Gr 12- H.Hw

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Holiday Homework for Summer Vacations



S. No Subject name Date of Submission

1. Accountancy 10.7.24
2. Business Studies 10.7.24
3. Economics 8.7.24
4. Entrepreneurship 10.7.24
5. Geography 10.7.24
6. Political Science 10.7.24
7. Sociology 10.7.24
8. History 10.7.24
9. Psychology 8.7.24
10. Legal Studies 12.7.24
11. Applied Mathematics 10.7.24
12. Mathematics 10.7.24
13. English 10.7.24
14. Home Science 10.7.24
15. Physics 10.7.24
16. Chemistry 10.7.24
17. Biology 10.7.24
18. Computer Science 10.7.24
19. Information Practices 10.7.24
20. Painting 10.7.24
21. Hindustani Music 10.7.24
22. Geospatial Technology 10.7.24
23. Banking 10.7.24
24. Physical Education 10.7.24
25. Fashion Studies 10.7.24

1. Objective: To deepen understanding of partnership fundamentals through independent
research and reflection.
2. Description: This holiday homework activity involves conducting research on various
aspects of partnerships in business, reflecting on key questions related to partnerships, creating
a visual or written presentation summarizing findings, and optionally participating in a peer
sharing session.
Activity Title: "Partnership Research and Reflection"
Objective: To deepen understanding of partnership fundamentals through independent research
and reflection.
3. Research:
• Conduct research on the concept of partnerships in business.
• Explore various aspects of partnerships, including:
▪ Definition and characteristics of a partnership.
▪ Types of partnerships (general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership).
▪ Formation and dissolution of partnerships.
▪ Rights and responsibilities of partners.
▪ Importance of partnership agreements.
▪ Pros and cons of operating as a partnership.
• Utilize textbooks, online resources, articles, and other relevant materials for your research.
4. Reflection:
• Reflect on the following questions based on your research findings:
▪ What are the key features of a partnership, and how do they differ from other business
▪ What factors should be considered when forming a partnership, and why is a partnership
agreement important?
▪ How are profits and losses typically allocated in a partnership, and what factors might
influence these allocations?
▪ What are some advantages and disadvantages of operating as a partnership compared to other
business structures, such as sole proprietorship or corporation?
▪ Can you identify any real-life examples of successful partnerships, and what lessons can be
learned from them?
• Write down your reflections in a journal, document, or any preferred format.

5. Creation:
• Based on your research and reflections, create a visual or written presentation summarizing
key aspects of partnerships.
• Include important definitions, concepts, and examples to illustrate your points.
• Consider using diagrams, charts, or case studies to enhance your presentation.
6. Peer Sharing (Optional):
• If possible, organize a peer sharing session where you can discuss your research findings and
reflections with classmates or friends who have also completed the activity.
• Share insights, exchange ideas, and provide feedback to each other.
7. Submission:

• Submit your completed research findings, reflections, and presentation to your teacher or
instructor by July 10th, 2024.
• Deepens understanding of partnership fundamentals through independent research.
• Encourages critical thinking and reflection on the advantages and disadvantages of
• Fosters creativity and presentation skills through the creation of a visual or written
• Promotes peer learning and collaboration through optional sharing sessions.
Note: Ensure to adhere to any specific instructions or requirements provided by your teacher or
instructor regarding the submission of the holiday homework activity


o Objective:
1. To give learners, a real-life experience of forms of business organizations.
2. To develop critical thinking and inquiry skills among learners.

o Description: PICK ANY ONE PROJECT out of FOUR

I. Project One: Elements of Business Environment
The student should select any one element of the following:
1. Changes have been witnessed over the last few years in the mode of packaging and its
economic impact.
2. The reasons behind changes in the following:
Coca – Cola and Fanta in the seventies to Thums up and Campa Cola in the eighties to Pepsi
and Coke in nineties.
3. Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear families,
women as a bread earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of mixers, washing
machines, microwave and standard of living.
4. The changes in the pattern of import and export of different Products.
5. The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings.
6. A study of child labor laws, its implementation and consequences.
7. The state of ‘anti plastic campaign,’ the law, its effects and implementation.
8. The laws of mining /setting up of industries, rules and regulations, licences required for
running that business.
9. Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product. (Dish washer, Atta
maker, etc.)
10. What is the effect of change in the environment on the types of goods and services?
11. Change in the man-machine ratio with technological advances resulting in change of cost
12. Effect of changes in technological environment on the behaviour of employee.
II. Project Two: Principles of Management
The students are required to visit any one of the following:
1. A departmental store.

