Class 11%2C12 HHW 24-25_27052024_101439

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CLASS XI & XII (2024-25)
Dear Students,
“Learning is the beginning of wealth.
Learning is the beginning of health.
Learning is the beginning of spiritual growth.
Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”
As you plunge into your summer break, take time to rest, rejuvenate, and pursue your passions. Whether
it's travelling, exploring new hobbies, or simply relaxing with loved ones, Make the most of this time.
Remember to Stay Safe, Stay Curious, enhance your Talents and Skills, and come back refreshed for a
lasting learning experience.
Points to Ponder for Parents:
 Use English as spoken language at home. Read newspapers aloud, and encourage your war watching
news channels.
 Discuss school experiences and friends' stories to understand your child better.
 Involve them in household chores to teach family roles.
 Spend meaningful time with your kids.
 Explore the world together by watching educational channels.
 Encourage outdoor activities for discipline and energy management.
 Practice Daily Pranayama for mind-body connection.
 Ensure they have plenty of fluids and protein-rich foods for immunity.
 Share your childhood memories and create a bond with your children.
Points to Ponder for Students:
 Allocate specific time during your holiday break for homework.
 Spend plenty of time for relaxation and fun filled activities as well.
 Create a dedicated Workspace. abide by the instructions given for specific subjects.
 Practice Daily Rituals. Regulate your breathing
 Review Instructions given, break Tasks into manageable chunks.
 Prioritize Your Work, Use Time Management Techniques.
 Minimize Distractions and Stay Organized.
 Seek Help When Needed.
 Review and Reflect on the tasks accomplished.
 Stay Happy and Hydrated
 Unleash your power within with the power of manifestation that turns your dream into reality.
By following these tips, you can effectively manage your holiday homework while still enjoying your well-
deserved time off. Have a fantabulous Summer Break!
Elevate your being with the practice of yoga'
Celebrate International Yoga Day by embracing the journey of self-transformation'
Unite mind, body and spirit by practicing yoga daily with your family'
“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will
determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you don't let other
people spend it for you.”
Time management is a cornerstone of success. By enhancing productivity, reducing stress, improving
the quality of work, facilitating better decision-making, promoting work-life balance, aiding in goal
achievement, and fostering self-discipline, effective time management can significantly enhance both
personal and professional success. Developing and refining time management skills is an investment
that yields substantial returns in all areas of life.
Technique such as the Eisenhower Matrix or the Pomodoro Technique can help in segmenting tasks
and maintaining focus. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and setting realistic
deadlines, individuals can prevent the build-up of stress, it not only improves mental health but also
sustains long-term productivity.


Name……………………Class/ Sec…………………….Roll no……..
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Time Date…… Date…… Date………. Date………. Date……



8 to 9 a.m. BREAKFAST

9 to 11 a.m.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

1 to 3 p.m.

3 to 5 p.m.

5 to 7 p.m.

7 to 9 p.m.


Write down what makes you happy in the measuring cup given
1. Look at the famous painting by Pablo Picasso and answer the questions that
follow based on your interpretation of .

a) Suggest a title for this painting.

b) Narrate a story based on your interpretation of the painting.
c) What inspired the painter to draw this particular painting? Write a few words about
the purpose of making this painting and his style of painting.
2. Sometimes Indian ads promote stereotypes? Substantiate your answers by quoting a
few examples with proper explanation (cut out the article from newspaper to justify
your answer)
3. In a group of two students each , Create a documentary addressing any social issue /
stereotype / superstition.
1. Revise all the topics done till date. Practice all types of numerical done in class.
2. Write a science article for school magazine of your choice.
3. Write an autobiography on any one physicist (Newton, Einstein, Galileo) on chart
paper highlighting his contribution to the subject.
4. Write least count of different instruments used in your daily life like watch,
speedometer used in vehicles, measuring tape, scale etc.
5. Make a working model on any one topic
a) Benefits of zero waste living b) Energy conservation c) solar energy
1. Even Roll No: Write Autobiography of anyone of Chemist on chart paper with
2. Odd Roll No: Make PPT on good and bad effects of pnictogen elements on human
3. Make a formula sheet of numerical formula of structure of atom

