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Authors: Diana Mariella Villarreal López, María José Mazón Valenzuela, Jesús Ángel Gallego Ruiz, Zaid Montaño


The aftermath of COVID-19 M E T H OD

on teenager’s development Our research design was of a non-

experimental quantitaive approach,
I NT R O DUC T ION OBJE CT IV E with the data we collected, using a case
study method, the surveys turn to be more
of a numerical measurement that will help
us to identify behavioral patterns to
It is estimated that the pandemic has This research delves into the
prove our hypothesis.
increased the prevalence of depression repercussions of the COVID-19
and anxiety worldwide by 25-27%, but pandemic on teenagers'
still there’s a treatment deficit of 90% in mental health and overall
development. Through a non- R E S U LT S
some countries. Treatment and care
remain scarce, inadequate, experimental quantitative
inaccessible or too expensive, and approach utilizing surveys, the The questionnaire applied to the students
widespread stigmatization deters study aims to discern from Colegio de Bachilleres Plantel
people from seeking help. Stigma and behavioral patterns among Hermosillo V, showed that after the
misunderstanding prevent those teenagers aged 15-18. pandemic, 6 out of 10 students had a
affected from identifying their own decay on their mental health.
psychological ailments and others, as
well as asking for help. 69% of the students never, rarely and ocassionaly talk about their mental
The answers we got from the changes of their daily routine ranged
C ONC L USION from no changes, sedentary life and great difficulty to adapt.

The study reveals a significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on

the mental health of surveyed students from Colegio de Bachilleres
Plantel Hermosillo V. Findings suggest an adverse change in mental R E FE R EN CE S

health levels, with an increase in diagnoses of mental disorders and a higher El cerebro de los adolescentes: 7 cosas que usted debe saber. (n.d.). National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

frequency of anxiety and stress reported after the outbreak. Additionally, a

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internet during the COVID-19 pandemic: Good practices and mental health recommendations. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 112, 152279.

decrease in communication about mental health was identified, with a

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Tendencias, R. (2023, 23 junio). Efecto pospandemia: en Japón dan clases para aprender a sonreír. ELHERALDO.CO.

concerns with family or friends. These results underscore the urgent need to
Understanding the Teen Brain. (n.d.). Stanford Medicine Children’s Health. Retrieved February 22, 2024, from

implement specific interventions to address emerging challenges in

United Nations. (s. f.). Estado de la salud mental tras la pandemia del COVID-19 y progreso de la Iniciativa Especial para la Salud Mental
(2019-2023) de la OMS | Naciones Unidas.

students' mental health and to foster a supportive emotional environment ¿Cómo se desarrolla el cerebro de un adolescente? (n.d.). UNICEF.
Cómo el aislamiento extremo distorsiona la mente (2014, June 2).BBC News Mundo.

both within and outside the educational setting.

¿Cómo afecta el distanciamiento social y la pandemia la mente de las personas? (n.d.).
6 efectos de la pandemia en la salud mental de adolescentes y jóvenes. (n.d.). UNICEF.
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