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Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62

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Cancer Letters
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c a n l e t


SALL4: An emerging cancer biomarker and target

Xu Zhang a,1,**, Xiao Yuan a,1, Wei Zhu a, Hui Qian a, Wenrong Xu a,b,*
a Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Medical Science and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013,

The Affiliated Hospital, Jiangsu University, 228 Jiefang Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212001, China


Article history: SALL4 is a transcription factor that plays essential roles in maintaining self-renewal and pluripotency of
Received 30 September 2014 embryonic stem cells (ESCs). In fully differentiated cells, SALL4 expression is down-regulated or si-
Received in revised form 17 November lenced. Accumulating evidence suggest that SALL4 expression is reactivated in cancer. Constitutive expression
of SALL4 transgene readily induces acute myeloid leukemia (AML) development in mice. Gain- and loss-
Accepted 17 November 2014
of-function studies reveal that SALL4 regulates proliferation, apoptosis, invasive migration, chemoresistance,
and the maintenance of cancer stem cells (CSCs). SALL4 controls the expression of its downstream genes
through both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. High level of SALL4 expression is detected in cancer
Stem cell factor
SALL4 patients, which predicts adverse progression and poor outcome. Moreover, targeted inhibition of SALL4
Cancer has shown efficient therapeutic effects on cancer. We have summarized the recent advances in the biology
Biomarker of SALL4 with a focus on its role in cancer. Further study of the oncogenic functions of SALL4 and the
Target underlying molecular mechanisms will shed light on cancer biology and provide new implications for
cancer diagnostics and therapy.
© 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction served in both hematological diseases and solid tumors, including

acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, breast cancer,
SALL4 (sal-like 4) is a member of the mammal homologs of Dro- lung cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, endome-
sophila homeotic gene spalt (sal). In humans, SALL4 gene mutations trial cancer and glioma. SALL4 acts as an oncogene that plays
are known to cause Okihiro syndrome (Duane radial ray syn- multifaceted roles in the processes of cancer initiation, develop-
drome), an autosomal dominant disease involving multiple organ ment, and progression. Exploring the underlying mechanisms
defects [1–4]. In mice, SALL4 homozygous knockout is embryonic responsible for the oncogenic functions of SALL4 will allow the de-
lethal and SALL4 heterozygous knockout causes dysplasia of mul- velopment of a novel target for cancer therapy. In this review, we
tiple organs [5,6]. SALL4 is an essential factor for the maintenance focus on recent progress in understanding the roles of SALL4 in
of self-renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) [7,8]. cancer and the molecular mechanisms, with an emphasis on the
SALL4 expression gradually decreases with the maturation of tissues potential of SALL4 in cancer diagnostics and treatment.
and organs. However, SALL4 expression is found to be restored in
numerous human malignancies. High levels of SALL4 has been ob- Roles of SALL4 in stem cells

SALL4 has two isoforms, SALL4A and SALL4B, which resulted from
different internal splicing patterns in exon 2 (Fig. 1). SALL4A and
Abbreviations: ESCs, embryonic stem cells; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CSCs,
cancer stem cells; iPS, induced pluripotent stem cell; HSCs/HPCs, hematopoietic stem/
SALL4B are able to form homodimers or heterodimers with dis-
progenitor cells; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; LSCs, leukemic stem cells; CML, tinct DNA binding sites and exhibit different roles during early
chronic myeloid leukemia; MLL, mixed-lineage leukemia; EMT, epithelial– embryogenesis [9]. In murine ESCs, depletion of both isoforms of
mesenchymal transition; SP, side population; HpSC-HCC, hepatic stem cell-like SALL4 by shRNA leads to multilineage differentiation. SALL4A and
hepatocellular carcinoma; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; NuRD, nucleosome remod-
SALL4B have overlapping, but not identical binding sites of epigen-
eling deacetylase; HDAC, histone deacetylase; DNMT, DNA methyltransferase; LSD1,
lysine-specific demethylase 1; PRC, polycomb repressive complex; GCT, gem cell etic marks in target loci or their interactions with other pluripotent
tumor; CRC, colorectal carcinoma; ESCC, esophageal carcinoma; SBHA, suberic bis- factors. In addition, SALL4B, but not SALL4A, alone can maintain the
hydroxamic acid; TSA, trichostatin; TAT, transactivator of transcription. pluripotent state of mouse ESCs. SALL4 expression could be de-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 511 85038215; fax: +86 511 85038449. tected in embryos as early as at the 4-cell stage and is gradually
E-mail address: (W. Xu).
** Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 511 85038215; fax: +86 511 85038449.
restricted to inner cell mass from which ESCs are normally derived.
E-mail address: (X. Zhang). Disruption of both SALL4 alleles cause embryonic lethality
1 These authors contributed equally to this paper.
during peri-implantation and depletion of SALL4 results in early
0304-3835/© 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
56 X. Zhang et al./Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62