Practical File
Complete your practical file with all the practicals discussed in the class (1-4 from
spotting and 5, 8 from main experiment list).
Project File
Prepare an investigatory project on the topic, as allotted in the class.
Using different types of marbles, clay balls and match sticks. Make organic structure of
any one Amino acid, Glucose or DNA (Refer biomolecules chapter from NCERT)
Scrapbook (Any one)
• Collect any 5 different types of flower and preserve using wraps. Mention the
flower’s name and count the number of calyx.
• Collect 5 different types of plant twigs and briefly describe its taxonomical

Revise all the syllabus of the month of April and May.
• Make a PPT on the history of python programing language. You can cover topics such
as the origin of the language, its creator, key feature, and its evolution.
• Make a research on a comparative analysis of Python with other programming
• Create a Biography through PowerPoint presentation
(a)Charles Babbage
(b)George Boole
(c) Guido Van Rossum
• Revise all the topic that have complete before summer vacation.
• Do assignments upload on ERP.
• Make a formula booklet activity from chapter-2 includes all conversion rules,
Boolean algebra and Logic Gates with Truth table.
• Prepare a chart of conventional and non-conventional career options available after
• Prepare a case study on Role of Artificial Intelligence in Accountancy in the coming
• Solve 20 practical questions of Accounting Equation and Journal.
• Visit a nearby bank collect the forms available and fill it. Compile it in a file.
• With particular financial limit like 100000 or 500000 how would you establish your
start up to earn money? Compile a list of at least 5 ideas with brief description of
each. (Also mention resources, licensing, permissions etc. required to establish your
start up)

Research and Creativity:
Write about any 5 mathematicians and their contribution towards modern society.
Mind Booster:
1. Make your own mind map/flowchart to understand the concept of Relation and
2. To represent De morgon law by using venn diagram.
Art integration:
1. Prepare a PPT of formulas and concepts of linear inequations (ODD ROLL NO.)
2. Prepare a PPT of formulas and concepts of sets (EVEN ROLL NO.)

❖ Select any one cooperative society and analyze the following aspects—
a. Objective of formation.
b. Nature and size of business.
c. Number of members and their role.
d. Evolution or history of society.
e. Benefits of society to its members.
f. Control and management of society.
❖ Approach a nearby bank and collect information about various facilities offered
by them and also collect leaflets about salient features of different schemes.
Compile and suggest what other services you feel the bank should be providing to
its customers.
❖ Prepare a chart in a creative way related to chapters done in class.
❖ Prepare any one project prescribed by CBSE.
a) Visit to Mall
b) Visit to Departmental store
c) Visit to Industry
d) Aids to trade
❖ Prepare a collage on any of the following topics:
➢ Indian MNC’s and their CEO’s with their Brand name, Brand Mark and Taglines
➢ Non-Indian MNC’s and their CEO’s with their Brand name, Brand Mark and
➢ Various quality marks and their issuing agencies India and world wide

Art Integration: Prepare a file for (1& 2) activity mentioned in Homework.

Make PPT from Chapter (1-10) as per Roll no. of the class, by dividing the class into 10

Each chapter’s PPT will be made by 3 students in a group roll no. wise.

Read Economics Times and paste important cuttings in scrap file for 15 days. 11th
June to 20th June).
Mind Booster:
Make the mind maps of Ch- Theory of Demand and Elasticity of Demand.
Make a questionnaire for statistical survey on Consumer awareness.
Art Integration:
Make any one project from the following topic on A4- Sheets:
a) Market Demand
b) Factors affecting Demand
c) Economic Problem.
Make a creative PPT of the following chapters. Submit a soft copy as per your roll no.
a) Even Roll No - Introduction (Micro)
⁠b) Odd Roll No - Theory of Demand and Elasticity of Demand.