2. An Industrial unit.
3. A fast-food outlet.
4. Any other organization approved by the teacher.
They are required to observe the application of the general Principles of management
advocated by Fayol or F.W. Taylor
III. Project Three: Stock Exchange
The purpose of this project is to teach school students the values of investing and utilizing the
stock market. This project also teaches important lessons about the economy, mathematics and
financial responsibility.
The students are expected to:
a) Develop a brief report on History of Stock Exchanges in India. (your country)
b) Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.
c) To make an imaginary portfolio totaling a sum of Rs. 50,000 equally in any of the 5
companies of their choice listed above over a period of twenty working days.
IV. Project Four: Marketing
Identify one product/service from the above which the students may like to
manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].
Now the students are required to make a project on the identified product/service
keeping in mind 4 Ps of marketing management.
Presentation and Submission of Project Report
The following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. The total length of the project will be 25 to 30 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.

o Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

3. Subject: ECONOMICS
• Probe deeper into theoretical concepts learnt in classes XI and XII
• Analyse and evaluate real world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments
• Demonstrate the learning of economic theory
• Follow up aspects of economics in which learners have interest
• Develop the communication skills to argue logically.
Topics for project work
• Aatmanirbhar Bharat
• Sri Lanka’s Economics Crises

• Environmental Crisis
• New Education Policy (NEP) 2020: A Promise for a New Education System
• G-20: Inclusive and Action Oriented
• Amrit Kaal: Empowered and Inclusive Economy
• Cashless Economy
• Contemporary Employment situation in India
• Disinvestment policy of the government
• Goods and Services Tax Act and its Impact on GDP
• Health Expenditure (of any state)
• Human Development Index
• Monetary policy committee and its functions
• Role of RBI in Control of Credit
• Government Budget & its Components
• Trends in budgetary condition of India
• Exchange Rate determination – Methods and Techniques
• Alternate fuel – types and importance
• Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio Benefits
• Digital India- Step towards the future
• Make in India – The way ahead.
• Organic Farming – Back to the Nature
• Niti Ayog

Additional topic:

• Consumer preferences for sustainable products.

• Market competition and pharmaceutical drug prices.
• Monopoly power in the pharmaceutical industry.
• G-20 summit.
• Economics behind IPL
S. No. Specifications Marks
1. Relevance of the topic chosen 3
2. Research Work & Data 6
3. Presentation Technique 3
4. Viva-voice 8
Total 20 Marks
Materials Needed:
A-4 size sheets, Colour, File or folder, Newspaper article, statistical presentation tools.
1. Project should be of 3,500-4,000 words (excluding diagrams & graphs), hand-written,
independent, self-directed piece of study (Use A4 ruled pastel sheets and do art integration)
2. Students are required to ensure the authenticity of the works by avoiding plagiarism.
3. Adhere to timelines.

Submission of the Project/ Mode of Presentation

In the 2nd week of July, each learner will present the research work in the project file to the
internal examiner. The internal Examiner has to ensure that the study submitted by the learner
is his /her own work i.e. authenticity will be checked and verified, and suggestion will be
given in the end.


Objective • Tobe involved in the process of research work.

• Demonstrate his or her capabilities while working independently.

STEM / Experiential Learners will create market survey with the objective of estimated
Learning based demand for an existing product in the market. Students will give and
Activity innovative solution to the product.
Conduct a survey for a new innovative product.
Conduct a survey for study on
a. Smoking habits
b. Skill Trading
c. Option in an economic backward neighborhood
d. Wearing Helmets
e. Attitudes of Road Users
f. Conservation of Electricity
g. Rainwater Harvesting

Presentation and Submission of Project Report

At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit
his/her project report.

The following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation

and submission.
1. The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report should be developed in the following
Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information,
school and year.
List of contents.
▪ Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution,
the places visited and the persons who have helped).
▪ Introduction.
▪ Topic with suitable heading.

▪ Planning and activities done during the project, if any.
Observations and findings.
▪ Survey Sheet
▪ Conclusions & Innovation Suggested (summarized suggestions or
findings, future scope of study). Photographs (if any).
▪ Appendix
▪ Teacher’s observation. Signatures of the teachers.

Documentations Project File Required by the CBSE Board

Suggested CBSE Publication Book, News Paper Questionnaire
Competencies Critical Thinking, Creativity, Innovation, Collaboration
Developed /
Learner Profile
Rubrics Initiative, cooperativeness and participation 4 marks
Creativity in presentation 4 marks
Content, observation and research work 6 marks
Analysis of situations 6 marks

Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

5.Subject: GEOGRAPHY

Guidelines for Internal Assessment/ Geography Practical

1. A practical file must be prepared by students covering all the topics prescribed in the
practical syllabus.
2. The file should be completely handwritten with a cover page, index page and acknowledgment.
3. All practical works should be drawn neatly with appropriate headings, scale, index etc. Data
can be taken from the NCERT textbook.
4. The practical file will be assessed at the time of term end practical examinations.
5. A written exam of 25 marks will be conducted based on prescribed practical syllabus.
6. Viva will be conducted based on practical syllabus only.
7. Written Exam -25 Marks
8. Practical file- 03 Marks
9. Viva- 02 Marks

