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ISBN Number : 978-81-975463-6-5

Series ENG/10/01 Set ~ 1

Roll No. Q.P Code 10/01/01
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 14 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:
1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

1 P.T.O
Section A

1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history.
Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element
widely used for treating cancer and studied uranium and other
radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later
helped to unlock the secrets of the atom

2. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a
professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a
blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to
continue with her studies after high school She became disgruntled,
however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to
women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left
Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where
she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics.

3. Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the
greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and
Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working
together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered
radium. Pierre was killed by a horse - drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was
stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish.
Despondently, she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they
had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young
daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.

4. Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to
succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the
first woman to be given a professorship at a world - famous university.
In 1911, she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium.
Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long
exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work
Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and
to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

1. According to the author, what made Marie Curie the ever - existing name
in the world of science?

2. What message does the phrase ’she never became disillusioned about
her work’ convey?
3. What qualities did Perrie and Marie show when they worked together?
Choose one option from the following:

2 P.T.O
a. incompatibility

b. envy

c. camaraderie

d. Jealousy

4. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace
’desolation’ (paragraph IV).

a. She was in gloom when her father left her all alone.

b. Riya was so elated to know that she passed the test.

c. The teacher was so strict while invigilating in the exam hall.

d. Mohan is a destitute boy who keeps worrying about his future all
the time.

5. Marie had a ’blithe’ personality. Substitute the word ’blithe’ in ONE

6. Identify the qualities of Marie Curie, according to the given passage.

(1) determined

(2) brilliant

(3) carefree
(4) quarrelsome

(5) immoral

a. (1), (2), (3)

b. (4) and (5)

c. (1),(4)and (5)

d. (2)and (3)

7. Identify the tone in the given phrase - ’Marie was stunned by this
horrible misfortune’.

8. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of
the given passage.

a. The backbone of success is hard work, determination and


b. Do not stop working; work is the only key to success.

c. Nothing grows but honesty and hard work.

d. Hard work pays off.

3 P.T.O
2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around
Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn’t grind to a halt. Why?
Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and
Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.

2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000 - 3,500 metres above sea

level, has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 mm. Glaciers have
always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely
dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon fed India.
But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and
snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and
drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for
farming is usually limited to one harvest season.

3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The
one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing
water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of ice
above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring continuous
supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage two crops
instead of one. It costs about₹ 1,50,000 and above to create one.
4. Fondly called the "glacier man", Mr. Norphel has designed over 15
artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. In recognition of his
pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab
Mukherjee, in 2015.

5. There are a few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier.

6. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of

the hill, facing north, where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a
mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted water is
made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels. Stone
embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of
water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along
the slope. Ice formation continues for 3 - 4 months resulting in a large
accumulation of ice which is referred to as an "artificial glacier".
Number of Tourists who visited Leh

1. Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your

understanding of paragraph 2.

We can say that the situation of farming being limited to one harvest in
Ladakh is comparable with having only thorny bushes in the desert area
because .

4 P.T.O
2. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets,
based on your understanding of paragraph 2.

The statement that, agriculture in Ladakh depends on glacier melt, is a

(fact/opinion) because it is a (subjective
judgement/objective detail).

3. Justify the following, in about 40 words.

4. Based on the tabular graph, identify the months when Leh had the most
and least number of tourists.

5. Study the number of visitors for the month of July and state any one
inference that can be drawn from this.

6. Select the option that correctly displays what ‘cascade’ signifies.

(Reference - Paragraph 6)

a. (i), (iv) and (v)

b. Only (ii)

c. Only (iii)

d. (ii) and (v)

7. Give a brief introduction of the Glacier Man . (Answer in about 40


5 P.T.O
8. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the process
involved in creating an artificial glacier as mentioned in the passage?

a. River or stream water at higher altitudes is diverted to a shaded

area of the hill.

b. At the onset of summer, the diverted water is made to flow onto a

sloping hill face through distribution channels.

c. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede

the flow of water.

d. Ice formation continues for 3 - 4 months resulting in a large

accumulation of ice.


3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]

1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for
the given portion of a letter:

Such posters (impact) youngsters negatively and can be

hazardous to their self - esteem.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report
and supply the correction.

While much needs to be done to transforming our education system to

meet the needs of all types of students, it is equally important to teach
our children the art of taking stress in their strides.

Use the given format for your response.

3. Maria shared some information with Mathew about her flight to Kanpur.
Report Mathew’s question.

Were you nervous on your first flight?

4. Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence:

A doctor said, "You take rest."

a) A doctor was advised me to take rest.

b) A doctor advised me to take rest.

c) A doctor said me to take rest.

d) A doctor said me to you had taken rest.

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

He is an expert on languages, but he knows (a lot of / little / a

few) about mathematics.

6. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report
and supply the correction.

While much needs to be done to transform our education system to meet

the needs of all types of students, it is equally important to teach our
children the art of take stress in their strides.

Use the given format for your response.

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for
the following line, from a news report:

The roof and the backside of the bus was blown away by the blast that
occurred on Thursday, but no one was injured.

8. Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct

The residents promised to the President of the association in his

demand for proper garbage disposal systems.

a) stand by
b) stand against

c) stood by

d) stood for

7 P.T.O
9. Read the conversation between Meera and her father.

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly.

Meera: What did you buy?

Father: I bought a heater.

Meera asked her father what he had bought. The father replied that he

10. Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence:

"Don’t try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

a) The stuntman advised the audience do nottry that at home.

b) The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.

c) The stuntman advised the audience not to triedthat at home.

d) The stuntman advisesthe audience not to try that at home.

11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank
with the correct option.
The angel whole and The next right
It came again with a great wakening light.

And showed the names whom love of God had blest,

And lo! Ben Adhem’s name all the rest.

a. has vanished, led

b. vanishes, leads

c. vanished, led

d. was vanishing, had led

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

Use the given format for your response.

8 P.T.O

4 The condition of the public park in your locality is miserable. Write a letter to [5]
the editor of a local newspaper with the help of the points given below.You are

You are Ankita/Ankit. You wish to pursue a course on ’Data Science’. Write a
letter to the Director, Scaler Data Science, enquiring about the eligibility,
duration, fee, scholarship and placement, etc.

5 Study the graph given below. The bar graph depicts and compares the number [5]
of students of class eleventh opted for stream of arts, science and commerce in
the year 2017 to 2019 in a school in Gurugram Analyse the graph and write
your observation in a paragraph.


The given pie - chart shows how water is consumed in households in a

metropolitan city in India. Study the information carefully and write a
paragraph in about 100 - 120 words drawing a comparative analysis of water
consumption. Emphasize on wasteful water consumption and suggest possible
ways to save water.

9 P.T.O

6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the

sentences that follow:

”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You
were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and
danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and
romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of
pistols, drugs in the wine.”

a. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?

b. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?

c. Complete the given sentence:

Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because .

d. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?

a. Finding out secret information

b. Dealing with careless behaviour

c. Ignorant about certain things

d. Dealing indifferently

2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

The older boys were working in the field, while the smaller ones were
playing near the house until the woman called to them all, “Come for
dinner.” It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had predicted, big
drops of rain began to fall. In the north - east huge mountains of clouds
could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went
out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on
his body, and when he returned he exclaimed, "These aren’t raindrops
falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces
and the little ones are fives.”

10 P.T.O
a. What do you suggest about Lencho’s family after reading the
above extract?

b. Which of the following best describes Lencho’s prediction?

i. storm

ii. heavy rainfall

iii. hailstorm

iv. thunderstorm

c. Comment on the author’s tone used in the above extract with

reference to the term ‘foretold’.

d. In what way the author described the weather in the starting and
how it became later?

e. Who called the boys for dinner?

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

The trees inside are moving out into the forest,

the forest that was empty all these days

where no bird could sit
no insect hide

no sun bury its feet in shadow

the forest that was empty all these nights

will be full of trees by morning

a. Complete the sentence appropriately.

It is clear that personification is the poetic device used for ’No sun
bury its feet....

b. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. Also,

provide an explanation. The extract uses trees as a symbol for
conservative people.

11 P.T.O
c. Which of the following best describes the idea of a forest that has
been ’empty all these days’ is .

i. unnatural

ii. scary

iii. magical

iv. legendary

d. Which three things cannot happen in a treeless forest?


"The way a crow

Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree"

1. What type of bird is mentioned in the paragraph?

2. What action did the crow perform?
3. What fell on the speaker as a result of the crow's action?
4. What is the main subject of the paragraph?

Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words [12]
1. Why are Kodavus permitted to carry fire arms without licence?
(Glimpses of India)

2. How does the poem point to the cruelty of animals in captivity? Answer
in the context of the poem A Tiger in the Zoo .

3. Why did Griffin decide to becomevisible and to go to Iping?

4. How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

5. For Frost, what do fire and ice stand for?

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words. [6]

1. What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice?DidMrs. Pumphrey pay heed to

hisadvice? What excuses did she make?

2. Why was Horace arrested when he had not stolen anything?

3. What did the Halls see in the scientist’s room?

12 P.T.O
10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words [6]
1. The young seagull’s parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and
sister. How could the young seagull’s newly flying siblings (Brother 1,
Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief conversation
among them.

2. In the chapter, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, the swearing -

in ceremony represented a shared victory for justice, peace, and human
dignity over the most despised apartheid regime based on racial
discrimination. Similarly, in the poem The Tress , the hard - fought
victory for the trees has been achieved. They have been freed from the
artificial glasshouse that held them captive. Imagine Nelson Mandela is
congratulating trees on their victory in a letter in which he describes
what freedom meant to him.
You may begin like this.

Dear Trees,

It is with great joy that I write to you today on the occasion of your
freedom ...

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words. [6]
1. Ausable’s employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for
Ausable so that he may be promoted to a higher rank in the secret

As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with
reference to the instance in the chapter as a prime example of Ausable’s

You may begin this way:

22, Rue Nationale


26 March’ 78

The General Director

13 P.T.O
Department for Internal Security

11 - A, Rue de Dunkerque

Subject: Letter of Recommendation

This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee

with us for the past two years.

In this time, he has

Yours sincerely


2. What thought crossed Hari Singh’s mind when he was waiting on the
railway platform?

14 P.T.O







CH-1 A Triumph of Surgery

CH-2 The Thief’s Story
CH-3 The Midnight Visitor
CH-4 A Question of Trust
CH-5 Footprints without Feet

Section A
1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
1. Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium,
an element widely used for treating cancer and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie's amicable
collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom
2. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a
brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high
school She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined
to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she
earned her master's degree and doctorate in physics.
3. Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre
Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A
short time after they discovered radium. Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible
misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish. Despondently, she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had
shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
4. Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the
Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at a world-famous university. In 1911, she received the Nobel
Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to
radium, she never became disillusioned about her work Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science
and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
(i) Despite suffering from the fatal illness while working with radium, Marie Curie continued working for science
regardless of the consequence and this made her an ever-existing name in the world of science.
(ii) The term 'disillusioned' means to be heavily disappointed by something. Marie was never disappointed by the risks
involved in her work even after it gave her a fatal illness.
(iii)(c) camaraderie
The term 'camaraderie' means to get along well together. In the passage, it is given that 'Pierre and Marie's amicable
collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom: Amicable collaboration means friendliness and getting well
together. Options (a), (b) and (d) do not reveal the same meaning. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(iv)(a) The term 'desolation' means to be very sad. Here, (a) gloom means to be sad, (b) elated means to be happy, (c) strict
means to be stern, (c) destitute means to be poor. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
(v) (e) callous
(vi)(a) 1,2,3
According to the passage, Marie was (1) determined, (2) brilliant and (3) callous or carefree. She was not (4)
quarrelsome or (5) immoral as it is nowhere mentioned in the passage. Also, she had an amicable relation with Pierre
that means she was rather friendly. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
Pierre was dead in the horse-wagon accident. This news stunned Marie. She was in a shock.
(a) In the given passage, it is clear that Marie was determined and worked hard even after the damage that the radium
has done to her. She had also shown the perseverance by working even after hardships in her life. These qualities made
her name ever-existing in the world of science. Here, (a) talks about hard work, determination and perseverance. (b)
talks about only work, (c) talks about honesty and hard work while (d) talks about only hard work. Hence, (a) is the right
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn't
grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government came up
with the idea of artificial glaciers.
2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 mm.
Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of

16 P.T.O
river/monsoon fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been
changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is
usually limited to one harvest season.
3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts
first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of ice above melt with increasing
temperature thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage two crops instead of one. It
costs about ₹ 1,50,000 and above to create one.
4. Fondly called the "glacier man", Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. In
recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab Mukherjee, in 2015.
5. There are a few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier.
6. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the winter sun is blocked by
a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through
distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow pools
and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope. Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation
of ice which is referred to as an "artificial glacier".
Number of Tourists who visited Leh
Month/Year April May June July August Sept.

2010 3410 16518 22889 22415 5575 3041

2011 3001 26310 33908 46843 37756 20833

(i) because of the given climatic conditions. Since deserts have scanty rainfall therefore to survive in a dry environment,
plants have thorns instead of leaves. Similarly, in Ladakh, the severe winter conditions usually limit the scope of farming
and so it has only one harvest season only.
(ii) The statement that agriculture in Ladakh depends on glacier melt is a fact because it is an objective factor that influences
agriculture there.
(iii)While the survey results suggest that vertical gardens may be effective in improving the quality of life in urban areas,
further research and evaluation may be necessary to fully understand their effectiveness and potential drawbacks.
(iv)The tabular graph shows that Leh had the maximum number of tourists in July 2011 (46843). The lowest number of
tourists who visited Leh was in the month of April 2011 (3001).
(v) The number of visitors to Leh in July 2011 was more than double that of those who visited in July 2010.
(vi)D. (ii) and (v)
Cascade: Noun - (of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities. Verb - to fall quickly and in large amounts.
(vii)Fondly called ‘glacier man’ Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer is the father of the idea of artificial glaciers. He
has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. He was honoured with Padma Shri in 2015 by
Hon’ble President Pranab Mukherjee for his efforts.
B. At the onset of summer, the diverted water is made to flow onto a sloping hill face through distribution channels.
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed
(i) impact
(ii) error correction

transforming transform
(iii)Mathew asked Maria whether/if she was nervous on her first flight.
(iv) (b) A doctor advised me to take rest.
Explanation: A doctor advised me to take rest.
(v) Little
(vi) error correction

take taking
(vii)(A) was - were
(viii) (a) stand by
Explanation: stand by: support

17 P.T.O
(ix)Meera asked her father what he had bought. The father replied that he had bought a heater.
(x) (b) The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.
Explanation: The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.
Request, negative: not to + rest of the sentence (don't is drop here).
(xi) C. vanished, led
The action started in the past and completed in the past itself. Thus the verb should be in Simple Past.
(xii) error correction

family families
4. A-6, 258, Paschim Vihar
Delhi-110 063
6th November 2018
The Editor
The Hindustan
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Subject: Poor maintenance of public parks
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authori­ties towards the
poor maintenance of the public parks.
It saddens me to say that parks. Serve so many purposes in a community. It provides playing space to children, socializing space
to adults and a healthy environment to people, are in a pathetic state these days. The gardeners are not regular and the plants are
not pruned regularly as a result, the park gives an ugly look. Heaps of garbage can be seen everywhere, also the boundaries are
broken. Also, the park has become the favorite halting place of stray cattle and dogs.
There is cow dung all around, making the place a breeding ground for insects and they, in turn, welcome diseases.
The same public park once used to be the pride of our society and a common place for community interaction. Children too are
forced to play on the streets due to their unkempt condition.
Therefore, I would like to request the concerned authorities to improve the condition of the park for the convenience of the local
I request you to give some space to my voice in your esteemed newspaper.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
PO Box 25415
29th April 2022
The Director
Scaler Data Science Center
Subject: Inquiry about course details
I am writing this letter to inquire about the eligibility criteria, duration, fee, scholarship and placement opportunities for the Data
Science course offered by Scaler Data Science. My name is Ankita/Ankit and I am very interested in pursuing a career in data
science. I believe that Scaler Data Science would be the ideal place for me to learn the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed
in this field.
Could you please provide me with the eligibility criteria for the Data Science course? I am also curious to know about the duration
of the course and the fees involved. Additionally, do you offer any scholarships or financial assistance to students who
demonstrate exceptional merit or financial need?
Lastly, I would appreciate it if you could provide information about the placement opportunities for students who successfully
complete the course. It would be helpful to know about the companies that typically hire graduates from your program and the

salaries they can expect to earn.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Yours faithfully
5. The given bar graph depicts the number of students of class eleventh opted for stream of arts, science and commerce in the years
2017 to 2019 in a school in Gurugram.
The graph clearly illustrates that the number of students opted for arts is comparatively less than the number of students opted for
science and commerce in all the given three years. The year 2018 has shown a hike of approximately 5 more students but it
declined again in 2019 where only five students have opted it.
In contrast, the scenario is completely different when it comes to the stream of science and commerce, where 25 out of 40 students
opted have for science whereas 32 students preferred commerce stream in 2017. In 2018, a hike of 5 students has been seen in
science stream whereas there is a decline of 3 students in commerce levelling off to 27 students only. In 2019, the number of
students opted for science is almost equal to the year 2018. There is striking increase in the number of students opted for
commerce in 2019 which is the highest number in the given three years.
On comparing the three type of given streams, commerce has the highest number of students. Science is also preferred by a good
number of students but arts is the least preferred among all the three streams. In a nutshell interest of commerce has increased
among students. Science also, has a significant number of students interested in it. However, very less number of students
preferred arts over science and commerce.
The pie chart shows how much water is consumed by households in a metropolitan city in India. Nearly half of the water (46%)
used in households is used for toilets and laundry, with toilet usage accounting for the highest percentage at 26 %. Showers and
faucets each consume 16% and 17% of the total usage. Leaks make up 14% of waste, which is another significant factor. For
washing dishes and taking a bath the percentage of water consumed is just 3% together. The water usage can be curbed if it is not
a part of essential usage. For instance, the high water use in toilets and laundry suggests that there is a lot of room for water
conservation in these areas. This can be done by using low-flow toilets or fewer flushes, the use of water-efficient washing
machines, and the repair of leaks can all contribute to significant water savings. Water wastage can be checked by putting in place
various conservation measures.
6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.
(i) i. Fowler was disappointed to see Ausable because he had unrealistic views about secret agents.
ii. Fowler wanted to meet him because he was a writer and wished to meet a real spy.
iii. He was disappointed to meet Ausable who looked ordinary, slow, sluggish and a very fat person who lived in a small
room on the top floor of a cheap hotel.
iv. (a) Finding out secret information
(ii) a. Lencho has a big family. Though not having enough to carry a satisfactory life but still they seem to be self-
sufficient with whatever they have.
b. Lencho had predicted about heavy rainfall.
c. Their elder children were working at the field and the younger ones were playing near the house when Lencho’s wife
calls everyone for dinner. It is during that time, drops of rain begin to fall, hereby proving the farmer’s prediction to
be true.
d. The weather in the valley was pleasant with fresh air, and became unpleasant with hailstones.
e. The woman called the boys for dinner.

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.
(i) i. The figure of speech used in the given line is personification because the sun, which is non-human, is attributed the
human feature of having feet.
ii. False, Explanation- Trees are symbolic of woman. Adrienne Rich is a feminist poet.
iii. (a) is correct. Explanation:- Trees are an integral part of nature/forest. So it is unnatural to depict a treeless forest.
iv. A forest is a natural habitat for numerous birds and insects. When forests are cleared, no bird can make its nest, nor
can insects hide in the bark of the trees and there's nothing to shade the area from sunlight.


(ii) 1. crow
2. The crow shook down the dust of snow.
3. The dust of snow fell on the speaker.
19 P.T.O
4. The interaction between a crow, a hemlock tree, and the speaker, specifically how the crow caused
snow to fall on the speaker.

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words

(i) The Kodavu people's propensity for martial arts and the fact that they make up the most decorated regiment in the Indian
Army may have led to their being allowed to carry firearms without a licence.
(ii) Through the poem, the poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep the wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away
from their natural habitat. They feel anger, helpless and unhappy and remember their life and environment in the forest.
(iii)Griffin set fire to his landlord’s house as he wanted him to leave his house. Griffin swallowed a rare drug to become
invisible. He had to take off his clothes to become invisible. But it was mid-winter season and he could not live without
clothes anymore. So he decided to become visible again. He went to Iping so that no one would recognise him there. He
wanted to get away from crowded London. At Iping, he booked two rooms at the local inn.
(iv)Anne wanted to provide convincing arguments to her teacher to support her talkative nature. She argued that talking was
a student's trait and important to a student's life. However, she would do her best to keep it under control. In her essay,
she wrote that she would never be able to cure herself of the habit. The reason was that her mother talked as much as she
did. Besides, there was not much one could do about inherited traits.
(v) The word ‘fire’ stands for 'desire'. In the poem, it indicates all types of greed and lust to have more and more
possessions. The word ‘ice’ in the poem indicates 'hatred and indifference' which is as cold as ‘ice’. Unlike fire, it grows
slowly but can be more destructive and is sufficient to devastate the world twice.
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words.
(i) Mr. Herriot’s strict advice was to cut down Tricki's diet and give him a lot of water and more exercise to avoid illness.
But Mrs. Pumphrey did not pay heed to his advice. She made an excuse that Tricki seemed so weak that she had to relent
and could not refuse him.
(ii) Horace was arrested because his finger prints were all around the safe since he had opened the safe bare-handed. He told
that the landlady had asked him to open the safe. No one believed his story. The real lady of the house was an old lady of
sixty. The young lady was another thief.
(iii)One day, the Halls got up early and were surprised to see that the door of the scientist's room was open. Normally, it
remained shut and locked. The Halls felt like making the use of the opportunity as they could not see anyone inside.
They went inside to investigate. They saw that the bedclothes were cold which showed that the scientist had been up for
some time. His clothes and bandages were lying loose in the room. Suddenly, they heard a sniffing sound although there
was no one in the room. The hat on the bedpost leapt onto Mrs. Hall's face and the bedroom chair became alive and
sprung straight at her. The Halls got terrified and decided to leave the scientist's room.

20 P.T.O
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words
(i) Young seagull: Brother 1, I'm so hungry, kindly give me some food.
Brother 1: I'm holding the food in my beak for you. But you will have to jump the ledge and take it.
Young seagull: I am scared! The sea below is so deep. I'll die.
Brother 2: No, you won't. We birds learn flying only after jumping. See, how well I'm flying.
Young seagull: Are you sure, I won't fall into the sea?
Sister: Yes, Brother 2 is right. Would a sister ask her brother to do suicide? I am your sister. I am just speechless at your
Young seagull: OK! I trust you. (The young seagull jumped off the ledge. He fell for hundred metres. Soon he began
Sister: See! didn't I tell you; you would fly?
Young seagull: (feeling elated) WOW! Success is just behind the daring. Thanks sister!
(ii) Dear Trees,
It is with great joy that I write to you today on the occasion of your freedom. I can imagine the elation you must be
feeling after so many years of captivity, and I join you in celebrating this momentous occasion.
I am writing to you today to talk about freedom. For me, freedom is something that I have fought for all my life. It is
something that I believe everyone deserves, no matter who they are or where they come from.
I know that you have seen a lot of things in your lifetime, and I am sure you have your own ideas about what freedom
means. For me, it is about being able to live my life the way I want to, without interference from anyone else. It is about
being able to speak my mind and express my opinions without fear of retribution. I know that there are many people in
the world who do not have these freedoms, and I am committed to fighting for them.
Nelson Mandela
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words.

(i) 22, Rue National

26 March 78
The General Director
Department of Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years. In this time, he has
very well proved that presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than gun. His sharp reaction, particularly to a
dangerous situation, is very quick and thorough. He has outwitted and defeated many rival secret agents who had come
to take away the important reports.
Ausable has my enthusiastic recommendation. He is a kind, intelligent, quick-witted and a strong person who has a clear
sense of direction, purpose and decision-making. I am confident that he will bring the same warmth, support, insight and
hard work to his new work place and position. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
It's a privilege to have such devoted employees like Ausable in our department wishing him a bright future ahead.
Yours sincerely
(ii) Hari Singh stole six hundred rupees while Anil was sleeping. He went to the railway station after stealing the money but
did not board the train. His conscience pricked him for robbing a man like Anil, who had trusted him and helped him. He
knew that Anil would feel bad when he would come to know about his stolen money. He realised that the money
wouldn't matter much, but the loss of trust and faith which he had reposed in him would matter as he had betrayed it. He
felt lonely and sad at the thought of leaving Anil. He roamed around aimlessly and remembered the good times he had
spent with Anil. He remembered how Anil taught him to read and write. He realised that stealing was completely
different from getting an education. He realised that being an educated man would add to his abilities. So, he
immediately decided to go back to Anil because of his respect for Anil and his own desire to get an education and follow
the path of honesty.

Series ENG/10/02 Set ~ 2

Roll No. Q.P Code 10/02/02

Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:
1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

1 P.T.O
Section A

1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in
the communication process. One of the greatest gifts any of us can ever
receive is the gift of listening. It is also one of the greatest gifts we can
ever give. Unfortunately, it appears to be a lost art. We live in a world
where everyone is talking but few are listening. What often passes for
listening is simply one person pausing to collect their thoughts for their
next soliloquy.
2. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires
more than that it requires focus. Listening means paying attention not
only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and
how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means
being aware of both verbal and non - verbal messages. Your ability to
listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and
understand these messages.

3. Listening is a difficult task. Like every skill the more you do it, the better
you get up. Listening can be developed through practice, or lost if not
used regularly. Good listeners focus on what they are hearing. They
pause to think about what they’ve heard beforeresponding. They ask
questions because they want to know the answers. Not just to keep the
conversation going.
4. So often, we are distracted by other things. We try to listen while

2 P.T.O
continuing to work on the computer or watch television. To be fully
present means we eliminate these distractions and focus exclusively on
the other person. It takes great effort to be fully in the moment, leaning
forward, eyes and heart open. Words are only part of communication.
Sometimes we need to experience the other person’s feelings to
understand. We need to listen with our hearts as well as our mind. We
must repeat back what the other person has said. When we do this and
do it accurately - we communicate that we understand. It also allows us
to re - calibrate our understanding if we have misunderstood something.
Plenty of people are good talkers, few are good listeners. If you develop
the latter skill, you will find yourself invited into amazing conversations
that wouldn’t otherwise happen.

1. According to the passage, listening appear to be a lost are because we

live in a world where .

2. Choose the options with the sentences thatare NOT TRUE according to
the passage.

(I) Words are only the part of communication.