Fig. 1. SALL4 gene and protein structure. Human SALL4 gene localizes on chromosome 20q13.13-q13.2 and consists of four exons. The human SALL4 protein has multiple
zinc finger (ZF) domains of the SAL type, which is composed of one N terminal C2HC type zinc finger (NT ZF) and seven C2H2 type zinc fingers. A Q rich motif is responsible
for interactions between members of SALL1-4. The SALL4 protein has two isoforms, SALL4A and SALL4B, which resulted from different internal splicing patterns in exon 2.
SALL4B lacks the 386 to 822 amino acids of full-length SALL4 protein. A conserved “KRLR” motif at amino acid positions of 64–68 is identified in both SALL4A and SALL4B
as nuclear localization signal (NLS).

embryonic development defects, suggesting that SALL4 is critical renewal and pluripotency of stem cells through a variety of signaling
for early embryonic development. pathways, transcription factors, and epigenetic modulators.
SALL4 plays a vital role in stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency SALL4 expression has also been found in adult stem/progenitor
through multiple layers of mechanisms. First, SALL4 regulates the cells. In human bone marrow, SALL4 expression is strictly limited
activation of several important signaling pathways in stem cells. Ac- to the CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSCs/HPCs) and
tivation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling maintains the pluripotency of decreased following differentiation [22,23]. SALL4 is found to be a
human and mouse embryonic stem cells [10]. SALL4 binds to robust stimulator for both human and mouse HSC/HPC self-
β-catenin and up-regulates the expression of the target genes of the renewal [24,25]. Human HSCs transduced with SALL4 are able to
Wnt/β-catenin pathway [11], suggesting that SALL4 may promote expand rapidly and efficiently in vitro. On the contrary, depletion
stem cell self-renewal and inhibit stem cell differentiation through of endogenous SALL4 leads to reduced HSC proliferation and ac-
the interaction with β-catenin. STAT3 activation mediates the self- celerated cell differentiation. SALL4 regulates the expression of genes
renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells [12]. SALL4 may that are critical in maintaining short-term and long-term HSC pro-
interact with STAT3 to regulate the self-renewal and differentia- liferation, including Bmi-1, HOXA9, and c-Myc [26]. SALL4 works
tion of stem cells. The Hedgehog signaling pathway plays a pivotal with these factors to form a concerted network for normal hema-
role in organogenesis and differentiation during development [13]. topoiesis [27]. In addition to HSCs/HPCs, SALL4 is expressed in fetal
Genome-wide analysis reveals that SALL4 regulates Sonic Hedge- hepatoblasts but silenced in adult hepatocytes [28]. The expres-
hog (SHH) pathway [7]. SALL4 may modulate SHH signaling to sion levels of SALL4 gradually fall during liver development. SALL4
prevent the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. SALL4 inhibits overexpression enhances while SALL4 knockdown impairs induced
the expression of PTEN and induces the activation of the Akt pathway differentiation of hepatoblasts to cholangiocytes and the forma-
[14], which may enhance stem cell self-renewal and expansion and tion of bile duct, suggesting that SALL4 regulates cell fate decision
maintain stem cells at undifferentiated state. Second, SALL4 modu- in fetal hepatic stem/progenitor cells.
lates the transcription of key stemness factors including Oct4, Nanog,
Sox2, and c-Myc [7,15–17]. Compared to wild type ESCs, the ex- Roles of SALL4 in cancer
pression of these 4 genes is remarkably down-regulated in SALL4+/−
ESCs [7], suggesting that SALL4 could be a key regulator for stem SALL4 is overexpressed in cancer and affects multiple cellular pro-
cell factors. SALL4 can activate the expression of Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, cesses which are involved in tumorigenesis, tumor growth and tumor
and c-Myc and form a transcriptional core network with these factors progression. SALL4 regulates a variety of targets in distinct types
to maintain cell stemness. The down-regulation of core stemness of cancer cells. In this section, we review the targets of SALL4 and
factors may be responsible for SALL4 knockdown-induced sponta- their functions in cancer (Fig. 2).
neous cell differentiation [18]. Due to its critical role in maintaining
pluripotency, SALL4 has been used as an enhancer for induced plu- SALL4 and cell transformation
ripotent stem cell (iPS) generation from somatic cells [19]. Third,
SALL4 may regulate the expression of key genes that are associ- During normal hematopoiesis, SALL4 is expressed in the CD34+
ated with stem cell self-renewal and differentiation through HSC/HPC population. SALL4 expression is down-regulated or si-
epigenetic modulation. SALL4 induces the activation of Bmi-1, an lenced in mature blood cells. In contrast, SALL4 is constitutively
important factor for regulating stem cell self-renewal, by mediat- expressed in human primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and
ing H3K4 trimethylation and H3K79 dimethylation at the promoter myeloid leukemia cell lines. To test whether constitutive expres-
region [20]. In addition, SALL4 recruits MLL (mixed lineage leuke- sion of SALL4 is sufficient to induce AML, Ma and colleagues generated
mia), a histone methyltransferase, to prompt H3K4 and H3K79 a SALL4B transgenic mouse model with SALL4B expression in most
methylation, resulting in HOXA9 up-regulation [21]. In summary, organs. They demonstrated that all the monitored SALL4B trans-
these findings indicate that SALL4 is involved in regulating self- genic mice exhibit dysregulated hematopoiesis and develop
X. Zhang et al./Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62 57

