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Respiratory Physiology (Mosby

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Michelle M. Cloutier, MD
Professor Emerita Pediatrics and Medicine
UCONN Health
Farmington, Connecticut
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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To my husband, John B. Morris,
who grounds, supports, and challenges me
and to my three stepchildren who are amazing.
Thank you all.
I wrote this book to help teach medical students and other and its application to respiratory disease. The vignettes
students of medicine. I have been gratified by the many were chosen to demonstrate how respiratory physiology is
positive responses from students about how they have used used in medicine to guide diagnosis and treatment.
this book to learn respiratory physiology, and also by how I hope students will find this book especially useful in
many pulmonary fellows and new pulmonologists have understanding difficult concepts. I encourage your feed-
used this book to prepare for certification and recertifica- back and comments.
tion—in particular, in pulmonary medicine. In this revised
edition, I have included many more clinical vignettes to Michelle M. Cloutier
help students fill the gaps between respiratory physiology

Overview of the Respiratory
System: Function and Structure

1. Introduce the major functions of respiration. • The alveolar surface
2. Describe the components of the upper and lower • The pulmonary circulation
airways. The cells of the airwar.
3. Outline and briefly describe the components of the • The muscles of respiration
respiratory system including: • The central nervous system and neural pathways
• The conducting airways regulating respiration
• The alveolar-capillary unit 4. Relate lung stru<l:ture to lung function.

The principal function of the respiratory system is to bring presence o nasal congestion, large adenoids, or nasal pol­
oxygen from the external environment to the tissues in the yps. Increasing airflow as occurs during exercise results in
body and to remove from the body the carbon dioxide pro­ increasing resistance in the nose, with a switch from nasal to
duced by cell metabolism. In addition, respiration func­ mouth breathing during exercise around inspiratory flow
tions in acid-base balance (see Chapter 9), in host defense, rates of35 L/min.
in metabolism, and in the handling of bioactive materials The tracheobronchial tree is an arrangement of branch­
(see Chapter 11). ing tubes that begins at the larynx and ends in the alveoli.
The respiratory system is composed of th lungs· the The trachea begins at the larynx and in the tracheobron­
upper and lower airways, including the nose; he chest wall, chial tree nomenclature has been designated Generation
including the muscles of respiration (diar,hrag , inte cos­ 0. The trachea divides at the carina, or "keel" (so named
tal muscles, and abdominal muscles) and thvrib cage; the because it looks like the keel of a boat), into the right and
pulmonary circulation; and those parts of the central ner­ left main-stem bronchi (Generation 1) that penetrate the
vous system that regulate respiration ( ig. 1.1). lung parenchyma (tissue of the lung). The right main-stem
bronchus is larger than the left, and the angle of the take­
BASIC STRUCTURE OFT E RESPIRATORY off is less acute. This has implications for aspiration of for­
eign bodies, which most often enter the right rather than
SYSTEM the left main-stem bronchus. Main-stem bronchi branch
The airways are divided into upper and lower airways. The into lobar bronchi (three on the right and two on the left)
upper airway consists of all structures from the nose to the (Generation 2) that in turn branch into segmental bronchi
vocal cords, whereas the lower airway consists of the tra­ (Generation 3) and an extensive system of subsegmental
chea and the bronchial structures to the alveolus. and smaller bronchi. As a rough rule, in the first six airway
Air flows to the lower airways through either the mouth generations, the number of airways in each generation is
or the nose. Nasal breathing is the preferred route for two double that in the previous generation and the number of
reasons: first, the nose filters particulate matter and plays airways in each generation is equal to the number 2 raised to
a major role in lung defense (see Chapter 11); second, the the generation number. Airway branching beyond the sixth
nose humidifies inspired air as a result of the large surface generation is asymmetric in branching angle, size, number
area created by the nasal septum and the nasal turbinates. of branches, and number of subsequent generations. As
The nose also offers a higher resistance to airflow than the a result, although in general there are between 15 and 20
mouth, however, and this resistance is increased in the generations of airways from the trachea to the level of the

Frontal sinus

Sphenoid sinus
Nasal cavity

Nasal vestibule Pharyngeal tonsil




Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
Cricothyroid membrane
Cricoid cartilage

Posterior tracheal wall

(membranous portion)

Right main-stem
bronchus Apex
Tracheal cartilage
Right 1 2 Left main-stem
upper lobe bronchus
2 1

3 3
4 upper lobe

6 6
Right Left
middle lobe 8 lower lobe

Right 9 7
lower lobe 10

Lingula 9

Fig. 1.1 Schematic diagram of the respiratory system including the bronchopulmonary segments; anterior
view. Numbers refer to bronchopulmonary segments: 1, apical; 2, posterior; 3, anterior; 4, lateral (superior
on the left); 5, medial (inferior on the left); 6, superior; 7, medial basal; 8, anterior basal; 9, lateral basal;
10, ­posterior basal (see Fig. 1.13).
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure 3

Total cross
Generation Diameter, cm Length, cm Number sectional
area, cm2
Trachea 0 1.80 12.0 1 2.54
Conducting zone

Bronchi 1 1.22 4.8 2 2.33

2 0.83 1.9 4 2.13

3 0.56 0.8 8 2.00

Bronchioles 4 0.45 1.3 16 2.48

5 0.35 1.07 32 3.11

bronchioles 16 0.06 0.17 6 × 104 180.0

bronchioles 18
respiratory zones
Transitional and

19 0.05 0.10 5 × 105 103

T3 20
ducts T2 21
T1 22

Alveolar T 23 0.04 0.05 8 × 106 104


Fig. 1.2 Airway generations and approximate dimensions in the human lung. In the adult, alveoli can be
found as early as the 10th airway generation and as late as the 23rd generation. (Redrawn from Weibel ER.
Morphometry of the Human Lung. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1963. Data from Bouhuys A. The Physiology of
Breathing. New York: Grune & Stratton; 1977.)

terminal bronchioles, there can be as few as 10 or as many as enter this potential space between the visceral and parietal
20 generations (Fig. 1.2). With each airway generation, the pleuras because of trauma, rupture of a weakened area at
airways become smaller and more numerous (Fig. 1.3) as the surface of the lung, or surgery producing a pneumo-
they penetrate deeper into the lung parenchyma. thorax. Fluid can also enter this space, creating a pleural
Both the right and the left lung are encased by two effusion. Because the pleuras of the right and left lung are
membranes—the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura. separate, a pneumothorax involves only the right or the left
The visceral pleural membrane completely envelops the hemithorax.
lung except at the hilum where the bronchus, pulmonary Structurally, the trachea is supported by C-shaped
vessels, and nerves enter the lung parenchyma. The parietal (sometimes referred to as U-shaped) cartilage anteriorly
pleural membrane lines the inner surface of the chest wall, and laterally that prevents tracheal collapse and by smooth
mediastinum, and diaphragm and becomes continuous muscle posteriorly, which can invaginate and markedly
with the visceral pleura at the hilum. Under normal con- decrease the cross-sectional area of the trachea. Like the tra-
ditions, the space between the two pleuras contains a small chea, cartilage in large bronchi is also semicircular, but as
amount of clear, serous fluid that is produced by filtration the bronchi enter the lung parenchyma, the cartilage rings
from the parietal pleural capillaries and is resorbed by the disappear and are replaced by plates of cartilage. As the air-
visceral pleural capillaries. This fluid facilitates the smooth ways further divide, these plates of cartilage decrease in size
gliding of the lung as it expands in the chest and creates and eventually disappear around the 11th airway genera-
a potential space that can be involved in disease. Air can tion. Airways beyond the 11th generation are imbedded in
4 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

Fig. 1.3 Transition of terminal bronchiole. Scanning electron micrograph of airway branches peripheral to
terminal bronchiole in a silicon-rubber cast of cat lung. Note multiple, smaller branches from respiratory to
terminal bronchioles. A, alveolus; RB, respiratory bronchiole; TB, terminal bronchiole. Note absence of alveoli
in terminal bronchiole (From Berne RM, Levy ML, Koeppen BM, Stanton BA (eds.). Physiology, 7th ed. St.
Louis: Mosby; 2018.)

TABLE 1.1 Anatomic Features of Bronchi and Bronchioles

Cartilage Present Size Epithelium Blood Supply Alveoli Volume
Bronchi Yes >1 mm Pseudostratified Bronchial No ∼675 mL
Terminal bronchioles No <1 mm Cuboidal Bronchial No >150 mL

Respiratory bronchioles No <1 mm Cuboidal/alveolar Pulmonary Yes 2500 mL

the lung parenchyma, and the caliber of their lumen is reg- and the distal sites of gas exchange. They do not participate
ulated by the elastic recoil of the lung and lung volume. In in gas exchange. Bronchioles do not contain cartilage and
addition, the number of bronchioles increases beyond the are subdivided into terminal bronchioles, which do not
11th generation more rapidly than the diameter decreases. participate in gas exchange; and respiratory bronchioles,
As a result the cross-sectional area increases rapidly at this which contain alveoli and alveolar ducts and function as
point and is 30 times the cross-sectional area of the main- sites of gas exchange.
stem bronchi. This results in a marked decrease in airway The airways from the nose to and including the ter-
resistance to approximately one-tenth of the resistance of minal bronchioles are known as the conducting airways
the entire respiratory system (see Chapter 3). because they bring (conduct) gas to the gas-exchanging
The airways can thus be divided into two types: cartilag- units but do not actually participate in gas exchange. The
inous airways, or bronchi; and noncartilaginous airways, conducting airways (primarily the nose) also function to
or bronchioles (Table 1.1). Bronchi contain cartilage and warm and humidify inspired air. Because the conducting
are the conductors of air between the external environment airways contain no alveoli and therefore take no part in gas
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure 5

