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Ryda) TT RAYA a ui + Countries, Nationalities & Languages + Days of the Week «School Subjects MY TOWN pp. 27-42 eS + Public Places, Stores and Shops GAMES and HOBBIES + Games and Hobbies pp. 43-58 MY DAILY ROUTINE + Daily Activities + Days of the Week pp. 59-78 + Numbers from 1 to 100 HEALTH + Body Parts + Illnesses pp. 79-94 + Feelings MOVIES + Types of Movies pp. 95-116 Bi pe tee acervare (heer ee Cee PARTY TIME. Party Items and Activities fonts of the Year pp. 115-134 + Ordinal Numbers FITNESS + Sports and Activities pp. 135-150 a THE ANIMAL SHELTER ares pp. 151-168 + Activities Related to Nature and the Animal Shelter + National and Religious Festivals + Festival Activities + Numbers from 1 to 100 — iD} + Numbers from 100 to 1800 pm YTS ey FTN pp SUE Time To Quiz Yourself + Greeting and Meeting People «MeetingCandy & Trump TEST! + Expressing Likes and Dislikes ret + Talking about Locations of Things & People - Time To Quiz Yourself Prepostions of Place +HowtoGotothe Library? TESTI + Asking for and Giving Directions TEST2 Time To Ouiz Yourself ee +My Likes & Disikes TESTI TesT2 + Simple Present Tense Time To Quiz Yourself «Telling the Time + Luke's Daily Routine TESTI + Prepositions of Time TEST2 + Expressing linesses and Feelings Ce « Expressing Needs + What's the Matter with Jane me fe Quiz Yourself + Asking or and Giving Advice - should /shouldnit and Arnold? Tey + Imperati Imperatives + Expressing Likes and Dislikes + Talking about Movies ee roe + Famous Fantasy Characters TESTI + Telling the Time Vw + Stating Personal Opinions + Telling the Dates, + Prepositions of Time -in /on / at Time To Quiz Yourself + Asking for Permission - + Throwinga Surprise Party TESTI + Expressing and Responding to Thanks ae + Meeting and Greeting People + Expressing Obligation - must / mustnt + Expressing Abilities -can / can't iets Dectonek) + Making Suggestions abet « Accepting & Refusing Suggestions eae rea + Asking for Clarification + Present Continuous Tense Time To Quiz YourselF «Asking for and Giving Per + Life on the Farm TESTI ing for and Giving Permission Pa Time To Quiz Yourself + Present Continuous Tense vy « Describing Repeated Actions ey Mea i YDS Publishing olarak English Up sersi ile bir kez daha karsinizdayrz. Bu serimiz, kolaydan zora siralanan alisurmalar ile ofrencilerimizi yeni si sistemine aistrmak ve ofrencilerin severek ve eBlenerek di becerierni gelstirmelerini saglamak amacyle biy0k bir ttzikle hazilanmmst English Up. MlEZjtim Programna bire bir uygun olarak hazrlanmis olup meveut igri lle yen sinav sisteminin ruhuna uygun olarak yapilandi Imitr. Her bir serimiz Student's Book ve Workbook olmak Uzere iki kitaptan olusmektadir. English Up 5 Student's Book, serimizin 5. sinifana kitabidi. Kitabirnida rite baslannde verlen kelimelerlegrencilerin Uniteyitanimas, tim igeriiyle de 5. sin konvlarn kolay ve hali bir seklde orenmesi hedef alinnstr. Unite sonlannda yapian puanlamal “quiz'lerle 6frencilerimiz kendilerini degerlendirme imkani bulacaktr. Yine Unite sonlarinda yer alan MEB kazarurlanna uygun testlerle ofrencilerimiz yeni nes sorularlakarglagacak ve yeplacak vlusal sinavlara hazrlanmis olacaklad. Anca serinin bir pargas olan Workbook lanimiz, rencileimizin @frendiklerini pekigtirmelerini saflayacaktr. Workbooklarigerisinde bulunan yilk plana gore haarlanmis 6rnek yaall sorular sayesinde éfrencilerimiz kolayhkla okul sinavlarna da hazrlanacaklardi. English Up setsinn, tim ofretmen ve dfrencilerimize inglizce drenme yolunda kolayik; KeyiF ve basen getirmesini dliyoruz oo CD (Merhabal Ben Brenda Tanishgimiza memnun oldum) (Methabal Ben Robogitl) (Merhabel Ben John g Tanustiginiza mermnun oldu) gilizce ve matemati viyorum. Senin Favor derslerin nelerdir?) (Benim favor! derslerim resim ve tarihtir) lg Bir tane. Ingil konuguyorum), age art class country as) (resi) (ders) (ke) do an experiment do puzzles double drama (deney yaprnald (yapboz yapmald (fd (drama ders) draw pictures elementary school enjoy geography Gresimler gizmeld GikokD Choslanmakd (cofrafya) high school history information technology (ise) (tarih) thilgiteknolajsd language class/course maths Me too. Gil smif/kursu) (matematik) (Ben de) music My pleasure. nationality Nice meeting you. (onczitd (0 zevk bana at) (rillye) (Seninle tanigmak guzel) Nice/Glad to meet you. physical education play a musical instrument CFanistgamiza memnun oidum) (beden efitimi (bir mozikaleti galmakd school subjects science secondary school sing a song (okul dersleri) {fen biti) (ortaokul) {sarki saylemekd social studies solve problems speak timetable Gsosyal bilgiler) (problem gézmek) Gkonugmak) (ders program, cizelge) SB Uy Exgich UPS Stud > Boo Sr) wu \Y'stuuly the Flags the countries and the nationalities. ete (Bayraklar) Turkey Turkish SILA 5 vais England English Germany German i [ France French i [ Italy Italian j~[ Canada Canadian e Japan Japanese | al . cy Egypt Egyptian = g¥P QyP / —_ Greece Greek =_ Spain Spanish [lerotch uP 5~ Student: Book WH gy. \ speak Torch) speak panes) f Jam from Turkey. lam from Japan. lam from England. 11am Turkish, lam Japanese. lam English. 2 SS German) > _ ee — >, | speak Chinese. i ee lam from Greece. Jam from China. lam from Germany. 1am from Spain. lam Greek. lam Chinese. lam German. Jam Spanish. (speak Engh) (TepeakFrened) ae a IspeakEnglsh) cas - ¢ lam from Italy. lam from Canada. am From Australia, 1am from France. Jam Italian. lam Canadian. lam Australian. lam French. Be st lam from Russia, 'amfrom America/the USA. lam from India. ae Rea lam American. am Indian. | What nationality are you? 7 am from Turkey. What is your nationality? Turkiye'denim) i (Hangi milliyettensin? / Milliyetin nedir?) Do you speak English? | | How many languages do you speak? ngilizce konuguyor musun?) (Kag dil konuguyorsun?) Pat - Yes, I do. (Evet, konusuyorum)f Two. I speak English and German. No, T don't (Hay, konugmuyorum) Eki Ingilizce ve Almance konuguyorum) ‘omplete the missing parts. Hello.lam Serena |am from \ America. | arn Hello. lam Dean, lam from Hello, | am Timoti. lam from England, am Italy. lam | speak Hel Lam Hansel lam from Hello, arn Tianta. | arn from Germany, lam Spain, lam | speak \AIJA. Complete the dialogues with the given sentences. Hil I em Robotix Hi, T em Neva Glad to meet you Me too Tam from Turkey. Tm fromm America Tam Turkish, Tam American And you? Tam 10 years old And you? xaas ‘2 Book >xEuansa— at>yHFe<4-az @uxarusi>i— Qeoazunut>> @NoONa>xaorza exaotsouozuiacy zEmeosto>wa—> English UP 5 - Studer bux Exe Eres Semi > — ax Le ONZO>EN lo ee OezZI>OeNaxanx cona>az-Nuos wm> a> TOU N os 33> os exzoa —>uwz-uxZznan0 5 rxeuscexEnn onco-usozn00 xX O> UND HWO a —- 42 00M6xNo< Ss) xeotsunvan mzoRozxre -ura>-e@e0 Honzroezes BE RBOoOr errno DAYS of the WEER (Haftanin Ganleri) "> Weekdays (Hatta igi) Monday (Pazartosi) Tuesday (Sali) Wednesday (Carsambs) Thursday (Persembe) | [American | Friday (Curna) [America | Weekend (Hatta sonu) Saturday (Cumnartesi) MCUs Sunday (Pazar) Tee \EAI Circle the days of week and find the hidden sentence. [lenatich UP 5 Student's Book drama information technology (LT) ‘A How many lessons a week do you have? (Haftada kag dersin var?) BT have 35 lessons a week (Haftada 35 dersim var) A Which classes does he have on Monday? (Pazartesi guint: hangi dersleri var?) B He has science, English and art. (Fen bilimi, Inglizce ve resim dersi var) A. What time is her English class? CIngllizce dersi seat kacta?) B It is at IMS am (Saat |LIS'te) \GA| Match the objects with the school subjects. a. art b. geography c. language class d. maths e. music f. science information technology (7) [Renotish uP 5 - Student’: Book Write the names of the school subjects under the pictures. Alex: |have ad and ® on Monday. 1 2 Si Daniel : Ihave (iS and aa on Tuesday. 2 . Gaye Michelle: | have a > and “Ge on Wednesday. Laura swe Pt and & on Thursday. Ce a Nicolas French Where do you study? Japanese Itis science, Lam American, I study at Cumhuriyet High School. Five. English, German, French, Italian and Chinese. The USA 2p i= Russian My name is Ata B. Write the classes under the pictures. (5x4=20 pts) | - GEE ED D, Write the days of the week. (5x2=10 pts) a | C= E. Answer the questions. (5X6-30 pts) 1. What's your favourite lesson? 