Fig. 2. Proposed model for SALL4 regulatory network in cancer. SALL4 regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration/invasion, drug resistance, and stemness by targeting
a variety of genes. SALL4 regulates cell proliferation through the β-catenin/cyclin D1, Bmi-1, and PTEN pathways. SALL4 regulates cell migration/invasion through the ZEB1/
E-cadherin and the c-Myc pathways. SALL4 inhibits apoptosis through the Bmi-1, HOXA9, and FADD pathways. SALL4 regulates the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy
by targeting the ABCA3, ABCG2, and c-Myc pathways. SALL4 regulates the self-renewal of cancer stem cells through the Oct4, Nanog, Sox-2, and Bmi-1 pathways. STAT3,
CDX1, and TCF/LEF are upstream positive regulators of SALL4. SALL4 is a downstream target of microRNA-107. Natural compounds matrine and apigenin could inhibit the
expression of SALL4.

myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)-like features at ages 6–8 months SALL4 and cell proliferation and apoptosis
and half of the monitored mice eventually progressed to AML [11].
Mice injected with serially transplanted SALL4B-induced AML cells SALL4 acts as a key regulator of cell proliferation and apoptosis
also develop aggressive AML, suggesting that SALL4B-induced AML in cancer cells. SALL4 knockdown induces massive apoptosis and
is transplantable. The potential signaling pathway that SALL4 may significant growth arrest in human leukemic cells [29]. In addi-
affect in leukemogenesis has been postulated, which includes SALL4 tion, reduction of SALL4 markedly diminishes tumorigenicity of
binding to β-catenin and activating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling human leukemia cells in immunodeficient mice. ChIP-chip assay for
pathway. The expression of Wnt/β-catenin downstream target genes, the global gene target of SALL4 in human leukemic cells reveals that
such as c-Myc and Cyclin D1, is upregulated in SALL4B transgenic SALL4 binds to the promoter of genes that are critically involved
mice. Thus, constitutive expression of SALL4 in AML may enable leu- in apoptosis. The expression levels of these genes change signifi-
kemic blasts to gain stem cell properties, such as self-renewal and/ cantly after SALL4 knockdown, indicating that SALL4 is a key
or lack of differentiation, and thus become leukemic stem cells (LSCs). regulator of apoptosis-associated genes. In addition, SALL4 has an
In addition, Bmi-1 is identified as a target gene for SALL4 in both important role in the proliferation and survival of chronic myeloid
hematopoietic and leukemic cells [20]. Bmi-1 is a putative onco- leukemia (CML) cells, and its expression is associated with an ad-
gene that modulates stem cell pluripotency and plays a role in vanced stage of CML disease. Downregulation of SALL4 leads to cell
leukemogenesis. SALL4 binds to Bmi-1 promoter and directly affects cycle arrest and apoptosis in CML cells [30]. In AML and CML cells,
the levels of endogenous Bmi-1 expression. In vitro knockdown of SALL4 knockdown-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest are rescued
SALL4 by siRNA in leukemic cells or in vivo deletion of one copy of by forced expression of Bmi-1, suggesting that SALL4 regulation of
SALL4 in mouse bone marrow significantly reduces Bmi-1 expres- Bmi-1 may at least be partially responsible for its effects on cell pro-
sion. Bmi-1 expression is up-regulated in transgenic mice that liferation and apoptosis. Moreover, HOXA9 is identified as another
constitutively overexpress SALL4B, and the levels of Bmi-1 in these downstream target of SALL4 [21]. SALL4 interacts with mixed-
mice increase as they progress from normal to preleukemic lineage leukemia (MLL) and co-occupies the HOXA9 promoter region
(myelodysplastic syndrome) and leukemic (acute myeloid leuke- in AML leukemic cells. Compared with wild-type controls, HOXA9
mia) stages. Furthermore, there is a strong positive correlation is up-regulated in SALL4B transgenic mice. In primary human AML
between SALL4 and Bmi-1 expression in human AML samples. SALL4 cells, downregulation of SALL4 also reduces HOXA9 expression and
induces high levels of H3K4 trimethylation and H3K79 dimethylation induces cell apoptosis. Furthermore, SALL4 knockdown leads to
in the binding region of the Bmi-1 promoter, suggesting that SALL4 growth inhibition of lung cancer cells as a result of cell cycle arrest
provides epigenetic modifications at the Bmi-1 gene promoter. These [31]. Similarly, reduction of SALL4 expression by siRNA com-
findings indicate a link between SALL4 and leukemogenesis by regu- pletely also inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells as a result
lating self-renewal of leukemic stem cells. of cell cycle arrest [32]. Conversely, SALL4-overexpressing liver cancer
58 X. Zhang et al./Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62

