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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to MLLN and Network Elements


Theory Page No.

L-1 Introduction to MLLN and Network 1 to 9


L2 Introduction to Satellite Communication 10 to 19

L-3 VSAT & IDR Equipment 20 to 35

L-4 DSPT 36 to 39

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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to MLLN and Network Elements

Module – 7
Lesson - 1

Introduction to MLLN and Network Elements

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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to MLLN and Network Elements


OBJECTIVE:-This lesson provides the insight into MLLN Features, advantages,
Applications of MLLN, Key elements, network architecture, network plan etc.

The Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN) service is specially designed mainly
for having effective control and monitoring on the leased line so that the down time is
minimized and the circuit efficiency is increased. This mainly deals with data circuits
ranging from 64 Kbps to 2048 Kbps.


 Limited range of services - Only Plain Leased Line Service, Data cards support only up
to 64 kbps, no support for N x 64 Kbps.
 From Operator point of view in case of Leased Line Circuit different boxes from
different vendors so difficult to manage & control.
 No Centralized Monitoring or alarm or performance monitoring.

Therefore we should have a control to all this, we are able to identify before the
customer know which circuit has gone faulty, the solution to this is MLLN

a. MLLN is an integrated, fully managed, multi service digital network platform
through which service provider can offer a wide range of service at an optimal cost to
business subscriber.
b. Using Network Management System (NMS), MLLN can provide high speed Leased
Line with improved QoS, high availability & reliability.
c. Except for connecting the local lead to the MODEM all operations & maintenance is
carried out through ROT (Remote Operating Terminal)
d. 242 ROT upto 2003 and 178 new ROT installed after 2003
e. NMS supports service provisioning, Network optimization, planning & service
f. System offers end-to-end circuit creation and modification, circuit loop testing &
fault isolation, automatic rerouting of traffic in case of trunk failure, software
programmability of Network Terminal Unit (NTU) etc.
g. Banking, Financial institution, Stock market, paper industry, broadcasting & Internet
service Provider main customers for MLLN.

a. 24 hrs Performance Monitoring of the circuit. (How much time circuit time up &
down and the reason for down time e.g MODEM switch off or other reason)

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b. Circuit fault reports generated proactively.(Before customer know we should detect

the fault & rectify it)
c. On Demand the Bandwidth can be increased. (Without changing the MODEM
recreate the circuit with the same MODEM)
d. Low lead-time for new circuit provisioning. (Create & debug if any fault)
e. Protection against the failure of the circuit (through recovery Management process
either automatic or manually)
f. Long drive on single copper pair.( for 64 kbps – 7 kms & for 2mbps – 3.5 kms)
g. Centrally managed from Remote Operating Terminal (ROT) connected to the NMS

a. Corporate high-speed Internet access through Broadband.
b. LAN interconnection.
c. Hotline connectivity for voice.
d. Point to point connection for data circuit.
e. Point to multipoint connection.
f. EPABX Interconnection.
g. VPN on MLLN Network.
h. Extension of VPN (MPLS) to Customer.


a. MLLN Nodes
b. Servers
c. Workstations
d. Networking Equipment
e. Others (Printers, Uninterrupted Power Supply(UPS) etc)
1.1.1 MLLN Nodes
a. DXC (Digital Cross-Connect)
b. VMUX (Versatile Multiplexer)
c. NTU (Network Terminating Unit)
d. NMS (Network Management System)
a. Database Server
b. NMS Application Servers
c. Billing and Accounting Servers
d. Web Self Care Servers

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e. Proxy Servers
a. Local Operator Terminals
b. Remote Operator Terminals
a. Router
b. LAN Switch
c. RAS
d. Firewall
e. Remote Operator Terminal Connectivity Equipment
f. Grooming Mux at Main and DR Sites
g. Connectivity equipments at Remote Sites
1.1.5 Others
a. Un-interrupted power supply
b. Printers
c. Messaging System


ain DXC
56 Ports

XC-64 XC-64 XC-128



Figure. 1: Network Architecture of MLLN

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1.1.1 Digital Cross Connector (DXC)

a. Capacity
 DXC (64 ports upgradeable to 128 ports)
 DXC (96 ports upgradeable to 128 ports)
 DXC (128 ports upgradeable to 256 ports)
 DXC (256 ports)
b. 1/0 cross-connect capability
c. Non-Blocking Architecture
d. Redundancy
 Power Supply
 Switching Matrix
 Cross-connect Memory
e. Expansion to be made possible by addition of cards only.
f. Fully Managed from Centralized NMS
1.1.2 Versatile Multiplexer (VMUX)
Type - I, Type - II, Type - III with the configurations given below
64 kbps N*64 E1 Links
VMUX Type I 32 kbps
8 12
VMUX Type II 16 4 4
VMUX Type III 8 4 4
Table. 1: VMUX Configurations
Expansion to be made possible on the same chassis by addition of cards


 230V AC Powered
 -48V DC Powered
VMUX to be able to extend hotline circuits
 Point to point and Point to Multi-point circuit routing should be possible

High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) Driving Distance:

 3.5km at 2Mbps
 5 km at 1Mbps
 7km for 64/128kbps (at 0.5mm dia copper cable
1.1.3 NTU (Network Terminating Unit)

