Social
Hierarchy in Luzon.
Yes, Very Good.
How many social classes do we
have in our ancient society? We have 3 social classes in our ancient society
these are Maginoo/Datu, Maharlika and Timawa
and Slaves.
Yes, Very Good.
Let’s give a hand to everbody
because you did listen well in our
discussion yesterday.

2. Lesson
A. Preparation ( Motivation)

Class, we will have an activity.

This is called Guess the Word Game.
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks
with the correct letters to complete each
Is it clear, class? Yes, teacher.

1. 1.


P A_ A _ _ N H _K _ _

3. 3.

_ A_H A _ A

B _ Y _ _ Y_ N BAYBAYI N

B. Presentation

A. Activity

Before we proceed to our discussion,

we will be having a game first. This is
I will group into two groups.
I will give a statement and you will
just answer “ Fact or Bluff”.
Fact if it is True.
Bluff if it is False.

Am I clear class? Yes, teacher.

1. Women were highly regarded in 1. FACT

our society before the Spaniards
came to our country.

2. Our ancestors had no innate 2. BLUFF

respect and value for women.

3. A suitor had given service to the 3. FACT

family of his beloved for a period
of time to win her hand in

4. During the pre-Hispanic period, 4. BLUFF

there was an established formal
schooling system in the country.
5. The early Filipinos worshipped a 5. FACT
Supreme Being they called
Bathalang Maykapal.

Very Good.
Let’s give a Amazing Clap for Group 1
who wins the game.

You may now go back to your

respective seats class. Thank you, teacher.

B. Analysis

Now, class based on our activity that

we did earlier what do you think is our
topic for this morning? I think our topic for this morning is all about the
status of women during pre colonial period.

Yes, Very Good.

Our topic this morning is all about the
status of women.
But before we finally move on to our
new lesson. Let us first know the
objectives that everyone must attain at the
end of the lesson. Everyone, kindly read.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
a. Explain the status of Filipino
women during the pre
colonial period.
b. identify the various rights of
women; and
c. appreciate the importance of
women in Pre Hispanic era.

Let us go back to our previous activity

statement number 1. It’s a fact or true
statement. It’s because our women even
enjoyed a high societal status way before
the women in other countries like China,
England, USA, India, and the others. In the
Philippines, They fad equal standing with
men. They were accorded respect by our

1. A suitor had given service to the

family of his beloved for a period of time to
win her hand in marriage.

Like, what services does a suitor need to

do? Anyone? Chopped wood, fetched water, and other chores
Yes, Very Good.

The man will give bigay-kaya to the family

of his beloved. Bigay kaya is also called?
Anyone? I think dowry, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

It’s called Dowry.

Dowry or bigay-kaya- are consist of land,

farm animals, or any valuable items.

The man was also required to give money

to the girl’s parents.
And it is called? Panghimuyat, teacher

And Panghimuyat is? Teacher panghimuyat is amount of money.

Yes, Jaypee

Panghimuyat - is a certain amount of
money given to the bride-to-be’s parents
as payment for the mother’s efforts in
rearing the girl.

2. High regard for women could also

be seen in the way the man gave all
of his earnings to his wife.

Women are the ones who take care

of? What? Budgeting and spending teacher

Yes, Very Good.

3. The mother took care of all the

needs of her family.

4. Respect for women was also

illustrated in the way they walked.

Men walked behind them as a sign

of? Anyone? As a sign of respect, teacher.

Yes, Princess

Very Good.

Rights of Women

1. They could be datus of their

tribe and lead men to fight
wars like Princess

2. They were given the right to

possess and inherit

3. They could engage in trade

and industries.

4. They could be priestesses

or spiritual leaders.

5. They had an exclusive right to

name their children.

6. They could be leaders of their



In question number 5 on our activity

a while ago. It’s true because early
Filipinos believed in Supreme Being
Or also called? Bathalang Maykapal, teacher.

Yes, Armie

Very Good.

Bathalang Maykapal- the Supreme Being

worshipped by early Filipinos.
They also believed in immortality of the
soul. And also believed in life after? Death, teacher.

Yes, Correct!
Life after Death.

Other minor dieties they worshipped are:

• Idianale-God of agriculture;

• Sidapa- God of death;

• Agni- God of fire;

• Mandarangan- God of war

• Lalahon- goddess harvest

• Siginarugan- God of Hell

Pre Spanish Filipinos believed in ancestral

spirits called? Anyone? I think it is called Anitos.

Yes, Very Good!

It is called Anitos.
Anitos- the ancestral spirits believed by
the tagalogs.

And for Visayans it is called?

Anyone? I think diwatas, teacher

Yes, correct!
Diwatas- the ancestral spirits believed by
the visayans.

Early priests and priestesses is called as?

Anyone? Babaylan, teacher.

Yes, correct.
It is called as Babaylan and katalona

Babaylan and katalona – the early priests

and priestesses who performed rituals
offering of sacrifice.

In question number 4 on our activity a
while ago. It’s bluff because there was no
formal education during pre- Spanish

Our teacher that time was our? Our parents, teacher.

Mothers educated their female children in

housekeeping, weaving, basket-making
and other agriculture-related activities.

Fathers trained their male children in

hunting. Carpentry, agriculture,
shipbuilding and mining.

During the Pre-Spanish period, education

was still decentralized. Children were
provided more vocational training but
lesser? Academics, teacher.
Yes, correct!
academics, which were headed by their
parents or by their tribal tutors.

Now class I have here a picture.

What did you see in the picture? Or what
did u observe? I think that’s alphabet teacher during pre colonial
Yes, correct!
And It’s called Baybayin.