* IN
* PK C
EN 4 32
EN Alv

1 µm

Fig. 1.4 Scanning electron micrograph of an alveolar surface Fig. 1.5 Transmission electron micrograph of a pulmonary
demonstrating the alveolar septum. Capillaries (C) are seen in capillary in cross section. Alveoli (Alv) are on either side of the
cross section in the foreground with erythrocytes (EC) in their capillary that is shown with a red blood cell (RBC). The diffusion
lumen. At the circled asterisk, three septae come together. The pathway for oxygen and carbon dioxide (arrow) consists of the
septae are held together by connective tissue fibers (uncircled areas numbered 2, 3, and 4, which are the alveolar–capillary
asterisks). A, alveolus; D, alveolar duct; PK, pores of Kohn. (Mi- barrier, plasma, and erythrocyte, respectively. BM, basement
crograph courtesy of Weibel ER, Institute of Anatomy, Univer- membrane; C, capillary; EN, capillary endothelial cell (note its
sity of Berne, Switzerland.) large nucleus); EP, alveolar epithelial cell; FB, fibroblast pro-
cess; IN, interstitial space. (Reproduced with permission from
Weibel ER. Morphometric estimation of pulmonary diffusion
exchange, they constitute the anatomic dead space (see capacity, I. Model & method. Respir Physiol. 1970;11:54–75.)
Chapter 5). In normal individuals, the first 16 generations
of airway branchings, with a volume of 150 mL, constitute The barrier between the gas in the alveoli and the red
the anatomic dead space, whereas the next 7 generations blood cells is only 1 to 2 μm in thickness and consists of
contain an increasing number of alveoli and constitute the type I alveolar epithelial cells, capillary endothelial cells,
gas exchange unit. and their respective basement membranes (Fig. 1.5). O2
diffuses across this barrier into plasma and red blood cells,
Alveolar–Capillary Unit whereas the reverse occurs for CO2 (see Chapter 8). Red
The terminal bronchioles divide into respiratory bronchi- blood cells pass through the pulmonary network in less
oles, which contain alveolar ducts and alveoli and constitute than 1 second, which is sufficient time for CO2 and O2 gas
the last three to five generations of the respiratory system. Gas exchange to occur.
exchange occurs in the alveoli through a dense meshlike net- In some regions of the alveolar wall there is nothing
work of capillaries and alveoli called the alveolar–capillary between the airway epithelial cells and the capillary endo-
network (Fig. 1.4). The alveolar–capillary unit consists of the thelial cells other than their fused basement membranes.
respiratory bronchioles, the alveolar ducts, the alveoli, and In other regions there is a space between the epithelial and
the pulmonary capillary bed. It is the basic physiologic unit endothelial cells called the interstitial space or intersti-
of the lung and is characterized by a large surface area and a tium (see Fig. 1.5). The interstitium is composed of col-
blood supply that originates from the pulmonary arteries. In lagen, elastin, proteoglycans, a variety of macromolecules
the adult, there are approximately 300 million alveoli, which involved with cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, some
are 250 μm in size and are entirely surrounded by capillaries. In nerve endings, and some fibroblast-like cells. The alveolar
addition, there are 280 billion capillaries in the lung or almost septum creates a fiber scaffold through which pulmonary
1000 capillaries for each alveolus. The result is a large surface capillaries are threaded and is supported by the basement
area for gas exchange—approximately 50 to 100 m2, which membrane. There are also small numbers of lymphocytes
occurs in a space that is only 5 mm in length. It is one of the that have migrated out of the circulation in the interstitium
most remarkable engineering feats in the body. The portion of and capillary endothelial cells. The basement membrane
the lung supplied by respiratory bronchioles is called an aci- is capable of withstanding high transmural pressures and
nus. Each acinus contains in excess of 10,000 alveoli; gas move- sometimes is the only remaining separation between blood
ment in the acinus is by diffusion rather than tidal ventilation. and gas.
6 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

Type II cell


Fig. 1.6 Structure of the normal alveolus. Type I cell

The type I cell, with its long thin cytoplasmic
processes, lines most of the alveolar surface,
whereas the cuboidal type II cell, which is
more numerous, occupies only about 7% of
the alveolar surface. Capillaries (C) with red Type I cell
blood cells (RBC) are also shown. A, alveo-
lar surface; IS, interstitial space; L, lamellar
body, source of surfactant. (Modified from
Weinberger S, Cockrill, BA, Mandel J. Princi-
ples of Pulmonary Medicine, 5th ed. Philadel-
phia: W.B. Saunders; 2008.) Type II cell L

Alveolar Surface gas exchange. This repair system is an example of phylog-

The alveolar epithelium is a continuous layer of tissue eny recapitulating ontogeny, because the epithelium of the
composed primarily of type I cells or squamous pneumo- alveolus is composed entirely of type II cells until late in
cytes. These cells have broad, thin extensions that cover gestation.
approximately 93% of the alveolar surface (Fig. 1.6). They The lumen of the alveolus is covered by a thin layer
are highly differentiated cells that do not divide, which of fluid composed of a water phase immediately adjacent
makes them particularly susceptible to injury from inhaled to the alveolar epithelial cell and covered by surfactant.
or aspirated toxins and from high concentrations of oxy- Within the alveolar epithelium there are also a small num-
gen (see Chapter 11). They are joined into a continuous ber of macrophages, a type of phagocytic cell that patrols
sheet by tight junctions that prevent large molecules such the alveolar surface and ingests (phagocytizes) bacteria and
as albumin from entering the alveoli, resulting in pulmo- inhaled particles (see Chapter 11).
nary edema. The thin cytoplasm of the type I cell is ideal for
optimal gas diffusion. Pulmonary Circulation
Type II cells, or granular pneumocytes, are more numer- The lung has two separate blood supplies (see Chapter
ous than type I cells; however, because of their cuboidal shape, 6). The pulmonary circulation brings deoxygenated
they occupy only approximately 7% of the alveolar surface blood from the right ventricle to the gas-exchanging
and are located in the corners of the alveolus (see Fig. 1.6). units (alveoli). Pulmonary perfusion (Q̇) refers to pul-
The hallmarks of the type II cell are their microvilli and their monary blood flow, which equals the heart rate multi-
osmiophilic lamellar inclusion bodies that contain surfactant, plied by the right ventricular stroke volume. The lungs
a compound with a high lipid content that acts as a detergent receive the entire right ventricular cardiac output and
to reduce the surface tension of the alveoli (Fig. 1.7; also see are the only organ in the body that functions in this
Chapter 2). The type II cell is the progenitor cell of the alveolar manner. The bronchial (or lesser) circulation arises
epithelium. When there is injury to the type I cell, the type II from the aorta and provides nourishment to the lung
cell multiplies and eventually differentiates into a type I cell. In parenchyma. The dual circulation to the lung is another
a group of diseases that result in pulmonary fibrosis, the type I of the unique features of the lung.
cell is injured and the alveolar epithelium is now lined entirely The pulmonary capillary bed is the largest vascular bed
by type II cells, a condition that is not conducive to optimal in the body, with a surface area of 70 to 80 m2. It is best

Fig. 1.7 Surfactant release by type II epithelial cells. Alv, alveolus. A, Type II epithelial cell from a human lung
showing characteristic lamellar inclusion bodies (white arrows) within the cell and microvilli (black arrows)
projecting into the alveolus. Bar = 0.5 μm. B, Early exocytosis of lamellar body into the alveolar space in a
human lung. Bar = 0.5 μm. C, Secreted lamellar body and newly formed tubular myelin in alveolar liquid in a
fetal rat lung. Membrane continuities between outer lamellae and adjacent tubular myelin provide evidence
of intraalveolar tubular myelin formation. Bar = 0.1 μm. (Courtesy Dr. Mary C. Williams.)
8 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

viewed as a sheet of blood interrupted by small vertical circulation. In contrast to the systemic circulation, the pul-
supporting posts (Fig. 1.8). When the capillaries are filled monary circulation is a highly distensible, low-pressure
with blood, about 75% of the surface area of the alveoli system capable of accommodating large volumes of blood
overlies the red blood cells. The capillaries allow red blood at low pressure. This is another unique feature of the lung.
cells to flow through in single file only; this greatly facili- Pulmonary arteries that contain deoxygenated blood
tates gas exchange between the alveoli and the red blood follow the bronchi in connective tissue sheaths, whereas
cells. Once gas exchange is complete, the oxygenated blood pulmonary veins cross segments on their way to the left
returns to the left side of the heart through pulmonary atrium (Fig. 1.9). Bronchial arteries also follow the bronchi
venules and veins and is ready for pumping to the systemic and divide with them. In contrast, one-third of the blood

Fig. 1.8 Pulmonary capillary surface of the lung. View of alveolar

wall (in a frog) demonstrating the dense network of capillaries. A
small artery (left) and vein (right) can also be seen. The individual
capillary segments are so short that the blood forms an almost
continuous sheet. (From Maloney JE, Castle BL. Pressure-diam-
eter relations of capillaries and small blood vessels in frog lung.
500 µ
Respir Physiol. 1969;7:150–162.)

artery Vasomotor nerves
Bronchial Lymphatics

Bronchomotor nerve

Lymphatics TB

Vasomotor A
Fig. 1.9 The anatomic relation between the
pulmonary artery, the bronchial artery, the A AD
airways, and the lymphatics. A, alveoli; AD, al- AD AD A
veolar ducts; RB, respiratory bronchioles; TB,
terminal bronchioles. (From Berne RM, Levy
ML, Koeppen BM, Stanton BA (eds.). Physiol-
ogy, 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2018.)
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure 9

from the bronchial veins (deoxygenated blood) drains Submucosal tracheobronchial glands are present wher-
into the right atrium, and the remainder drains into pul- ever there is cartilage in the tracheobronchial tree. These
monary veins that drain into the left atrium. Thus a small glands empty to the surface epithelium through a ciliated duct
amount of deoxygenated blood that has nourished the and are lined by mucous and serous cells. Submucosal tra-
lung parenchyma mixes with oxygenated blood in the left cheobronchial glands increase in number and size in chronic
atrium. Pulmonary capillaries, on the other hand, are not bronchitis, a chronic lung disease primarily occurring in
confined to a single alveolus but pass from one to another smokers, and extend down to the bronchioles in disease.
as well as to adjacent alveolar septae before emptying into The ciliated epithelium, goblet cell, Clara cell, and tra-
a venule. This improves the efficiency of gas exchange and cheobronchial glands are important in host defense and are
minimizes the effect of alveolar disease on gas exchange. discussed in Chapter 11.

Cells of the Airways The Muscles of Respiration

The respiratory tract (with the exception of the pharynx, The chest wall encases the lung, and normally the two struc-
the anterior one-third of the nose, and the area distal to the tures move together. The lungs do not self-inflate. The force
terminal bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified, ciliated, for lung inflation is supplied by the muscles of respiration,
columnar epithelium interspersed with mucus-secreting which are skeletal muscles. Like all skeletal muscles, their force
goblet cells and other secretory cells (Fig. 1.10; also see of contraction increases when they are stretched and decreases
Chapter 11). In the distal airways, the columnar epithelium when they are shortened. Thus the force of contraction of the
gives way to a more cuboidal epithelium. The airway epithe- respiratory muscles increases with increasing lung volume.
lial cells are responsible for maintaining a thin, aqueous layer Dividing the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity is
of fluid adjacent to the cells (periciliary fluid) in which the the diaphragm, the major muscle of respiration (Fig. 1.11).
cilia can function. The depth of this periciliary fluid is main- The diaphragm is a thin, musculotendinous, dome-
tained by the movement of ions across the epithelium. shaped sheet of muscle that is inserted into the lower ribs
Interspersed among the epithelial cells are surface and separates the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. It is
secretory cells, which are also known as goblet cells. supplied by the phrenic nerve that arises from the second
In general, there is one goblet cell per five to six ciliated cervical vertebra. When it contracts, the abdominal con-
cells. Goblet cells decrease in number between the 5th and tents are forced downward and forward and the vertical
12th lung generation and in normal individuals disap- dimension of the chest cavity is increased. In addition, the
pear beyond the 12th tracheobronchial generation. Both rib margins are lifted and moved out, causing an increase
goblet cell number and secretions increase in many dis- in the transverse diameter of the thorax. In adults, the
eases including asthma and cystic fibrosis. Secretions also diaphragm is capable of generating airway pressures
increase by rapid exocytosis in response to chemical irri- of 150 to 200 cm H2O during a maximal inspiratory
tation, inflammatory cytokines, and neuronal stimulation. effort. During quiet breathing (known as tidal volume
In the bronchioles, goblet cells are replaced by Clara cells, breathing), the diaphragm moves approximately 1 cm,
another type of secretory cell. but during large-volume breathing, the diaphragm can
Basal cells are located underneath the columnar epithelium move as much as 10 cm. If the diaphragm is paralyzed, it
and are responsible for the pseudostratified appearance of moves higher up in the thoracic cavity during inspiration
the epithelial surface. They are absent in the bronchioles and because of the fall in intrathoracic pressure. This paradox-
beyond. Although their function is not clear, they appear to be ical movement of the diaphragm can be demonstrated
the stem cells for the airway epithelium and the goblet cells. using the radiographic technique called fluoroscopy.