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 64/128kbps NTU with V.35

 64/128kbps NTU with G.703
 N x 64kbps NTU with V.35
 N x 64kbps NTU with G.703
 N x 64kbps NTU with Ethernet Interface
Line Loop Testing as per ITU-T Rec V.54
 64kbps NTU to work up to 128kbps
 N x 64kbps NTU to work up to 2Mbps
 NTU to send power off signal to the NMS at the time of NTU getting
switched off.
 STU-160 works up to 128kbps
 CTU-S and CTU-R works up to 2Mbps on a single pair of copper
 All NTU’s support V.54 line loop testing and support dying gasp to send
power off signal at time of power off condition.
1.1.4 NMS (Network Management System)
 Billing and Accounting System
 Web Self-care system
 We have offered Tellabs Network Manager Release 13 to meet the
 MLLN NMS performs all the management functions on the network
 Supports regional partitioning and VPN capabilities
 Offered Performance Monitoring, Recovery, Reporting Packages
 Offered HP Open view and Cisco works which would reside on SNMP
server for managing the servers and IT elements

The below figure No. 2 shows the network connectivity among the various RTTCs
using VMUX located at each RTTC and a DXC located at BRBRAITT.

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Figure. 2: Network Plan of Training centers

A node can be described as a digital multiplexer equipped with several trunk
interfaces and as a digital cross-connect device equipped with several channel interfaces.

The cluster node is used in the network as a high capacity cross-connection device
with several subracks. The basic nodes and midi nodes are used as flexible multiplexers or
medium capacity cross-connect equipment. They have both one subrack.

The basic nodes or midi nodes are used if customer access to the network requires a
lot of tributary port capacity. A basic node can also be used as a cross-connect device in the
network (on consolidation level). A midi node is usually used as an access multiplexer.
mini nodes are used as access multiplexers or low capacity cross-connect equipment. micro
nodes are used as small capacity cross-connection devices especially in mobile networks.
network terminating units (NTUs) are used on customer premises. The accelerator node
A111 combines PDH and SDH technologies to form a solution for interfacing customer
access to backbone transport. The accelerator node A111 is an SDH access multiplexer
with one or two 155 Mbit/s STM-1 aggregate electrical or optical interfaces.
1.1.5 Cluster Node:-
It is built in Master-slave architecture. The cluster node represents the largest node
of the System. It is built in master-slave architecture. It consists of a master sub rack and 1 -

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8 slave sub racks. Slave sub racks can be either double (32 unit slots), single (16 unit slots)
or midi (8 unit slots) sub racks.

The maximum cross-connect port capacity of a cluster node is

8 * 64 Mbit/s = 512 Mbit/s = 256 * 2048 kbit/s port = 64 * 8448 kbit/s port. Each slave sub
rack brings 64 Mbit/s to the cross-connect port capacity. The cluster node can be expanded
without disturbing the existing traffic. The cluster node cross-connects at TS (64 kbit/s)
level. The cluster node’s master subrack is mechanically similar to the double subrack in
the basic node. The difference is that the motherboard and bus extender cards are different.
1.1.6 Basic Node:-
The Basic Node is the basic building block of the system. (16 unit slot). It is used in
local exchange or backbone networks or customer premises networks, depending on the
needed services and application. The cross connect port capacity of a Basic node is 64
Mbps = 32*2048 kbps port = 8*8448 kbps port
1.1.7 Midi Node:-
It is a small size flexible access node for customer premises. Midi node has the
same cross-connect functionality as the basic node (64 Mbps) One slot wide
multifunctional interface unit XCG designed for the Midi node. Midi node supports mainly
the same interface units as the basic node.
1.1.8 Mini Node:-
The mini node is a small cross-connect device, which can operate as either part of
the network connected to the network manager or as a separate cross-connect device
controlled and supervised locally. The mini node is functionally very close to the basic
node. The main difference is that in the mini node the common units (Control Unit, Cross-
connection Unit and Power Supply Unit) are integrated to the node.

The cross-connect port capacity of a mini node is 64 Mbit/s. It supports 2-4

interface modules with 1, 2, 5 or 10 interfaces each. Due to this limitation of the number of
interfaces, it is impossible to use all the cross-connection capacity available. The cross-
connection capabilities of a mini node are the same as in SXU-A unit in a basic node. mini
nodes can make cross-connections both at 64 kbit/s and 8 kbit/s level, the bit level cross-
connection capacity is 95 TS and CAS cross-connection capacity is 32 TS. Typically mini
nodes are used as an access level node in a network or as base station transmission
equipment in mobile networks.

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Tellabs 8170 cluster node

Tellabs 8160
accelerator node A111
Tellabs 8150 basic node
Tellabs 8140 midi node

Tellabs 8110 network terminating unit

Tellabs 8120 mini node
Tellabs 8130 micro node

Figure. 3: Different Nodes

1.1.9 Micro node:
The total cross-connection capacity of a micro node is 64 Mbit/s. The micro node is
fully non-blocking. They can make cross-connections both at time slot and at bit level. The
bit level cross-connection capacity is 127 TS (8128 kbit/s). Micro nodes do not support
CAS signaling. The cross-connection delay is one frame (125 s).

The accuracy of the internal clock is ± 30 ppm and it supports both fallback list and
quality levels. The micro node does not have a build-in test generator or a receiver for
circuit loop testing.
1.1.10 Accelerator Node:-
It is an access node combining PDH and SDH technologies.

