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GLOBAL \ wach for The future of supersonic travel: ere pn Reshaping comenereel Ethiopian Airlines to aviation with faster fights. «6 expand widebody fleet AD ah aos Annual Check, again! Xpeng AeroHT patos deals alg Enftaticiny pilot health and performance in extreme Environments se eel BR OL CeO ec) =PILATUS= TAKE'YOUR COMPANY TOA NEW LEVEL - CNN 2 NG ess SOIR a SC ec nice UC Cre Cn Ree ae eeu feo One Oued SA es ea Cec Pree erie Contact Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Aftica, your nearest Authorised Pilatus PC-24 ire for further information on es Tel: +27 11 383 0800 or Email: aircraftsales@pilate AWia tor POBox 72416, Pariew, 2122 Johamesbira, South Aca Enquiries mkelbybaitocoza- Mie deities 38/1 Lyncon oad, Crsald, Morand 1685 Subscrntons Tsao ies ssa otlisorcaza Tel: +27 (0)11 701 5058 Published Monty on the 2th of each month wwwiglobalavistorco-2a | wwwmagatercom Disrbted Lech, Fcrbok eal, tar oes ' “ eae Nalngido Geos 4308 Publisher/Esitor: Mike de Villiers 427 (0) 82 466 7767 Contributors: Charmane de Villers (SA), Cesaré de Villers (SA, Mike Writ (A), ‘mike ‘Richard Browne (8), Dik de Ado, (EL), Juris eraser (RU, ‘Remco Stalerhoet, Ravin Rabe (SA), Marc van Site (EU, Paul : Ait Ey Mle Gren Rar bn Gor We Specis Gesaré de Vilirs 427 (0) 6 2952068 Ee care. d@gloalavstrco 28 SESE IEE TERT Accounts: ‘Tease de Viens 270826247548 ain: «Global Aviator tessa First National Bank Parktown - 250455 TavlEator: Charmaine de ilers 27) 011701 S058 ‘Account number 62108220584 +27 (0) 082 651 437, ‘Swift code: FIRNZAJJ charane.d@gltlotor2a Dickie The sbi a ust of Ga tg warn, foes ovary ard ral to opening ey Tiana Antopora de irs ee eee come bem Coy Global Avistor. All 2d. No | of this publ notna arden +7085 47 148 Pm pated ay evo bsp wen permet fe Pst cba Avan Gta ae wnt oe es esorsle Pee EnEoceeet sete crete) Str inmlcted meal card ns nn Gl er glen@regraptics.cozs ila: ay Suey a rasa thi lose rateral fered fo pblesbon Fit sound ‘be cscniaon,ofensie or carton. UttimateDefence | GLOBAL AVIATOR | Vol. 16 / No 4/ APRIL- 2024 3 6 Thats Alenia pace won te European Space Agency’ one oft LEO PNT orbit demonstrators 8 eshaping commercial aviation with faster lights 12. wort aintiNe and TRAVEL NEWS UPDATE 14 RwandAir- Connecting Altica and the world 18 wocing finally setes lawsuit of deadly Spanaie crash after 15 years of legal battles Cover Pic XPeng AeroHT 4 Voie No 4/ APRIL 2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR 22. arcen tina Doster forme Argentina! 32 thats to supply Might Simulators to Arbus Helicopters to train Bundeswehr’s HI45M pilots 34 oitrigshetcopters and pits O cenesys autopilot for Enstrom 4808 42. gexospace meDicine -Fnhancing pilot health and performance in extreme environments 4A the inaugural Cape Crusade -2004 5 Wisk sith generation air taxi 57 xpeng AerotiT takes fight with oVTOL 58 Annuat Check, again 61 BOOK OF THE MONTH Mosquito - The RAF legendary wooden wonder and its most extraordinary mission 62 swamps and iakes GLOBAL AVIATOR | Vol. 16/No4/APRIL- 2024 5 ae ALENIA SPACE a ~ WON THE EUROPEAN SPACE $ AGENCY'S ONE OF TWO PO ee Ue 8) Thales Alenia Space has entered into a contract . European Space Agency to 7 ts “Adding a LEO-PNT deliver an end-to-end solution istellation wi ‘constellation layer to the Galileo for the LEO-PNT (Low Earth combination with Galieo and othe Orbit Positioning Navigation and fusranced centimetre location. Timing) orbit demonstrator. This contract includes the space (five satellites tobe launched), ground and user segments, the {n-orbit operations (including, 6 \Vol76/No4/APRIL202¢ | GLOBAL AVIATOR position of European agencies & industry in the development of future ‘operational space programmes that will slutionize tomorrow's world, The support from CNES French Space ted by the Italian Space jemonstrates the key innovative and strategic character of this project for the future. Thales Alenia Space will re-enforce its capabilit in new space navigation solutions And small satellite systems with this ‘demonstrator, and support the design of the next evolution of satellite navigation’, declared Her ey, Chief Executive Officer of Thales Alenia Space. Thales Alenia Space in France and Italy are leading the programme, supported by nanosat industries in Europe, mainly based in Spain and (Germany. Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo (67 %) and Thales will be invelved in providing its the operations and EGNOS to Gali ‘as well as from its heritage acqui through Native Positioning System ‘of 1OT programmes such as ARGOS, ‘Angels, Kineis or Omnispace. Thales Alenia Space will also capitalize on partnership experience with Newspace actors, leveraged t0 introduce new entrants into this fel. ‘Thales Alenia Space’ solution ‘will also capitalize on Europe's dynamism in micro-launch Vehicles, helping to secure Europe's strategic access fo spac GLOBALAVIATOR | Vol. 16/No4/APRIL- 2024 7 The future of supersonic travel: Reshaping commercial = aviation with faster flights NASA's X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft sits on the apron outside Lockheed Martin's ‘Skunk Works facility at dawn in Palmdale, California, The ¥-59 is the centrepiece of NASA's Quesst mission, which seeks to address ‘one ofthe primary challenges tossupersonic flight over and by ‘making sonic booms quieter Lockheed Martin Skunk Works In recent years, there has been a notable resurgence of interest in supersonic 8 vo116/ No 4 / APRIL 20 travel, sparking discussions about next- [generation supersonic passenger airraft revolutionising long-haul air travel ‘Thisarticle explores the multifaceted aspects ofthe future of supersonic including technological sements, sonic boom mitigation, tory considerations, market demand, and the transformative potential of supersonic flight, Imagine boarding a commercial aircraft that can fly at Ld times the speed of sound, or 925 mph, while eter sonst thump, X-59 aircraft atthe forefront of NASA Quesst mission, represents leap forward in supersonic technology. This one-of-a-kind GLOBAL experimental aeroplane aims to gather data that could revolutionise Sire ping the war ee generation of commercial aire that Ein travel faster than ever before ff supersonic travel, and discover hhow these innovations are reshaping ‘commercial aviation with faster flights Technological advancements in supersonic aircraft The development of next generation supersonic passenger aircraft represents a significant leap forward inaviation technology. These irra, often seed a toniccuser ae signed to travel at speeds exceeding the sound barrier, offering reduced travel times for long-ha ights: Key technological advancement ring the future of supersonic travel incloe “Aerodynathi Eificieny: Modern supersonic alcraft feature advanced Serodyamic designe optimised for highspeed fight while minimising drag and fuel consumption Wing Sd propulsion systems are ontnously refined to achieve ‘optimal performance and efiency Propulsion Systems: Innovative propulson yates, suchas tarbofans and vaiable-yce engines, are being Sep o power supenanic iat efficemly, These engines provide fhe neceary thrust for sustained. supersonic eruine while addressing tole and emissions concerns Materials tence: Advancements inmaterals science incuding lightweight compote materas and hestresistant alleys enhance the structural integrity of supersonic raft. These materials withstand thc extreme temperatures generated during high-speed Aight, contributing tosafety and durbliy. Slate-l-heart avionics and flight contol systems enaure precise navigation, ight stability, and GLOBAL automated control during supersonic operations. Advanced sensors, computerised flight management systems, and fly-by-wire technology enhance pilot situational awareness and aircraét performance. Sonic boom mitigation and noise reduction One of the long-standing challenges associated with supersonic fight is the generation of sonie booms, which are loud shock waves produced ‘when an aircraft breaks the sound disturbances on the ground and pose environmental concerns. However, | Vol. 16/No4/APRIL- 2004 Q HEADINGS TO COME significant progres has been made in sche boomtiigation feces Shape Optimisation: Aca design enhancement such Strouined shapes and congated fclage poles help nue theintensity of sonic booms by Fedcing shock wave interactions ‘oun Suppressng Technologie Innovative technology including ‘ose modification, sving leading ‘ge extensions, and adjustable ight Profiles are employed to dampen End redirect sos boom ene ny tom populated sens, Regulatory Standards: Regulatory agencty such ae the Civil Avation ‘Author (CAA) andthe international GiritAviaon Organization (CAO) are ‘working with indy stakeoers to ‘Stab noise certification standards {Sreupersonic teat These standards fications boo npect and rare enronmental compat Regulatory considerations and market demand ‘The reintroduction of supersonic passenger lights requires navigating Eomplex regulatory landscapes and addressing market demand factors Regulatory considerations include: ‘Certification Requirements: Supersonic aircraft must meet stringent certification requirements for airworthiness, safety, noise ‘emissions, and environmental impact. Collaborative efforts between, manufacturers, regulators, and Aviation authorities are essential to “streamline certification processes. Flight Routes and Operations: Establishing viable flight routes ‘and operational procedures for supersonic fights involves coordination with ar traffic control ‘agencies, airspace management ‘authorities, and international ‘aviation organisations, Balancing efficiency safety, and environmental considerations is paramount. ‘Community Engagement ‘Engaging with local communities, policymakers, environmental [Broups, and aviation stakeholders is ‘crucial to address concerns related to sonic boom effects, noise pollution, and land use around airports ‘Market demand for supersonic travel is driven by factors such as: "Time-Saving Benefit Supersonic flights offer significant time savings for longchaul journeys, appealing to business travellers, high-networth individuals, and time-sensitive passengers, Laxury and Premium Services: Premium amenities, luxurious cabin interiors, personalised experiences, and exclusive services differentiate Supersonic travel offerings, attracting discerning travellers willing to pay premium fares. Global Connectivity: Supersonic aircraft enable rapid global connectivity, ‘opening up new markets, facilitating international business transactions, and enhancing cultural exchange and tourism opportunities, Potential impact ‘on long-haul air travel ‘The potential or supersonic light to rentape Lng ala travel {ssubstantial with anticipated impacts across various sectors: Business and Economics. Supersonic travel can timate tconomic growth, enhance global business connectivity and spur innovation in aviation and rated industries vestments in supersonic technology drive job creation, research and development activites, Ind infrastructure development Environmental Constierabons Aivancmnin in vopersonic ivratt design propulsion efciency, and Sastanable aviation fuels contribute to reducing carbon emissions and teivonrsal impact, Contos sffors to improve ceo friendliness 10 vo.t6/No4/ APRIL 2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR align with sustainability goals and regulatory frameworks. Competitive Landscape: The entry of new players and start-ups into the supersonic aviation market, alongside established aerospace ‘manufacturers, fosters competition, innovation, and product diversification. Market dynamics, pricing, strategies, and customer preferences influence market competitiveness and industry dynamics. ‘Consumer Experience: Enhanced passenger comfort, on-board amenities, in-flight services, and digital connectivity redefine the passenger experience in supersonic travel, Customised travel experiences, personalised services, and seamless journey planning enhance customer Satisfaction and loyalty. Conclusion: Embracing the future of supersonic travel As technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, and market ‘dynamics align, the future of supersonic travel holds promise {for reshaping commercial aviation. ‘The ongoing collaboration between industry stakeholders, government ‘agencies, and aviation enthusiasts fuels innovation, safety, and sustainability in supersonic flight. Embracing the transformative potential of supersonic travel involves addressing technical challenges, regulatory complexities, ‘and societal expectations ‘hile delivering unparalleled speed, efficiency, and luxury inlong-haul air travel “As supersonic aircraft take to the skies once again, they bring a new era of faster, more efficient, land exhilarating travel experiences for passengers worldwide. « BESPOKE TRAVEL. ESCAPE TO AFRICA a) > cas ee ore Veg Z Eu: ra eas . enuses ea : Sey AFRICA ICAO OE LEN Wea 8g) fe SA eae MSL 7 PR Ey inte tee XC Kae AIRLINE AND TRAVEL NEWS Logistics Transport Delivery ue : indstry 4 : : X 7 WORLD AIRLINE and TRAVEL NEWS UPDATE ‘April 2024 - By Mike Wright BCom, LLB and Cesaré de Villiers Pratt & Whitney announced that Icelandair has selected GTF engines to power u ‘Airbus A320ne0 far Icelandair selects RTX's comping» mia Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engines to auracat meecmee" ower up to 35 Airbus A320neo mena an family aircraft overhaul engines. Pratt & Whitney will provide ‘support to facilitate smooth entry into service Commercial Engines Whitney, “These eng! 12. Vo.16/No4/ APRIL 2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR Ethiopian Airlines to expand widebody f Ethiopian Airlines is to purchase eight 777-9 passenger airplanes and the potential for up to 12 additional jets. Ethiopian Aitlines selection of jets positions the carrier as the first 777X customer in Africa and builds ‘omits landmark 2023 order for 11787 Dreamliner and 20737 MAX airplanes tomodernize and grow its fleet. "Weare pleased to continue setting the trend in African aviation. by adopting cutting edge technologies to enhance our services and customer satisfaction. Improving our operational performance and commitment to environmental sustainability, the 7779 route network centres around the unique location of Iceland midway between North America and Europe, connecting a number of destinations to and from Iceland as well as across