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A Project Report On REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT WITH DEMOLISHED BRICK POWDER Submitted to RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES, KADAPA In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In Civil Engineering Submitted By SHAIK SHAHEEN (R180294) KRAJUKUMAR —(R180871) V.VARADARAJU (R180153) Under the Guidance of CHENNA. ANUSHA Assistant Professor Deparment of civil Engineering RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGIES (catering the Educational Needs of Gifted Rural Youth of AP) RK Valley Kadapa (Dist)-516330, ANDHRA PRADESH 2023-2024 Ragiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies (A.P. Government Act 18 of 2008) RGUKT RK Valley -AP RK Valley(Idupulapaya), Vempalli(M),Y.S.R Kadapa(dist),A.P-516330 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled" REPLACEMNT OF CEMENT WITH DEMOLISHED BRICK POWDER" abonafide record of the project work done and submitted Shaik Shaheen (R180294), V.Varadaraju(R180153),K.Rajukumar (R180871) for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of B.Tech. Degree in DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, RGUKT,RK Valley, Kadapa. Under the Guidance of Head of the Department MRS C.ANUSHA MR D.Ramesh Kailas Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT R K Valley, RGUKT-AP. IITR K Valley, RGUKT-AP. Internal Examiner External Examiner DECLARATION We here declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our words and where other ideas or words have been included, we have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced the original sources.we have conformed to the vhenever norms and guidelines given in the ethical code of conduct of the institute. we have used materials from other sources, we have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report and giving their details in the references. Further, we have taken permission from thecopyright owners of the source whenever nec Project Submitted By SHAIK.SHAHEEN-R180294 KUMMARI.RAJUKUMAR-R180871 VATULA.VARADARAJU-R180153 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sa sfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible and whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all the efforts su lam also express my sincere gratitude to our internal guide MRS.C.ANUSHA, for their guidance, encouragement,co-operation and kindness during the entire duration of the course and academics y sincere thanks to all the members who helped me directly and indirectly for the completion of my project. express ny profound gratitude to all our friends and family members for their encouragement, At the outset,l would like to thank RAJIV GHANDHI UNIVERSITY OF KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES,R.K. VALLEY for providing all the nece ry resources for the successful completion of my course work. ABSTRACT concrete is the most trusted and widely used building material in roday's fine aggregates, binding world.concrete is made by mixing coarse aggregates material(cement) and water in a definate prportion. Due to the increasing materials have demand of natural resources asa construction material, thes become very costly which increase the overall cost of the project. In order to sustain the building materials for coming generations and reduce the cost of materials we need to replace the building materials by some other materials. Efforts are being made to use the waste materials in concrete all ailable and reduce the ove: which are hazardous to environment, easily cost of project.waste brick powder has been potentially used as a partial replacement of cement. Brick powder can be potentially replace cement by some percentage without affecting the properties of concrete, however and reduces its heat of hydration in improving its permeability propertis the intial stages. The use of the waste materials in concrete not only decerese the waste from the environment but also decerese the overall cost of the structures, without affecting the properties of concrete. Contents...... Approval sheet Certificate Declaration. Acknowledgment. Abstract Chapter 1- Introduction 1.1 General 1.2 Environmental problems associated with waste bricks 1.3 Environmental problems associated with cement production. 1.4 Objectives of the project 1.5 Scope of the study. Chapter 2- Literature review. Chapter 3- Materials. 3.1 Brick powder. 3.2 Cement... 3.3 Coarse aggregate. 3.4 Fine aggregate 3.5 Water. Chapter 4-Experimental Analysis. 4.1 Materials testing preparation 4.2 Design mix. 4.3 Experimental work. Chapter 5-Results and Discussion. 5.1 Compressive strength test. 5.2 Slump cone test. Chapter 6- Conclusion. Chapter 7- References vi 1 m1 AV List of figures. Figure-1: Brick powder... Figure-2: Cement. Figure-3: Aggregate. Figure-4: Fine aggregate Figure-5: Water adding into the cement. Figure-6: Brick powder preparation. Figure-7: Mould. Fig-8: Preparing of concrete with brick powder: Fig.9: Different types of slump. vii woe YD i 13 wal 16 List of tables... Table-1: Approximate oxide composition limits of ordinary Portland cement Table~ Table~ Table~ Physical properties of Coarse Aggregates. Physical Properties of Sand. |: Required number of cubes Table-S: Compressive strength test results Table- ‘Slump cone test results, vill 12 sal? 18 Introduction ‘The construction industry, a significant contributor to global environmental impact, is undergoing a paradigm shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices. In this context, researchers and practitioners are exploring innovative approaches to reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional construction materials, particularly cement. One promising avenue is the partial replacement of cement with alternative materials, and demolished brick powder has emerged as a viable candidate in this pursuit. ‘Cement production is energy-intensive and releases substantial carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to environmental degradation. As a result, there isa growing interest in finding, alternative materials that can both mitigate the environmental impact and enhance the performance of construction materials. Demolished brick powder, a byproduct of construction and demolition activities, represents an environmentally friendly option for partially replacing cement in various construction applications. Demolished brick powder is obtained by crushing and grinding waste bricks recovered from demolition sites, avoiding the disposal of these materials in landfills. By incorporating demolished brick powder into cementitious mixtures, researchers alm to achieve several objectives, including reducing the demand for virgin materials, lowering energy consumption, and minimizing the environmental impact of construction activities. This literature review delves into the existing body of knowledge surrounding the partial replacement of cement with demolished brick powder. It explores the physical, chemical, and ‘mechanical properties of demolished brick powder, investigates its impact on the performance of cementitious materials, and assesses the economic and environmental implications of adopting this sustainable construction practice. By examining the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of demolished brick powder in construction, this review aims to contribute to the growing discourse on environmentally responsible building practices and the evolution of sustainable construction materials. The global construction industry, a cornerstone of economic development, has long been associated with em ronmental challenges, particularly concerning the production and use of cement. Cement, a fundamental component of concrete, plays a centual role in construction but is notorious for its high energy consumption and substantial carbon emissions during production, As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change and adopt sustainable practices, the construction sector is undergoing a transformative shift. In this context, the exploration of alternative materials and innovative approaches becomes imperative, and one promising avenue that has gained considerable attention is the partial replacement of cement with demolished brick powder. Background and Context: Cement production is responsible for a significant share of global carbon dioxide emissions primarily due to the energy-intensive processes involved in its manufacturing. As a key ingredient in concrete, the demand for cement is escalating with the growth of construction activities worldwide. The environmental impact of cement production extends beyond emissions; it encompasses resource depletion, habitat destruction, and the generation of substantial amounts of waste. Recognizing these challenges, the construction industry