cells exhibit enhanced cell proliferation with the characteristics of Moreover, SALL4 overexpression results in the significant activa-
reduced cell population in the G1 phase through the up-regulation tion of spheroid formation while knockdown of SALL4 results
of cyclin D1 and D2 [33]. In contrast, down-regulation of SALL4 in- in a compromised spheroid formation capacity with decreased ex-
hibits liver cancer cell proliferation in vitro as well as in tumor pression of EpCAM, suggesting that SALL4 regulates stemness of
xenograft models. We have recently reported that SALL4- HpSC-HCC.
overexpression enhances while knockdown of SALL4 inhibits the
proliferation of gastric cancer cells [34]. In consistent with this ob- SALL4 and chemoresistance
servation, SALL4 knockdown also inhibits endometrial cancer cell
growth in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo due to the inhibition of SALL4 expression is associated with therapy response in cancer.
cell proliferation and increased apoptosis [35]. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), SALL4 expression is higher in drug
resistant patients than those from drug-responsive cases. AML cells
SALL4 and invasive migration with decreased SALL4 expression are more sensitive to drug treat-
ments than their parental cells. SALL4 modulates drug sensitivity
The research from our group has indicated that the SALL4 level through the maintenance of SP cells in AML [37]. SALL4 directly binds
is highly correlated with lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer to the promoter region of ABCA3, a resistance-mediating trans-
[34]. Enforced expression of SALL4 enhances the migration of human porter, affecting the formation of SP cells in AML. SALL4 expression
gastric cancer cells, whereas knockdown of SALL4 by siRNA leads is positively correlated to that of ABCA3 in primary leukemic patient
to the opposite effects. SALL4 overexpression up-regulates the ex- samples. In addition to AML patients, constitutive expression of SALL4
pression of Twist1, N-cadherin while down-regulating E-cadherin has also been observed in CML cells in the blast crisis or acceler-
expression, thus inducing epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) ated phase. Exposure to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) leads to
in gastric cancer cells. In endometrial cancer, downregulation of increased expression of SALL4 in CML cells, which consequently up-
SALL4 significantly impedes the migration and invasion proper- regulates ABCA3 [39]. High ABCA3 levels facilitate detoxification of
ties of cancer cells in vitro and their metastatic potential in vivo [35]. TKI, protecting CML cells against TKI effects. The positive regula-
SALL4 specifically binds to the c-Myc promoter region in endome- tion of ABCA3 through SALL4 constitutes an autoprotective loop to
trial cancer cells. Reduction of SALL4 leads to a decreased expression protect CML cells from the lytic activity of TKI. Suppression of SALL4
of c-Myc and ectopic SALL4 overexpression causes increased c-Myc by siRNA partially abrogates a TKI-associated increase in ABCA3 ex-
expression, indicating that c-Myc is one of the SALL4 downstream pression and increases susceptibility of CML cells to cytotoxicity of
targets in endometrial cancer. In addition, SALL4 suppresses tyrosine kinase inhibition. Treatment with indomethacin inter-
E-cadherin expression and maintains cell dispersion in basal-like rupts the inducible SALL4/ABCA3 pathway in CML cells to restore
breast cancer [36]. SALL4 inhibits intercellular adhesion and main- TKI susceptibility.
tains cell motility after cell–cell interaction and cell division, which Constitutive expression of SALL4 affects the sensitivity of endo-
results in the dispersed phenotype. SALL4 knockdown leads to EMT metrial cancer cells to carboplatin treatment [35]. Overexpression
in basal-like breast cancer cells. Further study showed that SALL4 of SALL4 in carboplatin sensitive endometrial cancer cells could