PDH features:-
 Support for many existing interfaces units
 Two X-buses and consequently 2 x 64 Mbps = 128 Mbps capacity
Application e.g. DSLAM
Cross connections are done only at TS level, 64 kbps.
Operated with the network manager
1.1.11 Switch Node:-
It is an N.E with ADM, LTM and SDXC.
Operated with the network manage
CONCLUSION: - From this lesson trainee is able to understand MLLN Features,
advantages, Applications of MLLN, Key elements, network architecture, network plan etc.

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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to Satellite Communication

Module – 7
Lesson - 2

Introduction to
Satellite Communication

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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to Satellite Communication


OBJECTIVES:- This lesson provides the insight into orbits of satellite, advantages,
applications, Frequency bands, Kinds of Communication Satellites etc.

Long distance communication using conventional techniques like coaxial cable or
microwave radio relay links involves a large number of repeaters. For radio relay links of
repeater spacing is limited by line of sight and is of the order of tens of kms. As the number
of repeaters increase system performance and reliability are degraded. Tropo scatter
propagation can cover several hundred kms. but the channel capacity is limited and costs
are high due to necessity of large antennas and high transmit power. HF communication is
subject to fading due to ionospheric disturbances and channel capacity is severely restricted
due to limited bandwidth available. Large areas could be covered if the height of
microwave repeater could be increased by putting it on board an artificial earth satellite
(Fig.1). A Communications satellite (sometimes abbreviated to COMSAT) is an artificial
satellite stationed in space for the purpose of telecommunications. Modern communications
satellites use a variety of orbits including geostationary orbits, other elliptical orbits and low
(polar and non-polar) Earth orbits.

For fixed (point-to-point) services, communications satellites provide a microwave

radio relay technology complementary to that of submarine communication cables. They
are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships, vehicles, planes and
hand-held terminals, and for TV and radio broadcasting, for which application of other
technologies, such as cable, is impractical or impossible. In October 1945 Clarke published
an article titled “Extra-terrestrial Relays” in the British magazine Wireless World. The
article described the fundamentals behind the deployment of artificial satellites in
geostationary orbits for the purpose of relaying radio signals. Thus Arthur C. Clarke is often
quoted as being the inventor of the communications satellite.

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Figure. 1: Orbit of Satellite

The orbit of an artificial satellite is an ellipse, the plane of which passes through the
centre of the earth. Parameters of the orbit are defined by three laws of Kepler. The third
law relates to the period of revolution of the satellite. Fig.2 shows the period of revolution
of a satellite as a function of its altitude.

Figure. 2: Period of revolution of a satellite atellite
as a function of its altitude
A satellite in a geostationary orbit appears to be in a fixed position to an earth-based
observer. A geostationary satellite revolves around the earth at a constant speed once per
day over the equator. This satellite revolves above the equator round the earth at a height of
35,790 km. Its period of revolving round the earth is same as that of the earth rotation on its
own axis. The geostationary orbit is useful for communications applications because
ground based antennas, which must be directed toward the satellite, can operate effectively
without the need for expensive equipment to track the satellite’s motion. Especially for

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applications that require a large number of ground antennas (such as direct TV distribution),
the savings in ground equipment can more than justify the extra cost and onboard
complexity of lifting a satellite into the relatively high geostationary orbit.

In October 1945 Clarke published an article titled “Extra-terrestrial Relays” in the

British magazine Wireless World. The article described the fundamentals behind the
deployment of artificial satellites in geostationary orbits for the purpose of relaying radio
signals. Thus Arthur C. Clarke is often quoted as being the inventor of the communications
satellite. The first truly geostationary satellite launched in orbit was the Syncom 3, launched
on August 19, 1964. It was placed in orbit at 180° east longitude, over the International
Date Line. It was used that same year to relay experimental television coverage on the 1964
Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan to the United States, the first television transmission
sent over the Pacific Ocean. A Geostationary satellite is launched above the equator 36,000
km high above the earth. Its period round the earth coincides with that of the earth rotation.
Therefore, the satellite looks as if it is stationary from the earth. If three (3) communication
satellites are launched equidistantly above the equator, it can serve almost all
communication network round the world.

For a Geostationary satellite, the following orbital conditions must be satisfied:

 Period of revolution should be same as period of the earth’s rotation which is 23
hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
 The altitude of the satellite should be 35786 km as per the Kepler’s third law.
 The orbit should be in equatorial plane of the earth.
 The satellite should move in the easterly direction same as the direction of
rotation of the earth.

Figure. 3: Geostationary orbits

This satellite is advantageous because:
1. Its large antenna at an earth station is easy to track.
2. Twenty–four (24) hours communication can be made with even only one satellite.
3. The satellite looks at the earth as if it were stationary, and it radiates highly effective
wave power.
4. Visibility from one satellite is very wide, and global communication can be made
using only three satellites.

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BSNL Junior Engineer Introduction to Satellite Communication

Its drawback, however, is its delay caused in long distance transmission. But, the
system is economical and accordingly, it is widely used for both international and regional
domestic communications.


 Large coverage : Almost one–third of the earth with exception of polar regions is
visible from geostationary orbit. It is, thus, possible to cover about 10,000 kms. distance
irrespective of intervening terrain with a single satellite.