1) Revise all the chapters taught in the class.
2) Do assignments uploaded on ERP.
3) Project work:
Do the case study of the project on the given topic “A journey from Basic to
It should include the following:
Updation taking place in
• Hardware
• Software
• People behind for the updations
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Operating system
4) Make a PPT on getting started with python at least 10 slides.
5) Solve all the unsolved questions given at the back of the book in holiday homework
6) All the holiday homework to be done in separate notebook

Research & Creativity:-
Prepare one project file for Practical Exam.
1. Nationalism
2. Election system in India.
3. Rights
4. Judiciary

Mind Booster : Find out about the articles, parts and schedules of Indian constitution
1. At the time of independence
2. In today's scenario
Art Integration: Make a Poster on Sustainable Development Goal.
Research & Creativity:- Prepare one Project file for Practical Exam.
1. Developmental stages
2. Human memory
3. Paradigms of learning
4. Methods in Psychology
Mind Booster : -
-Observe four people and write your observations about their behaviour (don’t
mention His/her name and identity) about them in 200 words each. You can include
his/her Mental Experience and Behaviour.
Art Integration:
Visit any NGO/orphanage/old age home and write a blog about your experience (attach

Make a Powerpoint presentation on Practical 1
Practical 1
• Meaning and importance of yoga
• Elements of yoga
• Introduction- Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas
• Draw a stick diagram of Tadasana, Padmasana, Naukasana & Graudasana also
write procedure and benefits.

Practical 2
Draw a labeled diagram of any game of your choice out of the following list football
basketball volleyball tennis and handball.

1. Study and revise
• Different styles or schools of Painting in India( Pal and Jain school)
• Origin and development of Rajasthani school
• Sub-school of Rajasthani school
• 5 miniature paintings of Rajasthani school
• The origin and development of Pahari school of miniature painting
• Sub-school of miniature painting
• 2 miniature paintings of Pahari school

Practical work:-
*Use only A2 size ivory sheets for work
1) Landscape with pencil shading
2) Still life with 3 objects (showpiece, fruits and utensils)
• 1 sheet with pencil shading
• 1 sheet colourful

3) 1 Pencil shading portrait

4) 1 Warli art work
➢ You are Sports Secretary of Laxman Public School, Chennai. Draft a notice on Canva app while
giving all the necessary details in not more than 50 words for your school notice board asking the
students to give their names for participation in various events to be held on the Annual Sports
Day of your school.
➢ Make a comic strip of the chapter Tiger King on an A4 size sheet.
➢ Create a podcast / a short commercial [audio or visual] addressing any layout illustrations,
painting or poetry based the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’.

The project consists of 10 MARKS out of which, 5 MARKS will be allotted for the PROJECT
FILE and the remaining 5 MARKS for the VIVA based on the file.
The project file to include the following:
• Cover page, with the title of the project, school details and details of the student.
• Certificate of Completion under the guidance of the teacher.
• Objectives of the topic
• Action Plan for the completion of assigned tasks (steps involved in doing the project)
• Essay/report should be written in 800-1000 words.
• Student reflections (the new learning experience/outcome achieved after completing the
• If possible, photographs that capture positive learning experience of the students (collages/pics
from various online sources) can be pasted.
• List of Resources/Bibliography (Last page of the project file)

• You can also select different videos available on YouTube, relevant to your topic.
• Listen to these podcasts, documentaries, interviews etc. on the given topics.
• Do a thorough research on the topic assigned.
• Prepare a report/essay in about 800-1000 words describing the topic/issue/ giving your own
opinion/ suggestions/measures/ viewpoints/its impact on people/your learning experience.
• The project should be neat, legible, with an emphasis on quality of content, accuracy of information,
creative expression, proper sequencing and should be relevant as per the assigned topic.
• Use coloured practical sheets.
• Plagiarism is strictly prohibited

Students can select any topics for their English Project (either from their Text Books or any
relevant topics of their day to day lives.)
1. Do at least 20 Questions of Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12 from any extra Book or
Exemplar in a separate note Book.
2. Learn and Write all basic formulas of trigonometry.
3. Download Past 5 years Question papers of CBSE from Internet and Do Questions of
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12.
4. Do holiday homework assignment uploaded on ERP
1. Do all the questions of chapter Quantification, Matrices and Determinants linear
inequalities from CBSE Handbook.
2. Do holiday homework assignment uploaded on ERP
3. Make a project on Matrix Operations using excel.