(II) Lots of people are good listeners.

(III) Listening refers to the voice that you heat.

(IV) Good listeners focus on what they hear.

(V) Listening is a tough task.

(VI) Hearing requires no focus.

a. II, III, VI

b. III, V, VI
c. I, III, IV

d. I, IV, VI

3. Fill in the blank with the correct option.

focus on what they are hearing.

a. good listeners

b. good orators

c. good understanding

d. good speakers

3 P.T.O
4. Select the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from
the following.

a. Do more listening than talking

b. Never stop listening

c. Learn by talking

d. Listening is talking

5. We need to experience the other person’s feelings:

a. to really understand

b. to be the part of the communication

c. to recalibrate our understanding

d. to keep the conversation going

6. What our ability to listen effectively depends on?

a. how the other person uses his or her body

b. use of language and voice

c. both (a) and (b)

d. degree to which we perceive and understand the messages

7. We need to with our heart as well as our mind.

8. hearing , different from listening as:

a. Hearing eliminates distraction; Listening gives us an opportunity

to re - calibra our understanding

b. Hearing is the ability to receive message; Listening is the ability to

interpret message

c. Hearing refers to the sounds that youhear; Listening means

paying attention not only to the story, but how is it told

d. Option (a), (b) and (c)

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. The North - East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of
people and races, an ethnic tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these
states are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country. The
new generations of travellers who are ‘money rich and time poor’ are

4 P.T.O
increasingly looking for unique experiences - a phenomenon being
called the emergence of the ‘experience economy’. For this new and
growing breed of tourists, the North - East with its variety and
uniqueness holds immense attraction.

2. A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the

foreign tourist arrival in the North - East increased from 37,380 persons
in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of tourist (both
domestic and foreign) in the North - East was as high as 26.44% during
2005 - 06. A high and positive growth of 12.53% was registered in
foreign tourist visits to North - East States of India during 2012 from
2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during 2013
from 2012. Foreign tourist arrivals in the North - East witnessed a
growth of 39.77% during 2014 from 2013, according to data provided
from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

3. The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to

concentrate on some key areas like enhancement of tourist facilities,
tourism financing, focus on community involvement and others for the
formulation of a sustainable tourism strategy in the North - East States
of India.
1. Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1.

The rate of tourism in the North - East of India puzzles tourism officials.

2. Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks.

From paragraph 1, we can infer that the and of the North -

Eastern states aid attracting the ‘money rich and time poor’ tourists.

a. distinctiveness

b. conventionality

c. diversity

d. uniformity

e. modernity

a. i & iii

b. ii & iv

c. ii & v

d. i & iv
3. Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/ phrase from

5 P.T.O
paragraph 1:

aroma : cooking :: : painting

( Clue: Just like aroma is integral to cooking, similarly is/are

integral to painting)

4. Select the correct option to complete the following sentence:

Travellers advocating the ‘experience economy’ seek a holiday package
with (Paragraph 1)

a. grand facilities, expensive hotels and excellent services to pamper


b. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.

c. places and cities to buy things from and opportunities spend


d. cost - effective services, affordable accommodation and many

days of touring.

5. Select the chart that appropriately represents the trend of foreign tourist
travels in the North - East, from 2011 - 2014, as per paragraph 2.

a. Option A

b. Option B

c. Option C

d. Option D

6. Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.

The study of tourist travel statistics in the North - East, from 2005 to
2014 showed results.

a. expected

b. encouraging

6 P.T.O
c. inconsistent

d. questionable

7. Substitute the word ‘witnessed’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in

the following, sentence from paragraph 2:

Foreign tourist arrivals in the North - East witnessed a growth of...

8. Select the option that titles paragraphs 1 - 3 appropriately, with
reference to information in the text.

a. (1) Full Speed Ahead!, (2) Ups and Downs, (3) Cause for Concern

b. (1) Winds of Change, (2) Numbers Don’t Lie, (3) Time for Action

c. (1) Inspecting Trends, (2) Statistically Speaking, (3) Let’s


d. (1) Cause & Effect, (2) Dynamic Data, (3) Dependable Facts


3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]

1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for
the given portion of a letter:

This selfless initiative carried out with dedication and responsibility,

(deserve) due recognition.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report
and supply the correction.

Critics have time and again points out that our education system tends to
judge widely different students on single - line parameters, which is

Use the given format for your response.

3. Report the dialogue between the gatekeeper and the visitor by

completing the sentence:

Gatekeeper: Whom do you want to meet?

Visitor: I want to see the art and craft exhibition.
In response to the question about whom the visitor wanted to meet, the

7 P.T.O
visitor replied .

4. "He is coming today," the mother said.

She said that he .

a) came the previous day

b) was coming the day before

c) would come the next day

d) was coming that day

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

He is an expert on languages, but he knows (a lot of / little / a

few) about mathematics.

6. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction:

The dog has eaten his food before the trainer arrived.
Use the given format for your response:

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for
the following line, from a news report:

This exams open doors to higher education, improve employment

opportunities and increase options.

8. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following

The inspector the group sitting behind the shed and took them by

a) walked away

b) walked up on

c) walked up

8 P.T.O
d) walked into

9. Read the conversation and complete the sentence by reporting the

reply correctly.

Ranbir: Sir, can I be excused this once?

Policeman: I hope you’ll remember the lesson you learned today. OK!
This should be the last time. Don’t repeat the mistake again.

Ranbir requested the policeman to excuse him that once. Hoping Ranbir
would remember the lesson he had learned that day, the policeman
finally advised him .
10. He said to the interviewer, "Could you please repeat the question?"

Reported speech: ________

a) He requested the interviewer if he could please repeat the question.

b) He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question.

c) He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.

d) He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question.

11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank
with the correct option.

Where the mind is withouttear and the head is held high

Where knowledge is free

Where the world not up into fragments

By narrow domestic walls

a. has been broken

b. had been broken

c. will be broken

d. have been broken

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

9 P.T.O
Use the given format for your response.


4 You feel that the Right to Education is going to help India rise above the narrow [5]
boundaries of prejudices of caste, colour, creed and corruption. Write a letter to
the editor of The Times of India, reflecting your views on the subject. Sign
yourself as Nandita/Naveen of Paschim Vihar, Delhi (word limit 100 - 120).

You are Rita/Rahul and you came across the following information on your local

club notice board.

You wish to enrol but require more information. Write a letter to the Yoga
Institute, M.G. Road, Pune, enquiring details of timing, batch size, eligibility, etc.
for joining the course.
5 The given pie - chart shows how water is consumed in households in a
metropolitan city in India. Study the information carefully and write a
paragraph analysing the given pie - chart data.

The chart below displays details regarding online activity for six age groups in
six categories. In 150 - 200 words, write an analysis paragraph for the table

10 P.T.O


6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the

sentences that follow:

”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You
were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and
danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and
romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of
pistols, drugs in the wine.”
a. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?

b. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?

c. Complete the given sentence:

Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because .

d. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?

i. Finding out secret information

ii. Dealing with careless behaviour

iii. Ignorant about certain things

iv. Dealing indifferently

e. What was the expectation about Ausable?

2. Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow:

The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there
was a letter for him. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to
him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who
has performed a good deed, looked on from his office. Lencho showed

11 P.T.O
not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence -
but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have
made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had

a. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money? Answer in

about 40 words.

b. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. Lencho

became angry when he got the money because .

i. He was only given 70 pesos when he had asked for 100


ii. He wanted more money.

iii. He wanted money directly from God.

iv. He understood that The postmaster collected money for


c. Identify the irony used in the above stanza.

d. State any one inference about the postmaster from the given
context: It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him
while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man
who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office.

e. Who handed Lencho the letter?

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

All night the roots work to

disengage themselves from the cracks

In the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

Small twigs stiff with exertion

Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof

Like newly discharged patients

Half dazed moving

12 P.T.O
To the clinic doors.

a. Choose the correct option that mentions the correct poetic device
against the correct example.

i. Option (1)
ii. Option (2)

iii. Option (3)

iv. Option (4)

b. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?

c. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.

d. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”.

Highlight any two reasons for the same.

2. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

All night the roots work to

disengage themselves from the cracks

In the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

Small twigs stiff with exertion

Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof

Like newly discharged patients

Half dazed moving To the clinic doors

i. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?

13 P.T.O
ii. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.

iii. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”. Highlight
any two reasons for the same.

iv. What natural elements are depicted in the stanza?

v. How are the leaves described in their movement?

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words [12]
1. What was the story about the origin of the people of Coorg?

2. How does the tiger walk in the cage?

3. Based on your reading, would you call the narrator a family man? Justify
your answer. Answer in the context of the lesson Two Stories about
Flying .

4. What did Anne Frank think about her father?

5. What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and
Ice contribute to it?

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words. [6]

1. Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think that the dog’s recovery is ’a triumph

2. What purpose did the balcony serve in the story, The Midnight Visitor

3. What do you think would have happened if Griffin was caught by Jaffers
and the latter hadn’t become unconscious?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words [6]
1. The young seagull’s parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and
sister. How could the young seagull’s newly flying siblings (Brother 1,
Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief conversation
among them.

2. Tiger in a zoo just overheard from the visitors that Nelson Mandela
became the first black president fighting for freedom. He writes a letter
to Nelson Mandela appealing Mandela to set the him free.

You may begin like this.

Dear Mandela,
I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president

14 P.T.O
fighting for freedom. I wanted to write to you to....

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words. [6]
1. As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before
the robbery.

Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the
events of the story The Question of Trust.

Wednesday, 12 July 78 9 PM

Its D - day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited
at the same time...(continue)...

2. Describe Anil’s qualities as a man and as an employer.

15 P.T.O







CH-1 A Triumph of Surgery

CH-2 The Thief’s Story
CH-3 The Midnight Visitor
CH-4 A Question of Trust
CH-5 Footprints without Feet

Section A
1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
1. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. One of the greatest gifts
any of us can ever receive is the gift of listening. It is also one of the greatest gifts we can ever give. Unfortunately, it appears
to be a lost art. We live in a world where everyone is talking but few are listening. What often passes for listening is simply
one person pausing to collect their thoughts for their next soliloquy.
2. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that it requires focus. Listening means paying
attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.
In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the
degree to which you perceive and understand these messages.
3. Listening is a difficult task. Like every skill the more you do it, the better you get up. Listening can be developed through
practice, or lost if not used regularly. Good listeners focus on what they are hearing. They pause to think about what they've
heard before responding. They ask questions because they want to know the answers. Not just to keep the conversation going.
4. So often, we are distracted by other things. We try to listen while continuing to work on the computer or watch television. To
be fully present means we eliminate these distractions and focus exclusively on the other person. It takes great effort to be
fully in the moment, leaning forward, eyes and heart open. Words are only part of communication. Sometimes we need to
experience the other person's feelings to understand. We need to listen with our hearts as well as our mind. We must repeat
back what the other person has said. When we do this and do it accurately-we communicate that we understand. It also allows
us to re-calibrate our understanding if we have misunderstood something. Plenty of people are good talkers, few are good
listeners. If you develop the latter skill, you will find yourself invited into amazing conversations that wouldn't otherwise
(i) Everyone is talking but few are listening.
(ii) (a) II, III, IV
The context shows (I) negligence as the person will ignore the limits and (IV) recklessness as the person knows that he
has reached his limit but still cheeses to see how long can he get by with it. It doesn't show any of (II), (III) or (V)
options. Hence, option (a) is the right answer
(iii)(a) good listeners
(iv)(a) Do more listening than talking
(v) (a) to really understand
In order to understand the other person completely, we need to listen to him through both our heart and mind. Hence (a)
is the right answer.
(vi)(d) degree to which we perceive and understand the messages
(c) Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear; Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how is it told
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
1. The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of people and races, an ethnic tapestry of many hues
and shades. Yet, these states are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country. The new generations of travellers who
are ‘money rich and time poor’ are increasingly looking for unique experiences - a phenomenon being called the emergence of
the ‘experience economy’. For this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with its variety and uniqueness holds
immense attraction.
2. A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign tourist arrival in the North-East increased from
37,380 persons in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of tourist (both domestic and foreign) in the North-East
was as high as 26.44% during 2005-06. A high and positive growth of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to North-
East States of India during 2012 from 2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during 2013 from 2012. Foreign
tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2014 from 2013, according to data provided from the
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
3. The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to concentrate on some key areas like enhancement of
tourist facilities, tourism financing, focus on community involvement and others for the formulation of a sustainable tourism

17 P.T.O
strategy in the North-East States of India.
(i) This is so because these states are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country, in spite of having lots to offer.
(ii) A. i & iii
(iii)hues and shades
(iv)B. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.
(v) B. Option B
(vi)B. encouraging
(vii)observed/recorded/showed/displayed (Any other similar relevant)
B. (1) Winds of Change, (2) Numbers Don't Lie, (3) Time for Action
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed
(i) deserves
(ii) error correction

points pointed
(iii)that he wanted to see the art and craft exhibition.
(iv) (d) was coming that day
Explanation: was coming that day
(v) Little
(vi) Error Correction

has had
(vii)(A) this - these
(viii) (c) walked up
Explanation: walked up
[walk up: Go to someone]
(ix)not to repeat the mistake again
(x) (c) He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.
Explanation: He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.
(xi) A. has been broken
The whole situation presented in the extract states the present condition.
(xii) error correction

is are
4. Paschim Vihar
New Delhi
29 August, 2023

The Editor
Times of India
ITO, New Delhi
Sub: The Transformative Power of Right to Education in India
I am writing to express my fervent belief in the transformative potential of the Right to Education Act in India. This crucial
legislation not only guarantees every child's access to quality education but also serves as a beacon of hope in our fight against
prejudice and corruption. Education, as a fundamental right, can bridge the gaps of caste, colour, creed, and corruption that have
long plagued our society. It empowers young minds, nurtures tolerance, and fosters understanding among diverse communities.
I firmly believe that an educated society is a progressive society, where inclusivity and knowledge dismantle barriers. The Right to
Education Act is a significant step toward creating a harmonious, egalitarian India. I urge policymakers to ensure its effective
implementation, empowering every child, regardless of their background, to dream, aspire, and contribute meaningfully to our
nation's growth.

Yours sincerely,
Yoga Institute
M.G. Road, Pune
Subject - To enquire about details of free yoga camp.
Respected Sir/Ma'am,
This is regarding your advertisement for the free yoga camp on the notice board of XYZ club (can put any club's name). I, Rita,
am writing this letter to enquire about the free yoga which is going to be organized by your institute in our locality.
I would like to know about the details of the timing, and batch size in case it's already full, please let me know if there is another
batch that I can join. Eligibility that is required to join this particular course.
I would really like to join this course in order to tackle stress, build concentration and lead an overall healthy life.
I will look forward to your response at earliest.
Thanking you
Yours Sincerely
5. The pie chart shows how much water is consumed by households in a metropolitan city in India. Nearly half of the water (46%)
used in households is used for toilets and laundry, with toilet usage accounting for the highest percentage at 26 %. Showers and
faucets each consume 16% and 17% of the total usage. Leaks make up 14% of waste, which is another significant factor. For
washing dishes and taking a bath the percentage of water consumed is just 3% together. The water usage can be curbed if it is not
a part of essential usage. Wastage of water can be checked by putting in place various conservation measures.
For six distinct types of activities, the table above illustrates the online activities of seven age groups, ranging from teenagers to
those in their seventies. The chart illustrates that younger people are more interested in online games and news, whereas elderly
people use the internet to study and buy items.
The chart shows that adolescents mostly use the internet for games (up to 81 percent), news, and downloads and that they are
interested in finding people or friends, as well as completing product research. The middle-aged group (those in their 20s to 60s)
is very interested in obtaining news, conducting product research, and purchasing items, with a proportion of 70-80%. The
internet activity that takes up the least amount of time is looking for individuals. Every age group spends less than 30% of their
internet time doing the same thing. With age, the amount of time spent on downloading drops, and it can be as low as 6%. (for
people in the 70s).
Overall, the table indicates that teens are most likely to spend their time playing video games and downloading content. Older
individuals, on the other hand, are interested in studying and purchasing items. People spend the least amount of time online
looking for others.
6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.
(i) i. Fowler was disappointed to see Ausable because he had unrealistic views about secret agents.
ii. Fowler wanted to meet him because he was a writer and wished to meet a real spy.
iii. He was disappointed to meet Ausable who looked ordinary, slow, sluggish and a very fat person who lived in a small
room on the top floor of a cheap hotel.
iv. (a) Finding out secret information
v. The expectation about Ausable was that he would be a mysterious and thrilling character, involved in espionage and danger,
dealing with mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, and drugs in the wine.

(ii) i. Lencho was not surprised at seeing the money because he was confident and had firm faith in God.
ii. (A) Lencho was angry because he requested 100 pesos from God and he got only 70 pesos.
iii. The irony of the situation was that the post office employees about whom Lencho complained to God thinking that
they had stolen the money, actually made contributions to help him.
iv. The Postmaster was a kind, generous, helpful, amiable and God-fearing man. He received a letter from Lencho
which was written to God asking for hundred pesos so that he could sow his fields again. The postman felt
sympathetic towards Lencho. He gave up a part of his salary and asked all other employees to help.
v. He postman himself handed Lencho the letter.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.
(i) i. Option (B) is correct. 19 P.T.O
ii. The leaves strain towards the glass to escape their captivity.
iii. It seems like the trees work silently in the night in order to complete their mission of getting free from the
boundaries of the house. The leaves of the trees try very hard to put a lot of pressure on the glass so that they could
break it.
iv. In the poem, the poet compares the 'trees' to 'newly discharged patients'. Firstly, the trees were enslaved inside the
house like patients in the hospital. Secondly, the trees were exerted like patients, due to the effort that they had to put
in order to be freed from the house.

(ii) Here, balls are the symbol of man’s possessions. Some things are dearer to us than others. It is the custom of the world
that nothing is permanent in life. We acquire our dear things and then suffer from a sense of loss. Balls will be lost and
bought. This would go on constantly. That is why, the poet says, “Balls will be lost always”.
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words
(i) The fiercely independent people of Coorg were possible of Greek or Arabic descent. According to one story, a part of
Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled there when return became impractical. These people married
amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which were distinct
from the Hindu mainstream. The theory of Arab origin drew support from the long, black coat with an embroidered
waist-belt worn by the Kodavus. Known as Kuppia, it resembled the kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.
(ii) The tiger is confined in the narrow cell and paces up and down in the cage restlessly. In the cage, the tiger walks stately
and furiously. He moves very slowly and quietly in a threatening way.
(iii)Indeed, the narrator is a family man. He was dreaming of his holidays with his family. He was looking forward to be
with his family. He wanted to be in time for breakfast for which he took the risk of moving ahead in the storm.
The narrator was a grateful man. He went to the Paris control to ask who was the other pilot who saved his life.
(iv)Anne Frank thought that she had the most adorable father. He married her mother when he was thirty-six. Her father
emigrated to Holland in 1933. Her mother also went with him. Her father, the only survivor of the concentration camp,
returned to Amsterdam after the war ended, to find that Anne's diary had been saved. Convinced that it was a unique
record, he took action to have it published in English under the name 'The Diary of a Young Girl'.
(v) Our desires and hatred would be enough to destroy the world. According to the poet, ‘fire’ represents ‘desire and lust for
the possessions’ and ‘ice’ represents ‘dislike and hatred which grows silently within us’. Desires, just like fire, spread
rapidly and engulf one’s whole life. Similarly, ‘hatred’ fills life with a poison which slowly and gradually leads him to
the destruction.

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words.
(i) Mrs. Pumphrey thinks that the dog’s recovery is ‘a triumph of surgery’ because its condition is very critical when it gets
admitted to Mr. Herriot's hospital. It is not able to even walk properly. But after the treatment, it recovers fully.
(ii) Certainly balcony plays a significant role in the story 'The Midnight Visitor' as a witty secret agent called Ausable
concocts a story using the balcony and dupes Max. When the door was knocked on by the waiter, Ausable threatened
Max that the police had come. Max thought that he would wait for the police to go on the balcony. Max had jumped over
the so-called balcony which never existed and thus met his end.
(iii)If Griffin was caught by Jaffers and the latter hadn't because unconscious, the situation would have been totally different.
The cruelty and lawlessness of Griffin, the scientist, would have come to an end and the people of Iping would have
heaved a sigh of relief.
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words
(i) Young seagull: Brother 1, I'm so hungry, kindly give me some food.
Brother 1: I'm holding the food in my beak for you. But you will have to jump the ledge and take it.
Young seagull: I am scared! The sea below is so deep. I'll die.
Brother 2: No, you won't. We birds learn flying only after jumping. See, how well I'm flying.
Young seagull: Are you sure, I won't fall into the sea?
Sister: Yes, Brother 2 is right. Would a sister ask her brother to do suicide? I am your sister. I am just speechless at your
Young seagull: OK! I trust you. (The young seagull jumped off the ledge. He fell for hundred metres. Soon he began
Sister: See! didn't I tell you; you would fly?
Young seagull: (feeling elated) WOW! Success is just behind the daring. Thanks sister!
(ii) Dear Mr. Mandela,
I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president fighting for freedom. I wanted to write to you to

20 P.T.O
express my gratitude for your efforts in fighting for equality. I also wanted to let you know that I am still fighting for my
own freedom. This news gave me hope that one day I, too, might be freed from my captivity.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to help set me free. I have been living in a small cage for many years
where I am constantly watched by people. I long to be free in the wild. I know that you understand what it is like to be
oppressed, and I hope that you will see fit to help me in my own fight for freedom. I know that you are a busy man, but I
hope that you might be able to help me.
Please, Mr. Mandela, help me to be free.
The Tiger in a Zoo
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words.
(i) Wednesday 12 July 1978
9 pm
Dear Diary
Its D-day finally! Today I don't know whether to feel nervous or excited or both at the same time. I am nervous as I am
afraid whether my robbery plan is fool-proof or not. I am well aware that Horace Danby too is a meticulous planner. He
also must have planned it so well that it comes out as a successful robbery. Duping Danby won't be an easy job.
On the other hand, I am excited too because I might be the owner of jewels worth fifteen thousand pounds. Oh my God!
This really would mean a dream come true god knows how fond am I of jewels and getting them all, without paying a
single penny would be something that I can never imagine.
Hope the plan turns out to successful. I am keeping my fingers crossed till then.
(ii) Anil was a kind, simple and easy going young man. He was tall and lean in stature and interested in sports like wrestling.
He was a writer who wrote for magazines and made money in fits and starts. The narrator met Anil when he was
watching a wrestling match. During this match, the narrator started talking to him to make him his friend. Anil was not
very rich and could not afford to employee Hari as a cook, yet he became ready to have him in his room on his request.
He had the patience and goodness to not only teach Hari to cook but also to read, write and add numbers. Many times he
himself made tea and cooked food and served it to Hari Singh. Though he knew that Hari was stealing little bits of
money from him, he ignored this fact. He was a very trustworthy person. Even when he earned a large amount of money,
he kept the money under his mattress and not under lock and key. He was generous and paid Hari whenever he got some
money. Hari had tried to steal the money from him. He was forgiving and he forgave Hari for the theft and continued to
be good to him.

21 P.T.O
Series ENG/10/3 Set ~ 3
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/3/3
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 14 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.



1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Read the passage given

1. If you’re like most kids, you may love snow. Not only can it get you out of
school, but it’s also fun to play with. Who doesn’t love to sled and build
snowmen? Snow can also be dangerous, too. You may have heard your
parents talk about how difficult it can be to drive in snow. Car accidents
aren’t the only dangers created by snow, though. If you’re ever skiing in
the mountains, you’ll want to be aware of avalanches. An avalanche is a
sudden flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain. The amount of
snow in an avalanche will vary based on many things, but it can be such a
huge amount that it can bury the bottom of a slope in dozens of feet of

2. Avalanches can be caused by many things. Some of them are natural. For
example, new snow or rain can cause built up snow to loosen and fall
down the side of a mountain. Earthquakes and the movement of animals
have also been known to cause avalanches. Artificial triggers can also
cause avalanches. For example, snowmobiles, skiers, gunshots and
explosives have all been known to cause avalanches. Avalanches usually
occur during the winter and spring, when snowfall is greatest. As they
are dangerous to any living beings in their path, avalanches have
destroyed forests, roads, railroads and even entire towns.

Warning signs exist that allow experts to predict - and often prevent -
3. avalanches from occurring. When over a foot of fresh snow falls, experts
know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in
places with massive snow build - ups to trigger smaller avalanches that
don’t pose a danger to persons or property. When deadly avalanches do
occur, the moving snow can quickly reach over 80 miles per hour. Skiers
caught in such avalanches can be buried under dozens of feet of snow.
While it’s possible to dig out of such avalanches, not all are able to

4. If you get tossed about by an avalanche and find yourself buried under
many feet of snow, you might not have a true sense of which way is up
and which way is down. Some avalanche victims have tried to dig their
way out, only to find that they were upside down and digging themselves
farther under the snow rather than to the top ! Experts suggest that
people caught in an avalanche try to "swim" to the top of the moving
snow to stay close to the surface. Once the avalanche stops, do your best
to dig around you to create a space for air, so you can breathe easier.
Then, do your best to figure out which way is up and dig in that direction
to reach the surface and signal rescuers.
1. Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option:

Avalanche can be caused by ____ .

a) high altitude

b) new snow or rain

c) global warming

d) heavy winds

2. Comment on warning signs exist which allow experts to predict

avalanches in two sentences.

3. Mention two reasons which destroyed the natural scenery.

4. Select the option that conveys the opposite of Predict :

a) anticipate

b) forecast

c) doubt

d) cast

5. The writer will agree with the given statement based on last paragraph–

a) People caught in the Avalanche can try to swim to the top.

b) Put on an oxygen mask.

c) Digging is not possible.

d) Should not come close to the surface.

6. Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:

You may not have an idea of which way is up and which way is down .

a) The more the effort, the bigger the gain.

b) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and disperse from Gate No. 2.

c) Due to the torrential rain, there was a heavy flooding .

d) The guest felt uneasy and uncomfortable watching the child’s


7. The major causes which do not trigger an avalanche:

a) Heavy rain

b) Plastic waste

c) Snow fall

d) Earthquakes

8. Explosives can be used in places ____ . (complete the sentence)

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. The white tiger is an offspring of Bengal tiger, which has the necessary
gene for white colouring. It has beautiful black stripes on a white coat.
This species of animal has blue eyes and a pink nose.
2. A pure white tiger is totally white without any stripe, which is due to the
presence of double recessive allele in the genetic code. It happens only in
the Bengal tiger subspecies, and only one in 10,000 births can have it
naturally. White tigers are rarely seen in the wild, and only twelve of
them have been spotted in India since last one - hundred years. Tigers
have a life - span of 10 - 15 years. They are solitary animals, and are
fond of hunting at night. Their diet consists of any animals that they can
catch, and can eat up to 40 pounds of meat at one time. After such a big
meal, they usually remain away for several days from food.

