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STUDEN´T NAME: Bryan steven sichique

TEACHER: Lic. José Tinizaray Olmedo



WEEK: 1- 4

SCHOOL YEAR: 2020 – 2021

NAME: Bryan Steven Sichique DATE: ______________________, 2020
CLASS: 1ST BGU ________ 2nd BGU: __E____
Teacher: José Tinizaray Olmedo e-mail:

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: students will understand that health, culture and entertainment are fundamental in life and they
are manifested through art and culture.
1. Answer the following questions:
a. What can we find in outer space?
We can find in outer space cosmic patricides gases and radiation

b. How much do you know about the diversity of life in our planet and beyond our world?
I believe the diversity of life in our planet and beyond our world life exists in many different forms in soils
and on the surface of the

c. What do you know about the origin of life? of the theory of the big bang says that an explosion caused the
formation the formation the place where are living
I think everything began

2. match the meaning of the following words:

Words Letter Meaning

1. isolated F a. done in a way that is free from mistakes or errors

2. emptiness B b. particular way of thinking, a person’s attitude

3. device E c. a definite form or planning of something

4. shaped A d. object, machine, piece of equipment for special

5. mindsets D e. containing nothing

6. accurately C f. separate from others

3. use these words to fill the following table:

Isolated shaped mindsets device emptiness accurately:

A: isolated
D: device
E: emptiness
4. answer the following questions:
a. How does life in outer space resemble life on our planet?
Write 3 possible similarities.
For example:
1. If life existed on another planet there would be water and life forms.
2. PS : stars like the earth have a rocky surface
3. PS: we can find radiation in space as well as on aerth

5. Draw a telescope and identify its parts. Use these words:

The objective lens
The eyepiece
Tripod / mount
The optical tube

6. Answer the following questions below

a. Why do people need a telescope nowadays?
People need a telescope to see: observe celestial bodies from the earth’s surface

b. How is it important in people's lives?

It is important in people’s lives: it has helped in the discovery of new planets stars and it is an
indispensable element for astronomy

7. Listen to the teacher’s lecture and complete the following activities.

Enlace para descargar video de Google drive:
a: T

TAPESCRIPT (sino puede descargar el video por alguna razón aquí tiene el tapescript)


8. Answer the following questions:
a. How did we start visiting outer space?
The space age begins with the launch of sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957
This satellite went almost a thousand kilometers away from the planet
b. What do you know about astronauts?
An astronaut is the person who after having undergone rigorous training
Has the ability to operate pilot or be part of the crew of spa craft


We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past when we have a finished time word with and
always goes with a specific time, for example: yesterday, last week, at 2 o'clock, in 2003, etc.

 I went to the cinema yesterday.

 We spent a lot of time in Japan in 2007.

9. Read the following sentences and change them from simple past to simple present
For example:
I answer all the questions during my English test. (simple present)
I answered all the questions during my English test. (Simple past)
a. Nancy plays football with her friends every day.
Nancy will play football with her friends every day

b. Last year I spend my holiday in Ireland.

Last year spent may holiday in Ireland

c. It be great!
It was green

d. I travel around by car with two friends and we visit lots of interesting places.
I traveled around by car with two friends and we visited lots interesting place

e. In the evenings we usually go to a pub.

In the evenings we usually went to pub

f. One night we even learn some Irish dances.

One night we even le are nerd some Irish dance

g. We be very lucky with the weather.

We were very lucky with the weather

h. It not/rain a lot, but we see some beautiful rainbows.

It didn’t rain a lot but we saw some beautiful ruinous

i. Where do you spend your last holiday?
Where did you spent your last holiday
Reference and practice the exercises.

10. Write the meaning of these words:
Race Carrera
Launch Lanzamiento
Overheating Calentamiento
Sorrow Dolor
Tale cento

11. read the following reading about Laika and write true or false. If it is false, correct it.
a. The objective of the trip wasn’t to prove that space travel for humans was safe. _false ___
b. In 1957, technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet. ____true _
c. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days. _true ___
d. Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere. True ____
e. Many people were inspired by Laika to create songs, tales, and poems. True _____

During the era of the space race between the USA and USSR, the Soviet Union launched the first
living thing into space. It was a dog named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that
space travel for humans was safe, but technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back
yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut because of her size and calmness. After
some training, she was ready to go into space. Her ship, called Sputnik 2, was launched on
November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports from
Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian space program scientists
revealed that Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere because of stress and
overheating. Many people in the world were in great sorrow because of her death. Since then,
her story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs, and poems. Some of
them say that Laika became a star in the sky.

11. Draw a picture with each brown word from the reading and explain the meaning to your classmates,
teacher, or family.
(Realice un dibujo para cada palabra de color café de la lectura y explique el significado a sus
compañeros, profesor o familia)

12. Select one of the readings and write a summary.

From our planet, outer space starts about 100 km above the surface. Farther away,
there are only isolated particles of gas and dust in the emptiness of the universe.
Some regions have planets and galaxies. Some scientists say that there is radiation in
space, but we cannot see it. Now, we have some powerful devices that help us see
what is out there. Humans have been curious about outer space since they noticed
there was something beyond the Earth. The study of the stars was the foundation of
past cultures and civilizations. Since the sky was always changing, it caused
fascination and curiosity. People noticed patterns in the sun and moon, also in the
stars and planets. Astronomy shaped their beliefs and mindsets. The Babylonians
were one of the first civilizations to register the movements of the moon and sun. A
brilliant Persian astronomer invented a giant device that accurately calculated the
Earth’s axis.


During the era of the space race between the USA and USSR, the Soviet Union
launched the first living thing into space. It was a dog named Laika. The objective of
the trip was to prove that space travel for humans was safe, but technology hadn’t
advanced enough to bring ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an
astronaut because of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go
into space. Her ship, called Sputnik 2, was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was
supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports from Russian space
programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian space program scientists revealed
that Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere because of stress and
overheating. Many people in the world were in great sorrow because of her death.
Since then, her story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs,
and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.
“What is the main idea of the text?”
The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel for
Humans was safe

“What are the supporting ideas?”

Idea 1 in 1957 technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet
Idea 2laike was supposed to orchid the planet some days
Idea 3 alike died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere
Idea 4 many people were inspired by alike to debate songs tales and poems

Desarrollando mi resumen:
MAIN IDEA: I have learned…
First, …
Next, …
Then, …
Finally, …

Por favor envíe su deber con los siguientes datos:

En asunto escriba: sus nombres, curso No de proyecto
Si toma fotos de lo que ha hecho, por favor que sean legibles, encuadrando la parte a revisar y se pueda
apreciar todo lo realizado, caso contario va a tener una nota inferior.

Si su trabajo es en un documento de texto (word) por favor donde están los puntos …. es donde debe escribir
la información.

Si su trabajo es en hojas de cuaderno, por favor de igual manera que este plenamente identificados los títulos
o subtítulos con esferos o lápices de colores.

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Gracias cuídense mucho

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