1) Revise chapters done till now.
2) Do all the illustrations, past year questions and scanner of chapters given in
T.S. Grewal.
3) Do all the assignments of chapters uploaded on school ERP.
• Prepare the following Sheets for the project work:
(ii) Certificate
(iii) Tittle sheet
(iv) Introduction of the Company
Bring the annual reports of the Company selected for project.
4) Find out various career options after doing 12th commerce.
Business Studies (054)

1. Learn the chapters taught in the month of April and May from different
reference Books (Sandeep Garg, Subhash Dey, G.S Alag, etc.) and also prepare
notes in the form of flow chart for quick revision and better understanding.
Further Read chapters for July and August Syllabus to get a better
2. Prepare any one project prescribed by the CBSE.
Also Create Model or Chart related to your project using pictorial presentation
or stick figures. Few samples sent in WhatsApp group. Project should be
prepared on the following Topics: -
Business Environment OR Principles of Management. OR Marketing
*For any more details and guidelines visit the CBSE Website ( Or
Syllabus of current year (2024-25).
3. Read newspaper and Frame 5 Case Studies of Each Chapter covered till date in
your note books. Also read Case Studies from Reference books for your
4. Solve the assignments uploaded on the school ERP (website) and also paste in
your note book.
5. Watch Movies and series like BIG BULL, SCAM 1992, etc. to get knowledge of Stock
Exchange concepts for Ch-10 & 11.
Economics (030)
1) Read Economic Times and prepare headlines chart for 15 days on A-4 Size
sheets in separate file.
2) Solve the assignment provided over school website in separate notebook.
3) Project work:
Guidelines for Project Work in Economics (Class XII)
Students are supposed to pick any ONE of the two suggested projects.
I. Project (Option One) : What’s Going Around Us
II. Project (Option Two): Analyse any concept from the syllabus
• The project should be of 30-40 pages (approx), preferably hand-written Suggested
• Measurement of National Income
• Credit Creation
• Money Multiplier
• Central Bank and its functions
• Government Budget& its Components Budget deficit
• Exchange Rate Systems
• Foreign Exchange Markets
• Balance of payments
• Any other topic.

1. Make investigatory project with following heading on
it: First page topic submitted to
Certificate, Acknowledgement, Content, Introduction, Observation, Conclusion
Case study and Bibliography
2. Draw flow chart for the following:
a) Male Reproductive System b) Gametogenesis
3. Revise the syllabus of April and May.
4. Complete the practical file write all experiment and spotting from
comprehensive lab manual.
5. Do holiday homework assignments uploaded on ERP.
6. Draw labelled diagram for the following
a) Various events during a menstrual cycle.
b) Fertilization and passage of growing embryo through fallopian tube.
Prepare one project as per CBSE (Topic given by Subject Teacher) – Roll No wise viz- roll
no 1 will do 1st topic and so on then repeat if required.
1. Vitamin C in Fruit Juices
2. Optimal Temperature for the Decomposition
3. Luminescent Silole Nanoparticles for Chromium (VI) Detection
4. Dyeing of Wool, Silk and Cotton in Malachite Green
5. Effect Of Sodium Carbonate On the Foaming Capacity Of A Soap
6. Environmental Pollution
7. Discoveries In The Field Of Chemistry
8. Which of the Plant Materials Used
9. Which Road Deicer Corrodes Steel the Most?
10. Extraction of Nicotine Sulphate from Samples of Cigarettes
11. Fermentation
12. Fuel Go Boom / Biofuel
13. Get More Hydrogen from Your Water
14. Investigation Of Foaming Capacity Of Different Washing Soap
15. Measuring Solubility
16. Mohr’s salt
17. Acid vs. Teeth
18. Why Are the Apples Brown
19. Percentage Purity Of Iron Wire
20. Preparation Of Cuprammonium Rayon Threads
21. Preparation of Ink
22. Preparation of Toilet Soaps
23. Study of Constituents of an Alloy
24. Component of Cold Drink
25. Caffine present in Tea Sample
26. Casene present in various sample of milk.
2. Prepare Reaction booklet of Organic Chemistry of first three chapter of Organic
Chemistry and learn them.
Prepare Physical Education Practical File Contents:

1. Practical1- Fitness tests administration.(SAI Khelo India Test)

2. Practical-2:Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for
each lifestyle disease.
3. Practical-3:Anyone one IOA recognized Sport/Game of choice. Labelled diagram of
Field &Equipment. Also, mention its Rules, Terminologies & Skills. Fitness Test
Administration ( Sai Khelo India Test)
4. Health and Fitness activities (any five yoga asanas)
5. Revise chapter 1 to 4 & complete your work.
6. Do yoga Daily and physical fitness exercise

1. Draw 4 scenes on A2 size sheets.
The scenes are as follows:

➢ Still Drawing (Only Glass Objects).

➢ Picture Composition (Market Scene, Beach Scene) .
➢ Practice Human Figures.

2. Learning work:
Learn: Ch-1- Introduction of miniature paintings.
Ch-2- Rajasthani school (Name of the Painters and sub schools).
Ch-3- Pahari School (Name of the Paintings and sub schools.
Week 1
Q1 Which of the following is not a valid variable name in Python? Justify reason for it not being a valid name.
(i) A K S (ii) Aks (iii) AkS (iv) AKS9 8

Q2 Given is the following Dictionary dict1={1:’Aman’, 2:’Varun’, 3:’Arjun’, 6:’Ritik’, 4:’Payal’} ? What is the
output of the command print(dict1[6])?

Q3 Write the output of the following Python code:

for x in range(15,35,5):
print ( x + '@' )

Q4 Evaluate the following expressions:

• 7 + 2 * 3**2 - 15 // 5
• 11 > 16 and 15 < 10 or not 18 > 25

Q5 Consider the above program and justify the output. What is the output if “global c “is not written the
function add().

c = 100
def add():
global c
c = c + 200
print(“Inside add():”,c)
c = 150
print(“In main:”,c)

Q6 Find and write the output of the following Python code:

def fun(s):
n = len(s)
m=' '
for i in range(0, n):
if (s[i] >= 'a' and s[i] <= 'm'):
m = m + s[i].upper()
elif (s[i] >= 'n' and s[i] <= 'z'):
m = m + s[i-1]
elif (s[i].isupper()):
m = m + s[i].lower()
m = m + '#'

Week 2

Q1 Write a program with a user defined function with string as a parameter which replaces all vowels in the
string with '*'.

Q2 Write a program which reverses a string passed as parameter and stores the reversed string in a new
string. Use a user defined function for reversing the string.

Q3 Write a function merge_tuple(t1,t2), where t1 and t2 are the tuples of elements passed as argument to
the function. The function returns another tuple named that stores the sum of consecutive element of t1
and t2, only if they are of same length else return -1
For example: T1=(1,2,3,4)
Then function should return (6,8,10,12)

And if T1=(1,2,3) T2=(5,6,7,8)

Then function should return -1

Q4 Write a function SumDiv(L,x), where L is a list of integers and x is an integer; passed as arguments to the
function. The function returns the sum of elements of L which are divisible by x or x+1.
For example,
If L Contains [10, 27, 12, 20, 22] and x is 5
Then function returns 42 (10+12+20)

Q5 Write a function even(L), where L is the list of element passed as argument to the function. The function
return another list named changelist that stores even numbers.
Sample List:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Expected Result:[2,4,6,8]

Week 3
Q1 Write SQL queries for the following based on table : TEACHER

T_ID T_Name Subject DOJ Salary Workload Gender
101 Suman English 12/03/2012 55000 20 F
103 Ravi History 12/06/2000 70000 22 M
104 Alok Computer 07/02/2014 60000 21 M
105 Rani English 06/06/2015 50000 F

i) Display details of teachers with workload 20.

ii) Display the name of Computer Teacher.
iii) Display details of teachers in increasing order of salary.
iv) Display the details of teacher whose name ends with ‘i’.
v) Increase the salary of History teacher by 10%.
vi) Display the detail of teacher with maximum workload.
vii) Display the total salary paid to English Teacher.
viii) Display the detail of female teacher whose salary is more than 60000.
ix) Display the total number of unique subject from “Teacher” Table
x) Display the detail of Teacher whose workload is unknown.