3. They are slow runners, but good swimmers. They are poor climbers and
cannot climb a tree easily. They live in an area ranging from 10 to 30
square miles depending upon the availability of prey, water and shelter.
Habitat loss, poaching and expansion of human population have together
contributed to their becoming endangered. They are widely hunted for
their body - parts, which are used in traditional Chinese medicines.

4. Genetic inbreeding is another reason for their endangerment. Due to

shortage in their number, this species of animal has been subjected to
inbreeding. It has resulted in high mortality rates and severe disabilities.
About 80 percent of the white tiger cubs are born with serious birth -
defects related to inbreeding, and they soon die - off.

5. The critical condition of this animal has attracted the attention of

conservationists worldwide. World Wildlife Federation (WWF),
defenders of wildlife, and many other wildlife organizations are working
with the support of the government for the cause of protecting them
from becoming extinct. Once they become extinct, it will not be possible
to bring them back to life.

1. Complete the following hypothetical situation appropriately, based on

your understanding of paragraph 2.

We can say that while on a safari in Sunderban, the possibility of getting

a view of a pure white tiger is next to nothing because ____ _ _.

2. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets,
based on your understanding of paragraph 2.

The statement that, the presence of double recessive allele genes does
not allow the tigers to have any stripes, is a ____ _ (fact/ opinion)
because it is a ________ (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
3. Justify the following, in about 40 words.

While the given data suggest that the number of tigers is increasing but
processes like genetic inbreeding involved in the process of restoring
their numbers have less effectiveness and more potential drawbacks.

4. What condition has spurred worldwide conservationists to act for

protecting the tigers?

5. Make a comparative study of the increase in the number of tigers

between 2006 - 10 and 2014 - 18.

6. Select the option that correctly displays the natural habitat of the tigers.
(Reference - Paragraph 3)
a. (i), (iv) and (v)

b. Only (ii)

c. Only (iv)

d. (ii) and (v)

7. Infer the features of tigers highlighting one contrasting feature as

mentioned in paragraphs 2 & 3. (Answer in about 40 words)

8. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for tigers’


a. Habitat loss

b. Poaching

c. Inbreeding

d. Outbreeding


3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]

1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for
the given portion of a letter:

Such posters _ _______ (impact) youngsters negatively and can be

hazardous to their self - esteem.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for
Kids site and supply the correction.

As humans have taken over more and more land for cities, roads, and
farms, natural areas had disappeared.
Use the given format for your response.
3. Report the dialogue between Ashish and his interviewer by completing
the sentence:

Interviewer: Why do you want to be a computer programmer?

Ashish: I have always been interested in computers.

In response to the question of the interviewer about why Ashish wanted

to be a computer programmer, he replied __ .

4. The Captain said to his men, "Stand at ease".

Reported speech: ________

a) The Captain told his men that they should stand at ease.

b) The Captain wanted his men to stand at ease.

c) The Captain urged his men to stand at ease.

d) The Captain commanded his men to stand at ease.

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

She was __ (never / neither / either) ready for the interview nor
wanted to take the job.

6. Identify the error in the given sentence where two girls are talking and
one of them is saying about her mother and supply the correction.

My mother teaches at one of the reputed schools of the city. She is a M.A.

Use the given format for your response.

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for
the following line, from a news report:
The roof and the backside of the bus were blown off by the blast that
occurred on Thursday, but no one was injured.
8. Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct

The students __ to participate in the workshop, and submit a report

at the end of the day to the English teacher.

a) were ask

b) had been asked

c) were asked

d) will have asked

9. Rakhi shared some information with Ramesh about her school camping
trip. Report Ramesh’s question.

What challenge did you face on your trek?

10. "I am leaving the city tomorrow," thelecturer said.

He said that __ leaving the city __.

a) he is,tomorrow

b) he was,the following day

c) he was,that day

d) I was,previous day

11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank
with the correct option.

My Mother is not the sort of Mum

Who’ll ______ and faint and shiver,

Darkness doesn’t scare her,

When it thunders, she won’t __ !

a. be squealing, quiver
b. squeal, be quiver

c. squeal, quiver

d. be squealing, have been quivered

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

Use the given format for your response.

4 Express your views by writing a letter to the Editor of the daily local newspaper [5]
on the subject ’Reforming Beggars’.


You are Sudha/Sudhir, Principal of Vasant School, Agra. Your school has started
a Music Department. Write a letter to the Manager of Melody House, M.G. Road,
Agra, wholesale suppliers of musical instruments, placing a detailed order for
five musical instruments for the school. Ask for a discount on the catalogue

5 Global weather has been undergoing a drastic change and global warming is [5]
responsible for creating arctic meltdowns. Use the given pie chart to write a
paragraph analysing the reasons for climate change in about 100 - 120 words.


Study the following bar graph depicting major exports from Medland in the
current year. Write a paragraph interpreting the data.

6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You
were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and
danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and
romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of
pistols, drugs in the wine.”
a. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?

b. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?

c. Complete the given sentence:

Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because ___ _.

d. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?

i. Finding out secret information

ii. Dealing with careless behaviour

iii. Ignorant about certain things

iv. Dealing indifferently


Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The
flowers were gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness.
When the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said
to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail
has left nothing. This year we will have no corn.” That night was a
sorrowful one. “All our work, for nothing.” “There’s no one who can help
us.” “We’ll all go hungry this year.” But in the hearts of all who lived in
that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope:
help from God. “Don’t be so upset, even though this seems like a total
loss. Remember no one dies of hunger.” “That’s what they say: no one
dies of hunger.”
a. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a) - (d) below, can be
applied to the question - What was totally destroyed in the rain?

i. The crop was totally destroyed in the rain.

ii. Lencho became stressed and disappointed as everything

went against the plan.

iii. The trees had shed their leaves, corns were smashed and
the flowers had also fallen from their plants.

iv. All their hard work had gone in vain.

b. The night was sorrowful for Lencho’s family. Elaborate in about

40 words, with reference to the extract.

c. Which phrase would correctly substitute ’solitary’ in the given

sentence from the extract? But in the hearts of all who lived in
that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single
hope: help from God.

d. Which of the following is NOT an answer to the question: What

made them feel sorrow? What was their hope?

i. Storm of hailstones destroyed their field and made them


ii. They had faith on God and hoped to get help from God.

iii. He felt helpless as no corn had been left and feared, that
they might have to starve this time.

iv. These raindrops would ensure a good crop which would

eventually get them a lot of money.

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

My head is full of whispers

which tomorrow will be silent.

Listen. The glass is breaking.

The trees are stumbling forward

into the night. Winds rush to meet them.

The moon is broken like a mirror,

its pieces flash now in the crown

of the tallest oak.

a. Why would the whispers be silent tomorrow?

b. The forest undergoes tremendous transformation overnight.

Discuss with reference to the poem “The Trees”

c. Which word in the stanza means the same as ‘quiet’?

d. Which poetic device has been used in the last line ’its pieces flash
now in the crown of the tallest oak.’

i. Simile

ii. Alliteration

iii. imagery

iv. Personification


Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.

.a. What do people think about the ending of the world?

b. What is the poet’s opinion?
c. What does ‘desire’ mean here?
d. Name the poem and the poet.

E.What do some believe about the world's end?

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words [12]
1. Describe the viewthat Rajvir saw as thetrain pulled out of the station.

2. Why does the tiger express his anger quietly?

3. Create a questionnaire of two most important questions that you would

have liked to ask Nelson Mandela during an interview. Give your reasons
for choosing those questions.

4. Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? Does she
treat Kitty as an insider or an outsider?

5. How does Robert Frost, the poet of Fire and Ice, caution the common
9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words. [6]
1. Do you think the narrator’s decision to not reveal the actual treatment to
Mrs. Pumphrey was unprofessional? Justify your stance.

2. The woman posing as house owner’s wife had laid out a careful plan to
dupe Horace Danby. Cite any two instances from the text that suggest the

3. What was the reason of Jaffers’s astonishment?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words [6]
1. In a parallel world, the pilot of the black aeroplane narrates his
adventure in a story titled The Old Dakota . You come across an excerpt
from the story, which responds to the ending questions of Black
Aeroplane and describes the black aeroplane pilot’s decision to fly away
after watching the Dakota land.

Compose the said excerpt of the story employing relevant details from
Black Aeroplane .

2. After having read the lesson on the oppression that communities faced in
South Africa, you were deeply hurt. You could also relate to the struggles
and hardships of millions of Indians who fought against the oppressive
British rule.

Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about oppression faced by

people in their homeland. You may begin like this:

24 August 20XX,

Monday 9:00 pm My heart is filled with sadness as I think of the

oppressed who had to tolerate the inhuman attitude of the oppressors in
their own land ...

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words. [6]
1. Ausable’s employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for
Ausable so that he may be promoted to a higher rank in the secret

As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with
reference to the instance in the chapter as a prime example of Ausable’s

You may begin this way:

22, Rue Nationale


26 March’ 78

The General Director

Department for Internal Security

11 - A, Rue de Dunkerque


Subject: Letter of Recommendation

This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee

with us for the past two years.

In this time, he has

Yours sincerely


2. How did Anil lead his life? What was his profession? Why was Anil ready
to have Hari Singh as a servant?
Series ENG/10/4 Set ~ 4
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/4/4
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Read the

following passage carefully:

1. Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very expensive.
Some organic food costs twice as much as non - organic food. Parents of
young children and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for
organic food if they think it is healthier. But many others think organic
food is just a waste of money.

2. There is one main difference between organic and non - organic food.
Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals such as pesticides that
stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries, foods that claim to
be organic must have special labels that guarantee they’re grown

3. Some people think organic also means ’locally grown’ and originally it
was indeed true. But over a period of time organic farming has become a
big business, with many organic foods now being grown by large
agricultural companies that sell their products far from where they’re
grown. Processed food made with organic ingredients has also become
more popular. At first, only small companies produced these products.
But as demand overtook supply, big food companies that had been
selling non - organic products for many years also began selling organic

4. Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of

the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is safer and more
nutritious. They think agricultural chemicals can cause serious illnesses
such as cancer, but there isn’t much evidence proving this is true.
However, recent studies have shown that eating organically - grown
produce reduces your chances of developing heart diseases. Many
doctors think it is more important to stop dangerous bacteria from
contaminating foods. These bacteria can contaminate both organic and
non - organic fruits and vegetables, and doctors recommend washing
produce carefully before eating it. Meat, fish and chicken can also
become contaminated so washing your hands before handling these
foods is also very important.

1. People are willing to pay high prices for organic food because

a) it does not contain agricultural chemicals.

b) it is produced by small companies.

c) it is not easily available.

d) it helps in weight loss.

2. Select the option that displays what the writer projects with reference to
the following:

Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of

the debate.

a) denial

b) caution

c) confirmation

d) acceptance

3. Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 3.

4. The writer contrasts organic food to non - organic food.

State one point of comparison between the two.

5. Based on your reading of the text, list one benefit of eating organic food.

6. What connect does the writer draw between contamination of food and
washing hands?
7. The writer says that people believe that it is safer and more nutritious to
eat organic food. Select the reason for his sceptical view.

a) it is tastier

b) the price decides the popularity

c) it is marketed by big food companies

d) there is no confirmed evidence

8. Supply one point to justify the following:

Some people think organic also means locally grown .

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Keep your watch accurate. For some people, moving up the time on their
watch will help them get up earlier. For others, they will remember that
the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. It may be
helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten.

2. Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each

room of your house. One of the easiest ways to run late is simply by not
realising that the time is passing as quickly as it is.

3. Set all your clocks and watches to the same time. Don’t be an optimist.
Things usually take longer than what you’d expect, even without major
delays. If you have a dinner appointment at 7:30 p.m., don’t think you
can work till 7 p.m., then take a bath, dress and reach on time.
Realistically, calculate the time you will take at each step and then add
10 minutes more to allow for unexpected delays, or you cannot get to
your job done in time.

4. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. Don’t hit the snooze
button, keep on lying in bed, and watch TV at the very start of your day.
May be you can try even setting your clock 10 minutes earlier than you
need. If you have difficulty with this, move your alarm clock to
somewhere away from your bed; that way, you will have to get up to
turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything. If
you have to reach your place of work at 8:00, don’t even tell yourself this.
Just tell yourself (and everyone else who listens - but don’t annoy them
or make them think that they are late or early!) "I have to be at work at
7:45." If you do this, you will be on time even with little unforeseen
delays. You will be on time even with a traffic jam.
1. Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your
understanding of paragraph 3.

We can say that the situation of people being optimist about things is
comparable to students preparing only the important questions for the
final exam leaving the textbook untouched because .

2. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets,
based on your understanding of paragraph 4. The statement that,
commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything, is a
(fact/opinion) because it is a (subjective judgement/objective

3. Justify the following, in about 40 words.

We are advised to keep our watch accurate in paragraph.

4. Based on the given ideal schedule, what is the ideal time for the students
to wake up and rest?

5. State an inference aboutwhere the students spend their maximum time.

6. Select the option that correctly displays what snooze signifies.

(Reference - Paragraph 4)
a. (i), (iv), and (v)

b. Only (ii)

c. Only (iii)

d. (iv) and (v)

7. Infer the remedy provided in the passage to tackle unforeseen delays.

(Answer in about 40 words)

8. Which of the following is NOT one of the takeaways from the study
mentioned in the passage?
a. Wake up at a fixed and favourable time as per your schedule.

b. To reach your workplace on time and calculate the time before

starting any work.

c. Planning to be ready or reach at least 30 minutes earlier than the

required time.

d. People fail to realise that the clock is ticking fast, and we will run
out of time soon.

3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for
the given portion of a letter:

To ensure that this project gains strength, schools may (organize)

puppet shows and street plays.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for
Kids site and supply the correction.

Bee bus stops are a small step toward support important pollinating

Use the given format for your response.

3. Read the conversation between two students.

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly.

Ramesh: Are you planning to participate in the annual play?

Saera: I would like to but I don’t think I will be selected.

Ramesh asked Saera whether she was planning to participate in the

annual day to which Saera replied .

4. The teacher said, "let the boy go home now".

Reported speech: ________

a) The teacher said that the boy may be allowed to go home now.

b) The teacher said that the boy might be allowed to go home then.

c) The teacher asked if the boy might be allowed to go home then.

d) The teacher said the boy might be allowed to go home then.

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

Heavy fines and jail sentences have made (a little / much / few)
difference in preventing elephant poaching for their tusks.
6. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for
Kids site and supply the correction.

Small gardens on bus shelter roofs are being planted with flowers
chosen to help support the struggle insects.
Use the given format for your response.
7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for
the following line, from a news report:

A school has adopted safety measures like screening of everyone who

enters school premises and special sanitization of the school as per WHO


8. She invited me to dinner. But it two years since I to her house.

So I lost my way.

a) is / went

b) was / had gone

c) is / have - been

d) had been / went

9. Read the conversation between the shopkeeper and the customer.

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly:

The shopkeeper : Do you want to buy the bead necklace?

The customer : I am looking for a more colourful one.

The shopkeeper asked the customer whether she would buy the bead
necklace to which the customer responded .

10. I said, "Two fixed menus for us,please."

I our meal.

a) proposed

b) protested

c) ordered

d) suggested
11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank
with the correct option.
An angel writing in a book of gold:

Exceeding peace Ben Adhem bold,

And to the presence in the room he said,

"What writest thou" - The vision is head,

a. makes, raises

b. had made, raised

c. had made, raise

d. makes, raised

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

Use the given format for your response.

4 During the monsoons, mosquitoes find safe places like stagnant water and piles [5]
of garbage for breeding. As a result, many cases of dengue fever in your city
have been noticed. More than a thousand victims have been hospitalized in
different parts of the city. You are Varun/Varsha, a responsible citizen. Write a
letter to the editor of a local daily, emphasizing the need to create awareness of
the problem of dengue, its causes, prevention and treatment.


As a health conscious person, you have noticed an advertisement in a

newspaper on yoga classes in your neighbourhood. Write a letter to the
Organiser, Yoga for Public, R.K. Puram, New Delhi requesting him/her to send
you information about the duration of the course and other relevant details. You
are Shweta/Srikar of 15, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.

5 The increase in the number of news channels is indicative of their growing [5]
popularity in terms of viewership.
Write a paragraph analyzing their above given pie chart on what viewers like
watching in news channels. (100 - 120 words)


The school library is setting up a section of digital and audio books. However,
teachers feel that the touch and feel of a paper book enhancethe reading

Write an analytical paragraph on the above argument in not more than 120
6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.

"What will you do now, Max ?" Ausable asked. "If I do not answer the
door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not
hesitate to shoot".

a. Who is Max?

i. a spy

ii. a tourist

iii. a businessman

iv. a waiter

b. Max was unprepared for his mission. Elaborate with reference to

the extract.

c. Actually the door was knocked at by .

d. Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to the word

In the north - east huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching.
The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than
to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body and when he
returned he exclaimed, "These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they
are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces and the little ones are

a. Why did Lencho go out in the rain? Answer in about 40 words.

b. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a) - (d) below, can be a
true reference to the following statement ’Lencho compared the
rain drops to new coins.’

i. Lencho enjoys rainfall as it provides a pleasant weather to

his family.

ii. The raindrops help him to grow and harvest the crops,
which results in more prosperity.

iii. They reflect light and have a shiny appearance, especially

when they are freshly fallen.

iv. Lencho depends on rain for farming.

c. Which phrase/word would correctly substitute ’huge’ in the given

sentence from the extract.

’In the north - east huge mountains of clouds could be seen


d. State any one inference about Lencho from the given context:

"The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure
of feeling the rain on his body and when he returned he
exclaimed, "These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they are
new coins."

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

All night the roots work to

disengage themselves from the cracks

In the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

Small twigs stiff with exertion

Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof

Like newly discharged patients

Half dazed moving

To the clinic doors.

a. Choose the correct option that mentions the correct poetic device
against the correct example.

i. Option (1)

ii. Option (2)

iii. Option (3)

iv. Option (4)

b. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?

c. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.

d. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”.

Highlight any two reasons for the same.


The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of now

From a hemlock tree

1. What fell from the hemlock tree onto the speaker?

2. What did the crow do to the speaker?

3. What type of tree did the crow perch on?

4. What moment in time does the dust represent?

5. Where did the dust come from?

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words [12]
1. Why do the most laidback individuals become converts to the life of high
- energy adventures of Coorg?

2. What does the poet want to convey through the poem A Tiger in the Zoo?

3. What did ’being free’ mean to Mandela as a boy and as a student?

4. Why does Anne think that paper has more patience than people ?

5. What does fireand icestand for and what is the general opinion regarding
the world?

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words. [6]
1. Why was Mr. Herriot shocked when he saw Tricki in bad condition?

2. In the chapter A Question of Trust , Horace Danby’s final arrest was a

blessing in disguise. Comment briefly.

3. Who was Jaffers? What happened tohim atthe inn?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words [6]
1. Imagine that the narrator shared his story with friends and family once
he got home. One of them, a spiritual leader, decided to incorporate the
story as part of his weekly sermon to the congregation. Another friend, a
psychologist, worked the story into his next lecture on survival instinct
and crisis management.
Do you think the two interpretations of the story would be different? If
so, how?

What insights might the narrator get about his mysterious experience, if
he were to attend both the sessions? Answer in the context of the lesson
Two Stories about Flying .

2. After having read the lesson on the oppression that communities faced in
South Africa, you were deeply hurt. You could also relate to the struggles
and hardships of millions of Indians who fought against the oppressive
British rule.

Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about oppression faced by

people in their homeland. You may begin like this:

24 August 20XX,

Monday 9:00 pm My heart is filled with sadness as I think of the

oppressed who had to tolerate the inhuman attitude of the oppressors in
their own land ...

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words. [6]
1. Ausable’s employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for
Ausable so that he may be promoted to a higher rank in the secret

As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with
reference to the instance in the chapter as a prime example of Ausable’s

You may begin this way:

22, Rue Nationale


26 March’ 78

The General Director

Department for Internal Security

11 - A, Rue de Dunkerque


Subject: Letter of Recommendation

This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee

with us for the past two years.

In this time, he has


Yours sincerely


2. Hari Singh says - He knew it but neither his lips nor his eyes showed
anything. Anil successfully addressed the situation by not addressing it
at all. Elaborate based on your reading of The Thief’s Story.
Series ENG/10/5 Set ~ 5
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/5/5
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 9 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

Read the passage given below:
1. If you’re like most kids, you may love snow. Not only can it get you out of school, but it’s also fun to play
with. Who doesn’t love to sled and build snowmen? Snow can also be dangerous, too. You may have heard
your parents talk about how difficult it can be to drive in snow. Car accidents aren’t the only dangers
created by snow. If you’re ever skiing in the mountains, you’ll want to be aware of avalanches. An
avalanche is a sudden flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain. The amount of snow in an avalanche
will vary based on many things, but it can be such a huge pile that it can bury the bottom of a slope in
dozens of feet of snow.
2. Avalanches can be caused by many things. Some of them are natural. For example, new snow or rain can
cause built up snow to loosen and fall down the side of a mountain. Earthquakes and the movement of
animals have also been known to cause avalanches. Artificial triggers can also cause avalanches. For
example, snowmobiles, skiers, gunshots and explosives have all been known to cause avalanches.
Avalanches usually occur during the winter and spring, when snowfall is greatest. As they are dangerous to
any living beings in their path, avalanches have destroyed forests, roads, railroads and even entire towns.
3. Warning signs exist that allow experts to predict - and often prevent - avalanches from occurring. When
over a foot of fresh snow falls, experts know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in
places with massive snow build-ups to trigger smaller avalanches that don’t pose a danger to persons or
property. When deadly avalanches do occur, the moving snow can quickly reach over 80 miles per hour.
Skiers caught in such avalanches can be buried under dozens of feet of snow. While it’s possible to dig out
of such avalanches, not all are able to escape.
4. If you get tossed about by an avalanche and find yourself buried under many feet of snow, you might not
have a true sense of which way is up and which way is down. Some avalanche victims have tried to dig
their way out, only to find that they were upside down and digging themselves farther under the snow rather
than to the top! Experts suggest that people caught in an avalanche try to "swim" to the top of the moving
snow to stay close to the surface. Once the avalanche stops, do your best to dig around you to create a space
for air, so you can breathe easier. Then, do your best to figure out which way is up and dig in that direction
to reach the surface and signal rescuers.
(a) Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option:
Avalanche can be caused by .

a) new snow or rain b) global warming

c) high altitude d) heavy winds

(b) Comment on warning signs exist which allows experts to predict avalanches in two sentences.
(c) Mention two reasons which destroyed the natural scenery.
(d) Select the option that conveys opposite of trigger:

a) spark b) provoke

c) cause d) prevent
(e) The writer will agree with the given statement based on last paragraph-

a) Put on an oxygen mask. b) People caught in the Avalanche can try

to swim to the top.

c) Digging is not possible. d) Should not come close to the surface.

(f) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:
You may not have an idea of which way is up and which way is down.

a) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and b) Due to the torrential rain, there was
disperse from Gate No. 2. heavy flooding.

c) The more the effort, the bigger the gain. d) The guest felt uneasy and
uncomfortable watching the child’s
(g) The major causes which do not trigger avalanche:

a) Snow fall b) Plastic waste

c) Earthquakes d) Heavy Rain

(h) Explosives can be used in places . (complete the sentence)
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
A noble purpose gives meaning to one's own life and is of benefit to others. I realised this while researching on
and writing about the life of Jamshed Ji Tata. What gave one man living in a colonised country the vision to
advance it in the community of nations? He not only gave India the power of steel and hydroelectric energy, but
also an institution of research.
He sent an educationist to Europe and the United States to report on what should be the best model for India.
The John Hopkins University in Baltimore was recommended as the model. But, Tata made it a point to see
that his name was not associated with the university. After his death, his dream came true with the
establishment of the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru. It was to be the fountainhead of science in the
decades to come.
There are others too, whose purpose in life has made a difference to society. Mother Teresa had a comfortable
life at Loretto Convent, Kolkata. On a train journey to Darjeeling, she felt her 'calling' and wanted to give up
her comfortable life in the convent and serve the poor and the needy.
After that, she took a three month nursing course and returned to Kolkata. She devoted her time to the sick and
the homeless. Touched by her sacrifice, some of her students joined her and work began. Not everyone has
such a strong calling. When I asked her how one could be sure of one's calling, she replied. "Deep down in our
hearts we know exactly what our calling is, if we are sincere."
One's purpose is shaped over a period of time, but every noble purpose is based on a feeling for the suffering of
others and our desire to alleviate that condition. Some years ago, in Kerala, a young man saw his father join
Gandhi Ji and fight for opening temples to the Harijans. When he grew up, the boy decided to take up
agricultural studies, because he had seen the havoc caused by the Bengal famine. He went to Europe and
studied agriculture. On his return to India, he spearheaded the Green Revolution. Dr. M.S Swami Nathan, thus
demonstrated how purpose intensifies with time.

(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 1. We can say
that the people who devote their life to benevolence are comparable to the tree that bears delicious fruits
but do not consume them because .
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 1.
The statement that, Jamshed Ji Tata gave India empowered India with steel and hydroelectric energy, and
an institution of research, is a (fact/opinion) because it is a (subjective judgement/
objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
Explain the instance from the given passage that clearly demonstrates how purpose intensifies with time.
(d) Based on the Venn diagram, which three things motivate the purpose in life?
(e) Refer to the diagram, and infer the impact of this “calling” in Mother Teresa’s life.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays what ‘calling’ signifies as per the given passage. (Reference-
Paragraph 3)

A. (i), (iv) and (v)

B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) Infer the basis of the noble purpose while comparing its role in the life of Mother Teresa and Jamshed Ji
Tata. (Answer in about 40 words)
(h) Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. To focus on self-assessment and find the importance of having a purpose in life.
B. To follow our passion and work selflessly for the betterment of humanity.
C. To know purpose intensifies with time and it is okay to follow our passion.
D. To get inspired by the lives of Mother Teresa, Jamshed Ji Tata etc.
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
Subject: Need for (promote) Healthy Eating Routines
Dear Madam
This is with reference to ....
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the [1]
The gardens are filled with flowers and plants chosen to attract bees and butterflies. In the UK, The
Wildlife Trusts is given advice on the location of the shelters and the plants that are included.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Report the dialogue between a mother and her daughter, by completing the sentence: [1]
Mother: When will your exams start?
Daughter: Next month, Mother.
In response to the question about her exams, the daughter told her mother that .
(d) Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence: [1]
"Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

a) She asked him where he spent his b) She said him where he had spent his
money. money.

c) She asked him where he had spent his d) She asked him where he had to spend
money. money.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
Although she thought she knew (many / much / whole)of the subject, the teacher asked a
few details she hardly remembered.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the [1]
But in recent years, insect numbers have been dropped sharply.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
Education play an important role in building an individual’s identity and personality.

