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(A Govt. of MP Undertaking)(SO 9001:2008 Certified)

Reg er-45K2

Ref. No. : FUVNI2021-22/SLP/01-40/|7S
VThe Chief General Manager (C-NCE) oSP 2024
MP Power Management Co. Ltd.
Regional Office, Bhopal
Subject :- Execution of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)with Jaypal Singh Bais for their
02 MW Solar PV Plant located at Khasra No. 132 (s), 1245 (s) and 1484 (s) Patwari
halka No. - Berchha Datar, Tehsil - Kala Pipal, District - Shajapur, at a pre-fixed
levelised tariff of Rs. 3.07/kWh determined by MP Electricity Regulatory

Ref.:- PM KUSUM-A walk in registration order No. MPUVN/KUSUM-A/2022-23/2121

date 18.07.2022

Dear sir,
In context to the above cited subject it is to mention that one of the selected applicant
namely Jaypal Singh Bais (herein after referred to as generator) registered under PM KUSUM
A Scheme by MPUVNL cited above under reference for 02 MW Solar PV Plant located at
Khasra No. 132 (s), 1245 (s) and 1484 (s) Patwari halka No. - Berchha Datar, Tehsil - Kala
Pipal, District - Shajapur, having aggregate Area in approx. 20.32 Acre has submitted the
documents as per Annex-I for execution of PPA with MPPMCL at a tariff of Rs. 3.07 /kWh.

2. In above context following is certified:

That, the documents of the above mentioned Generator as per annexure-I have been
verified by MPUVNL with the originals and are found in order and complete in all
respect for execution of PPA. The certified copies of these documents are in custody
including the
ii That, the cumulative capacity of Solar Projects under KUSUM-A SchemeMPPMCL for
capacity of instant Solar PV Project, which have been recommended to
execution of PPA till date within the approved Solar PV capacity obtained by

from GoMP.
iii. ThePPÅ enclosed is in line with guidelines of MNRE. However above generator being
in the instant
bslo83 selected through Walk-in Registration Process", the same is
Generators sent earlier, which
PPA instead of Eol/RFp" mentioned in the PPAS of
PPA is unchanged.
were selected under RFP process. Rest all other matter of instant
enclosed herewith with the request to
3. The fair copies of PPA to be executed in twocopies is
Generator and send back one copyto
execute the Power Purchase Agreement with the above
MPUVN for handing over the same to the
Date....s.293. consequential financial or
MPPMCL 4. The MPUVN indemnifies MPPMCL and its officers from any the documnents certified
inconsistency in
legal imnplication arising due to any shortcoming or
Letter byMPUVN as above, found at any time during the validity period of PPA.
NCE) Encl: Annex-I

(Shrikant Deshmukh)
oySuperintending Engineer
"URJA BHAWAN" Main Road No.02, Shivaji Nagar Bhopal-462016 (M.P) e-mail-
07889515670 2553505 2556A6 Rav-)553I29 25S6)45
(A Govt. of MP Undertaking) (ISO 9001:2008 Certified)
Ref. No.: F/UVN/2021-22/SLP/01-40/)7 S2-A

Vahd yp TO
To Whomsoever It May Concern
This is to certify that the conditions, as delineated in LOA no. 1027 dated
15.06.2023 issued by MPUVNL to Jaypal Singh Bais SPG selected under PM
KUSUM-ASchemne regarding issues including but not linited to, land, Performance
Bank Guarantee (PBG), project registration fee under Solar Policy, timelines etc.,
have been complied. It is also undertaken that all documentation in this regard is
available with MPUVNL.

It is also certified that all necessary exemptions, as required, have been

granted in the above matter and the case is fit for execution of PPA between
MPPMCL and Jaypal Singh Bais.

(Shrikant Deshmukh)
Superintending Engineer

"URJA BHAWAN" Main Road No.02, Shivaji Nagar Bhopal-462016 (M.P) INDLA e-mail-
Phone 0755-2575670 2553595, 2556246 Fax-2553L22, 2556245
Name of RPG - Jaypal Singh Bais

s. No, Name of Document

Details of LOA 0Ssued to RPG
(a) Name of person to whom LOA issued
Information Sheet

Registratlon Proes$ order No. and date - MPUVN/KUSUM-A/2022-23/2121 Date: 18.07.2022.