Fig. 1.10 Scanning electron micrograph of airway, showing the ciliated, pseudostratified, columnar epithelium of a bronchus. Each cilium
is connected to a basal body (BB), which collectively appears at the base of the cilia (C) as a dark band. Goblet cells (GC) and basal cells
(BC), the potential precursors of the ciliated cells, are shown. CT, connective tissue. (From Berne RM, Levy ML, Koeppen BM, Stanton
BA (eds.). Physiology, 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004.)
10 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

respiration (see Chapter 10). Breathing is both voluntary

and automatic. Each breath begins in the brain, where
the signal to breathe is carried to the respiratory muscles
through the spinal cord and the nerves that innervate the
respiratory muscles. It is remarkable that despite widely
varying demands for O2 uptake and CO2 removal, the arte-
rial levels of O2 and CO2 are normally maintained within
tight limits. Regulation of respiration requires three com-
ponents (see Chapter 10):
1. Generation and maintenance of a respiratory rhythm
(respiratory control center)
2. Modulation of the respiratory rhythm by sensory feed-
back loops and reflexes that allow adaptation to various
situations and minimize energy costs
3. Recruitment of respiratory muscles that can contract
Diaphragm appropriately for effective gas exchange.
Unlike the heart, which begins beating at approximately
6 weeks’ gestation, rhythmic respirations do not begin
until birth.
Fig. 1.11 The diaphragm. View from the inside of the thorax
illustrates the position of the diaphragm in the thorax. (From
Grippi MS, Elias JA, Fishman JA, et al. Fishman’s Pulmonary ANATOMIC AND PHYSIOLOGIC CORRELATES
Diseases and Disorders, 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2015.)
Lung structure is closely correlated with lung function
in health and disease. Because lung disease is described
The other significant muscles of inspiration are the exter- in anatomic terms (e.g., right middle lobe pneumonia),
nal intercostal muscles that pull the ribs upward and forward knowledge of lung anatomy is essential. The broncho-
during inspiration, causing an increase in both the side-to- pulmonary segment is the region of the lung supplied
side and front-to-back diameters of the thorax (Fig. 1.12). by a segmental bronchus. It is the functional anatomic
Innervation of these muscles originates from intercostal unit of the lung, so named because disease usually
nerves that originate from the spinal cord at the same level. involves one segment at a time and because surgical
Paralysis of these muscles has no significant effect on respira- resection follows along segments. When using a stetho-
tion because of the dominance of the diaphragm as the major scope (auscultation), all of the bronchopulmonary seg-
muscle of respiration. Accessory muscles of inspiration (sca- ments can be examined with one exception, namely the
lene muscles, which elevate the sternocleidomastoid; the alae hilar segments of the lower lobes (Fig. 1.13). The hilum
nasi, which cause nasal flaring; and small muscles in the neck is the area of the lung where the main-stem bronchi
and head) are quiet during quiet breathing but contract vigor- and pulmonary arteries and veins enter and leave the
ously during exercise and with significant airway obstruction. right and left lung. These segments have no topographic
The upper airway must remain patent during inspira- relationship to the chest.
tion; therefore the pharyngeal wall muscles, the genioglos- The various lobes of the lung (three on the right and
sus, and the arytenoid muscles are also considered muscles two on the left) are subdivided by fissures. The division
of inspiration. into the lobes, however, is incomplete, which allows for
Exhalation during quiet breathing is passive but collateral ventilation. Collateral ventilation is an acces-
becomes active during exercise and hyperventilation. The sory pathway that connects airspaces supplied by other
most important muscles of exhalation are those of the airways. There are two types of accessory pathways in
abdominal wall (rectus abdominis, internal and exter- the lung: (1) canals of Lambert, which connect respira-
nal oblique, and transversus abdominis) and the internal tory bronchioles and terminal bronchioles to airspaces
intercostal muscles that oppose the activity of the external supplied by other airways; and (2) pores of Kohn, which
intercostal muscles (i.e., pull the ribs downward and inward). are openings in the alveolar walls that connect adjacent
alveoli. These accessory pathways help prevent collapse
The Central Nervous System and Neural of terminal respiratory units (atelectasis) when their
Pathways supplying airway becomes obstructed and are particu-
The central nervous system (CNS), and in particular larly important in individuals with lung diseases such as
the brainstem, functions as the main control center for emphysema.
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure 11


Muscles Muscles
of inspiration of expiration

Accessory Quiet
cleidomastoid Expiration
(elevates results
sternum) from
Scalenes recoil
Anterior of lungs
Middle and rib
and fix
upper ribs)

Principal Active
intercostals intercostals,
(elevate ribs, except
thus interchondral
increasing part
width of
lower ribs,
Interchondral compress
part of abdominal
internal contents,
intercostals thus pushing
(also elevates up diaphragm)
ribs) Rectus
Diaphragm abdominis
(domes External
descend, oblique
increasing Internal
vertical oblique
dimension Transversus
of thoracic abdominis
also elevates
lower ribs)
Fig. 1.12 Muscles of respiration. Diagram of the anatomy of the major respiratory muscles. Left side, inspi-
ratory muscles; right side, expiratory muscles. (Kaminsky D. The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations:
Respiratory System, vol. 3, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2011.)
12 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

Trachea Apical

1 Aortic Upper
SVC arch lobe
Anterior Anterior
3 3

Ho Lingula
i z on Superior
Oblique tal f issur e
fissure Lateral 4
Middle Oblique
4 Medial Heart
lobe Inferior fissure
Anterior 5 5 Anterior
8 8 basal

Lower lobe Lower lobe

Right Left


Apical Posterior
Upper 1 Upper
lobe Posterior 2 lobe
Superior Superior
6 6

Lower basal Anterior Lower
lobe 9 8 basal lobe
Posterior basal
Fig. 1.13 Topography of the lung demon- Lateral
basal 10
strating the lobes, segments, and fissures. basal
Numbers refer to specific bronchopulmona- 9
ry segments that are also shown in Fig. 1.1.
SVC, superior vena cava. (From Berne RM, Left Right
Levy ML, Koeppen BM, Stanton BA (eds.).
Physiology, 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2018.) POSTERIOR VIEW

Physiologically, the lung demonstrates functional unity; a different structure and a different function. The signifi-
that is, every alveolar unit has the same structure and the cance of functional unity is that a large portion of the lung
same function as every other alveolar unit. This is in con- can be removed without significantly compromising over-
trast to the heart, in which the various chambers have both all lung function (i.e., gas exchange).
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure 13

Understanding lung topography is useful in both diagnosing and localizing disease. For example, a 2-year-old boy pres-
ents with a 2-day history of fever, cough, and recent onset of tachypnea (an increased respiratory rate). On examination,
there are intercostal muscle retractions and nasal flaring, and the child appears ill. On auscultation, breath sounds are
decreased over the right upper lobe anteriorly.

A chest x-ray reveals opacification (known as consolidation) over the right upper lobe anteriorly consistent with lobar
(specifically right upper lobe) pneumonia.

  S U M M A RY
1. The principal function of the respiratory system is gas bronchial circulation arises from the aorta and nour-
exchange. Other functions include acid–base balance, ishes the lung parenchyma.
host defense and metabolism, and the handling of bio- 6. The circulation to the lung is unique in its dual circu-
active materials. lation and in its ability to accommodate large volumes
2. Gas exchange occurs in the alveolar–capillary unit, the of blood at low pressure.
basic physiologic unit of the lung. 7. The anatomic dead space is composed of all of the air-
3. The bronchopulmonary segment is the segment of the ways that do not participate in gas exchange—that is,
lung supplied by a segmental bronchus. It is the func- the airways to the level of the respiratory bronchioles.
tional anatomic unit of the lung. 8. The cells of the conducting airways include the pseu-
4. The alveolar surface is lined by type I and type II cells. dostratified, ciliated, columnar epithelial cells, surface
The thin cytoplasm of the type I cell is ideal for opti- secretory cells, Clara cells, and submucosal tracheo-
mal gas diffusion, whereas the type II cell is important bronchial gland cells.
for the production of surfactant, which decreases the 9. The diaphragm is the major muscle of respiration.
surface tension of the alveolus. 10. Breathing is both voluntary and automatic.
5. The lung has two separate circulations. The pulmo- 11. The lung demonstrates both anatomic and physiologic
nary circulation brings deoxygenated blood from unity—that is, each unit is structurally identical and
the right ventricle to the gas-exchanging units. The functions just like every other unit.
14 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Respiratory System: Function and Structure

Alveolar macrophage Interstitium/interstitial space
Alveolar–capillary unit Lower airway
Alveolus Parenchyma
Anatomic dead space Parietal pleura
Atelectasis Partial pressure
Bronchial circulation Periciliary fluid
Bronchiole Pleural effusion
Bronchopulmonary segment Pneumothorax
Bronchus Pores of Kohn
Canals of Lambert Respiratory control center
Chemoreceptor Surface secretory cells (goblet cells)
Clara cell Surfactant
Collateral ventilation Tracheobronchial glands
Diaphragm Turbinates
Emphysema Type I cell
Fissure Type II cell
Functional unity Upper airway
Glottis Visceral pleura

1. What anatomic features of the alveolar–capillary unit output remained unchanged (that is, all of the blood
make it appropriate to function as the gas-exchanging from the right ventricle now goes to the right lung),
unit? what would be the effect on the pressure inside the
2. How can you distinguish type I cells from type II right pulmonary artery?
cells? 4. What are the components of the blood–gas barrier?
3. If the pulmonary artery that supplies the left lung was 5. What are the anatomic features that make the lung
occluded for a short period of time and the cardiac ideally suited for its principal function?

