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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III


May 16, 2023

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1.1. define expanded definition of words;
1.2. identify various techniques used in writing an expanded definition; and
1.3. determine the techniques being used in the expanded definition.
II. Content
A. Topic: Giving Expanded Definitions of Words
B. References:
Manalaysay R., Mendoza AJ., et. Al, (2021). Quarter 4 - Module 3 Giving Expanded
Definitions of Words
C. Materials: audio materials, instructional materials

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preliminary Activities:
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
1. Prayer
“Good morning, Ma’am”
“Good morning, class!”
“Let us pray first. Princess, please lead
the prayer.”
“Amen. Before you take your seats, pick
up all the pieces of papers and plastics
under your chair and arrange it
“You may now take your seats.”
“Thank you, Ma’am”
“How are you my dear students?”
“We are doing great, Ma’am”
“I’m glad to hear that”
2. Checking of Attendance
“Now may I know who are the
(Class monitor will report who are the
absentees today from our class
“It’s nice to hear that all are present
3. News Sharing (The news sharers will share chosen news
Now, let us listen to the news sharers from television or newspaper and the news
for today. they gathered about the school)

B. Review:
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
“Before we proceed to our new lesson
for today, let us have a review of our
past discussion. Class, what is our last
discussion all about? Yes, Monalyn”
“Precisely, but what is the difference
between technical and operation “Ma’am, our last discussion is all about giving

definition? Yes, Chris Jay” technical and operational definition.”

“Very good. Now, determine whether

the given statement is technical or
operational definition. Raise your

“Do you understand, class?”

“Yes, Ma’am”

a) According to San Pablo (2013),

comprehension refers to ability of
someone to grasp the meaning of the
reading text.
b) As used in this study, independent
readers are those students who get the
scores ranging from 40-50.
c) De Leon (2017) defined
comprehension test as a standardized
assessment tool to measure the
reading comprehension level of the

C. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Motivation
“Good job, Class.”
“Now, let’s have a word game called ‘PIC
TO WORD’. All you have to do is to guess
the hidden word based on the pictures.” “ Ready”
“Okay! Ready. Let’s begin.”


D. Presentation of the Lesson
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
“Great. Based on the answers we have
collected, what do you think our topic for
today will be all about?” “Extended”

“Exactly, our lesson for today is

“Please read, Aeron. What is extended
definition?” “EXTENDED DEFINITION is a one or more
paragraph that attempts to explain a
complex term. explains a single term,
concept, or object down the meaning of a
specific word, or defines an abstract
concept goes deeper than a simple
dictionary definition.”

“An extended definition is attempt/s to

explain a complex term and it is deeper
than a simple dictionary definition.”
“For example, in a report on new
treatments for sickle cell anemia, you'd
need a section defining the disease. In a
report on the benefits of drip irrigation,
you'd need to write an extended definition
of drip irrigation, explaining how it works
and what equipment is used."
“Do you follow, class?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Excellent. Again, what is Extended

Definition? Yes, Shaira” “Expanded Definition aims to clarify
complex words which can be through
giving examples and history.”

“Very good. Again, expanded definition

aims to clarify complex words and there
are effective techniques that will make a
text successful in using expanded
definitions. The techniques being used
depends on what is appropriate for the
audience and subject matter.”
“Kindly read the first one, Shiela” “Etymology – explaining the origin of the
word itself.”

“Thank you, Shiela.”

“Etymology is the study of the history and
origin of words, including their meanings
and how they have evolved over time.”
“For example, the word ‘telephone’ back to
its Greek roots "tele" meaning far and
"phone" meaning sound, which gives us
the understanding that a telephone is a
device for transmitting sound over a
“Do you understand class?” “Yes, Ma’am”
“Please read number two, Amy.” “History – if relevant, discussing the history
of the term/its use/controversies associated
with it.”
“In history, you will study the past events of
the term. For example, discussion on the
first long-distance phone call in history.”
“Do you have questions, class?” “None, Ma’am”
“Technique 3. Kindly read, Serilla.” “Cause and Effect – discussing how the
topic came about and what effects it may
“A cause states why something happens.
While, an effect states a result or outcome.
For example, The telephone came about
because they were trying to improve the
capabilities of the telegraph. People began
to become more dependent on the
telephone, rather than the telegraph. ”
“Do you follow, class?”
“Again, Etymology is origin of the world. “Yes, Ma’am”
History is past events of the term. Cause
and Effect is why something happen and
its result.”
“Once more, when do we use etymology? “When we will include the study of the
Yes, Karen.” origin and history of words.”
“When we will include the evolution of the
“Precisely, how about History? Yes, Kevin.” terms.”
“Bravo, when do we use Cause and “When we will identify the root cause of a
Effect? Yes, Ara.” problem.”

