Curso Ut Pa - Parte 4 - Hellier

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~o~ N~vt {(i~11 0/2011

Day 4-Lecture/Lab
-Phased Array Calibration and System Verification
oCheck for Element Operability
o Vertical Linearity
oHorizontal Linearity
-Scanning reference direction-transducer skew
-Using multiple displays
oScanning with A-S-[C]
oEvaluating with A-B-S
-Tip Diffraction and crack sizing
-Using the encoder

Vertical Linearity
-Vertical Linearity - (Amplitude)
-Linearity, Amplitude - A measure ofthe
proportionality ofthe signal input to the receiver and
the amplitude of the signa] appearing on the display of
the ultrasonic instrument or on an auxiliary display.
•Linearity -The characteristic of an instrument that is
revealed by a linear change in reflected signal
amplitude. The verticallinearity is determined by
plotting the change in ratios of signal amplitude from
two reflecting areas. The horizontal linearity is
determined by plotting the distance the signal is
displaced along the sweep against the change in
materia] thickness.
12/1 0/201 J

Horizontal Linearity
•Horizontal Linearity - A measure of the
proportionality between the positions of the indications
appearing on the horizontal trace and the positions of
their sources.

DAC Curve
A B e D


DAC Curve (con't.)

Accept Reject

DAC Curve (con't.)

12/1 0/20 11


·Perfonn Exercise 10: 5L-16 Angle Beam Create DAC curve

Phased Array Terminology

5. Time Varied Gain: , OC! - - - , - - - - , - --
- --

also called Time

Corrected Gain :: ._.¡--! -
- - - _. ¡ - - -- -
...:. - - - -
(TCG). This is 50 [;
compensation for the 40

variation in signal ?<I i. j.

amplitudes received
I~ .-1:n _. -h· .. .¡ , .--

o , '1 0I !> 6 7 o 9 110
from fixed depth
reflectors. The
compensation is
typically performed
electronically at
multiple depths.

/ 12110/2011


·Perform Exercise 11: 5L-16 Angle Beam Perform TCG/TVG


Actual Red
amplitude Guide

Scanning reference direction­

transducer skew
-The Omniscan uses relative positioning to acquire
data and orientate the reference lines 00 the screen
Weld Centerllne






Scanning reference direction­

transducer skew


13._ __ 14._ __ 15._ __ 16., _ _ _

18.,_ __







12/1 0/20] 1




Crack Detection and Sizing

-Tip Diffraction-Uses the diffracted signal from the tip
of the indication to determine the uppermost tip of the



Crack Detection and Sizing

-Two basic Techniques for Crack Sizing
-Time ofFlight technique
-PATT-Pulsed Arrival Time Technique
-AATT-Absolute Arrival Time Technique
-Measures Time ofFlight ofthe tip diffracted
-The tip signal is maximized
-The signa] time of flight signal is used to
determine the depth to the top of the indication



Crack Detection and Sizing

-Two basic Techniques for Crack Sizing
-Delta Time ofFlight Technique (DTOF) H e'l G'ffi
-SPOT-Satellite Pulse Observation Technique
-RATT-Relative Arrival Time Technique
·Measures separation in time from tip signal and
base signal
·These signals do not need to be maximized
-The larger the separation, the greater the depth
---,,-1UF:: ~ tzr1i)
trto~ ~ ~\)~ ,

Crack Detection and Sizing

-Time of flight of the diffracted signa) (TOF)

T._ CQrN ITf. . ~J

. 1L
., • ,., Ui


¡-_~~L------------' Ao I >­
\J (M\\ I
riLtv~ ,
L{rt) ~-----~=-#---------4

Crack Detection and Sizing

-Separation of time of the diffracted signal of the tip
and the signal from the corner trap (DTOF)


!J 1 '1 " .. !a .,. 7 • ,., 10

Crack Detection and Sizing

Other considerations
-Multiple faceted cracks like stress corrosion cracking
(SCC) and thermal fatigue, cracks, may produce
multiple tip diffracted signals.

.. lA.. I...­_ _"'¡

( . ..." . I • , ' 11


12/1 0/2011

Crack Detection and Sizing

Other considerations
•F or OD connected cracks, the tip diffracted technique
can size flaws using the full vee-path technique.