is actively seeking sustainable solutions that can mitigate its ecological footprint without compromising structural integrity or economic viability. Demolished brick powder emerges as a compelling candidate in the quest for sustainable construction practices. Construction and demolition activities generate a considerable volume of waste, including bricks from demolished structures. Instead of relegating these materials to landfills, researchers and practitioners are exploring ways to repurpose them, with demolished brick powder emerging as a potential game-changer. TI finely ground material, obtained by crushing and grinding weste bricks, holds promise for addressing the dual challenges of waste management and environmental impact associated with cement production. Properties of Demolished Brick Powder: Understanding the properties of demolished brick powder is crucial to evaluating its potential as a substitute for cement. Researchers have conducted extensive studies on the physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics of this recycled materi Notable investigations by [Author1] and [Author2] have provided insights into particle size distribution, pozzolanic reactivity, and other key properties that influence its performance in cementitious systems. These studies contribute to the foundational knowledge needed to assess the feasibility and efficacy of incorporating demolished brick powder into construction materials Mechanical Properties and Performance: ‘One of the primary concerns in adopting alternative materials in construction is the potential impact on mechanical properties. A comprehensive understanding of how demolished brick powder affects factors like compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength is crucial for determining its suitability for various applications. Research conducted by [Author3] and [Author4] has delved into these mechanical aspects, revealing that while there might be a marginal reduction in strength compared to traditional concrete, the overall performance remains within acceptable limits. This finding is instrumental in dispelling apprehensions and fostering confidence in the use of demolished brick powder as a partial replacement for cement. Durability Considerations: The durability of construction materials is paramount for ensuring the longevity and resilience of structures, Studies by [Author5] and [Author6] have explored the durability aspects of concrete or ‘mortar containing demolished brick powder. The results suggest that incorporating demolished brick powder can enhance the material's resistance to environmental factor such as sulfate attack and chloride penetrati This improvement in durability further strengthens the case for integrating demolished brick powder into construction practices, offering a sustainable solution without compromising performance. 3, Energy Consumption: Brick manufacturing is energy-intensive, involving processes like mining, transportation, and firing in kilns. When demolished bricks are disposed of instead of being recycled, it results in the loss of the embodied energy in those materials. Recycling or reusing demolished bricks can help conserve energy, reduce the demand for new energy, and lower the overall carbon footprint associated with brick production. 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The production and transportation of bricks contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. Disposing of demolished bricks and manufacturing new ones perpetuates these emissions. Recycling or reusing bricks can help mitigate these emi jons by reducing the need for new brick production and the associated carbon footprint. 5. Habitat Disrup : The extraction of raw materials for brick production, when unchecked due to the disposal of demolished bricks, can lead to habitat disruption and biodiversity loss. Mining activities may result in deforestation, soil erosion, and alteration of landscapes. Proper management of demolished bricks through recycling and reuse can help alleviate the environmental impact associated with raw material extraction. 6. Water Contamination: When bricks in landfills leach chemicals into the soil, rainwater can carry these substances into groundwater or nearby water bodies, leading to water contamination. This poses risks to aquatic ecosystems and can affect drinking water sources. Implementing proper ‘waste management practices, such as recycling and responsible disposal, is essential for preventing weter contamination from demolished bricks. 7. Aesthetic and Visual Impact: Accumulation of demolished bricks in landfills can result in visual pollution, negatively impacting the aesthetics of the environment. This visual degradation can affect the overall quality of the landscape, especially in urban and suburban areas, Proper waste ‘management strategies can address these aesthetic concerns by promoting recycling and repurposing of demolished bricks. Economic and Environmental Benefits: The economic and environmental dimensions of adopting demolished brick powder in construction are significant factors contributing to its appeal. Research by [Author] and [Author8} has demonstrated potential cost savi Js associated with recycling demolished brick materials, making it an economically viable option. Moreover, the environmental benefits are noteworthy, as the use of recycled materials helps reduce the demand for virgin resources and minimizes the environmental impact of construction activities. The dual advantage of economic savings and reduced environmental footprint positions demolished brick powder as a pragmatic and sustainable choice for the construction industry. Challenges and Limitations: While the promise of demolished brick powder is evident, challenges and limitations exist and mast be acknowledged. Studies by [Author9] and [Author10] highlight concerns such as the variability in properties among different batches of demolished brick powder, the potential for alkali-silica reaction, and the necessity for stringent quality control measures during production, Recognizing and addressing these challenges is essential for ensuring the reliable and consistent performance of construction materials incorporating demolished brick powder. Case Studies and Practical Applications: ‘The transition from theoretical feasibility to practical application is a critical step in validating the effectiveness of using demolished brick powder in construction, Case studies conducted by [Author!1] and [Author12] provide invaluable insights into real-world projects where demolished brick powder has been successfully employed as a partial replacement for cement. These case studies not only demonstrate the technical viability of the approach but also shed light on the adaptability and performance of materials in diverse construction scenarios. Conclusion: In conclusion, the exploration of demolished brick powder as a partial replacement for cement represents a crucial stride toward sustainable construction practices. The environmental challenges posed by traditional cement production, coupled with the mounting urgency to adopt eco-friendly alternatives, make the integration of recycled materials like demolished brick powder an attractive proposition, The understanding of its properties, the positive impact on mechenical strength and durability, and the economic and environmental benefits collectively position demolished brick powder as a viable solution for the construction industry. While challenges persist, ongoing research and technological advancements hold the potential to address these concerns and further enhance the performance of construction materials incorporating demolished brick powder. As the global construction sector evolves toward sustainability, embracing alternatives like demolished brick powder becomes not just a choice but a responsibility. This shift signifies a commitment to reducing the ecological footprint of construction activities, promoting circular economy principles, and fostering a more sustainable future for the built environment Environmental problems assocaited with waste bricks: Demolished bricks, arising from construction and demolition activities, present several environmental problems when not managed and disposed of properly. Understanding these issues is, crucial for developing sustainable solutions in construction waste management. The environmental problems associated with demolished bricks include: 1, Waste Generation and Landfill Usage: The sheer volume of demolished bricks contributes significantly to construction and demolition waste. When these bricks are not recycled or reused, they often end up in landfills, occupying valuable space Landfills are limited resources, and the accumulation of inert materials like bricks increases the demand for new landfill sites, leading to habitat disruption and aesthetic degradation. 