Week 4
Q1 a) Consider the following tables Sender and Receiver. Write SQL commands for the statements (a) to (d)
and give the outputs for SQL queries (e) to (h).
Table : Sender

S_id SName S_Add S_City

S101 Mr. Ram 201 Dayanand Vihar New Delhi
S103 Mr. Kumar 125 TownHall Mumbai
S104 Ms. Soni 20 New Hall Mumbai
S106 Mr. Sinha 105 K Aptt Kerela

Table : Receiver

R_id S_id RName R_Add R_City

R231 S101 Mr. Shikhar H-131 AV Vihar New Delhi
R235 S103 Mr. Sethi A12 HK Nagar Mumbai
R236 S101 Mr. Gautam A-75 VM Nagar Kolkata
R241 S106 Ms. Grover M-91 Old Town New Delhi

a) To display the Address of all Senders from New Delhi

b) To display the Receiver id, Sender Name, Sender Address , Receiver City, Receiver Address for every
c) To display Sender details in descending order of Sender City.
d) To display number of Receiver from each city.
e) Select Count(S_City) from Sender;
f) SELECT S.SName, R.RName, S.S_Add From Sender S, Recipient R Where S.S_id = R.S_id AND R.R_City =
g) Select R_id, R_Add from Receiver Where R_City NOT IN (‘Mumbai’, ‘New Delhi’) ;
h) Select R_id, RName from Receiver Where S_id = ’S101’ or S_id=’S103’;

Q2 b) The code given below reads the following record from the table named Books and displays only those
records who have Price greater than 200:
Title – String
AuthorName – string
ISBN_No – String
Price – integer
Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL:
• Username is root
• Password is tiger
• The table exists in a MYSQL database named Library.
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the query that extracts records of those books whose price are greater than
Statement 3- to read the complete result of the query (records whose price are greater than 200) into
the object named data, from the table books in the database import mysql.connector as mysql

def sql_data():
con1=mysql.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="tiger", database="library") mycursor =
____________ #Statement 1
print("Books with Price greater than 200 are : ")
______________________ #Statement 2
data= _______________ __ # Statement 3
for i in data:


Q1 Define electric dipole moment . Is it a scalar or a vector ? Derive the expression for the
electric field of a dipole at a point on the equatorial line of the dipole .

Q2. State Gauss theorem . Using Gauss’s law deduce the expression for the electric field due to a
uniformly charged spherical conducting shell of radius R at a point (i) outside & (ii) inside the
shell . Plot a graph showing variation of electric field as a function of r > R and r < R ( r being
the distance from the centre of the shell ) .

Q3 .(a)Define electric flux . Write its S.I . unit .

(b) Using Gauss’s law ,prove that the electric field at a point due to a uniformly charged infinite
plane sheet is independent of the distance from it .
(c) How is the field directed if (i) the sheet is positively charged (ii)negatively charged ?

Q4. (a) Derive an expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole kept in a uniform
electric field . When is this torque maximum.

Q5 .Sketch the electric lines of force of

(a) a point charge q >0 ,
(b) a point charge q < 0,
(c) an electric dipole or two equal & opposite charges separated by a small distance ,
(d) two equal positive charges placed small distance apart in air ,

Q6. What is meant by quantisation of electric charge ?

Q7 .Define dielectric constant of a medium in terms of force between electric charges .

Q8. An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 × 104 N/C at a distance of 4cm. Calculate the
linear charge density.

Q9. Two infinite parallel plane thin sheets have uniform charge densities of σ1 and σ2 .
Determine the electric field at points

(i) to the left of the sheets

(ii) between them
(iii) to the right of the sheets.

Q10 .Is the force acting between two point electric charges q1 and q2 kept at some distance inair,
attractive or repulsive when : (i) q1 q2 > 0 (ii) q1 q2 < 0
Q11.An electric dipole of dipole moment 20µC is enclosed by closed surface. What is the net
electric flux coming out of this surface ?