the Atlantic. The Airline started operating aircraft powered by Pratt & Whitney Wasp fengines in the 1940s, In the 1960s the airline adopted Pratt & Whitney turbojet and turbofan-powered aircraft, including the Boeing 727, ‘and Douglas DC and later the 7S7-300ER. Icelandair currently ‘operates DHC Dash 8 aircraft eet offers more flexibility, reduced fuel consumption and carbon emissions)" said Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mr. Mesfin Tasew, "We are grateful to Boeing for thet long'standing partnership and support, and we teagerly anticipate flying the 777.9 across the African skies and beyond Based on the 7 advanced, technologies from the 787 Dreamliner family, the 7779 features new carbon- fiber composite wings and engines that will enable the airplane to achieve 10% better fuel efficiency and operating costs than the competition. The 7729 ‘will support Ethiopian Airlines plans to {grow and renew its fleet in size, range And passenger anl cargo capacity to reach high-demand markets in Africa, ‘Asia, Europe and North America powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada PW100 and PW150 engines. "With these GTF engines, ‘ye will maximize the range and efficiency of our new Airbus aircraft’ said Bogi Nils Bogason, president and CEO, Icelandair. FParthermore, the GTF engines will help us reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions by up #0 430% per seat, compared to the 75is they will replace, which will support business and environmental objectives at the same time. We expect our GLOBAL. thiopian Airlines marks yet another first in our ong,standiny partnership by selecting the 777- 5t0 be the flagship of its growing fleet said Brad MeMulien, Boeing ior vice president of Commercial Sales and Marketing, "Building on a relationship that goes back 75 years, we deeply value the unwavering trust and confidence Ethiopian Airlines pats in our airplanes" ‘Boeing airplanes make up more than half of Ethiopian Aielines current fleet, including 29 787 Drearliners, 20 1717s, thece 7675, 27 Next-Generation 737s and 15.737 MAX jets, Ethiopian Airlines and Boeing continue to explore ‘opportunities to further develop the country's aerospace industry, including support for Ethiopian Airlines’ MRO capabilities, industrial evelopment, training capabilities [Ethiopian Aviation University and STEM education, aswell as equipping the Ethiopian Museum of cience with aerospace exhibits. passengers to experience the initial ‘ASUILRs starting in 2025, and the first A321XLR beginning in 2029: The Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engine, featuring Collins Aerospace nacelle and engine accessories, delivers industry-leading fuel efficiency and sustainability benefits for single-aisle irraft, The engine's revolutionary geared fan architecture is the foundation for even more efficient and sustainable propulsion technologies in the decades ahead, with advancements like the Pratt & Whitney GTF Advantage™ engine and beyond. + Val, 16/No4/APRIL- 2024 13 Connecting Africa to the world e @ Codeshare routes (+27) 11 289 8050 sales € RwandAir eg XQ AIRLINES AND TRAVEL les modernises Air Hi Fly a leading global wet lease specialist and charter ‘operator, has recently put ts two newly added Airbus Thorough flight reser enc tiesstee and 9H-HFJ) had to pass functional flight testing. : he testing for Hi Fly's rs ssccnn nents pti Carlos Mirpuri, Vice Chairman of the Hi Fly Group new A330-200s te ee Se a nee a sue eee ae fn customary checklists,” explains Carlos Mirpuri. "The series of thorough tests included a number of flight 16 Vo.16/ No4/ APRIL 2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR After having recently performed ‘the commissioning of the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS) in the Astana airport, Thales has now implemented ‘two new solutions ~ TopSky-Tower and MAGS (Multlateration and ADS-B Ground Surveillance System) — in ‘Astana and Almaty airports. These two projects are the frst cones where a mulilateration system twas deployed and commissioned in Kazakhstan, allowing the airport air trafic controllers te have an additional sensor system that can be used for both ground G@erodrome) and air traffic surveillance The solution built in collaboration with local patterns and authorities is tailored to the needs and specificities of Kazakhstan's Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP). Thales, in collaboration with local partner Aerospace Engineering, proudly announces the successful deployment in Kazakhstan ofits state-of the-art ‘Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS) in Astana Airport, This milestone marks a significant leap in aviation technology following the first similar successful Implementation at Almaty Airport sure integrated into both ton of Multilateration (MLA) technology MAGS an innovative technology which very accurately locate the aircraft by using amethod known as Time Difference of ‘Arrival (TDOA), Multilateration employs {ground stations, placed in strategic locations Around an airport. This technology an addition: for revenue tps GLOBAL. implementation at Astana Airport was th second in Kazakhstan ~ the first being in ‘Almaty and also deployed by Thales. This surveillance system empowers air traffie controllers with an additional Sensor solution for comprehensive sground and air traffic surveillance. Particularly effective in monitoring arrival and departure traffic or overseeing areas where conventional radars face limitations or impracticality, MAGS has been very reliable. These systems have been deployed seamlessly despite stringent local climate constraints in order to never interrupt airport operations. The Advanced Surface Movement {Guidance & Control System deployed in ‘Almaty and Astana airports emphasizes reliability and elevates safety standards. The incorporation ofthe ~"Airport Safety Nets" module within the TopSky -Tower system plays a key role in safeguarding runway’ and designated areas, The ‘module acts as a Vigilant guardian, ting controllers promptly in cases of potential conflicts between vehicles ~ be iMaircraft or other types of vehicles -on runways and the unauthorized incursion ‘of vehicles into restricted areas, “We are pleased to contribute to improving surveillance and air traffic ‘operations in the airports of Astana and Almaty with our integrated system ‘that combines TopSky-Tower, MLAT and the use of SMR radar data, The coordination of different partners, the tuse ofthe best performing equipment and the customization of the solution to specific customer needs have been some of the challenges of the project, ‘which has been achieved thanks to the collaboration and alignment ofall parties involved” Christian Rivierre, VP ‘Airspace Mobility Solutions - Thales + control checks flown at altitudes between 10 000 and 20 (000 feet (about 3 000 to 6 000 meters), followed by low- speed checks. Another task was functional testing of the landing gear, even including a gravity gear extension as al safety feature, which is extremely rarely tused in regular flight operations, As conclusion of each aircraft's check programme came runway fly-overs and a touch-and-go manoeuvre. After ticking off the ‘required checks one by one, Carlos Mirpuri was highly satisfied: “The aircraft are as good as new and ready service, We found absolutely no faults.” Avvideo about the functional tests flights isavailable on the link below: yout be) j6EOegNICPsievGJsyO99gvmKEON_, | Vol. 16/No4/APRIL- 2004 17 AIRLINES AND TRAVEL NEWS Women are a driving force for Travel & Tourism, says WTTC London, UK ‘Tocelebrate International Women's Day, the World Travel Tourism Council (WTI) underscores the pivotal role of wornen Inthe global Travel & Tourism sector. “According to WITC data, women in tourism comprise significant portion ofthe sectors worktorte, accounting for nearly 40% ofthe total employment This marks a substantial increase from 2010 201, highlighting 2% Srge in direct female employment within thesectr increasing from 386 millon to478:llion, Key findings evea! that hospitality stands outas the lading employer of women within the Travel fe ourfsmsecta, with over halt (221) ofall female employment in 2019 attributed to this segment Julia Simpson, WTIC President & CEO emphases the postive impact of women inthe sector, stating: “Women in Travel & Touriam play a vital role, We are proud that our sectors one ofthe largest employers of women in the world “As our sector continues to grow, women havea key roleto play we have the opportunity to make Travel & ‘Tourism move resilient and incusiv Patting women a the heart of Travel Touriam wil be critical fo securing a sustainable future forthe sector.” “The global body's daa also reveals syomen in Travel & Tourism surpass the average workforce particjpation in other sectors globally. In regions such the ‘Americas women sake up a larger share ‘ofemployment in the sector compared to theeconom:-swide workforce "As we celebrate International Womens Day, this data underscores the significant contribution of ven fo the Travel & Tourism sector, portraying itasa catalyst for gender inclusivity nd.empawerment on a global scale WITC remains committed to provide highwagejobs gender equality, and fostering entrepreneurship through SMEs, as wel as generating tmore high-level opportunities for ‘women within large corporations, * 18 Vo.16/No4/ APRIL 2024 Boeing finally settles lawsuit of deadly Spanair crash after 15 years of legal battles Boeing has finally settled for an undisclosed amount in the lawsuit that resulted from the deaths of 154 passengers and crew members in Spain