 High quality : Satellite links can be designed for high quality performance. The link
performance is highly stable since it is free from ionospheric disturbances, multipath
effects or fading.

 High reliability : Reliability is high since there is only one repeater in the link.

 High capacity : With microwave frequencies, wide bandwidths are available and large
communication capacity can be obtained.

 Flexibility : In a terrestrial system, communication is tied down to the links installed.

On the other hand, satellite communication is well suited for changing traffic
requirements, locations and channel capacities.

 Speed of installation : Installation of earth terminals can be achieved in a short time as

compared to laying of cables or radio relay links.

 Mobile, short–term or emergency communications: With air-Liftable or road

transportable terminals, short–term or emergency communications can be quickly
provided. Reliable long distance land mobile, maritime mobile and aeronautical mobile
services are feasible only by means of satellite.

 Satellite communication is ideally suited for point to multipoint transmission on

broadcasting over large areas. Application of satellites for TV broadcasting, audio and
video distribution and teleconferencing, facsimile, data and news dissemination is,
therefore, increasing rapidly.

2.1.2 Telephony
The first and historically most important application for communication satellites
was in intercontinental long distance telephony. The fixed Public Switched Telephone
Network relays telephone calls from land line telephones to an earth station, where they are
then transmitted to a geostationary satellite. The downlink follows an analogous path.
Improvements in submarine communications cables, through the use of fiber-optics, caused
some decline in the use of satellites for fixed telephony in the late 20th century, but they
still serve remote islands.

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2.1.3 Satellite television

Television became the main market, its demand for simultaneous delivery of
relatively few signals of large bandwidth to many receivers being a more precise match for
the capabilities of geosynchronous comsats.
2.1.4 Fixed Service Satellite
Fixed Service Satellites use the C band, and the lower portions of the Ku bands.
They are normally used for broadcast feeds to and from television networks and local
affiliate stations (such as program feeds for network and syndicated programming, live
shots, and backhauls), as well as being used for distance learning by schools and
universities, business television (BTV), Videoconferencing, and general commercial
telecommunications. FSS satellites are also used to distribute national cable channels to
cable television headends.
2.1.5 Direct broadcast satellite
Direct broadcast satellites generally operate in the upper portion of the microwave
Ku band. DBS technology is used for DTH-oriented (Direct-To-Home) satellite TV
services, such as DirecTV, DISH TV etc. Operating at lower frequency and lower power
than DBS, FSS satellites require a dish for reception (3 to 8 feet (1 to 2.5m) in diameter for
Ku band, and 12 feet (3.6m) or larger for C band).
2.1.6 Satellite radio
Satellite radio offers audio services in some countries. Mobile services allow
listeners to roam a continent, listening to the same audio programming anywhere.
2.1.7 Amateur radio
Amateur radio operators have access to the OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carrying
Amateur Radio) satellites that have been designed specifically to carry amateur radio
2.1.8 Satellite Internet
After the 1990s, satellite communication technology has been used as a means to
connect to the Internet via broadband data connections. This can be very useful for users
who are located in very remote areas, and cannot access a broadband connection.
2.1.9 Navigation
One of the fascinating applications of satellites is GPS (Global Positioning System).
Its primary application is navigation. Receivers on the earth pick up transmissions from
four satellites simultaneously. The receiver uses the microprocessor to compute and display
the exact position, in terms of latitude and longitude


Every communications satellite in its simplest form (whether low earth or
Geosynchronous) involves the transmission of information from an originating ground
station to the satellite (the uplink), followed by a retransmission of the information from
the satellite back to the ground (the downlink). The downlink may either be to a select
number of ground stations or it may be broadcast to everyone in a large area. Hence the

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satellite must have a receiver and a receive antenna, a transmitter and a transmit antenna,
some method for connecting the uplink to the downlink for retransmission, and prime
electrical power to run all of the electronics. The exact nature of these components will
differ, depending on the orbit and the system architecture, but every communications
satellite must have these basic components. This is illustrated in the drawing below.

Figure. 4: Basic Components of a Communications Satellite Link

The communication satellite essentially consists of
 Payload
 Support subsystems

Payload refers to the equipment used to provide the service for which the satellite
has been launched. In communication satellites, payload consists of transponders which
carry out the repeater function and the transmit and receive antennas. Support subsystems
include altitude and orbit control equipment, power subsystem, telemetry and telecommand
subsystem, etc.

Frequency bands in use for satellite communication are given in Table-5:
"L" BAND 1830–2700 MHz
"S" BAND 2500–2700 MHz
5925–6425 MHz UP
3700–4200 MHz DOWN
7900–8400 UP
7250–7750 DOWN
14.000–14.500 Hz. UP
"KU" BAND 10950–11200 GHz/DN.
11450–11700 GHz/DN.

