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Part one: phonology

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch ________________
2. A. laughs B. cars C. stops D. works ________________
3. A. watched B. reduced C. coughed D. raised ________________
4. A. three B. through C. without D. thank ________________
5. A. angle B. face C. page D. angel ________________

II. Pick out the word whose stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. collect B. advise C. practise D. prepare ________________
2. A. improvement B. resident C. department D. environment ________________
3. A. university B. documental C. historic D. electricity ________________
4. A. graduation B. agricultural C. industrial D. recommend ________________
5. A. intelligent B. difficult C. interesting D. hospital ________________


I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space given on the right. (10 pts)
1. I don't think we have very much _____; we have very different opinions.
A. together B. in common C. the same D. similar ________________
2. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain _____ by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left ________________
3. She _____ $20 out of the bank every Monday.
A. pulls B. removes C. moves D. draws ________________
4. _____ the weather, _____ the rice grows.
A. The warm ... the better B. The warmer … the better ________________
C. Warm … better D. Warmer … better
5. I'm _____ so rudely to her.
A. ashamed behaving B. ashamed to behave ________________
C. ashamed of behaving D. ashamed for behaving
6. _____ she can't drive, she has bought a car.
A. Even B. Even though C. Even if D. Even when ________________
7. When David came to Britain, he had to get used _____ on the left.
A. driving B. to drive C. to driving D. drive ________________
8. Suddenly _____ hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate.
A. felt B. having felt C. feeling D. he feels ________________
9. Browns Ltd will have to _____ sales over the coming years.
A. increase B. enlarge C. expand D. extend ________________
10. Why don't you do something worthwhile with your time instead of just _____ it!
A. spending B. using C. wasting D. passing ________________
11. If no one _____ to the plan, we will start work next week.
A. objects B. avoids C. minds D. argues ________________
12. Despite the bad weather, he _____ get to the airport in time.
A. could B. couldn't C. was able to D. almost ________________
13. Unfortunately, the ring I had thought was gold turned out to be _____.
A. valuable B. priceless C. invaluable D. worthless ________________
14. Nick, close the door, _____?
A. do you B. won’t you C. will you D. don’t ________________
15. I’d like to exchange this blouse I bought yesterday, but I’m afraid I can't find the _____.
A. receipt B. bill C. ticket D. paper ________________
16. That's a nice coat, and the colour _____ you well.
A. matches B. fits C. agrees D. suits ________________
17. Cuba is _____ sugar-growing areas in the world.
A. one of the lager B. one of largest C. largest D. one of the largest ________________
18. _____ spotted owl is in danger of soon becoming extinct.
A. A B. That C. The D. This ________________
19. What John says _____ true, but I very much doubt about it.
A. may be B. should be C. will be D. shall be ________________
20. A good student must know _____.
A. to study hard B. to be a good student ________________
C. how to study effectively D. the way of efficiency in study

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

Write your answers in the spaces given on the right. (10 pts)
1. It's a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to (modern) it? ________________________
2. Yesterday the headmaster gave a long but very interesting (speak) to the newcomers. ________________________
3. Her ambition is to be an (economy) when she grows up. ________________________
4. The situation was (hope). Nobody could do anything to help. ________________________
5. There were over fifty (music) in the orchestra. ________________________
6. There are over one thousand (inhabit) on the island. ________________________
7. I was upset by his (refuse) to cooperate. ________________________
8. In this national park, there are (vary) species of wildlife. ________________________
9. The (warm) of the fire was very welcome after our long journey. ________________________
10. All students have tried hard to pass the university (enter) exam. ________________________

III. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition. (5.0 pts)

1. _______________ the age of 40, he had written three best-selling novels.
2. Can you distinguish a Frenchman _______________ an Englishman?
3. William Shakespeare is known ________________ the most famous playwright.
4. He was angry _______________ the mistake I had made.
5. We all will benefit a lot _______________ a better public traffic system.
6. Scientists are very concerned _______________ the consequences of climate change.
7. Damage to the building resulted _______________ an unusually violent wind.
8. I wish you'd stop complaining _______________ your job. Try to finish it.
9. We both thank you _______________ the bottom of our hearts.
10. There is no point _______________ asking Sam for help.

IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

Write your answers in the spaces given. (10 pts)
1. If you (be) in my position now, what (you do)?
2. John (do) the test again at the moment because he (not pass) it the first time.
3. Last time his doctor (suggest) that he (give up) smoking.
4. If he (see) the doctor last week, he (not suffer) now.
5. When I (pass) her house the other day, I saw her (water) the trees in the garden.
6. Tom (finish) this course when his father (return) next month.
7. The author (write) three novels when he (be) only 35 years old.
8. John (wish) he (know) Chinese well.
9. He prefers (play) soccer to (watch) it on TV.
10. She (read) the book for over three days, and she (read) more than two hundred pages.
1. ____________________ ____________________ 6. ____________________ ____________________
2. ____________________ ____________________ 7. ____________________ ____________________
3. ____________________ ____________________ 8. ____________________ ____________________
4. ____________________ ____________________ 9. ____________________ ____________________
5. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________