positively regulates the EMT factor ZEB1, therefore suppressing further promote carboplatin resistance in a dose-dependent manner.
E-cadherin transcription and leading to cell dispersion and mes- SALL4-transfected endometrial cancer cells show increased prolif-
enchymal gene expression. eration after carboplatin treatment compared with control cells while
the overexpression also protects endometrial cancer cells from
SALL4 and cancer stem cells carboplatin-induced apoptosis. In contrast, in carboplatin-resistant
endometrial cancer cells, SALL4 knockdown significantly sensi-
SALL4 is essential for maintaining the properties of cancer stem tizes the cells to carboplatin treatment. SALL4 directly regulates
cells (CSCs). The expression of SALL4 is significantly higher in side c-Myc transcriptional activity in endometrial cancer cells, which may
population (SP) cells than that in non-SP cells in leukemia cell lines, be partially responsible for the chemotherapy resistance induced
suggesting that SALL4 is more abundant in CSCs [37]. Knockdown by SALL4 upregulation. In addition, SALL4 expression is correlated
of SALL4 leads to reduced frequency of SP cells, indicating that SALL4 with chemosensitivity in liver cancer cells. SALL4-overexpression
is required for the self-renewal of cancer stem cells. Similarly, SALL4 induces survival and proliferation of liver cancer cells in response
is also enriched in SP of breast cancer cells and increased SALL4 ex- to 5-FU treatment, suggesting that SALL4 expression results in se-
pression leads to an expansion of SP subset in breast cancer cells. lection of chemoresistant cells [33].
We have recently demonstrated that SALL4 overexpression induces
the acquirement of stemness in gastric cancer cells through in- SALL4 and epigenetic modulation
creasing the levels of Sox2, Bmi-1, CD133, and Lin28B [34]. SALL4-
overexpressing gastric cancer cells could be efficiently induced to In addition to transcriptional control, SALL4 also regulates gene
differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes under the appropri- expression through epigenetic mechanisms. DNA methylation,
ate conditions, suggesting that SALL4 overexpression endows gastric histone modification, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNAs
cancer cells with stemness and pluripotency. SALL4 is suggested as are the four major molecular mechanisms responsible for epigen-
a stem cell marker in liver cancer that regulates the stemness of liver etic modification. Yang et al. suggest that SALL4 protein directly
cancer cells [33]. SALL4 overexpression down-regulates differenti- interacts with DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), indicating that
ation markers ALB, TTR, and UGT2B7, suggesting that SALL4 inhibits SALL4 is able to repress transcription through recruitment of DNA
hepatocytic differentiation in human liver cancer cells. SALL4 is iden- methyltransferases [40]. In addition, SALL4 has been shown to co-
tified as one of the transcription factors that are potentially activated occupy target genes with polycomb repressive complex (PRC) [7].
in hepatic stem cell-like HCC (HpSC-HCC) [38]. SALL4-positive HCCs SALL4 may repress gene transcription though the induction of PRC
are associated with expression of the hepatic stem cell markers in- components (such as Bmi-1) or interaction with PRC complex
cluding EpCAM. EpCAM+ cells have higher expression of SALL4 and members. Moreover, SALL4 interacts with histone lysine-specific
possess a stronger spheroid formation capacity than EpCAM− cells, demethylase 1 (LSD1) to repress gene transcription in stem cells [41].
indicating that SALL4 is activated in EpCAM+ liver CSCs. Ectopic ex- In addition to gene repression, SALL4 is capable of binding to the
pression of SALL4 leads to up-regulation of the hepatic stem cell histone methyltransferase MLL to activate HOXA9 gene expres-
markers and down-regulation of the mature hepatocyte marker. sion [21], suggesting that SALL4-mediated methylation and
X. Zhang et al./Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62 59