Chapter No. Learning Suggested Learning Outcomes
and Name Objectives Teaching
Learning Process
1 • To • Collect Primary • Define data.
Data its understand the and Secondary Sources • Differentiate between primary and
source and importance of data of data from different secondary sources of data.
compilation and its uses in sources and exhibit in • List several sources of data.
Geography practical file
2 • To calculate • Calculate Mean, • Calculate the mean rainfall of your
Data Measures of Median and Mode city.
Processing Central tendency using direct and indirect • List ten Himalayan peaks with their
• To Compare method heights and calculate the median height
Mean, Median and using the data.
3 • To represent • Construction of • Construct a line graph to represent
Representati data graphically Line Graph the growth rate of Population in India 1901-
on of data using different • Bar Graph 2011.
techniques • Poly Graph • Construct a polygraph to compare the
• Line and Bar growth of sex ratio in different states.
Graph • Construct a line and bar graph to
• Multiple Bar represent the average monthly rainfall and
Diagram temperature of Delhi.
• Compound Bar • Construct a multiple bar diagram to
Diagram represent decadal literacy rate, male literacy
• Pie Diagram and female literacy.
Thematic Maps • Draw a pie diagram to show India’s
export to major regions of
• Dot Map
the world 2010-2011.
• Choropleth Map
• Construct a dot map to show.
• Isopleth Map
India’s Population 2011.
• Construct a choropleth map to show
state wise variation in population density.
o th
Submission Deadline: 10 July 2024



Objectives of project work:

• To enable learners to probe deeper, initiate action and reflect on knowledge and skills
acquired during the course of class XI and XII
• To analyse and evaluate real world scenarios using social constructivism, a theory based on
observation and scientific study.

• To become independent and empowered to choose their topic and gather data from a variety
of source, investigate varied viewpoints acquired during the course XI-XII and arrive at logical
• To enquire into, and reflect on, issues independently /in collaboration with others and identify
the limitations.
• To develop 21st century skills of communication, cooperation, coordination, critical thinking,
creativity and collaboration to produce an extended and independent work.

Project Overview:
This project is an Individual Project and Project file has to be prepared.
(Student may choose any ONE topic from Grade 12 Political Science NCERT textbooks)
List of Suggested Topics
1. NAM- 1961 to present times.
2. Division of Germany with special focus on the construction and dismantling of the Berlin Wall.
3. CIS-Central Asian Republics
4. Disintegration of USSR with special focus on Gorbachev.
5. Arab Spring
6. Cover the negative as well as positive aspects of relationship between India and the following
countries. Focus on any one of the following (current updates should be highlighted):
a) Relationship between India and Russia
b) Relationship between India and China
c) Relationship between India and Pakistan
d) Relationship between India and Bangladesh
8. European Union and BREXIT
11. India’s Nuclear Policy
12. United Nations with focus on India’s candidature in Security Council.
13. UN Agencies – UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO
14. Pandemics: Covid 19- Its global impact (focus on worldwide cooperation and preparedness along
with controversies (please collect newspaper clippings for the same)
15. Partition of India-Theory behind it and its legacy
16. Comparison between NITI AAYOG and Planning Commission and their contribution in India’s
17. Election 2019- Rise of BJP and Downfall of Congress (1989-2019).
18. Emergency – A blot on Indian Democracy
19. NDA III and NDA IV – Social and Economic welfare programmes.

The marks will be allocated under the following heads:


Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

7.Subject: SOCIOLOGY
TASK: Research work
Objective: To equip learners with the skills of conducting empirical research on topics/ issues/
processes of social relevance around them. This shall further be evaluated in coherence with CBSE
rubrics allotted.
The research work must be presented in the form of Project file which must contain/ take note of the
i. Rational selection of the broad and focused research topic.
ii. Clarity on the objectives of the research along with a thoughtful hypothesis to be
iii. Emphasis on objective selection and utilization of appropriate methods of research.
iv. Value neutral collection and presentation of data to arrive at authentic conclusion.
Materials Needed:
i.Resources of different kinds- digital/ Recorded data physically etc.
ii.Photographs or Videos for evidence
iii.Stationary- Sheets, Files, colours etc.
iv.Access to digital resources/newspaper articles.
1.Objectivity/ authenticity in research to be ensured.
2. Detailed review of literature
3. Plagiarism to be nullified.
4. Timely submission
Submission Deadline: First copy to me submitted on 10th July.
The final revised copy in the month of September.


8.Subject: HISTORY
TASK: Research work
Objective: To equip learners with the skills of conducting empirical research on topics/ issues/
processes of social relevance around them. To develop higher cognitive skills and foster a deeper
understanding of historical topics through project-based learning.


1. The Indus Valley Civilization-Archaeological Excavations and New Perspectives
2. The History and Legacy of Mauryan Empire
3. ‘Mahabharat- The Great Epic of India’
4. The History and Culture of the Vedic period
5. Buddha Charita
6. A Comprehensive History of Jainism
7. Bhakti Movement- Multiple interpretations and commentaries.
8. ‘The Mystical Dimensions of Sufism’
9. Global legacy of Gandhian ideas
10.The Architectural Culture of the Vijayanagar Empire
11.Life of women in the Mughal rural society
12.Comparative Analysis of the Land Revenue Systems introduced by the Britishers in India
13.The Revolt of 1857- Causes; Planning & Coordination; Leadership, Vision of Unity
14. The Philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev
15.The Vision of Kabir
16.An insight into the Indian Constitution
17.Comparative study of Stupas and Pillar edicts
18.Comparative study of Mughal and Vijayanagar architecture

Project Work Benefits:

• Develop skills to gather data from various sources and arrive at logical deductions.
• Comprehend, analyze, interpret, and evaluate historical evidence.
• Enhance managerial skills such as coordination, self-direction, and time management.
• Foster understanding of diverse cultures, races, religions, and lifestyles.
• Promote constructivism, inquiry, and research.
• Communicate data effectively using various techniques.
• Encourage interaction, exploration, and understanding of contemporary issues in historical
• Develop a global perspective, international outlook, and informed decision-making abilities.
• Cultivate lasting interest in the discipline of history.