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27.5–30 GHz UP
17.7–21.2 GHz DOWN
6725–7025 UP
4500–4800 DOWN
40–51 GHz UP
40–41 GHz DOWN
59–64 GHz
V Band Inter- Satellite
54–58 GHz
Table. 1: Frequency Bands
Transmission path of a communication link through a satellite is about
72000 km long (36000 km uplink path and 36000 km downlink path). Electromagnetic
waves traveling at 3 x 105 km/sec take about 240 msec. from one end to the other. Such
large propagation delay is at the limit of psychologically tolerable values in telephony. The
propagation delay results in “echo” in a telephony channel. A special equipment called
echo suppressors is incorporated in the earth station to counteract the echo. Propagation
delay also restricts the number of satellite hops for building up a telephony circuit to one as
the resulting propagation delay will be much beyond the acceptable value for more than one
hop. Kinds and Systems of Communication Satellite


Kinds of Communication satellites depends on type of orbit and freq. band used.
During the early experimental stage of communication satellites, a passive satellite was
used without any amplifiers and it only reflected radio waves sent from the earth station.
But, later on active satellite with amplifiers was developed and put into practical use.
Communication Satellite can be classified by the orbit used and also by frequency band
used. Before discussing satellite orbits in a more generalized manner, however, it is
necessary to be aware of the natural laws that control the movement of satellites. These are
based on Kepler's laws and basically stated are:
 The orbit plane of any earth satellite must bisect the Earth centrally.
 The Earth must be at the centre of any orbit.

The choice of orbit is restricted to three basic types, namely: polar, equatorial and
inclined as illustrated in Fig.5. The actual shape of the orbit is limited to circular and
elliptical. Any combination of type and shape is possible but observations are made only of
the circular polar, elliptically inclined and the circular equatorial.

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Figure. 5: Three Basic Orbits

2.1.1 Circular polar orbit
This is the only orbit that can provide full global coverage by one satellite, but
requires a number of orbits to do so. In a communications sense where instantaneous
transfer of information is required, full global coverage could be achieved with a series of
satellites, where each satellite is separated in time and angle of its orbit. However, this
produces economic, technical and operational disadvantages and is thus not used for
telecommunications though it is favoured for some navigation, meteorological and land
resource satellite system.
2.1.2 Elliptically inclined orbit
An orbit of this type has unique properties that have been successfully used for
some communications satellite system, notably the Russian domestic system. For this
system, the elliptical orbit has an angle of inclination of 63 degrees and a 12–hour orbit
period. By design, the satellite is made to be visible for eight of its 12–hour orbit period to
minimize the handover problem while providing substantial coverage of the temperate and
polar regions. By using three satellites, suitably phased, continuous coverage of particular
temperate region can be provided that would not be covered by other orbits.

The elliptically inclined orbit is used exclusively by the Russians for their Orbital
and Molniya systems, but since coverage is limited to particular areas (higher latitudes), it
is, therefore, not suitable for a global network.
2.1.3 Circular Equatorial Orbit
Circular orbits in the equatorial plane permit fewer satellites and ground stations to
be used, and satellites with long orbital periods (at high altitudes) have greater mutual
visibility. A satellite in a circular orbit at 35,800 km has a period of 24 hours and
consequently appears stationary over a fixed point on the earth's surface. The satellite is
visible from one third of the earth's surface, up to the Arctic circle, and this orbit is almost
universally preferred for satellite communications system.

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CONCLUSION: - From this lesson trainee is able to understand orbits of satellite,

advantages, applications, Frequency bands, Kinds of Communication Satellites etc.

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BSNL Junior Engineer VSAT & IDR Equipment

Module – 7
Lesson - 3

VSAT & IDR Equipment

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BSNL Junior Engineer VSAT & IDR Equipment


OBJECTIVES: - This lesson provides the insight into V-SAT Broadband
networking , How does a VSAT network work, VSAT Services Offered, modes of satellite
services , antenna etc.


VERY SMALL APPERATURE TERMINAL (VSAT) technology is a secure and

reliable medium to connect geographically dispersed locations and represents a cost
effective solution for users seeking an independent communication network connecting to
the global network. In a situation where other connectivity options are not feasible, VSAT
offers value added satellite based services capable of supporting- Broadband internet
access, VOIP, video conferencing, IP multicast, Local Area Network, voice, Fax and can
also provide powerful dependable private communication solutions. VSAT services are
delivered through the use of either C-Band or KU-Band Geostationary satellites for video,
voice, fax and data transmissions.

VSAT stands for Very Small Aperture Terminal. VSAT is a device (also known as
an “earth station”) that is used to send and receive wireless transmissions by satellite.
Millions of VSATs are in use around the world, allowing people to send and receive two-
way data, voice or video transmissions by bouncing signals off of satellites in orbit. The
"very small" component of the VSAT acronym refers to the size of the VSAT “antenna” or
“dish” - typically about 2 to 5feet (0.55-1.8 meters) in diameter for Ku-band systems - that
is mounted on a roof, attached to a wall or placed on the ground and is capable of both
receiving and sending satellite signals. VSAT systems can be designed to serve both
broadcast and interactive applications whether data, voice or video, which are now being
served by terrestrial lines and can be operated in either single or multi-user environment.

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Figure. 1: VSAT Network

VSAT Equipment is mainly consist of-
a. ODU (Outdoor Unit)
b. IDU (Indoor Unit)
3.1.1 Outdoor Unit (ODU):
The outdoor unit system is specifically optimized for use with the Indoor Unit and
consists of:
 Transmit / Receive Dish (Antenna) (0.75m - 1.8m)
 Block Up-converter (BUC) (1W-2W)
 Low Noise Block-Down-converter (LNB)
 Feed Assembly
 BUC: - Block up-converter converts incoming I.F. (from IDU) to R.F.
transmitting frequency, amplifies it and passes it to feed.
 LNB: - LNB amplifies incoming R.F.(Radio Frequency) from feed using low
noise amplifier, converts it to I.F. and passes it to IDU
3.1.2 IDU (Indoor Unit):
On receiving side, converts I.F. (Intermediate Frequency) from ODU to base band
signals, which may be data, video or voice.


