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PRACTICE 18022024

Exercise 1 :
1. I don’t mind what you wear so long as it’s appropriate for the occasion. (CONSEQUENCE)
-> It .................................. what you wear so long as it’s appropriate for the occasion.
2. The new salesman tried to fulfill every requirement his director had. (TUNE)
-> The new salesman tried to dance .............................................................................
3. Given that he has no experience, will Frank be able to do this job? (AFFECT)
-> Will Frank’s .............................................................................. ability to do this job?
4. The situation was so bad that the smallest incident could have started a riot.
-> Such ……
5. He didn’t try to conceal his dislike for me.
-> He made…….
6. I can’t really remember the last time I had a day off. (AGES)
-> It feels like ……………………………………………….I had a day off
7. They agreed on the proposal without the slightest hesitation. (DROP)
-> They agreed on the proposal …………………………………………………
8. John is a bit too ill to go out. (UP)
-> John doesn’t ……………………………………………….…… out
9. Harry made a very quick decision and he didn’t think about the matter enough. (WITHOUT)
-> Harry made a very quick decision ……………………………………………….…… to the matter
10. What really depresses me is this continual wet weather. (GETS)
-> What really…..
11. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (MONOPOLY)
-> Our company
12. We have no idea where he is. (WHEREABOUTS)
-> We ……
13. The river Volta overflowed last year. (BURST)
-> The river ……
14. In a nutshell, the man’s an idiot. (BLUNTLY).
-> To ……
15. ‘Please don’t drive so fast’ Ann begged her boy friend.
-> Ann …….
16. Detectives had stopped working on the Hornsey murders case three years previously. (BOOK)
-> Detectives had ……
17. My father doesn’t approve of my borrowing so much money from a person like John. (VIEW)
-> My father ………
18. The incident ruined my chances of promotion. (PAID)
-> The ……
19. It’s impossible to predict howlong it will take to do this. (TELLING)
-> There’s ……….
20. I treated him in the same way as he had treated me. (PAID)
-> I ……..
21. Mrs Smith is on a diet and she eats very little. (BIRD)
-> Mrs Smith ……..
22. She was really crazy about him. (HEAD)
-> She was ……
23. Peter never makes any effort to help his team when it is time for action. (LIFTS)
-> Peter never ….
24. The police are not armed so we don't have gun battles in the streets.
-> Were …….
25. It was wrong of you to borrow my book without asking for my permission. (HAVE)
-> You……
26. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation. (MORE)
-> The operation left …..
27. When the team arrived at the airport, their fans welcomed them warmly. (GIVEN)
-> On …….
28. Margaret is said to be a very good cook. (REPUTATION)
-> Margaret ………….
29. You must do something to make sure this doesn’t happen again. (STEPS)
-> You……..
30. Kevin was always level-headed with a sensible and practical attitude towards life. (FEET)
-> Kevin ………..
Exercise 2 :
1. The final match between Viet Nam and Thailand continued despite the sudden ____________.
2. They are planning to protect the forest from ____________. (FOREST)
3. This price drop is leaving spring lamb production ___________ and driving more people away
from sheep farming. (ECONOMY)
4. We need to spend more time researching our options so that we can make an ____________
choice. (INFORM)
5. On some phones you can set up fingerprint ____________ to unlock the device. (AUTHENTIC)
6. Elon Musk had pledged to conditionally support the needs of ____________ children in Africa.
7. Kait said it was the ___________ custom of the villagers to have a feast after the harvesting.
8. 125. Henry hopes he will soon ____________ to the humid tropical conditions in Viet Nam.
9. 126. Though many people doubt its accuracy, handwriting analysis, or __________, is
used by employment agencies. (GRAPH)
10. The __________ of Charles as Prince of Wales took place on July 1st 1969 and was well
received by many Welsh people. (INVEST)
11. The piece of evidence fell into place with the _________ precision of well-made jigsaw puzzle
12. Parents have deeps ________ about allowing business to be used in schools. (GIVE)
13. I’m not sure that sending young _________ to prison is such a good idea. (OFFEND)
14. Moving from job to job is seen as a sign of mental _______ rather than a sign of success.
15. It’s _______ that she became a teacher, because she used to hate school when she was a girl.
16. Mining activities are causing _______ damage to wildlife habitat, says a forester. (TELL)
17. Since his bad habits were never broken when he was a child, they are now ____________.
18. Despite his __________ lack of concern, I think Gabriel really does care what other people think
of him. (APPEAR)
19. He must be drunk. He is making _________ remarks. (SENSE)
20. Never leave young children _________ near any pool or water rank. (ATTEND)
21. The union claimed that some of its members had been __________ for taking part in the strike.
22. The news of his death was splashed in the __________ across all the newspapers. (HEAD)
23. The study programme concentrates more on group work and places less _________ on
lectures. (RELY)
24. You won’t persuade him to change his mind. His decision is ___________. (REVOKE)
25. The attack in the city centre last night _________ the kind of behavior amongst young people
that many object to. (EXAMPLE)
26. Write a paragraph about Tet Holiday ___________, that is, as though you are not involved in
the holiday. (PERSON)
27. She is ____________ cheerful no matter what the circumstances. (FAIL)
28. The type vehicles you are in, certain disorders and sensory mismatch can all make you feel
more _________ on your journey. (TRAVEL)
29. Banking continues to be one of the most ___________ career choices among students. (SEEK)
30. In my factory, women tend to ____________ men by six to one. (NUMBER)
Exercise 3: Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 21 to 25 ( 5 pts)
Of the many unexplained phenomenon which continue to puzzle scientists and laymen like,
the corn circles of Southern England remain one of the most mysterious. These perfect-formed
circles, which, when they see from the air appear to have been inscribed with an enormous carving
tool, seem to be a part of significant message; so far, however, nobody managed to decipher it, and
it is doubtful if anyone will ever be able to. But the main question “How the circles came to be there”
are just as far from being solved. Although several people have come forward claiming to have
made the circles ourselves, scientists declare that it would be impossible for even a large group to
create shapes of such precision on so a large scale. These circles have become one of the
strongest arguments in support of the existing of intelligent extra-terrestrial life forms.

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