Project Guidelines:
• Projects can be done individually or in groups.
• Projects should enhance cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
• Assessment includes self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment.
• Projects can culminate in various forms such as PowerPoint presentations, exhibitions, skits,
albums, files, songs, dances, culture shows, storytelling, debates, panel discussions, or paper
• Students are encouraged to use primary sources like city archives, newspaper cuttings,
photographs, film footage, recorded speeches, and secondary sources with proper authentication.
• Project report should be Handwritten only. (Eco-friendly materials can be used by students)
Encourage creativity, critical thinking, and thorough research in completing projects. Wishing you an
enriching and productive holiday assignment!

Note: Kindly refer to the guidelines on project work for classes XI and XII given below: - One
Project to be done throughout the session, as per the existing scheme.
1. Steps involved in the conduct of the project: Students may work upon the following lines as

1. Choose a Title/Topic
2. Need of the Study, Objective of the Study
3. Hypothesis
4. Content -Timeline, Maps, Mind maps, Pictures, etc. (Organization of Material/Data Present
5. Analyzing the Material/Data for Conclusion
6. Draw the Relevant Conclusion
7. Bibliography

2. Expected Checklist for the Project Work:

1. Introduction of topic/ title
2. Identifying the causes, events, consequences and/or remedies
3. Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
4. Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
5. Short-term and long-term implications of strategies suggested during research
6. Validity, reliability, appropriateness, and relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file
7. Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
8. Citation of the materials referred to in the file in footnotes, resources section, bibliography etc.

3. Assessment of Project Work:

1. Project Work has broadly the following phases: Synopsis/ Initiation, Data Collection, Data
Analysis and Interpretation, Conclusion.
2. The aspects of the project work to be covered by students can be assessed during the academic

4. Viva-Voce
1. At the end, each learner will present the research work in the Project File to the External and
Internal examiner.
2. The questions should be asked from the Research Work/ Project File of the learner.
3. The Internal Examiner should ensure that the study submitted by the learner is his/her own original
work. In case of any doubt, authenticity should be checked and verified.

***Students will submit a broad outline of the project in July

They will move in a progressive manner as per CBSE guideline during the academic year.
CBSE Link for further clarification on project work-

oSubmission Deadline: 10th July 2024


o Objective:
1. Identify and explore domains of psychology and mental health.

2. Students will be able to develop critical thinking regarding various causes behind the
complexity of any human behaviour.
3. Validate/modify or justify/ some of their opinion about self and others.
4. Visualize the course of a possible questionnaire that can be formed.

o Description: 100 Questions for case study - As a student of psychology you must know
what are the types of questions that needs to be asked to students while a case study is done.
Prepare a list of such questions that can be asked for doing the case study-
• Hint- Mental, Physical, Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental, Political, Self, Family,
Friends, Neighbour, Challenges, What, When, Where, why, How, Whose, Whom. (To be
prepared in word document)
• Mention Reference used.
o Materials Needed: Interleaf sheets, Stationery.
o Instructions:
• Practical Report Writing
1. We have completed the unit on Intelligence and personality. We have done the testing of
intelligence, aptitude, self -concept and personality. It is time to complete the written work based
on the same in interleave sheets. (To be done in interleaf sheets)
Submission Deadline: 8th July 2024


Objective: The project work aims to enable students to:
• identify a legal problem and provide its remedy.
• select relevant legal sources and conduct research.
• analyse and distinguish between types of cases.
• apply case laws and relevant statutory laws.
Description: The student is required to select any 3 decided cases related to the curriculum where
one must be Civil in nature, one Criminal and one Constitutional in character (To be prepared in
word document)
Materials Needed: Interleaf sheets, Stationery.
Practical Report Writing:
We have completed the unit on Judiciary. The research on the cases must include the
following points:
1. Name of the case
2. Parties to the case
3. Citation to the case
4. Bench
5. Nature of the case (Civil, Criminal or Constitutional)
6. Facts of the case and issues involved.
7. Decision of the case including Ratio Decidendi and Obiter Dicta (To be done in interleaf
Rubrics For Assessment
Preparation and presentation of file: - 5 marks
Research work: - 5 marks.
Understanding and application of legal concept: - 5 marks
Viva: - 5 marks
TOTAL: - 20 Marks
Submission Deadline: 12th July 2024


General Instructions:
• Complete the Project as instructed. After completing the project, take some time to reflect on
what you've learned. Consider how the project deepened your understanding of the mathematical
concepts covered and how you can apply this knowledge in future situations.