Q12 . 1 C of charge is equal to charge of ‘n’ number of electrons in magnitude. What is the value
of ‘n’?
Q13.The distance of the field point , on the equatorial plane of a small electric dipole is
halved . By what factor does the electric field due to the dipole change ?

Q14. . Fig . shows some of the electric field lines corresponding to an electric field .The
electric field at which point is minimum.

Q15. An electrostatic field line is a continuous curve. That is a field line cannot have
sudden breaks. Why not?
Q16. Explain why two Electric field lines never cross each other at any point.
Q17.Three equal charges, each having a magnitude of 2.0x10-6 C, are placed at the three
corners of a right -angled triangle of sides 3cm,4cm and 5cm.Find the force on the charge
at the right- angle corner.
Q18.Three charges ,each equal to q, are placed at the three corners of a square of side ‘ a’
. Find the electric field at the fourth corner.
Q19. A glass rod when rubbed with silk cloth, acquires a charge of 1.6 ×10-13 C. What is
the charge on silk cloth ?
Q20. Two charges q and -3q are placed fixed on x-axis separated by distance ‘d’ .Where
should a third charge 2q be placed such that it will not experience any force?
Q21. A point charge causes an electric flux -3 × 10-14 Nm2/ C to pass through a spherical
Gaussian surface .
(a) Calculate the value of the point charge .
(b) If the radius of the Gaussian surface is double , how much flux would pass
through the surface ?
Q22. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Two spheres of equal radii have charges q and 3q. The ratio of their surface charge
densities is
(ii) Net electric field inside the charged spherical shell is .
(iii)Electric flux is a quantity and its SI unit is .
(iv) The force of repulsion between two positive charges of 1C each, kept 1m apart in
vacuum , is
(v) In a uniform electric field, an electric dipole experiences no net but a non-zero


Q1 .Draw graphs showing the variations of

(i) Electrostatic potential V with distance ‘r’ for a charge q

(ii) Electrostatic field E with distance ‘r’ for a charge q

Q2 .Show that the electric field at any point is equal to the negative of the potential gradient at
thatpoint .

Q3 .What is an equipotential surface ? Give an example .

Q4 .Sketch equipotential surfaces for

(i) A positive point charge
(ii) A uniform electric field .

Q5 .Show that the amount of work done in moving a test charge over an equipotential surface is
Q6 .Show that the direction of the electric field is normal to the equipotential surface at every
point .
Q7.Fill in the blanks:
(i) The electric potential of a point charge is _ symmetric.
(ii) Electric potential is quantity while potential gradient is a quantity.
(iii) at a point is equal to the negative of the potential gradient at that point.
(iv) The potential energy of two like charges is _.
(v) For a constant electric field in the z-direction , equipotential surfaces will be planes
parallel to .

Q8.How much is the electric potential of a charge at a point at infinity.

Q9.The work done in moving a charge of 3 Coulomb between two points is 6 J. What is the
potential difference between the two points ?
Q10. The electric potential at 0.9 m from a point charge is +50 V. What is the magnitude and
sign of the charge.
Q11.Derive an expression for the potential at a point along the axial line of a short dipole.
Q12.Derive an expression for the electric potential at a distance ‘r’ from a point charge ‘q’.
Q13.Derive an expression for the potential energy of a dipole rotated in a uniform electric field.
Q14.Deduce expressions for the potential energy of a system of two point charges and
three point charges and hence generalise the result for a system of ‘N’ point charges.
Q15. Two point charges +10µC and -10µC are separated by a distance of 2.0 cm in air.
Calculate the potential energy of the system.
Q16.Deduce the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when a dielectric slab is inserted
between the plates. Assume the slab thickness less than the plate separation. Q17. Two capacitors of equal
capacitance when connected in series have net capacitance C1 andwhen connected in parallel have net
capacitance C2 . What is the value of C1/C2 ?
Q18.Sketch a graph to show how the charge Q acquired by a capacitor of capacitance C varieswith
increase in potential difference between its plates.
Q19. Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an externalelectric
field ?
Q20. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V by a battery. Without
disconnecting the battery, the distance between the plates is tripled and a dielectric medium of k = 10 is
introduced between the plates of the capacitor. Explain giving reasons,how will the following be
affected :
(i)capacitance of the capacitor (ii) charge on the capacitor (iii) energy density of the capacitor.


