SITE MEMORANDUM Biogas KNNM 12062024 R.01

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No FORM-04-QA-G021
Quality Form Doc. Status For Project
Revision 01
Date 24-Juni-2020
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: Pekerjaan Cut & Fill, Civil, Mechanical & Piping Kenanga Biogas
Project Name To : PT. ASINDO TECH
plant Project
Project Id : 23STP1072 - KNNM - BIOGAS PLANT From : RE - CMDV
SM No. : 001/RE-CMDV/BIOGASKNNF/VI/24 Location : Biogas KNNF
Revision No. : 01 Revision Date :0

This site memorandum does not imply a cost variation and/or extension of time. Employer issues it to remind the contractor of his shortages (in works or in documents)
that are to be corrected. The mentioned tasks should be implemented as they get approval from the employer

Subject: Percepatan pekerjaan Cut and Fill

Mengingat pekerjaan di Biogas KNNF khususnya pekerjaan Cut and Fill. Aktual menggunakan 1 Unit Exca PC200,
sementara pekerjaan Lagoon untuk pemindahan material tanah > 1.500 m3 sejarak > 70 m'. Dan perkerjaan lainnya
(Pekerjaan Penggalian dan Penimbunan / Install pipa ke Mill) > 600 m3 sepanjang < 800 m'.

Agar segera mendatangkan unit Exca tambahan untuk percepatan pekerjaan tersebut.


RIO DERMAWAN / 12 Juni 2024


√ Construction Manager (to be returned to contractor)

Original to √ PM QA
Copy to √ Arsip

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