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Spicejet Ltd


Payslip for the month of October - 2023

Emp Code RLM0226 Name Shlok Raosaheb Ghuge Joining Date 26-12-2018
Designation Administration Department Operations RL RL 7
Work Location Mumbai Airport Unit Name SpiceJet Limited Bank A/c No 34289389902

Days Paid 31.0 Days Present 21.0 W.Off/Pd.Off LWP/Absent

Earnings & Reimbursements Gross Amt Actual Amt Deductions & Recoveries Gross Amt Actual Amt

Basic 13333.00 13333.00 PF-Employee Contribution 1600.04 1800.00

Hra - House Rent Allow 6667.00 6667.00 Professional Tax 200.00 200.00
Conveyance 1600.00 1600.00 Income Tax -Tds 189.00 189.00
Washing Allowance 1200.00 1200.00
General Flexible Allow 14626.00 1426.00

Total Earnings 37426.00 37426.00 Total Deductions 1989.00 2189.00

Net Pay 35237.00

Net Pay : Thirty Five thousand two hundred Thirty Seven Indian Rupee only.
Bank Name : State Bank of India

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