V-SAT is generally a very cost-effective medium for broadband data
communications, and has particularly strong advantages in ubiquity (VSAT is available at
any location) and multicast support (sending the same data to tens or thousands of locations

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at once). One key advantage of VSAT broadband connections is that service availability is
not limited by the reach of terrestrial telephone or cable infrastructure. A VSAT earth
station can be placed anywhere - as long as it has an unobstructed view of the satellite. This
type of Internet connection is great for areas that are rural or are perhaps underserved by
reliable Internet Service Providers. In areas like this, new Internet service capabilities are
often not cost-effective. Many of these areas cannot afford to have Internet service that does
not have outages. Internet services in these types of areas can also be expensive and the
ISPs do not often have the latest technology to offer to their subscribers. VSAT broadband
is a way to have the latest technology without having to go through a local ISP. This also
serves to make VSAT an ideal choice for WAN backup and disaster recovery. Because
VSAT completely avoids the local area wire-line infrastructure, it is effectively able to
avoid even large-scale local outages or disasters.

A satellite network can be installed and made operational within a week since miles
of cable need not be installed. And V-SATs are available in remote locations since it dose
not need the infrastructure of a telephone exchange to be present.

“Suppose a Railway department needs to expand its business by deploying 100 new
reservation counter within a week, can you imagine the time it will take to wait for leased
lines? In such case, V-SAT Broadband connectivity is the best Option.”


A VSAT network has three components:
a. A central hub (also called a master earth station)
b. The satellite
c. A virtually unlimited number of VSAT earth stations in various locations -
across a country or continent
Content originates at the hub, which features a very large -15 to 36-foot (4,5 -11m)-
antenna. The hub controls the network through a network management system (NMS)
server, which allows a network operator to monitor and control all components of the
network. The NMS operator can view, modify and download individual configuration
information to the individual VSATs.

Outbound information (from the hub to the VSATs) is sent up to the

communications satellite's transponder, which receives it, amplifies it and beams it back to
earth for reception by the remote VSATs. The VSATs at the remote locations send
information inbound (from the VSATs to the hub) via the same satellite transponder to the
hub station as shown in figure 5.

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Ku Band BSNL
Ku Band User Terminal
HUB Station

User Terminal

Internet Cafes
User Terminal

Figure. 2: VSAT Network

This arrangement, where all network communication passes through the network's
hub processor, is called a "star" configuration, with the hub station at the center of the star.
One major advantage of this configuration is that there is virtually no limit on the number
of remote VSATs that can be connected the hub. "Mesh" configurations also allow for
direct communication between VSATs.

Most VSAT networks are configured in one of these topologies:

 A star topology, using a central uplink site, such as a network operations center
(NOC), to transport data back and forth to each VSAT terminal via satellite,
 A mesh topology, where each VSAT terminal relays data via satellite to another
terminal by acting as a hub, minimizing the need for a centralized uplink site,
 Star + Mesh topology: This combination can be achieved (as some VSAT networks
do) by having multiple centralized uplink sites connected together in a multi-star
topology which is in a bigger mesh topology. This topology does not cost so much
in maintaining the network while also lessening the amount of data that needs to be
relayed through one or more central uplink sites in the network.
VSAT network allows secure, reliable and cost effective data, voice and video
transmission and enables an organization to deploy nationwide for different services. These
services are provided in an individualized cost-effective solution.
 IP Based Wan Network Services
 E-Mail Service
 Interface with Telephone PBX

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 Mobile VSAT Communications System

 Data and Voice Connectivity
 Fax
 Video
 Installation, Moving And Set-up Services
 Broadcast Services
 Contract Installation and Service on VSAT Networks
 Real-Time Data Acquisition and Broadcast
 7/24 Hour Service and Support
 Lease-Line, Backhaul Support
 CDMS (Code Division Multiple Access) Technology
 SCPC (Single Carrier Per Channel) Technology
 TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access) Technology


3.1.3 Advantages
a. Availability: VSAT services can be deployed anywhere having a clear view of the
Clarke Belt

b. Diversity: VSAT provides a wireless link completely independent of the local

terrestrial/wire line infrastructure - especially important for backup or disaster
recovery services

c. Deployability: VSAT services can be deployed in hours or even minutes.

d. Homogeneity: VSAT enables customers to get the same speeds and service level
agreements at all locations across their entire network regardless of location

e. Acceleration: Most modern VSAT systems use onboard acceleration of protocols

such as TCP ("spoofing" of acknowledgement packets) and HTTP (pre-fetching of
recognized HTTP objects); this delivers high-quality Internet performance
regardless of latency (see below)

f. Multicast: Most current VSAT systems use a broadcast download scheme (such as
DVB-S) which enables them to deliver the same content to tens or thousands of
locations simultaneously at no additional cost

g. Security: Corporate-grade VSAT networks are private layer-2 networks over the air
3.1.4 Disadvantages
a. Latency: Since they relay signals off a satellite in geosynchronous orbit 36,000 km
(22,300 miles) above the Earth, VSAT links are subject to a minimum latency of
approximately 500 milliseconds round-trip. This makes them a poor choice for
"chatty" protocols or applications such as online gaming

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b. Encryption: The acceleration schemes used by most VSAT systems rely upon the
ability to see a packet's source/destination and contents; packets encrypted via VPN
defeat this acceleration and perform slower than other network traffic

c. Environmental concerns: VSATs are subject to signal attenuation due to weather

("Rain Fade"); the effect is typically far less than that experienced by one-way TV
systems (such as Direct TV, DISH TV etc) that use smaller dishes, but is still a
function of antenna size and transmitter power and frequency band

d. Installation: VSAT services require an outdoor antenna installation with a clear

view of the sky; this makes installation in skyscraper urban environments or
locations where a customer does not have "roof rights" problematic.