1. What happens to drift velocity of electrons and the resistance if the length of a conductor is doubled,
keeping potential difference unchanged ?
2. What is the momentum acquired by the electrons in a wire of length l metre when a current of I ampere
starts flowing in wire ? The mass and charge of electron m and e respectively.
3. A carbon resistor has colour code as blue, yellow and red respectively. What will be the resistance ?
4. A resistor of 5 ohm is connected in series with a parallel combination of a number of resistors each of 5
ohm. If the total resistance of the combination is 6 ohm, how many resistors are in parallel ?
5. The resistance of a conductor at 20 C is 3,15 ohm and at 100 C is 3,75 ohm. Determine the temperature
o o

coefficient of resistance of the conductor.

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* Revise All The Chapters Taught in the class
* Complete the Practical assignment worksheet in the practical
file .You can access Assignment worksheet via the following link:
* Remember to work on the project topic you have chosen already.
Access the project template through this link:
*Make a PPT on Series and Data Frame Command with Their
*Do Assignments Uploaded On the ERP


Research &amp; Creativity:- Prepare one project file as per CBSE Board Practical.
1. Globalization.
2. Recent developments in Indian politics.
3. India’s External Relations.
4. International organizations.
Mind Booster : Note down important National and International news of current year
in a diary.
Art Integration: Prepare Power Point Presentation on any given topic -
1. SAARC- Achievements and Failures.
2. European Union / Asean / BRICS
3. INDIA -The rising super power
4. Israel as a new centre of power

Research &amp; Creativity:-Prepare one project file as per CBSE Board Practical.
1. Psychological Disorders.
2. Psycho dynamic Approach
3. Attitude and Social cognition
4. Variations in Psychological attributes.
Mind Booster : Observe five people and write your observations about their
(don’t mention His/her name and identity) in 200 words each. You can include
Mental Experience and Behaviour.
Art Integration: -Watch any documentary/ movie on psychological issues (disorder
disability) and write Summary in 500 words.

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* भक्तिन ,बाजार दर्शन , आत्म पररचय कवििा ,उषा कवििा ,कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज , एक
गीि, लक्ष्मण मूर्ाश और राम का विलाप, पिंग ,पिलिान की ढोलक ,जनसंचार के माध्यम, शर्रीष
के फूल
इन विषयों में से ककसी एक विषय िथा इन विषयों के लेखक के जीिन पररचय से संबंधिि
ू श रूप से जानकारी प्राप्ि करके पररयोजना कायश करें ।
भक्तिन िथा बाजार दर्शन के बिुिैकक्पपक प्रश्नों का अभ्यास कायश पूणश करें ।

2) ग्रीष्म अिकार् में अपने मािा वपिा के साथ काम में सियोग दें । आपने तया
सियोग हदया? ककिना समय उनके शलए हदया। स्पष्ट रूप से शलखें।

3 )प्रकृति ककस प्रकार परोपकार करिी िै ? िम भी अपना जीिन परोपकार में लगाएं इस विषय
से संबंधिि मन को र्ू लेने िाली स्िरधचि कवििा ए4 र्ीट पर शलखें िथा परोपकार से संबंधिि
धचत्र भी बनाएं।

4) अपने स्िास््य का ध्यान करिे िुए प्रािः जपदी उठकर अपने आसपास के पाकश में
भ्रमण करने के साथ साथ सूयश दे ििा को जल अवपशि करे िथा ऊॅ सूयाशय नमः
मन्त्त्र का उच्चारण करके सूयश का िेज प्राप्ि करें ।

दतु नया की सारी खुशर्यााँ आपको जीिन में शमलें

इन गमी की र्ुट्हटयों के बाद खखलिे चेिरे ि

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