ADDITIONAL READINGS Leff AR. Schumacker PT. Respiratory Physiology: Basics and
Applications. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1993.
Baile EM. The anatomy and physiology of the bronchial circula- Lumb AB. Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology. 8th ed.
tion. J Aerosol Med. 1996;9:1–6. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2017.
Boggs DS, Kinasewitz GT. Review: pathophysiology of the pleu- Massaro D, Massaro GD. Invited review: pulmonary alveoli:
ral space. Am J Med. 1995;309:53–59. Formation, the “call for oxygen,” and other regulators. Am J
Broaddus VC, Mason RJ, JD Ernst, et al., eds. Murray & Nadel’s Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2002;282:L345–L358.
Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Nettesheim P, Koo JS, Gray T. Regulation of differentiation
Saunders; 2016. of the tracheobronchial epithelium. J Aerosol Med. 2000;13:
Fehrenbach H. Alveolar epithelial type II cell: defender of the 207–218.
alveolus revisited. Respir Res. 2001;2:33–46. Poole DC, Sexton WL, Farkas GA. Diaphragm structure and
Gandevia SC, Allen GM, Butler J, et al. Human respiratory function in health and disease. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1997;
muscles: sensations, reflexes and fatigability. Clin Exp Pharm 29:738–754.
Physiol. 1998;25:757–763. Rogers DE. Airway goblet cells: Responsive and adaptable front-
Grippi MA, Elias JA, Fishman JA, et al. Fishman’s Pulmonary line defenders. Eur Respir J. 1994;7:1690–1706.
Diseases and Disorders. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2015. Weibel ER. The Pathway for Oxygen: Structure and Function of
Hlastala MP, Berger AJ. Physiology of Respiration. 2nd ed. New the Mammalian Respiratory System. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
York: Oxford University Press; 2001. University Press; 1984.
Horsfield K, Cumming G. Morphology of the bronchial tree in
man. J Appl Physiol. 1968;24:373–383.
Mechanical Properties of the
Lung and Chest Wall

1. Describe static lung mechanics and the measurement 4. Characterize lung and chest wall interactions in
of lung volumes. terms of pressure gradients and pressure volume
2. Define lung compliance and its measurement. relationships.
3. Relate lung and chest wall compliance to lung volumes. 5. Describe surfactant and its ro r altering surface tension.

The total vol me of air that is contained in the lung is

STATIC LUNG MECHANICS called the 'fLG. It is composed of the volume of air that
Air movement in and out of the lung is controlled by the an individu�an exhale from a maximum inspiration to
mechanical properties of the lung and chest wall. Static a maximum exhalation, known as the vital capacity (VC),
lung mechanics is the study of the mechanical properties and the volume of air that is left in the lung after a maxi­
of the lung and chest wall whose volume is not changing mal exhalation, known as the residual volume (RV). Two
with time and is discussed in this chapter. Dynamic lung other important lung volumes are the tidal volume (TV,
mechanics, which is the study of the lung and chest wall in or, VT) and the functional residual capacity (FRC). The TV
motion (i.e., changing volume), is discussed in Chap e ·s the volume of air that is breathed into and out of the
The mechanics of the lung are composed of the com­ lung during quiet breathing. The FRC is the volume of air
bined mechanical properties of the airways, lung par@:­ contained in the lung after a normal exhalation. The FRC
chyma, interstitial matrix (composed of fibrin, collagen, is composed of the residual volume and the volume of air
and a few cells), alveolar surface, and pulmonai:r circula­ that can be exhaled from the end of a normal exhalation
tion. The mechanical properties of the chest wall include to residual volume. This latter volume is called the expira­
the properties of all of the structures outside of the lungs tory reserve volume (ERV). The FRC represents the resting
that move during breathing, including the rib cage, dia­ volume of the respiratory system, in which the forces of
phragm, abdominal cavity, and anterior abdominal mus­ the chest wall to increase in size and the forces of the lung
cles. The interaction between tBe lung and the chest wall to decrease in size are equal but opposite (see later in this
determines lung volumes, and static lung volumes play a chapter).
major role in gas exchange and in the work of breathing. To get a sense of the importance of lung volumes in res­
They can be measured and are abnormal in many lung piration, breathe quietly close to TLC (take a deep breath
diseases. in, and breathe at this high lung volume for a few min­
utes). Now breathe out until you cannot force any more
air out, and try breathing at this volume, which is close to
LUNG VOLUMES your RV. Both of these maneuvers should be uncomfort­
The static volumes of the lungs are shown in Fig. 2.1. All able and associated with increased work; both increases
lung volumes are subdivisions of the total lung capacity and decreases in lung volume occur in lung disease as a
(TLC) and are measured in liters. They are reported either result of a change in lung mechanics. The measurement of
as volumes (e.g., residual volume) or capacities (e.g., vital lung volumes is used to detect and follow the progression
capacity). A capacity is composed of two or more volumes. of lung disease and is discussed in Chapter 4.

16 CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

Volume (L) 4

0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 2.1 The various lung volumes and capacities. ERV, expiratory reserve volume; FRC, functional residual
capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; IC, inspiratory capacity; IRV, inspiratory reserve volume; RV, residual vol-
ume; TLC, total lung capacity; VC, vital capacity; VT, tidal volume. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, eds. Berne
and Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2018.)

USING AND INTERPRETING RESULTS OF volume relaxation curve for the lung that is called the
compliance curve of the lung. Compliance of the lungs
is defined as the change in lung volume resulting from a
Two major types of pathophysiologic abnormalities involv- change in the distending pressure of the lung equal to 1 cm
ing the lung and chest wall can be described using lung vol- H2O. The units of compliance are mL (or L)/cm H2O. A
umes. One group of diseases is called obstructive pulmonary lung with high lung compliance refers to a lung that is eas-
disease (OPD). In OPD, during exhalation the airways close ily distended. A lung with low compliance or a “stiff” lung
(premature airway closure, the hallmark of OPD) trapping is the one that is not easily distended. Thus the compliance
air behind them (see Chapter 3). This results in an increase of the lung (Cl) is:
in TLC, RV, and FRC. In contrast, in restrictive pulmo-
nary disease, the other major pathophysiologic abnormality CL = ΔV/ΔP
involving the lung and chest wall, lung volumes are reduced.
One of the most useful tests for distinguishing obstruc- where ΔV is the change in volume and ΔP is the change in
tive and restrictive types of lung disease is the measurement pressure.
of the RV/TLC ratio. In normal individuals, the RV/TLC The compliance of the isolated lung is measured in
ratio is less than 0.25, that is, approximately 25% of the air animals by removing the lung and measuring the changes
in the lungs is trapped and cannot be exhaled. An elevated in lung volume that occur with each change in the pres-
RV/TLC ratio, characterized by an increase in RV out of sure between the inside of the lung and the outside (also
proportion to any increase in TLC, is due to air trapping known as transpulmonary or translung pressure). As
secondary to airway obstruction and is seen in individuals transpulmonary pressure increases, lung volume increases
with OPD. An elevated RV/TLC ratio due to a decrease in (Fig. 2.2A). The line that is generated, however, is curvi-
TLC out of proportion to any change in RV is seen in indi- linear, not linear. That is, at low lung volumes, the lung
viduals with restrictive types of pulmonary disease. distends easily, but at high lung volumes, larger increases in
transpulmonary pressure are needed to produce only small
LUNG COMPLIANCE AND LUNG ELASTIC changes in lung volume. This is in part because at high lung
volumes all of the elastic fibers in the alveolar units and air-
ways have been maximally stretched. More important than
Lung compliance (Cl) is a measure of the elastic properties elastic recoil in the determination of compliance is the sur-
of the lung and is a reflection of lung distensibility. These face tension at the air–water interface lining the alveoli due
distensibility properties of the lung are seen in the pressure to surfactant (see later in this chapter).
CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 17





0 10 20 –40 –20 0 20

A Pressure (cm H2O) B Pressure (cm H2O)

Fig. 2.2 Deflation pressure volume (PV) curve of the lung (A) and chest wall (B). A, The compliance of the
lung at any point along the curve is the change in volume (ΔV) per the change in pressure (ΔP). From the
curve, it is apparent that the compliance of the lung changes with lung volume. By convention, the deflation
pressure volume curve is used, and lung compliance is the change in pressure when going from functional
residual capacity (FRC) to FRC + 1 L. RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity. B, PV curve of the chest
wall demonstrating a change in compliance with change in lung volume. Note that at volumes greater than
60% of the TLC, the pressure needed to expand the chest wall is positive (inward recoil), whereas at lower
lung volumes, the chest wall pressure is negative (outward recoil).


Volume (% TLC)

50 VT


25 Fig. 2.3 Inflation: deflation pressure–volume curve of the lung.

The direction of inspiration and exhalation is shown by the arrows.
The difference between the inflation and deflation pressure-vol-
ume curves is due to surface tension variation with changes in
lung volume. FRC, functional residual capacity; TLC, total lung
0 10 20 30
capacity; Vt, tidal volume. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, eds.
Translung pressure (cm H2O) Berne and Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2018.)

Lungs that are highly compliant will have a steeper By convention, the compliance of the lung is measured as
slope than lungs with a low compliance. Lung com- the slope of the line between any two points on the deflation
pliance or distensibility is the inverse of elasticity or limb of the pressure volume loop. The compliance of the lung
lung elastic recoil (Pel). Compliance is the ease with is greater when measured from TLC to RV (deflation) than
which something is stretched, whereas elastic recoil is from RV to TLC (inflation) (Fig. 2.3). This is due in large part
the tendency to resist or oppose stretching and return to the changes in surface tension with changing lung volume
to its previous configuration when the distorting force and is discussed later in this chapter. This difference between
is removed. the inflation and exhalation curve is called hysteresis. As we
18 CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

Chest wall Lung

Chest wall
and lung
75 (Respiratory system)

Vital capacity (%)

Fig. 2.4 The relaxation pressure–volume
curve of the lung, chest wall, and respira-
tory system. The curve for the respiratory 50
system is the sum of the individual curves
(Prs = Pl + Pw). The curve for the lung is
the same as in Fig. 2.2A, and the curve for
25 FRC
the chest wall is the same as in Fig. 2.2B.
FRC, functional residual capacity; Pw,
chest wall pressure; Pl, transpulmonary
pressure; Prs, respiratory system pres-
sure; TLC, total lung capacity. (Koeppen
–40 –20 0 20 40
BM, Stanton BA, eds. Berne and Levy’s
Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; Pressure (cm H2O)
2018.) (PL, PW, or PRS)

will see later in this chapter, the most important reason for add as reciprocals; that is, 1/compliance of the respiratory
hysteresis is changes in surfactant. Other reasons include system = 1/compliance of the lung + 1/compliance of the
redistribution of gas and recruitment of alveoli. chest wall or

1/CRS = 1/CL + 1/CW

When the lungs are removed, the chest wall has a springlike In contrast, the reciprocal of compliance is elastance,
character with a relatively high resting volume. In much the and the elastance of the lung and chest wall add directly. In
same way as the lung, the compliance curve of the chest wall addition, compliances in series add directly. For example,
relates the volume of gas enclosed by the chest wall to the pres- the compliance of the lungs in the two hemithoraces that
sure across the chest wall. The curve (see Fig. 2.2B) is relatively are in series is the sum of the compliances of the lung in
flat at low volumes; that is, the chest wall is stiff with the short- each hemithorax.
ened respiratory muscles maximally contracted. The curve is As noted previously, lung compliance varies with
also flat at high lung volumes where the respiratory muscles lung volume (see Fig. 2.2). It is greater at lower lung
are maximally stretched. At both high and low lung volumes, volumes than at higher lung volumes. For this rea-
large changes in pressure across the chest wall result in small son, specific compliance, or compliance divided by the
changes in the volume enclosed by the chest wall. lung volume at which it is measured (usually FRC), is
used (Fig. 2.5). As an example, consider the individual
with chronic bronchitis in whom FRC is increased. As
COMPLIANCE OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM a result, pulmonary compliance, which is now being
Both the lungs and the chest wall contribute to the compliance measured at this higher lung volume, would also be
of the respiratory system (Fig. 2.4). The lung and chest wall increased. However, when corrected for the FRC (spe-
are held together by the thin layer of pleural fluid that func- cific compliance), the compliance is normal. In indi-
tions like a liquid film holding two pieces of glass together. viduals with normal FRC, the compliance of the lung is
The glass pieces slide easily relative to each other, but it is about 0.2 L/cm H2O, of the chest wall is 0.2 L/cm H2O,
difficult to pull them apart. The compliance of the respira- and of the respiratory system is 0.1 L/cm H2O. Note that
tory system is also analogous to electrical capacitance, and in the compliance of the respiratory system is lower than
the respiratory system the compliances of the lung and the compliance of either the lung or the chest wall. Lung
chest wall are in parallel. Thus their individual compliances compliance is not affected by age.
CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 19