Option no. Error Correction

A play plays
B an the

C in for

D an a

(h) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following. [1]
We should at about seven in the evening.

a) head on b) head off

c) head away d) head out

(i) Raziya shared some information with Shahid about a tree plantation drive. Report Shahid's question. [1]
Did you participate in the tree plantation drive?
(j) He said, "I have often told you not to waste your time". [1]
Reported speech:

a) He told that he had often told him not to b) He said that he had often told not to
waste his time. waste your time.

c) He said that he had often suggested to d) He said that he had often told him not to
him not to waste his time. waste his time.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
"But cheerly still: and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that his fellow men."
A. loved
B. love
C. will love
D. loves
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi


Network and interact with industry leaders live and on person.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. You are Swati/Soham living at 14, DLF, Phase III, Gurugram. Your streets and roads get waterlogged during the [5]
monsoon season every year. Cars stall, drains overflow and traffic comes to a standstill. It is difficult to lead a
normal life and this adds to your woes. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor, The Times of India,
highlighting the problems and suggesting measures to control the problem.
You are Anita/Ashok. You came across the following advertisement:

Manthan: We Lead the Future Leaders

Web designing is not only about creating the best pages and displaying content. It is about converting the idea and
turning it into a beautiful website.
Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Director, Manthan, inquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all
necessary details such as eligibility, duration, fees and placement services.
5. The number of tigers, the biggest cats in the world is gradually decreasing. Given below is a data which reveals [5]
the number of Royal Bengal Tiger in different countries. Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words
interpreting the data.

S.No. Name of country Minimum Maximum

1. Bangladesh 300 460

2. Bhutan 80 460

3. China 30 35

4. India 2500 3800

5. Nepal 150 250

Look at the data given below which shows the changes that have occurred between 2010 to 2020 in Jind regarding
women's education. Write a paragraph in 100-120 words interpreting the data.

Women's Education in Jind 2010 2020

1. Number of Girls' Schools 40 45

2. Number of Women Colleges 23 34

3. Number of Students in Schools 40,000 46,000

4. Number of Students in Colleges 16,000 28,000

5. Literacy Rate 50% 70%

6. Distance Education Centres 02 06

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
And as the light came on,
Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day.
For halfway across the room,
a small automatic pistol in his hand stood a man.
Ausable blinked a few times.
i. Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand?
ii. Ausable blinked because he:
a. was getting adjusted to the light.
b. got afraid of the man with a pistol.
c. was thrilled to have reached his room.
d. started thinking of how to get rid of the man.
iii. Fowler was thrilled because what he saw looked like a .
iv. Which word in the extract means the same as 'genuine/real?

OR [5]
With a satisfied expression, he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of
rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to
i. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be an answer to the question - Who
was satisfied?
a. Lencho's wife
b. The postmaster
c. Lencho
d. Lencho's children
ii. With a satisfied expression, he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain
of rain. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the extract.
iii. Which phrase/word would correctly substitute 'draped' in the given sentence from the extract.
With a satisfied expression, he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain
of rain.
iv. Which of the following is NOT an answer to the question- What happened suddenly?
A. Suddenly strong wind began to blow.
B. Huge hailstones began to fall.
C. Soil started reaping the crop.
D. Raindrops began to fall on the ground.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
I sit inside, doors open to the verandah
Writing long letters
In which I scarcely mention the departure
of the forest from the house.
The night is fresh, the whole moon shines
in a sky still open
the smell of leaves and lichen
still reaches like a voice into the rooms.
i. Fill in the blank with one word:
The poet talks about the house as a place of .
ii. Find the figure of speech used in the lines above.
iii. The extract uses ‘open’ twice, suggesting different meanings. Write the correct meaning with
reference to the extract.
iv. Choose the option that DOES NOT state the meaning of the underlined word.
‘I scarcely mention…’
A. tactfully
B. hardly
C. barely
D. only just

OR [5]
"But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great And would suffice."
1. What does the speaker suggest as a potential second way for the world to perish?
2. What emotion does the speaker associate with the element of ice?
3. How does the speaker feel about the destructive power of ice?
4. What does the speaker imply about the nature of ice in relation to destruction?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about? Write your answer in the context of Glimpses of India. [3]
(b) What would the tiger do in the forest? [3]
(c) As a reader, do you feel betrayed or let down in the way the story ends? Validate your opinion. [3]
Answer in the context of the lesson Two Stories about Flying.
(d) Grandma had a significant place in Anne's heart. Explain. [3]
(e) The tone of the speaker contrasts with the seriousness of the subject matter. Justify. [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now? [3]
(b) What story did Ausable tell Max about the balcony? Why did he tell him so? [3]
(c) What happened when Mr. and Mrs. Hall entered the stranger's room? [3]
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) In a parallel world, the pilot of the black aeroplane narrates his adventure in a story titled The Old [6]
Dakota. You come across an excerpt from the story, which responds to the ending questions of Black
Aeroplane and describes the black aeroplane pilot's decision to fly away after watching the Dakota
Compose the said excerpt of the story employing relevant details from Black Aeroplane.
(b) Prejudice based on race and colour or any other reason causes profound hurt. [6]
Write about any one character from the chapters in First Flight who was subjected to such prejudice?
Discuss the consequence of this prejudice for the character. Answer in the context of the lesson Long
Walk to Freedom.
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Imagine that the young lady thief writes a letter to Horace Danby while he is in prison. Write the letter [6]
imagining yourself to be that young lady with respect to the story.
(b) Education means different things to different people. Evaluate how it impacted the young thief in the [6]
Series ENG/10/6 Set ~ 6
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/6/6
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

i. The choices we make daily wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects correctly, or purposely staying out of
any dangerous situation can either ensure our safety or bring about potentially harmful circumstances.
ii. You and I need to make a decision that we are going to get our lives in order. Exercising self-control self-
discipline and establishing boundaries and borders in our lives are some of the most important things we
can do. A life without discipline is one that's filled with carelessness.
iii. We can think it's kind of exciting to live life on the edge. We like the image of "Yeah! That's me! Living on
the edge! Woo-hoo!" It's become a popular way to look at life. But if you see, even highways have lines,
which provide margins for our safety while we're driving. If we go over one side we'll go into the ditch. If
we cross over the line in the middle, we could get killed. And we like those lines because they help to keep
us safe, Sometimes we don't even realize how lines help to keep us safe.
iv. I'm not proud of this, but for the first 20 years of my life at work, I ignored my limits. I felt horrible
physically, most of the time. I used to tell myself. "I know I have limits and that I've reached them, but I'm
going to ignore them and see if or how long l can get by with it. "I ran to doctors, trying to make myself feel
better through pills, vitamins, natural stuff, and anything I could get my hands on. Some of the doctors
would tell me, "It's just stress." That just made me mad. I thought stress meant you don't like what you do
or can't handle life, and I love what I do. But I kept pushing myself, traveling. speaking engagements and so
on-simply exhausting myself.
v. Finally. I understood I was living an unsustainable life and needed to make some changes in my outlook
and lifestyle
vi. You and I don't have to be like everyone else or keep up with anyone else Each of us needs to be exactly the
way we are, and we don't have to apologize for it. We're not all alike and we need to find a comfort zone in
which we can enjoy our lives instead of making ourselves sick with an overload of stress and pressure.
(a) According to the author, list 1 reason that 'living on the edge' has become popular.
(1) _________
(b) What qualities can be identified from the context: "I know I have limits and that 've reached them, but l'm
going to ignore them and see if or how long I can get by with it."
1. negligent
2. indecisive
3. spontaneous
4. reckless
5. patient
a. 2 and 5
b. 3 and 5
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 3
(c) The phrase "potentially harmful circumstances" refers to circumstances that can be ________.
(d) The author attempts to ________ the readers through this passage.
a. advice
b. warn
c. stop
d. prove
(e) The author uses colloquial words such as "yeah" and "Woo-hoo!". Which of the following is NOT a
colloquial word?
a. hooked
b. guy
c. stuff
d. stress
(f) Select the option that makes the correct use of "unsustainable", as used in the passage, to fill in the blank
a. In the long run, the ________ government will do nothing for the people.
b. The cabinet is filled with ________ officials.
c. The conservationists reported an ________ set of event.
d. Plastic will turn the world ________ in future.
(g) The author said, "to get our lives in order". What does this mean?
This means to ________
(h) State the most appropriate title for the passage.
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
If you are addicted to coffee and doctors warn you to quit the habit, don't worry and just keep relishing the
beverage, because it is not that bad after all! In fact, according to a new study, the steaming cup of Java can
beat fruits and vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is the number
one source of antioxidants in the American diet, and both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide
similar antioxidant levels.
Antioxidants, in general, have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against
heart diseases and cancer, but Vinson, a dietician said that their benefits ultimately depend on how they are
absorbed and utilised in the body. The research says that coffee outranks popular antioxidant sources like tea,
milk, chocolate and cranberries. Of all the foods and beverages studied, dates actually have the most
antioxidants based solely on the serving size, but since dates are not consumed anywhere near the level of
coffee, the drink comes as the top source of antioxidants, Vinson said.
Besides keeping you alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health
benefits, including protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease, according
to some recently published studies.
The researchers, however, advise that one should consume coffee in moderation, because it can make you
jittery and cause stomach pains.

(a) Identify a similar analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 1.

We can refer to a food lover in different ways like in this sentence: The gastronome was disappointed with
the menu.
A similar reference to coffee is made in the line: _______________.
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 2.
The statement that, the potential benefit of coffee depends on how it is absorbed and utilised in the body, is
a ________ (fact/opinion) because it is a ________ (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
While the studies suggest that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet, the
researchers also advise its moderate consumption.
(d) Based on the statistics of caffeine per cup, which two versions of coffee have the highest concentration of
(e) Study the graph and draw an inference about what should be the most preferred version of coffee for
Americans based on your understanding of paragraph 1.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays the popular sources of antioxidants that coffee outranks.
(Reference-Paragraph 2)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

A. (i), (iv) and (v)

B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and good for health so it must be consumed by all.
B. Coffee protects against diseases like colon cancer and type 2 diabetes.
C. Coffee as a beverage has various health benefits provided it is taken in moderation.
D. Coffee is a part of the American diet as it is a rich source of antioxidants.
(h) Infer the reason behind Vinson’s observation on dates having more antioxidants than coffee, yet not
topping the list of top sources of antioxidants. (Answer in about 40 words)
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
Dear Madam
This is with reference to posters ________ (bear) the message of ‘crash diet’ being posted around our
school premises.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence: [1]
The ship Titanic and her fate continues to fascinate the imagination of the people.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

(c) Report the dialogue between Sonu and doctor, by completing the sentence: [1]
Sonu: How is she doing doctor?
Doctor: Your mother will recover quickly.
In response to the question about the well-being of Sonu’s mother, the doctor said that ________.
(d) He said, "What a beautiful scene!" [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) He exclaimed that it was a very b) He wondered that it was a beautiful

beautiful scene. scene.

c) He said that what a beautiful scene it d) He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it

was. was.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
The vocabulary list had been memorized by _______ (mostly / all / more) of the students and each
one scored over 80 percent on the exam.
(f) Identify the error in the newspaper headline. [1]
Attractive packages for different Tourist destination - Mizoram, Kashmir, Kerala, Goa.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
A doctor and his two children died in the fire accident that took place in Tamil Nadu's Tirupati district
on Sunday.

Option no. Error Correction

A died dies
B the a

C took takes

D in at

(h) He ______ to unlock the door to his flat because the telephone ________. [1]

a) is hurrying / rings b) was hurrying / rang

c) hurries / has been ringing d) hurried / was ringing

(i) Samiksha shared some information with Sameer regarding the annual blood donation camp. Report [1]
Sameer's question:
How did you feel when you were donating blood?
(j) He said, "Why didn't you send your application to me?" [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) He inquired why did I not send my b) He inquired why had I not sent his
application to him. application to me.

c) He inquired why I had not sent my d) He inquired why I did not send my
application to him. application to him.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
"Two roads ________ in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood"
A. diverged
B. has been diverging
C. have been diverging
D. are diverging
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

The finer fashion showcase of the season.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. Now-a-days, we see the rise in prices of edible things like pulses, onions, oils and some other products. The [5]
layman is facing hardship on account of it. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed daily requesting him to
highlight the difficulties faced by the common man due to the rise in prices. Sign yourself as Pranjal/Praneeta
living at 124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi.
Imagine that you are Ms. Kamala/Mr. Kamal, music teacher of National Public School. You were invited by Rising
Sun Public School, Mall Road, Bhopal to judge the participants in the singing competition to be held in the school.
Write a letter of thanks in 100 - 120 words to the Principal describing how you enjoyed the event.
5. The given double bar graph shows the sale of face masks over the given five months by two dealers. Study the [5]
graph and write an analytical paragraph.

Given below is a graph comparing the consumption of healthcare supplements amongst men and women between the
age of 25-35 from the year 2016-2020 in terms of their sales. Write an analytical paragraph based on the details from
the graph.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily. "I'm going to raise the devil with the
management this time, and you can bet on it," he said grimly. This is the second time in a month that
somebody has got into my room through that nuisance of a balcony!
i. Who is Ausable?
ii. Ausable’s annoyance at the balcony when he says, “…nuisance of a balcony…” could be called
fake. Why is it so?
iii. Which word replaces ‘sat down heavily’ in the sentence - 'Ausable moved to an armchair and sat
down heavily’?
a. dumped
b. flumped
c. pumped
d. jumped
iv. Delnaaz is a new tenant in her locality and Mrs. Mehta is the landlady. Choose the option that lists
an action that would require Mrs. Mehta to ‘raise the devil’ with Delnaaz.
a. She uses the elevator five times a day.
b. She feeds the stray dogs in the street.
c. She works late at night and stays home in the afternoon only.
d. She plays music louder than is necessary late into the night.
OR [5]
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was
the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment
of a man who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office. Lencho showed not the slightest
surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence - but he became angry when he counted the
money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.
i. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money? Answer in about 40 words.
ii. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. Lencho became angry when he got the money
because ________.
A. He was only given 70 pesos when he had asked for 100 pesos.
B. He wanted more money.
C. He wanted money directly from God.
D. He understood that The postmaster collected money for him.
iii. Identify the irony used in the above stanza.
iv. State any one inference about the postmaster from the given context: It was the postman himself
who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who
has performed a good deed, looked on from his office.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
All night the roots work to
disengage themselves from the cracks
In the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
Small twigs stiff with exertion
Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
Like newly discharged patients
Half dazed moving
To the clinic doors.
i. Choose the correct option that mentions the correct poetic device against the correct example.

Simile Long cramped boughs

Metaphor Like newly discharged patients

Personification Small twigs stiff with exertion

Simile Like newly discharged patients

Refrain Under the roof

Simile Leaves strain toward the glass

Personification Like newly discharged patients

Refrain Half-dazed, moving
A. Option (1)
B. Option (2)
C. Option (3)
D. Option (4)
ii. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?
iii. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.
iv. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”. Highlight any two reasons for the
(b) Amanda imagines herself to be Rapunzel, yet would not like to do what all she did. Identify and state [5]
the reasons for her decision.

"An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions."
1.What emotion does the boy experience according to the stanza?
2.How does the boy physically react to his grief?
3.Where is the boy staring?
4.What does the speaker feel about intruding on the boy's grief?
5.Why does the speaker consider a dime or another ball worthless?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) Inspired by the diversity in the chapter, Glimpses of India, you wrote an article for your school [3]
magazine on the topic, Diversity-the Uniqueness of India.
Write a paragraph, sharing two key opinions from the article.
(b) ''On pads of velvet quiet In his quiet rage''. Who is referred to here? Why does he express his anger [3]
(c) Based on your reading, would you call the narrator a family man? Justify your answer. Answer in the [3]
context of the lesson Two Stories about Flying.
(d) Anne wrote in her diary to get things off her chest. List any two reasons why getting things off one’s [3]
chest is recommended by counsellors as therapeutic.
(e) Which two ideas about how the world will end have been mentioned in the poem Fire and ice? Which [3]
idea does the poet support more?

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Why is Dr. Herriot tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest? [3]
(b) As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the robbery. [6]
Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the events of the story The
Question of Trust.
Wednesday, 12 July 78 9 PM
Its D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same time...(continue)...
(c) Why did Griffin take off his newly prepared clothes from London store? [3]
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) Read the extracts given below and comment on the difference in the nature of help both the [6]
characters, of these two stories, received.
a. Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw two straight lines of lights in front of me. It was a
runway! An airport! I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in the black aeroplane but the sky
was empty. [The Black Aeroplane]
b. All through the night Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God...The following
Sunday, at daybreak he began to write a letter...It was nothing less than a letter to God...The
following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him....
Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money, such was his confidence. [A Letter
to God]
(b) After having read the lesson on the oppression that communities faced in South Africa, you were [6]
deeply hurt. You could also relate to the struggles and hardships of millions of Indians who fought
against the oppressive British rule.
Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about oppression faced by people in their homeland. You
may begin like this:
24 August 20XX,
Monday 9:00 pm My heart is filled with sadness as I think of the oppressed who had to tolerate the
inhuman attitude of the oppressors in their own land ...
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Ausable's employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for Ausable so that he may be [6]
promoted to a higher rank in the secret services.
As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with reference to the instance in the
chapter as a prime example of Ausable's genius.
You may begin this way:
22, Rue Nationale
26 March' 78
The General Director
Department for Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years.
In this time, he has
Yours sincerely
(b) What thought crossed Hari Singh's mind when he was waiting on the railway platform? [6]
Series ENG/10/7 Set ~ 7
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/7/7
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. One of
the greatest gifts any of us can ever receive is the gift of listening. It is also one of the greatest gifts we can
ever give. Unfortunately, it appears to be a lost art. We live in a world where everyone is talking but few are
listening. What often passes for listening is simply one person pausing to collect their thoughts for their
next soliloquy.
2. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that it requires focus.
Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and
how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-
verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and
understand these messages.
3. Listening is a difficult task. Like every skill the more you do it, the better you get up. Listening can be
developed through practice, or lost if not used regularly. Good listeners focus on what they are hearing.
They pause to think about what they've heard before responding. They ask questions because they want to
know the answers. Not just to keep the conversation going.
4. So often, we are distracted by other things. We try to listen while continuing to work on the computer or
watch television. To be fully present means we eliminate these distractions and focus exclusively on the
other person. It takes great effort to be fully in the moment, leaning forward, eyes and heart open. Words are
only part of communication. Sometimes we need to experience the other person's feelings to understand.
We need to listen with our hearts as well as our mind. We must repeat back what the other person has said.
When we do this and do it accurately-we communicate that we understand. It also allows us to re-calibrate
our understanding if we have misunderstood something. Plenty of people are good talkers, few are good
listeners. If you develop the latter skill, you will find yourself invited into amazing conversations that
wouldn't otherwise happen.
(a) According to the passage, listening appear to be a lost are because we live in a world where ________.
(b) Choose the options with the sentences that are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
(I) Words are only the part of communication.
(II) Lots of people are good listeners.
(III) Listening refers to the voice that you heat.
(IV) Good listeners focus on what they hear.
(V) Listening is a tough task.
(VI) Hearing requires no focus.
a. II, III, VI
b. III, V, VI
c. I, III, IV
d. I, IV, VI
(c) Fill in the blank with the correct option.
________ focus on what they are hearing.
a. good listeners
b. good orators
c. good understanding
d. good speakers
(d) Select the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the following.
a. Do more listening than talking
b. Never stop listening
c. Learn by talking
d. Listening is talking
(e) We need to experience the other person's feelings:
a. to really understand
b. to be the part of the communication
c. to recalibrate our understanding
d. to keep the conversation going
(f) What our ability to listen effectively depends on?
a. how the other person uses his or her body
b. use of language and voice
c. both (a) and (b)
d. degree to which we perceive and understand the messages
(g) We need to ________ with our heart as well as our mind.
(h) hearing, different from listening as:
a. Hearing eliminates distraction; Listening gives us an opportunity to re-calibra our understanding
b. Hearing is the ability to receive message; Listening is the ability to interpret message
c. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear; Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but
how is it told
d. Option (a), (b) and (c)
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
1. The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of people and races, an ethnic
tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these states are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the
country. The new generations of travellers who are ‘money rich and time poor’ are increasingly looking for
unique experiences - a phenomenon being called the emergence of the ‘experience economy’. For this new
and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with its variety and uniqueness holds immense attraction.
2. A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign tourist arrival in the North-East
increased from 37,380 persons in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of tourist (both
domestic and foreign) in the North-East was as high as 26.44% during 2005-06. A high and positive growth
of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to North-East States of India during 2012 from 2011,
which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during 2013 from 2012. Foreign tourist arrivals in the
North-East witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2014 from 2013, according to data provided from the
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
3. The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to concentrate on some key areas like
enhancement of tourist facilities, tourism financing, focus on community involvement and others for the
formulation of a sustainable tourism strategy in the North-East States of India.
(a) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1.
The rate of tourism in the North-East of India puzzles tourism officials.
(b) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks.
From paragraph 1, we can infer that the ________ and ________ of the North-Eastern states aid attracting
the ‘money rich and time poor’ tourists.
i. distinctiveness
ii. conventionality
iii. diversity
iv. uniformity
v. modernity
A. i & iii
B. ii & iv
C. ii & v
D. i & iv
(c) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/ phrase from paragraph 1:
aroma : cooking :: ________ : painting
(Clue: Just like aroma is integral to cooking, similarly ________ is/are integral to painting)
(d) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence:
Travellers advocating the ‘experience economy’ seek a holiday package with (Paragraph 1)
A. grand facilities, expensive hotels and excellent services to pamper them.
B. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.
C. places and cities to buy things from and opportunities spend money.
D. cost-effective services, affordable accommodation and many days of touring.
(e) Select the chart that appropriately represents the trend of foreign tourist travels in the North-East, from
2011-2014, as per paragraph 2.
i. Option A
ii. Option B
iii. Option C
iv. Option D
(f) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.
The study of tourist travel statistics in the North-East, from 2005 to 2014 showed ________ results.
A. expected
B. encouraging
C. inconsistent
D. questionable
(g) Substitute the word ‘witnessed’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following, sentence from
paragraph 2:
Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of...
(h) Select the option that titles paragraphs 1-3 appropriately, with reference to information in the text.
A. (1) Full Speed Ahead!, (2) Ups and Downs, (3) Cause for Concern
B. (1) Winds of Change, (2) Numbers Don't Lie, (3) Time for Action
C. (1) Inspecting Trends, (2) Statistically Speaking, (3) Let's Investigate
D. (1) Cause & Effect, (2) Dynamic Data, (3) Dependable Facts

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
This selfless initiative carried out with dedication and responsibility, ________ (deserve) due
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction. [1]
Critics have time and again points out that our education system tends to judge widely different
students on single-line parameters, which is unfair.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Report the dialogue between the gatekeeper and the visitor by completing the sentence: [1]
Gatekeeper: Whom do you want to meet?
Visitor: I want to see the art and craft exhibition.
In response to the question about whom the visitor wanted to meet, the visitor replied ________.
(d) "He is coming today," the mother said. [1]
She said that he ________.

a) came the previous day b) was coming the day before

c) would come the next day d) was coming that day

(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
He is an expert on languages, but he knows _________ (a lot of / little / a few) about mathematics.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: [1]
The dog has eaten his food before the trainer arrived.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
This exams open doors to higher education, improve employment opportunities and increase options.

Option no. Error Correction

A this these

B open opens

C to for

D options option

(h) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following report: [1]
The inspector ________ the group sitting behind the shed and took them by surprise.

a) walked away b) walked up on

c) walked up d) walked into

(i) Read the conversation and complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly. [1]
Ranbir: Sir, can I be excused this once?
Policeman: I hope you'll remember the lesson you learned today. OK! This should be the last time.
Don't repeat the mistake again.
Ranbir requested the policeman to excuse him that once. Hoping Ranbir would remember the lesson
he had learned that day, the policeman finally advised him ________.
(j) He said to the interviewer, "Could you please repeat the question?" [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) He requested the interviewer if he could b) He requested the interviewer if he could

please repeat the question. repeat the question.

c) He requested the interviewer to repeat d) He requested the interviewer to please

the question. repeat the question.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
Where the mind is without tear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world ________ not ________ up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
A. has been broken
B. had been broken
C. will be broken
D. have been broken
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Maharashtra State Innovation Society

A platform to create impact at large scale with Government
Startups across India is eligible to apply

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. You feel that the Right to Education is going to help India rise above the narrow boundaries of prejudices of [5]
caste, colour, creed and corruption. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, reflecting your views on
the subject. Sign yourself as Nandita/Naveen of Paschim Vihar, Delhi (word limit 100-120).
You are Rita/Rahul and you came across the following information on your local club notice board.

Better Living
How to tackle stress, build concentration and remain fit and healthy Yoga, a way of life Join free yoga camp for

You wish to enrol but require more information. Write a letter to the Yoga Institute, M.G. Road, Pune, enquiring
details of timing, batch size, eligibility, etc. for joining the course.
5. The given pie-chart shows how water is consumed in households in a metropolitan city in India. Study the [5]
information carefully and write a paragraph analysing the given pie-chart data.

The chart below displays details regarding online activity for six age groups in six categories. In 150-200 words,
write an analysis paragraph for the table provided.

