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Name: Jamshed

Rising Stars Academy

English 11th
Roll No.________ Name: _______________
Time Allowed: 1hr:30min Total Marks:

Sr. Questions A B C D
1 From how many miles was the smoke 40 less than 50 50 more than 50
2 What sort of darkness was prevailing of evening of oven of night veldt fire
with the arrival of locusts?
3 Who said, 'We are finished, Margaret'? Stephen Smith a servant Richard
4 Why were the boughs of trees weighed fruit insects leaves swings
to the ground? Due to
5 Locusts are just like: sun storms clouds bad weather
6 The locusts are heavy due to: size eggs stomach weather
7 Who ran to beat the old ploughshare the houseboy Stephen cookboy Margret
hanging from a tree branch?
8 I could have torn the child apart in my doubt loneliness anger trust
own furry and enjoyed it. Here the
word furry means
9 What did Gorgios win at school? radio high jump and a pen a book
10 What would the court acrobat do in the amuse the make jokes exhibit entertain the
court? king physical queen
11 Who opposed Gorgios in creating the his son his friends many people his wife
post of court acrobat?
12 When consciousness returned, the calm freighted active puzzled
bewildered victim inquired. Here the
word bewildered means
13 The foundation of oppression was small injustice corruption cruelty Jealousy
in the world. Here the word oppression
14 The slave had never experienced any disaster pain trouble Discomfort
calamity. Here the word calamity means
15 To whom shall I complaint against your cruelty pain mischief Mistake
brutality? .Here the word brutality

Solve the following Short Questions

Q.No. 1: For whom did the quack dig the grave?

Q.No. 2: What did the quack do in the next village?
Q.No. 3: What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
Q.No. 4: For how long had Gorgios to stick to get his ambition achieved.
Q.No. 5: How did Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of Sahara?
Q.No. 6: What were the political views of Jorkens?
Q.No. 7: What kind of dress was worn by Gorgios at the time of his appearance as Court acrobat?
Q.No. 8: Why did the boy look to the sky and smiled?
Test Paper Generator: App Developer: JAMSHED IQBAL 1
Name: Jamshed

Q.No. 9: What was the remedy suggested for by the physicians for the disease of the king?
Q.No. 10: What was the condition of the slave when he was pulled up back to the boat?
Q.No. 11: What was the advice given by Naushirvan to his people
Q.No. 12: How did farmers try to get rid of the locusts?
Q.No. 13: What was the desire of every farmer?
Q.No. 14: What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
Q.No. 15: Why did the doctor call the girl by her first name?

Solve the following Long Questions

Q.No. 1: Translate the following passage into Urdu. (Short Stories Book-I)

A king fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery vanished. The more the disease was cured the more it
became painful. At last, the physicians agreed that this disease could not be cured except by means of bile of
a person endued with certain qualities. Orders were issued to search for an individual of this kind. A son of a
farmer was discovered to possess the qualities mentioned by the doctors. The king summoned the father and
mother of the boy, whose consent he got by giving them a huge amount of wealth. The Qazi issued a decree
to shed the blood of a person for the health of the king. The boy was brought to the altar and the executioner
was directed to slaughter the boy. When all was ready, the boy looked toward the sky and smiled.
Q.No. 2: Translate the following passage into Urdu. (Short Stories Book-I)

But in the present case, the parents have agreed to get my blood shed for the trash of this world. The Qazi
has issued a decree to kill me. The king thinks he will recover his health only through my slaying and I see
no other refuge besides God Almighty. To whom shall I complain against your brutality, if I am to seek
justice from your hand?”
Q.No. 3: Translate the following passage into Urdu. (Short Stories Book-I)

Then I grasped the child’s head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between
her teeth. She fought, with clenched teeth desperately! But now I also had grown furious-at a child. I tried
to hold myself down but I couldn’t. I know how to expose a throat for inspection. And I did my best. When
finally I got the wooden spatula behind the last teeth and just the point of it into the mouth cavity, she
opened up for an instant but before I could see anything she came down and gripped the wooden blade
between her molars.

Test Paper Generator: App Developer: JAMSHED IQBAL 2

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