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If we talk about modern or ancient times then we come to know that there exists resembling

knowledge, but it has been kept guarded for centuries, it has been beyond the reach of modern people,
who just keep themselves busy in the day to day commonalities of their lives. And to your surprise the
thing that keeps them away from that unimaginable power of theirs is not physical but at obscure level
the metaphysical nature of their existence. This power of yours is often termed as invisible power. But it
functions through such principles and needs such powerful understanding that passes through divine
wisdom. Now do you know what is the reason behind its hidden nature, why has it been concealed from
the normal people. It is so powerful that it takes the person associated out of the physicality into the
metaphysical state of existence where the concerned human transcends the physical limitations he, the
people around and surrounding set for him, and after tapping into that power it reaches to the power of
the divine entity. This is not some ordinary task it has been written since centuries in the divine
scriptures, in the ancient book of wisdom from. All that divine wisdom guides us that all his power lies
within us.and You know what The strangest secret is that you become what you think from your inside.
All your internal feelings your internal beliefs your internal perceptions your internal intentions they
become up to your reality. You are nothing more than that and you are nothing less than that. so my
friends now it's up to you that what position do you take if you develop positive attitude positive
intentions positive perceptions positive personality trades positive mental image of your own self then
there is nothing in the world that will be able to stop you from getting whatever you desire to achieve.
but most of the time it doesn't happen like that why because people of the modern world have so much
implications in their life their life runs too fast there are too busy dealing with their day to day activities.
they have no spare time to think of themselves they have no time to reflect over their personality.and
now what happens they don't pay attention to their inside and get themselves in tangled in the outer
meaningless boundaries ultimately resulting in suspicion doubt skepticism hesitation blood vision
insecurity mental illness depression phobias and much more negative things ultimately resulting in
demise decline and failure in almost every respect of life.. on the country if we take examples from the
past history from ancient Legends then we come to know that their main focus was to their inner
personality to their inner perceptions and they were never confused in their lives The new what they
wanted the new what the universe was the new how the Divinity helps them. and and this thing my
friend always led them to their destination they never encountered feeling and if some of them
encountered failure ever then it was not failure at all they learned from that film they learn from that
failure it helped them to grow and evolve into a new state of dignity that eventually made their life the
way they always wanted it to be.but living in today's modern world we normally ignore our inner
potential we underscore our divinityWe don't believe that there are unseen forces that help us reach
wherever we want to reach that helps us achieve whatever we want to achieve they are always on our
side directed by God just like angels. now the main question remains why does it happen like that why
are we so well my friends the answer is quite simple We are so because we do not trust in ourselves we
relax faith we lack opseam we are bound by the three dimensional physicality that we experience every
day We are bound by the three dimensional concepts three dimensional limitations and this way we
forget that the universe is much more than that it is not only physical entity but attacks but there is a
huge level of abstract existence that is much more beyond that physicality and physicality is only the
reflection of is only the tiniest reflection of that abstract existence.well my friends let's now begin on a
journey to accept our inner potential and move onward towards the way of success that eternal
accomplishment. The very first step that we have to take in this regard is to have the fund belief in our
true existence in the divinity of it and believe that the oldest physicality is controlled by us humans this
physicality doesn't control us instead we control it it is just the reflection of our mental image Yes my
friends You got it right it is just the reflection of your mental limit for example see everything around
you whatever it is whether it's a chair it's a building a man of any food or any anything You will find that
how did that thing that person that product came into existence it once existed in some was imagination
and then that person made it a reality by constructing by four by harnessing natural forces existing into
the physical world and eventually making that thing that you now see. so from here these things gets
very much clear that the every physically existing thing once existed at once existed at subtract travel at
subtract level at abstract level which means abstract tells abstract level metaphysical nature is the real
existence imagination is the real existence so the very first thing is imagination you have to make your
imagination as for the requirements of your thoughts your aspirated requirements your aspirated. but
how do you again do that through visualization visualization is the capacity of human mind to visualize
anything in no time. it is it it is such a secret practice that has been going on since the beginning of
human race and the grain achievers in the history have used this technique to reach wherever we find
them today You can take the example of Mahatma Gandhi Alexander Fleming play too aristo Great
scientists and such as new team they all took the help of visualization and the eventually reached where
they are