Age Age Age Age Age Age Age

Activity % Teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Get News 76 71 72 78 76 73 71

Downloads 85 55 35 25 26 23 33

Buying a product 44 66 67 69 63 68 42

Online games 88 55 36 28 24 23 35

Searching for people 6 33 22 21 25 28 29

Product research 0 77 81 85 78 76 71

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the sentences that follow: [5]
”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret
agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young
and romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine.”
i. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?
ii. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?
iii. Complete the given sentence:
Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because ________.
iv. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?
i. Finding out secret information
ii. Dealing with careless behaviour
iii. Ignorant about certain things
iv. Dealing indifferently
OR [5]
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was
the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment
of a man who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office. Lencho showed not the slightest
surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence - but he became angry when he counted the
money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.
i. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money? Answer in about 40 words.
ii. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. Lencho became angry when he got the money
because ________.
A. He was only given 70 pesos when he had asked for 100 pesos.
B. He wanted more money.
C. He wanted money directly from God.
D. He understood that The postmaster collected money for him.
iii. Identify the irony used in the above stanza.
iv. State any one inference about the postmaster from the given context: It was the postman himself
who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who
has performed a good deed, looked on from his office.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
All night the roots work to
disengage themselves from the cracks
In the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
Small twigs stiff with exertion
Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
Like newly discharged patients
Half dazed moving
To the clinic doors.
i. Choose the correct option that mentions the correct poetic device against the correct example.
(1) Simile Long cramped boughs

Metaphor Like newly discharged patients

Personification Small twigs stiff with exertion

Simile Like newly discharged patients

Refrain Under the roof

Simile Leaves strain toward the glass

Personification Like newly discharged patients

Refrain Half-dazed, moving

A. Option (1)
B. Option (2)
C. Option (3)
D. Option (4)
ii. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?
iii. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.
iv. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”. Highlight any two reasons for the


"What is the boy now, who has lost his ball [5]
What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing down the street, and then
Merrily over-there it is in the water!
No use to say '0 there are other balls"
1. What has the boy lost?
2.How did the ball move before it was lost?
3.Where did the ball go after bouncing down the street?
4.What is the boy's emotional state after losing the ball?
5.Is there any use in telling the boy there are other balls?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) What was the story about the origin of the people of Coorg? [3]
(b) How does the tiger walk in the cage? [3]
(c) Based on your reading, would you call the narrator a family man? Justify your answer. Answer in the [3]
context of the lesson Two Stories about Flying.
(d) What did Anne Frank think about her father? [3]
(e) What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and Ice contribute to it? [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think that the dog’s recovery is 'a triumph of surgery’? [3]
(b) What purpose did the balcony serve in the story, The Midnight Visitor? [3]
(c) What do you think would have happened if Griffin was caught by Jaffers and the latter hadn't become [3]
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) The young seagull's parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and sister. How could the young [6]
seagull's newly flying siblings (Brother 1, Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief
conversation among them.
(b) Tiger in a zoo just overheard from the visitors that Nelson Mandela became the first black president [6]
fighting for freedom. He writes a letter to Nelson Mandela appealing Mandela to set the him free.
You may begin like this.
Dear Mandela,
I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president fighting for freedom. I wanted
to write to you to....
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the robbery. [6]
Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the events of the story The
Question of Trust.
Wednesday, 12 July 78 9 PM
Its D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same time...(continue)...
(b) Describe Anil’s qualities as a man and as an employer. [6]
Series ENG/10/8 Set ~ 8
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/8/8
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
1. Mankind's fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself. The ancient Egyptians held gold in high
esteem. Gold had religious significance for them, and King Tutankhamen was buried in a solid gold coffin
3300 years ago. The wandering Israelites worshipped a golden calf, and the legendary King Midas asked
that whatever he touched be turned into gold.
2. Not only is gold beautiful, but it is virtually indestructible. It will not rust or corrode. Gold coins and
products fabricated from the metal have survived undamaged for centuries. Gold is extremely easy to work
with. One ounce, which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 square
feet in size, and becomes so thin that light can pass through it. An ounce of gold can also be stretched into a
wire 50 miles long. Gold conducts electricity better than any other substance except copper and silver, and
it is particularly important in modern electronic industry.
3. People have always longed to possess gold. Unfortunately, this longing has also brought out the worst in
human character. The Spanish conquerors robbed palaces, temples and graves and killed thousands of
people in their ruthless search for gold. Even today, the economy of South Africa's gold mines depend
largely on the employment of black labourers who are paid about 40 pounds a month, plus boarding and
lodging. They work in conditions that can only be described as cruel. About 400 miners die in South Africa
each year.
4. Much of the gold's value lies in its scarcity. Only about 80,000 tons have been mined in the history of the
world. All of it can be stored in a vault 60 feet square, or a super tanker. Great Britain was the first country
to adopt the gold standard, when the Master of the Mint, Sir Issac Newton, established a fixed price for gold
in 1717. The discovery of gold in the last half of the nineteenth century in California, (1848) and later in
Australia and South Africa changed everything. Before the discovery, there wasn't enough gold around for
all the trading nations to link their currencies to the precious metal.
5. An out-of-work prospector named George Harrison launched South Africa into the gold age in 1886 when
he discovered the metal in a farm near what is now Johannesburg. Harrison was given a 12 pounds reward
by the farmer. He then disappeared and was eaten by a lion.
6. One of the biggest gold mining areas in the Soviet Union is the Kolyma River region, once infamous for its
prison camp. The camp has gone, but in a way nothing has changed. Many ex-prisoners have stayed on to
work in the mines and are supervised by ex-guards.
7. Despite the current rush to buy gold, 75 percent of the metal goes into making jewellery. Italy is the biggest
consumer of gold for this purpose, and many Italian jewellers even tear up their wooden floors and burn
them to recover the tiny flecks of gold. Historically, the desire to hoard gold at home has been primarily an
occupation of the working and peasant classes, who have had no faith in paper money. George Bernard
Shaw defended their instincts eloquently, "You have to choose between trusting the natural stability of the
honesty and intelligence of the members of the government," he said "and with due respect to these
gentlemen, I advise to vote for gold."
(a) When was King Tutankhamen buried?

a) 1886 b) 3300 years ago

c) 1717 d) 1848
(b) Why did Egyptians hold gold in great esteem?

a) because it is a good conductor of b) because it is indestructible.


c) because of its religious significance. d) for lovely gold ornaments.

(c) According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

a) Gold plays an important role in the b) Gold can be easily beaten, hence it is
modern electronics industry. easy to work with.

c) Apart from gold, copper and silver are d) Gold is the best conductor of electricity.
good conductors of electricity.
(d) Select the option that displays what the writer projects, with reference to the following.
The wandering Israelites worshipped a golden calf ________.

a) importance of religion b) can replace money

c) importance of the metal d) good conductor

(e) How were the black labourers exploited?
(f) Complete the following with the phrase from paragraph 1:

Opinion Reason

King Tutankhamen was buried in a solid gold coffin 3300 years ago.

(g) Based on your reading of the text, list 2 reasons why the writer says that,
Not only is gold beautiful but it is virtually indestructible.
(h) Who launched South Africa into the gold age?

a) George Harrison b) A farmer

c) George Bernard Shaw d) Issac Newton

2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
1. Keep your watch accurate. For some people, moving up the time on their watch will help them get up
earlier. For others, they will remember that the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. It
may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten.
2. Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each room of your house. One of the
easiest ways to run late is simply by not realising that the time is passing as quickly as it is.
3. Set all your clocks and watches to the same time. Don't be an optimist. Things usually take longer than what
you'd expect, even without major delays. If you have a dinner appointment at 7:30 p.m., don't think you can
work till 7 p.m., then take a bath, dress and reach on time. Realistically, calculate the time you will take at
each step and then add 10 minutes more to allow for unexpected delays, or you cannot get to your job done
in time.
4. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. Don't hit the snooze button, keep on lying in bed, and watch
TV at the very start of your day. May be you can try even setting your clock 10 minutes earlier than you
need. If you have difficulty with this, move your alarm clock to somewhere away from your bed; that way,
you will have to get up to turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything. If you have
to reach your place of work at 8:00, don't even tell yourself this. Just tell yourself (and everyone else who
listens - but don't annoy them or make them think that they are late or early!) "I have to be at work at 7:45."
If you do this, you will be on time even with little unforeseen delays. You will be on time even with a traffic

(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 3.
We can say that the situation of people being optimist about things is comparable to students preparing
only the important questions for the final exam leaving the textbook untouched because ________.
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 4. The statement that, commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything, is a ________
(fact/opinion) because it is a ________ (subjective judgement/objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
We are advised to keep our watch accurate in paragraph.
(d) Based on the given ideal schedule, what is the ideal time for the students to wake up and rest?
(e) State an inference about where the students spend their maximum time.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays what snooze signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 4)
A. (i), (iv), and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (iv) and (v)
(g) Infer the remedy provided in the passage to tackle unforeseen delays. (Answer in about 40 words)
(h) Which of the following is NOT one of the takeaways from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Wake up at a fixed and favourable time as per your schedule.
B. To reach your workplace on time and calculate the time before starting any work.
C. Planning to be ready or reach at least 30 minutes earlier than the required time.
D. People fail to realise that the clock is ticking fast, and we will run out of time soon.

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
The President
RWA, Magna Greens Apartments
42, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara
Subject: ________ (seek) Recommendation for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ Nominations.
Dear Sir
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence about the opinion of the group of judges and supply the [1]
The Jury was divided in their opinion about a mysterious murder case.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather by completing the sentence: [1]
Grandson: Grandpa, can you tell me what inspired you to set up a school in the village?
Grandfather: Seeing the lack of adequate facilities and the children's eagerness to learn.
In response to the question about his reason for setting up of a village school, the grandfather says that
(d) He said to his friend, "please wait for me". [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) He told his friend to wait for him. b) He requested his friend that he should
wait for him.

c) He said to his friend to wait for him. d) He requested his friend to wait for him.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
Don't think there will be a severe shortage of usable water because there was _________(a lot of /
little / a few) rain fall yesterday.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence, from an e-zine report and supply the correction. [1]
Anxiety is a manifestation of the mind being afraid of venture into the unknown.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
An initial investigation into the matter has revealed that the fire may have been caused by a short

Option no. Error Correction

A an the

B into of

C has have

D may might

(h) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following. [1]
The issue of inflation ________ social backgrounds as it affects us all equally.

a) cut along b) cuts out

c) cut across d) cut out

(i) Read the conversation and complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly. [1]
Liz: Hey Mike, good to see you!
Mike: What are you doing here, Liz?
Liz greeted Mike when they met accidentally and said it was good to see him. Mike surprisingly
asked Liz ________.
(j) Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence: [1]
"The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

a) He said that the film had begin at seven b) He said that the film had begun at seven
o'clock. o'clock.

c) He says that the film had begun at seven d) He says that the film had begin at seven
o'clock. o'clock.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
"Where the mind ________ forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom my Father, let my country awake."
A. was led
B. has been led
C. is led
D. had led
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Delhi Government
An assistance of ₹2,500/- per month will be given to family residing in Delhi where earning
members died due to COVID-19.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. Your school won an award for maintaining cleanliness in and around your school. The whole school worked [5]
towards it with dedication. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper mentioning the steps that your school took
to create awareness of cleanliness. You are School Captain, Shan Sharma, Government Senior Secondary
School, New Delhi.
The recent increase in crimes against people of the North-East, especially in the cities, has highlighted the growing
problem faced by the community. Fear of violence continues to worry them. Write a letter to the Editor of Times of
India expressing your concern over the recent death of a young student resulting from a racial comment against
people from North-East. Suggest what steps the government should take to solve this problem. You are
Aanchal/Aryan, a resident of A-12, East of Kailash, N. Delhi.
5. With the help of the given table, write an analytical paragraph in about 100 words on Rising Prices. [5]

Food Items Feb.'20 Feb.'21 Feb.'22

Groundnut oil (per litre) 90 105 125

Rice (per kg) 30 40 60

Flour (per kg) 28 31 35

Toor Dal (per kg) 54 65 80

The line graph shows information about the usage of different home appliances based on technology by the people of
a developing country-X over a period of fifteen years. Write an analytical paragraph summarising the information
given in the graph.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
And as the light came on,
Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day.
For halfway across the room,
a small automatic pistol in his hand stood a man.
Ausable blinked a few times.
i. Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand?
ii. Ausable blinked because he:
a. was getting adjusted to the light.
b. got afraid of the man with a pistol.
c. was thrilled to have reached his room.
d. started thinking of how to get rid of the man.
iii. Fowler was thrilled because what he saw looked like a ________.
iv. Which word in the extract means the same as 'genuine/real?
or [5]
So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came up with an idea to answer the
letter. But when he opened it, was evident that to answer it, he needed something more than goodwill,
ink, and paper. But he stuck to his resolution: he asked for money from his employees, he himself
gave part of his salary and several friends of his were obliged to give something for an act of charity’.
It was impossible for him to gather together the hundred pesos, so he was able to send the farmer only
a little more than half. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter
containing only a single word as a signature: God. The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier
than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him
while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who has performed a good deed, looked
on from his office.
i. What is the significance of the situation where the postmaster decided to help Lencho? Answer in
about 40 words.
ii. How did the postmaster collect money to be sent to Lencho? Complete the sentence with the
appropriate option. He collected money from his employees and gave ________.
A. a part of his salary to send to Lencho.
B. the collected money to Lencho.
C. the contribution to Lencho.
D. his monthly salary to Lencho.
iii. Identify the word from the passage, which is opposite to the phrase 'very few'.
iv. What were the things the postmaster kept in the envelope? State any one inference about the
postmaster from the given context: "So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the
postmaster came up with an idea to answer the letter."
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
"Some .say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire."
1. According to the poem, what are the two ways some say the world will end?
2.What does the speaker compare fire to in the poem?
3.Which element does the speaker seem to favor as a way the world might end?
4.How does the speaker's view on desire influence their opinion on how the world
might end?

"The way a crow

Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree""
1. What action did the crow perform in the poem?
2.From which type of tree did the snow fall?
3. What fell on the speaker in the poem?
4.Which bird is mentioned in the poem?
5.Which bird is mentioned in the poem?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) Anne bid a heartbreaking farewell to Mrs. Kuperus. As Anne, write a brief farewell note to Mr. [3]
Keesing after being promoted to the next class.
Dear Mr. Keesing
It has been ...
(b) Describe some of the activities of the tiger as stated by the poet. [3]
(c) Describe the young seagull’s feeling, when he landed on the sea the first time. [3]
(d) Anne say that there were So many dummies in the class that about a quarter of them shouldn't be [3]
promoted. Is she being rude or brutally honest? Evaluate.
(e) What is the underlying idea of the poem Fire and Ice? [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) According to a popular quote- Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. In what way is this [3]
quote relevant to the events of the story? Answer in the context of the lesson A Triumph of Surgery.
(b) Why would Horace get angry if anyone talked about 'honour among thieves'? [3]
(c) Based on your reading of the lesson Footprints without Feet, Explain why were the people in the bar [3]
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) Look at the given image of different parenting styles and what they signify. [6]

Which of the given parenting styles would you attribute to the young seagull's parents? Do you think

there was a difference between the mother's and father's attitude? Support your answer with reference
to the text.
(b) Both trees and Nelson Mandela are symbols of freedom, but in different ways. Trees represent the [6]
natural freedom that we all yearn for, while Nelson Mandela represents the hard-won freedom that is
possible when we stand up for what we believe in.
Assume they both meet each other and have a conversation about freedom.
Write this conversation as per your understanding of Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom and
poem The Trees.
You may begin like this
Nelson Mandela: Greetings, trees. It is an honour to speak with you today.
Trees: It is an honour to speak with you as well, Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela: I am interested in hearing your thoughts on freedom.
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Ausable's employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for Ausable so that he may be [6]
promoted to a higher rank in the secret services.
As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with reference to the instance in the
chapter as a prime example of Ausable's genius.
You may begin this way:
22, Rue Nationale
26 March' 78
The General Director
Department for Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years.
In this time, he has
Yours sincerely
(b) Why did the thief make friends with Anil? Why did he steal Anil's money? Why did he come back [6]
and put Anil's money back?
Series ENG/10/9 Set ~ 9
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/9/9
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. One of
the greatest gifts any of us can ever receive is the gift of listening. It is also one of the greatest gifts we can
ever give. Unfortunately, it appears to be a lost art. We live in a world where everyone is talking but few are
listening. What often passes for listening is simply one person pausing to collect their thoughts for their
next soliloquy.
2. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that it requires focus.
Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and
how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-
verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and
understand these messages.
3. Listening is a difficult task. Like every skill the more you do it, the better you get up. Listening can be
developed through practice, or lost if not used regularly. Good listeners focus on what they are hearing.
They pause to think about what they've heard before responding. They ask questions because they want to
know the answers. Not just to keep the conversation going.
4. So often, we are distracted by other things. We try to listen while continuing to work on the computer or
watch television. To be fully present means we eliminate these distractions and focus exclusively on the
other person. It takes great effort to be fully in the moment, leaning forward, eyes and heart open. Words are
only part of communication. Sometimes we need to experience the other person's feelings to understand.
We need to listen with our hearts as well as our mind. We must repeat back what the other person has said.
When we do this and do it accurately-we communicate that we understand. It also allows us to re-calibrate
our understanding if we have misunderstood something. Plenty of people are good talkers, few are good
listeners. If you develop the latter skill, you will find yourself invited into amazing conversations that
wouldn't otherwise happen.
(a) According to the passage, listening appear to be a lost are because we live in a world where ________.
(b) Choose the options with the sentences that are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
(I) Words are only the part of communication.
(II) Lots of people are good listeners.
(III) Listening refers to the voice that you heat.
(IV) Good listeners focus on what they hear.
(V) Listening is a tough task.
(VI) Hearing requires no focus.
a. II, III, VI
b. III, V, VI
c. I, III, IV
d. I, IV, VI
(c) Fill in the blank with the correct option.
________ focus on what they are hearing.
a. good listeners
b. good orators
c. good understanding
d. good speakers
(d) Select the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the following.
a. Do more listening than talking
b. Never stop listening
c. Learn by talking
d. Listening is talking
(e) We need to experience the other person's feelings:
a. to really understand
b. to be the part of the communication
c. to recalibrate our understanding
d. to keep the conversation going
(f) What our ability to listen effectively depends on?
a. how the other person uses his or her body
b. use of language and voice
c. both (a) and (b)
d. degree to which we perceive and understand the messages
(g) We need to ________ with our heart as well as our mind.
(h) hearing, different from listening as:
a. Hearing eliminates distraction; Listening gives us an opportunity to re-calibra our understanding
b. Hearing is the ability to receive message; Listening is the ability to interpret message
c. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear; Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but
how is it told
d. Option (a), (b) and (c)
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
Chocolate diamonds that are actually brown diamonds are compared to the well-known white diamond, which
aren't of much worth. Diamonds are produced in mines. The best known diamond mines are in Australia, South
Africa and Russia. The largest diamond mine was discovered in 1976 in the desert of Australia near a little
creek named Lake Argyle. Diamonds are created under very extreme conditions of pressure and high
temperature. It is a general misunderstanding that there exist only white colourless diamonds. Actually,
diamonds exist in many different colours.
Of all the diamond mines in the world, almost 80% of the diamonds produced are brownish in colour. Because
these were found in such large quantities compared to the other coloured diamonds, these were considered as
low-valued diamonds, only good for the industrial sector. But, a famous man called Le Vian came with a
marketing campaign to increase the popularity of the chocolate diamond. Instead of calling it a brown diamond,
he gave it popular names like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac. Since his marketing campaign,
chocolate diamonds are becoming very popular.
The value of a diamond is based on its shape, brightness and colour. Because white diamonds are rare, their
value is based on the fact that there are not many white diamonds found around easily. But if you look at the
shape and brightness, then the brightest diamond in this world known to men is the brown diamond. Before the
development of the Argyle Diamond Mine in Australia in 1986, most brown diamonds were considered
worthless for jewellery; they were not even assessed on the diamond colour scale, and were predominantly
used for industrial purposes.
However, marketing strategies changed in the 1980s and brown diamonds have become popular gems. The
change was mostly due to the supply: the Argyle mine, with its 35 million carats (7,000 kg) of diamonds per
year, makes about one third of global production of natural diamonds; 80% of Argyle diamonds are brown. The
percentage of brown diamonds is lower in other mines, but it is almost always a significant part of the total
production. Consequently, scientific research on causes of brown colour in diamond and ways to alter it has

(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 1. We can say
that the misunderstanding that there exist only white colourless diamonds is comparable with the existence
of the stars and other planets during the daytime because ________.
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 2. The statement that, brown-coloured diamonds were considered low-valued diamonds, is a
________ (fact/ opinion) because it is a ________ (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
Brown diamond transformed under Le Vian and became a popular gem.
(d) Complete the given chart about the conditions under which the chocolate diamonds are created.
(e) State any one inference on which the value of a diamond depends.
(f) Select the option that correctly relates to what strategies signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 4)
A. (i), (iv) and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) What inference do you draw about the role of Argyle Diamond Mine? (Answer in about 40 words)
(h) Which of the following facts does one NOT get acquainted with from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Discovery of brown diamonds in Australia, South Africa and Russia.
B. Intensification of scientific research on the causes of brown colour in diamonds and ways to alter it.
C. Brown diamond has different names like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac.
D. Marketing strategies have made brown diamonds as valuable as white diamonds.

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
I have just ________ (appear) for my senior secondary board examination and am interested in
pursuing a course in Visual Communication.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: [1]
The orchestra performed on the central theatre in front of a huge audience.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

(c) Report the dialogue between Jitu and Nitu, by completing the sentence: [1]
Jitu: My crash-course batch is full as only a month is left for the final exams.
Nitu: A drowning man will catch a straw.
Jitu said that his crash-course batch was full as only a month was left for the final exams, to which
Nitu said that ________.
(d) He said to his servant, "Why are you so lazy today?" [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) He asked his servant why was he so b) He asked his servant why he had been
lazy today. so lazy that day.

c) He asked his servant why he was being d) He asked his servant why he was so
so lazy that day. lazy that day.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
According to the studies, dolphins, whales and ________ (any/many/much) other sea creatures use
highly sophisticated navigation systems.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: [1]
The introduction of traditional sports in school has led to exciting among the students.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
Two children died after a massive fire breaks out in a newly constructed hospital building in Andhra

Option no. Error Correction

A children child

B a the

C breaks broke

D in at

(h) He is the man about whom we ______ so much. [1]

a) heard b) would have heard

c) have heard d) had heard

(i) Report the dialogue between Arjun and Arun, by completing the sentence: [1]
Arjun: Are you right-handed?
Arun: No, I do all my work with my left hand.
In response to the question that whether he was right-handed, Arun denied and said that ________.
(j) The judge said to the accused, "hold your tongue". [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) The judge asked the accused to hold his b) The judge told the accuse, hold your
tongue. tongue.

c) The judge ordered the accused to hold d) The judge told the accused, hold his
his tongue. tongue.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
Where the mind is without tear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world ________ not ________ up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
A. has been broken
B. had been broken
C. will be broken
D. have been broken
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Delhi Government
Help cater to the potable water need of the ever-growing population
Stop the rapid fall for Groundwater
Help maintain Green Cover

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. You are Ram/Rama G-135, Raj Nagar, Palam, New Delhi. Your locality has witnessed a number of cases of theft [5]
in recent weeks. The local law and order authorities were approached but you find no change in the situation.
Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper drawing the attention of the higher authorities to the problem.
You are Latha/Lokesh, Captain of Ringing Bells Public School hockey team. Write a letter in 100 - 120 words to the
Captain, hockey team of D.A.V. Public School, Fort Road, Chennai inviting their team to play a friendly match at
your school grounds. Describe all the facilities that your school shall provide.
5. The chart below gives the percentage of social media users by age in India in 2020. Write a paragraph analysing [5]
the given information in 100-120 words.
Internet Activities by Age Group

Age Group

Activity % Teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Get News 76 73 76 75 71 74 70

Online games 81 54 37 29 25 25 32

Downloads 52 46 27 15 13 8 6

Product research 0 79 80 83 79 74 70

Buying a product 43 68 69 68 67 65 41

Searching for people 5 31 23 23 24 29 27

Given below are the pollution figures for some major towns and cities in India:

Suspended Particulate Matter Sulphur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxide

Permissible Limits 200 80 80

Ludhiana 453 20 64

Delhi 680 124 137

Mumbai 485 27 53

Chennai 262 45 34

Using the information given above along with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.
"What will you do now, Max ?" Ausable asked. "If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway.
The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot".
i. Who is Max?
a. a spy
b. a tourist
c. a businessman
d. a waiter
ii. Max was unprepared for his mission. Elaborate with reference to the extract.
iii. Actually the door was knocked at by ________.
iv. Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to the word 'confidently'?
or [5]
The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said, "God: of the money
that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don't
send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks".
i. What did Lencho mean by 'the rest'? Answer in about 40 words.
ii. Read the following descriptions (a)-(c) and identify which one correctly corresponds to the
a. Lencho thought only God could help them in that hour of need.
b. Lencho wanted to punish post office employees.
c. Lencho wanted more money.
iii. Predict and justify the reaction of the postmaster after receiving the second letter from Lencho.
iv. Fill the blank with one word. A word which is the opposite of "honest" in the passage is
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning
a. Complete the sentence appropriately.
It is clear that personification is the poetic device used for 'No sun bury its feet....
b. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. Also, provide an explanation. The
extract uses trees as a symbol for conservative people.
c. Which of the following best describes the idea of a forest that has been 'empty all these days' is
a. unnatural
b. scary
c. magical
d. legendary
d. Which three things cannot happen in a treeless forest?


"The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning."
1.What is moving out into the forest?
2.: How was the forest described before the trees moved in?
3.What couldn't sit in the forest before the trees moved in?
4.Where could no insect hide before the trees moved into the forest?
5. What couldn't bury its feet in shadow in the forest before the trees moved in?
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) When can we get a whole view of Coorg? [3]
(b) What message do you get from the poem,'A Tiger in the Zoo'? [3]
(c) Based on your reading, would you call the narrator a family man? Justify your answer. Answer in the [3]
context of the lesson Two Stories about Flying.
(d) Why did Mr. Keesing not like Anne Frank and what did he do? [3]
(e) To say that for destruction ice is also great for the poet, what does ice stand for? How is it sufficient to [3]
bring destruction?

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) How did Mrs. Pumphery treat Tricki? (The Triumph of Surgery) [3]
(b) What did Ausable and Fowler see after entering the room? [3]
(c) What do you think about Griffin as a scientist? [3]
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) A few days after the experience, the narrator sat with his wife and recalled a long conversation he'd [6]
had with his young son the day before. The narrator's son had spoken to him about his close friend,
Freddie, and the many ways Freddie helped him. When the narrator suggested inviting Freddie home
for lunch, his wife casually said, "Freddie is like your friend in the black aeroplane!"
That night the narrator decided to record his thoughts in his diary to clear his head. As the narrator,
write the diary entry.
(b) Tiger in a zoo just overheard from the visitors that Nelson Mandela became the first black president [6]
fighting for freedom. He writes a letter to Nelson Mandela appealing Mandela to set the him free.
You may begin like this.