Fig. 3. SALL4 and epigenetic machinery. SALL4 represses or activates gene transcription through the interaction with distinct epigenetic modifiers. SALL4 suppresses gene
transcription through recruitment of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), Mi-2/nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex, polycomb repressive complex (PRC),
and histone demethylase (LSD1). SALL4 activates gene expression through recruitment of histone methyltransferase such as MLL (mixed-lineage leukemia).

demethylation in DNA and histone may distinctly regulate gene ex- humans and mice. CDX1-induced SALL4 converts gastric epitheli-
pression in stem cells and cancer. Second, SALL4 is associated with al cells into tissue stem-like progenitor cells, which then
Mi-2/nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex and transdifferentiate into intestinal epithelial cells, suggesting that SALL4
the SALL4-interacting protein complex exhibits histone deacetylase is a critical component of CDX1-directed transcriptional circuitry
(HDAC) activity [42]. For instance, SALL4 co-occupies the same pro- that promotes intestinal metaplasia. Furthermore, SALL4 is found
moter regions of PTEN as HDAC2 and represses its expression in vitro, to be regulated by microRNA in glioma cells [48]. MiR-107 mimics
indicating that SALL4-repressed gene transcription could be me- reduce while miR-107 inhibitors increase the SALL4 mRNA level.
diated by histone deacetylation and nucleosome remodeling. MiR-107 overexpression inhibits cell proliferation and induces apop-
However, there is a lack of studies about the regulatory effects of tosis in glioma cells, which are reversed by SALL4 reintroduction.
SALL4 on non-coding RNA in epigenetic modulation. Therefore, the An obvious inverse correlation between miR-107 expression and
existing data suggest that SALL4 may recruit multiple epigenetic SALL4 level is observed in clinical glioma samples, indicating that
modifiers to synergistically remodel local chromatin structure and upregulation of miR-107 inhibits glioma cell growth through direct
coordinately regulate gene transcription (Fig. 3). targeting of SALL4. SALL4B can be modified by both ubiquitination
and sumoylation at the post-translational level. However, SALL4B
SALL4 regulation in cancer sumoylation is independent of ubiquitination while lysine resi-
dues 156, 316, 374, and 401 are essential for sumoylation. It is known
SALL4 is regulated at multiple levels in cancer. Aberrant so far that only SALL4 sumoylation is functionally important [49].
hypomethylation of the promoter region of SALL4 gene is ob- A constitutive sumoylation of SALL4B is readily detectable in tera-
served in MDS patients and SALL4 mRNA level is highly associated tocarcinoma cells. SUMO-deficiency compromises the trans-
with the status of SALL4 hypomethylation, indicating that SALL4 gene activational or trans-repressional activities of SALL4B, suggesting
expression is dysregulated in MDS patients by epigenetic mecha- that sumoylation is an important post-translational modification for
nism [43]. The frequency of SALL4 hypomethylation is significantly SALL4 activity.
increased in higher risk MDS patients, suggesting that
hypomethylation of SALL4 gene is involved in the progression of SALL4 as cancer biomarker and target
MDS. In addition, SALL4 gene is aberrantly hypomethylated in acute
myeloid leukemia patients and the status of SALL4 gene methyla- SALL4 seems to be a sensitive and specific cancer biomarker.
tion is associated with intermediate and poor karyotypes of AML SALL4 expression is reported in numerous malignancies, such as pre-
[44]. SALL4 is also regulated by a variety of transcription factors that cursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma [50,51], myelodysplastic
are closely linked with tumor development and progression. Mul- syndromes [52], acute myeloid leukemia [11], chronic myeloid leu-
tiple STAT3-binding sites have been identified in the SALL4 gene kemia [30], breast cancer [32], lung cancer [31,53], endometrial
promoter region. Down-regulation of STAT3 activity remarkably de- cancer [35], liver cancer [33,38], gastrointestinal carcinoma
creased the expression of SALL4 [45]. STAT3-mediated SALL4 [34,54–56], glioma [48,57], germ cell tumors (GCTs), and yolk sac
regulation is critical for the survival of breast cancer cells. SALL4 tumors [58–60]. SALL4 expression correlates with disease progres-
expression is also regulated by the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. sion in human AML and its expression in AML patients is correlated
SALL4 promoter contains a conserved TCF/LEF-binding site. Co- with treatment status. Therefore, SALL4 may be used as a marker
transfection of β-catenin with LEF1 (or TCF4E) greatly increases SALL4 for diagnosis and prognosis for AML. SALL4 is expressed at a high
luciferase activity while mutation of the TCF/LEF-binding site at- level in the early clinical stages of breast cancer, indicating that SALL4
tenuates SALL4 luciferase activity, suggesting that SALL4 is a direct may be helpful for breast cancer screening. SALL4 expression is re-
transcriptional target of canonical Wnt signaling [46]. Further- activated in human HCC patients. HCC patients with high SALL4
more, SALL4 interacts with β-catenin to cooperatively activate its expression are significantly associated with shorter survival. SALL4
target genes. Therefore, the regulation of SALL4 by Wnt signaling is an independent prognostic factor for overall survival and early
may form a feedback loop to fine-tune the Wnt signaling pathway. recurrence of HCC. In endometrial cancer patients, the level of SALL4
SALL4 is identified as a direct target of caudal-related homeobox expression is positively correlated with worse patient survival and
1 (CDX1) transcription factor [47]. SALL4 is aberrantly expressed in aggressive features such as metastasis. In colorectal carcinoma (CRC),
the CDX1-positive intestinal metaplasia of the stomach in both significant increase in SALL4 expression is detected in 87% of tumor
60 X. Zhang et al./Cancer Letters 357 (2015) 55–62