With the rapid digitization of telecom networks , telephone switching and terrestrial
links, INTELSAT (International Telecommunications satellite Organization) planned to
introduce IDR carriers into the system , to provide interconnection of these networks with
high quality digital communication with information rates from 64 kb/s to 44.736 mbps
between different type of earth stations.

Standard Frequency G/T Approximate Services used for

Type Band (GHz) (dB/K) Diameter (M)
A 6/4 35.0 15-18 All
(Earlier 40.7) (30-32)
B 6/4 31.7 10-12 All except FDM / FM and
C 14/11,12 37.0 10-12 FDM / FM CFDM/FM IDR,IRS
D1 6/4 22.7 4.5-6 VISTA
D2 6/4 31.7 11 VISTA
K1 14/11,12 25.0 3.5-4.5 IRS
K2 14/11,12 29.0 5.5-6.5 IRS
K3 14/11,12 34.0 5-10 IRS, IDR
F1 6/4 22.7 4.5-5.0 IRS
F2 6/4 22.0 7-8 IRS, IDR
F3 6/4 29.0 9-10 IRS, IDR, CFDM/FM
G 6/4 or - All sizes International leased services
X 6/4 or - All sizes Domestic leased services
Table. 1: Summary of INTELSAT Standard Earth Stations
 Closed Net - Any data rate,
- No overhead
 Intermediate data Rate (IDR) - 2 Mbps,8Mbps & 34 Mbps Data rate

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- 96 k OH
 Intelsat Business Service (IBS) - Any data rate for data transmission
- 16/15 OH
 Drop & Insert - Fractional N x 64 Kbps
- Supports Multi-destination communication


IDR system provides Trunk connectivity between Telephone exchanges for Digital
Telephony data via satellite.
3.1.5 Data rate: 64 kbps to 44.736 mbps

 E1- 2.048 Mbps

 E2- 8.448 Mbps
 E3- 34.368 Mbps
 Supports Engineering Service Channel (ESC) of 96 Kbps

3.1.6 The 96 Kbps overhead (ESC) channel consists of :

 32 Kbps ADPCM two audio channel

 64 Kbps Data channel
 8 Kbps Data channel
 Four independent Backward alarms


FRAME AND MULTIFRAME TWO 32 kbps ESC VOICE Chls or one 64 Kbps
Figure. 3: Overhead structure for 2048 Kbits/s IDR Carriers
VI = ESC voice channel I Bits (I = 1,2) : (Set to 1 if not used)

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AI = Backward Alarm to destination : (I = 1,2 ,3 ,4)

NO alarm = 0 , Alarm = 1
DI = ESC Digital Data (I = 1 to 8) ,(Set to 1 if not used )
8 Frames = 1 Multiframe = 1ms
OH Rate = 12 Bits / 125 micro sec = 96 Kbps

*Bits 5&9 in the overhead Frame correspond to the first bit transmitted in the ESC voice
channels .

**d1 correspond to the first bit transmitted in the ESC data channel.

The frame structure is derived by adding 12 bits every 125 micro sec resulting in a
96 Kb/s overhead rate. The overhead rate is allocated as below:

a. 20 Kb/s for frame & multi frame alignment.

b. 4 Kb/s for backward alarm up to four destinations.
c. 8 Kb/s for ESC data.
d. 8 bits for two 32 Kb/s ESC voice channels for total rate of 64 Kb/s.

The block diagram of IDR system is shown in figure 4. The technical features and
detailed block diagram of each individual IDR block is given from Figures 5 to 10

Figure. 4: IDR System


 G703 E1,E2,E3 Interface

 96 kbps Overhead Framing
 Operates in C-band
 Low Phase Noise Synthesizer
 Freq. Resolution Of 125 KHz
 IESS 308/310 Compliant

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 QPSK &8PSK Modulation

 Viterbi, Reed Solomon &Trellis FEC Coding
3.1.2 System Features

Figure. 5: Star connectivity between Hub &Remote

3.1.3 MODEM

Figure. 6: MODULATOR


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3.1.4 Up Converter

Figure. 8: Up Converter
3.1.5 Down Converter

Figure. 9: Down Converter

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3.1.6 LNA System

Figure. 10: 1:1 LNA System


 C-Band Transponders
 Beacon frequency
 Uplink & Downlink frequency
 Longitude = 55 East
 Satellite Foot Print
 Polarization
 VSWR/Return Loss

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Figure. 11: Downlink & Uplink

Figure. 12: Hub Earth Station


 Hub communicates with geographically co-located remotes.