Dear Mandela,
I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president fighting for freedom. I wanted
to write to you to....
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the robbery. [6]
Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the events of the story The
Question of Trust.
Wednesday, 12 July 78 9 PM
Its D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same time...(continue)...
(b) Education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in the case of Hari Singh? [6]
Series ENG/10/10 Set ~ 10
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/10/10
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

Read the passage given below:
1. If you’re like most kids, you may love snow. Not only can it get you out of school, but it’s also fun to play
with. Who doesn’t love to sled and build snowmen? Snow can also be dangerous, too. You may have heard
your parents talk about how difficult it can be to drive in snow. Car accidents aren’t the only dangers
created by snow, though. If you’re ever skiing in the mountains, you’ll want to be aware of avalanches. An
avalanche is a sudden flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain. The amount of snow in an avalanche
will vary based on many things, but it can be such a huge amount that it can bury the bottom of a slope in
dozens of feet of snow.
2. Avalanches can be caused by many things. Some of them are natural. For example, new snow or rain can
cause built up snow to loosen and fall down the side of a mountain. Earthquakes and the movement of
animals have also been known to cause avalanches. Artificial triggers can also cause avalanches. For
example, snowmobiles, skiers, gunshots and explosives have all been known to cause avalanches.
Avalanches usually occur during the winter and spring, when snowfall is greatest. As they are dangerous to
any living beings in their path, avalanches have destroyed forests, roads, railroads and even entire towns.
3. Warning signs exist that allow experts to predict - and often prevent - avalanches from occurring. When
over a foot of fresh snow falls, experts know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in
places with massive snow build-ups to trigger smaller avalanches that don’t pose a danger to persons or
property. When deadly avalanches do occur, the moving snow can quickly reach over 80 miles per hour.
Skiers caught in such avalanches can be buried under dozens of feet of snow. While it’s possible to dig out
of such avalanches, not all are able to escape.
4. If you get tossed about by an avalanche and find yourself buried under many feet of snow, you might not
have a true sense of which way is up and which way is down. Some avalanche victims have tried to dig
their way out, only to find that they were upside down and digging themselves farther under the snow rather
than to the top ! Experts suggest that people caught in an avalanche try to "swim" to the top of the moving
snow to stay close to the surface. Once the avalanche stops, do your best to dig around you to create a space
for air, so you can breathe easier. Then, do your best to figure out which way is up and dig in that direction
to reach the surface and signal rescuers.
(a) Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option:
Avalanche can be caused by ________.

a) high altitude b) new snow or rain

c) global warming d) heavy winds

(b) Comment on warning signs exist which allow experts to predict avalanches in two sentences.
(c) Mention two reasons which destroyed the natural scenery.
(d) Select the option that conveys the opposite of Predict:

a) anticipate b) forecast

c) doubt d) cast
(e) The writer will agree with the given statement based on last paragraph–

a) People caught in the Avalanche can try b) Put on an oxygen mask.

to swim to the top.

c) Digging is not possible. d) Should not come close to the surface.

(f) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:
You may not have an idea of which way is up and which way is down.

a) The more the effort, the bigger the gain. b) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and
disperse from Gate No. 2.

c) Due to the torrential rain, there was a d) The guest felt uneasy and
heavy flooding. uncomfortable watching the child’s
(g) The major causes which do not trigger an avalanche:

a) Heavy rain b) Plastic waste

c) Snow fall d) Earthquakes

(h) Explosives can be used in places ________. (complete the sentence)
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
1. The white tiger is an offspring of Bengal tiger, which has the necessary gene for white colouring. It has
beautiful black stripes on a white coat. This species of animal has blue eyes and a pink nose.
2. A pure white tiger is totally white without any stripe, which is due to the presence of double recessive allele
in the genetic code. It happens only in the Bengal tiger subspecies, and only one in 10,000 births can have it
naturally. White tigers are rarely seen in the wild, and only twelve of them have been spotted in India since
last one-hundred years. Tigers have a life-span of 10-15 years. They are solitary animals, and are fond of
hunting at night. Their diet consists of any animals that they can catch, and can eat up to 40 pounds of meat
at one time. After such a big meal, they usually remain away for several days from food.
3. They are slow runners, but good swimmers. They are poor climbers and cannot climb a tree easily. They
live in an area ranging from 10 to 30 square miles depending upon the availability of prey, water and
shelter. Habitat loss, poaching and expansion of human population have together contributed to their
becoming endangered. They are widely hunted for their body-parts, which are used in traditional Chinese
4. Genetic inbreeding is another reason for their endangerment. Due to shortage in their number, this species
of animal has been subjected to inbreeding. It has resulted in high mortality rates and severe disabilities.
About 80 percent of the white tiger cubs are born with serious birth-defects related to inbreeding, and they
soon die-off.
5. The critical condition of this animal has attracted the attention of conservationists worldwide. World
Wildlife Federation (WWF), defenders of wildlife, and many other wildlife organizations are working with
the support of the government for the cause of protecting them from becoming extinct. Once they become
extinct, it will not be possible to bring them back to life.

(a) Complete the following hypothetical situation appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 2.
We can say that while on a safari in Sunderban, the possibility of getting a view of a pure white tiger is
next to nothing because ____________.
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 2.
The statement that, the presence of double recessive allele genes does not allow the tigers to have any
stripes, is a _________ (fact/ opinion) because it is a ________ (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
While the given data suggest that the number of tigers is increasing but processes like genetic inbreeding
involved in the process of restoring their numbers have less effectiveness and more potential drawbacks.
(d) What condition has spurred worldwide conservationists to act for protecting the tigers?
(e) Make a comparative study of the increase in the number of tigers between 2006-10 and 2014-18.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays the natural habitat of the tigers. (Reference-Paragraph 3)

A. (i), (iv) and (v)

B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iv)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) Infer the features of tigers highlighting one contrasting feature as mentioned in paragraphs 2 & 3. (Answer
in about 40 words)
(h) Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for tigers’ endangerment?
A. Habitat loss
B. Poaching
C. Inbreeding
D. Outbreeding

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
Such posters ________ (impact) youngsters negatively and can be hazardous to their self-esteem.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the [1]
As humans have taken over more and more land for cities, roads, and farms, natural areas had
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Report the dialogue between Ashish and his interviewer by completing the sentence: [1]
Interviewer: Why do you want to be a computer programmer?
Ashish: I have always been interested in computers.
In response to the question of the interviewer about why Ashish wanted to be a computer
programmer, he replied ________.
(d) The Captain said to his men, "Stand at ease". [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) The Captain told his men that they b) The Captain wanted his men to stand at
should stand at ease. ease.

c) The Captain urged his men to stand at d) The Captain commanded his men to
ease. stand at ease.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
She was _________ (never / neither / either) ready for the interview nor wanted to take the job.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence where two girls are talking and one of them is saying about her [1]
mother and supply the correction.
My mother teaches at one of the reputed schools of the city. She is a M.A. B.Ed.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
The roof and the backside of the bus were blown off by the blast that occurred on Thursday, but no
one was injured.

Option no. Error Correction

A were was
B off away

C occurred occur

D but yet

(h) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option: [1]
The students ________ to participate in the workshop, and submit a report at the end of the day to the
English teacher.

a) were ask b) had been asked

c) were asked d) will have asked

(i) Rakhi shared some information with Ramesh about her school camping trip. Report Ramesh’s [1]
What challenge did you face on your trek?
(j) "I am leaving the city tomorrow," the lecturer said. [1]
He said that ________ leaving the city ________.

a) he is, tomorrow b) he was, the following day

c) he was, that day d) I was, previous day

(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
My Mother is not the sort of Mum
Who'll ________ and faint and shiver,
Darkness doesn't scare her,
When it thunders, she won't ________!
A. be squealing, quiver
B. squeal, be quiver
C. squeal, quiver
D. be squealing, have been quivered
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Delhi Government
An assistance of ₹50,000/- will be given to all family living in Delhi on each death of any family
member due to COVID-19, whether or not they were earning members.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. Express your views by writing a letter to the Editor of the daily local newspaper on the subject 'Reforming [5]
You are Sudha/Sudhir, Principal of Vasant School, Agra. Your school has started a Music Department. Write a letter
to the Manager of Melody House, M.G. Road, Agra, wholesale suppliers of musical instruments, placing a detailed
order for five musical instruments for the school. Ask for a discount on the catalogue price.
5. Global weather has been undergoing a drastic change and global warming is responsible for creating arctic [5]
meltdowns. Use the given pie chart to write a paragraph analysing the reasons for climate change in about 100-
120 words.

Study the following bar graph depicting major exports from Medland in the current year. Write a paragraph
interpreting the data.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the sentences that follow: [5]
”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret
agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young
and romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine.”
i. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?
ii. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?
iii. Complete the given sentence:
Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because ________.
iv. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?
i. Finding out secret information
ii. Dealing with careless behaviour
iii. Ignorant about certain things
iv. Dealing indifferently

Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were gone from the
plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of
the field and said to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail has left
nothing. This year we will have no corn.” That night was a sorrowful one. “All our work, for
nothing.” “There’s no one who can help us.” “We'll all go hungry this year.” But in the hearts of all
who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God.
“Don’t be so upset, even though this seems like a total loss. Remember no one dies of hunger.”
“That’s what they say: no one dies of hunger.”
i. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be applied to the question - What
was totally destroyed in the rain?
a. The crop was totally destroyed in the rain.
b. Lencho became stressed and disappointed as everything went against the plan.
c. The trees had shed their leaves, corns were smashed and the flowers had also fallen from their
d. All their hard work had gone in vain.
ii. The night was sorrowful for Lencho’s family. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the
iii. Which phrase would correctly substitute 'solitary' in the given sentence from the extract? But in
the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single
hope: help from God.
iv. Which of the following is NOT an answer to the question: What made them feel sorrow? What
was their hope?
A. Storm of hailstones destroyed their field and made them sorrowful.
B. They had faith on God and hoped to get help from God.
C. He felt helpless as no corn had been left and feared, that they might have to starve this time.
D. These raindrops would ensure a good crop which would eventually get them a lot of money.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
My head is full of whispers
which tomorrow will be silent.
Listen. The glass is breaking.
The trees are stumbling forward
into the night. Winds rush to meet them.
The moon is broken like a mirror,
its pieces flash now in the crown
of the tallest oak.
i. Why would the whispers be silent tomorrow?
ii. The forest undergoes tremendous transformation overnight. Discuss with reference to the poem
“The Trees”
iii. Which word in the stanza means the same as ‘quiet’?
iv. Which poetic device has been used in the last line 'its pieces flash now in the crown of the tallest
a. Simile
b. Alliteration
c. imagery
d. Personification
or [5]

"An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy

As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions."
1. What emotion is the boy experiencing in the paragraph?
2.How does the boy physically react to his emotion?
3. What event causes the boy's reaction?
4.What does the speaker decide not to do regarding the boy's situation?
5.What does the speaker believe would be worthless in this situation?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) Describe the view that Rajvir saw as the train pulled out of the station. [3]
(b) Why does the tiger express his anger quietly? [3]
(c) Create a questionnaire of two most important questions that you would have liked to ask Nelson [3]
Mandela during an interview. Give your reasons for choosing those questions.
(d) Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? Does she treat Kitty as an insider or an [3]
(e) How does Robert Frost, the poet of Fire and Ice, caution the common man? [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Do you think the narrator's decision to not reveal the actual treatment to Mrs. Pumphrey was [3]
unprofessional? Justify your stance.
(b) The woman posing as house owner's wife had laid out a careful plan to dupe Horace Danby. Cite any [3]
two instances from the text that suggest the same.
(c) What was the reason of Jaffers's astonishment? [3]

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) In a parallel world, the pilot of the black aeroplane narrates his adventure in a story titled The Old [6]
Dakota. You come across an excerpt from the story, which responds to the ending questions of Black
Aeroplane and describes the black aeroplane pilot's decision to fly away after watching the Dakota
Compose the said excerpt of the story employing relevant details from Black Aeroplane.
(b) After having read the lesson on the oppression that communities faced in South Africa, you were [6]
deeply hurt. You could also relate to the struggles and hardships of millions of Indians who fought
against the oppressive British rule.
Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about oppression faced by people in their homeland. You
may begin like this:
24 August 20XX,
Monday 9:00 pm My heart is filled with sadness as I think of the oppressed who had to tolerate the
inhuman attitude of the oppressors in their own land ...
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Ausable's employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for Ausable so that he may be [6]
promoted to a higher rank in the secret services.
As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with reference to the instance in the
chapter as a prime example of Ausable's genius.
You may begin this way:
22, Rue Nationale
26 March' 78
The General Director
Department for Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years.
In this time, he has
Yours sincerely
(b) How did Anil lead his life? What was his profession? Why was Anil ready to have Hari Singh as a [6]
Series ENG/10/11 Set ~ 11
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/11/11
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 9 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

1. Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought attempting
to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do?

2. If your answer is yes, then you are "not a robot" Unlike robots, we human
beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We are all meant to grow and
stretch despite our circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying
to make our dreams come when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do
you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until
you are satisfied? If you tend to preserve and keep going then you have what
experts call, grit.

3. Falling or failing is one of the most agonizing. embarrassing, and scariest

human experiences. But, it is also one of the most educational. empowering,
and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that
perseverance is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the
keys to personal success and betterment in society? The other six are
curiosity. gratitude. optimism, self - control social intelligence, and zest.
Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1000 - plus times to invent the
light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know
well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of
failures, he merely stated that what he had were not failures. They were
hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed
his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side.
4. Grit can be learned to help become more successful. One of the techniques
that help is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual
stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his/her experience without
judgment with this practice of mindfulness, individuals can stop the self -
sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair, and frustration.

5. What did you do to overcome the negative and self - sabotaging feelings of
failure? Reflect on what you did, and try to use those same powerful
resources to help you today.

1. ’Grit can be learned to help become more successful. The underlined word
can be substituted with the word from the passage.

2. Choose the statement from the following that is NOT APPROPRIATE

according to the passage.

a. Grit can not be learned to help become more succesful.

b. Practising our dreams come true is great when life is going out way.

c. Mindfulness can be learned to help you become more successful

d. Reflect on what you did and try to use those same powerful resources
to help you.

3. Select the sentence from the following that reveals Thomas Edison’s grit.

a. Did you know that grit is one of the seven qualities that have been
described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society?

b. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and
out limitations.

c. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb.

d. Thomas Edison is a model for grit.

4. According to the passage, falling down or failing is one of the most ,

and human experience.

5. What does the phrase ’keep going’ refers to in the line - ’If you have the
tendency to reserve and keep going’?

a. to walk

b. get wild

c. moving in a certain direction

d. Continue doing something difficult

6. Select the appropriate option to complete the given sentence.

The word ’gratitude’ refers to the quality of being

a. regretful

b. thankless

c. arrogant

d. thankful

7. Choose the option that makes the correct use of ’model’, as used in the
passage to fill in the blank space.

a. They allowed me to it on stage.

b. Jone Auston was regarded as the of grit in fiction.

c. The first woman up was not certainly a

d. The business must work because of its novelty.

8. Which of the following can stop the self - sabotaging downward spiral of
hopelessness, despair and frustration?

a. mindfulness

b. growth

c. gratitude

d. hard work

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Papaya is the healthiest fruit
with a list of properties that is long and exhaustive. Papaya favours digestion as well
as cures skin irritation and sunburns. You can munch on it as a salad, have it cooked
or boiled or just drink it up as milk shake or juice. The most important of these
virtues is the protein - digesting enzyme in the milky juice. The enzyme is similar to
pepsin in its digestive action and is said to be so powerful that it can digest 200
times its own weight in protein. It assists the body in assimilating the maximum
nutritional value from food to provide energy and body - building materials.

Papain in raw papaya makes up for the deficiency of gastric juice and fights excess of
unhealthy mucus in the stomach, dyspepsia and intestinal irritation. The ripe fruit, if
eaten regularly, corrects habitant constipation, bleeding piles and chronic diarrhoea.

The juice is used as a cosmetic, removes freckles or brown spots due to exposure to
sunlight and makes the skin smooth and delicate. A paste of papaya seeds is applied
in skin diseases like those caused by ringworm. The black seeds of the papaya are
highly beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by malnutrition,
alcoholism, etc.

A table spoon of its juice, combined with a hint of fresh lime juice, should be taken
once or twice daily for a month. The fresh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey can
be applied over inflamed tonsils, for diphtheria and other throat disorders. It
dissolves the membrane and prevents infection from spreading. The nutrients in
papaya have also been shown to be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer.
Papaya’s fibre is able to control cancer - causing toxins in the colon and keep them
away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya’s folate, vitamin C, beta -
carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon
cancer. These nutrients provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free
radical damage to their DNA. Increasing your intake of these nutrients by enjoying
papaya is an especially good idea for individuals at risk of colon cancer.

1. Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding

of the given passage. We can say that Papaya as a fruit can be compared to
that versatile player who can play the role of an all - rounder in a game,

2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option from those given in the passage.
The statement that, the juice, used as a cosmetic, removes freckles or brown
spots due to exposure to sunlight and makes the skin smooth and delicate, is
a (fact/opinion) because it is a (subjective
judgement/ objective detail).

3. Justify the following in about 40 words. Papaya assists the body in

assimilating the maximum nutritional value from food to provide energy and
body - building materials.

4. Based on the given data, apple is richer in whichtwo nutrients as compared

to papaya?

5. According to the table, papaya has enough Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and many
other nutrients. How can the intake or consumption of these nutrients can
help us? (Answer in about 40 words)
6. Select the option that correctly displays what ‘applied’ signifies. (Reference -
Paragraph 3 & 4) i.





a. (i), (iv) and (v)

b. Only (ii)

c. Only (iii)

d. (ii) and (v)

7. Infer one health and one skin benefit of consuming Papaya.

8. Which of the following does not represent the usage or value of raw papaya?

a. It can be munched as a salad.

b. Its fresh juice mixed with honey can be applied over inflamed tonsils,
for diphtheria and other throat disorders.

c. It is highly beneficial in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.

d. It makes up for the deficiency of gastric juice and fights excess

unhealthy mucus in the stomach.


3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed

1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the
given portion of a letter:
I (request) you to have this faulty lot replaced by a new one, with the
best quality at the earliest and would appreciate if you initiated action in this
matter fast.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction:

Do you know that slouching should cause many problems?

Use the given format for your response.

3. Read the conversation and complete the sentence by reporting the

reply correctly.

Anne: It is my birthday tomorrow.

Confectioner: You can collect your cake by noon.

Anne told the confectioner that it was her birthday the following day. The
confectioner told her .

4. Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence:

"Don’t play on the grass, boys," she said.

a) She tells the boys not to play on the grass

b) She told the boys not to play on the grass

c) She told the boys not to played on the grass

d) She tells the boys not to played on the grass

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

(Much / Many / Few) time is required to learn a new language.

6. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids
site and supply the correction.

The advertising company Clear Channel has working with The Wildlife Trusts
and city governments to set up bee bus stops in cities across the UK.

Use the given format for your response.

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the
following line, from a news report:
Education plays a important role in building an individual’s identity and

8. On my friend’s farm, they an alarm clock because the cockerel

at five o’clock every morning without fail.

a) don’t need / crows

b) haven’t needed / was crowing

c) wont need / is crowing

d) didn’t need / will crow

9. Read the conversation and complete the sentence by reporting the

reply correctly.

Liz: Hey Mike, good to see you!

Mike: Hi Liz, I haven’t seen you since June.

Liz greeted Mike when they met accidentally and said it was good to see him.
Mike greeted back and replied that .

10. He says, ”I don’t want to play anymore".

Reported speech: ________

a) He says that he doesn’t want to play anymore.

b) He says that I didn’t want to play anymore.

c) He says that I don’t want to play anymore.

d) He says that he didn’t want to play anymore.

11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank with
the correct option.

Long, Long afterward in an oak

I the arrow still unbroke,

a. found

b. find
c. finds

d. am finding

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

Use the given format for your response.

4 You are Rachna/Ramesh living at Maya Enclave, New Delhi. There have been a spate
of chain snatching incidents in your colony by young boys riding bikes. Write a letter
in 100 - 120 words to the editor of the colony newsletter drawing attention to the
increase in the number of petty crimes in the colony. Mention the insecurity felt by
the residents and suggest strict security measures to be introduced.


You want to surprise your family by taking them abroad during the summer

Write a letter to the Manager of Tour the World Majestic Complex, Mount Road,
Chennai - 600002 asking details of places to visit, hotels, cost, etc. You are
Vivek/Viveka living in Usman Road, T - Nagar. Write the letter in about 100 - 120

5 The given bar graph shows the performance of boys and girls in half - yearly
examination in the given subjects. Write an analytical paragraph based on the
statistics of the graph.

The graph below proves that even in the 21𝑠𝑡 century the status of women is not
equal to that of men when it comes to occupying high positions in various
occupations. Read the graph carefully and write its interpretation.


6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two,

1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.

"What will you do now, Max ?" Ausable asked. "If I do not answer the door,
they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to

a. Who is Max?

i. a spy

ii. a tourist

iii. a businessman

iv. a waiter

b. Max was unprepared for his mission. Elaborate with reference to the
c. Actually the door was knocked at by .

d. Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to the word



All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God,
whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, to even what is deep
in one’s conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the
fields, but still, he knew how to write. The following Sunday, at daybreak, he
began to write a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the
mail. It was nothing less than a letter to God. “God,” he wrote, “If you don’t
help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in
order to sow field again and to live until the crop comes because of the

a. Why Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God? Answer in
about 40 words.

b. Read the following descriptions (a) - (c) and identify which one
correctly corresponds to the extract.

i. Lencho worked in fields like an ox of a man. He worked like an

animal in the fields.

ii. Lencho became stressed and disappointed as everything went

against the plan.

iii. He felt helpless as no corn had been left and feared, that they
might have to starve this time.

c. What would be the word if a word were to be replaced with the

phrase ‘the inner sense of right or wrong’?

d. Fill the blank with one word. Lencho wrote the letter to God, and he
himself carried the letter to town and dropped in the .

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two,

1. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

I sit inside, doors open to the verandah

Writing long letters

In which I scarcely mention the departure

of the forest from the house.

The night is fresh, the whole moon shines

in a sky still open

the smell of leaves and lichen

still reaches like a voice into the rooms.

a. Fill in the blank with one word:

The poet talks about the house as a place of .

b. Find the figure of speech used in the lines above.

c. The extract uses ‘open’ twice, suggesting different meanings. Write the
correct meaning with reference to the extract.

d. Choose the option that DOES NOT state the meaning of the underlined

‘I s carcely mention…’

i. tactfully

ii. hardly

iii. barely

iv. only just


But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,

(a) What does the phrase ‘his strength behind the bar’ suggests?
(b) Why does the tiger ignore the visitors?
(c) What is the tiger doing in the cage?
(d) What does the expression ‘stalking the length of the cage’ imply?

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words

1. Describe the wildlife of Coorg.

2. Why do you think the tiger was stalking in the cage? What did it show?

3. Your teacher organised a mini - debate competition in class on the topic:

Courage, Wisdom and Generosity are the ONLY attributes of a remarkable

Write the debate script with two points to supplement your stand, either as a
proposition speaker or as an opposition one.

4. Why does Anne Frank feels that writing a diary isa strange experience?

5. What is the message of the poem Fire and Ice ?

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words.

1. What did Mrs. Pumphrey do to bringTricki back to normal health? Wasshe

2. What didAusable do when he saw Max with a pistol?

3. Why was Mrs. Hall convinced thatGriffin was an ‘eccentric scientist’?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words
1. The young seagull’s parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and sister.
How could the young seagull’s newly flying siblings (Brother 1, Brother 2 and
Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief conversation among them.

2. After having read the lesson on the oppression that communities faced in
South Africa, you were deeply hurt. You could also relate to the struggles and
hardships of millions of Indians who fought against the oppressive British

Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about oppression faced by

people in their homeland. You may begin like this:

24 August 20XX,

Monday 9:00 pm My heart is filled with sadness as I think of the oppressed

who had to tolerate the inhuman attitude of the oppressors in their own land

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words.
1. As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the

Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the
events of the story The Question of Trust.

Wednesday, 12 July 78 9 PM

Its D - day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the
same time...(continue)...

2. Give a brief character sketch of Anil.

Series ENG/10/12 Set ~ 12
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/12/12
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

Read the passage given below:
1. If you’re like most kids, you may love snow. Not only can it get you out of school, but it’s also fun to play
with. Who doesn’t love to sled and build snowmen? Snow can also be dangerous, too. You may have heard
your parents talk about how difficult it can be to drive in snow. Car accidents aren’t the only dangers
created by snow. If you’re ever skiing in the mountains, you’ll want to be aware of avalanches. An
avalanche is a sudden flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain. The amount of snow in an avalanche
will vary based on many things, but it can be such a huge pile that it can bury the bottom of a slope in
dozens of feet of snow.
2. Avalanches can be caused by many things. Some of them are natural. For example, new snow or rain can
cause built up snow to loosen and fall down the side of a mountain. Earthquakes and the movement of
animals have also been known to cause avalanches. Artificial triggers can also cause avalanches. For
example, snowmobiles, skiers, gunshots and explosives have all been known to cause avalanches.
Avalanches usually occur during the winter and spring, when snowfall is greatest. As they are dangerous to
any living beings in their path, avalanches have destroyed forests, roads, railroads and even entire towns.
3. Warning signs exist that allow experts to predict - and often prevent - avalanches from occurring. When
over a foot of fresh snow falls, experts know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in
places with massive snow build-ups to trigger smaller avalanches that don’t pose a danger to persons or
property. When deadly avalanches do occur, the moving snow can quickly reach over 80 miles per hour.
Skiers caught in such avalanches can be buried under dozens of feet of snow. While it’s possible to dig out
of such avalanches, not all are able to escape.
4. If you get tossed about by an avalanche and find yourself buried under many feet of snow, you might not
have a true sense of which way is up and which way is down. Some avalanche victims have tried to dig
their way out, only to find that they were upside down and digging themselves farther under the snow rather
than to the top ! Experts suggest that people caught in an avalanche try to “swim” to the top of the moving
snow to stay close to the surface. Once the avalanche stops, do your best to dig around you to create a space
for air, so you can breathe easier. Then, do your best to figure out which way is up and dig in that direction
to reach the surface and signal rescuers.
(a) Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option:
Avalanche can be caused by

a) new snow or rain. b) heavy winds.

c) high altitude. d) global warming.

(b) Comment on warning signs exist which allow experts to predict avalanches in two sentences.
(c) Mention two reasons which destroyed the natural scenery.
(d) Select the option that conveys the opposite of massive:

a) lengthy b) tiny

c) extensive d) bulky
(e) The writer will agree with one of the given statements (paragraph 4)

a) People caught in the Avalanche can try b) Should not come close to the surface.
to swim to the top.

c) Digging is not possible. d) Put on an oxygen Mask.