tissues and SALL4 expression is highly correlated with tumor me- the pathological roles of SALL4 in cancer seem to be dependent on
tastasis. In esophageal carcinoma (ESCC), SALL4 expression has a cell type and context. Therefore, it is necessary to establish mouse
significant correlation with invasion and metastasis of the disease models in which SALL4 isoforms are conditionally activated or
[61]. We have shown that SALL4 expression is up-regulated in gastric knocked down in certain cell types. In addition, the oncogenic func-
cancer patients and high level of SALL4 predicts poor prognosis in tions of SALL4 have not been completely characterized. Much less
these patients. Furthermore, a high level of SALL4 protein is de- is known about the roles of SALL4 in the other hallmarks of cancer
tected in the serum of HCC patients [62]. HCC patients with high such as sustained angiogenesis, immune evasion, and deregulated
SALL4 serum levels have poor prognosis evidenced by both tumor energy metabolism. The underlying molecular mechanisms respon-
recurrence and overall survival rate, suggesting that the high serum sible for the different functions of SALL4 in tumor development and
level of SALL4 is a novel prognosis biomarker for HCC patients. progression have not been fully elucidated. Up to now only a few
In addition to being a biomarker for cancer diagnostics, SALL4 mediators have been identified, it is conceivable that many other
may also constitute a possible therapeutic target. The inhibition of downstream targets of the SALL4 signaling pathway remain to be
SALL4 expression by siRNA causes reduced cell survival and im- discovered. Thus, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses to reveal
paired migration and invasion in distinct cancer cells in vitro. Stable the global downstream target genes (including both coding and non-
knockdown of SALL4 by shRNA efficiently retards tumor growth and coding genes) and interacting proteins for SALL4 will help establish
restrains tumor metastasis in animal models. Moreover, SALL4 si- the integrated signaling network in cancer. Moreover, the mecha-
lencing by miRNA inhibits glioma cell proliferation and induces nisms driving the re-activation of SALL4 in cancer remain largely
apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that deple- unknown. The activation of SALL4 upstream regulators is fre-
tion of SALL4 has potential anti-tumor effects. In addition, natural quently seen in human cancers. For instance, STAT3 is associated
compounds such as matrine and apigenin have been shown to sup- with constitutive SALL4 expression in breast cancer and inhibition
press SALL4 expression and inactivate the β-catenin signaling of STAT3 activity disrupts SALL4 expression [58]. Thus, we need to
pathway in leukemic cells [63]. However, the specificity of these understand if any other genetic or epigenetic modifications of SALL4
natural compounds to SALL4 still needs to be further investigated. gene exist that contribute to tumor development and progression.
SALL4 also serves as an ideal target for combined therapy. SALL4 In addition, a specific peptide inhibitor for SALL4 has shown
knockdown in combination with Bcl2 inhibitor treatment in- promising anti-cancer activity and further efforts to develop small-
creases the apoptotic AML cells to 2–3 folds compared to cells treated molecule peptide mimetics or combine with conventional anti-