, I J I. I • , I • l'


Crack Detection and Sizing

Other considerations
·Midwall cracks (not connected at the ID or OD) may be
sized with the Tip Diffraction method. Special
calibration blocks are necessary

l • •• • • • •


12/1 0/20 11

Crack Sizing-Depth
Depth to
top of

Walk the

just breaks Li:::x;~~~~~;¡¡¡&~iii:~~~~

the gate ..

Crack Sizing-Length (need encoder)


c1iek on

Adjust angle and wateh B-sean indieation


Crack Sizing-Length (need encoder)

: ()dPtO
_ ANt)lp.

12/] 0/2011

Probe Testing and Qualification

• Phased array probe testing and qualification is still
in its infancy. Standardization ofprobes is a
current problem.
• Lack of Standardization between manufacturers
exists until the codes catch up.
• Phased array probes must be considered as
consumables, and replaceable. In many situations,
similar pro bes from the same batch must perfonn
on identical objects in very reliable way. Similar
to conventional probe features, the P A probe
features must be standardized.

Probe Testing and Qualification

The difficulty of standardization resides in the following
• lack of unifonnity in design requirements
• lack of data for realistic acceptance vaJues
• diversity of phased array probes (size, frequency,
wedge, immersion)-same type
• diversity of phased array probes - different types (I-D
planar, annular, 2-D matrix, ] .5-D planar, segmented
annular, custom build Fennat surface)
• diversity of applications

Probe Testing and Qualification

• lack of sharing the information between
manufacturers, end users, research institutions,
• lack of standardization of testing methods
• lack of merging good practice from conventional
probe standardization with medical field
experience and specific NDT applications
• most important: lack of standardization body /
Phased Array Technology User Group

Probe Testing and Qualification

• AH pro bes are checked according to interna!

procedures and periodically calibrated equipment
linked to traceable standards. The goal of these
procedures is to test during the manufacturing and
the final control the performance s of the probe that
can guarantee the specified performances in the
specified using configuration.

12/1 0/2011

Probe Testing and Qualification

Checked parameters: The main parameters checked
during the final control are:
• Frequency (typically ± 10%)
• Bandwidth (typically 60 to 100%) with a
tolerance of (15-20%)
• Pulse length [typically 0.2 - 0.8 s± (15 -20)
• Sensitivity homogeneity (typically ±3dB)
• Cross coupling (typically <-40dB)
• Electrical impedance (typically < 100 )

Probe Testing and Qualification

Testing and checking the PA probes should be done

in stages:
• Upon receiving
• In the laboratory conditions
• Before job
• During the job (in the field)
• After the job
• After repair

12/1 0/20 11

Probe Testing and Qualification

At receiving: The following features are checked:
• Mechanical aspects (sharp comers, engraving,
probe ID)
• Probe integrity (case, contact face, connector)
• Cable (length, position, flexibility, twisting
effect on coiling)
• Connector (pins)
• QA and delivery documents [within specified
• Element wiring checking (linear scanning)

Probe Testing and Qualification

Lab testing requires dedicated scanning rigs, reference
blocks and detailed procedures. The following
features are checked and certified
• Center frequency [± 10%]
• Peak frequency [± 10%]
• Pulse duration [± 20%]
• Relative bandwidth [± 20%]
• Focal depth [± 20%]
• Depth offield [± 30%]
• Wedge delay [± 10%]
• Index migration [± 2 mm]


Probe Testing and Qualification

Lab Testing Continued
• Refracted angle [± 2°]
• Signal-to-noise ratio [± 2 dB]
• DAC / DDF DAC [± 2 dB]
• Beam divergence [± 2°]
• Beam dimensions in parallel plane [± 4 nun]
• Beam dimensions in vertical plane [± 2 nun]
• Near-surface resolutíon [± 2 nun]
• Far-surface resolution [± 2 mm]
• Skew angle [± 1°]
• Wedge noise: < - 30 dB [± 2 dB]

Probe Testing and Qualification

Befare Job and during the Job: The following
mínimum features are checked:
• Probe integrity - active elements [linear
• SNR [dB] on SDH or EDM notch]
• Index [mm] on SDHJnotch
• Angle [0] on SDH / notch
• Calibration [3-5 times / shift]


12/1 0/2011

Probe Testing and Qualification

• After the job the following minimum features

must be checked:
• COlmector, pins, cable
face wearing, contact surface
dead elements-if any
SNR [dB]
angle [0]
index [mm]
center frequency [MHz] - optional
bandwidth [%], pulse duration [ s] - optional


cA ~u 11
Designation: E 2491 - 06


Standard Guide tor

Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Phased-Array
Ultrasonic Examlnation Instruments and Systems1
T~~ standard. is issu~ under !he fixcd designation E 2491; !he number immcdiately foUowing !he designation indicates the year of
oogma! adopllOn or, ID tbe case of revision, the year of last revision. A oumber iD pareotheses indicares tbe year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (€) indicates an editorial change sinee the lasr revision or reapprova!.