Task: Project Work

Learning Outcomes:
• Apply mathematical concepts learned in class to real-life situations.
• Develop problem-solving skills.
• Enhance critical thinking and analytical abilities.
• Improve communication skills through presenting findings.

Material Required:
• Pen/pencil and sheets as per the requirement.
• Graphing calculator or access to mathematical software
• Internet access for research purposes
• Access to library resources

TASKS: Individual Task

Task 1: You are required to choose one of the following project topics and complete the tasks
associated with it:
a. Each day newspaper tells us about the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and
humidity. Collect the data for a period of 30 days and represent it graphically. Compare it with
the data available for the same time period for the previous year.
b. Analysis of career graph of a cricketer (batting average for a batsman and bowling average
for a bowler). Conclude the best year of his career. It may be extended for other players also –
tennis, badminton, athlete.
c. Vehicle registration data – correlating with pollution and the number of accidents.
d. Visit a village near Delhi and collect data of various crops over the past few years from the
farmers. Also, collect data about temperature variation and rain over the period for a particular
crop. Try to find the effect of temperature and rain variations on various crops.
Task 2: Complete the worksheet uploaded on your respective teams channel.

• Innovative: 5 Marks
• Creativity: 5 M
• Connection with concept: 5 M
• Submission on Time: 5 M
Date of Submission: 10th July 2024

General Instructions:
• Complete the activity as instructed. After completing the activity, take some time to reflect on
what you've learned. Consider how the activity deepened your understanding of the mathematical
concepts covered and how you can apply this knowledge in future situations.
• Work done needs to be presented in class.

Task: One chart paper and its presentation.

Learning Outcomes:
• Students will develop skills in creating visually appealing and informative charts that
effectively communicate their data.
• Students will engage in critical thinking as they make decisions about how to represent their
data accurately and meaningfully.
• Students will be able to gauge how questions are asked in CBSE Board Examination from the
topics covered.

Material Required:
• Chart Paper/ Cardboard, Stationery items.
TASKS: Individual Task
Task 1: Make a creative chart to demonstrate any one of the below mentioned activities.

Activity 1
Objective: To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by
R = {(l, m): l ⊥ m} is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive.

Activity 2
Objective: To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but is onto.

Activity 3
Objective: To draw the graph of sin-1 x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the
concept of mirror reflection (about the line y = x).

Activity 4
Objective: To find analytically the limit of a function f (x) at x = c and also to check the continuity of
the function at that point.

Link for Activities:


Task 2:
To present the activity chart in the class including points:
a. Framing at least five questions on the selected activity.
b. Inviting the responses from the entire class.
c. Counter questions from the students who have performed the same activity.

Task 3: Complete the worksheet uploaded on your respective teams channel.

• Accuracy: 5 Marks
• Creativity: 5 M
• Connection with concept: 5 M
• Submission on Time: 5 M

• Date of Submission: 10th July 2024


13.Subject: ENGLISH
• develop life skills such as critical thinking, problem
solving, decision making etc.
• develop skill of interviewing and presenting it in the
research paper
• develop-
a) team spirit, collaborative skills, creativity
b) fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery)
c) pronunciation
d) language (accuracy and vocabulary

STEM/Experiential . a) Interview-Based research:

Learning Example:
based activity Students can choose a topic for their research/ interview, e.g. a
student can choose the topic: “Evolving food tastes in my
The student then conducts interviews with a few neighbours on
any topic. For an interview, the student will frame questions based
on the preliminary research/background.
The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to
1000 words on his/her research and submit it.
b) Students listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or TV documentary
on a topic and prepare a report countering or agreeing with the
speakers. Write 800 - 1000 words report and submit.
The students may choose anyone of the following topics:
1. Importance of knowing about diversity and respecting them.
2. Environmental consciousness in my neighborhood and my
nation and actions being taken.
3. Compassion can transfer human beings and society.
4. Gender equality in India and action to be taken.
5. Child Labour in developing nations.
6. Challenging and overcoming fears- A must for happy living.
7. Balancing virtual and real world-A Challenge in today’s
8. The power of love is stronger than hate and prejudice.
9. The growing role of AI and its repercussion in today’s
10. The influence of the Digital world on human consciousness.
11. Relevance of Gandhism Today (Indigo)
12. The effective leadership of Mahatma Gandhi (Indigo)
13. Teenagers facing adolescent issues (Going Places)
14. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in your
city (Journey to the End of the Earth)
15. Escapism: Coping Skill or Detrimental? (The Third Level)
16. Interview a wounded soldier/a physically
challenged/differently abled person (On the face of it)
17. Interview with a victim of domestic violence/ gender
oppression. (Aunt Jennifer)
18. ‘Materialism’ is a big rattrap. (The Rattrap)
19. Transcending Cultural Boundaries. (The Enemy)

20. Importance of Meditation/Yoga for personal and mental
SUGGESTED NCERT, Resources on the internet
COMPETENCIES Creativity, critical thinking, analysing, communication skills,
DEVELOPED/ inquiring, collaborating, problem solving.
RUBRICS Content - 3
Creativity -3
On time submission- 1
o Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

14.Subject: HOME SCIENCE

A. PROJECT: Any one from the given options:

1. Study of an integrated community based, nutrition/health programme being implemented in

own area, with reference to-
a. Programme objectives.
b. Focal Group/Beneficiaries
c. Modalities of implementation

2. Visit the neighboring areas and interview two adolescents and two adults regarding their
perception of persons with special needs.