alone [64], suggesting that the combination of Bcl2 inhibitor and cancer drugs may help rediscover its therapeutic value. Targeted
down-regulation of SALL4 could be a novel therapeutic strategy in delivery of siRNA and other inhibitors to disrupt the expression and
treating AML patients. In human hepatocellular carcinoma, HDAC function of SALL4 in cancer cells by using advanced biotechnolo-
inhibitor SBHA reduces SALL4 expression and inhibits the prolif- gies will provide a new strategy for cancer therapy. Finally, SALL4
eration of SALL4-positive HCC cells, suggesting the therapeutic is known to maintain the self-renewal and pluripotency of stem cells,
potential of these inhibitors in the treatment of SALL4-positive HpSC- it is interesting to test whether targeting SALL4 will be able to erad-
HCC through targeting SALL4 [38]. Furthermore, interfering with the icate CSCs given that CSCs are thought to cause metastasis,
interaction of SALL4 and its epigenetic partner complex has ther- chemoresistance, and subsequently tumor recurrence. Answers to
apeutic effects in cancer. Gao and colleagues have developed a these important questions will shed light on the role of SALL4 in
peptide inhibitor that can compete with SALL4 in interacting with cancer biology and provide full potential for SALL4 as a valid cancer
the HDAC complex [65]. They demonstrate that treating SALL4- biomarker and target.
expressing leukemic cells with this peptide leads to cell death
through the reactivation of PTEN. The antileukemic effect of this
peptide can be confirmed on primary human leukemia cells in
culture and in vivo, and is identical to that of down-regulation of
This work was supported by the Major Research Plan of the Na-
SALL4 in these cells by using siRNA. The biological activity of this
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91129718),
peptide is further confirmed in hepatocellular carcinoma. The SALL4
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
peptide inhibitor inhibits the viability of SALL4-overexpressing he-
81201660), the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Prov-
patocellular carcinoma cells in a PTEN-dependent manner, with
ince (Grants No. BK2012709 and BK20141303), Jiangsu Province’s
minimal toxic effects on SALL4-negative cells, as compared with the
Project of Scientific and Technological Innovation and Achieve-
HDAC inhibitor trichostatin (TSA). To test the therapeutic effect of
ments Transformation (Grant No. BL2012055), Jiangsu Province’s
this peptide for in vivo treatment, the peptide is conjugated with
Outstanding Medical Academic Leader and Sci-tech Innovation Team
the transactivator of transcription (TAT) protein transduction domain
Program (Grant No. LJ201117), Jiangsu Province’s Qing Lan project,
and intraperitoneally injected into NOD/SCID mice bearing subcu-
Foundation for Young Academic Leader of Jiangsu University, Start-
taneous xenograft tumor [66]. TAT fusion peptide greatly reduces
ing Foundation for Senior Talents of Jiangsu University (Grant No.
the tumorigenicity of SALL4-overexpressing hepatocellular carci-
noma cells, suggesting that the SALL4 peptide inhibitor is a potent
anti-cancer agent for SALL4-overexpressing hepatocellular
carcinoma. Conflict of interest

Conclusions and future directions No conflict of interest to be declared.

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plays a key role in cancer biology in addition to its seminal func-
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