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Departmental PSI 7999189909

Prelim Exam-1 Total Questions-25

Test-1 Total Marks-25

1.Choose the correct sentences:

a) We have lived in the village since 1987.
b) We have been living in the village since 1987.
c) We are living in the village since 1987.
1) c only. 2) b only
3) Both a and b. 4) Both b and C

2. Fill in the blanks:

a) If you____ hard, you would get a first class.
b) If you_____ two packets of detergent, you'll get a third packet free.
c) If you____ me, I would have lent you some money.
1) Study, bought, ask
2) Study, bought, asked
3) Studying, buy, had asked
4) Studied, buy, had asked.

3. It is imperative that he catch the next plane.

The sentence above expresses.
1) Subjunctive mood. 2) Imperative mood
3) Indicative mood. 4) None of the above

4.Choose the correct passive sentence of the

following statement:
She brought him a new umbrella.
1) A new umbrella had been brought for him.
2) A new umbrella was brought for him.
3) She had been brought a new umbrella.
4) A new umbrella was to be brought for him.

5. Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct.

a) The committee is divided on some issues.
b) The committee are divided on some issues.
c) The committee has issued its report.
d) The committee have issued their report.
1) Only a and c. 2) Only b and c
3) Only a and d 4) Only b and d

6. Use the correct form of adjective in the given sentence:

This is the____ point on this mountain range.
1) Further. 2) Furthest
3) Farther. 4) Farthest

7.To err is human.

The underlined to infinitive in the sentence above functions as:
1) The object of the verb
2) The subject of the sentence
3) The subject of the verb
4) The preparatory subject

8. Identify the correct sentences:

a) She described me the situation.
b) We all envied him his lifestyle.
c) He fixed the tap for me.
1) a only. 2) b only
3) a and c. 4) b and c

9. Which one of the given option is correct about the given sentence?
'Either she or they have to attend the meeting.
1) Right
2) Wrong
3) Use of they in the sentence is wrong
4) Verb 'have' should be 'has'

10. Identify complex sentences.

a) They rewarded the man who rescued their son.
b) They rewarded the man.
c) A quick-witted dealer bought the car that I wanted.
1) Only a and b. 2) Only a and c
3) Only b and c. 4) a, b and c

11.Identify the underlined clauses in the following sentences:

a) However hard I try, I always fail the test,
b) Since lost my glasses yesterday, I haven't been able to do any work.
c) Do you know anyone who can lend me a laptop?
Answer options:
1)Adverbial clause, Adjective clause, Relative clause
2) Adverbial clause, Adverbial clause, Relative clause
3) Noun clause, Adverbial clause, Adjective clause
4) None of the above

12.Choose the correct indirect speech of the following sentence:

He said, "I was writing letters."
1) He said that he was writing letters.
2) He said that he had been writing letters.
3) He told that he was writing letters.
4) He said that he had written letters.

13. Choose the correct sentence.

1) The mankind should love the nature.
2) Mankind should love the nature.
3) The mankind should love nature.
4) Mankind should love nature.

14. Point out the sentence that has a correct question tag:.
1)There is a lot of traffic in the evening, isn't it?
2) Shekhar will not be here soon, won't he?
3) It is a nice morning, isn't it?
4) Let's go out for dinning, should we?

15.Match the synonyms:

a. agile. I. royal
b. humane. II. permanent
c. majestic. III. active
d. perennial. IV. Gentle
a). b). c). d)
1) IV. I. II. III
2) III. I. IV. II
3) III. IV. I. II
4) IV. III. II. I

16.Match the following pairs of antonyms:

a. Colleague. I. Indolence
b. Promptness. II. Honesty
c. Duplicity. III. Benevolence
d. Objection. IV. Opponent
A. B. C. D
1) II. III. IV. I
2) III. II. IV. I
3) I. IV. III. II
4) IV. I. II. III

17'Achilles Heel' means

a) Weakness. b) Anger
c) Strength. d) Advantage
Answer Options:
1) (c) only. 2) (d) only
3) (a) only. 4) (b) and (d) only

18.Choose the correct pair to fill in the blanks:

a) Only the most____person would believe such a feeble excuse.
b) What an_____excuse!
1) ingenuous, ingenious
2) ingenious, ingenuous
3) ingenious, inexperienced
4) none of the above

19. Match the pairs

I ii
a. Elegy i. Handwritten document.
b. Swan song ii. A song telling a popular story
c. Manuscript iii. A poem addressed to a person/ thing
d. Balled iv. A funeral song
e. Ode v. The final performance of person’s career
a} b} c} d} e}
1] iv v I ii iii
2] iii ii I v iv
3] v iv I ii iii
4] ii iii I iv v

20. Select the INCORRECTLY Spelt word.

(1) Wildernesses
(2) Exterminated
(3) Unmanageable
(4) Voilence

Read the passage given below carefully and answer question

numbers 21 to 25 based on it.
Until he was ten, young Alexander Fleming attended the nearby
London Moor school. He was then transferred to Darvel school which
he attended with his brothers. Alexander learned a good deal about
nature during that four-mile downhill hike to school and the four-mile
uphill return trip. He was a quick student and at twelve, the age limit
prescribed for Darvel school, he was sent to Kilmarnock Academy. Two
years later he joined his brothers John and Robert at the home of his
elder brother Thomas, who was to become a successful occultist in
London. However, the economic success of the family was yet to be
and Alexander was forced to leave school for economic reasons. When
he was sixteen he obtained a job in a shipping company. Good
fortune, however was on his side and on the side of humanity. In
1901, he received a share in a legacy
which made it possible for him to return to school. He decided to
study medicine..
21. The word 'legacy' in the context means
1] Lottery.
2] Goodwill money.
3] Inheritance.
4] Legal payment

22. Alexander trekked ____miles everyday to attend Darvel school.

1) Four.
2) Eight
3) Twelve.

23. He was a quick student - This means that Alexander

1)reached school before his brothers
2)reached the school-leaving age,
3)was a lively student too soon
4)was a fast learner

24. _and at twelve, the age limit prescribed for Darvel school___
This in the context means that children were
1).Not admitted to the school before they were twelve
2)Admitted to the school at the age of twelve
3)Allowed to remain in the school only upto the age of twelve
4) Admitted to the school anytime after the age of twelve

25. Alexander became rich___

1] by working in a shipping company
2)when his brother became a successful occultist
3) because he studied medicine
4)by receiving share in a legacy

Answer Key

1-3 6-4 11-2 16-4 21-3

2-4 7-2 12-2 17-3 22-2
3-1 8-4 13-4 18-1 23-4
4-2 9-1 14-3 19-1 24-3
5-2 10-2 15-3 20-4 25-4

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