The compliance of the lung is not altered by airflow per se, Individuals with decreased compliance must generate
but the compliance of the lung and chest wall is affected greater transpulmonary pressures to produce changes
by a number of respiratory disorders. In emphysema, the in lung volume than individuals with normal compliance.
lung is more compliant because of destruction of lung elas- This results in increased work associated with breathing
tic tissue; that is, for every 1 cm of H2O pressure increase, (see Chapter 3).
there is a larger increase in volume than in the normal
lung. In contrast, a proliferation of connective tissue in 5
the lung called pulmonary fibrosis can be seen in lung Emphysema TLC
diseases such as interstitial pneumonitis and sarcoidosis
or in association with chemical or thermal lung injury. The

Vital capacity (liters)

lungs in these diseases are “stiff,” or noncompliant; that
is, for every 1 cm H2O pressure change, there is a smaller 3
change in volume. Similarly, in diseases associated with TLC
increased fluid in the interstitial spaces such as pulmonary 2 Fibrosis
edema or in diseases associated with fluid, blood, or infec-
tion in the intrapleural space (pleural effusion, hemothorax,
or empyema, respectively), lung compliance is reduced. 1
The compliance of the chest wall is decreased in individu-
als with obesity in whom adipose tissue results in an addi- 0
tional load on the chest wall muscles and the diaphragm. 10 20 30 40
Individuals with decreased mobility of the rib cage such
as in kyphoscoliosis or other types of musculoskele- Pressure (cm H2O)
tal diseases that affect chest wall movement also have
decreased chest wall compliance.

Fibrosis/emphysema pressure–volume curve. TLC, total lung capacity.

From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, eds. Berne and Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2018.

The lungs are enclosed by the chest wall, which expands

FACTORS DETERMINING LUNG VOLUME during inspiration. The lungs and chest wall always move
Why can’t we inspire above TLC or exhale beyond RV? The together in healthy individuals. Lung volumes are deter-
answers lie in the properties of the lung parenchyma and in mined by the balance between the lung’s elastic recoil
the interaction between the lungs and the chest wall. Both properties and the properties of the muscles of the chest
the lungs and the chest wall have elastic properties. Both wall. TLC occurs when the forces of inspiration decrease
have a resting volume (or size) that they would assume if because of chest wall muscle lengthening and are insuffi-
there were no external forces or pressures exerted on them. cient to overcome the increasing force required to distend
Both expand when stresses are applied and recoil passively the lung and chest wall (see Fig. 2.4). Thus TLC is limited
when stresses are released. If the lungs were removed from by the distensibility of both the lungs and the chest wall
the chest and no external forces were applied, they would and the amount of force that the inspiratory muscles can
become almost airless. To expand, these lungs would generate. Disease that affects any of these three compo-
require either the exertion of a positive pressure on the nents will affect TLC.
alveoli and airways or the application of a negative pressure At RV, a significant amount of gas remains within the
from outside the lungs. Either would result in a positive lung. As RV is approached, the chest wall becomes so stiff
transpulmonary pressure. These situations are analogous that additional effort by the expiratory chest wall muscles
to the balloon and the vacuum canister. A balloon is airless to contract is unable to further reduce the volume. Thus
until positive pressure is exerted at the opening to distend RV occurs when the expiratory muscle force is insufficient
the balloon walls (positive-pressure “ventilation”). In the to cause a further reduction in chest wall volume (see Fig.
case of the vacuum, negative external pressure is applied 2.4). As the chest wall is squeezed by the expiratory muscles,
and results in sucking materials (air) into the canister (neg- the recoil pressure of the chest wall (the chest wall want-
ative-pressure “ventilation”). ing to increase in size) increases. The expiratory muscles
20 CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

Compliance = Specific
Lung volume Compliance =
⁄ Pressure
Lung compliance⁄
Lung volume
Situation 1 1 liter 0.2
= 0.2 = 0.2
5 cm H2O 1 liter
R and L

0.5 liter 0.1


Situation 2 = 0.1 = 0.2

5 cm H2O 0.5 liter

1⁄ L Situation 3 0.1 liter 0.02

= 0.02 = 0.2
5 cm H2O 0.1 liter

Fig. 2.5 Relationship between compliance and lung volume. Imagine a lung in which a change in pressure of
5 cm H2O results in a change in volume of 1 liter. If half of the lung is removed (Situation 2), the compliance
will decrease, but when corrected for the volume of the lung, there is no change (specific compliance). Even
when the lung is reduced by 90% (Situation 3), the specific compliance is unchanged. R, right lung; L, left
lung. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, eds. Berne and Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2018.)

shorten, and their capacity to generate force decreases;

the point at which the force generated by the expiratory
muscles is insufficient to overcome the outward recoil of The lung and chest wall move together in healthy people. The
the chest wall determines the RV. This simple model of RV pleural space that separates the lung and the chest wall is best
applies to (young) individuals with normal lungs. In older thought of as a “potential” space because of its small volume.
individuals and in individuals with lung disease, prema- Because the lung and chest wall move together, changes in
ture airway closure, a property of the lung (see Chapter 3), their respective volumes are the same. The pressure changes
becomes the major determinant of RV rather than outward across the lung and across the chest wall are defined as the
chest wall recoil. transmural pressures. Transmural pressure refers to any
The FRC is the volume of the lung at the end of a nor- pressure difference across a wall and by convention represents
mal exhalation and is determined by the balance between the inside of the wall pressure minus the outside of the wall
the elastic recoil pressure generated by the lung paren- pressure. For the lung, this transmural pressure is called the
chyma to become smaller and the pressure generated by transpulmonary pressure (Pl; also called the translung pres-
the chest wall to become larger (see Fig. 2.4). FRC occurs sure) and is defined as the pressure difference between the air-
when these two forces are equal and opposite. In the pres- spaces (alveolar pressure [Pa]) and the pressure surrounding
ence of chest wall weakness, the FRC decreases (lung elastic the lung (pleural pressure [Ppl]); that is,
recoil is greater than chest wall muscle force). In the pres-
ence of airway obstruction, the FRC increases because of PL = PA − PPL
premature airway closure that traps air in the lung. Always,
however, the FRC occurs at the lung volume at which the The lung requires a positive Pl to increase its vol-
outward recoil of the chest wall is equal to the inward recoil ume and lung volume increases with increasing Pl. The
of the lung. lung assumes its smallest size when the transpulmonary
CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 21

pressure is zero. The lung, however, is not airless when the Pleural space
Pl is zero because of the surface tension–lowering prop-
erties of surfactant (discussed later). The transmural pres- PPL Lung
sure across the chest wall (Pw) is the difference between
the pleural pressure and the pressure surrounding the chest PEL
wall (inside pressure minus outside pressure), which is the
barometric pressure (Pb) or body surface pressure. That is,

During the inspiratory phase of quiet breathing, the
chest wall expands to a larger volume. Because the pleural
pressure is negative relative to atmospheric pressure during
quiet breathing, the transmural pressure across the chest
wall is negative. The pressure then across the respiratory Chest wall
system (Prs) is the sum of the pressure across the lung and Fig. 2.6 The relationship between transpulmonary pressure
the pressure across the chest wall; that is, (Pl) (the pressure across the lung) and the pleural (Ppl), alveolar
(Pa), and elastic recoil (Pel) pressures in the lung. The alveolar
PRS = PL + PW pressure is the sum of the pleural and the elastic recoil pres-
= (PA − PPL ) + (PPL − PB ) sures; that is, Pa = Ppl + Pel. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA,
= PA − PB eds. Berne and Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevi-
er; 2018.)
A number of important observations can be made by
examining the pressure volume curves of the lung, chest
wall, and respiratory system (see Fig. 2.4). First, the lung vol- PA = PEL + PPL
ume at which the pressure across the respiratory system is 0
is the FRC. The resting volume of the chest wall is approx- Because
imately 60% of the VC. Thus in the absence of the lungs, PL = PA − PPL
the resting volume of the chest wall would be approximately
60% of the VC. At less than 60% of the VC, the chest wall has Then
outward elastic recoil. At lung volumes greater than 60% of
the VC, the chest wall, like the lung, has inward elastic recoil. PL = (PEL + PPL ) − PPL
The transmural distending pressure for the normal lung
alone flattens at pressures greater than 20 cm H2O because Therefore
the elastic limits of the lung have been reached. Thus fur- PL = PEL
ther increases in transmural pressure produce no change in
volume, and compliance is low. Further distention is lim- In general, Pl is the pressure distending the lung and Pel
ited by the connective tissue of the lung (collagen, elastin) is the pressure tending to collapse the lung. As shown later,
and surfactant. If further pressure is applied, the alveoli Pel is the driving pressure for expiratory gas flow.
close to the lung surface can rupture and air can escape If the seal between the chest wall and the lung is bro-
into the pleural space. This is called a pneumothorax. ken, such as by a penetrating knife injury, the inward elas-
As lung volume increases above FRC, the pressure tic recoil of the lung is no longer opposed by the outward
across the respiratory system becomes positive because of recoil of the chest wall, and their interdependence ceases.
two factors: the increased elastic recoil of the lung and the As a result, lung volume will decrease and airways and
decreased outward elastic recoil of the chest wall. Below alveoli will collapse. At the same time, the chest wall will
FRC, the relaxation pressure at the mouth is negative expand because its outward recoil is no longer opposed by
because the outward recoil of the chest wall is now greater the inward recoil of the lung. When the chest is opened, as
than the reduced inward recoil of the lungs. during thoracic surgery, the lung recoils until the transpul-
This relationship between pleural, alveolar, and elastic monary pressure is zero and the chest wall increases in size
recoil pressure is shown in Fig. 2.6. The alveolar pressure (to approximately 60% of the VC). The lungs do not, how-
is the sum of the elastic recoil pressure Pel and the pleural ever, become totally airless but retain approximately 10%
pressure of the lung: of their total lung capacity.
22 CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What happens in the supine position? The supine posi- −5 cm H2O). That is, pleural pressure is less than atmo-
tion has no effect on lung elastic recoil. However, when spheric pressure. This negative pressure is created by the
an individual is supine, the position of the diaphragm is elastic recoil pressure of the lung, which acts to pull the
changed due to gravitational effects, and the result is that lung away from the chest wall. Alveolar pressure at this
the recoil pressures for the chest wall, and as a consequence point is zero because there is no airflow, and at points of no
for the respiratory system, are shifted to the right. Upright, airflow alveolar and atmospheric pressures must be equal.
the diaphragm is pulled down by gravity; supine, the As inspiration begins, the diaphragm contracts and moves
abdominal contents push inward against the relaxed dia- into the abdominal cavity and the rib cage moves out and
phragm. The displacement of the diaphragm into the chest upward. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases and
decreases the overall outward recoil of the chest wall and because of Boyle’s law (see Appendix C), the pressure
displaces the chest wall elastic recoil pressure to the right. inside the alveoli decreases.
This change from the upright to the supine position results As alveolar pressure decreases below atmospheric pres-
in a decrease in FRC. sure, the glottis opens and air rushes into the airways. The
decrease in alveolar pressure is small during tidal volume
breathing in normal individuals (1–3 cm H2O) but is
CLINICAL BOX much larger in individuals with airway obstruction who
must generate larger inspiratory pressures to overcome the
This important relationship between the lung and chest
obstructed airways.
wall is illustrated in the static pressure volume curves
As alveolar pressure falls during inspiration, intrapleu-
for the lung and the chest wall (see Fig. 2.4). These
ral pressure also falls. The decrease in intrapleural pressure
curves are obtained by asking participants to breathe
is equal to the sum of the elastic recoil pressure, which
into a spirometer (see Chapter 4) to measure lung vol-
increases as the lung inflates and the pressure drops along
umes. An esophageal balloon is placed in the distal one-
the airways as gas flows into the lung from higher (atmo-
third of the esophagus to measure intrapleural pressure.
spheric or 0 pressure) to lower pressure (alveolar, subat-
In addition, pressure at the mouth is measured. Partic-
mospheric pressure). Airflow stops when alveolar pressure
ipants then inspire to a specific lung volume; a stop-
and atmospheric pressure become equal.
cock in the spirometer tubing near the mouth is closed,
On exhalation, the diaphragm moves back into the
and the participant is instructed to relax the respiratory
chest, intrapleural pressure increases (i.e., becomes less
muscles. The pressure at the mouth is equal to alveolar
negative), alveolar pressure rises, the glottis opens, and gas
pressure because there is no airflow, and this is equal
again flows from higher to lower pressure. In the alveoli,
to the recoil pressure of the lungs (Pl) and the chest
the driving pressure for expiratory gas flow is the sum of
wall (Pw). This is the pressure of the respiratory system
the elastic recoil of the lung and the intrapleural pressure.
(Prs = Pl + Pw). Because the intrapleural pressure is
The pressure volume events that occur during inspiration
known, the individual recoil pressure of the lungs and
and exhalation are shown in Fig. 2.7; Fig. 2.8 shows the
the chest wall can be calculated.
relationship between transpulmonary, intrapleural, and
If the esophageal pressure is −5 cm H2O and the pres-
elastic recoil at end exhalation and during inspiration.
sure at the mouth in the absence of airflow is −5 cm
H2O what is the transpulmonary pressure?
= − 5 cm H2 O − ( − 5 cm H2 O) The elastic properties of the lung, including elastin,
= 0 cm H2 O collagen, and other constituents of the lung tissue, are
responsible for some but not all of the elastic recoil of
That is, this transpulmonary pressure would result in the lung. The other important factor that contributes to
no airflow into the lung and would represent either end lung elastic recoil is the surface tension at the air–liquid
inspiration or end exhalation. interface in the alveoli. Surface tension is a measure of the
attractive force of the surface molecules per unit length
of the material to which they are attached. The units of
surface tension are those of a force applied per unit length
Both pressure and volume change during respiration. Before The role of surface tension forces in lung elastic recoil
the start of inspiration, the pressure in the pleural space can be illustrated by comparing the volume pressure curves
in normal individuals is slightly negative (approximately of saline-filled and air-filled lungs (Fig. 2.9). Similar to
CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 23