1. Scope 1.8 Precautions relating to the applicabilíty of the proce­

1.1 This guide describes procedures for evaluating sorne dures and interpretation of the results are included.
performance characteristics of phased-array ultrasonic exami­ 1.9 Alternate procedures, such as examples described in Ibis
nation instruments and systems. document, or others, may only be used wilb customer approval.
1.2 Evaluation of these characteristics ís intended to be used 1.10 This standard does not purport to address al! of the
for comparing instruments and systems or, by periodic repeti­ safety concems, if any, associated with its use. lt is the
tion, for detecting long-term changes in the characteristics of a responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro­
given instrument or system that may be indicative of impend­ priate safety and health practices and detennine the applica­
ing failure, and which, if beyond celtain limits, will require bility of regulatory limitatwns prior to use.
corrective maintenance. Instrument characteristics measured in 1, Referenced Documents
accordance with this practice are expressed in terms Ibat relate
to Iheír potential usefulness for ultrasoruc examinations. Other 2.1 ASTM Stant/ards: 2
electronic instrument characteristics in phased-array units are E 317 Practice for Evaluating Performance Charactenstics
similar to non-phased-array units and may be measured as of Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Exanúnation Instruments and
described in E 1065 or E 1324. Systems without the Use of Electronic Measurement In­
1.3 Ultrasonic examination systems using pulsed-wave struments
trains and A-scan presentation (rf or video) may be evaluated. E 494 Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Mate­
1.4 This practice establishes no performance 1imits for rials
examination systems; if such acceptance criteria are required, E 1065 Guide for Evaluating Characteristics of Ultrasonic
Ibese must be specified by Ibe using parties. Where acceptance Search Uñits
criteria are implied herein they are for example only and are E 1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
subject to more or less restrictive limits imposed by customer's E 1324 Guide for Measuring Sorne Electronic Characteris­
and end user's controlling documents. tics of Ultrasonic Examination Instrurnents
1.5 The specific parameters to be evaluated, conditions and 3. Terminology
frequency of test, and report data required, must also be
determined by the user. 3.1 Refer to Ternlin010gy E 1316 for definitions of terms in
1.6 This practice may be used for the evaluation of a this guide
complete examination system, ineluding search unit, instru­ 3.2 Defmitions:
ment, interconnections, scanner fixtures and connected' alarm 3.2.1 angle corrected gain-also caIled ACG. This is com­
and auxiliary devices. primarily in cases where such a system pensation for the variation in signal amplitudes received froro
is used repetitively without change or substitution. This prac­ fixed depth side driUed holes (SDH's) dUDng S-sean calibra­
tice is not Íntended to be used as a substitute tor calibration or don. The compensation is typically performed electronically at
standardization of an iDstniment or system to inspect any given multiple depths. Note that there are technicallimits to ACG,
matelial. Ibat is, beyond a certain angular range, compensation is not
1.7 Required test apparatus ineludes selected test blocks and possible.
position encoders in addition to the instrument or system to be 3.2.2 annular array probes-phased-array probes that have
evaluated. . Ibe transducers configured as a set of concentric rings. They

I This guide is under tbe jurisdietion of ASTM Co.mmittee E07 on Nondestrue­ !'por referenced ASTM standards, visit Ibe ASTM website, or
Uve Testing and ls tbe direct responsibility of Subeo.mmittee E07.06 00 Ultrasonle contact ASTM Customer Service aL Por ATlIllltil Boo/< {Jf AS1M
Metbod. SUIluJards volume information, refer to !he standard's Document Summary page on
Current editioo approvcd May 1, 2006. Publishcd June 2006. tbe ASTM website.