What is baybayin, class?

Any idea? I think it’s a system of writing.

Yes, Very Good.

Baybayin- is a unique writing system.
Baybay literally means “to spell “in

Baybayin is also known as? I think Alibata, teacher.

Yes, it’s correct.

Alibata- is the ancient writing system that
was used before by the Filipinos.

Marriage and Wedding

What have you seen in the picture class? A lot of people, teacher.
The traditional marriage proposal takes the
form of? Anyone? Pamamanhikan, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

Pamamanhikan or the “parental marriage

proposal”- formal way of asking the
parents of the woman for her hand.
A typical ancient traditional Filipino
wedding, during pre-colonial times, is held
for three days and was officiated by a?
Who have an idea?Anyone? Baybayin, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

And Babaylan is? I think babaylan is a priest teacher.

Babaylan is a tribal priest or priestess.

The ceremonial center for the nuptial was

in? Anyone? I think the ceremonial center for the nuptial was
in the house of babaylan.
Yes, Very Good.
In the house of babaylan.


Pre-spanish houses were typically made

in? Anyone? It’s made in bamboo, wood and nipa palm.

Yes, Very Good.

And the house is called?
Anyone? Nipa house

Yes, Very Good.

It’s called Nipa House.

Nipa House – is made of bamboo, wood

and nipa palm and or cogon grass.

This is the example of Nipa House.

The above the ground enclose with stakes
called? It is called haligi, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

It is called haligi.

Batalan- was a sort of gallery where

household work was done.

Silid and Sala- is where mats, pillows, and

baskets of rice were placed.

Kalingas in Northern Luzon, Mandayans

and Bagobos in Mindanao- were places in
the Philippines who made tree houses.
It looks like this.

Sea houses- were built by Badjaos or sea

gypsies of Sulu.

Class, what have you observe in this
picture? It’s a dress or cloth teacher.
Or what did you see in the picture?
Male clothing
Clothes for male were divided into two
parts and it is called? Anyone? It is called upper and lower part, teacher.
Yes, correct!
Kangan- upper part
a jacket with short sleeves.
Bahag- the term known to the lower part
of a male clothing.
It was composed of a cloth wound
about the waist and passing down
between the thighs.
Putong- a piece of cloth or a headgear
used by males.


Female clothing
was also had a division: its upper and
lower parts.

The upper part is called?Anyone? I think it’s called baro, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

It’s called baro or camisa.
Baro or camisa- upper part

And the lower part is called?Anyone? I think it’s called saya, teacher.
Yes, correct!
It’s called saya or skirt.

Saya or skirt- lower part.

Patadyong – in bisayans
Tapis – the piece of white or red cloth
usually wrapped about the waist.


Class, what have you observe in this

picture? Gold bracelets and earrings teacher.

Both men and women wore ornaments.

Why do you think they wore this? I think they wore this to look attractive, teacher.

Yes, Very Good.

They wore this to look attractive.

What are some examples of ornaments?

Anyone? Bracelets, earrings and gold rings.

Yes, correct!

Example of ornaments are Kalumbiga,

pendants, gold rings, earrings, leglets, and
What did u observe in the picture class?
What have you seen? Tattoo, teacher.

How about this picture class?

What do you think is the meaning of their
tattoos? I think the meaning of their tattoos is to show how
brave they are in battle.
Yes, Very Good.
Tattoos- were also fashionable for some
pre-colonial Filipinos; they also exhibit a
man’s war record.

Pintados- a painted or tattooed people of


Did you understand class? Yes, teacher

Do you have questions or clarification? No, teacher

C. Abstraction

Since you already understand our topic

this morning.

What is the importance of women in Pre

Hispanic era? The importance of women in pre-Hispanic era is
that they could even hold high characters in
communities like healers, priestesses, and they
could even handle leadership roles and fight as
Very Good!
Let’s give five claps to everybody.

D. Application
Let’s have another game. It’s called
Roulette of Knowledge Game.
• The teacher will divide the class into 2
• Each group will choose 3
representatives to play the game.
• If the representative who plays the
game does not get the correct answer, the
opposite representative will have the
chance to answer.
• The group with the highest score will
win the game.

1. The term Baybay literally means 1. to spell

_____in Tagalog.

2. Who’s the of God of Hell? 2. Siginarugan

3. A priest or priestess. 3. Babaylan

4. A piece of cloth or a headgear 4. Putong

used by males.

5. A painted or tattooed people of 5. Pintados


6. Sea houses were built by? 6. Badjaos


Test I. Identification: Identify what is asked by choosing the answers inside the box. Write
your answer on the space provided.
Sidapa Agni Dowry Saya Pamamanhikan

Lalahon Mandarangan Baro Nipa House Pintados

________1. It made of wood, bamboo, nipa palm, and or cogon grass.
________2. God of death.
________3. It consist of land, farm, animals, or any valuable items.
________4. Goddess harvest.
________5. The upper part clothing of female.
________6. God of fire
________7. God of war
________8. The lower part clothing of female.
________9. A formal way of asking the parents of the woman for her hand.
________10. A painted or tattooed people of bisayans.


Write True if the statement is correct and False if its incorrect.
________1. They could be datus of their tribe and lead men to fight wars like Princess Paramisuli.
________2. They couldn’t be leaders of their barangay.
________3. They were given the right to possess and inherit properties.
________4. They couldn’t be priestesses or spiritual leaders.
________5. They had an exclusive right to name their children.

Answer the following questions.
1. What was the status of women in our society before?

2. Was there anything women could do before that they can no longer do now?

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