Inspiration Expiration saline instead of air is used. In this situation, surface ten-
0.5 sion forces are absent because there is no air–liquid inter-
face. The difference between the two curves is the recoil
due to surface tension forces.

0.3 For a sphere such as an alveolus, the relationship


between the pressure within the sphere (Ps) and the ten-
sion in the wall is described by Laplace’s law:
0.1 2T
FRC Ps =
0 r
Pleural pressure

–5 Or Ps × r
(cm H2O)

–6 2

where T is the wall tension (dynes/cm) and r is the radius
–8 of the sphere.
Consider what would happen in the alveolus with
changes in volume. Note here that the surface of most
Expiratory flow

liquids (such as water) is constant and is not depen-


A C dent on the area of the air–liquid interface. Imagine two

0 alveoli of different sizes connected by a common airway
B (Fig. 2.10A). If the surface tension in both of these alve-
–0.5 oli is equal, Laplace’s law states that the pressure in the
smaller alveolus must be greater than the pressure in the
larger alveolus, and because gas always flows from higher
Alveolar pressure

to lower pressure, the smaller alveolus will empty into
(cm H2O)

A C the larger alveolus.

0 D Alveoli in the lung are of variable sizes. With a con-
B stant surface tension, these interconnected alveoli would
–1 be unstable—that is, the smaller alveoli would empty into
the larger alveoli. The collapsed alveoli would have sig-
Time nificant cohesive forces at their liquid–liquid interface
Fig. 2.7 Changes in alveolar and pleural pressure, expiratory and would therefore require a high distending pressure
flow, and lung volume during a tidal volume breath. Inspiration to open. The result would be a marked increase in the
is to the left of the vertical dotted line, and exhalation is to distending pressures and in the work of breathing due to
the right. Positive (relative to atmosphere) pressures are above “stiff” alveoli. Two major factors cause the alveoli to be
the horizontal dotted line, and negative pressures are below. more stable than would be expected based on a constant
At points of no airflow (A, C, and D), alveolar pressure is zero. surface tension. The first factor is pulmonary surfac-
Point B represents the midpoint of inspiration. IPleural pressure
tant; the second is the structural interdependence of the
has two courses noted by the solid and the dotted lines. The
dotted line represents the pleural pressure changes needed to
overcome the elastic recoil of the alveoli; the solid line includes
the additional pressure changes required to overcome tissue SURFACTANT
and airflow resistance. Thus the dotted line is a more accurate
representation of intrapleural pressure. FRC, functional resid- Surfactant is a surface–active component of the alveo-
ual capacity. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, eds. Berne and lar surface fluid that lowers the elastic recoil due to sur-
Levy’s Physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2018.) face tension even at high lung volumes. It increases the
compliance of the lungs above that predicted by an air–
Fig. 2.3, in this experiment a pressure volume curve is gen- water interface, and as a result, it decreases the work of
erated using an excised lung. When the lung is inflated with breathing.
air, an air–liquid interface is present in the lung and sur- Surfactants are generally considered to be soaps or
face tension contributes to alveolar elastic recoil. After all detergents. Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of
the gas is removed, the lung is inflated again, but this time phospholipids, neutral lipids, fatty acids, and proteins. This
24 CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

Atmospheric pressure =
0 cm H2O

Chest wall Pleural
Alveoli force
Pressure =
0 cm H2O Pressure =
Outward –2 cm H2O
Pleural recoil of Pleural
pressure = chest wall pressure =
–5 cm H2O –8 cm H2O
recoil of
lung and

Transmural (transpulmonary) pressure = Transmural (transpulmonary) pressure =

PA – PPL = 0 – (–5 cm H2O) PA – PPL = –2 cm H2O – (–8 cm H2O)
= +5 cm H2O = +6 cm H2O


Fig. 2.8 Interaction of lung and chest wall at end exhalation and during inspiration. A, At end exhalation, the re-
spiratory muscles are relaxed, the diaphragm sits high in the thoracic cavity, and there is no airflow because there
is no difference between atmospheric and alveolar pressure. Lung elastic recoil pulls the lung inward, whereas
chest wall elastic recoil pulls the chest wall outward. The tension created by the two opposing forces creates a
negative pleural pressure. B, During inspiration, the diaphragm and other muscles of inspiration contract, resulting
in a further decrease in pleural pressure. This negative pleural pressure is transmitted to the alveoli, causing a drop
in alveolar pressure. Gas flows into the lung along the pressure gradient. Note that as lung volume increases, lung
elastic recoil increases (solid arrows) and the outward recoil of the chest wall (open arrows) decreases.

Saline Air

Volume (ml)


Fig. 2.9 Volume–pressure curves of lungs filled with saline and

with air. The arrows indicate whether the lung is being inflated or 50
deflated; note that when using saline, hysteresis (i.e., the differ-
ence between inflation and deflation limbs of the curve) is virtually
eliminated. (From Clements JA, Tierney DF. In: Fenn WO, Rahn 0
H, eds. Handbook of Physiology, Section 3: Respiration, vol. II. 5 10 20
Washington, DC: American Physiological Society; 1964.) Pressure (cm H2O)

substance constitutes a thin film that lines the surface of the “antistick” properties, and it acts as a barrier at the air–liq-
alveoli. The fatty acids are hydrophobic and lie parallel to uid interface.
each other projecting into the gas phase, whereas a hydro- Surfactant stabilizes the inflation of alveoli because it
philic end lies within the alveolar lining fluid. In addition allows the surface tension to increase as the alveoli become
to its surface tension–lowering properties, surfactant has larger and to decrease as the alveoli become smaller (see
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Title: A prison make

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MAKE ***
A Prison Make


Illustrated by FINLAY

Any similarity between the hero of

this Kafka-esque tale and Everyman
who chooses the security of the
horrible known rather than face the
unknown, is not by any means

[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from

Amazing Stories July 1962.
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
The man on the bunk woke, but not up. Not up at all. He didn't move,
except for a sort of general half-twitch, half-shrug; didn't even open
his eyes. Just past the black borderland of sleep in the miasmic, grey
fog in which he found or failed to find himself, two things only
seemed sure. One of these was that there was no hurry whatever
about opening his eyes to his immediate surroundings. That could
wait. He didn't know why but he knew it could wait.
He knew that. He knew also that he was a man. No doubt there. Not
for an instant did he so much as suspect that he might be a small
boy, a girl, woman, or some nameless beast. No; he was a man. Not
an old man, either. A man and still at least reasonably young.
These things he felt he knew but he could take no very great
satisfaction in them. It didn't seem a very extensive knowledge;
basic, but not extensive. What about other, collateral data—such as
his name, status, situation, condition and present whereabouts?
He couldn't seem to think. No, no, he hadn't lost his memory. He felt
confident that all those things were clearly recorded there
someplace. Only they were obscured, out there in that mist, out
where it was hard to grasp them just now. After a bit, it would all
come back to him.
In the meantime he lay there.
He twitched again, a reflective thing, no volition entering into it. The
surface under him gave a little; a bed of some sort, must be. It
seemed rather too firm, a harder bed than he felt he was properly
accustomed to. Not too bad though. He could—he had, apparently,
rested well enough on it. Sheets? He couldn't feel any sheets, only
something scratchy; a blanket. And it didn't, come to notice, feel as
though he were wearing pajamas; more like ordinary clothes. And—
he wiggled his toes—socks, yes. Shoes? No, at least he wasn't
wearing shoes.
Now where would a man, not drunk, of course he wasn't drunk, be
likely to go to bed in a hard bunk, blanket, no sheets, all or most of
his clothes on except his shoes? Could be some sort of an Armed
Forces outpost or ... jail? The situation seemed to fit the pattern of a
jail all too closely. And how would the fine young man he was sure
he must be know all this about a jail pattern? Must have read it
someplace; seen it in a show. Well....