3. Profile any two people (child/adult) with special needs to find out their diet, clothing,
activities, physical and psychological needs.
4. Planning any five messages for nutrition, health and life skills using different modes of
communication for different focal groups.
5. Market survey any five processed foods with their packaging and label information.

B. Practical activities to be written in file:

1. Modification of any one family meal for elderly people. Preparing any one of the modified
2. Development and preparation of any one supplementary food for preschooler (2-6 years)
nutrition programme.
3. Planning a menu for the school canteen and preparing any one nutritious dish.

Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

15.Subject: PHYSICS
Suggested topics for Investigatory project/Working model:

a) Electrostatics
b) Current Electricity
c) Ray optics-Reflection, Refraction, TIR, Telescopes
d) Wave optics-Interference, Diffraction
e) Magnetostatics
f) Semiconductor devices
g) Alternating Current- AC Generator, Transformer
h) Electromagnetic induction
After studying deeply about any one of the topics given/any topic of your choice, each child is
required to design a working model/ an investigatory project.

Kindly research well and prepare an investigatory file on the same with following heads:

• Title/Objective
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Material Required
• Procedure
• Precautions & Sources of Error
• Observation/Result
• Conclusion
• Real life applications/Interdisciplinary connections
• References

Rubrics of grading for the project:

1. Content (3 marks):
• The depth of research and understanding demonstrated in the project.
• Clarity and relevance of the information presented.
• Accuracy and validity of the data and sources used.
2. Research (3 marks)
• Effectiveness of the research methodology employed.
• Appropriateness and comprehensiveness of the written content.
• Originality and creativity in approaching the research question.
3. Presentation/ File (4 marks):
• Clarity and organization of the project's structure and layout.
• Visual appeal and professionalism of the presentation.
• Engagement and effectiveness in communicating the key findings and conclusions.

Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024


16.Subject: CHEMISTRY
To prepare a detailed investigatory project on any one of the following topics:

List of projects

• Study of the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of ripening.
• Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk.
• Preparation of soybean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd
formation, effect of temperature, etc.
• Study of the effect of Potassium Bisulphate as food preservative under various conditions
(temperature, concentration, time, etc.)
• Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature on it.
• Comparative study of the rate of fermentation of following materials: wheat flour, gram flour,
potato juice, carrot juice, etc.
• Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf (aniseed), Ajwain (carum), Illaichi (cardamom).
• Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric power, chilli powder and
• Any other topic with approval of the teacher

Sequence of Project (under the following headers)

1. Title / Aim
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. Aim
5. Introduction
6. Requirements
7. Procedure
8. Observations
9. Results / Conclusion
10. Bibliography

o Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024


17.Subject: BIOLOGY
1. To research and prepare a detailed investigatory project in a file and please findsome
suggested topics:
Learning outcomes:
• Students will be able to develop proficiency in conducting independent research, including
literature review, data collection, and analysis methods relevant to their chosen topic.
• Students will be able to demonstrate competence in designing and executing experiments,
including formulation of hypotheses, selection of appropriate methodologies, and
implementation of controls.
• Students will be able to enhance their critical thinking skills by identifying research
questions, evaluating evidence, and proposing logical solutions to biological problems.
• Students will be able to acquire skills in quantitative analysis and interpretation of biological

data, including statistical analysis and graphical representation.

List of projects
1. Study of coagulable and non-coagulable milk proteins.
2. DNA finger printing.
4. Molecular diagnostic tests
5. Genetically modified organisms/Crops
6. Bioplastics
7. Single cell proteins
8. Biofortification in plants
9. Genetic code/ Human genome project
10. Gene therapy
11. Infectious Diseases
12. Blood groups – Survey based data interpretation of blood groups.
13. Natural Antibiotics
14. Comparative studies of different covid vaccines and their efficacy
15. Pre & Probiotics – Impacts

Sequence of presentation
1. Index
2. Title / Aim – Name of the project.
3. Abstract
4. Introduction – Information collected from various sources related to the topic.
5. Variables – Dependent, Independent, Control
6. Requirements – Materials required for experimental work.
7. Procedure – Write details of the experiment /work you have performed.
8. Observations – Record your observations / data in the form of tables, histograms,
graphs, photographs, etc.
9. Results
10. Conclusion – Give analysis of the data and compare your results with those available inthe
literature and draw conclusions.
11. Precautions
12. Journey through investigatory projects
13. References – Give the list of books, internet websites, magazines or journals you have
consulted, for the project work.
All to work on the rough draft and submit for approval in case it’s a disease reports and
investigations are to be submitted.
Suggested Resources