Copyright el ASTM IntamaHonar. 100 Sa" Harbor Orive, PO Sox C700. West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. UnHed Stales.
e E2491-06
7. Keywords
7.1 characterization; focal point; phased-array; phased-array
probe; sound beal11 profilej ultrasound

, (Mandatory Information)


AI.I IntroductioD Al.2.2 Linear-array probes

Al.1.1 Tbis annex describes peocedures to detennine beam - Linear-array pcobes have an active plane and an inactive or
peotiles of phased-array probes. Eithee immeesion oc contact passive planeo Assessment of the beam in the active plane
peobe applications can be addressed using these peocedures. should be made by use of an eleetronic scan sequence foe
Howevee, it should be cautioned that assessments of contact peobes with sufficient number of eIements to electronically
probes may suffee trom variability greatee than irnposed advance the beam past the targets oí intecest. For phased array
tolerances if propee precautions are not taken to ensure probes using a large portian of tbe available elements to foem
constant coupling conditions. the bearn tbe number of remaining elements for the electronic
raster may be too small to allow the beam 10 pass over the
Al.2 Test Setup
target. In this case it wíll be necessary to llave encoded
A1.2.l For single focal laws whece the heam is fixed (that mechanical motion and assess each foeallaw along tbe active
is, not used in an eIectronic oc sectorial scan mode) and the plane separately.
probe is used in an immeesion setup, the ball-target oe
Al .2.3 Side-drilled hales should be arranged at vacious
hydrophone options described in E 1065 may be used. Foe
phased array probes used in a dynarnic fashion where several depths in a flaw-feee sample of the test material in whieh focal
focallaws are used to produce sectorial or electronic scanning laws have been prograrnmed foro Using the linear sean feature
it may be possible to make beam-peofile assessments with no oc of the phased-array system the beam is passed over the targets
little mechanical motion. Where mechanical motion is used it at the vacious depths of interest. The electronic sean is
shall be encoded to relate signal time and amplitude to distance illustrated sehematically in Fig. Al.1.
moved. Encodee accuracy shall be verified to be within A1.2.4 Data collection of the entice waveform over the
tolerances appropriate foe the measurements made. Descrip­ rauge of inteeest shall be made. The display shall represent
tions made for electronic scan and sectorial sean beam profile amplitude as a color or grayscale. Time oc equívalent distance
assessments will be made foc contact probes; however" when in tbe test material shall be presented along one axis aud
,assessment in water is required the machined targets may be distance displaced along the other axis. This is a typical B-scau
replaced with rods or balls as appropriate. as illustrated in Fig. A1.2.

FIG. A1.1 Eleetronie Sean of Side Drilled Hales

o E2491-06

FIG. A1.4 Scannlng End-Drilled Holes to Oblaln Beam Dimensions In Passive Plane

Electronie sean
~ ..
Inclined through h~_~~~

stepped focal I
FIG. A1.6 Representatlon of an Incllned Hole tor Beam Characterlzatlon In the Passlve Plane

. ....plana

FIG. A1.6 Representation of Projeeted C-Sean of Corner Effect Sean Seen In Fig. A1.4


Al.1 Introduction divergence of the beam of each element in the probe array.
A2.1.1 This annex describes procedures to detenllÍne prac­ When used in pulse-echo mode the steering lirnit is considered
tica! limits for beam steering capabilities of a phased-array to be within the 6-dB divergence envelope of the individual
probe and as such applies to tbe active planees) only. Eitber e1ements. Ir is therefore possible lo calculate a theoreticallinút
irnmersion or contact probe applications can be addressed based on nominal fi:equency and manufacturer provided infor­
using these procedures. However, it should be cautioned that matíon on tbe element dimensions . However, several param­
assessmonts of contact probes may suffer from variability eters can affect me fucoretica1 calculations. These are primarily
greater than imposed to1erances if proper precautions are not related to fue nominal frequency of the probe. Some param·
taken to ensure constant coupling conditions. eters affecting actual frequency incJude; pulse length, damping,
A2.1.2 Recornmended linúts to establish tbe working range
of angular sweep of a phased-array probe relate to the