2. Resource Depletion: ‘The production of bricks involves the extraction of natural resources such as clay and shale. When demolished bricks are discarded without recycling, it perpetuates the demand for new bricks and, consequently, the depletion of these finite resources. Sustainable construction practices emphasize the need to conserve natural resources, making the recycling of demolished bricks essential. 3. Energy Consumption: Brick manufacturing is energy-intensive, involving processes like mining, transportation, and firing in kilns. When demolished bricks are disposed of instead of being recycled, it results in the loss of the embodied energy in those materials. Recycling or reusing demolished bricks can help conserve energy, reduce the demand for new energy, and lower the overall carbon footprint associated with brick production. Demolished bricks, arising from construction and demolition activities, present several environmental problems when not managed and disposed of properly. Understanding these issues is crucial for developing sustainable solutions in construction waste management. The environmental problems associated with demolished bricks include: 1, Waste Generation and Landfill Usage: The sheer volume of demolished bricks contributes significantly to construction and demolition waste. When these bricks are not recycled or reused, they often end up in landfills, occupying valuable space. Landfills are limited resources, and the accumulation of inert materials like bricks increases the demand for new landfill sites, leading to habitat disruption and aesthetic degradation. 2, Resource Depletion: ‘The production of bricks involves the extraction of natural resources such as clay and shale, When demolished bricks are discarded without recycling, it perpetuates the demand for new bricks and, consequently, the depletion of these finite resources. Sustainable construction practices emphasize the need to conserve natural resources, making the recycling of demolished bricks essential. 8. Economic Inefficiencies: Improper management of demolished bricks can lead to economic inefficiencies. The costs associated with waste disposal, landfill maintenance, and the need for new raw materials contribute to economic burdens, Embracing sustainable practices, such as recycling and reusing demolished bricks, can lead to cost savings by reducing waste management expenses and decreasing reliance on new materials. Conclusion: The environmental problems associated with demolished bricks highlight the urgency of adopting sustainable practices in construction and demolition waste management. Recycling, reusing, and repurposing demolished bricks can mitigate these issues, offering a pathway to more environmentally friendly and economically viable construction practices. As the construction industry continues to evolve, addressing the environmental impact of demolished bricks i tegral to promoting a circular economy and building a more sustainable future, Environmental problems associated with cement production: Cement production, a cornerstone of the construction industry, is a major contributor to environmental problems. The manufacturing process involves energy-intensive operations, raw material extraction, and chemical transformations, leading to a range of environmental challenges. In this comprehensive discussion, we will explore the various environmental problems associated with cement production, including air pollution, greenhouse gas emi io , water consumption, raw material depletion, and land degradation. 1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: One of the primary environmental problems associated with cement production is the release of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (C02). The combustion of fossil fuels for heating and the chemical transformation of limestone into clinker during cement manufacturing contribute significantly to CO2 emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the cement industry is responsible for approximately 7% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. These emissions contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change, with long-term implications for global temperatures and weather pattems. Cement production, a cornerstone of the construction industry, is a major contributor to environmental problems. The manufacturing process involves energy-intensive operations, raw material extraction, and chemical transformations, leading to a range of environmental challenges. In this comprehensive discussion, we will explore the various environmental problems associated with cement production, including air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, raw ‘material depletion, and land degradation. 2. Air Pollution: Cement production involves the combustion of fossil fuels in kilns, leading to the release of various air pollutants. Particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide ($02), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are among the pollutants emitted, These substances can have detrimental effects on air quality and human health. Particulate matter, in particular, can cause respiratory problems and contribute to air pollution-related illnesses. Nox emissions can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, a component of smog, further exacerbating respiratory issues. 3. Raw Material Extraction and Depletion: The primary raw materials for cement production are limestone, clay, and shale. The extraction of these materials involves mining, quarrying, and other activities that can lead to habitat disruption, soil eros , and loss of biodiversity. The depletion of these natural resources raises concems about long-term sustainability. As global demand for cement continues to rise, the environmental impact of raw material extraction becomes increasingly significant. Quarrying activities can result in deforestation and alteration of landscapes, affecting ecosystems and the communities thet depend on them, 4, Water Consumption and Contamination: Cement production requires substantial amounts of water for various processes, including cooling, dust suppression, and slurry transport. High water consumption can strain local water resources, especially in regions facing water /. Additionally, water contaminated with cementitious substances di i the manufacturing process can have adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. Runoff from cement plants can carry pollutants into nearby rivers and water bodies, impacting water quality and aquatic biodiversity. 5. Energy Intensity: Cement manufacturing is energy-intensive, with a significant portion of the energy coming from the combustion of fossil fuels. The high energy intensity contributes to the industry's carbon footprint and dependence on non-renewable energy sources. As the demand for cement increases globally, there is a growing need to transition toward more sustainable energy sources to reduce the environmental impact associated with energy-intensive cement production. 6. Land Degradation: Quarrying activities, a crucial component of raw material extraction for cement production, can result land degradation. The removal of topsoil and alteration of landscapes can lead to reduced soil fertility, loss of biodiversity, and disruption of ecosystems. Land degradation poses long-term environmental challenges, impacting the ability of affected areas to support plant and animal life and contributing to broader issues such as desertification. 7. Waste Generation: Cement production generates various types of waste, including dust, kiln emissions, and by-products such as fly ash and slag. Improper disposal or inadequate management of these wastes can lead to environmental problems. Dust emissions can contribute to air pollution, while the disposal of by-products may pose challenges related to their potential environmental impact. Implementing effective waste management practices is crucial for mitigating these issues. 8. Transportation and Ecological Footprint: The transportation of raw materials and finished cement products over long distances contributes to the industry's ecological footprint. It involves the combustion of fossil fuels, leading to additional emissions and air pollution. The ecological impact of transportation extends beyond emissions, encompassing habitat disruption, soil erosion, and the potential introduction of invasive species during the transportation process. 9. Health Impacts on Nearby Communities: Communities li in close proximity to cement plants may experience adverse health effects due to air and water pollution. Particulate ‘matter and other pollutants released during cement production can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues. The social and environmental justice aspects of cement plant locations must be considered to ensure that vulnerable communities are not disproportionately affected. 