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5 Chemistry
Pre-Final Exam Exercise (Ch 1 – 35, 39)

Name: ____________________________ Class: ________( ) Marks: _______________

A. Multiple-Choice Questions

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A

11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. D
21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B

B. Structural Questions

1. Refer to the following information of sulphur and fluorine.

Fluorine Sulphur
Atomic number 9 16
Relative atomic mass 19.0 32.1

(a) Draw the electron diagram of a fluorine atom, showing electrons in ALL shells.

(1 mark)

(b) Sulphur has three isotopes, 32S, 33S and 34S. The relative abundance of 33S is 0.75%. Calculate the
relative abundance of 32S.

Let x be the relative abundance of 32S.

32x + 33(0.0075) + 34(1–0.0075–x) = 32.1 (1)

x = 0.94625

The relative abundance of 32S is 94.625%. (1)

(2 marks)

(c) A compound of sulphur and fluorine has a relative molecular mass less than 100. It contains 45.8%
of sulphur by mass.
(i) Deduce the molecular formula of the compound.

Mole ratio of S : F
𝟒𝟓.𝟖 𝟏𝟎𝟎)𝟒𝟓.𝟖
= ∶ (1)
𝟑𝟐.𝟏 𝟏𝟗.𝟎

= 1:2
Let (SF2)x be the molecular formula of the compound
Relative molecular mass of the compound = 51.1x < 100
molecular formula of the compound = SF2 (1)

(2 marks)

(ii) Draw the three-dimensional structure to represent the molecular shape of the compound.
State the shape of the molecule.

V-shaped (1)
(2 marks)

2. Potassium and calcium are two metals in the same period of the periodic table. Potassium occurs in
nature as potassium salts found in sea while calcium occurs in nature mainly as calcium carbonate
found in limestone.

(a) Suggest why potassium is found as a salt while calcium is found in rocks.

All potassium compounds are soluble in water while not all calcium compounds are soluble
in water. (1)
(1 mark)

(b) With the reference to the electronic arrangement of potassium atom and calcium atom, suggest
why potassium is more reactive than calcium.

K has 1 outermost shell electrons while Ca has 2. (1)

It is easier to lose 1 outermost shell electrons than losing 2. Therefore K is more reactive
than Ca. (1)
(2 marks)

(c) Suggest how to show the presence of potassium and calcium in the salt and limestone
respectively. Describe the observation.

By doing flame test of the samples. (1)

Potassium compounds give lilac flame while calcium compounds give brick-red flame. (1)
(2 marks)

(d) Limestone decomposes upon strong heating to give a colourless gas.

(i) The gas given out is tested by limewater. State the expected observation.

Solution turns from colourless to milky. (1)

(1 mark)

(ii) Suggest how limewater can be prepared by limestone.

Heat the limestone strongly to give quicklime. (1)

Add quicklime into large amount of water to give limewater. (1)
(2 marks)

3. Consider the simple chemical cell shown below.

(a) What is the function of the porous partition?

It prevents the mixing of the two electrolytes but allow ions to pass through to complete the
circuit. (1)
(1 mark)

(b) Which metal, nickel or aluminium is more reactive? Explain your answer.

Aluminium. (1)
Electrons flow from aluminium to nickel, showing the aluminium loses electrons more
readily than nickel. (1)
(2 marks)

(c) Write an overall equation for the reactions taking place.

2Al + 3Ni2+ → 2Al3+ + 3Ni (1)

(1 mark)

(d) Explain why the aluminium electrode has to be polished by sandpaper before electrolysis.

To remove the Al2O3 protective layer on the Al electrode. (1)

(1 mark)

(e) State TWO observable changes in the left compartment of the cell.

Ni electrode becomes thicker. (1)

Green colour of the solution fades. (1)
(2 marks)

4. Consider the following organic molecules:

Compound X Compound Y Compound Z


(a) Give the systematic name of compound Y.

Ethylamine. (1)
(1 mark)

(b) Which of the above organic molecules can undergo addition polymerization? Write the chemical
equation for the reaction.

Compound X. (1)

(2 marks)
(c) Suggest how compound X can be obtained from compound Z.

By performing cracking (1) and then fractional distillation of the product mixture. (1)
(2 marks)

(d) Which of the above organic compounds is soluble in water? With the help of a diagram, explain

Compound Y. (1)
Compound Y has electronegative N and electropositive H which form H-bon d with water
molecules. (1)

(3 marks)

5. Outline a synthetic route, with no more than three steps, to accomplish each of the following
conversions. For each step, give the reagent(s), reaction conditions (as appropriate) and structure of the
organic product.

