CBR-Leadership-W6-L26 to L30(1)-38

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McKinsey 7S Model

McKinsey 7S Model is one of the conceptual frameworks available to define the linkage of strategy and
structure with various other enablers such as systems, styles, staff and skills.

The organizational structure
A plan that establishes goals
of the company with
and action steps with
definition of roles,
resource deployment to
accountabilities and reporting
achieve goals

The broad approaches by Skills
which the functions and The capabilities of people in
people need to conduct their the organization

The most important asset of Style
the company. The entire The management style of the
spectrum of human company’s leadership

Shared Values
The overarching value system
of the company that is
characteristic of the culture of
the company

McKinsey 7S model merely expands the Vision-Strategy-Structure-Execution model with factors that
have been considered in early sections such as people, skills, leadership styles and values. Moreover,
staff and skills are correlated, with staff becoming an asset only with the necessary skills.

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