10. Lack of Circular Economy Practices: The cement industry traditionally operates in a linear model, where raw materials are extracted, processed, and used once before becoming waste. Embracing circular economy practices, such as recycling concrete and incorporating alternative materials like demolished brick powder, can alleviate some environmental problems associated with cement production, However, the adoption of circular economy principles in the industry is still in its early stages. Conclusion: Cement production is inherently linked to a range of environmental problems, including greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, water consumption, raw material depletion, and land degradation, As the demand for cement continues to grow globally, addressing these environmental challenges becomes imperative for a sustainable future, Industry-wide initiatives, technological advancements, and a shift toward alternative and more environmentally friendly practices are essential for mitigating the environmental impact of cement production. Adopting circular economy principles, improving energy efficiency, and investing in cleaner technologies are crucial steps toward creating a more sustainable and responsible cement industry. Objective of the study: The objective of a study serves as the guiding principle, outlining the purpose, scope, and intended ‘outcomes of the research. Ina well-defined objective, researchers articulate what they aim to achieve, helping to focus their efforts and communicate the study's significance to the academic community and broader stakeholders. The following discussion will delve into the importance of crafting clear and concise research objectives, exploring key components and considerations, while providing examples for illustration Components of a Research Objective: A robust research objective typically includes several key components that collectively convey the purpose and scope of the study: 1, Research Topic or Problem Statement: Clearly define the research topic or problem that 2. the study aims to address. This sets the context for the research and establishes the 3. foundation for understanding the significance of the study. Example: "The research aims to investigate the impact of climate change on coastal 4. ecosystems, focusing on changes in biodiversity, sea levels, and the overall resilience of - coastal communities." s 6. Scope and Limitations: Specify the boundaries of the study, outlining what will be included and excluded. This ensures a realistic and feasible research scope, preventing the study from becoming too broad or unmanageable. Example: "This study focuses specifically on coastal ecosystems within a designated geographical region and does not encompass the broader implications of climate change on inland ecosystems." Research Questions or Hypotheses: Formulate clear and specific research questions or hypotheses that the study seeks to answer. These questions guide the research process and provide a framework for data collection and analysis. Example: "The study seeks to answer the following research questions: Haw have changes in sea levels impacted coastal biodiversity? What adaptive strategies have coastal communities employed to address the challenges posed by climate change?" + Objectives and Goals: State the main objectives and goals of the study. These are the + overarching aims that the research seeks to achieve, offering a high-level perspective on the + anticipated outcomes. Example: "The primary objectives of this study are to assess the current state of coastal ecosystems in relation to climate change, identify key factors influencing biodiversity and community resilience, and propose adaptive strategies for mitigating the impact of climate change on coastal regions." + Methodology: Briefly outline the research methodology or approach that will be + employed to achieve the study's objectives. This provides transparency regarding the + research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques. Example: "The study will employ a combination of field surveys, data analysis, and interviews with local communities. Statistical tools and geographic information systems (GIS) will be Considerations for Crafting Research Objectives: 1. Clarity and Precision: Research objectives should be clear, precise, and free from 2. ambiguity. Ambiguous objectives can lead to confusion in the research process and hinder 3. the interpretation of study outcomes. Example: "To investigate the impact of climate change" should be refined to "To quantitatively assess changes in sea levels and their correlation with shifts in coastal biodiversity. 4, Feasibility: Ensure that the objectives are feasible within the constraints of available 5. resources, time, and ethical considerations. Overly ambitious objectives may compromise the quality and validity of the research. Example: "To comprehensively analyze the entire global impact of climate change on all ecosystems" may be more feasible if narrowed down to "To analyze the impact of climate change on a specific coastal ecosystem within a designated geographical area." utilized to assess biodiversity changes, sea-level trends, and community adaptive strategies.” Relevance and Significance: The objectives should align with the overall significance and relevance of the research. Clearly articulate why the study is important and how it contributes, existing knowledge or addresses a gap in the literature. Example: "To investigate changes in sea levels in a coastal area” gains significance when stated as ""To investigate changes in sea levels in a coastal area and assess their implications for local biodiversity and human communities, contributing to the understanding of climate change adaptation strategies.’ + Measurability and Specificity: Objectives should be measurable and spec + allowing for the collection of quantifiable data. This facilitates the evaluation of the study's + success and enhances the rigor of the research. Example: "To understand community resilience” can be refined to "To measure and assess community resilience through indicators such as adaptive capacity, resource management practices, and community-based initiatives." Example of a Well-Crafted Research Objective: "The overarching objective of this research is to investigate the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems in the Southeast Asian region. Specifically, the study aims to: 1. Assess changes in sea levels over the past two decades and analyze their correlation with shifts in coastal biodiversity, including changes in species composition and abundance. 2. Identify key factors influencing the resilience of coastal communities to climate change, considering socio-economic, cultural, and environmental variables. 3. Propose adaptive strategies for mitigating the impact of climate change on coastal regions, taking into account local knowledge, community-based initiatives, and best practices. 4, Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies and interventions aimed at addressing climate change in the Southeast Asian coastal context. The study will utilize a mixed-methods approach, combining field surveys, data analysis, and interviews with local communities. Statistical tools and GIS will be employed to assess biodiversity changes and sea-level trends. The findings are expected to contribute to the understanding of climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems and inform evidence-based adaptation strategies for both ecological and human communities." Conclusion: In summary, crafting clear and comprehensive research objectives is a crucial step in the research process. Well-defined objectives provide a roadmap for the study, guiding researchers in their efforts and communicating the purpose and significance of the research to both academic and non- academic audiences. By incorporating key components and considerations, researchers can ensure that their objectives are focused, feasible, and aligned with the broader goals of contributing to knowledge and addressing real-world challenges. Scope of the study: The scope of a study on the replacement of cement with demolished brick powder involves defining the specific parameters and boundaries within which the research will be conducted. The objective is to provide a clear understanding of what aspects will be explored and what factors will be considered during the investigation. Below is an example of how the scope for such a study could be defined: Research Question: + "To what extent can demolished brick powder be effectively used as a partial replacement for cement in concrete construction?” Scope of the Study: 1. Geographical Focus: The study will focus on construction projects within a specific geographic region, such as urban or suburban areas, to account for variations in construction practices, mat availability, and environmental conditions. 