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My project, "India’s Agricultural Crop Production Analysis," aimed to provide insights into India’s
agricultural trends from 1197 to 2021 using Tableau for data visualization. I sourced, cleaned, and
prepared the data using SQL, focusing on key metrics like crop production, regional distribution, and
seasonal variations. I created interactive dashboards to help stakeholders easily explore and
understand the data. The project identified growth areas and challenges, facilitating data-driven
decision-making. This work enhanced my skills in data analysis, visualization, and collaborative

During my internship as a Database Developer on Oracle Cloud at Oracle from August 2023 to
November 2023, I was responsible for developing and optimizing SQL queries and stored procedures.
My main focus was on improving the efficiency and pe rformance of our databases. I used Oracle
Cloud tools extensively, which allowed me to gain hands-on experience with cloud database
environments. One of my key achievements was enhancing the database performance by 20%, which
significantly improved the speed and reliability of our applications. This experience helped me
develop strong SQL skills and a deep understanding of cloud-based database management.

### Departmental Store Management System

The Departmental Store Management System is a semester project developed in C++ to meet
educational requirements. It manages various store operations, such as inventory and sales tracking.
The project aims to provide a solid foundation for beginners in programming, offering practical
insights into building small to large projects using C. The system includes features like adding,
modifying, and deleting store items, as well as generating sales reports. This project enhanced my
understanding of C programming and software development practices.

### Agriculture Crop Production Analysis

The Agriculture Crop Production Analysis project aimed to analyse crop production data to identify
trends and forecast future production levels. Using Tableau and SQL, I cleaned, prepared, and
visualized data to provide actionable insights. The project highlighted key factors affecting crop yields
and recommended strategies for improvement. Interactive dashboards facilitated stakeholder
understanding and data-driven decision-making. This project enhanced my skills in data analysis,
visualization, and agricultural sector research.

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