o Submission Deadline: 10th July 2024

18.Subject: Computer Science
OBJECTIVE By the end of the course, students will possess the skills to proficiently
design, develop, document, and test software employing contemporary
methodologies. Specifically, students will be capable of:
1. Creating programs utilizing state-of-the-art software tools.
2. Implementing modular programming and adeptly managing
databases to effectively develop small to medium-sized projects.
STEAM/Experiential PROJECT Prepare a database connectivity project as per CBSE guidelines.
Learning Suggested Topics of Project-
based activity. • Airways Reservation, Educational Institute, Railway Enquiry, Hotel
Management, Placement Agency
• Airways Enquiry, Election Commission, Event Management, School
Management, A.T.M. Management,
• Eating Joint Management, Automobile Shop, Bank Management, Personal
Diary, Publishing Co.,
• Medical Shop, Transport Agency, Tutorial Management, M.C.D. parking,
Lab Management,
• Medical Record, Employee Management, Amusement Park, Banquet Hall,
Telephone Bill,
• Export Shop Management, Game Show, Mobile Shop Management,
Restaurant Management,
• Book Shop Management, Gaming, Online test engine
• Astrology Or any similar project, Student Management, Health Club,
Electricity Bill, Video Library, Library Management
NOTE: - Before commencement, students must choose and register their
selected topic with the instructor. Projects may be executed either
individually or in groups, with a maximum of three students per group.
Submissions must include the following documents:
a. Printouts of relevant screens from the project.
b. Names and structures of tables/files utilized in the project.
c. Cover page outlining the AIM of the project.
d. Main program facilitating the connection of various modules for
data addition, deletion, search, and modification.
e. Certificate page.
f. Acknowledgement page.
g. Future Scope page.
mail to with your name class and section
DOCUMENTATIONS Word Documentation according to CBSE Guidelines Project file

COMPETENCIES Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: Cultivating analytical skills, logical

DEVELOPED reasoning, and systematic approaches to identify, evaluate, and resolve
complex problems or issues encountered throughout the project lifecycle.

Creativity: Encouraging innovative thinking, original ideas, and imaginative
solutions to address challenges, enrich projects, and inspire novel
approaches within the scope of the subject matter.
Collaboration: Fostering teamwork and cooperative efforts among
individuals to achieve common goals, share ideas, and leverage diverse
perspectives for enhanced project outcomes.
RUBRICS Idea – 05
Innovative – 05
Documentation -05
Presentation -05
Total Project Synopsis marks - 20 marks

19.Subject: Information Practices

OBJECTIVE The aim of the class project (HHW) is to create something that is tangible
and useful. This should be done in groups of 2 to 3 students and should be
started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. The
aim here is to find a real-world problem that is worthwhile to solve.
Students should know how to teach themselves. If three people work on a
project for 6 months, at least 500 lines of code is expected.
STEAM/Experiential Prepare a CSV file Handling project as per CBSE guidelines for IP
Learning Students. The suggested topic can be any of the following or the student
based activity. can also choose any of his/her choice of project topics. Library-
management-system Super-market-billing System Hotel-management
system Hospital-management System Transport Management System
Airways Reservation System Railway-Reservation-System Bank
Management System Python Project Sports-shop-management System IP
Project on Quiz Management Traveling-agency Management System
Student Report Card Generator Python Project Employee Payroll
Management System Python MySQL Project IPL Data Analysis Using
Python Pandas Movies Recommendation Data using Pandas Credit card
Data Analysis using Pandas Passport Data Analysis – Python Pandas
Project School Result Processing Python Pandas Project Birth Certificate
Generator Student Report Card Maker
DOCUMENTATIONS Word Documentation with source code submitted on team first and then
finally Project file will be submitted to the teacher.
SUGGESTED Learn Python Programming - Programiz
Python Programming Language – Geeks for Geeks › python-programming
COMPETENCIES Collaboration, Creativity, Critical thinking/ problem solving
RUBRICS Correct coding 02
User Interface 02
Documentation 03
Viva 03

20.Subject: Painting
OBJECTIVE 1.Identify the explore domains of research in Miniature painting.
2.Observe the types of possible questions that can be frames.
3.Validate/modify or justify/ some of their opinion about self and others.
4.Visualize the course of a possible questionnaire that can be formed.
STEAM/Experiential 1. Identify Miniature painting that you would like to do research on.
Learning a. Create a questionnaire on it. (Subjective and objective both or any
based activity. types of questions)
b. Question Hints – What, When, why, Where, Whose, Whom, Which,
How, Frequency, Duration.
2. The questionnaire can be on forms or a hardcopy.
a. Presented in the form of PPT slides/ Poster / video.
b. Research and add suitable pictures.
c. Prepare the PPT / Poster aesthetically laying out the text and the
pictures. Be creative.
d. Try connecting principles of Art.
e. Once the project is done convert it in the form of a hard copy/ file
f. The File must be submitted on time.
g. Suggested Sequence- Topic, Reason behind that topic, Brief
information on past research on that topic, your Questionnaire, your
survey, your scores, findings from your questionnaire, analysis on
the basis of scores, results and your final learning outcome.
DOCUMENTATIONS Presentation on Drawing file Hard copy
SUGGESTED Bing Videos- How to prepare a questionnaire
COMPETENCIES Students will be able to develop critical thinking regarding various causes
DEVELOPED behind the Miniature history.
Information of Miniature work research.
RUBRICS • Accuracy of the Content- 4 marks
• Portfolio- 4 marks
• Research- 2 marks