(f) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:
You may not have an idea of which way is up and which way is down.

a) The guest felt uneasy and b) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and
uncomfortable watching the child’s disperse from Gate No. 2.

c) Due to the torrential rain, there was a d) The more the effort, the bigger the gain.
heavy flooding.
(g) The major causes which do not trigger an avalanche:

a) Snow fall b) Earthquakes

c) Plastic waste d) Rain

(h) Explosives can be used in places ________. (complete the sentence)
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
Kausani is situated at a height of 6,075 feet in the central Himalayas. It is an unusually attractive little town. It
covers just about 5.2 sq. km. It lies to the north of Almora in Uttarakhand's picturesque Kumaon region.
Kausani provides the 300 km. wide breath-taking view of the Himalayas. It is the most striking aspect of this
place. Snow-capped peaks are spread in a stately row. They stare at you in silvery-white majesty. The most
famous peak on view is Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain in India. It is situated at a height of 25,645
feet and is 36 miles away as the crow flies. The other famous peaks on view are Choukhamba (23,420 feet) and
Trishul (23,360 feet). Then there are also Neelkanth, Nandaghunti, Nandaghat and Nandakot. On a clear day,
the blue of the sky makes a splendid background to these peaks. At sunrise and at sunset, when the colour of
the sky changes to a golden orange, the scene gets etched in your memory.
When Gandhi Ji visited this place in 1929, its scenic beauty held him spellbound. He named it the 'Switzerland
of India'. He prolonged his two day stay to fourteen days, making time to write a book, ‘Anashakti Yoga'. The
place where he was staying was originally a guest house of a tea estate. It was renamed ‘Anashakti Ashram'
after the book.
Kausani is the birthplace of Sumitra Nandan Pant, India's poet laureate. Its natural surroundings inspired many
of his poems. Its tea gardens mingle with dense pine forests and fruit orchards. The area is also host to many
fairs and religious ceremonies. If Uttarakhand is the abode of Gods, Kausani is God's own backyard. There is
no traffic, no one is in a hurry. If serenity could be put on a canvas, the picture would resemble Kausani.

Average Rainfall in mm in Kausani (2000-2009)

(a) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
the passage.
The statement that, On a clear day, the blue of the sky makes a splendid background to these peaks, is a
_______ (fact/ opinion) because it is a _______ (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
(b) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
If Uttarakhand is the abode of Gods, Kausani is God's own backyard.
(c) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 2.
We can say that the situation of Gandhiji when he visited this place in 1929 is comparable with an
audience that keeps on applauding for a long after getting completely mesmerized by an artist's
performance because _______________.
(d) Based on the rainfall graph, address the comparison in context with the minimum and maximum amount
of rainfall in Kausani.
(e) Study the graph and draw an inference of what could have been the possibility of witnessing a blue sky in
the month of May.
(f) Infer the impact of the scenic beauty of Kausani on two people from the given passage.
(Answer in about 40 words)
(g) Select the option that correctly displays ‘Anashakti Ashram'.



(h) Which of the following peaks are not found in the Kausani region?
A. Trishul
B. Trikuta
C. Neelkanth
D. Nandakot

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
These students ensured that the beggars were ________ (rehabilitate) at Seva Sadan.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the [1]
Bee bus stops are a small step toward supporting important pollinate insects.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Radhika shared some information with Sant about her school trip. Report Sant's question. [1]
What did you learn from the museum visit?
(d) My father said to us, "We should study and get a good division in the examination." [1]
Reported speech: ________

a) My father told us that we shall study b) My father tells us that we should study
and get a good division in the and get a good division in the
examination. examination.

c) My father told us that we should study d) My father said us that we should study
and got a good division in the and got a good division in the
examination. examination.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
The vocabulary list had been memorized by _______ (mostly / all / more) of the students and each
one scored over 80 percent on the exam.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the [1]
Small gardens on bus shelter roofs are being planted with flowers chosen to help supporting the
struggling insects.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction
(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
Education plays an important role in building the individual’s identity and personality.

Option no. Error Correction

A plays play

B an a

C in for

D the an

(h) The football team that ____ last year's championship ____ little chance of winning it again this year. [1]

a) was going to win / stand b) was winning / stood

c) has won / has stood d) won / stands

(i) Report the dialogue between the shopkeeper and customer, by completing the sentence: [1]
Customer: Do you sell battery operated toys for children?
Shop keeper: Yes, we have a wide range of toys.
The customer asked the shopkeeper if he sold battery operated toys for children. In response, the
shopkeeper replied ________.
(j) Complete the sentence in reported speech: [1]
He said, "I like this song."
He said that ________.

a) he liked this song b) he likes this song

c) he liked that song d) he was like that song

(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
I ________ a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who ________ the sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?
A. breathe, has
B. breathed, has
C. breathed, had
D. breathe, had
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

India Expo Centre Greater Noida

Visit India’s only focused FOLDING CARTON event
PRODUCTS FOR DISPLAY: Carton making equipment, printing machinery, paper packaging,
lamination machines, adhesives, carton processing equipment, etc

Use the given format for your response.

error correction
4. Stakeholders associated with education of children are concerned about the poor reading habits of students [5]
today. There are multiple reasons for this disinterest in students. Academic pressure, technology and distraction,
social media, parents don't read, children don't visit libraries, lack of leisure time are some of the reasons.
As a concerned parent write a letter to the editor in about 100-120 words, expressing your concern. Suggest
innovative ways in which children can be brought back to books. You are Sahil/Sushila.
You are Vaibhavi Sinha, examination in-charge, Goodway Public School, Aurobindo Road, Indore. You require 4
reams of white paper, 2 packets of carbon paper, one dozen registers, blue and red ballpoint pens (50 each). Place an
order with Sunrise Stationery Mart, 12 Mall Road, Indore mentioning terms of payment, discount asked by you and
delivery date. (100-150 words).
5. You are Rita/Rohan, Head Girl/Head Boy of your school. You decided to make the school population aware of [5]
the advantages of tree plantation and tell them how trees can serve as better air-conditioners.
Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words. Take the help of the notes given below:

Trees keep environment cool by:

i. taking heat off the Earth and air.
ii. absorbing carbon dioxide that helps in controlling temperature rise.
iii. bringing rains.
iv. checking direct sunlight.
v. providing shade.

A survey was conducted by a school to discuss the role that Information Technology/Computers play in the growth
and development of children. The data is given below in the form of a pie chart. Analyze the data.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
And as the light came on,
Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day.
For halfway across the room,
a small automatic pistol in his hand stood a man.
Ausable blinked a few times.
i. Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand?
ii. Ausable blinked because he:
a. was getting adjusted to the light.
b. got afraid of the man with a pistol.
c. was thrilled to have reached his room.
d. started thinking of how to get rid of the man.
iii. Fowler was thrilled because what he saw looked like a ________.
iv. Which word in the extract means the same as 'genuine/real?

or [5]
"God" he wrote. "If you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred
pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because of the hail storm...."
i. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be applied to the question - Who is
'he' in the above stanza?
a. The postmaster
b. A post office employee
c. Lencho's wife
d. Lencho's son
ii. The speaker needed money. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the extract.
iii. Which phrase/word would correctly substitute 'will go hungry' in the given sentence from the
extract? "If you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year."
iv. Which of the following is NOT related to the question "What made Lencho write a letter to God?"
A. Lencho's crops were destroyed by the hailstorm.
B. He wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos.
C. He needed the money to sow his field again and survive till the new crops came.
D. Lencho’s hope of good rain to have a good crop.

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
I sit inside, doors open to the verandah
Writing long letters
In which I scarcely mention the departure
of the forest from the house.
The night is fresh, the whole moon shines
in a sky still open
the smell of leaves and lichen
still reaches like a voice into the rooms.
i. Fill in the blank with one word:
The poet talks about the house as a place of _________.
ii. Find the figure of speech used in the lines above.
iii. The extract uses ‘open’ twice, suggesting different meanings. Write the correct meaning with
reference to the extract.
iv. Choose the option that DOES NOT state the meaning of the underlined word.
‘I scarcely mention…’
A. tactfully
B. hardly
C. barely
D. only just
or [3]

"The trees inside are moving out into the forest,

the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning."
1.What is moving out into the forest?
2.How was the forest described before the trees started moving into it?
3What will the forest be like by morning?
4What could not sit in the forest when it was empty?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) What attracts visitors to Coorg? (Glimpses of India) [3]
(b) The poet celebrates the strength of the tiger in this poem. Counter the statement. [3]
(c) Look at the given image. Briefly evaluate the narrator's decision to not go back to Paris with reference [3]
to the image. (Two Stories about Flying)

(d) Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? [3]
(e) Write the sum and substance of the poem Fire and Ice. [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey call Mr. Herriot? What did he do to save Tricki? [3]
(b) Ausable was always one step ahead of everyone. Highlight any two instances from The Midnight [3]
Visitor when this holds true.
(c) What other extraordinary things happen at the inn in the lesson Footprints without Feet? [3]
10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words
(a) A few days after the experience, the narrator sat with his wife and recalled a long conversation he'd [6]
had with his young son the day before. The narrator's son had spoken to him about his close friend,
Freddie, and the many ways Freddie helped him. When the narrator suggested inviting Freddie home
for lunch, his wife casually said, "Freddie is like your friend in the black aeroplane!"
That night the narrator decided to record his thoughts in his diary to clear his head. As the narrator,
write the diary entry.
(b) In the chapter, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, the swearing-in ceremony represented a [6]
shared victory for justice, peace, and human dignity over the most despised apartheid regime based on
11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) What did Ausable do when he heard a knock at the door? [3]
(b) What does he get from Anil in return for his work? (The Thief's Story) [6]
Series ENG/10/13 Set ~ 13
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/13/13
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

In this jet age, everyone is interested in making easy money. Thanks to

the advancement in science and technology. these days life has become
easier and more comfortable than earlier with a lot of domestic gadgets
as well as instantaneous food recipes available in the market. This has
resulted in making people develop a mindset to have anything
immediately without waiting even at the traffic signals.

2. Most of us want results quickly. We want to reach the top immediately

and get worked up when things go wrong. Perseverance and patience are
forgotten words. We get upset, frustrated, and angry when a skill or
activity requires us to put in a lot of effort and time. We get dejected and
want to give it up. Things should be easy.

3. Life is too short and there is not enough time to do all the things we want
to. We tend to compare ourselves with others and get upset when they
seem to be doing well and start believing God is being too kind to them
and not to us. And so, we give up. But such thinking serves no purpose.
For it doesn’t solve the problem.

4. Success, real success, and happiness come to those who have a ’bread -
making’ attitude. Iam taking for those who are willing to knead the
dough, wait for hours for it to rise only to punch it down and knead some
more, wait for another couple of hours for it to rise again, then bake it
before it is ready to be eaten. Nothing is instantaneous. For every
endeavor - whether in the area of career, academics, music, sports,
relationships, physical fitness, or even in spirituality - it is a long
arduous journey.

5. We can get results only if we are willing to spend time, put in painstaking
effort, and have faith. If we don’t accept this difficult but true fact of life,
our lives will be far from being happy and fulfilling. For we may not
make that extra effort that can change the course of life dramatically for
our benefit.

6. However, if we just pause to analyze what we are doing, we will realize

how much time we are wasting searching for such magical solutions
which simply do not exist. We save time when we stop this futile search
and accept the proven methods of treading the straight and narrow path
however difficult it may seem initially.

1. What has been credited in the passage for our easier and more
comfortable life?

2. According to the passage, choose the correct statement from the


a. Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind

set to have things at their pace.

b. Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind

set to have things instantly and fast.

c. Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind

set to have things slowly and patiently.

d. Advancement in science and technology has resulted in a give -

up attitude.

3. List 1 way in which we can save our time as advised by the author.

(1) _ .

4. Choose the prerequisites to get the desired results in life as per the

a. With perseverance and painstaking efforts.

b. With utmost faith in mutual understanding.

c. With deviated mind and fluctuations.

d. By greasing the palms of others.

5. Success, real success and happiness come to those who have a bread -
making attitude. The bread - making attitude tells that:

a. We should be absolutely inactive.

b. It requires a skill in household chores.

c. We should remain idle in order to taste success.

d. We should be a man of patience in order to taste success.

6. Nothing in life is instantaneous. The underlined word can be replaced by

the word _ _ in the passage.

7. Select the best option from the following that can help us reach the top in

a. Perseverance and patience

b. Science and technology

c. Dejection and frustration

d. Analysis and magical solution

8. The author has stated the example of bread - making attitude to make
us __ .

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: A PURPOSE IN LIFE A [10]
noble purpose gives meaning to one’s own life and is of benefit to others. I
realised this while researching on and writing about the life of Jamshed Ji Tata.
What gave one man living in a colonised country the vision to advance it in the
community of nations? He not only gave India the power of steel and
hydroelectric energy, but also an institution of research.

He sent an educationist to Europe and the United States to report on what

should be the best model for India. The John Hopkins University in Baltimore
was recommended as the model. But, Tata made it a point to see that his name
was not associated with the university. After his death, his dream came true
with the establishment of the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru. It was to
be the fountainhead of science in the decades to come.

There are others too, whose purpose in life has made a difference to society.
Mother Teresa had a comfortable life at Loretto Convent, Kolkata. On a train
journey to Darjeeling, she felt her ’calling’ and wanted to give up her
comfortable life in the convent and serve the poor and the needy.

After that, she took a three month nursing course and returned to Kolkata. She
devoted her time to the sick and the homeless. Touched by her sacrifice, some of
her students joined her and work began. Not everyone has such a strong calling.
When I asked her how one could be sure of one’s calling, she replied. "Deep
down in our hearts we know exactly what our calling is, if we are sincere."

One’s purpose is shaped over a period of time, but every noble purpose is based
on a feeling for the suffering of others and our desire to alleviate that condition.
Some years ago, in Kerala, a young man saw his father join Gandhi Ji and fight
for opening temples to the Harijans. When he grew up, the boy decided to take
up agricultural studies, because he had seen the havoc caused by the Bengal
famine. He went to Europe and studied agriculture. On his return to India, he
spearheaded the Green Revolution. Dr. M.S Swami Nathan, thus demonstrated
how purpose intensifies with time.

1. Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your

understanding of paragraph 1. We can say that the people who devote
their life to benevolence are comparable to the tree that bears delicious
fruits but do not consume them because ____ .

2. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets,
based on your understanding of paragraph 1.

The statement that, Jamshed Ji Tata gave India empowered India with
steel and hydroelectric energy, and an institution of research, is a ____ __
(fact/opinion) because it is a ___ (subjective judgement/ objective

3. Justify the following, in about 40 words.

Explain the instance from the given passage that clearly demonstrates
how purpose intensifies with time.

4. Based on the Venn diagram, which three things motivate the purpose in

5. Refer to the diagram, and infer the impact of this “calling” in Mother
Teresa’s life.

6. Select the option that correctly displays what ‘calling’ signifies as per the
given passage. (Reference - Paragraph 3)
a. (i), (iv) and (v)

b. Only (ii)

c. Only (iii)

d. (ii) and (v)

7. Infer the basis of the noble purpose while comparing its role in the life of
Mother Teresa and Jamshed Ji Tata. (Answer in about 40 words)

8. Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned
in the passage?

a. To focus on self - assessment and find the importance of having a

purpose in life.

b. To follow our passion and work selflessly for the betterment of


c. To know purpose intensifies with time and it is okay to follow our


d. To get inspired by the lives of Mother Teresa, Jamshed Ji Tata etc.

3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
1. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for
the given portion of a letter:

I, therefore, request you to __ (issue) a letter of recommendation for

these students to be nominated for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ organised
by the local Municipal Corporation.

2. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report
and supply the correction.

Some students tends to experience episodes of anxiety and sleeplessness

and even nervous breakdowns.

Use the given format for your response.

3. Read the conversation between a doctor and his patient. Complete
the sentence by reporting the patient’s reply correctly.

Doctor: How do you feel now? Did you take the medicines regularly?

Patient: Better. Yes, I took the medicines on time.

The doctor, while trying to figure out his patient’s ailment, asked about
his well - being and whether he had taken his medicines on time, to
which, the patient affirmed that he felt better and that _ _.
4. Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence:

"Say hello to Jayesh," they said.

a) They asked me to say hello to Jayesh.

b) They askme to say hello to Jayesh.

c) They asked me to saidhello to Jayesh.

d) They told me to say hello to Jayesh.

5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

Giveme __ _ (some / many / little)advice on how to improve my

writing skills.

6. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for
Kids site and supply the correction.

In an effort to help out important insects like bees and butterflies, bus
stops across the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe are getting live roofs.

Use the given format for your response.

7. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for
the following line, from a news report:

The schools have taken several measures to ensure the safety of students
like temperature screening of everyone who enter school premises and
special sanitization of the school as per WHO guidelines.
8. Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blanks with the correct

The teacher is hoping to __ an art exhibition before the end of the


a) put off

b) put down

c) put on

d) put up

9. Read the conversation between the coach and the student.

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly:

Coach : You must attend morning practice regularly.

Student : Yes, I will as I am feeling stronger now.

The coach reminded the student that he must attend morning practice
regularly, to which the student replied _ _.

10. He said to me, "I have often told you not to play with fire".

Reported speech: ________

a) He told me that he had often told me not to play with fire.

b) He said that he has often been telling me not to play with fire.

c) He said to me that he often told me not to play with fire.

d) He reminded me that he often said to me not to play with fire.

11. Complete the line from a self - awareness song, by filling the blank
with the correct option.

"Where words come out from the depth of truth

Where tireless striving __ _____ its arms to ward perfection

Where the clear stream of reason ___ _ not_________its way

Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit."

a. stretches, had lost

b. stretches, has lost

c. stretched, has lost

d. stretched, had lost

12. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

Use the given format for your response.

4 You are Preeti/Pramod residing at Green View Apartments, Pune. The rising [5]
prices of daily commodities have added to the problems of the common man
who is finding it difficult to meet his daily needs. Write a letter to the editor of a
national daily in 100 - 120 words voicing the problems you are facing because
of this inflation and requesting the concerned authorities to look into the


You are Ankita/Ankit, Computer In - charge of Maharani Public School,

Bangalore. Blackboards are to be replaced by smart boards. You wish to place
an order for fifteen smart boards and computer accessories. Write a letter of
enquiry to Ensonic Computech, M.G. Road, Bangalore enquiring about prices,
discounts and after sales service.

5 A survey was conducted on the population of Rhinoceros unicorn is between [5]

1910 to 2005. Interpret the line graph given below.

The following table shows details about the internet activities for six categories
for different age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in
around 150 - 200 words.

6 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You
were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and
danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and
romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of
pistols, drugs in the wine.”

a. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?

b. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?

c. Complete the given sentence:

Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because ___ _.

d. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?

i. Finding out secret information

ii. Dealing with careless behaviour

iii. Ignorant about certain things

iv. Dealing indifferently


So, in order to not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came
up with an idea: answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was evident
that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and
paper. But he stuck to his resolution: He asked money from his

a. Who made the decision to respond to the letter?

b. Which of the following best describes the postmaster’s attitude
towards helping the writer of the letter?

i. Indifferent

ii. Arrogant

iii. Thoughtful

iv. Helpful

c. "He needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper."

Comment on the given line.

d. Replace the word ’evident’ with an appropriate word/phrase in

the given statement: "But when he opened it, it was evident that
to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and

7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, [5]

1. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

I sit inside, doors open to the verandah

Writing long letters

In which I scarcely mention the departure

of the forest from the house.

The night is fresh, the whole moon shines

in a sky still open

the smell of leaves and lichen

still reaches like a voice into the rooms.

a. Fill in the blank with one word:

The poet talks about the house as a place of ___ _ _.

b. Find the figure of speech used in the lines above.

c. The extract uses ‘open’ twice, suggesting different meanings.

Write the correct meaning with reference to the extract.

d. Choose the option that DOES NOT state the meaning of the
underlined word.
‘I s carcely mention…’

i. tactfully

ii. hardly

iii. barely

iv. only just


"What is the boy now, who has lost his ball

What, what is he to do? I saw it go

Merrily bouncing down the street, and then

Merrily over-there it is in the water!

No use to say '0 there are other balls"

1. What has the boy lost?

2. Where did the ball go?

3. How did the ball move?

4. What is the boy's dilemma?

5. What attitude does the speaker suggest about finding a replacement ball?

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40 - 50 words [12]
1. What impressed Mr. Barua about Rajiv? (Glimpses of India)

2. Write the appropriate response comprising of at least two reasons to

present a counter to the following:

3. Look at the given image. Briefly evaluate the narrator’s decision to not go
back to Paris with reference to the image. (Two Stories about Flying)

4. Why does Anne Frank think of havinga diary?

5. What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and
Ice contribute to it?

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40 - 50 words. [6]
1. What made Mrs. Pumphrey call the veterinary?

2. How is Ausable different from other secret agents?

3. How did theinvisible man firstbecome visible?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words [6]
1. In a parallel world, the pilot of the black aeroplane narrates his
adventure in a story titled The Old Dakota . You come across an excerpt
from the story, which responds to the ending questions of Black
Aeroplane and describes the black aeroplane pilot’s decision to fly away
after watching the Dakota land.

Compose the said excerpt of the story employing relevant details from
Black Aeroplane .

2. Freedom can’t be bargained at any cost. Compare Nelson Mandela’s

interpretation of freedom with that of A Tiger in the zoo.

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100 - 120 words. [6]
1. Horace was not a typical thief. What values would you like to inculcate in
him to transform him?

2. Trust and compassion can reform a person. Justify this statement in the
light of the lesson The Thief’s Story .
Series ENG/10/14 Set ~ 14
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/14/14
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

1. Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she
discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer and studied uranium and other radioactive
substances. Pierre and Marie's amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom
2. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age,
she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to
continue with her studies after high school She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the
university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left
Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master's degree and
doctorate in physics.
3. Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of
whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working
together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium. Pierre was killed by a horse-
drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish.
Despondently, she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research.
The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
4. Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics
professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at a world-famous
university. In 1911, she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie
eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about
her work Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the
mysteries of the physical world.
(a) According to the author, what made Marie Curie the ever-existing name in the world of science?
(b) What message does the phrase 'she never became disillusioned about her work' convey?
(c) What qualities did Perrie and Marie show when they worked together? Choose one option from the
a. incompatibility
b. envy
c. camaraderie
d. Jealousy
(d) Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace 'desolation' (paragraph IV).
a. She was in gloom when her father left her all alone.
b. Riya was so elated to know that she passed the test.
c. The teacher was so strict while invigilating in the exam hall.
d. Mohan is a destitute boy who keeps worrying about his future all the time.
(e) Marie had a 'blithe' personality. Substitute the word 'blithe' in ONE WORD.
(f) Identify the qualities of Marie Curie, according to the given passage.
(1) determined
(2) brilliant
(3) carefree
(4) quarrelsome
(5) immoral
a. (1), (2), (3)
b. (4) and (5)
c. (1),(4) and (5)
d. (2) and (3)
(g) Identify the tone in the given phrase- 'Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune'.
(h) Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the given passage.
a. The backbone of success is hard work, determination and perseverance.
b. Do not stop working; work is the only key to success.
c. Nothing grows but honesty and hard work.
d. Hard work pays off.
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water
shortages, life didn't grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu
and Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.
2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall
rate of 50 mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on
glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate
change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought
situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest
3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the village and
lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of
ice above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers
have been able to manage two crops instead of one. It costs about ₹ 1,50,000 and above to create one.
4. Fondly called the "glacier man", Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh
since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab
Mukherjee, in 2015.
5. There are a few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier.
6. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the
winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted water is
made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular
intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along
the slope. Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is referred
to as an "artificial glacier".
Number of Tourists who visited Leh

Month/Year April May June July August Sept.

2010 3410 16518 22889 22415 5575 3041

2011 3001 26310 33908 46843 37756 20833

(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 2.
We can say that the situation of farming being limited to one harvest in Ladakh is comparable with having
only thorny bushes in the desert area because ________.
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 2.
The statement that, agriculture in Ladakh depends on glacier melt, is a ________ (fact/opinion) because it
is a ________ (subjective judgement/objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
(d) Based on the tabular graph, identify the months when Leh had the most and least number of tourists.
(e) Study the number of visitors for the month of July and state any one inference that can be drawn from this.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays what ‘cascade’ signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 6)
A. (i), (iv) and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) Give a brief introduction of the Glacier Man. (Answer in about 40 words)
(h) Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the process involved in creating an artificial
glacier as mentioned in the passage?
A. River or stream water at higher altitudes is diverted to a shaded area of the hill.
B. At the onset of summer, the diverted water is made to flow onto a sloping hill face through distribution
C. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water.
D. Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice.

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
Such posters ________ (impact) youngsters negatively and can be hazardous to their self-esteem.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction. [1]
While much needs to be done to transforming our education system to meet the needs of all types of
students, it is equally important to teach our children the art of taking stress in their strides.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(c) Maria shared some information with Mathew about her flight to Kanpur. Report Mathew’s question. [1]
Were you nervous on your first flight?
(d) Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence: [1]
A doctor said, "You take rest."

a) A doctor was advised me to take rest. b) A doctor advised me to take rest.

c) A doctor said me to take rest. d) A doctor said me to you had taken rest.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
He is an expert on languages, but he knows _________ (a lot of / little / a few) about mathematics.
(f) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction. [1]
While much needs to be done to transform our education system to meet the needs of all types of
students, it is equally important to teach our children the art of take stress in their strides.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
The roof and the backside of the bus was blown away by the blast that occurred on Thursday, but no
one was injured.

Option no. Error Correction

A was were

B away off

C occurred occur

D but yet

(h) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option: [1]
The residents promised to ________ the President of the association in his demand for proper garbage
disposal systems.

a) stand by b) stand against

c) stood by d) stood for

(i) Read the conversation between Meera and her father. [1]
Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly.
Meera: What did you buy?
Father: I bought a heater.
Meera asked her father what he had bought. The father replied that he ________.
(j) Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence: [1]
"Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

a) The stuntman advised the audience do b) The stuntman advised the audience not
not try that at home. to try that at home.

c) The stuntman advised the audience not d) The stuntman advises the audience not
to tried that at home. to try that at home.
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
The angel whole and ________ The next right
It came again with a great wakening light.
And showed the names whom love of God had blest,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name ________ all the rest.
A. has vanished, led
B. vanishes, leads
C. vanished, led
D. was vanishing, had led
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]

Delhi Government
An assistance of ₹2,500/- per month will be given to family residing in Delhi where earning
members died due to COVID-19.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. The condition of the public park in your locality is miserable. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper [5]
with the help of the points given below. You are Ranjit/Reshma.
Poorly managed parks
Heaps of garbage everywhere
Boundary wall is broken
Very dirty animals resting there

You are Ankita/Ankit. You wish to pursue a course on 'Data Science'. Write a letter to the Director, Scaler Data
Science, enquiring about the eligibility, duration, fee, scholarship and placement, etc.
5. Study the graph given below. The bar graph depicts and compares the number of students of class eleventh opted [5]
for stream of arts, science and commerce in the year 2017 to 2019 in a school in Gurugram Analyse the graph
and write your observation in a paragraph.

