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All about Hair pH

(Gazi Adiba Tahsin)

The haircare industry is booming, with new products coming out almost daily. But which
product to buy? What factors should one consider before buying a product? To make
things a little easier for you, we are diving into one of those factors: Hair pH. Without
further ado, let's get into the basics.

What is pH?
Power of Hydrogen, generally known as pH, measures how acidic or alkaline a solution
is. The pH scale is from 0-14, with 0-6 measuring acidic, 7-14 measuring alkaline, and 7
(the pH of water) measuring neutral.

The pH of hair
Everything that contains water has a pH level. Thus, our scalp and hair strands have a
pH level as well. Coming up to 4-5.5, scalp and hair strands fall on the slightly acidic
side. Whenever hair becomes too alkaline, it causes a pH imbalance. It ends up opening
up the hair cuticles, affecting the health of our hair negatively.

Signs of pH imbalance
Open cuticles make our hair prone to moisture loss, making it dry, brittle, and frizzy.
An itchy scalp and fragile & breakable hair strands are some of the primary signs of pH

Causes of pH imbalance
Using alkaline hair products is the key aspect of the pH imbalance of hair. Most
shampoos that contain sulfates have an alkaline pH level, causing hair damage.
Another factor that needs to be considered is chemical treatment, such as - bleaching,
coloring, and chemical straightening of hair. The processes of these treatments use very
harsh chemicals that can cause severe damage to the basic structure of hair.

Maintaining hair pH
The proper hair pH is one of the core reasons our hair looks and feels healthy. It creates
a suitable hair growth environment and keeps dandruff and unhealthy bacteria away.
Now, to maintain the pH of hair, one can take the following steps -
1. Check the pH of hair products - A crucial factor when purchasing hair products,
but it is often overlooked. By purchasing hair products with the right pH level, you
are cutting the problem at its root.
2. Know your hair's needs - Although most chemical treatments damage the hair's
pH level, different processes affect the hair's health differently. So knowing what
damage was done also helps you to find the products accordingly.
3. Find people with a similar hair type- You hear from a friend that a particular
product completely changed their hair game, but when you tried it, your hair
started looking like a witch's broom! Remember that hair products are never a
'one size fits all.' Finding people who have hair types and problems similar to
yours will make finding a solution easier.
4. Patience and consistency - Good things come to those who wait. Reversing your
hair damage may take much longer than it took to damage it. Sounds unfair, I
KNOW. Sometimes, the damage is so severe that although a product is working
its magic, you can feel it but not see it. Do NOT lose hope. Trust the process and
give it some time. Soon enough, your mane will be healthier than ever!

In conclusion, it might be a long run, but being committed to it will make your hair and
future self thank you. Stay strong!

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