over 15 years ago. The case was brought against Boeing as the manufacturer of the ill-fated plane through their acquisition of McDonald Douglas. BCA argued that Boeing was aware of a mechanical defect that increased the risk of error during take-off but failed to apply a known fix to all of their planes. White there were initially several law firms involved in the litigation, only Brent Coon & Associates held out and fought for a trial for their clients. After all of the legal wrangling the Civil Courts in Spain finally allowed litigation to move forward to trial, 15 years after Spanair flight JK5022 crashed. Brent Coon, whose firm undertook representation early on in the initial lawsuit in California, finally feels like his clients have been vindicated. “We have been fighting the good fight for these victims and their families for well over a decade. It has been extraordinarily frustrating to see Boeing dodging accountability for so long, and to succeed in convincing our own judiciary that the victims would geta swift and fair trial in Spain, They knew that wasn't going to be the case, and showed their truecolours once they obtained the rulings throwing everything back into the laps of the Spanish courts, which rarely deal with this type of complex litigation, We werent susprised to see them undertake multiple protracted appeals of the trial court rulings to further delay the matter and wear down these families, who were already devastated by the loos of thelr loved ones and Impatient to ride out appeal after appeal. But we have weathered all the storms and got a definitive trial date, This positioned us to negotiate a fair settlement of our claimsand those families can finally have closure, Spanish government oversight of the aisline industry is frankly pretty weak or this would likely ot have been allowed to happen in the first place,” says Mr. Coon, Iwan De Miguel Perez, Spanish counsel to the plaintifis, had this tosay: "These recent developments allowed us to sce that justice is now finally available for the people we have represented for such a long time ima tragic accident that happened as 2 result of negligence ona massive scale. While the terms of thesettlements are confidential, we believe that our Clients are receiving the maximum amount they would have been awarded by the court under the laws applicable ta these types of claims in Spanish lave, It has been a pleasure forking with Brent Coon & Associates as their Spanish local counsel and Took forward to working again with such a dedicated team of lawyers and staff, They just dort give up” ‘The history of this litigation has been long and complicated, * For addtional background, pease see the following links: Tea io httpss/ www: bcoonlaw.comypress-releasey/why-i-one-of-the-deadliest: ‘rashes in aviation history-yet-o-be-resolved-after15-yeary/ 0S prod acme abo se crah and ines: https/, GLOBAL AVIATOR Havelsan accelerates into 2024 with first Airbus 320 FS site acceptance tests and the second A320 FFS factory acceptance test Havelsan accelerates into2024 Purchase Programe FAVELSAN with first Airbus 320 FFS site has completed the Factory Acceptance ccepta Test for urkish Aine’ First 20 Full a mice tests and the.cecond Flight Simulator and initiated the Site ‘AS2OFFS factory acceptance test, {smal antintined ie Faery Areptane Test rte second Ankara; Turkiye head-quartered —- HAVELSAN-manufactured Turkish, flight simulator solution provider Airlines A320 FFSis already being and manufacturer HAVELSAN conducted, HAVELSAN previously announced that within the framework signed a contract with Turkish Airlines company, for the procurement of a total of 11 A320 CEO NEQs and Boeing 737 Max full fight simulators (FFS) and ETDs. While the SAT isin progress, HAVELSAN will embark om the EASA Certification ofits simulator as with the EASA approval, all of the HAVELSAN- ‘manufactured fll flight simulators ‘will be EASA certified including the Boeing B737NG and Boeing B737MAX, With these state-obthe-art simulators, the pilots will receive their training in simblators that are indistinguishable from real aireraftand highly reliable, ‘Over the Last few months of 2023, HAVELSAN achieved several significant milestonesas itramps up itsactivities tosupportairlines and pilot training organizations including the EASA certification of two Boeing BPS7MAX full fight simulators, along, ‘with announcing the opening of 2 new Turkish Airline Trainin within HAVELSAN's premises ‘As one of the biggest simulator ‘manufseturer companies, HAVELSAN, relentlessly completes simulator deliveries in ine with is custon needs and rapidly responds to the {nereasing demand for simulator training, The company is currently actively secking additional aictine Or training centre operators to share information about its products and the unique offerings