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Training and Development

Definition: Training and Development

 Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization
which emphasize on the improvement of the performance of
individuals and groups.
 Training is an educational process which involves the sharpening
of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more
knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees.
 Good & efficient training of employees helps in their skills &
knowledge development, which eventually helps a company
Relation between Training and Development
 There is a relation between training and development, and there is
clear difference between the two based on goals to be achieved.
Development is made to answer the training problems:


 Training is meant for  Development is meant

operatives for executives

 It is reactive process  It is pro- active process

 AIM: To develop  AIM: To develop the

additional skills total personality

 It is short term process  It is continuous process

 OBJECTIVE: To meet  OBJECTIVE: To meet

the present need of an the future need of an
employee employee

 Initiative is taken by  Initiative is taken by an

the management individual.
Importance of Training and Development

 For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations

to have continuous training and development programs for their
 Competition and the business environment keeps changing, and
hence it is critical to keep learning and pick up new skills. The
importance of training and development is as follows:

• Optimum utilization of Human resources

• Development of skills like time

management, leadership, team management etc

• To increase the productivity and enhance

employee motivation

• To provide the zeal of team spirit

• For improvement of organization culture

• To improve quality, safety

• To increase profitability

• Improve the morale and corporate image

Need for Training and Development

 Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it

requires a lot quality inputs from trainers as well as employees. But
it is essential that the company revises its goals and efficiencies
with the changing environment.

Here are a few critical reasons why the company endorses training
and development sessions.

• When management thinks that there is a need to improve the

performances of employees
• To set up the benchmark of improvement so far in the
performance improvement effort
• To train about the specific job responsibility and skills like
communication management, team management etc
• To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity

Advantages of training and development

 Training and development has a cost attached to it. However, since

it is beneficial for companies in the long run, they ensure
employees are trained regularly. Some advantages are:
 Helps employees develop new skills and increases their
 Improves efficiency and productivity of the individuals as well as
the teams.
 Proper training and development can remove bottle-necks in
 New & improved job positions can be created to make the
organization leaner.
 Keeps employees motivated and refreshes their goals, ambitions
and contribution levels.

Disadvantages of training and development

 Even though there are several advantages, some drawbacks of

training and development are mentioned below:
 It is an expensive process which includes arranging the correct
trainers and engaging employees for non-revenue activities.
 There is a risk that after the training and development session, the
employee can quit the job.
Training and Development Process

 Training and development is a continuous process as the skills,

knowledge and quality of work needs constant improvement. Since
businesses are changing rapidly, it is critical that companies focus
on training their employees after constantly monitoring them &
developing their overall personality.

Steps for training and development processes are:

 Determine the need of training and development for individuals or


 Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved

 Select the methods of training

 Conduct and implement the programs for employees

 Evaluate the output and performance post the training and

development sessions.

 Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if

more training is required.

 Hence, this concludes the definition of Training and Development

along with its overview.

Training of Employees: Meaning, Objectives, Need and Importance

| Employee Management

Training of Employees: Meaning, Objectives, Need and Importance!

 Training is concerned with increasing the knowledge and skills of

employees for doing specific jobs, and development involves the
growth of employees in all aspects.
 Whereas training increases job skills, development shapes attitudes
of employees.

Meaning of Training:
 “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an
employee for doing a particular job.” — Edwin B. Flippo

 Training is an organized activity for increasing the technical skills

of the employees to enable them to do particular jobs efficiently.

 In other words, training provides the workers with facility to gain

technical knowledge and to learn new skills to do specific jobs.

 Training is equally important for the existing as well as the new

employees. It enables the new employees to get acquainted with
their jobs and also increase the job-related knowledge and skills.

Objectives of Training:

 To provide job related knowledge to the workers.

 To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they

may learn quickly.

 To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards

fellow workers, supervisor and the organization.

 To improve the productivity of the workers and the organization.

 To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to
the workers,

 To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment

efficiently and thus to check wastage of time and resources.
 To prepare workers for promotion to higher jobs by imparting
them advanced skills.

Need and Importance of Training

 The need for training of employees arises due to the following


Higher Productivity:

 It is essential to increase productivity and reduce cost of

production for meeting competition in the market.

 Effective training can help increase productivity of workers by

imparting the required skills.

Quality Improvement:

 The customers have become quality conscious and their

requirement keep on changing.
 To satisfy the customers, quality of products must be continuously
improved through training of workers.

Reduction of Learning Time:

 Systematic training through trained instructors is essential to

reduce the training period.

 If the workers learn through trial and error, they will take a longer
time and even may not be able to learn right methods of doing

Industrial Safety:

 Trained workers can handle the machines safely. They also know
the use of various safety devices in the factory. Thus, they are less
prone to industrial accidents.