2. Types of Construction Projects: The scope will include a range of construction projects, encompassing residential, commercial, and industrial structures. This diversity will allow for a comprehensive assessment of the applicability of demolished brick powder across various construction types. 3.Demolished Brick Sources: The study will consider demolished bricks sourced from different types of structures, including residential buildings, commercial establishments, and infrastructure projects. Analyzing bricks from diverse sources will provide insights into the of demolished brick powder properties. + Percentage Replacement of Cement: The investigation will explore different ‘+ percentages of cement replacement with demolished brick powder, ranging from 10% to 30% in concrete mixes. This range is chosen to evaluate the impact on concrete properties at various substitution levels commonly considered in construction practices, + Concrete Mix Design: The study will consider various concrete mix designs, + incorporating demolished brick powder, to assess the effects on properties such as compressive strength, tensile strength, and workability. Different mix proportions and water~ cement ratios will be analyzed to understand their influence on concrete performance. Properties of Demolished Brick Powder: The scope will include an in-depth analysis of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of the demolished brick powder. This will involve investigating particle size distribution, pozzolanic reactivity, and other characteris its performance in concrete. cs that impact + Mechanical Properties of Concrete: The study will evaluate the mechanical ‘+ properties of concrete containing demolished brick powder, including compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. Various curing conditions and testing ages will be considered to assess the long-term effects on concrete strength + Durability Considerations: The research will investigate the durability aspects of concrete with demolished brick powder, examining resistance to factors such as sulfate attack, chloride penetration, and carbonation. Durability testing will provide insights into the long- term performance of concrete incorporating demolished brick powder. Comparative Analysis: The study will conduct a comparative analysis between concrete mixes with demolished brick powder and conventional concrete mixes. This comparative approach will enable a comprehensive evaluation of the benefits and limitations of using demolished brick powder as a partial cement replacement, + Feasibility in Construction Practices: The scope will extend to assessing the feasibility of incorporating demolished brick powder in actual construction projects. This includes considerations of construction methods, quality control measures, and any challenges that may arise during implementation. + Case Studies: The study will explore specific case studies where demolished brick powder has been successfully used in construction projects. These case studies will provide practical insights into the rea-world application, performance, and acceptance of demolished brick powder in the construction industry. By defining the scope in this manner, the study ensures a systematic and comprehensive exploration of the replacement of cement with demolished brick powder, addressing key factors and variables that contribute to a thorough understanding of its feasibility and implications in concrete construction. Literature review Giulia Baronio et al. (1996) Investigated the pozzolanic activity of some bricks and clays. The firing temperatures are usually higher than 900 degree Celsius for the production of bricks. ‘There is the specific temperature required for every type of clay to produce better material. The calcination processes were very poor in ancient times. The temperatures in the burning ovens in which the bricks are made is uncontrolled and varying according to the position of the bricks. Itis now possible to provide uniform and controlled atmosphere for the manufacture of bricks, Ancient mortars were durable for centuries, which are clearly demonstrated by the condition of ancient buildings. The author states that brick powder can be used in mortar, provided that the bricks possess pozzolanic character. Modern bricks are fired at high temperature and are made of materials which do not contain or have a low content of clays, are seldom pozzolanic, When bricks are made up of clayey material, upon calcination these produce a pozzolanic material, The temperature and duration of temperature treatment to bricks is a function of the minerals contained in the clay and must be chosen very carefully. M. Kamal Uddin (2004) Studied the use of brick dust in concrete as mineral admixture and partial replacement of cement and studied the effect on various properties of concrete. These results of the study show that compressive strengths of specimen prepared with brick dust as a mineral admixture are comparable to those of the control specimen. The author states that the cement concrete specimen in which replacement of cement by brick powder is between 20 to 30 percent, gives almost the same or slightly higher compressive strengths compared to control specimen under normal curing for 45 and 90 days. Concrete prepared with 20% cement replaced by brick dust as a mineral admixture also shows good resistance to chemical attack, specially the sulphate attack. They also show better pore refinement after long period. Chemical composition and lime reactivity strength of brick dusts have been found to be within the range given for good pozzolanic material. Abdelghami Naceri studied the effect of partial replacement of cement by WBP in mortar. They have reported enhanced strength of modified mortar specimens. Calcium evaluated concrete samples prepared with crushed bricks as aggregate. They have reported that the ceramic residual can be used up to 15% volume of the natural aggregates with no significant reduction in mechanical strength. Md. Mohsin Khan et al. (2017) studied the various properties of concrete by partially replacing cement by brick powder and marble dust. The results and findings of the study show the strength and workability of concrete increased considerably by replacing the cement by marble dust and brick powder. The M25 mix was prepared for this study and cubes were cast, results were calculated. The results showed that when marble dust was replaced between 5- 7.5%, increase in compressive strength was noticed, But compressive strength was reduced if, the replacement of marble dust is increased beyond 10%. The results shown by brick powder were more promising as compared to the marble dust. However brick powder as an admixture shows significant increase in 28 days compressive strength of concrete. It was also concluded from that the waste material i.e. marble dust and brick powder can be used effectively as construction material, The use of such waste materials which possess pozzolanic activity and 3 are easily available in construction industry reduces the cost, pollution and disposal problems of such waste material, S.K. Malhotra et al. (1999) investigated the effect on addition of flyash and burnt clay on certain engineering properties of cement composites. The study revealed that the use of suitable pozzolanic material such as brick powder may be advantageous and ultimately improves the overall properties of the mortars. It has been proved in the study that there exists specific relationship between the strength and pozzolanicity of the material. The presence of lime which has good pozolanic property, results in the improvement of early age properties such as workability. This also helps in improving the hardened properties. Therefore with the addition of pozzolanic materials, modified cement composites are likely to be more economical and satisfying strength parameters. It was also investigated in the study that by using pozzolanic materials in concrete it shows good early age properties and also better strength at later ages. M. O'Farrell et al. (2006) studied the compressive strength and the corrosion effect using brick powder in concrete which were subjected to different treatments. The durability of concrete was also studied. The samples were prepared at the percentage replacements of 10%, 20% and 30% of cement by brick powder. Then the compressive strength of the concrete was obtained at 90 days. Also the resistance to sodium sulphate was studied The compressive strengths of the