2. What nationality are you? 3. How many languages do you speak? 4, Where are you from? 5. Doyou like science? English UP 5 - Student's Book Test @ (+9: For these questions, choose he es! option tofilin the bianks. ) ( 4-5: For these questions, choose the best option to fill in the blanks according to the pictures. 4. Kim: ----7 Cindy : fm from ttaly. | A) How many languages do you speak B) Whore are you from C) What's your favourite class D) Do you like geography snce and history, but he ---- . A) Ioamns about the past B) dossn't like social studies ©) doesn't enjoy history D) likes doing experiments sree? No. | speak Turkish, English and French, Jasmine Didem A) Do you speak German B) Do you like language classes ©) Do you speak French D) Are you Turkish [lenotish UP 5 - Student’: Book i i 4 are my favourite classes. A) PE. and art ©) Drama and music B) LT. and maths D) Art and maths ove this class. | am good at----. A) drawing pictures ) solving problems B) doing experiments D) singing songs Alex: Hello, my name is Alex. Celine : Hi, Im Celine. Alex: Glad lo meet you, Celine. Celine Which of the following does not complete the dialogue? B) Me too D) lama student Wa A) My pleasure C) Nice to meet you Hollol lam Kevin. | am British. Lam a. student at Exeter Elementary School, and my favourite subject is music. | enjoy playing musical instruments and singing songs. I hate art because | am not good at drawing. THURSDAY. Sovial Studies \depublitinn Science Maths Maths 9. Kevin likes - A) singing songs and playing musical instruments B) drawing, but he dislikes singing ©) a, but he dislikes music D) arf and music Look at Steven's timetable. Which of the following is true about Steven? A) He has double social studies on Thursday. B) He has drama, IT. and double music on Monday. C) He draws a picture on Tuesday, D) He has four classes a day. 10. Which one is true about Kevin? AA) He isnt from Britain, B) He enjoys art a lot ) He is bad at drawing. D) He distikes playing musical instruments. J dames ~~~ doing puzzles, buthe playing musical instruments. > Look at the pictures. Which of the following does not complete the sentence? Ay likes / dislikes 8) hates / enjoys ©) loves / hates D) enjoys / doesn't ike | { 1-3: For these questions, choose the best option ) | ( to fil in the blanks. ' ' ' 4-5: For these questons, choose thebeat option | to ill in the blanks according to the pictures. 1 ‘reaping A) Italy / align B) Spain / Spanish ©) Russia / Russian D) France / French We love -- -- classes because we always play basketball. A) PE B) drama ) history D) art jue, how old are you? 5 : Lam twelve, And you? AA) I'm fine, thanks B) Me too ) No, 1am not D) Nice meeting you Asi ; but she - 3. Drawing pictures is my favourite. | like much, A) loves geography / hates music B) dislikes history / likes art A) maths: 8) geography | @) doesnt like science likes history ©) art D) PE D) enjoys history / dislikes art Englizh UP § - Student's Book Hi, everyone! I'm ‘Alex. Im 11 years old. Geography, LT. and 4 ‘drama are my favourite classes. | enjoy music classes too. | dislike P science classes. I Alex does not like one of the following classes. ‘Which one is it? A) cn A 8) “2 'm Rita. 2 10 years old. Solin : ----? Rita: I'm from italy, Selin Rita: Selin : Rita Solin doesn't ask one of the questions below. Which one is it? ‘A) Where are you from C) How old are you B) Gan you speak Italian D) What is your name \depublistion \deoublishina Which one is true according to the table above? A) Philip likes PLE, but Kim dislikes i. 8) Philip and Kirn like art ©) Kim likes music, but Philip dislikes it D) Philip doesn’t ike maths, but Kim tikes i. ‘Answer the questions (9-10) according to the table below. English/ | doing French | puzzles Japanese / | solving 17 | Japan | “English | problems 9. Joe and Kiko - A) are from Canada B) speak English ©) are twenty years old D) like maths and geography 10. Which one Is false? A) Kiko is Japanese 8) Kiko speaks two languages. ©) soo is twelve yoars old. D) Joe likes doing puzzles

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