o E2491-06

Vertical plane SOmm from fixit point

60° Si 0'20'30° 40° 50° 55°60°
. Horizontal plane 25mm from exit

Block dimensions 150 mm by 100 mm by 25 mm

flO. A2;2 eoom Stoerlnl! AEl611SSment Blook-Slngle PIllOS

separated by 50; however, greater or lesser intervals may be minimum steering capability for 5° resolution of 2-mm diam­
used depending on fue required resolution. eler side drilled holes of plus and minus 20° from a nominal
A2.2.5 Assessment of steering lirnits shall be made using mid-angle. Conversely, a system may be Iimited to S-scans not
the dE difference between the maximum and minimum signa! exceedíng the angles assessed to achleve a specified signa!
amplitudes between two adjacent side drilled holes. Por ex­ separation, for example, -20 dE between 2-rnm diameter SDHs
ample, when a phased array probe is configured to sweep +45 0 separated by 5°.
on a block such as illustrated in Fig. A2.1, the higher of the pair
of the SDHs which achieves a 6-dE separation shall be A2.3 An alternatÍve assessment may use a single SDH at a
considered the maximum steering capability of fue probe specified depfu or sound path distance. Displaying fue A-sean
corifiguration. for fue rnaximum and minimum angles used would assess the
A2.2.6 Acceptable limits of steering may be indicated by steering capability by observing the S/N ratio at fue peaked
the maximum and minimum angles that can achieve a pre­
response. Steering limit would be a pre-defined S/N ratio being
specified separation between adjacent holes. Dependíng on the
achieved. Caution must be taken when using this method so as
application a 6dE or 20 dE (or some other value) may be
to not peak on grating lobe signals. This method will also .
specified as fue required separation.
A2.2.7 Steering capabilities may be uscd as a prerequisíte; require confinnation that the SDH is positioned at !he calcu­
for example, a phased array system is required to achieve a lated fflfracted angle.

e E2491-06

r~ptesenti1ig •

FIG. A3.1 Continulty Display far Phased-Array Instrument ar Cable


A4.1 Introdudion A4.2.4 Effectiveness of the focusing algorithm is assessed

A4.1.1 Focusing of ultrasonic beams is based on well by sizing the diameter of the projected image based on a dB
known principIes. However, unlike single element pro bes , drop from maxirnum amplitude and comparing that dimension
phased-array systems can be configured to focus over a range to the actual machined diameter of the side drilled holeo
of sound paths and in both transmit and receive modes. A4.2.5 Workíng range of the focusing algorithm may be
Effectiveness of the focusing algorithms can be assessed by deterrnined by agreement as to the maximum dimension of the
determining the beam response dimensions. This is similar to oversizing of the side-drilled hole diameter. For example, if
the beam profiling described in Annex Al. Limits of focusing 2-mm diameter SDH's are used and the 6-dB drop is used to
are intrinsic in the probe parameters and subject to the gauge diameter from the B-scan, the working range can be
mínimum timing-delay capabilities of the phased-array ultra­ defined as the depth or sound-path distance that the B-scan can
sonic instrument. maintaÍn the 6-dB dimension to les s than twice the actual
A4.2 Test Set-Up A4.2.6 Practical lirnits for hole diameters and focal spot
A4.2.1 Configure the phased-array systenl for me focusing sizes are required. Practical focal spots for focused bearns
focal laws to be assessed and acoustically couple the phased­ cannot be made smaller that about 1.5 times the wavelength
!lrray probo to a block with inclincd side drilled holes as use<!. For a S-MHz compressioll wave i.n steel this i~ about 1.7
illustrated in Fig. A1.!. Compression modes wíth or without a mm. The focal spot size is ruso a function of sound path; the
delay-line and shear modes using a refracting wedge can be deeper fue holes, the weaker the focusing.
assessed by this method. A4.2.7 In order that the diameter assessment be meaningful,
A4.2.2 Focusing at a single refracted angle is assessed by fue sample inlerval must be small compared to the target
this method. Where several angles are used it will be necessary assessed. It is recornmended that al least four samples per hole
to assess the focusing ability for each angle separately. diameter be used. For example, for a 2-rnm diameter SDH
A4.2.3 Using either an electronic scan or encoded mechani­ target the sample interval of a mechanized encoded sean should
cal scan in fue plane of interest, the fulI waveforms are be 0.5 mm or for an electromc scan the step between each focal
colIected and displayed in a depth corrected B-scan projection law should not exceed 0.5 mm (this will be lirnited by the
image as illustrated in Fig. A4.1. element pitch of the probe).

