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Intro of Operations Management d) Development of Workers: Developing each

worker to their fullest potential for maximum  Other contributors of Scientific Management
1. An organisation exist in a society. The purpose of efficiency and prosperity 1. Carl G Barth (1860 – 1939)
all organisations is to serve the society. The a) Mathematical Analysis
society assigns the purpose to the organisation. b) Slide Rule
2. To whom the organisation serves? What activity  Contribution of Frank & Lillian Gilbreth c) Feed and Speed studies
the organisations undertake to serve the 1. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth worked on the ideology d) Consulting to Automobile industries
customers? These are the two basic questions of Taylor 2. Harrington Emerson (1885 – 1931)
are to be answered. 2. Husband and wife pair. a) Principles of efficiency
3. Frank’s work was mainly based on time study b) Method of control
This gives two basic issues: and motion study. He introduced the concept of
Micro- motion study of human. Any work or 3. Morris L Cook (1872 – 1960)
a) An organisation serves the society by offering activity can be divided into some basic motions Scientific management application to Education
some product (goods or services) of right of human being, these are the micro-motions. and Government
quantity, right quantity, at right time, at right During the work, the basic micro motions are
place and at right price. studied and unnecessary eliminated. The  What is Scientific Management?
b) The customer or the consumer may be the unnecessary motions tier the worker. Avoid the Scientific management is a theory of
outsiders or may be the insiders of the unnecessary motion by placing the tools, management that analyzes and synthesizes
organisation. equipment at a convenient distance. workflows with the main objective of improving
4. Few of the micro motions are search, find, grab economic efficiency, especially labor
3. Thus an organisation may be considered to be etc. He identified 27 of such micro motions. He productivity. It involves applying scientific
made up of two sub-systems named them as THERBLIGS ( the opposite of principles to the engineering of processes and
Gilbreth). management.
a) One which determines the need of the 5. Gilbreth used slow motion picture to measure
customers and transfer the need satisfier the work of a worker.  What are the factors affecting Operation
(product or services) to the customers. That is 6. Lillian Gilbreth was an industrial Psychologist. Management?
the marketing function. She was one of the first lady in the field of Operation Management is influenced by several
b) The other is the production of need satisfier, management. She was one of the first industrial factors, including:
which are to be transferred to the psychologist. Her work was mainly on 1. Global Competition: The need to compete in
customers. That is the production or operation international markets affects decisions and
psychology of workers in work environment.
function. Some are: 2. Material and Capital: Ensuring the security and
4. One can easily identify these two operations in a) Fatigue studies efficient use of resources.
an organisation in a organisation. The b) Human factor in work 3. Quality, Customer Service, and Cost: Balancing
relationship of these two functions that is, c) Employee selection and training these three elements is crucial for success.
marketing and operation function determines 4. Social Responsibilities: Aligning operations with
the success of the organisation, the survival of societal expectations and norms.
 Contribution of Henry Gantt 1861-1919
5. Technology Advancement: Keeping up with
the organisation or the growth of the 1. Another philosopher whose name is necessary to
technological changes to improve processes.
organisation. The close together the functions mention is Henry Gantt. He was also a follower 6. Legal Considerations: Adhering to laws and
are, the greater the likehood of success of the of Taylor. regulations that impact operations.
success. 2. His main works are: 7. Business Ethics: Maintaining ethical practices
5. In most cases when the organisation is formed, it a) He developed a pictorial method of planning and throughout operations
is small and the production and marketing scheduling, known as Gantt Chart. It is basically
function are usually carried out by one and same  China Factor
a linear calendar where activities are shown
person. In this case there is more co-operation 1. Present day China has become the workshop of
along Y- axis and time is shown along X- axis.
and co-ordination between these two functions. the world. There are various reasons for that:
This shows starting and completion time of an
6. As the organisation become bigger, these two a) Hourly wage in China is low If we compare the
functions separate and there is more likehood of wage structure in China and other developed
b) He was an industrial consultant. His major
disaster. There is lack of co-ordination, lack of countries, it can be seen that
contribution was teaching (training) and
co-operation, distrust, and confusion takes i. Wage rate in Norway is the highest with
development of workers and managers and build
place. This can be shown by a picture. compatible rate in Germany.
co-operation among them. He termed this
ii. US and Japan has very close hourly rate
concept as “ Harmonious Co-operation”.