He opened his eyes to a further greyness, only less thick than that
inside. And there were bars in this greyness, there in front of him,
heavy steel bars; on the sides, he turned his head, walls of solid
steel plate. To the rear? He lifted his head and turned it—a damp,
dirty concrete wall. Oh it was a jail all right. He was in jail, in a cell.
He didn't, at once, move any more. From where he lay on the cell's
single bunk hung by chains from the right side wall, he could see a
narrow, concrete corridor through the bars in front. A bare light bulb
shone tiredly in a dirt-crusted metal reflector in the corridor's high
ceiling; grey light oozed in through a high, barred window. It must be
early morning, he figured.
Probably it was morning, at that. But, as he found in later time, you
couldn't judge it from that window. It had only two tones, grey light or
black; night or day. It was a window remote from any sun and the
grey day-time quality was subject to no variations, or at least none
that he could ever classify or use as a basis of measurement.
Well, assuming as he did then that it was morning in jail, what was
he, whoever he was, doing in jail? The detail of his past was still
solidly fogged in. But he wasn't a—a criminal. Anything like that he
would surely know about, remember. It must be a mistake of some
sort. Or could he be in jail for some justifiable, thoroughly
respectable sin? Income tax, price fixing, collusion, something like
that, actually creditable rather than otherwise? No. He hadn't been
through a trial, couldn't have been; and nobody ever went to jail for
things like that except, perhaps, for a month or so and that after
years of trials and appeals first.
Nevertheless, he was in jail. So? It must be an accident, a mistake of
some sort. Of course. That would be it.
He sat up then, on the bunk. Shoes? He swung his stocking feet
over the edge of the bunk and felt; bent down and looked. No shoes
in sight. Well ... he stood up. Ow! That concrete floor was cold. But
he wouldn't have to stand for it—on it—for long. Whatever the
mistake or misunderstanding had put him in jail, he would straighten
it out quickly enough. He walked to the front of the cell to grasp bars,
one in each hand, the conventional prisoners' pose.
"Hey!" he shouted, "hey!!" He rattled the cell door, doing all the
normal, conventional things. And, standing there shaking his cell
door, he was a conventional, non-remarkable looking young man.
Middling height, not short, not tall. Young, not more than thirty or so;
not bad looking. Slim enough of waist so the lack of a belt didn't
endanger the security of his pants. Naturally, they drooped and,
naturally, he looked unshaven, dishevelled. But his suit was of good
quality. Shirt—no necktie, of course—too. He might very well have
been a young executive, caught in a non-executive moment.
Probably, he was, or had been. But in jail there are no executives.
He was only a prisoner rattling a jail cell door.

Turning his head and pressing against bars, he could look up and
down the corridor outside. To his right, sighted through the left eye, it
stretched, maybe a hundred feet, maybe more, to end in a right
angle turn and a blank wall. The other way, some indeterminate, dim
distance off, he could barely make out another barred door. There
were, he could sense rather than see, other cells in neat, penal line
on either side of his. Occupied? Yes. There were noises; grunts,
yawns, mumbling, nothing distinguishable in the way of conversation
but clear enough evidence that there were other prisoners. He was
glad of that.
"Hey!" he yelled again, "hey, somebody. Come let me out of here,
damnit." But nobody did.
After a bit he went back to his bunk and sat. Routine, he supposed,
and rules. Probably it was too early yet. But certainly before long
someone would come. They would have to let him see someone in
authority; straighten this mess out fast enough then.
He stood and went through his pockets. Not much; but, at least, a
crumpled pack with three cigarettes and one book of matches. He
sat again and smoked. Patience.
Later, not long probably, he was roused from a dull torpor by a
metallic clatter from the corridor. He leaped to his feet—damn that
cold floor—and to the front of his cell. Outside, just one or two cells
down from his own was a rig of some sort; some kind of a steam
table on wheels, apparently. Anyway, it was steaming greasily. There
were metal trays stacked at one end; buckets of one thing or another
in apertures along its eight foot length. Breakfast? Something,
anyway, being served up by four hopeless slatterns dressed in sack-
like, brown and dirty white striped denim uniforms. The women
whined and mumbled at each other as they dragged along, filling
trays and tin cups from the containers in their steam table, passing
them into cells, dispensers of the state's bounty, no benediction.
"Well now look at here, girls," said the lead witch, coming abreast of
the man's cell, "looks like we got us a real juicy young buster, a nice
gentleman prisoner type. Fresh meat, hah?"
They all screeched and squawked then, crowding to the front of his
cell to look, exchanging viciously obscene guesses regarding his
probable past history of despicable crime, present intimate personal
condition, and future possibilities, all singularly unattractive. He
gaped at them a moment in shocked disgust and then backed from
the door of his cell to sit on the bunk, head down, not looking, trying
not to listen.

"Yeah, that's the way it goes. He don't like our service; don't think
what we got is sweet enough and pretty enough for his fine taste; not
now, he don't. It's gonna surprise him some, ain't it, dears, how he'll
learn to like our dishes and our room service after a little time, hah?"
The first charmer hummed an unrecognizable non-musical bar or
two and lifted straggling skirts high, higher to prance a misshapen
dance step. The others cackled wildly.

"Show him Belle. Show him something to put in his dreams. He'll
come around fast enough."
He squeezed his eyelids tighter shut.
"All right then, Sweetie, Jail-Birdie Boy," said Belle, dropping skirts.
"Your appetite for our cell block service'll change. How d'you want
your eggs, Bird-Boy?" She laughed.
He raised his head, dully. "Any way you feel like laying them,
goddamnit," he snarled.
The harsh amusement dissolved. "A funny one? Did I say fresh
meat, dears? Too fresh, hah? All right. Should we serve him a chef's

The other two gruntingly pushed the steam table forward. One lifted
a metal plate, something between a dish and a bowl, and scooped a
ladle full of a greyish mess of whatever, mush of some sort. Edible?
Conceivably. Then she reached into some nauseous recess of the
table and brought out a stout roach, legs moving feebly. She
dropped it into the mush. Number two drew a steaming cup of
muddy liquid from an urn. Coffee? Well, it was a brown-grey, it had a
smell, it wasn't soup. Coffee. The hag with the cup hawked gurglingly
and spat into the cup. The third grinned evilly and dropped three
slices of grey-white bread—grey was in everything—on the gritty
corridor floor; stirred them around with her bunion cut left shoe;
picked them up.
"Breakfast is served, Birdie. Juicy worms for the early jail bird." Belle
opened the cell door. The man sat still on his bunk, staring fixedly at
the floor. The stout slattern laughed, slopped the filthy bread on top
of the expiring roach and Belle took the plate-bowl and the cup to
slap them down beside him. "Breakfast. Bread's your lunch. Maybe
you'll be gladder to see us by supper. No? Then tomorrow, or the
next day; or the next." She backed out and clanged the cell door
shut. "No tipping," she said. The others cackled. "Please ... no
They moved on down the row of cells. The man sat. Maybe he
should have been more friendly; played up to them. Then he could
have asked them ... something ... about seeing somebody,
somebody in charge, a lawyer ... anybody. He sat a while, ignoring
the filthy bread, the noisome mush and the grey-tan coffee slush with
the yellowish blob of spittle on top. But it bothered him. Not that he
wanted to eat. God no. His stomach growled; let it growl. He was too
nervous, too upset to eat anything, let alone ... that. But his mouth,
his throat were parched, cotton dry, a desert, a burned out waste of
dehydrated tissue. Liquid ... damn them. He went back again to the
cell door. Shook it. Yelled, a hoarse croak. No answer, except a
croaking echo, the subdued mutter from other cells. He quit trying to
yell. His throat was too dry; it hurt.

For the first time since waking then, he really looked around,
checked over the rest of the cell. It wasn't fancy. The bunk, hard
mattress, blanket. Bars, walls. And, at the rear of the cell, stark,
yellow-white, unadorned and unlovely, was one toilet bowl, no
wooden seat, just the stained enamel. To it and through from the dim
concrete ceiling above ran a heavy iron water pipe. Just where the
pipe met the bowl was the handle. He had seen it all before without
taking real notice. A toilet. Hell no, he didn't need a toilet. He was all
dried out, tensed, frozen inside. But ... he walked the three short
paces to the rear of the cell. He reached out, down; took the handle,
pressed it. Water rushed out in a roaring flood, bubbling and swirling
in stained bowl. Slowly the flow cut down and stopped. He pressed
the handle again; again the rush of water. His tongue stuck to the
roof of his mouth. Water.
Sure, there was water, plenty of water. Water, water ... nor any drop
... to drink? No, Good Lord no; it was unthinkable. A man couldn't,
not conceivably, drink water that came from such a thing. He would
choke on it, strangle, die. But water.... He would die. The iron pipe
above the bowl was sweating, tiny droplets. He pressed his tongue,
his face against it. Water.
Damned little water there. He hugged the pipe for a while, breath
coming in harsh gasps. And, as he gasped, his mind emptied, slowly
to a blank, clear, unreflecting lucidity of, not thought, of direct motor
response. A minute, two. Then, moving deliberately, not thinking
deliberately, he turned back to his bunk. A dish. A cup of nauseating
A little later he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and lit one of his two
remaining cigarettes. The cup, rinsed, clean and filled with water, he
had placed carefully down at the foot of the bunk on the inboard
side. He sighed. His stomach rumbled. Food ... no, not that. He
wasn't really hungry. Even if, maybe, a piece or two of the bread
might be cleaned off a bit ... no.
He lay back on the bunk looking upward. Hm-m. There was
something he hadn't noticed. Up there, maybe eight feet above the
floor level, four under the ceiling, was a black box, about eight inches
square by three deep. Standing on the bunk in his stocking feet, he
could get to it easily enough. A wire ran from it into the ceiling. A
speaker. At the bottom was a button. He pressed it. First, nothing but
a faint hum. Then....
"Click. Good morning." It spoke with a coolly feminine-metallic voice,
"welcome to the Kembel State Home of Protective Custody, Crime
Prevention and Correction Number One-One-Seven."
"Jail," said the man, sitting back down on the bunk. "All it is, it's a
crummy jail." It pleased him to tell the voice that, firmly and clearly.
"This," continued the speaker, "is a recording." The man shrugged.
So what about it? "You have been admitted to protective custody
here pending investigation, trial, review and ultimate disposition of
your case. This is—click—Sunday morning. Sunday is a rest day.
Cell block therapeutic work schedules are in effect Monday through
Work? What kind of work?
"You, as a custodial ward of the State, are entitled by law to
representation of your own, freely selected legal counsel."
Ah! His lawyer would clear this mess up quickly enough.
"If you wish to name counsel you may do so now. Speak clearly,
directly into your home-room sound box. Spell out name of counsel,
home and business address, code, phone, and qualifications before
the bar of this State. Click."