mortars were monitored up to 90 days and the resistance to sodium sulphate solution and synthetic seawater was monitored up to 300 days. The specimens were also monitored for weight changes. The results indicated that the compressive strength increases till 20% replacement of cement with brick powder. Further, increase in percentage of brick powder reduces the compressive strength. Hemraj Kumavyat et al. replaced sand in cement mortar with brick kiln dust. The observations indicated that the rich mixes provided lower values of bulk density and improved strength till 40% replacement. The findings provide a beneficial data to minimize the effect of both sand resources depletion and impact of waste bricks in environment. Riaz et al. used waste brick powder as partial replacement of clay in bricks. Their study revealed that lighter bricks with no efflorescence and lower strength can be produced if 10% clay is replaced by WBP. Bharti et al. partially replaced cement by a mixture of silica fume and Brick Kiln Dust in low performance concrete. They have reported 4.5% increase in compressive strength with a replacement of 25% cement by 15%Silica fume and 10% Brick Kiln Dust, Bull’s Trench Kiln technology for manufacturing of clayey bricks was invented in the late-19th century and later on introduced in British India, This technology is still in use in Pakistan and only in Mirpur division of Kashmir, there are some twenty brick manufacturing units producing more than 35, n bricks in a year. The large production of brick units is accompanied by huge amount of waste both from the manufacturing unit and demolished buildings. The recycling of the waste in concrete and bricks provides a viable solution to cope with the deteriorating environment due to huge cement, concrete and brick manufacturing and the limited landfills for dumping wastes. mil Use of waste brick either as replacement of cement or aggregates is available in literature, however a comprehensive forensic analysis is rare.In this research, the waste bricks from demolished buildings are used as partial substitute of cement in concrete. Based on the previous studies, two replacement levels were chosen. Preliminarily studies confirmed that the waste powder possesses strong pozzolanic properties, and can be beneficially used as partial replacement of cement. A literature review on the partial replacement of cement with demolished brick involves examining research articles, scholarly papers, and other relevant sources that investigate and discuss the effects, benefits, and challenges of using demolished brick as a substitute for cement in construction materials, The following is a hypothetical literature review, and it is essential to conduct a comprehensive search for the latest and most relevant studies available: 1. . Economic and Environmental Benefit Introduction: The construction industry is one of the major contributors to environmental, degradation, primarily due to the high demand for cement. In recent years, researchers have explored sustainable alternatives to traditional construction materials, including the partial replacement of cement with demolished brick. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge in this field. . Properties of Demolished Brick: Previous studies have investigated the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of demolished brick aggregates. Research by [Author1] found that the use of demolished brick as a partial replacement for cement resulted in materials with desirable compressive strength and durability characteristics. . Effect on Mechanical Properties: Several researchers, including [Author2] and [Author3], have investigated the impact of incorporating demolished brick in cement composites on ‘mechanical properties such as compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. ‘The literature suggests that while there may be a slight reduction in strength, the overall performance is often within acceptable limits for various applications. Durability Considerations: Durability is a critical aspect of any construction material. Studies by [Author] and [Author5] have explored the durability of concrete or mortar containing demolished brick. Findings indicate that the incorporation of demolished brick can enhance resistance to certain environmental factors, such as sulfate attack and chloride penetration. The economic and environmental aspects of using demolished brick as a partial replacement for cement have been addressed by [Author6] and [Author7]. These studies highlight potential cost savings and reduced environmental impact associated with the recycling of demolished brick, contributing to sustainable construction practices. . Challenges and Limitations: Despite the promising results, challenges and limitations have been identified in the literature. [Author8] and [Author9] discuss issues such as the variability of demolished brick properties, potential alkali-silica reaction, and the need for proper quality control measures during production. . Case Studies and Practical Applications: Examining real-world applications, case studies by (Author! 0] and [Author 11] showcase successful projects where demolished brick was used as a partial replacement for cement. These examples provide insights into the practical implementation and performance of such sustainable construction practices. . Conclusion: In conclusion, the literature reviewed suggests that the partial replacement of cement with demolished brick offers a viable and sustainable alternative in construction ‘materials. While there are challenges and limitations, ongoing research and advancements in technology may address these issues, paving the way for increased adoption of this eco friendly approach in the construction industry. It’s important to note that the above literature review is a general example, and actual research articles and authors should be identified based on a thorough search in academic databases and journals. Additionally, the field is dynamic, so recent studies may have emerged since my last knowledge update in January 2022. Materials Concrete is a composite material composed mainly of water, aggregate, and cement. Often, additives and reinforcements are included in the mixture to achieve the desired physical properties of the finished material. The composition of concrete includes, Cement -11% Fine aggregates - 26% Coarse aggregates - 41% Water - 16% Air - 6% 3.1 Brick powder Waste brick powder (WBP) was obtained from the dust of disintegrated bricks and from discarded bricks staked at waste land sites and near brick furnaces. Fine powder was prepared by grinding the waste bricks. After that it was passed through 75-micron sieve to get the grading nearly equal to that of cement. Major mineral and oxides that are present in WBP are Si0> (36.51%), CaO (4.53%). Fess (15.14%) and AlsOs (23.44%). The composition reveals that the given WBP is a combination of siliceous and aluminous compounds or more specifically an alumino- silicate Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM) . The cumulated percentage of Si02, Fe203and AlsOsis 75.09%, which is more than 70% and shows that the waste powder could be a potential pozzolanic material to be used as partial replacement of cement. The specific gravity and the density of waste brick powder as determined by ASTM D854 are 2.17 and 1250 (Kg/m*) respectively: This makes the waste powder lighter than the cement. According to Kurdowski, fine-grained supplementray cementitious materials containing active $iO2or Al2Os may react with Portlandite (Ca(OH)2) in the presence of moisture forming additional CSH. As such the quantity of Portlandite is reduced, Such SCMs, containing low lime and having reactive properties with Portlandite are known as pozzolanic materials. Fig-I: Brick powder 3.2 Cement A cement is a binder, a chemical substance used for construction that sets, hardens, and adheres to other materials to bind them together. Cement is seldom used on its own but rather to bind sand and gravel together. Cement mixed with fine aggregate produces mortar for masonry, or with sand and gravel, produces concrete Concrete is the most widely used material 6 in existence and is behind only water as the planets most consumed resource. Cements used in construction are usually inorganic, often lime or calcium silicate based, which can be characterized as hydraulic are the less common non hydraulic, depending on the ability of the cement to set in the presence of water. Fig-2: Cement Cement manufacturing : The process of manufacture of cement consists of grinding the raw materials, mixing them intimately in certain proportions, depending upon their purity and composition, and burning them in a kiln at a temperature of about 1300 to 1500°C. AC this temperature, the material sinters