H2, Pt 1. PCl3
2. NH3
(each correct step @1, correct intermediate @1)
(3 marks)

6. Butane is used as fuel in camping stoves. The standard enthalpy change of combustion of butane is
–2877 kJ mol-1
(a) Write a thermochemical equation for the combustion of butane.

C4H10(g) + 9/2 CO2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l) ∆Hco = –2877 kJ mol-1 (1)

(1 mark)

(b) A student uses a camping stove to heat 5 L of water.

(i) Calculate the mass of butane required to heat 5 L of water from 25 oC to boil.
(Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 oC-1, density of water = 1 g cm-3)

Energy required = 5000´4.2´(100-25) = 1575000 J = 1575 J (1)

No. of mole of butane required = 1575 / 2877 = 0.5474 mol (1)
Mass of butane required = 0.5474 ´ (12´4+10) = 31.75 g (1)

(3 marks)

(ii) There are 50 g of butane in the camping stove. The student finds that he was failed to heat
5 L of water from 25 oC to boil. Explain why he cannot boil the water.

A lot of energy is lost to surrounding. (1)

(1 mark)

(c) The standard enthalpy change of combustion of butane can be used to find the standard enthalpy
change of formation of butane by Hess’s law.
(i) Explain why the standard enthalpy change of formation of butane CANNOT be found by
experimental method.

This reaction is not going to occur under standard condition. (1)

(1 mark)

(ii) The standard enthalpy change of combustion of butane(g), C(graphite) and H2(g) are given
ΔHcΘ / kJ mol-1
Butane(g) –2877
C(graphite) –394
H2(g) –286
Calculate the standard enthalpy change of formation of butane.

= (–394)´4 + (–286)´5 – (–2877) (1)
= –129 kJ mol-1 (1)

(2 marks)

7. At 74 oC, the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction below is 220 dm3 mol-1.

CO(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ COCl2(g)

A 10.0 dm3 sealed container, which is maintained at 74 oC, initially contains 1.20 moles of CO(g), 1.00
mole of Cl2(g) and 1.50 moles of COCl2(g)

(a) Calculate the reaction quotient under the initial conditions. Hence, predict whether the forward
reaction rate or the backward reaction rate is greater.
( )
Qc = 10
1.2 1 = 12.5 mol-1 dm3 (1)
( )( )
10 10

Qc < Kc, therefore the rate of forward reaction is higher than that of backward reaction. (1)

(2 marks)

(b) Calculate the concentration of COCl2(g) when the system attains equilibrium.

CO Cl2 COCl2
Initial conc.
1.2/10 = 0.12 1/10 = 0.1 1.5/10 = 0.15
(mol dm-3)
Change –x –x +x
Eqm conc.
0.12–x 0.1–x 0.15+x
(mol dm-3)

Kc = (0.12-x)(0.1-x) = 220 (1)
x = 0.07640 or 0.1481 (rej) (1)
equilibrium concentration of COCl2 = 0.15+0.07640 = 0.226 mol dm-3 (1)
(3 marks)

8. Several trials of an experiment were performed for determining the enthalpy change of neutralization
reaction. For each trial, a total volume of 100.0 cm3 of solution was obtained from mixing specified
volumes of a HCl(aq) and 1.0 M NaOH(aq) as shown below in an expanded polystyrene cup. The HCl(aq)
and NaOH(aq) were kept at the same initial temperature before mixing.

Trial 1 2 3 4 5
Volume of the HCl(aq) used / cm 90 70 50 30 10
Volume of 1.0 M NaOH(aq) used / cm 10 30 50 70 90

For each trial, the mixture was stirred and its maximum temperature reached was recorded. A graph of
the maximum temperature reached for each trial is shown below:

Drawing 2 best-fit slant straight lines to show how to obtain the possible maximum
temperature using the volume of NaOH(aq) (58.0 cm3).
(a) It is estimated from the graph that 58.0 cm3 of NaOH(aq) (and 42.0 cm3 of HCl(aq)) is required
for obtaining the possible maximum temperature reached in this experiment. Show how this
estimation can be done in the above graph.
(1 mark)

(b) (i) Calculate the number of mole of NaOH(aq) reacted with HCl(aq) in (a). Hence, find the
concentration of the HCl(aq).
No. of moles of NaOH(aq) used = 1.0 × (58.0 ÷ 1000) = 0.058 mol (1)