21.Subject: Hindustani Vocal Music

OBJECTIVE • To inculcate in students research aptitude
• To get the students acquainted with the life-sketch of a prominent
figure in Hindustani music
STEAM/Experiential CBSE File work –
Learning 1. Raga Bhairav (Parichay, Aalap, Taan, Warlpiri) on A4 size-
based activity. coloured sheets
2. Taal Rupak
Informative Poster on Jeevani of any one of the following -
1. Ustad Faiyaaz Khan
2. Ustad Bade Gulam Ali Khan
3. Pt. Krishna Rao Shankar Pandit

o Informative Poster
SUGGESTED Study Notes provided by the teacher and Internet
COMPETENCIES Creativity, Research aptitude, Analysis, Critical Thinking
RUBRICS For File -
• Accuracy of content – 6
• Organisation – 2
• Neatness – 2

For Informative Poster -

• Accuracy of content - 5
• Research - 1
• Creativity -2
• Originality - 1
• Citation – 1

22.Subject: Geospatial Technology

OBJECTIVE To understand the importance of Geospatial Technology in present world.
To apply the theoretical knowledge with the practical application of the
technology in the chosen field of study.
To make students able to track the historical development and future scope
in the field.
To use the GIS apps using the spatial and attribute data.
STEAM/Experiential 1. A project file must be prepared by students covering the specific field of
Learning application chosen.
based activity. 2. The file should be completely handwrit n with a cover page, index page
and acknowledgment.
3. Necessary maps, chart, figures, images, and diagrams should be used to
present the project aesthetically.
DOCUMENTATIONS A project file with appropriate Title, index, bibliography and certificate.
SUGGESTED • CBSE Book of class XII Geospatial Technology
RESOURCES • Geospatial World
• Isro Bhuvan
• Google Earth Pro
• Natmo Geospatial
COMPETENCIES • Spatial Intelligence
DEVELOPED • Digital and map literacy
• Creativity and Innovation
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
RUBRICS • Neatness- 5 Marks
• Accuracy- 5 Marks
• On time Submission- 5 Marks

• Clarity of concepts and presentation- 5 Marks

23.Subject: Banking
OBJECTIVE To make the students undertake a research work where they will:
• Develop experimental / net-based / statistical investigatory skills
using current technologies.
• Develop collaboration and communication during the completion of
STEM/Experiential Complete the project file as mentioned in CBSE Syllabus and explained in
Learning class.
based activity. Visit any nearest Bank branches which is nearer to your residence. (10)
(a) Collect details of different modes of transferring funds from one person
to another. Collect samples documents forms for each of such modes of
(b) Tabulate the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of the
payment system.
DOCUMENTATIONS For CBSE Practical – Hand -written File work
SUGGESTED Website of any bank of your choice
COMPETENCIES Creativity, critical thinking, Citizenship, communication.
RUBRICS Content (critical thinking and creativity) -6marks
Presentation/ Neatness (creativity)- 2 marks
On time submission- 2 marks

24.Subject: Physical Education

OBJECTIVE To know more about the selected Lifestyle diseases and the corrective asanas
for that.
STEAM/Experiential Students could select any one disease out of Diabetes, Hypertension,
Learning Asthma, Obesity, Arthritis and back pain.
based activity. Then they will do the following activities.
1. Lifestyle disease Quiz – Student will get the basic knowledge about the
selected lifestyle disease and will form a 10 questions-based Quiz to
check the knowledge about that disease.
2. Perform – Students will go through the various asanas that could be
helpful in the selected lifestyle disease, will perform one of those asanas
and record the video. After recording the video will be uploaded on
3. Prepare – Prepare PechaKucha presentation related to the performed asana
and state the Indications and contra-indications of that asana.

DOCUMENTATIONS Links of the Quiz, Flipgrid and presentation would be provided by the
students once the HHW is done through a MS Form.

SUGGESTED To prepare a quiz use Quizlet -

RESOURCES Sign up/into Flipgrid to record a small video while executing a skill
of the selected game and send the link through the MS Form on HHW
Submission (2024-25).
To know more about the selected lifestyle disease, take the help of
following links.

COMPETENCIES 1. Analysis and problem solving

DEVELOPED 2. Research and investigation.
3. Quality Orientation
4. Risk management (Health assessment)
RUBRICS 5-point scale would be used to evaluate the HHW (MM. – 20)
4 mm in each category of assessment.
Description Technological Execution Presentation Analysis
ability handling of the skill capability.

25.Subject: Fashion Studies

OBJECTIVE Children will learn a new technique of surface creation, which could be
used for product enhancement.
STEAM/Experiential TIE/DYE
Learning Using the traditional tie dye technique create new samples on poplin fabric,
based activity. using natural dyes.
Fabric piece size 10/10 inch.
White poplin to be used.
DOCUMENTATIONS Document the whole process by clicking step by step photos and
documenting on A3 sheet.
Two sheets for the documentation to be made

COMPETENCIES Collaboration, Creativity, Critical thinking/ problem solving.



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