The given pie-chart shows how water is consumed in households in a metropolitan city in India. Study the
information carefully and write a paragraph in about 100-120 words drawing a comparative analysis of water
consumption. Emphasize on wasteful water consumption and suggest possible ways to save water.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the sentences that follow: [5]
”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret
agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young
and romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine.”
i. What makes Ausable comment to Fowler "You are disappointed"?
ii. Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?
iii. Complete the given sentence:
Fowler was disappointed to meet Ausable because ________.
iv. What is the meaning of the word Espionage?
i. Finding out secret information
ii. Dealing with careless behaviour
iii. Ignorant about certain things
iv. Dealing indifferently
OR [5]
The older boys were working in the field, while the smaller ones were playing near the house until the
woman called to them all, “Come for dinner.” It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had
predicted, big drops of rain began to fall. In the north-east huge mountains of clouds could be seen
approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the
pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed, "These aren’t raindrops
falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces and the little ones are
a. What do you suggest about Lencho's family after reading the above extract?
b. Which of the following best describes Lencho's prediction?
A. storm
B. heavy rainfall
C. hailstorm
D. thunderstorm
c. Comment on the author's tone used in the above extract with reference to the term ‘foretold’.
d. In what way the author described the weather in the starting and how it became later?
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning
a. Complete the sentence appropriately.
It is clear that personification is the poetic device used for 'No sun bury its feet....
b. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. Also, provide an explanation. The
extract uses trees as a symbol for conservative people.
c. Which of the following best describes the idea of a forest that has been 'empty all these days' is
a. unnatural
b. scary
c. magical
d. legendary
d. Which three things cannot happen in a treeless forest?

"All night the roots work

to disengage themselves from the cracks
in the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
small twigs stiff with exertion
long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
like newly discharged patients
half-dazed, moving
to the clinic doors."
1.What time of day is described in the passage?
2.What are the roots trying to do?
3.Toward what are the leaves straining?
4. How are the boughs described in the passage?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) Why are Kodavus permitted to carry fire arms without licence? (Glimpses of India) [3]
(b) How does the poem point to the cruelty of animals in captivity? Answer in the context of the poem A [3]
Tiger in the Zoo.
(c) Why did Griffin decide to become visible and to go to Iping? [3]
(d) How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay? [3]
(e) For Frost, what do fire and ice stand for? [3]
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice? Did Mrs. Pumphrey pay heed to his advice? What excuses did [3]
she make?
(b) Why was Horace arrested when he had not stolen anything? [3]
(c) What did the Halls see in the scientist's room?

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) The young seagull's parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and sister. How could the young [6]
seagull's newly flying siblings (Brother 1, Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief
conversation among them.
(b) In the chapter, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, the swearing-in ceremony represented a [6]
shared victory for justice, peace, and human dignity over the most despised apartheid regime based on
racial discrimination. Similarly, in the poem The Tress, the hard-fought victory for the trees has been
achieved. They have been freed from the artificial glasshouse that held them captive. Imagine Nelson
Mandela is congratulating trees on their victory in a letter in which he describes what freedom meant
to him.
You may begin like this.
Dear Trees,
It is with great joy that I write to you today on the occasion of your freedom ...
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Ausable's employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for Ausable so that he may be [6]
promoted to a higher rank in the secret services.
As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with reference to the instance in the
chapter as a prime example of Ausable's genius.
You may begin this way:
22, Rue Nationale
26 March' 78
The General Director
Department for Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years.
In this time, he has
Yours sincerely
(b) What thought crossed Hari Singh's mind when he was waiting on the railway platform? [6]
Series ENG/10/15 Set ~ 15
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/15/15
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

 Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages.

 Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
 Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
 15 Minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10:15 a.m From 10.15a.m to 10.30 a.m, the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer –book during this period

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. 15 - minute prior reading time allotted for Q - paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING

3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]

Read the following passage carefully:
1. Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very expensive. Some organic food costs twice as
much as non-organic food. Parents of young children and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for
organic food if they think it is healthier. But many others think organic food is just a waste of money.
2. There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural
chemicals such as pesticides that stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries, foods that claim to
be organic must have special labels that guarantee they're grown organically.
3. Some people think organic also means 'locally grown' and originally it was indeed true. But over a period of
time organic farming has become a big business, with many organic foods now being grown by large
agricultural companies that sell their products far from where they're grown. Processed food made with
organic ingredients has also become more popular. At first, only small companies produced these products.
But as demand overtook supply, big food companies that had been selling non-organic products for many
years also began selling organic products.
4. Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of the debate. Many farmers and
consumers believe it is safer and more nutritious. They think agricultural chemicals can cause serious
illnesses such as cancer, but there isn't much evidence proving this is true. However, recent studies have
shown that eating organically-grown produce reduces your chances of developing heart diseases. Many
doctors think it is more important to stop dangerous bacteria from contaminating foods. These bacteria can
contaminate both organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables, and doctors recommend washing produce
carefully before eating it. Meat, fish and chicken can also become contaminated so washing your hands
before handling these foods is also very important.
(a) People are willing to pay high prices for organic food because

a) it does not contain agricultural b) it is produced by small companies.


c) it is not easily available. d) it helps in weight loss.

(b) Select the option that displays what the writer projects with reference to the following:
Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of the debate.

a) denial b) caution

c) confirmation d) acceptance
(c) Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 3.

Opinion Reason

Big food companies have started selling organic food products.

(d) The writer contrasts organic food to non-organic food.

State one point of comparison between the two.
(e) Based on your reading of the text, list one benefit of eating organic food.
(f) What connect does the writer draw between contamination of food and washing hands?
(g) The writer says that people believe that it is safer and more nutritious to eat organic food. Select the reason
for his sceptical view.

a) it is tastier b) the price decides the popularity

c) it is marketed by big food companies d) there is no confirmed evidence

(h) Supply one point to justify the following:
Some people think organic also means locally grown.
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [10]
If you are addicted to coffee and doctors warn you to quit the habit, don't worry and just keep relishing the
beverage, because it is not that bad after all! In fact, according to a new study, the steaming cup of Java can
beat fruits and vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is the number
one source of antioxidants in the American diet, and both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide
similar antioxidant levels.
Antioxidants, in general, have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against
heart diseases and cancer, but Vinson, a dietician said that their benefits ultimately depend on how they are
absorbed and utilised in the body. The research says that coffee outranks popular antioxidant sources like tea,
milk, chocolate and cranberries. Of all the foods and beverages studied, dates actually have the most
antioxidants based solely on the serving size, but since dates are not consumed anywhere near the level of
coffee, the drink comes as the top source of antioxidants, Vinson said.
Besides keeping you alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health
benefits, including protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease, according
to some recently published studies.
The researchers, however, advise that one should consume coffee in moderation, because it can make you
jittery and cause stomach pains.

(a) Identify a similar analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraph 1.

We can refer to a food lover in different ways like in this sentence: The gastronome was disappointed with
the menu.
A similar reference to coffee is made in the line: .
(b) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of
paragraph 2.
The statement that, the potential benefit of coffee depends on how it is absorbed and utilised in the body, is
a (fact/opinion) because it is a (subjective judgement/ objective detail).
(c) Justify the following, in about 40 words.
While the studies suggest that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet, the
researchers also advise its moderate consumption.
(d) Based on the statistics of caffeine per cup, which two versions of coffee have the highest concentration of
(e) Study the graph and draw an inference about what should be the most preferred version of coffee for
Americans based on your understanding of paragraph 1.
(f) Select the option that correctly displays the popular sources of antioxidants that coffee outranks.
(Reference-Paragraph 2)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

A. (i), (iv) and (v)

B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
(g) Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and good for health so it must be consumed by all.
B. Coffee protects against diseases like colon cancer and type 2 diabetes.
C. Coffee as a beverage has various health benefits provided it is taken in moderation.
D. Coffee is a part of the American diet as it is a rich source of antioxidants.
(h) Infer the reason behind Vinson’s observation on dates having more antioxidants than coffee, yet not
topping the list of top sources of antioxidants. (Answer in about 40 words)
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed [10]
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter: [1]
As very little information is available about this course, I (be) extremely grateful if you
could send me detailed information about it.
(b) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: [1]
The children were exciting when they saw the leopard.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

(c) Read the conversation between a teacher and a student. [1]

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly:
Teacher: Would you like to take part in a debate competition?
Student: Yes, When is the competition?
The teacher asked whether the student would like to participate in a debate competition to which the
student affirmed .
(d) "You can't bathe in this sea," he said to me, "it's very rough." [1]
Reported speech:

a) He said that you couldn't bathe in the b) He said that you can't bathe in this sea
sea if it was very rough. since it was very rough.

c) He said that I can't bathe in this sea d) He said that I couldn't bathe in that sea
because it's very rough. as it was very rough.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option. [1]
The teacher gave (every / each / either) of the students a piece of paper.
(f) Identify the error in the statement given below and supply the correction: [1]
Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

The evil of begging is very common into our country.

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a [1]
news report:
The roof and the backside of the bus were blown off by the blast that occurred on Thursday, but no
one was injured.

Option no. Error Correction

A were was

B off away

C occurred occur

D but yet

(h) As he the party, a strange man him. [1]

a) was leaving / approached b) is leaving / has approached

c) leaves / was approaching d) left / has been approaching

(i) Read the conversations between a customer and a waiter. Complete the sentence by reporting the [1]
waiter’s reply correctly:
Customer: Waiter, come here. The plate is dirty.
Waiter: I’ll change it sir.
The customer asked the waiter to come there. He pointed out that the plate was dirty. The waiter
politely offered .
(j) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between the Postmaster and Rama. [1]
Postmaster: Rama, show me a document to verify your identity.
Rama: Sure, I will show you my driving licence.
The postmaster asked Rama to show him a document to verify her identity to which Rama affirmed
and said

a) this is her driving licence. b) this was her driving licence.

c) that was her driving licence. d) that she would show him her driving
(k) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option. [1]
Abou Ben Adhem (May his tribe increase!)
one night from a deep dream of peace,
And , within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
A. Awoke, saw
B. Awakening, seen
C. Awakes, sees
D. Awoke, seen
(l) Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following: [1]
Win Exciting Prizes & Scholarships!


Use the given format for your response.

error correction

4. You are Anita/Anil of Panday Park. You recently worked on a school project on the powerful impact of media in [5]
promoting national integration. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindu, sharing your views on the role of media
- word limit 100-120 words.
You have been reading incidents of foreign tourists being duped and cheated of their money and valuables, incidents
of inhospitable behaviour and eve-teasing. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor of a national daily
expressing your views on the issue and also give suggestions on how to make your city a safer tourist destination.
5. Every four seconds a new baby is born in India while the death ratio is very low. If the present trend continues [5]
serious consequences will be seen. Pressure is growing on the civic amenities. Over population has become a
menace. Being an alert citizen, you feel strong about it and intend to spread awareness. In this regard you decide
to write a paragraph on, Over Population - A Hazard, taking help from the verbal input and visual stimulus
given below:

Slums have sprung up everywhere - pressure is growing on basic amenities - public transport ply overcrowded
- long queues in hospitals, at railway stations, shops, gas agencies, bus stands - problem of unemployment -
solution is family planning, youth need to be made aware of dire consequences.
The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender (blue represents female and red shows male) in Great
Britain. Write an analytical paragraph describing the chart given in not more than 200 words.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
(a) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [5]
Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and
German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from
Boston twenty years ago.
‘‘You are disappointed,’’ Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder.
i. Who is ‘you’ here?
a. Fowler
b. Ausable
c. Waiter
d. Max
ii. How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
iii. 'You’ believed that Ausable was .
iv. It can be inferred from the extract that a secret agent is expected to be
1) fit.
2) compassionate.
3) apologetic.
4) suave.
5) violent.
a. Option 1, 3 & 5
b. Option 1 & 4
c. Option 2 ,4 & 5
d. Option 2 & 3
OR [5]
"God" he wrote. "If you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred
pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because of the hail storm. "
i. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be applied to the question - Who is
'he' in the above stanza?
a. The postmaster
b. A post office employee
c. Lencho's wife
d. Lencho's son
ii. The speaker needed money. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the extract.
iii. Which phrase/word would correctly substitute 'will go hungry' in the given sentence from the
extract? "If you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year."
iv. Which of the following is NOT related to the question "What made Lencho write a letter to God?"
A. Lencho's crops were destroyed by the hailstorm.
B. He wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos.
C. He needed the money to sow his field again and survive till the new crops came.
D. Lencho’s hope of good rain to have a good crop.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. [5]
All night the roots work to
disengage themselves from the cracks
In the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
Small twigs stiff with exertion
Long cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
Like newly discharged patients
Half dazed moving
To the clinic doors.
i. Choose the correct option that mentions the correct poetic device against the correct example.

Simile Long cramped boughs

Metaphor Like newly discharged patients

Personification Small twigs stiff with exertion

Simile Like newly discharged patients

(3) Refrain Under the roof

Simile Leaves strain toward the glass

Personification Like newly discharged patients

Refrain Half-dazed, moving

A. Option (1)
B. Option (2)
C. Option (3)
D. Option (4)
ii. Why do the leaves strain towards the glass?
iii. Comment on the work done by trees according to the poet.
iv. The poet compares the trees to “newly discharged patients”. Highlight any two reasons for the
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued
1.What has given the speaker's heart a change of mood?
2.What impact did this change of mood have on the speaker's day?
3.What does the speaker mean by "saved some part of a day"?
4. How did the speaker feel about the day before the change of mood occurred
5.What is the overall tone of the stanza?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words [12]
(a) Explain the Indian legend associated with the origin of tea. (Glimpses of India) [3]
(b) What is the next thought of the poet about the tiger? [3]
(c) What do you think about the story 'Footprints without Feet'? Is it interesting? [3]
(d) What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother? [3]
(e)(e) Fire and Ice was first published in 1920. Briefly explain how the WW I might have influenced the [3]
theme of the poem.
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [6]
(a) Privilege often confuses actual needs for perceived ones. Evaluate this statement with reference to [3]
Mrs. Pumphrey.
(b) How can it be said that Horace Danby was not a typical thief? Explain. [3]
(c) Whose footprints were being chased by the two boys? What was the money doing there? [3]

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words [6]
(a) The young seagull's parents wanted him to fly, like his brothers and sister. How could the young [6]
seagull's newly flying siblings (Brother 1, Brother 2 and Sister) have motivated him? Write a brief
conversation among them.
(b) Prejudice based on race and colour or any other reason causes profound hurt. [6]
Write about any one character from the chapters in First Flight who was subjected to such prejudice?
Discuss the consequence of this prejudice for the character. Answer in the context of the lesson Long
Walk to Freedom.
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(a) Sometimes deception is a way of life. Explain this statement by citing facts from the lesson 'The [6]
Thief's Story'.
(b) Ausable's employer has been asked to write a recommendation letter for Ausable so that he may be [6]
promoted to a higher rank in the secret services.
As his manager, draft the letter detailing his personality traits with reference to the instance in the
chapter as a prime example of Ausable's genius.
You may begin this way:
22, Rue Nationale
26 March' 78
The General Director
Department for Internal Security
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been a committed employee with us for the past two years.
In this time, he has
Yours sincerely
As Per Revised
CBSE Curriculum
Classroom Teaching & Animated Videos Playlists

We take immense pleasure in serving you. Now, revel in our

seamless online services completely free of charge. view our animated
and classroom teaching Playlists customized for students from grade 1
to 12,Covering a wide range of subjects to enhance your
comprehension and knowledge. Simply click on the provided playlist
links to access Playlists based on the latest NCERT Syllabus for 2024-
Our content includes Competency-Based Questions,
Assertion-Reason Questions, Previous Year Questions (PYQ), and
Case Study-Based Questions to enhance your learning
experience.For the most up-to-date videos, consider subscribing to
our YouTube channel at Nageen Group of Schools
y, you're encouraged to join our expanding WhatsApp community
group to stay updated with the latest curriculum-related content and

We are committed to enriching your educational journey!!!

(As per revised CBSE Curriculum– 2024-25)


Class 1 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for playlist
Class 1 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 Mathematics(Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 2 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 EVS(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 3 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Mathematics(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 EVS (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (EnglishLanguage) (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science All Chapters (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 6 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Physics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Chemistry(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Science(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Magical Science Board Exam Preparation in 1 min (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10: Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accountancy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Statistics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11Micro Economy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 11Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Psychology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Economics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Political Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
We are thrilled to introduce the School of Educators WhatsApp Group, a platform designed exclusively
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• Availability of Practice Materials: SOE WhatsApp groups frequently share practice questions,
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• Peer Support and Motivation: Being part of an SOE WhatsApp group provides students with a
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• Convenience and Accessibility:SOE WhatsApp is a widely used messaging platform accessible on
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Best Regards,

School of Educators
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Class 12 (Humanities) Artificial Intelligence

Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)
Secondary Groups (IX & X)

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IP physical Education APP. Mathematics IIT/NEET

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Class 12 (Hum) Artificial Intelligence


Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)

Secondary Groups (IX & X)

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Hindi B Hindi A IT Artificial Intelligence

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry Biology English

Accountancy Business Studies Economics Mathematics

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IP Physical Education App. Mathematics IIT/NEET

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Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
SOE CBSE Telegram Groups (Kindergarten to Class XII)


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Group Group

SOE CBSE Telegram Channels (Kindergarten to Class XII)

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Rules & Regulations of the Groups & Channel

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• No personal Chats & Messages
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• You can also ask your difficulties here.

Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
Available Resources on YouTube

 Enjoy animated videos covering all subjects from Kindergarten to Class 12, making learning fun for
students of all ages.
 Explore classroom teaching videos for grades 6 to 12, covering various subjects to enhance
understanding and knowledge.
 Access the most important questions and previous year's question papers (PYQ) to excel in exams and
 Stay up-to-date with the latest CBSE Curriculum for 2023-24 with our videos aligned to the current
 Get informed about CBSE updates and circulars through our dedicated videos.
 Improve pronunciation skills and expand vocabulary with our "Word of the Day" series and other
language-related content and many more……….

Don't miss out on these valuable resources; subscribe to our channel now!
As Per Revised
CBSE Curriculum
Classroom Teaching & Animated Videos Playlists

We take immense pleasure in serving you. Now, revel in our

seamless online services completely free of charge. view our animated
and classroom teaching Playlists customized for students from grade 1
to 12,Covering a wide range of subjects to enhance your
comprehension and knowledge. Simply click on the provided playlist
links to access Playlists based on the latest NCERT Syllabus for 2024-
Our content includes Competency-Based Questions,
Assertion-Reason Questions, Previous Year Questions (PYQ), and
Case Study-Based Questions to enhance your learning
experience.For the most up-to-date videos, consider subscribing to
our YouTube channel at Nageen Group of Schools
y, you're encouraged to join our expanding WhatsApp community
group to stay updated with the latest curriculum-related content and

We are committed to enriching your educational journey!!!

(As per revised CBSE Curriculum– 2024-25)


Class 1 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for playlist
Class 1 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 Mathematics(Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 2 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 EVS(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 3 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Mathematics(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 EVS (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (EnglishLanguage) (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science All Chapters (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 6 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Physics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Chemistry(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Science(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Magical Science Board Exam Preparation in 1 min (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10: Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accountancy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Statistics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11Micro Economy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 11Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Psychology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Economics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Political Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
We are thrilled to introduce the School of Educators WhatsApp Group, a platform designed exclusively
for educators & Students to enhance your teaching & Learning experience and elevate student learning
outcomes. Here are some of the key benefits you can expect from joining our group:


• Abundance of Content: Members gain access to an extensive repository of educational materials
tailored to their class level. This includes various formats such as PDFs, Word files, PowerPoint
presentations, lesson plans, worksheets, practical tips, viva questions, reference books, smart
content, curriculum details, syllabus, marking schemes, exam patterns, and blueprints. This rich
assortment of resources enhances teaching and learning experiences.
• Immediate Doubt Resolution: The group facilitates quick clarification of doubts. Members can seek
assistance by sending messages, and experts promptly respond to queries. This real-time
interaction fosters a supportive learning environment where educators and students can exchange
knowledge and address concerns effectively.
• Access to Previous Years' Question Papers and Topper Answers: The group provides access to
previous years' question papers (PYQ) and exemplary answer scripts of toppers. This resource is
invaluable for exam preparation, allowing individuals to familiarize themselves with the exam
format, gain insights into scoring techniques, and enhance their performance in assessments.
• Free and Unlimited Resources: Members enjoy the benefit of accessing an array of educational
resources without any cost restrictions. Whether its study materials, teaching aids, or assessment
tools, the group offers an abundance of resources tailored to individual needs. This accessibility
ensures that educators and students have ample support in their academic endeavors without
financial constraints.
• Instant Access to Educational Content: SOE WhatsApp groups are a platform where students&
teachers can access a wide range of educational content instantly. This includes study materials,
notes, sample papers, reference materials, and relevant links shared by group members and
• Timely Updates and Reminders: SOE WhatsApp groups serve as a source of timely updates and
reminders about important dates, exam schedules, syllabus changes, and academic events.
Teachers &Students can stay informed and well-prepared for upcoming assessments and activities.
• Interactive Learning Environment: Teachers &Students can engage in discussions, ask questions,
and seek clarifications within the group, creating an interactive learning environment. This fosters
collaboration, peer learning, and knowledge sharing among group members, enhancing
understanding and retention of concepts.
• Access to Expert Guidance: SOE WhatsApp groups are moderated by subject matter experts,
teachers, or experienced educators. Students can benefit from their guidance, expertise, and
insights on various academic topics, exam strategies, and study techniques.
• Sharing of Study Tips and Strategies: Group members often share valuable study tips, exam
strategies, and time management techniques that have proven effective for them. Students can
learn from each other's experiences and adopt helpful strategies to optimize their study routines
and improve their academic performance.
• Availability of Practice Materials: SOE WhatsApp groups frequently share practice questions,
quizzes, and mock tests to help students assess their understanding and practice exam-oriented
questions. This allows students to gauge their progress, identify areas of improvement, and refine
their exam preparation accordingly.
• Peer Support and Motivation: Being part of an SOE WhatsApp group provides students with a
supportive community of peers who share similar academic goals and challenges. Group members
can offer encouragement, motivation, and moral support to each other, especially during stressful
periods such as exams.
• Convenience and Accessibility:SOE WhatsApp is a widely used messaging platform accessible on
smartphones, making educational content and discussions easily accessible anytime, anywhere.
Students can review study materials, participate in discussions, and seek help conveniently from
their mobile devices.

Join the School of Educators WhatsApp Group today and unlock a world of resources, support, and
collaboration to take your teaching to new heights. To join, simply click on the group links provided
below or send a message to +91-95208-77777 expressing your interest.

Together, let's empower ourselves & Our Students and inspire the next generation of learners.

Best Regards,

School of Educators
(For Teachers Only)
You will get Pre- Board Papers PDF, Word file, PPT, Lesson Plan, Worksheet, practical tips and Viva
questions , reference books , smart content , curriculum , syllabus , marking scheme , toppers answer
scripts , revised exam pattern , revised syllabus , Blue Print etc. here .Join Your Subject / Class WhatsApp

Kindergarten to Class XII (For Teachers Only)

Kindergarten Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7

Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 (Science )

Class 11 (Commerce) Class 11 (Humanities) Class 12 (Science) Class 12 (Commerce)

Class 12 (Humanities) Artificial Intelligence

Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)
Secondary Groups (IX & X)

SST Mathematics Science English

Hindi Information Technology Artificial Intelligence

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry English Mathematics

Biology Accountancy Economics BST

History Geography sociology Hindi Elective

Hindi Core Home Science Sanskrit psychology

Political science Painting vocal Music Comp. Science

IP physical Education APP. Mathematics IIT/NEET

Legal studies Entrepreneurship French Teachers Jobs

Artificial Intelligence
(For Students Only)

Class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5

class 6 class 7 class 8 class 9 class 10

Class 11(Science) Class 11(Com) Class 11(Hum) Class 12 (Sci) Class12 (Com)

Class 12 (Hum) Artificial Intelligence


Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)

Secondary Groups (IX & X)

SST Mathematics English


Hindi B Hindi A IT Artificial Intelligence

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry Biology English

Accountancy Business Studies Economics Mathematics

History Geography Sociology Hindi Elective

Hindi Core Home Science Sanskrit Psychology

Political Science Painting Music Computer Science

IP Physical Education App. Mathematics IIT/NEET

Legal Studies Entrepreneurship French CUET

Artificial Intelligence

Rules & Regulations of the Group

• No introduction
• No Good Morning/Any wish type message
• No personal Chats & Messages
• No Spam
• You can also ask your difficulties here.

Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
SOE CBSE Telegram Groups (Kindergarten to Class XII)


All classes Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7

Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11(Sci)

Class 11 (Com) Class 11 (Hum) Class 12 (Sci) Class 12 (Com)


Principal Professional Teachers Professional Project File Group

Group Group

SOE CBSE Telegram Channels (Kindergarten to Class XII)

Kindergarten Class I Class II Class III

Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII

Class VIII Class IX Class X Class XI (Sci)

Class XI (Hum) Class XI (Com) Class XII (Sci) Class XII (Hum)


Rules & Regulations of the Groups & Channel

• No introduction
• No Good Morning/Any wish type message
• No personal Chats & Messages
• No Spam
• You can also ask your difficulties here.

Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
Available Resources on YouTube

 Enjoy animated videos covering all subjects from Kindergarten to Class 12, making learning fun for
students of all ages.
 Explore classroom teaching videos for grades 6 to 12, covering various subjects to enhance
understanding and knowledge.
 Access the most important questions and previous year's question papers (PYQ) to excel in exams and
 Stay up-to-date with the latest CBSE Curriculum for 2023-24 with our videos aligned to the current
 Get informed about CBSE updates and circulars through our dedicated videos.
 Improve pronunciation skills and expand vocabulary with our "Word of the Day" series and other
language-related content and many more……….

Don't miss out on these valuable resources; subscribe to our channel now!

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