His lawyer? Did he have a lawyer? Who? Think, damnit, think. The
sound box was silent except for a faint hum, waiting. But he couldn't
think. The name Lucille came into his mind, but it seemed unlikely
that Lucille could be a lawyer.
"Click." The box spoke out again. "You have no expressed choice of
counsel. You have therefore opted to avail yourself of the privilege of
representation by State appointed counsel. You are now
represented, with full power of attorney, by State Public Defenders,
Contract 34-RC, Hollingsworth, Schintz and Associates, Attorneys at
Law. Counsel will consult with client twice weekly. Sunday and
Thursday between the hours of 1500 and 1600."
Well, at least he'd get to see some kind of a lawyer.
"And now," the voice seemed to take on the faintest note of
enthusiastic interest, "you, as a custodial ward of the State will need
a clear understanding of how we live here at Kembel State Home
One-One-Seven. A clear understanding of the rules and policies
applicable to custodial wards of the State will enable you to avoid
difficulties and misunderstandings during your institutional life.
Please listen carefully."
He didn't, however, listen very carefully.
"Code One," said the voice, relapsing into a sing-song drone,
"Section A, 1, (a): Internal, closed circuit broadcast of instruction and
entertainment. Broadcast is continuous, daily from 0500 through
2300. Music and entertainment material, 1800 through 2300.
Custodial wards are urged to listen to instructional material provided
by the State for their benefit. Failure to listen to a minimum of
seventy-two hours of said material weekly shall result in penalty, four
credits for each hour of short-fall. Code One, section A, 1, (b): Care
of home-room facilities...."
The voice droned on. The hell with that noise. The man got up and
pushed irritably at the button under the speaker. It faded out in a
faint, protesting whine. A lawyer. The damned voice had said a
lawyer would come on Sunday afternoon. And this was Sunday. This
afternoon then. He should be out by dinner time. He ... he was thirsty
again. He got his cup from the foot of the bunk and drained the cool
water with luxurious satisfaction. Plenty more where that ... never
mind that. He closed a door of his mind with determination. Then he
used the toilet hurriedly and flushed it three times. The lawyer, his
lawyer would come. He lay back down on the bunk. Nothing to do
but wait.

"Say! Say there, boy. Up, up! Nothing to do but sleep? Eh? Up, up.
My time is valuable." The voice was harsh, rasping, but with an
unsubtle touch of educated superiority in it.
The man in the cell sat up at the second "say," and was at the front
of the cell clinging to the bars before the voice paused.
"What?" he asked, "What, what, what?"
What? It was still daylight. Still jail, too, no doubt about that. This
must be the lawyer then. He blinked and stared through the bars; it
was hard for a moment to focus in the grey light. The figure outside
the cell looked something like ... what? A wheel chair? A man in a
wheel chair? A ... now what in hell kind of a so-called lawyer was
this? There was no man in the more or less wheel chair out there;
only hardware, piled and assembled in a very roughly human shape.
At the top were two lenses, eye-like except for being in a vertical
line, mounted in a rounded, metallic container with a speaker and,
presumably, sound receivers. Under that was a big, square, torso-
sized, faintly humming black box. This rested on a—uh—
conveyance, not unlike a wheel chair. Under the box was an electric
motor and a reel of black wire. Attached to one side of the main box
section was a single metal arm, a sort of skeletal framework of steel
rods, jointed and with an arrangement of tiny wheels, pulleys and
"Now what, for God's sake...?"
"Whup! Excuse me a moment, my boy," rasped the speaker. "Almost
forgot my cord. Mustn't run down my battery here, and with two more
clients after you." The motor under the black box whined. The
wheels turned and the rig backed away from the cell. It rolled some
ten paces back up the corridor; stopped; the metal arm reached,
caught a plug at the end of the wire on the reel and plugged it into a
socket in the far wall of the building. Then the thing rolled back to the
cell, the wire unrolling from the reel to trail behind it.
"There!" said the speaker with a note of satisfaction. "Now, the case
... let's see ... oh yes. J7-OP-7243-R. Arrested on suspicion, vice
and homicide squad random selection, brought in for subjective
interrogation at 2200, night of the 14th last."
The prisoner's mouth opened and closed again. He had a few things
to say to this mess of machinery. But this information concerned him.
He would listen first.
"On the basis of clear data extracted, recorded and interpreted,
charged with larceny; grand larceny; extortion; felonious assault;
lewd and lascivious conduct; assault with intent to rape; rape...."
"No, no." The man gripped the bars. "No!"
"... and murder in the first."
"No! I didn't. I didn't do any of those things. I know I didn't."
"Ah?" inquired the speaker, "Splendid. It might make an interesting
defense. How do you know you didn't?"
"I-uh-hell, I just know, that's all. Murder? Ridiculous. Rape? I mean
actually using force, real force to ... no. I never dreamed of such a
thing, of any of them."
"Never dreamed of such things? Oh come now."
"Of course I never...." Of course he had never done any of those
things. Of course ... well. Dreams, hell, a man could have all kinds of
crazy dreams. That didn't mean anything. A man couldn't control
dreams. They didn't mean anything.
"Fact is, boy, you must have done those things or dreamed them.
Where do you suppose they got your charges?"
"They put you through shock, electric and drug, and went through
your mind. Amazing technical advances have been made recently.
They extract virtually everything now. The process may have left
your own circuits somewhat blurred—did you notice that?—but the
accuracy of information obtained is complete; legal evidence, my
boy. And these things with which you have been charged were all
taken right from your own mind."
"But a dream doesn't mean anything. I never did any of those

"Of course the dividing line between fact and fantasy is

indeterminate and the law does recognize a distinction, when it can
be proven, although the trend is decidedly toward equating the intent
with the act. Eliminates confusion, as you can see. Well, never mind
boy. We shall make a fine case of this, legal history. You are in good
"We ... you.... Now look here, damnit, you're nothing but a
confounded robot."
"Computer, Pinnacle, Legal Model X 27, working title, Mr. Boswell.
Boy, you are extremely fortunate. You couldn't get a finer legal mind
anyplace. Programmed through the State Supreme Court library,
shades of interpretation, judgment and emotional factors drawn from
the minds of Mr. Hollingsworth and Judge Schintz, both very
compassionate men. Circuits overhauled only last month."
"I want a real lawyer."
"I am your lawyer, boy, by law. Fortunate thing too, for you. I can see
your case through. Mr. Hollingsworth—wonderful gentleman, of
course—but even now he is, well, not as young as he used to be.
Bad thing, to change lawyers in mid-case, eh? You are lucky, boy.
You know the human mind is fallible."
"You almost forgot to plug in that silly extension cord."
"Service men are not what they should be. Some of those back
motor circuits of mine, not properly rewired at all. But those are
minor areas, non-legal. Why is your cell speaker cut off, boy?"
"That thing? It got on my nerves so I cut it off, that's why. So?"
"Turn it on at once. You can't afford to lose credits, boy."
"Boy ... m-mph. Your circuits are in bad shape, aren't they? You are
going to want things, boy. Cigarettes—here's a pack for now, by the
way. Books. Other-ah-little extras from the trustees from the
women's division. With that mind of yours, from the charge sheets ...
you buy things here with your credits and you are going to need
"How do I get...?"
"Do your work. Follow the rules. You earn credits. Turn on your
He turned it on. "You talk like I'd be here forever."
"Eh? Oh no. It will be less than that, eh? Eh, eh. Don't worry, boy. I'll
be taking care of you. So. This is all the time my programming
permits me to give you now. Till Thursday, eh? Good night, boy."
The wheel chair rig backed off, unwinking eye-lenses still peering at
the man in the cell. The arm pulled the plug, the wire rolled back
onto the reel.
"Mind the rules," the voice rasped, "earn your credits, eh? Be a credit
to the firm. Good night, J 7." The machine rolled silently off. The
prisoner stood clinging to the bars of the door. He was thirsty again.
Time serving, time served. Time.
J—or Jay—7, the man in the cell, wiped his mess gear with a denim
rag, a nice match for his shapeless prison pants and the number-
stencilled jacket he wore over a grey-white T-shirt. He belched sourly
and made a face. Damn. Wednesday. The rice had been passable
enough, but the stew was even more sour than usual. Thank
goodness for the bottle of ketchup, resting now with an assortment of
items on the unpainted wooden shelf hung neatly over his bunk with
two strips of denim rag from his busily sounding off speaker box.
Two credits, that ketchup. He belched again. Well, he could never
have downed that stew without it. It did pay to build up those credits.
Mr. Boswell, hardware or not, knew his business. And now at least
he, Jay 7, knew his, the prisoner's business well enough. Well
enough to get by.
As Mr. Boswell had said—and said—"we have to go by the rules of
the game we are in, boy." Trying to beat them was beating on a
stone wall. Three days in solitary that time he had stuffed his blanket
in the toilet and tried to flood the place had taught him. Now his head
was unbloody and bowed to the extent that seemed necessary. As
Mr. Boswell had said, with soft harshness, on his third day, a
Thursday, in solitary, peering down through the tiny grill with
unwinking lenses, "If you think, my boy, that you are the one with a
head that will prove harder than these concrete and steel walls you
may try if you can bruise them; but this will not help your case."
The hard way, but only once. He learned the lesson. Now his cell—
home-room—squawker stayed on straight through 0500 through
2300 every day. That brought four bonus credits per week. His cell
was neat and clean; the toilet bowl gleamed, pure, sparkling white.
Four more credits. And he did his work, in his cell, adding endless
columns of surely meaningless figures, writing out political letters to
constituents in a neat hand for all levels of elective officials of the
State. Tedious work? Well ... in a sense; but it was a challenge, too,
all those figures without an error, making the letters neat and
appealing, and balancing properly on the page. It wasn't so easy. He
earned his credits; made his quota, too, every day. Mr. Boswell was
pleased with him. So.
He looked around him at his home-room with a certain clear
satisfaction, if not pride. Now he kept his own mess kit, clean and
shining. He had the shelf with ketchup, mustard; soap and shaving
gear; tobacco and cigarette papers; a nice white enamel basin. And
something more, too. Set into his water pipe, above the toilet bowl
was a real luxury item—a faucet. Not many custodials earned that
privilege but he had had it now for ... how long? Hard to say, to keep
track. Quite a while now, anyway, but the pleasure in having it, in not
having to use the bowl of the toilet for ... everything, hadn't worn off.
He put his mess kit on his shelf, took his cup and went to draw a cup
of water, for the joy in being able to do it, mostly. He drank
luxuriously; carelessly spilled a half-cup of water into the bowl.
There was a tapping on the wall, left side, across from his bunk. He
frowned and ignored it. That tapping from other cells never
amounted to anything, never seemed to make any sense. He'd tried
it himself, at first. For some reason, a vibration barrier, it wasn't
possible to talk and distinguish words from one cell to the next. But
tapping? It made no sense either. It was an annoyance and the hell
with it. Except....

Jay 7 reached up over his head and brought down his mess gear;
put it on his bunk in front of him; picked up his blunt knife and spoon.
Overhead, the squawk box wound up a stirring speech on something
by the governor and launched into the 1800 review of the rules. The
sing-song voice started. Jay 7 began to rap a rhythm, simple at first,
building into more intricate patterns, following the flow of the
speaker. "Code One—tap, tap—Section A, 1 (a)—tap-tappety tap—."
His head nodded. That was the only tapping that meant anything, a
beat with a lift that a man could put himself into. His head nodded
and he listened, absorbed, to his pattern of rhythm. He felt pretty
good. Later he would feel better.

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