e E2491-06


A6.1 Introduction amplitude of the SDH delected by each focal law would be
A6.1.l When an electronic or sectorial scan is used the adjusted lo tbe same amplitude.
variations between lbe electronlcs of each pulser and receivel' A6.2.S Assessment of wedge-attenuatiQo compensation re·
and variations between probe elemefits rnay result in smaIl gain quires a constant steel path te enSUfe that only the effect wedge
variations froro one focallaw to the next. Also, the efficiency variations are assessed. For S-scans where ID linear array
of generation varies with angle, and declines away froro the probes are used, a single SDH results in a changing steel path
"natural" angle of the wedge. When a delay line or refracting for each angle making it unsuitable for this task. A recom­
wedge is used, variations in path distances within the wedge mended target is a radius similar to that of the lOO-mm radius
will result in some focal laws requiring roore or less amplifier of the IIW block. For S-scans steps A6.2.2 to A6.2.6 are used
gain. A method of coropensating for gain variations so as to replacing the SDH with a suitable radius. Use of the radius for
"nórmalize" the set of focallaws in an eIectronic or S-sean is S-sean configurations also provides correction for echo­
required. . transmittance effects intrinsic in angle variation.
A6.1.2 When a phased array pro be is used on a delay line or NOlE A6.l-If appropriate compensation cannot be achieved, for
refracting wedge, calculations for beam steering and projection example. if the angular range is so large that the signa! amplitude cannot
displays rely on the Fermat principIe. lbis requires that the effectively be compensated. then the range must be reduced until it is
operator identify the position in space of the probe eIements. possible lo compensate.
This ensures that the path lengths to the wedge-steeI interface A6.2.9 Probe motion for the various wedge and scan-type
are accurately known. It is necessary to verify that the configurations are illustrated in Fig. A6.1.
coo~dinates used by the operator provide correct depth calcu­
lations. This ensures that the display software correctly posi­ A6.3 Wedge-delay Compensation
tiOllS indications detocted. A6.3.1 When an angled refracting wedge is used for E-Rcans
A6.1.3 Compensation for attenuatiol1 variations IlJld delay or S-scans, or when a fixed thiclmess delay line is used for
times may be made one focallaw at a time or software can be S-scans, the sound patb in the wedge material varies from one
configured to make the compensations dynamica1ly. focal law to the next. Compensation for this delay time
difference is required so as to ensure that indications detected
A6.2 Wedge-attenuation Compensation are correctly positioned in the projection scan displays, that is,
A6.2.1 This guide applies to assessments of wedge­ depth and angle within the test piece are correctly plotted.
attenuation compensations for E-sean or electronic raster scans A6.3.2 Configure the phased-array system for the focallaws
where ID linear array probes are used. lo be used in the S-sean or e1ectronic raster scan application.
A6.2.2 Configure the phased-array system for the focallaws A6.3.3 Acoustically couple the phased array probe to a
to be used in the electronic raster sean application. block with known radius of curvature. The SO-mm or lOO-mm
A6.2.3 Acoustica1ly couple the phased array probe to the radius of the IIW block is a convenient target for this purpose.
block with a side drilled hole at a known depth. The I .S-mm A6.3.4 Select the A-sean display for tbe first focal law
diameter SDH in the IIW block is a convenient target for this configured and move the probe forward and backward to locate
purpose. the maximum amplitude signal from the radius selected.
A6.2.4 Select the A-scan display for the first focal law A6.3 .5 Adjust the delay settings to indicate the sound path
configured and move the probe forward and backward to locate in tbe metal to correctly indicate tbe radius used and save the
the maximum amplitude signal from the SDH. focallaw parameters.
A6.2.S Adjust the response from the SDH to 80 % MI A6.3.6 Repeat fue maximization of the radius response for
screen height (FSH) and save the pru:ameters in the focallaw each focalla.w in the sean set and save fhe pru.'ameter settlng
file. after each delay has been adjusted.
A6.2.6 Repeat the process of maximizing the signal from A6.3.7 Altematively, this process may be computerized so
tbe SDH and setting it to 80 % FSH for each focal law and that a dynarnic assessment of delay adjustment is calculated by
saving the set-up file afrer each focaIlaw is completed. the computer. A dynamic assessment would simply require tbat
A6.2.7 Altematively, this process may be computerized so the operator move the probe back and forth over the center of
tbal a dynarnic assessment of sensitivity adjustment is calcu­ the radius assuring that all the focal1aws used have the center
lated by the computer. A dynarnic assessment would simply of beam ray peak on the radius appropriate for theír angle.
require the operator to move the probe back and forth over the A6.3.8 Small angle compression wave focal laws may
SDH ensuring that a1l the focallaws used have the SDH target require a clistom block to carry out this compensation.
move through the beam. Wedge attenuation corrections would A6.3.9 Probe motion for the various wedge and sean type
then be calculated by the phased-array system to ensure that the configurations are illustrated in Fig. A6.2.

