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I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences
1. At the end of the concert, the audience gave the young pianist a(n) ________ ovation. (STAND)

2. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is ________. (POLLUTE)
3. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don't _________ any of them (PLACE)
misplace (v) [displace] : to put something somewhere and then be unable to find it again,
especially for a short time
mis- (prefix) : added to show that the action referred to by the verb has been
done wrongly or badly
e.g : mishear, misbehave, misadvice, misunderstand, mismanage, …
4. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with _________. (INSECT)
insecticides [insecticide]
5. Be careful. You may be _________ to put all your eggs in one basket (ADVICE)
ill-advised (a) [imadvised] : not wise, and likely to cause problems in the future
6. Our research shows that employees are almost all ________ and want to do a good job.
industrious (a) : working hard; busy
7. Spending on ________ property fell in the first part of the year. (RESIDENTIAL)
non-residential (a) [non-redential] : that is not used for people to live in
7,5. They need our market, and we need their energy, and so there is an __________.
interdependence (n) [dependency] : the fact of depending on each other
inter- (prefix) : used to form adjectives meaning "between or among the people, things,
or places mentioned"
e.g : international, interdepartmental ( giữa các ban ), intercontinental ( giữa các châu lục )
8. It is _________ that he will press on with his project. Nothing can prevent him. (ODD)
odds-on (a) : very likely to happen, win, etc. ( đúng )
9. The cells _________ as they take in water. (LONG)
elongate ( đúng )
phân biệt elongate với lengthen ( lần trước em hỏi đây nhé )
Elongate means to pull to a longer length, while lengthen could also mean add to so it is longer.
So you can lengthen a skirt by adding more fabric but that wouldn't be elongating it. Elongate has
more an association with stretching.
10. They gave a(n) _________ performance. Many people regretted coming to see it. (MILL)
run-of-the-mill (a) : ordinary, with no special or interesting feature ( đúng )
II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the
original one.
1. The house shouldn’t be left unlocked for any reason . (account)
-> On_________________________________________________________________________.
no account should the house be left unlocked for any reason. ( viết đầy đủ nhé )
2. You’d better let her know you’re safe since her patience is wearing thin. (tether)
-> You’d better let her know _______________________________________________________.
you’re safe since she is at the end of her tether.
3. Helen’s report is rather unclear in places. (lacking)
=> Helen’s report _______________________________________________________________.
4. I can't understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract (baffled)
-> I am _______________________________________________________________________.
baffled by their reluctance to sign the contract. ( xem lại đáp án practice 4 nha )
5. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (terms)
-> He _________________________________________________________________________.
6. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. (shoulders)
-> In the area, Thailand __________________________________________________________.
7. I feel I am not being treated fairly. (raw)
-> I feel _______________________________________________________________________.
8. There’s no doubt that the repairs will reach thousands of dollars, so you’d better prepare
yourself. (run)
-> It’s a foregone conclusion that the repairs will run into thousands of dollars, so you’d better
9. Your story is different from the facts. (with)
-> Your story __________________________________________________________________.
10. He may be shy now, but he'll soon become more confident when he meets the right girl. (shell)