“Great Job, Class”

“Let’s proceed to number 4. Yes, Monica” “ Illustrations- an example serving to clarify
or prove something”
“Thank you, Illustrations are used to
demonstrate a point. For example, to make
it easier to understand cause and effect,
we have the illustration of the telegraph
and telephone."
Telegraph Telephone

“Examples - a thing characteristic of its

kind or illustrating a general rule”
“Lastly, we have Examples. Can you read,

“Thank you, Precious. In giving examples,

you will determine if it will contribute to the
definition of the term. For example,
telephone has evolved over time to include
features such as caller ID, voicemail, and “Yes, Ma’am”
conference calling.”
“Do you understand class?” “None, Ma’am”
“Any questions or clarifications regarding
the lesson?” “Illustrations are used to demonstrate a
“If you don’t have questions, someone who point while Examples tells an example that
can differentiate illustration and example? illustrates the term.”
Yes, Eunice.”

“We use extended definition when we

attempt to explain a complex term.”
“Excellent, When do we usually we use an
extended definition? “

“Exactly, now that you have learned

extended definitions using the techniques,
it is time to stretch your learning further.”

E. Generalization
Extended definition is important because it contains different information to explain complex
word. The different techniques of extended definitions are Etymology, History, Cause and Effect,
Examples and Illustrations. The techniques being used depends on what is appropriate for the
audience and subject matter.
F. Application
The learners will be divided into five groups. Each group will be given a term to expand
and technique to be used.
Monday Cleaners - Group 1
Tuesday Cleaners - Group 2
Wednesday Cleaners - Group 3
Thursday Cleaners - Group 4
Friday Cleaners - Group 5”

Term to expand: RESEARCH

Techniques to be used:
a. Examples
b. Etymology
c. History
d. Cause and Effect
e. Illustrations

Content – 40 points
Presentation – 40 points
Teamwork – 20 points
Total = 100 points
G. Assessment
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It helps the reader to understand a complex term where there are many extended clues that will
be found in the text to support the discovery of a definition of a complex word.
a. context clues c. expanded definition
b. dictionary d. thesaurus
2. It is an expanded definition technique that uses the origin and structure of the word.
a. classification c. comparison
b. description d. etymology
3. It is an expanded definition technique used to define words. The author explains the complex
word by citing the reason why it is happening and the result it brings.
a. cause and effect c. contrast and negation
b. comparison d. etymology
4. All of the following sentences are correct about expanded definition except:
a. Expanded Definition contains different information to explain complex word.
b. Expanded Definition helps readers to connect information on specific word.
c. Expanded Definition is helpful but not used in professional and formal texts.
d. Expanded Definition aims to clarify complex words which can be through giving
examples and history.
5. It is an expanded definition technique that serves to clarify or prove something.
a. Illustration c. comparison
b. description d. classification
B. Determine what types or techniques of expanded definition are being used in the given
sentences. From the choices below, write the correct letter of your answer on a separate sheet of
a. Etymology b. History c. Cause and Effect d. Examples e. Illustrations

6. Freegan is a word from “free” and “vegan”.

7. It is a fact that we have many wasted food, at the same time, unemployment. As a result, there
are freegans.
8. Plastic footprints are the plastic that someone has consumed like plastic cups, bottles, straws,
and other things made from not natural materials.
9. Let us make environmental actions buzzy. It is like watching movie, riding a bike, traveling a
place, and visiting beach that give thrill to our life.
10. Generation Y was evolved during 1996 or 1997 which was named as “iGeneration” or
Generation Z by different philosophers because of their distinct peculiarity in using social media and

H. Assignment
The learners will answer What I have Learned on p. 14.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Noted by:

Principal I

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