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December 29, 2017



With due veneration, it is stated that, we are students of Bsc. There are couple of demands
related to our studies.

As sir we have observed and heard from the students of other universities that for intellectual and
confidential purpose they use projectors in labs and classes.So First of all our basic requirement
is we need projector for our diagrammatic issues and presentations.

Sir,Knowledge is power and there is only one better place to get it,its “library”.One of the other
important need of ours is litrerature and G.knowledge books from library.There are good books
written by heroic authors but those all are in locked racks.As we are concerned we are not
allowed to issue books from library.Then what is library meant for?

Sir, we are hopeful that you will take headache about our issues. it will be like icing on cake
when you will resolve these issues. we are hoping for your spontaneous response on the solution
of both of these issues. It will be really helpful for us.

Thank you

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