=> He ________________________________________________________________________.
1. He used to _________ trial for alleged malpractices.
A. stand B. go C. experience D. undergo
stand trial ( for something ) : to be put on trial in a law court:
2. OK, OK. I know I'm out! I haven't started but I'm already out! I will never become a stand up
comedian, I will never be able to _____________ the house down! I give up!
A. break B. bring C. take D. get
bring the house down : If someone or something brings the house down during a play or show,
they make the people watching it laugh or clap very loudly
3. I knew we couldn’t have got along because we had _______ differing views.
A. sharply B. thoroughly C. extremely D. totally
Sharply (adv) : in a way that clearly shows the differences between two things ( divide, contrast,
differing (a), … ) (xem lại bài chữa practice 4 nhe )
4. You should be _________________ ashamed of yourself for what you have done.
A. thoroughly B. hopelessly C. entirely D. Earnestly
adv + ashamed : terribly | thoroughly (=completely) | bitterly (=extremely) | instantly, suddenly
5. The train service has been a __________________ since they introduced the new schedules.
A. rumpus B. shambles C. chaos D. Fracas
shambles (n) (countable ) : a situation in which there is a great lack of order or understanding
chaos (n) (uncountable ) : a complete lack of order
6. The zoo attendant opened the cage and tried to ______________ the animal back in.
A. coax B. induce C. seduce D. Convince
coax somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) : thuyết phục ai hoặc cái gì ( di chuyển theo hướng …
) một cách dịu dàng, tình cảm
7. The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much ____ in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. Wonderment
speculation (n) (suy đoán vô căn cứ ) : the act of forming opinions about what has happened or
what might happen without knowing all the facts
8. Could I pick your ____________ on the subject before the meeting?
A. brains B. head C. intellect D. mind
9. ________________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was ( chỗ này chị cop lỗi )
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was
N/ V/ Adj/ Adv + though + S + V/ trợ động từ : đảo ngữ nhượng bộ ( = mặc dù )
e.g : Young though he is, he has won the Nobel Prize.
Hard though he works, he makes little progress.
10. Sales of the toy ______ sharply when the TV news reported that a child had swallowed part of
the toy and almost died.
A. dropped off B. dropped over C. took away D. turned out
If the amount, number, or quality of something drops off, it becomes less
11. Mr. Dawson was given the award in ____________ of his services to the hospital.
A. spite B. charge C. recognition D. sight
12. The thick fog ____ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
rule somebody/something out (as something) : to state that something is not possible or that
somebody/something is not suitable
13. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw ____ of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals
14. He gripped his brother's arm ________ he be trampled by the mob.
A. as B. for C. lest D. so that
15. There are a lot of computer programmers nowadays, but really good ones are few and far ___.
A. amongst B. apart C. away D. between
few and far between : hiếm, not happening often
16. His lyrics reflected life's brutal, sordid details with ________ wit and infectious humour.
A. sharpening B. slicing C. biting D. striking
Biting (a) : (of remarks) cruel and critical
E.g : biting sarcasm/wit
17. It was Martin who ……… the initiative in introducing our guest to the princess.
A. adopted B. took C. led D. pursued
take the initiative in doing sth : take the opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other
people do ( ~ tranh thủ )
18. Scottish pound notes are not legal ______ in England.
A. tender B. money C. exchange D. value
19. The party has ________ down its ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
A. lived B. shut C. closed D. watered
20. Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in _________ industries such as finance
and the like.
A. knowledge-based C. odds-on
B. hard-earned D. laborious
knowledge-based (a) : used to describe a company, job, etc. that is based on the use
of ideas and information
hard-earned (a) : that you get only after a lot of work and effort
laborious (a) : taking a lot of time and effort
IV. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle to complete each of the
following sentences
1. Linda’s plans for a picnic have fallen _____through____ because of the weather.
2. He makes sure that he distances himself ____from_____ policies he disagrees
2. It’s a nice little cottage but it really is ____in__ the back of __beyond____.
3. When she didn't answer the phone, I resorted __to____ calling up to her from the street.
4. It was an extremely hostile article which cast aspersions ___on____ the conduct of the entire
5. Fred has a knack ____of/for_____ staying out of trouble at the office - he never gets involved.
6. Do you think he’s been lying to us all ___along [above]____? Maybe we shouldn’t have trusted
all along : from the beginning
7. It’s okay to make mistakes, but when you do, own __up___ ___to__ your mistakes instead of
running from them.
8. Chad is _____of___ the opinion that the woman next door is fond of him because she glances
___at____ him from time to time.
9. To be ____in___ ____with___ a chance of winning, enter your email address here.
10. I need a calculator to work ___out____ the total. I don’t have a head for figures.

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