∵ At equivalent point, no. of moles of NaOH(aq) used

= No. of moles of HCl(aq) reacted
∴ No. of moles of HCl(aq) reacted = 0.058 mol

Concentration of HCl(aq) = 0.058 ÷ (42.0 ÷ 1000) = 1.38 mol dm-3 (1)

(2 marks)
(ii) Given that the initial temperature of the mixture for each trial is 25.5oC, calculate the
enthalpy change of neutralization of the reaction, in kJ mol-1.
(Density of the mixture = 1.00 g cm-3;
specific heat capacity of the mixture = 4.18 J g-1 K-1;
heat capacity of the expanded polystyrene cup: negligible)
Energy released during the reaction
= 100.0 × 1.0 × 4.18 × (33.1 - 25.5) = 3176.8 J (1)

Enthalpy change of neutralisation = - 3176.8 ÷ (0.058 × 1000)

= - 54.77 kJ mol-1 (1)
(2 marks)
(c) The one determined above is not the standard enthalpy change of neutralization. What, then, is
meant by the term ‘standard enthalpy change of neutralization’?
The enthalpy change when an acid solution and a base / an alkali solution react together
under standard conditions to produce 1 mole of water. (1)

(1 mark)

9. Ethene reacts with steam in the presence of an acid catalyst to form ethanol.

C2H4(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ CH3CH2OH(g)

A mixture of 5.00 moles of C2H4(g) and 5.60 moles of H2O(g) was introduced into a 2.00 dm3 closed
container kept at 573 K. At equilibrium, 20.8% of the C2H4(g) had reacted.

(a) Calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for this reaction.


Initial conc.
5/2 = 2.5 5.6/2 = 2.8 0
(mol dm-3)
Change –2.5´20.8% = –0.52 –0.52 +0.52
Eqm conc.
1.90 2.28 0.52 (1)
(mol dm-3)

[CH3 CH2 OH]

Kc = [C2 H4 ][H2 O]

= 0.52 / (1.90´2.28)
= 0.120 mol-1dm3 (1)

(3 marks)

(b) After the equilibrium in (a) is attained, the volume of container suddenly expanded to V cm3.
0.8 mol of CH3CH2OH is found after new equilibrium is attained. Find V.


Initial conc.
1.90´2/V = 3.8/V 2.28´2/V = 4.56/V 0.52´2/V = 1.04/V (1)
(mol dm-3)
Change +0.24/V +0.24/V –0.24/V
Eqm conc.
4.04/V 4.8/V 0.8/V
(mol dm-3)
𝟒.𝟎𝟒 𝟒.𝟖 = 0.120 (1)
- .- .
V = 2.91 dm3 (1)
(3 marks)

10. Consider the conversions of organic compounds shown below:

CH3CH2COCH=CH2 CH3CH2CH(OH)CH=CH2 HBr major product Z
(a) Suggest a chemical test to distinguish between X and Y.

Add acidified K2CrO7 to each of them with gentle heating (1). Y turns the solution from orange
to green while Y does not. (1)
OR other reasonable answers.
(2 marks)

(b) Suggest what reagent R might be.

LiAlH4 in dry ether(1) OR NaBH4 in water (1)

(1 mark)

(c) Y exist with two enantiomers

(i) Draw the respective structures of these two enantiomers.

H2C=HC H H CH=CH2 (1)
(1 mark)
(ii) Suggest ONE difference physical property between these two enantiomers.

They rotate the plane of polarized light in opposite directions. (1)

(1 mark)

(d) (i) Draw the structure of Z.

H H Br Br H (1)
(1 mark)
(ii) An alkene W can be convert to Z by adding bromine solution to alkene W. Suggest the
structure of alkene W.

(1 mark)

*11. Tetrafluoroethene undergoes polymerization to form a polymer called ‘Teflon’. Using this
example, describe this type of polymerization.
(5 marks)
Five knowledge points (1 mark for each point), a maximum of 4 marks:
¨ Unsaturated compounds / compounds with C=C bonds can undergo addition
¨ No small molecules will be eliminated during addition polymerization.
¨ High temp / high pressure / catalyst is used (any 2 condition)
¨ Structure of the monomers: CF2=CF2
¨ Structure of the repeating unit: –CF2–CF2– OR the polymer –[CF2–CF2] n–
¨ Effective communication



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