Part three: reading

I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the space given on the right. (5.0 pts)
There was a nasty (1) at Newton crossroads yesterday morning. A. bus overturned, and some of the passengers were badly (2).
Several (3) helped to pull the people out of the (4) and give them (5) until help arrived. Soon the injured were taken to the nearest
hospital by ambulance, but there were so many that the (6) department there had difficulty in treating them all. Most of the
passengers were found to be suffering from severe (7). The bus had crashed into a brand new car and had completely (8) it,
although fortunately there was no one in the car. Moreover, the new car was fully (9). The police took the names and addresses of
as many (10) as possible. It is believed that the injured passengers have the right to claim compensation.
1. A. event B. accident C. happening D. emergency
2. A. pained B. wounded C. knocked down D. injured
3. A. bystanders B. spectators C. audience D. supporters
4. A. wreckage B. crash C. damage D. accident
5. A. medicine B. cures C. remedy D. first aid
6. A. injury B. ambulance C. casualty D. operating
7. A. surprise B. shock C. worry D. nervousness
8. A. damaged B. knocked C. wrecked D. crashed
9. A. insured B. guaranteed C. protected D. purchased
10. A. suspects B. witnesses C. viewers D. judges

II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the space given on the right. (5 pts)
Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason, we should try to
find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this through aptitude tests, interviews with specialists and study
of books in our field of interest. There are many careers open to each of us. Perhaps we like science, then we might prepare
ourselves to be chemists, physicists or biologists. Maybe our interests take us into the business world and such work as
accounting, personnel management or public relations. Many people find their place in government service, teaching, newspaper
work, medicine, or engineering. These and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.
1. It is important to find the right career because _____ ________________
A. It’s very easy to lose the job. B. Most of our time is spent at work.
C. We need money in our lives. D. It’s difficult to find a job.
2. We can find the right career by _____ ________________
A. asking for some useful advice. B. learning some foreign languages.
C. travelling wherever we can. D. understanding our talents and the way we use them.
3. We can find out what our talents are and how we use through _____ ________________
A. interviews with specialists. B. all are correct.
C. aptitude tests. D. study of books in our field of interest.
4. Careers found in the scientific world are _____ ________________
A. Biologists, chemists, physicists. B. Physicists, biologists, accountants.
C. Businessmen, teachers, doctors. D. Chemists, mathematicians, technicians.
5. The theme of the passage is _____ ________________
A. jobs in the society nowadays. B. applying for good jobs.
C. how to find a right job. D. unemployment.

III. Fill in each blank in the passage below with a suitable word. Write your answers in the spaces given. (15 pts)
Looking nervously around, Michael --(1)-- up the wallet which he --(2)-- in the street. Michael was unemployed and he
needed some --(3)--, and now he could buy food for his family.
(4) first he thought it was a book, but then he saw some money in it. He thought he was --(5)--.
In (6), Michael was very --(7)--. He didn't have enough money to pay for somewhere to live. He spent most of his time --
(8)-- for work and sometimes he asked people for money.
When he --(9)-- the wallet, he saw lots of money and several --(10)-- cards and an address inside. Michael took the --
(11)-- to the address. The address was at a large house in the city and the --(12)-- was very glad to get it --(13)--. He gave Michael
a big --(14)-- for --(15)-- he did.
1. ________________ 6. ________________ 11. ________________
2. ________________ 7. ________________ 12. ________________
3. ________________ 8. ________________ 13. ________________
4. ________________ 9. ________________ 14. ________________
5. ________________ 10. ________________ 15. ________________

IV. Identify one of the four underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space given on the right. (5 pts)
1. Despite the pills which they are available, many people still have trouble sleeping. ________________
2. Letters sending by special delivery must be important. ________________
3. People tend to become annoyed and short-temper whenever they get overtired. ________________
4. Victor served as president of the school club since fifteen years. ________________
5. Some people believe that humans will never use away all the natural resources of the earth. ________________
6. Elephants have so long flexible trunks that they seem clumsy as they walk. ________________
7. The new laws should be written to meet changes in our society. ________________
8. The explanation that our teacher gave us was different from the one your gave you. ________________
9. Our new neighbors had been living in Arizona for ten years after moving into their present house. ________________
10. Drug abuse have become one of America's most serious social problems. ________________
Part four: WRITING
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. (10 pts)
1. I am very sorry I wasn't able to help with your work.
I wish ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Linda said she was sorry she had not attended the meeting.
Linda apologized__________________________________________________________________________________
3. Eventually he succeeded in making her answer the question.
Eventually he managed_____________________________________________________________________________
4. She wants someone to check the camera for her.
She wants to have_________________________________________________________________________________
5. The day was so cold that we stayed indoors.
It was ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. "You've broken my glasses, Frank!" said Jane.
Jane accused ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Bob plays tennis better than Mike.
Mike doesn't______________________________________________________________________________________
8. 'I’ll be arriving at the airport at 10am next Friday morning,’ Jamie said.
Jamie said that____________________________________________________________________________________
9. He lost his money simply because he wasn't careful.
10. They made me do all the cleaning that day.
I _______________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Use the suggested words and phrases to make complete sentences. (5 pts)
1. how about come/ my flat/ and have/ something/ eat/ before/ go?
2. I/ remember/ have/ long conversation/ English teacher/ few days ago.
3. unfortunately/ I/ not be able/ come/ your wedding.
4. if I/ have/ lot/ money,/ travel/ around/ world.
5. you/ like/ me/ show/ you/ best/ places/ our town?

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