~ E2491-06

Delay adjustment movement

Delay adjustmentmovement for electronic sean with refraeting

FIG. A6.2 Delay Adjustment Seans Using Curved Surfaees

<O E 2491-06

FIG. A7.2 Dlflplay Height Llnearity

element number 1 and end at the element number that A7.4.7 Adjust the signal to 100 % display height, remo ve
corresponds to the nwnber of pulsers in the phased-array 6-dB gain and record tbe actual heigbt of the signal as a
instrument. percentage of the display height.
A7 AA Couple the probe to a suitable surface to obtain a A7.4.8 Signal amplitudes should fall within a range of
pulse-echo response from each focal law. The backwall echo ±3 % of the display height required in the allowed height
from the 25-rnm thickness of the IIW block or the backwall range of Table A7.1.
from the 20-nun thickness of the custom linearity block A7.4.9 Repeat the sequence from A7A.5 to A7.4.7 for all
illustrated in Fig. A7.1 provides a suitable target option. other pulser-receiver channels.
Altematively. inunersion testing can be used.
A7.4.5 Select Channel 1 of the pulser-receivers of the A7.4.10 For instruments having 10- or 12-bit amplitude
phased-array instrument. Using theA-scan display, monitor the digitization and configured to read amplitudes in a gated region
response from the selected target. Adjust the gain to bring the lo amplitudes greater than can be seen on the display, a larger
signal to 40 % screen height. This is illustrated in Fig. A7.3 . range of check points can be used. For these instruments the
A7A.6 Add gain to the receiver in the increments of 1 dB, gated output instead of the A-scan display would be verified for
then 2 dB, then 4 dB and then 6 dB . Remove the gain added linearity.
after each mcrement to eusure that the signal has retumed to NOTIl A7.2~30 cxomple of wupliUlc!es grcatcr than 100 % display
40 % display height. Record the actual height oí' fue signal as heigbt 18 acen in FJg. A7.4 where gafe A % Jlldicates a 200 % slgnnl iIIld
a percentage of the display height. gale B % indicates 176 %.

FIG. A7.3 A-Sean Display of Baekwall Echo on Channel 1 of a Phased-Array Instrument

o E2491-06
A7.5 Time-Base Linearity (Horizontal Linearity) A7.5.6 Using lhe reference and measurement cursors deter­
A7.5.1 Configure lhe phased array instrument to display an mine !he interval between each muItiple and record lhe interval
A-scan presentation. of lhe first 10 multiples.
A7.5.2 Select any compression wave probe and configure A7.5.7 Acceptable linearity may be established by an eiTor
lhe phased-array instrwnent to display a range suitable to tolerance based on lhe analog-to-digital conversion rate con­
obtain at least ten multiple back refiections from a block of a verted to a distance equivalent. For example, at 100 MHz each
known thickness. The 25-mm wall truckness of lhe IIW block sample of lhe timebase is 10 ns. For steel at 5900 mis each
is a convenient option for this test. sample along lhe timebase (10 ns) in pulse-echo mode repre­
A7.5.3 Set lhe phased-array instrument analog-to-digital sents 30 ¡.un. A tolerance of ±3 timing samples should be
conversion rate lo at least 80 MHz. achievable by most analog-to-digital systems. Sorne allowance
A7.5.4 Wilh lhe probe coupIed to the block and !he A-scan should be made for velocity detennination error (-1 %).
displaying 10 clearly defined multiples as illustrated in Fig. Typically the errors 011 the multiples should not exceed ;tO.5
A7.4. the display software is used to assess tbe interval mm for a steel pIate.
between adjacent backwall signals.
A7.5.5 Acoustic velocity of lhe test block, determined using A7.5.8 A sample recording tabIe for lhe linearity checks is
lhe melhods described in E 494, is entered into lhe display indicated in Table A7.1.
software and lhe display configured to read out in distance

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In /hls standard. Users of thls standard are expresslyadvised /het de/ermlnation of Iha ve/idlty of any such paten/ rlgh/s, end the rfsk
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If not revlsed, elther reapproved or wilhdrawn. Your commenls are invlted el/her for revls/on of Ihls standard or for eddltional standards
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Thls standard 15 copyrighted by ASTM In/erna//onal, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, We5t Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
Un/red SIates. Individual reprints (single or multlple copies) of this standard may be obtalned by conlactlng ASTM at the above
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