 What is Operation Management? iii. Where as Mexico and China have the lowest
c) He contributed on scientific selection for
Operations management (OM) is the wage rate per hour.
administration of business practices aimed at c) Production Workers China accounts 20% of
d) He developed different incentive and Bonus
achieving the highest level of efficiency within an world’s population. China has the world’s largest
systems based on productivity.
organization. It involves designing and production workers. It is more than combined
controlling the process of production and production workers in US, UK, Germany, France,
 Contribution of Henry Ford 1863-1947
redesigning business operations in the Japan Italy and Canada. It has 1.3 billion people
1. Another important name in scientific
production of goods or services. in labour market.
management is Henry Ford.
d) Huge Consumer market. China not only has huge
2. He did not invented any scientific management
 History development of Operations labour market, it is also big consumer market. As
tool or technique, but incorporated many of the
Management? China’s industrial base increases it needs more
best practices of scientific management in his
a) Industrial Revolution Period machines and equipment. As more and more
factory to increase efficiency in production.
b) Post Civil War period companies move in China, their supplies move
3. Ford designed the “Model T” Ford automobile,
c) Scientific Management in, thus demand increases.
to be build in assembly line. The assembly line
d) Human relations and behaviour period. e) China has unbeatable manufacturing capabilities,
used major scientific tools like:
e) Operations Research period. but many companies are gradually reducing the
a) Standard product design
f) The service revolution period. risks and sourcing from other low cost countries
b) Mass production
g) The computer revolution period like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam and so
c) Low cost manufacturing
d) Mechanised assembly line
 What are the main principles of Scientific e) Specialisation of labour
Management? f) Interchangeable parts
a) Science, Not Rule of Thumb: Using scientific 4. Ford popularised the assembly line concept as
methods to determine the most efficient way of the way of producing large volume low cost
doing work. products
b) Harmony, Not Discord: Ensuring that there is 5. He paid the workers more than the ongoing
harmony within the workforce instead of wage rate.
discord. 6. He established sociological department, that is
c) Cooperation, Not Individualism: Encouraging the beginning of personnel department
cooperation among workers instead of

 India Effect  Objectives of Production Management  Advantages of Job Designing?
Often people consider globalisation more in the The objectives of operations management is 1. Alignment of Goals: It aligns business objectives
context of products. There is also dramatic rise derived from the organisational objectives are: with employee values, leading to decreased
in outsourcing of services as well. It started with 1. Efficiency Objective: Efficiency is output- input turnover and increased productivity
2. Competitive Advantage: Regular job design
back office work, such as accounting, claim relationship. Produce more out of less. That is
helps companies stay current and competitive,
processing, computer programming etc. produce maximum output of goods and services attracting top talent and enhancing employee
from with minimum resources. That competencies
a) Large source of highly skilled engineers, doctors, is produce with minimum or no loss, no waste, 3. Employee Motivation: Well-designed jobs can
scientists and technically trained workers no rework. boost motivation, reduce confusion about job
available at less than half the cost of developed 2. Effectiveness Objective: Objective gives the duties, and increase job satisfaction
countries. relationship between output and objective. That 4. Optimized Performance: By integrating
necessary duties and qualifications, job design
b) Large source of export of IT services is do the right thing to attain the objectives. That
maximizes performance and adds value to the
c) Indian companies like WIPRO, Infosys, and Tata is produce the right kind of goods and services to organization
Consultancy Services atr the world leaders in satisfy the customers.
software development businesses 3. Quality Objective: Produce right quality of  Disadvantages of Job Designing?
d) Large source of export of IT services. product and services. From operation 1. Monotonous Work: Job simplification can lead
e) However, there are many other low cost management point of view produce goods and to boredom.
countries such as Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil are services that conform to the specifications. 2. Too Much Control: Enrichment can give
excessive control to senior employees, causing
also developing in these areas 4. Capacity Utilisation Objective: Maximum
utilisation of available capacity. That is maximum 3. Work Flow Disruption: Rotation can affect work
 Production System Model Inputs utilisation of available resources eg, man, quality and flow.
1. External Inputs: External inputs are generally machine , capital ,material etc. 4. Loss of Focus: Enlargement might cause
informational in nature and provide knowledge 5. Cost Objective: Minimise cost of production of employees to lose focus on core competencies
about conditions outside the production system. goods and services.
