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Made by-Saniya Khon

Su- B



4. THE WA2R 3
S: Duon-. hisadat 3
Sadu-us - Suda
7 ian-i- Intha
Bawid- j. Mumab'k
Dion- d- Awz 5
to Peny 5

12ontynoVE uppis
13 nbro ov aupou 6

Th houllcal hory d i uslauuc ule us baed u hu ueliasaus da
Salann dicOHding- to whih lyd wnuseui th uhnenu houwu d
lhe supuch had UheakaltSulan had fhe Delhi sultanak He
W0s t daunte allþoLwen aud auhoui He wns He MveueigU
htod aud tcnumaude h Amay uynuenally_lh on A
leiou twaA niaiat ained by itlu duttama g_Dilles
Tht ncbleAaud Uhe daudlords ud h nost iaLliuunbtal ule2a.
a tlucopihet0g4d LubaA uCandidote uauddrulauedim 0A
aL dulta AJteiunuda Hhu ornaal Cakh A take by ihim amd
datu 04 hy dathteple as aajorlky h u u s belieurd hoE
lhu 1ullan cauld l dispostd u h Jailed do tauy 0ut uu
kuLa dajuilew cuaideued o b a_duuitant (0UAL Jow
N HhonL nalmle The dulam nA HeQUuiued ho bi apeHML (opable
dealin9 twlhHht puolenuA ae atale He woA o he dn

Jul oAA LAAMQ physiat AMd outal aulis Orcunoily

hi uuleu UnA Enhttkd tto be a haal aMd ho wOndeu
lou ullau kazio utattd tok outuouht
To Aullan u n seLpeuked_to þoteut islann He uwas to
Attl uspulsaong hdubjuk He una LQucd tto delurd
tht deitorits dalan amd kuep he laighunya And aads Jor
davellassHL0 uo inlain aud tuyorte he Hinuinal tod
He uas o slutuuthtn dht uoulien o usum vuulory gains
pAIe ggtAAÍD

PE 1:
7h dud Ministe LR (ad tu uo21 0ud Q1tat untudaue LwaA
aauhed t us past ht wa2i us oua 14iduty bthuwren hu
KUEH UGEdd lus dubyk 0 s HCLOgni2ed ml no EnpiHt
Cad k dtable uoyheMaLUs Lcilhout th u i n huultanale
Deth theu EHE tco ypts d uni MoN henn pe4LAARd
ALual And unailtd þowLHAA Jtw g hion uyuyed unlinniled
QuHhcuey and_led Hht tnnpiuL_un h_nanse h e ULHan The

H ahbonttd And subiinttndent tht uvil MeLLAn He nuaauiked

a 0aiuu_ tolleteu duLauL H used Lonapleb
lcntuo vIY HaL Vauinushannels g ichtdikuHL AlU_lhi utguiuenatnk

ophununl SuDs hiA oL_Luhich Kept Lcnank MlaieA 0Md

Uotad asAig.nantut Tht ultan lunysauppoxukedl_uhatiu aD2iesn
ukxungdauplnthtuL unA alunyA_OnbeHahau_bttuwttn the
Sultnn ud h

wan-j- kisalatE

Deuonz salak_nA ht nunide fouugh faiuA nd waA in

hosq ht cliplormakeL0HLpOrndeure AhahassadovA_aand euuoys
wLHL e u to d UAutd Hom origen_uleus

Sad -S udo
Sad-us- Saday was uls ud uegulahons
ueguid do euote SNand
H toasMCuud to dlt hat hu Mulnn DhAewtd huseLuls and

Meq ulakio_udn dheiudals lives He had un hia thauge dok

MOKMLL to uQvL to MusinndivinL tholaHA LUCd_boau_Mth

The DittON-uuinsha dealt wrth oynl LOuHApondevnte has ughly
ben alled ht duuasury LACcHekiL due h dhe aut hat he
Dab-- khaswho_ huLtided ove lhat his dehaytontust _uwn also the
lolideaal leuk__lht a l ht DahiH -khas cwas Miabed
by a nUnmbtu olabus who had_2Nohlithtd thii Hthutotiou as
hetuwen h_AMUeueiQn_aud he
I22astxA _Akyle AU_LOwLAOnduntt
HLLleLs d cheu talt ou his own duibutauies And
dhuoughdhis dhaubnntnt Eves udeu C lhe Sulton wnAJLAE
dtalked un_dhis olehautneut anddhtn taktn o hin or
a/le with ik LwA topltd_tegidteucd avd then