that it can provide. © WearCheck is Africa's leading condition monitoring, Our specialist aviation oll and filter testing programme allow customers to reduce ‘maintenance costs, avoid unexpected mechanical failures and ultimately reduce unscheduled bee EL UN eam ee ec me Cac kT GLOBAL. | Vol.16/No4/APRIL-2024 19 FROM THE DESK OF COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN - JOHANNESBURG ROUTE LIGHTS UP THE SKIES FOR AIR COTE D'IVOIRE In June 2024, the Air Cote d'Ivoire ope Brose domestic product first long haul route between srowth for the continent is Abidjan and Johannesburg will saBtand 2025 respectively which celebrate its second anniversary. higher than projected global averages ‘Throughout ths period, steady fa and 2% the report sid Janay this ear President increases in both cargo and Cyril Ramaphose offal lunehed passenger volumes have reflected a Preferential Trade Area under ‘the ongoing growth in bilateral a ae Free Trade a cement in Duro, calling for ‘more effort to be put into building these two African industrial hubs African champions in finance, ~ and the airline remains confident relailand telecommunications and ‘that volumes will continue Pop npe ete iniop es ur 4 rican countries, He noted that, by along this upward trajectory. adding greater vale to products and One of the biggest West Africa diversifying trade beyond traditional carriers, Air Cote dvoie flies ‘commodities, Africa’ economies, four times a week from OR Tambo ‘would grow faster and sustainably International Airport to Félix: ‘Key tothisis increased connectivity Hiouphouet Boigny International and the improvement of travel, Aiport Abidjan, During 2023, the airline flew at an 80% load factor, ‘a percentage that has continued to climb in January to March 2024 “This translates into a consistent 1000 passengers a month, most of whom are corporate businessmen in the oil gas, and mining sectors, according to Barba Gaoganediwe, spokespetson for Gauteng Tou With Johannesburg as a key centre for business travel and networking within the African continent, he said thal this bodes well for the healthy evolution of the African Continental Tree Trade Agreement (AICFTA) ‘which is intended to accelerate the development of regional and local value chains, offering investors access toa population of 17 billion people and a fast-growing continental GDP. ‘The African continent is set to remain the second-fastestgrawing region ater Asia and will account for leven of the world’ 20 fastest-growing. teconomies in 2024, according tothe latest African Development Bank Group Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook report on the continent. 20 \o.16/ No4/APRIL2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR logistics and freight infrastructure ‘Ai Cote dvoires A320n€0 fight, witha quick fuel stop in Kinshasa takes under eight hours making the quickest route between the two countries. Other ainines that fly between the two cities stop in ‘Addis Ababa and Naroby, increasing ‘travel time to over 12 hours, More than just connecting {ovo major African economic hubs the airline connects travellers to land from the capitals of 4 West [African countries, five of which {are listed among the top 11 African ‘countries projected to experience ‘Strong economic performance. “The top 11 African strong, performers according to this forecast Include Niger (1.2%, Senegal 623), Libya (29%), Rwanda (72%), Cote ivoire (6.8%) Eshiopia (67%), Benin (64%), Djibouti (6.2%), Tanzania (619, Togo (6%) and Uganda at “The Tuesday and Saturday Sight connects travellers via Abidjan to ‘Accra (Ghana), Abuja and Lagos (Nigeria), Cotonou (Benin), Douala and Yaoundé (Cameroun) Libreville (Gabon), Lome (Togo), Dakar Sénégal) and, on Monday and Thursday, to Bamako (Mal) Conakry Guinea), Dakar, Monrovia (Liber), Niamey (Niger) Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), "if yo feel hat a Sam fight i bit too erly this is actualy the mest ppopulas time for businesspeople who frzve at their destination at 1055 in time for an aftemoon meeting” said ka Banza, Sales Execative of Cote tlvoire Airlines’ Johannesburg office South African government statistics put bilateral trade between South Africa and Cote dlvoire at R2 billion between 2017 and 2021 -a figure that, according to Observatory of Economie Complexity (OEQ) an online data visualization and distribution platform, has risen with exports from Cote d'voire to South Africa having, fnereased at an annualized rate of 839%, from$507M (approximately 968 million) in 1995 to $446M. {approximately RR8,47-illion) in 2022. In 2022, South Africa exported SIA7M (about R279-billion) to Cote divoire. During the last 27 yyeats, exports from South Africa to Cote dIvoire have increased at an annualized rate of 585%, ‘South Africa's main exports to Cote dIvoire