 What is Cross Training?
a) Legal & Political Inputs: it gives constraints
Workers are trained to perform several jobs, so
within which the system is to operate. Productivity that they can be moved from one job to another
b) Social & Economical Input: it gives trend that job as needed.
may affect the system Productivity = Quantity of goods or services
c) Technological Input: may be obtained from trade produced divided by (/) amount of resources  What is Job Enlargement?
association, trade journals, Govt. information, used Add additional similar tasks to the workers job.
suppliers and other sources. This gives Thus, it is called horizontal job enlargement.
information about breakthrough technology,  Multifactor’s approach to measure productivity
 What is Job Enrichment?
machines, tools, material etc. Adding more planning, inspecting and other
1. Capital Productivity: Number of product or management functions to workers job. Thus,
2. Market Inputs: This is also informational in services produced divided by the asset value. it is referred as vertical job enlargement.
character. Information about competition, 2. Material Productivity: Number or quantity of
product design, customer desire and other products produced divided on money spent on  What is Team Production?
aspects of market which are essential for material. Organise workers into team work. That is work is
done by small small teams. Select the team
the system. 3. Direct Labor Productivity: Number of products
members, train them to work as a team, assign
3. Primary Resources: Inputs that directly affect the produced divided by direct labour hour used. responsibility for management and production
production and delivery of goods and services 4. Overhead Productivity: Number of products to the team.
are referred as primary resources. These are, produced divided by the money spent on
materialand supplies, personnel, capital and overhead.  What are the objectives of Work Method
utilities. Analysis?
1. increasing the production capacity of the
 What are the two productivity in International
 Production System Model Outputs Business?
2. reducing the cost of production
1. Direct Output: Direct outputs are generally of 1. Labour Productivity 3. improving product quality
two forms 2. Rate of change of labour productivity 4. It improves the plant layout
a) Tangible Goods: Automobile, mobile phone etc. 5. it improves the procedure of doing a work
b) Intangible Output: Education , haircut, banking,  What is Labor Productivity? 6. it improves the overall working environment
hospital etc. Labor productivity is a measure of economic
 What is Define & Install?
performance that compares the amount of
The process layout is written, the technique is
2. Indirect Output: There are indirect output of goods and services produced (output) with the communicated to the foreman, supervisor,
production system like, wages, salaries, taxes amount of labor time used to produce them. It’s managers and operators for their comment.
technological advancement, social and typically expressed as output per labor hour and After approval by the management, the process
community impact etc. is used to gauge a country’s economic efficiency is required to be installed. Once the method is
accepted and installed, the operators are
 A Production System Model Output  What is Rate of change of Labor Productivity? required to be trained to the new idea, new
work method.
Generally they do not receive the same attention The rate of change of labor productivity
as the direct output (goods and services) that measures how the amount of goods and services Facility Planning
generate revenues. The indirect outputs are produced by a worker changes over time. It’s
often both a matter of pride and concern for an typically expressed as a percentage and  Facility plan includes
organisation. calculated by dividing the change in productivity 1. Capacity plan
by the initial level of productivity, then 2. Location plan
3. Layout plan
 Conversion Process/ transformation process multiplying by 100.
The Conversion process or the transformation
 Where a factor or plant can be located?
process is the focus of attention or the heart of  What is Motivation? 1. Proximity to raw materials: to reduce
the production or operation system. The Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, transportation costs.
conversion process converts the input into the and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It’s what 2. Access to labor: availability of skilled and
output of the organisation. The conversion causes you to act, whether it’s getting a glass of unskilled workers.
process in known by different names like water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain 3. Transportation facilities: for ease of distribution
of finished goods.
manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, education, knowledge. It involves the biological, emotional,
4. Proximity to markets: to minimize the cost of
hoteling travel, warehousing etc. social, and cognitive forces that activate reaching consumers.
behavior. 5. Infrastructure: availability of utilities, roads, and
communication systems.
6. Government policies: tax incentives, subsidies,
and zoning regulations.
7. Environmental considerations: compliance with
environmental regulations.

 What are the factors affecting location 1. Product Layout is designed for mass production A Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a
decision? of a single product. The equipment and production method designed to adapt easily to
workstations are arranged in a line with the changes in the product type and quantity being
1. Market Proximity: Being close to customers to product moving along the line until it is
manufactured. It involves integrated groups of
reduce transportation costs and provide better completed. This layout is efficient for high-
service. volume, low-variety production. processing machines and material-handling
2. Supply Chain: Access to suppliers, cost of 2. Process Layout, also known as functional layout, equipment under computer control for
transportation, and distribution logistics. is set up around the production process. Each automatic processing of parts. This system can
3. Labor Availability: Access to a skilled workforce section or department specializes in a particular handle both predictable and unpredictable
and cost of labor. type of operation. This layout is more flexible changes, offering flexibility in manufacturing
4. Infrastructure: Availability of basic infrastructure and can handle a variety of products or services, processes
like roads, ports, internet connectivity. making it suitable for low-volume, high-variety
5. Government Policies: Taxation, incentives, and production.
regulations that could affect operations.