Lle washt head dheStale neA aqtuaus H_lOutuotecdtht
Dok chaukis a s t n w s outhos H duby_unA o keeh hinsel
unlormed dall dhat waA happeuting Un LarOLLA pask d
the LnbLue

The dabu- - khas tuas QNICd by 2 nunsbe c dobiesLwho has
Ltablished Uhu eputatiou as mastes Alyl Met_uas doral
baid att u htadquautescA euety adulnistualue dubaiuiston_ard
wOs htA lLely _dunalMegulasly _newa detteus tht (entat 1line He
KtJA_hisnlanc UCyhu ad dial not_ALla) ony!hing do Acaht
He atunded all unaputasut JnthonA He aA equintd _toAhOuE_on fhe
gUEHnaut civals he linantial postliou ht dkate aguiuttune
lht þuiy _toienage tle


h Auiz- Mumatik un he head d tht_hainistuyLun alled

|Diuon-u -a2 He aAHEAAonAible Jor naiutaining th asns_unA
aratdliuuuy H atd an dhe thieHeLuiliag e nd eed
Vht ulauy 0ch_MCE H insbeked_he bops at least onte
uen aod ExAiL h toditiou h_equipnaua- _evuy_Mcope Tat
A2ldieu depaded han uin HL_kept_inanAttr _aliA
ond Huiatd du Aalawies at eah annual Hevtuw Hu t e ws alse
HesponAibH Jo ht dilonoatuadakou o asAignontu n dcldieeA ad he
ounut d th duorps Me alae slockrd le ubply and uaushou-

As Jhe sules Suttaus Delluo eas not kaaed ou itte williag lonAPuF
Uhe puple inotia_hty wuL_Heguuined to aaintasn a laugo_aHnus

h daug eunns Cnsished Uueguta olatieupenumanusty enabloud_un the
AeUCe c h t SultQn ocs eumatnly oployed_un Uhe uuie d
kMovinuial LeHINC and nobCA VtLouuttnbloyd un tnes ua and
Mwbin voluut ctusuin enlisttd Jov guling Tht edik reaking a
LAtaunding Aunay gA bu Aladdin khilji who duitciy wILLudd_boid
LAT Loutucltd the 0myuk unsbiu w2 475, 000 hau Jn
addukou to_a laut ounubt ooot men.
Thus Atat d alyais (ovnlinues dil he it_ Eiuuz Tugulaq wo

LCVUEedthe aunas iuo a yuudal OKgOunahio thi Q0Ay ihe

lodlis wA Ogai2edDn a lanuigh hoaid LMA eOk_Qnd
lll- crQant2ed Sn inm d un tht luocpA_nnatatained by he hole
anc QouLHIOLA WuL_plaed at hediosai Divausi: luu2: uns4
thl QouencH conetnd_do deok altu bheiu organi2akiau diLpline
Qnd baumut 1hi 0ms o ht lutkan_ Dellhi waa a hthuOQeneCLA
ody (CnsLked tuuks uauinus whes he peHAions ht
Mongols He Plahous he fudes_dtht dian Musim
ond Hhe Hindus

The apnt piuson wA also affoined Kodt- us - Sduy_he Llut

o uos Qutn a Mnny 26 0o0 tankas_a yea unde 11uhanana

|Tughlag H wAs_dn thauge heLuhole legal uAyslem and he
Qdnnistatiou Veligtaus alfaiita He heand obhtals o lht
douwe owtt outl apptlnted tht lotaL a s 1ht w0 a duaz


bstouuatouy diptaikitus dupu wna AU_tccisied buLp

ht otol goweuno ond uals h ip th do in_aintaiaing

HhL_ignlty q lau and t tn-op£uot wih bim un binging
wrDnGdoeuA 1hhu ALnAA Th o2is wu mt udu ht oveuNHA
QA Hhey weAL diuLt apeuutd bs tnt levtuad govaunnant he
Anih u Dad LLDA ONinted Hh yushLEh husIded evEy Hht toLuuE
OMo20lm n ht huat d ultanutn ht Ault LwnA
pHALME _un heu AnuH - dod wnA uLspeuAiblz kr utENLuH
DdnistHakiut busintAA Ovdinouily a bo kigh uauk was ahpciuted
O Auu--dad aA b had h tuy tonplaes 2gaizst viunas
Ond big nuAdeuA
Tht ultaun beliturd uin the itu thatn dorinic touldAubsist
in bilL 1ALLAbtlieL hut ut Culd_nt intuu_uh tht iistente
nunkre ht isals uRE Qualls thosLn Jor hi Jeactaing
Oud ithy ulkan Ae hd Puanaple un
5alban_uA Midh haue uniltd ixtunai hiualtiu an a
AOveHnDA Lwhe wOA guilh d Mudeu_whin_h_was durk
Mulnannmtd Tughlag abhiaud that delidau in Hhi 0unt d da
ond uhen tht_tQe uns buaved gaint kinhi vinustd