 The subsystems at Hub are mounted in Modem Rack and RF Rack.
 Accepts 2 Mbps/ 8Mbps Data from exchange, performs digital Modulation.
 Performs 70 MHz IF to C-band frequency.
 The RF system is interfaced to Antenna (7Mtr) and Amplifiers.

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 Easy expandable.
 Redundancy at every stage provides reduction of system down time.


Figure. 13: Modem Rack

3.1.1 Function of Modem Rack
 Accepts 2048/8.448 Mbps terrestrial data from echo canceller
 Modem performs IDR framing, Forward error correction, Digital Modulation &
conversion to 70 Mhz IF output.
 ESC order wire audio used for earth station maintenance is interfaced to Modem.
 All terrestrial data & IF are routed to Modem switch to provide change over to back
up modem during failure.
 IF carriers are combined in IF Power combiner in uplink & divided in downlink.
 Maximum voice channel communication supported by 8:1 system is 240 for 2Mbps
960 voice channels for 8 Mbps.
 The IF signal is routed to RF rack for frequency translation.

3.1.2 Features of Modem Rack:

 Provision of DDF Panel for 2 Mbps / 8 Mbps data.
 Provision for IF interface at top of rack.
 Provision of separate Earth for Rack.
 Smooth flow of all signals (E1, IF, ESC and Control)
 Line filter reduces EMI/EMC
 System is engineered for 8:1 configuration to cater future traffics.
 Easily expanded by plugging the modem for higher configuration.

3.1.3 Function of RF Rack

a) Transmit Chain
o Accepts 70 MHz IF from Modem rack.
o Equalizer compensates delay distortion & amplitude slope.

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o Up converter converts IF input to C-band RF output without frequency inversion.

o Up converter implements dual conversion.
o Provision for IF & RF Monitoring at front panel.
o Prime & backup modules plugged to converter provides switching of IF & RF.
o The Output of the RF Rack is interfaced with Amplifier Rack.
o The amplified output is switched to antenna Tx feed via waveguide run which offers
min. attenuation frequency translation.
b) Receive Chain
o Accepts receive C-band RF signal after amplification.
o Down converter converts C-band RF input to IF output w/o frequency inversion.
o Down converter implements dual conversion.
o Provision for IF & RF Monitoring at front panel of converter.
o Prime & backup modules plugged to converter provides switching of IF & RF.

3.1.4 Features of RF Rack

 Provision for IF & RF interface at top of rack.

 Provision of separate Earth for Rack.
 Smooth flow of all signals (IF & RF)
 Line filter reduces EMI/EMC.
 System is engineered for 4:1 Upconverter and 8:1 configuration for downconverter
to cater future traffics.
 Easily expandable to higher configurations by plugging Up /Down converters.

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Figure. 14: Block Diagram For 2 Mbps IDR Equipment.

CONCLUSION: - From this lesson trainee is able to understand V-SAT

Broadband networking, how does a VSAT network work, VSAT Services Offered, modes
of satellite services, antenna etc.

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BSNL Junior Engineer DSPT

Module – 7
Lesson – 4

Digital Satellite Phone Terminal


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Digital Satellite Phone Terminal System (DSPT system or DSPS) project involves
setting up a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) Based network for BSNL. The system
consists of HUB Station and Remote Digital Satellite Phone Terminals working in Ku-
Band (Transmit Frequency is 13.75-14.5 GHz and Receive is 10.7-12.75 GHz). DSPT
Network provides PSTN connectivity to rural, remote, inaccessible and hilly areas via
INSAT (Indian National Satellite) or leased transponder for DTS network. The VSAT
system works in a star topology using DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access)
technology. For BSNL VSAT network the Hub shall be located at Sikanderabad (A.P.),
adjoining Delhi, in Uttar-Pradesh and there shall be 15000 DSPT remotes located over
several states in India with higher proportions being in North, North East and East

Figure. 1: Typical Network Configuration of DSPT system

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Figure. 2 : Overview of DSPT Hub

The Hub of DSPT system will be composed of Indoor and Outdoor facilities. The
outdoor facility is a complete Antenna and RF path while the indoor comprises the Hub
Base-band and the other equipments:

The Hub of DSPT system comprises of Indoor facilities and Outdoor facilities.
4.1.2 Indoor facilities: Indoor facilities has following components,
a. Hub Base-band

b. Transit switch.

In the Indoor facility consists of redundant Hub-base band unit, a Transit switch to
provide connectivity to PSTN network, associated Data-Base servers, Billing system
consisting of Billing system Hardware and software, the data networking equipment
consisting Firewall, web-server, Authentication server and router to provide backend
connectivity to the Internet. The base-band and remotes have a NMS and its database to
configure and manage the entire VSAT-based network.
4.1.3 Outdoor facilities:
a. Antenna (8.1 Meter antenna assembly): In the Outdoor facility has an
Extended motion antenna assembly, which is controlled by 3-phase Elevation and Azimuth
motors. The Antenna consists of a Cass-grain Feed Horn with Hyperbolic dish at focus of

b. RF path: RF path consists of Transmit chain and Receive chain.

 Transmit chain consists of

-ULPC (Up Link Power Control),

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- Up Converter and
- SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier) and

 Receive chain consists of

- Trance reject filter,
- Radar reject filter,
- LNA (Low Noise Amplifier),
- Power divider and Down converter.

CONCLUSION: This lesson provides the insight into overview of DSPT HUB.

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