goals such Clarity and Consciousness Are

Not Mere attributes but cultivated

skills honed through deliberate practice

and introspection philosophers and

Scholars alike from Socrates to Sena

emphasize the importance of knowing

oneself and one's purpose their

teachings underscore the principle that

the foundation of all external

achievements lies in the internal

landscape of our minds and

Spirits a powerful quote from Fredick

ner suggests he who has a why to live

can bear almost any how purpose and

intent have immense power as this

Insight illustrates it underscores the

idea that with a clear understanding of

our why the challenges and obstacles we

encounter on our path become

surmountable entrepreneurship Innovation

and any form of creative Endeavor are

fraught with uncertainty and resistance

however armed with a purity of intent

and a Consciousness that sees beyond

immediate gratifications towards a

higher purpose individuals can navigate

these turbulent Waters with Grace and

determination the process of raising

Consciousness and refining intent

demands an ongoing commitment to

self-improvement and learning we need to

be willing to confront uncomfortable

truths about ourselves and our world

challenging our preconceptions and

biases such such a journey leads to a

profound understanding of our role in

the tapestry of Life empowering us to

act not just for personal gain but for

the greater good as Consciousness Rises

so does the ability to perceive the

long-term implications of our actions

ensuring that our endeavors contribute

positively to the world this path of

Consciousness and Clarity of intent is

not reserved for the select few it is

accessible to anyone willing to embark

on the Journey of selfis Discovery and


action conceived by Robert dils a

Pioneer in the field of neurolinguistic

programming the dilts model presents a

multi-layered approach to personal

development and

transformation it organizes the complex

process of change into six distinct

levels Vision identity beliefs and

values capabilities behaviors and

environment each level plays a crucial

role starting from the broad

aspirational concept of vision which

sets the direction for all that follows

Vision encapsulates what we aim to

achieve or become serving as the North

Star guiding our

journey moving a step closer to

realization identity explores who we are

in the context of our vision influencing

how we see ourselves and our place in

the world this self-perception

profoundly impacts our beliefs and


the principles that underpin our

decisions and actions these beliefs and

values in turn dictate our capabilities

or the skills and abilities we develop

to navigate the path towards our vision

as we hone these capabilities they

manifest in our behaviors the tangible

actions we take in the pursuit of our

goals finally these behaviors interact

with our environment the external World

which reflects and responds to our


empowerment emerges not from passive

contemplation but from the deliberate

and dynamic engagement with the world

through Action Real change the kind that

reshapes lives and molds Destinies

Begins the moment one moves from

dreaming to doing actions imbued with

purpose and Direction become the bridge

between the realm of possibilities and

the reality of achievement it's through

these actions that individuals assert

their will upon the world turning the

invisible into the visible the

intangible into the tangible such is the

essence of empowerment where the journey

from thought to manifestation reveals

the true extent of one's influence and

capability Emanuel can’t famously

declared Act only according to that

Maxim whereby you can at the same time

will that it should become a universal

law this profound statement underscores

the ethical dimension of our actions

reminding us that the true measure of

our will is not just in achieving

personal goals but in contributing to a

broader more Universal good by aligning

our actions with principles that can be

universally applied we not only Empower

ourselves but also enrich the lives of

others around us empowerment through

action therefore is not a solitary

Endeavor but a communal one where each

step taken in the direction of our

dreams not only brings us closer to our

goals but also elevates the the

collective human

Spirit a revelation Dawns upon us the

knowledge and principles that Elites

prefer to remain obscured are accessible

to anyone willing to embark on the

Journey of self-discovery and Mastery

your invisible power is not a secret

meant to be hoarded but a universal

truth waiting to be lived by embracing

the principles of thought creation

visualization Consciousness elevation

intent purification and proactive action

individuals can unlock their potential

and create a life of success

contribution and fulfillment the path is

open for those daring to Traverse it

transforming the invisible into the


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