Loutuol oveSuptlés

hJakau butes nuouA uultclesOiaut haking L uitaHe

aYHauGLnuu or vht aLaLlabiuly would have tontplettly
Untd Hhe
AUnAs lhat ttu ultan had Un ntnd H wMade eveHy OAaMJLNANE

Jor talALhly thtng1 Hl lhu puodueenA O_tOAn wthin 100 nuiles

h tohLlal_uoeue akrd to kech_0nly lo aunds o1OLtn h
hen And to ACLL ht Aublus to ht govecALnnLnt altoudivng o
HhL uaktd uin tht 1aue-
ith h HeLue dht nle PApltiatiy_
un h
dn_tHht khalaa_dand uin _bht Doab, btgon to be tolletd _un_kind
waeuUhan in tah A lauge_nunsbty d hue housA Ovnd qHanauie
wLu builE un he apikal uto Akou daxge quautttiA toun

Loutuol uEY xauAhu

Eaual atdeminuLaA haid hunola he iuausbant Aicde ALL dlacAe

beuAns he MuLtau uadeus And tht BasjaHAAuwho tweLL Mgaged
Vin ht uauspout unuk had to tGisteu lhei nannes in he
Dofkeu thy had o luteu dnlo Qn lQHCeMeAuE with dhe
gOVeHnnu that thy uOuld taMMY 0dhe ovdeMA l l dtale
aty weHLpuOvIdEd1 _au ouh auliesto buing LOK eAom dhe
illageso the t0bttal HU tla taHaLauA COLMe Qlse weqistusd_Qud
hi MDULA tOnlollea oeUDttons wLLL_nMade_ttontuclltd
Thesc menthaut uwH U d lht toutuol o dhtsuypeuiuulendtut c
Moukrt ahvau-Maud
Lontuol_ove Jarkele
ToMe lat tLurole dystem tovatuol 0ud ukouing wouked
n e/hrueut ines sheeial dehastaut ws ud p_vnden_ht
clawaeodh Shahn- Manaci _altenpk_to holid uup tokn
C CLl at HIgeu_huius_weHL Aeunly_but loLonALnuilauly
a y opkrcpeu twas guully _e_wtglsing ultaA be lhad o ay
ataunly Jor hatA pite efJlsh equatut to dlu deliit un wuiglt
Lukaat he had old unA ut 1at bi baly_Ouu_ny
Lall Aulh_a_bunishnaut do be AonneLdha _ud lout_il LMULd
s buuhoAe ound u hobkegheua ud auchauk (eOA to puattire

The EtoAcnIL UeernAs _DH h ALLskLngtoutuo/ AMd MOMLLn4

devied Ond dntuoduted by Alauddin Hhili ulliled he ainss
Lilh_uhih stauted
Alouddin khly waA able maintain wt!_nA0uated weu aMnAtd
wel tuained oud wll equuped Huns accoLding o uis htas!'A
ht untrease stuunglh dud 1tiuuauy un_he_ AunyALEd thi beople
Dnn Hhu baubuDUN UnuaionA lae nAoNGolA:
The vmstunapautau btnlik of hese unasLeIEK uRA dle oliaily_wluich
Unpintd o fht tental Govemnatut
h s h Mull betauut d hescules wHL h t muthauk ad

ht kkeus beaust Uhy tuutd o darngeuuwk tndehtunduatly

ht poliy ht naskut_uns natuwtatuy uteAuuld by hnn

Tht lacpktthes_alsoAulud 0 ulat becaune dhiuysten

htcae beim punihtd por ueghing deas wuighing less alau
hong htauiLy onthuu head andthty Mit not knuw whn_Hhty
had h_dit tat MaHh M deo
1hecbiA_Atusionatd_to the die _abundasit_aad gaily toutd
hevey eleuale Auth ia Asten Ude uwiih_thuy had ih rek
heu isNL lor eath Md wenyHaing:
|Thty natueaty did not dikt his systena

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