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Bridge to Terabithia

Novel by
Katherine Paterson

Block: _________________

Chapter 1 Questions:
1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?

2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?

3. How did foot racing become the boys’ main recess activity?

4. What news does May Belle share with Jess in the bean patch?

Chapter 2 Questions:
1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?

2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?

3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?

4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?

Chapter 3 Questions:
1. How does Jesse show sensitivity to Leslie on her first day of school?

2. How does the author let you know that Jesse's family is poor?

3. After losing the heat (running race) to Leslie, how does Jesse get even with Gary Fulcher?

4. Why does Jesse choose to sit with May Belle on the bus, which is something he does not often do?
Chapter 4 Questions:
1. Although he wouldn’t be the number one runner in the fourth and fifth grades, Jesse is able to console himself. Explain. (Look up
console in the dictionary)

2. Explain what is meant by the following excerpt: “He felt there in the teachers’ room that it was the beginning of a new season in
his life, and he chose deliberately to make it so.”

3. What reason does Leslie give for moving to Jesse’s part of the state?
How would you feel if you were Leslie?

4. Why does Jesse choose to write about football rather than drawing? How would you have handled the assignment if you were

Chapter Five Questions:

1. Who was the "real" giant in their lives?

2. What did the council of war discuss at Terabithia that afternoon?

3. What plan of action do they decide on to pay back Janice Avery?

4. How does Leslie prevent Mrs. Pierce from discovering Jesse in the classroom?

Chapter Six Questions:

1. What were the girls obsessed with at Jess's house?

2. What did Jess plan to give Leslie for Christmas initially?

3. Why did Jess get off the bus before his normal stop?

4. Why does Jess make sure that he and the puppy enter Terabithia only by the proper entrance?
Chapter Seven Questions:
1. What happened when Jess tried to go to Terabithia alone?

2. Compare the relationship between Leslie and her father and Jess and his father.

3. Why did Jess feel differently when he was at Leslie's house?

4. Who does Leslie discover crying in the bathroom stall? Why are they crying?

Chapter 8 Questions:
1. What does Mrs. Aarons mean when she says, “We got lot more than Easter clothes to worry about”? (pgs 101-102)

2. Why is Mrs. Aarons nervous about allowing Leslie to accompany the family to church? What does she mean when she says,
“I don’t want no one poking up their nose at my family”? (pg 105)

3. Explain the statement: “His mother always cried poor. . . .”

4. Why does Leslie say she would like to go to church with Jess' family?

Chapter 9 Questions:
1. Contrast Jesse’s and Leslie’s attitudes about the worsening weather conditions at Terabithia. Provide at least 2 comments
per person.

2. Foreshadowing is a way that an author prepares the reader for something that is about to happen in the story. At the end
of the chapter 9, Katherine Paterson (author) provides a clue to a future event. Can you find it? (pg 119)

3. What does Leslie mean by her comment that her mother “came unstuck”? (pg 112)

Chapter 10 Questions:
1. Why does Miss Edmunds invite Jesse to accompany her to the National Gallery in Washington?

2. Why is “The Perfect Day” an ironic title for this chapter?

3. Why is the family so surprised to see Jesse when he returns home from the museum?

4. Why does Jesse sense that something is different even before he speaks to anyone?

Chapter 11 Questions:
1. What tragic event happens that Jesse has a very difficult time accepting? Why does he have such a hard time accepting

2. Why does Jesse react to the tragic news by running?

3. What does Jesse do that startles his sisters and causes Brenda to say, “You don’t even care, do you?”

4. What does Jesse wish he had the opportunity to confess to Leslie?

Chapter Twelve Questions:

1. Describe the scene in the Perkins place when the Aarons arrive.

2. Why does Jess think that Leslie has failed him?

3. What is the significance of the phrase, I am now the fastest runner in the fifth grade?

4. What does Jess mean when he says that Leslie has left him stranded like an astronaut on the moon?

Chapter Thirteen Questions:

1. Why is the glass of milk that Jess pours for himself warm?

2. Why did Mrs. Myers ask Jesse to step into the hall?

3Jess says that Leslie took him from the cow pasture to Terabithia and turned him into a king. What does Jess mean by this
statement? Explain in your own words.

4. At the end of the story we find that Jess is building a bridge to Terabithia. Why is this so important and what does it tell the
reader about Jess?

Describe the setting. What was the most Tell about the most
exciting part of the story? interesting part in the

Tell About your favorite Compare the burke and What was the saddest part
character. Aarons family. of the story?

What was the plot of the What are three adjectives What was the most
story. that describe leslie. exciting part of the story?

Tell about the funniest part What are some adjectives contrast the burke and
in the story. that describe jesse. Aarons family.

Which character did you Compare and contrast lark What are some adjectives
like the best? Why? creek elementary school that describe leslie.
and brady elementary

Paper Bag Book Report (using a grocery size bag)

You will be completing a paper bag book report as an assessment for this novel/story.

On the Outside….

For this book report, you must consider each the following: setting, plot, main character, and

There are four panels on a paper bag. You will be expected to dedicate one panel of your
brown paper bag to each of these four elements:

1. For the setting, you must include the time and place (if there is more than one
time/place include those too). As well, you must create a small illustration to add to this
panel that illustrates one of the main settings in the novel.

2. You must summarize the plot in a few sentences – keep it short and sweet. Many times, this is more difficult than writing a lengthy

3. Tell about the main character(s) on the third panel. Do not focus on the physical and the obvious. Tell how this character changed
throughout the story. What happened to him/her to cause this change etc.? You can include the obvious information (family background,
physical traits etc.). However, don’t include ONLY this information. As well, list the other major/minor characters in the story by name on
this panel.

4. The final panel must be about the theme of the book. What is the theme(s) and what are your feelings about the message in this novel?

 The information for each panel must be neatly written on the bag or typed on a small piece of paper and glued/taped to the bag. You
won’t need any more than a paragraph or so for each panel.

 Drawings/visuals are welcome, but optional

 Be sure to include the title of the novel, author and your name clearly on the outside of the bag

On the Inside…

You must include 10 items in your bag that have some significance to the story. Be imaginative…Think outside of the box. You can use toys, modeling
clay, pictures or anything else that may represent something important from the story. Make sure each item that you pick is unique and include
a one sentence descriptor attached to the item about its significance.

DUE: __________4/3/17__________________


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