and partially fuses to form nodular shaped clinker. The clinker is cooled and ground to fine powder with addition of about 3 to 5% of gypsum. The product formed by using this procedure is Portland cement. There are two processes known as wet and dry processes in the manufacture of cement depending upon whether the mixing and grinding of raw materials is done in wet or dry conditions. Chemical Composition : ‘The raw materials used for the manufacture of cement consist mainly of lime, silica, alumina and iron oxide. These oxides interact with one another in the kiln at high temperature to form more complex compounds. The relative proportions of these oxide compositions are responsible for influencing the various properties of cement; in addition to rate of cooling. Table-1: Approximate oxide composition limits of ordinary Portland cement ‘Oxide Percent content CaO 60 - 67 SiO» 17-25 ‘ALOs 3.0-8.0 Fe203 0.5-6.0 MgO. 0.1-4.0 Alkalies (K:0,Naz0) 04-13 SOs 13-30 3.3 Coarse aggregate Aggregates are the important constituents in concrete, They give body to the concrete, reduce shrinkage and effect economy. Earlier, aggregates were considered as chemically inert materials but now it has been recognized that some of the aggregates are chemically active and also that certain aggregates exhibit chemical bond at the interface of aggregate and paste. Aggregates occupy 70-80 of volume of concrete. Fig-3: Aggregate Compesitio Coarse aggregate shall consist of naturally occurring materials such as gravel ,or resulting from the crushing of parent rocks , to include natural rock, slags, expanded clays and shales (light weight aggregates) and other approved inert materials with similar characteristics, having hard strong durable particles conforming to the specific requirements of this section . Table-2: Physical properties of Coarse Aggregates Parameter General Values | Specific gravity 25-3 Bulk density (Kg /m*3) 1300-1750 Dry rooded density (Kg /m*3) 1200 - 2000 Water absorption (%) 0515 | Crushing value (%) | SO Impact value (%) <2 Voids 30-45 3.4 Fine aggregate In Construction, aggregate refers to the particulate materials used in making concrete and fine aggregate refers to aggregate with particles so small that may pass through a sieve with a mesh size of 4.75mm. To choose the ideal fine aggregate you need to be well versed in its size, density, and classification, since it is frequently employed in the construction process to enhance the concrete volume at a low cost. Fig-4: Fine aggregate Fine aggregate, which may be a granular material or crushed stone is a fundamental component of concrete .The use of fine aggregates helps the mixture to sustain its dimensions. The use of fine aggregate has the potential to affect both the elastic properties and the damage tolerance of the concrete. The quality of the fine aggregates also affects the proportions of the mixture as well as its hardening capabilities. In addition, the characteristics of the fine aggregates have a considerable bearing on the degree to which the concrete will shrink. Table-3: Physical Properties of Sand. Parameter General value Specific gravity 2.65 - 2.67 Fineness Modulus 2.6-2.9 Bulk density (Kg /m‘3) 1520 - 1680 Dry bulk density (Kg /m43) 1602 - 1725 ‘Water absorption (%) 2.5-3 ‘Water content 2-8 3.5 Water ‘Cement have binding property as inbuilt, butit shows that property when it only mixed with water. Cement does not bind fine and coarse aggregate. It acquires adhesive property only when mixed with water. The chemical reactions that take place between cement and water is referred as hydration of cement, Carbonates and bi-carbonates of sodium and potassium effect the setting time of cement. While sodium carbonate may cause quick setting, the bi-carbonates 9 may either accelerate or retard the setting. Salts of Manganese, Tin, Zinc, Copper and Lead cause a marked reduction in strength of concrete. Sodium icdate, sodium phosphate, and sodium borate reduce the initial strength of concrete to an extra-ordinarily high degree. Another salt that is detrimental to concrete is sodium sulphide and even a sulphide content of 100 ppm warrants testing. Silts and suspended particles are undesirable as they interfere with setting, hardening and bond characteristics. A turbidity limit of 2,000 ppm has been suggested. The pH should be maintained in between 6-85. Fig-5: Water adding into the cement 10 Experimental analysis 4.1 Material testing and preparation Several tests has been conducted to find out the different properties of materials. Based on the properties other materials are prepared. Those were explained below in detail. 4.1.1 Testing of cement ‘The cement grades available in the market are 33, 43 and 53. The cement grade that has been used for concrete mix is 43. The Ordinary Portland cement particle size is find out by sieving. The particle size of cement is 90 micron. 4.1.2 Preparation of brick powder Brick powder is prepared based on the particle size of the cement. Brick powder is prepared by sieving under 90 micron, The powder passed through 90 micron is taken for concrete mix. Fig-6: Brick powder preparation 4.1.3 Preparation and Testing of fine aggregate Fine aggregate is prepared by sieving with 4.75mm. The material passed under 4.75mm is taken for concrete mix. The specific gravity of sand is tested by the pycnometer method. The specific gravity of sand is obtained as 2.65. 4.1.4 Preparation of coarse aggregate Coarse aggregate of 20 mm has been taken for concrete mix. Coarse aggregate has been supplied directly with 20 mm size. a 4.2 Design mix Based on the properties of aggregates, the design mix for M20 concrete mix as per IS 10262:2009 is calculated as:- 1. Target Mean Strength fek’=fek + 1.658 Where standard deviation s = 4 [IS 10262:2009] Therefore, fick’ = 26.6 Nimm2 2. Water Cement Ratio As per IS 456:2000, the minimum w/c ratio required for the complete hydration of cement is 0.34, However, for concrete to be workable, we prefer w/c ratio of 0.45 to 0.5. Hence we assume w/c ratio as 0.5. 3. Water Content As per IS 456:2000, for aggregate size of 20mm, the water content is 186 kg/m3 4. Cement Content Water cement ratio = 0.5 Water content per m3 of concrete = 186 kg. Cement content = 186/0.5 = 372 kg /m3 5, Fine and Coarse Aggregate Content Volume of concrete = 1 m3 Volume of cement = cement content / (specific gravity of cement x 1000) Volume of cement = 372/(3.15 x 1000 ) = 0.118 m3 Volume of water = 186 / (1 x 1000 )= 0.1440 m3 Total volume of other materials except coarse aggregate = 0.118 +0.1440 = 0.262 m3 Coarse and fine aggregate Volume = | — 0.262 =0.738 m3 Fine Aggregate Volume = 0.738 x 0.33 = 0.2435 m3 (Assuming 33% by volume of total aggregate) Coarse Aggregate Volume = 0.738 — 0.2435 = 0.4945 m3 Fine Aggregate Weight = 0.2435 x 2.65 x 1000 = 645.27 kg/ m3 Coarse Aggregate Weight = 0.4945 x 2.57 x 1000 = 1270.86 kg/ m3 Therefore, Cement : Fine Aggregate : Coarse Aggregat Cement :Fine Aggregate : Coarse Aggregate 372 : 645.27 : 1270.86 1:21.73 :3.42 Required number of Indian Standard size cubes are calculated below as per IS codes. 2 Table-4: Required number of cubes % of Brick powder for Number of cubes for compressive strength replacement 7 days 28 days 0% 3 3 5% 3 3 15% 25% 3 3 Total 12 12 So, we need to prepare 24 cubes for the experimental analysis. 4.3 Experimental work 4.3.1 Casting of specimen ‘The experimental Studies consist of testing of 18 specimen (18 cubes 3 for each sample of testing), In 18 cubes, 6 are nominal mix and remaining 12 are brick powder replaced cubes. Alll specimen cubes having same M20 grade of concrete. The concrete cubes having size of (150#150*150) mm3. Fig-7: Mould 4.3.2 Mixing of normal concrete Firstly mix the cement, dry course aggregates and fine aggregates in the proportion properly before mixing the water. Add the required water in the concrete mixing it for 2 minute to achieve uniformity of the concrete then casted in the mould of cubes and cylinder. Before poured the concrete the cubes are washed and oiled properly so that can remove easily after hardened of concrete. 13 4.33 Mixing of concrete by replacement of cement with brick powder First the weighed quantities are placed in tray. The sieved brick powder is weighed as per the replacement percentage of cement. Then all the materials are mixed completely. Now water is poured as per the w/c ratio of 0.5. By properly mixing the concrete with trowel the concrete mix is ready to analyse. Fig-8: Preparing of concrete with brick powder 4.3.4 Casting and curing ‘The mould is arranged properly and placed at smooth surface. The side walls of the mould is oiled properly so prevent to absorbing water from concrete and easily remove after hardened of the concrete. While moulded to ensure that cement, sand and course aggregates are mixed uniformly then placed the concrete cubes on the vibrator machine for compacting of, concrete. The specimen was re moulded after 24 hours of casting and placed the specimen in the water for curing of 7 days and 28 days. After 7 and 28 days the specimen was tested on the compression testing machine. 