Details /Typè of document
Detalls of LOA issued to RPG
(a) Jaypal Singh Bais
Page No
OTA Reg. No.-14512
(b) LOA No.
(c) Date of iasue
(b) 1027
l(c) 15.06.2023 03 to 05
pivatST d. BOALUR.

(d) capacity in MW (d) 2.0 Mw
(e) Tariff Rs. Per kWh. (e) 3.07/
E) Shedule datè of COD of-Project 6)9 months from signing of PPA
Land ownership documents |Land ownership documents
(a) Gram (a) Berchha Datar
(b) Tehsil (b) Kalapipal
(c) District |() Shajapur
(d) Khasra No. |(d) 132 (S), 1245 (5), 1484 (S), 09 to 16
(e) Patwari Halka No. e) Berchha Datar
() Aks of land (map) ) Enclosed
|(e) Size of landparcel.(Acre) e) 20.32 acre (approx.)
() Copy of Bahi Part (1) & (2) (b) Enclosed
Type of Ownership of Project Type of.Ownership of Project
0 self Devlopment Mode. 0) Self Devlopment Mode.
a) Self Owned (Name) or (a) Jaypal Singh Bais
(b) SPV (Nameof SPV) (b) NA
01 to 02
() Devèloper Mode. OU) Developer Mode.
(a) Self owned (Name of Developer) or (a) NA
(b) SPV (Name of sPV) (b) NA
Details of 33/11 Substation Dtails of 33/11 Substation
Narme of Substation with complete details . Name of Substatlon iwith complete detajls
(a) Name of SubstaioH a) Berchha Datar
4: |(b) Gràm (b) Berchha Datar 03 to.05
ic) Tehsil (c) Kalapipa)
(d) District (d) Shajapur
(e) Length of Jine tèqulred Approx. le) Approx. 0.5 KMs
Details of Signatory authorized for execution of PPÅ
|la) Name. Details of Signatory authorized fòr exécution of PPA
(6) Address la) Jaypal Singh Bais
(b)E-8/64 Shivà Kunj, Arera Coloiy, Bhöpal,
5 (c)Aadhaar No.or |(c) 869496247978
(d) Voter ld No. or l(d) NA
e) Ration card No. or e) NA
(f) PaD No. () AEOPB8636H
(e) Mobile No: te) 9826025074
(b) E-mail. () jaypalsingh0302
Details of RPG
. (a) Name Details of RPG
(b) Address a) Jaypal Singh Bais
(b).E-8/64 Shiva Kunj, Arera Colony, Bhopal

c) Aadhaar No.or (c) 869496247978
d) Voter ld No.or (d) NA
e) Ration card No.or te) NA,
() Pan No, () AEOPB8636H
le) Mobile No.: (e) 9826025074
(h) E-mail (h) jaypalsingh0302
Details of Performance Bank Guarantee |Detalls of Performance Bank Guarantee
(a) Issuing B¡nk la) Bank of Baroda
7 \b) Bank Guarantee No. (b) 12231GPOO1811023 Enclosed in Originl
lc) Amountfof BG (c) 2,00,000/-.
d) Date ofExpiry (d) 27-06-2024
Details of Bánk Account of RPG *Detalls of Bank Account of SPG
(a) Name öf Bank (a) Bank of Baroda
(b) Address of Bank. (b) T.T. Nagar Bhopal
8 ic) Account No. (c) 12230100003 144 2
"The proceed of Involce after commissioning of project "The proceed of nvoice after commissioning of project
willbe credited into this account will be credited into this account
Duly signed post çommissloning Annexures formats to be
Enclosed 17 to 44
Jappended with the PPA
Details of 02 Nos. Non-Judicial Stamp Papers of .. Enclosed in Original
10 Enclosed
denomination Rs. i000/- each

(Shrikant Deshmukh)
Superintending Engineer

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