between 2016 and 2020 consisted of value-added products such as machinery, vehicles, base ‘metals, plastics, rubber and vegetable products whilst imports from Cote {Tivoire were also dominated by jgoods such as plastics, prepared Foodstuffs, wood and vegetables. ‘Complex technology and digital transformation, which continues to impact on the commerce and industry, promise increased export ‘opportunities between Gauteng and the d'Ivoire going forward, "The Cote d'voite route is definitely strengthening economic tes between South Africa and Cote ddlvoire, which is the economic engine ‘of West Africa representing 40% of the ‘West African Economie and Monetary Union's GDP” Gaoganediwe added, While business travel zemains the mainstay of the route, there is {enormous potential for intra-Africa tourism between West Africa and South Africa, He suggested that the tourism and hospitality sectors in both countries could benefit from building partnerships between hotes, related service providers and travel, ulimately pre-packaging travel itineraries that fake care of entire holidays from start to finish. + GLOBALAVIATOR | Vol. 16/No4/APRIL- 2024 21 originally builtas a training <— tt ‘ship for the Argentine Nat ~ rons ie Pel 22 \Vo.16/ No4/APRIL2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR GLOBAL DESTINATIONS. A \ SN BOLIVIA x Easily one of the most recognisable \ Se = A and poignant songs in the é meres Space TT world, dedicated to a woman nn f x airs who spent many years fighting : for justice and freedom in her \_ a country. Evita Peron was an }, ‘ON PARA iconic inspiration to millions. Argentina has been through centuries of politcal turmoil until the ie of Jaan Dominge Peron, the country’s most important political figure ofthe 20th century, along with his wife, vita, I was aime of tremendous change fom being one of South America’s wealthiest J J and most innovative countries tothe { Coup ofrghtoving military dictatorships {SARGENTINA “tending the "Dirty Wa a period ot grb coon, a ease tee \ ae... a ee os atime {URUGUAY £ BUENOS ARES Hl ec MSc elections and reinstated a period of democracy that has remained today. Sogete But, enough of the history lesson f Measuring 3 800 km from end to end, Argintina isa country of vast a and contrasting landscapes where { truly breathtaking destinations chop +s and change from lush wetlands and ‘ain forests dotted with waterfalls to ragged snow-capped mountain ranges and the lush plateaus ofthe Pampas. Stretching from the Andean altipiano down tothe icy lakes of Patagonia, with jungle, wetlands, Pampa, and cosmopolitan cities in-between, X anaes cae Buenos Aires ‘The capital city is ideal for visitors to indulge in exceptional shopping experiences and to enjoy the vibrant night. life, lis also famous asthe birthplace of the Tango - known as the dance of passion, mystery, and seduction, The ‘music depicts longing and despair, sensual movement, with ahi of romance, Upper class Buenos Aires society considered the Tango as indecent, associated with violence, and the lower classes. Museums, theatres, cinemas, galleries, musi chubs, and literary cafes are plentiful; Buenos ‘Aires is an exciting, culturally rich and ‘cosmopolitan cities with sultry tango ‘clubs, historic cemeteries, world-class ‘museums and raucous nightlife } Falkland Islands (GB) soar ‘Recoleta has been one of Buenos Aires’ most upmarket neighbourhoods es forcenturies and there is no better \ testimony to this barrios wealth than the 6 400 mausoleum in Recoleta cemetas Mach more than just tombstones; several 24 \o.16/ No4/ APRIL2024 | GLOBAL AVIATOR crypts have multiple chambers, elaborate sculptures, and palatial eopulas, The most ‘popular grave is that of Eva Peron, known 8s Evita the First Lady who worked to ‘get women the right vote in 1947, There are Argentine presidents, Nobel Prize ‘winners, and athletes interned there. The Pampas ‘The flat, fertile grasslands that cover much ‘of central Argentina are known as the Pampas, a place dominated by the cattle industry and synonymous with gaucho (Cowboy) culture. A good place to statis San Antonio de Areco, whose museum, ‘and annual Dia dela Tradicion festival showease all things gaucho. Stay a couple fof nights in one of the ranches which ‘offer horseback riding, polo lessons and traditional asados (barbeques) and the best way to experience the national absession with horseback riding. Afterward, yyou'l find ithard not to don a boina, 2 poncho, and a pair of alpargatas. Iguazi Falls Shared between Argentina and Brazil, stretching for 3km and surrounded by subtropical rainforest, this string of Waterfalls is one of the greatest natural wonders on Farth. A network of trails, ‘walkways and bridges run through the surrounding national park, allowing. a

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