6. Environmental Considerations: Regulations on  What is Cellular Layout?
pollution and waste management. A Cellular Layout is an arrangement within a
7. Costs: Land, construction, utilities, and other company that organizes workers and machines
operational costs. into small groups, or cells, to improve workflow,
8. Competition: Presence of competitors in the efficiency, and production. Each cell is typically
area. dedicated to producing a specific part or product
family and contains all the necessary equipment
 Difference between National Decisions, regional and a small team of workers to operate as a self-
Decision, community Decision, Site Decision? contained unit
1. National Decision: Made at the country level
and affects the entire nation. It’s typically made  What are the advantages of Cellular Layout?
by the federal government or national 1. Reduced Movement: It minimizes the
authorities. movement of materials and workers by grouping
2. Regional Decision: Concerns a specific region all necessary equipment and workstations close
within a country and is usually made by local together.
government bodies or regional authorities. 2. Faster Setup Times: With equipment and
3. Community Decision: Involves decisions that materials closer, setup times are reduced,
affect a local community, neighborhood, or increasing efficiency.
group of people. These are often made by 3. Enhanced Flexibility: It allows for quick changes
community leaders or local councils. in production to meet customer demands or
switch between product types.
4. Site Decision: Relates to decisions made for a 4. Improved Quality Control: Closer proximity of
particular location or site, like a workplace, workstations facilitates better communication
school, or specific area. These are usually made and quicker response to quality issues.
by the site’s management or governing body. 5. Lower Inventory Levels: The layout supports
just-in-time production, reducing inventory
levels and associated costs.
Layout Decision
 What are the disadvantages of cellular layout?
1. Consumes Huge Space: Requires more space
 What is Layout Decision? than open layouts due to separate spaces for
Layout decision is a strategic decision. Once a staff.
layout is made, whether it is a product focused 2. Poor Administration: Can lead to less effective
or process focused, it is to continue for several management and coordination.
years. Shifting from one layout to another layout 3. Unproductive Employees: Private spaces may
is a difficult job. Layout decision is a long term lead to reduced productivity.
decision. 4. Ineffective Communication: May hinder ad-hoc
1. Facility decision generally cover : discussions and collaboration.
2. factory building layout 5. Expensive: Implementation and maintenance
3. material handling facility layout can be costly.
4. production facility layout 6. Equipment Sharing Issues: Equipment may not
be easily shareable.
 What are the types of Layout?
1. Process layout  What is called Fixed Position Layout?
2. Product layout A Fixed Position Layout is an operational setup
3. Cellular Manufacturing
where the main product or project remains
4. Fixed Position Layout
stationary, and workers, materials, and
 What is Process Layout? equipment move to the product’s location for
Process layout is often called Functional Layout, assembly or construction. It’s typically used for
because the machines or the facilities are large, complex products such as ships, buildings,
arranged according to their functions or the or airplanes
functions they perform..
 What is called Hybrid Layout?
 What are the characteristics of Process Layout?
1. Flexibility: It can handle a variety of products or Product layout, process layout and fixed position
parts. layout are the three basic form of layout. Many
2. Specialization: Each section specializes in a manufacturing facilities may use a combination
particular operation. of such layouts. Such layout is called hybrid
3. High Skill Level: Operators may be highly skilled layout.
in the specific processes.
We discuss mainly three form of Hybrid layout
4. Equipment Utilization: Machines may have
1. Cellular Layout
lower utilization due to varied product
requirements. 2. Flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
5. Material Handling: Can be complex due to 3. Mixed Model Assembly Line
varied paths for different products.
6. Supervision: Can be challenging due to the  What is Mixed Model Assembly Line?
diverse tasks being performed. A Mixed Model Assembly Line is a
manufacturing process where several distinct
 What is Production Line?
Product layout is often called production line or models of a product are assembled on the same
assembly line. This describes the nature of the line without changeovers. This method
route followed by the product in the production sequences the models in a way that smoothens
system. In this layout the products tends to the demand for upstream components
follow direct linear paths without zig-zag, back
tracking or side tracking.

 Difference between Product Layout & Process

Layout?  What is Flexible Manufacturing System?

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