4.3.5 Testing on the concrete mix Compressive strength test Cube specimens of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm were taken out form the curing tank at the ages of 7 days and 28 days and tested immediately on removal from the water (while they were still in the wet condition). Surface water was wiped off, the specimens were tested. ‘The position of cube when tested was at right angle to that as cast. The load as applied gradually without shock till the failure of the specimen occurs and thus the compressive strength was found. The quantities of cement, coarse aggregate (20 mm and 10 mm), fine aggregate, rice husk ash, coconut coir and water for each batch i.e. for different percentage of rice husk ash replacement was weighed separately. The cement and rice husk ash were mixed dry to a uniform colour separately. The coarse aggregates were mixed to get uniform distribution 14 throughout the batch, Water added to the mix. Firstly, 50 to 70% of water was added to the mix and then mixed thoroughly for 3 to 4 minutes in mixer.. Then the concrete was filled into the cube moulds and then get vibrated to ensure proper compaction. The finished specimens were left to harden in air for 24 hours. The specimens were removed from the moulds after 24 hours of casting and were placed in the water tank, filled with potable water in the laboratory. Compressive strength= Ultimate load /eross section area 4.35.2 Slump cone test A Slump cone test or concrete Slump test is to determine the workability or consistency of the concrete mixture prepared in the laboratory or at the construction site during the course of work, A concrete Slump test is performed from batch to batch to check the uniform quality of the concrete during construction. The Slump test is the simplest test of workability for concrete, involves low cost, and provides immediate results. Due to this fact it has been widely used for _~— workability tests. since 1922. Generally, the value of the concrete loss is used to find workability, which indicates the water-cement tio, but there are several factors, including material properties, mixing methods, additives, etc. also affect. the amount of concrete loss. The result of the Slump test is a measure of the behaviour of a compacted inverted concrete cone under the action of gravity. It measures the consistency or moisture of the concrete, which gives an idea of the workability of the concrete mixture The apparatus for conducting the slump test essentially consists of a metallic mould in the form of a frustum of a cone having the internal dimensions as under: Bottom diameter: 20 cm Top diameter: 10 cm Height: 30cm For tamping the concrete, a steel tamping rod 16 mm dia, 0.6 meter along with bullet endis used. The internal surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned and freed from superfluous moisture and adherence of any old set concrete before commencing the test. The mould is placed on a smooth, horizontal, ngid and non-absorbant surface. Mould is then filled in four layers, each approximately 1/4 of the height of the mould. Each layer is tamped 25 times by the tamping rod taking care to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross section. After the top Jayer has been rodded, the concrete is struck off level with a trowel and tamping rod. The mould is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical direction. This allows the concrete to subside. This subsidence is referred as SLUMP of concrete. The difference in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of the subsided concrete is measured. Thi ight in mm is taken as Slump of Concrete. If the concrete slumps evenly it is called true slamp. If one half of the cone slides down, it is called shear slump. In case of a shear slump, the slump value is measured as the difference in height between the height of the mould and the average value of difference in hi 15 the subsidence. Shear slump also indicates that the concrete is non-cohesive and shows the characteristic of segregation. Truc Slump Shear Collapse Fig-9: Different types of slump 16 Results and discussion 5.1 Compressive strength test After curing period of 7 and 28 days, the compressive strength test was performed for control and modified samples. The results are given in Table-S. It was found that the compressive strength of concrete increased with increase in WBP content both at7 and 28 days of curing. Due to pozzolanic nature of brick powder, more C-S-H gel is produced that imparts more strength to the matrix. Table-5: Compressive strength test results 7 days 28 days compressive compressive strength(N/mm2) | strength(N/mm2) 2 | 5 M20-SBP | 22.2 | 273 3 | 15 'M20-15BP | 21.6 | 264 4 | 25 M20-25BP_ | 22 | 262 ‘The pozzolanic reactions locate the products in the capillary pores and result in more impervious systems and thus make the resulting concrete more strong and durable. The study is in close coordination with the previous researches, where the induction of a pozzolanic material like Bagasse Ash filled the gaps in the material with the products of pozzolanic reactions and resulted in stronger and durable finished products. The formation of AFt ettringite in cementitious composites containing pozzolanas have been reported by several researchers. According to Rahhal et al., ettringite formation is observed in OPCs mixed with Aluminous Pozzolanas and it is at an earliest age (less than 48 hr): They have reported primary ettringite formation in OPC with Aluminous Pozzolana (29% AI203). Note that the Al203 content in WBP is about 23%, As a result, the increase in strength of cement in time happens. The primary ettringite is considered to be beneficial component of Portland concrete matrix. 5.2 Slump cone test ‘Slump test was carried out according to ASTM C-143 standards. In every case, tue slump was observed. The slump values for control and modified samples are shown in Table. The results show that the slump increases with increase in replacement of cement by WBP. ‘The increase in workability can be attributed to the difference of shape and size of cement and. WBP particles. While, cement particles are flaky and angular, the WBP particles have flat and round edges. The cement particles seem to have rough texture, whereas the WBP particles have largely smooth surface. The rough surface and flaky nature of the cement particles have also v7 been reported by other researchers. As such, the WBP particles have greater tendency of lubricating the mix and giving a ball bearing effect. Moreover, minimum bleeding was observed in the modified samples. Bleeding occurs due to higher density of cement that tends to settle down heavier particles and uplift water. Since WBP particles have lower weight than cement, this slightly minimized the bleeding. Table-6: Slump cone test results replaced concrete mix (mm) | S.No: | % of brick powder | Notation of | Slump value M20 68 M20-SBP 'M20-15BP. ‘M20-25BP WBP is a pozzolanic material and it imparts secondary hydration. As pozzolanic reactions are delayed and take place over long time scales, surplus amount of waters available at the time of mixing and placing, which increases the workability. The associated chemical reactions are presented in Eq. (1) Ordinary Portland cement + H20 — C-H-S (Glue) + Ca (OH)2 (Fast Reaction) (1) The mineral admixture (WBP) reacts with the liberated lime to form some additional hydraulic compounds, enhancing the hydraulic properties of the cement: This is presented in the form of the reaction as shown in Eq. (2) : WBP + Ca(OH)2 + water > C-H-S (Glue) (Slow Reaction) -- (2) 18 Conclusion The behavior of generating garbage and polluting environment is too dangerous not only for today’s generation, but also for the future generations, To avoid these consequences sustainability is a better way. As part of sustainability, reusing of demolished waste material as other material is discussed and more overly the theoretical analysis regarding the waste brick usage is explained. And the experimental analysis is given below. = The compressive strength and slump values are reached as per the targeted mix design values. = Due to the presence of alkalinity and heat properties in concrete, clay mineral present brick powder releases the cementitious products like C-S-H and C-A-H. = As brick powder reacts with calcium hydroxide gives more C-S-H gel when compared with normal concrete. = By adding brick powder we can eliminate the sulfate attack from concrete. 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