Reduction of Turnover and Absenteeism:

 Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of the

workers. It gives them a security at the workplace. As a result,
labour turnover and absenteeism rates are reduced.

Technology Update:
 Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers must learn new
techniques to make use of advance technology.

 Thus, training should be treated as a continuous process to update

the employees in the new methods and procedures.

Effective Management:

 Training can be used as an effective tool of planning and control. It

develops skills among workers and prepares them for handling
present and future jobs.

 It helps in reducing the costs of supervision, wastages and

industrial accidents. It also helps increase productivity and quality
which are the cherished goals of any modern organization.


 Internal training sessions are conducted by someone that already
works for your company. This is often someone from HR, but not
always – it depends on the purpose of the session and who the best
person for the job is.
 For a product demonstration, for example, a sales person may be
better suited to the role, or for a more technical demonstration a
developer may be a good fit.

 Internal training sessions are easy to set up as you already have

everyone and everything that you need. Because of this, it’s also
quicker and cheaper to organize.
 A senior team member training junior team members can help to
build relationships and a team dynamic. The person conducting the
training session may even learn something new from their junior
team members.
 Internal training sessions don’t just inform new hires or offer
refreshers to older team members, though. They can also reinforce
the tutor’s knowledge and help them to find any gaps in it.
Discovering these gaps in their knowledge means that they won’t
get caught out in the future and can improve their sales pitch.


 Internal knowledge has its limits. The longer we work for a

company or with a particular person/team, the easier it is to fall
into the trap of groupthink.
 We’re also more likely to become isolated and stuck in our ways of
doing things, which, long-term, can be detrimental.
 In the age of technology, every industry is changing rapidly.
Teams or companies that live in a silo risk falling behind their
competitors, potentially damaging the brand and business by the
use of old fashion tecniques.


 External training is conducting by experts or influencers from

outside of your company.

 They may be someone your company already has a relationship

with – such as a supplier – who has been brought in to give more
information on a product or feature, or an industry expert who can
share the latest trends to help teams stay ahead of competitors.
 This type of training can also be done at external events (such as
Unleash or the Festival of Marketing) or online (such as Copy
School, Forget the Funnel, and Codecademy).


 External training sessions break up groupthink and offer a fresh

perspective on how things are done. This can have a dramatic
effect on company culture and the way things are done moving
forward (either in a positive or a negative way).

 External training sessions also give teams the chance to learn from
industry experts. The knowledge shared by people like Andrew &
Pete or Janet Murray in their corporate training sessions can be

 They help companies to snap out of their ‘tradition is the only

way’ mentality and view things from a new angle. In ever-
changing industries such as HR or marketing, this is vital for teams
who want to stand out.

 It also future-proofs team’s and company’s knowledge because

they’re learning from someone whose job it is to pay attention to
industry trends. These tutors also have experience working with
dozens – if not hundreds – of businesses, giving them more
experience and helping them to pick up on patterns that they can
share with training sessions.


 External training is more expensive than in-house training.

 It can also take longer to organize. After all, the best people are
 Should you go for the online training option, sessions or courses
are often limited to a certain number of slots, or only open for sign-
ups a few weeks a year.
 This can be difficult if you’re looking for courses for employees to
take part in and they’re not open when you need them.

Outbound Training
 Definition: The Outbound Training is a technique used to
enhance the efficiency of employees through Experiential
 In other words, taking the group of employees away from the
actual work environment into the outdoors and are assigned some
challenging task or activity that needs to be completed by them
within a given time frame.

Effectiveness of Outbound Training

 Helps in improving the teamwork abilities.

 Leadership qualities get enhanced
 Help in resolving intragroup or personal conflicts
 Nourishes the interpersonal skills
 Nurtures the personal and intragroup relations
 Improves the Communication Skills
 Better partnerships and alliances
Generally, the outbound training comprises of a series of exercises and
games such as treasure hunt, trekking, camping, raft racing, etc. built
around the training theme and are carried out by employees in teams.
Attitudinal Training

Direct Attitudinal Training. Some examples of direct attitudinal

training are to:

 Encourage employees to participate in a wellness program

 Promote the of use conflict resolution techniques in the workplace
 Adopt a positive attitude when providing customer service
 Persuade employees to recycle at work
 Value the importance of using hand sanitizer after patient contact

 Implicit Attitudinal Training. Indirect attitudinal training is more

subtle and is often the undertone of a course with a completely
different learning goal.

 For example, a course teaching how to use a new software system

might highlight the advantages of the new application.

 Although the course goal is software training, influencing users to

have positive feelings about the new system is a secondary one.

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