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Departmental PSI 7999189909

Prelim Exam-1 Total Questions-25

Test-2 Total Marks-25

1.The barber has cut my hair very short.

Identify the correct progressive future tense
Form of the above sentence.
1) The barber is cutting my hair very s
2) The barber will have cut my hair very
3) The barber will be cutting my hair very short.
4) The barber had cut my hair very Short.

2. Choose the correct sentences:

a) If it rains, we'll cancel the match.
b) If it rained, we'd cancel the match.
c) If it will rain, we'll cancel the match.
1) a and c only. 2) a and b only
3) c only. 4) a, b and c

3.Keep to the left.

The imperative structure above expresses.
1) a command. 2) a solemn advice
3) a prayer. 4) a petition

4. We saw them go out.

1) They were seen gone out.
2) They have seen to go out.
3) They saw us to go out.
4) They were seen to go out.

5. Make the following:

a) King. i) Proper noun
b) Action. ii) Collective noun
c) Fleet. iii) Abstract Noun
d) Ashoka. iv) Common Noun
A). B). C). D)
1) i). ii). iii). iV)
2) ii). i). iii). iV)
3) iv). Iii). ii). I)
4) i). ii). iV). Iii)

6. Choose the correct sentence.

a) My older brother is a doctor.
b) Pankaj is elder than his friend.
c) He is the oldest member of the club.
d) This is the older pair of shoes I have
1) Only a, b and care correct
2) Only b, c and d are correct
3) Only a is correct
4) Only c is correct

7.Select the correct meaning of the underlined modal verb in the

I am tired, now you can drive car.
1) Possibility. 2) Ability
3) Permission. 4) Obligation

8. Tell, which of the following sentence/s is/are right or wrong:

a) I have ordered for dinner.
b) I reached at Delhi only this morning.
1) a and b right. 2) only a right
3) only bright. 4) both wrong

9. Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct.

a. He not only lost his money but also his luggage.
b. As long as you work hard, you will improve.
c. Either the action was just or unjust.
d. The choice is between the devil and the deep sea.
1) Only a and b. 2) Only a, c and d
3) Only b and d. 4) Only a and d
10. Identify the kind of sentence given below:
She must weep or she will die.
1) Simple sentence
2) Compound sentence
3) Complex sentence
4) Compound-complex sentence

11.What he said is true.

The underlined clause in the sentence above is a/ an noun clauses
1) Noun clauses 2) Adjective clause
3) Adverb Clause 4) Main clause

12.He said to me, "Why did you strike me?"

Select the correct indirect narration of the above sentence.
1) He inquired to me why did I strike him.
2) He inquired of me why I had struck him.
3) He asked me why did I strike him.
4) He said me that why I struck him.

13. Choose the correct articles to fill in the blanks.

a)____apples are grown in many different countries.
b) ______________ apples on our tree are not yet ripe.
1) The, no article. 2) The, The
3) No article, the. 4) An, the

14. Select the incorrect sentence/s

a) They aren't satisfied, are they?
b) I am extremely happy, isn't I?
c) Call the doctor, won't you?
d) Let's start, shall we?
1) Only a and b. 2) Only b and c
3) Only c and d. 4) Only a and d

15.Which of the given options comes nearest in

meaning to the underlined word?
The suffrage was clearly for change.
1) vote. 2) pain
3)inconvenience. 4) effort
16.The priest entered the sacred place.
Select the correct antonym to the word underlined.
1) holy. 2) profane
3) religious. 4) auspicious

17.Choose the right option for the following underlined idiom.

I am prepared to meet you half-way.
1) Come to discuss With you.
2) Come to a compromise with you.
3) Come to celebrate with you.
4) Come to fight with you.

18.a. She founded a refuge for mountains gorilla.

b. Kamala and her mother came to Mumbai as refugee during the
Bengal drought.
Identify the correct meaning of the underlined words in their
respective contexts.
1) Sanctuary – Migrants 2) Rubbish - Fugitive
3) Migrant - Shelters 4) Waste - Security

19. Match the following

I ii
a} Fratricide i} To strong to be defeated
b} Numismatics ii} Repeating the actual words exactly
c} Verbatim iii} The study of coin
d} invincible iv} The act of murdering one’s brother or
a b c d
1] iii ii iv I
2] I ii iii iv
3] iv iii ii i
4] iii I iv ii

20. Select the INCORRECTLY Spelt word.

(1) Decrease
(2) Pieceful
(3) Specified
(4) Creature

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions

from 21 to 25:
Science has obviously multiplied the power of the war-makers.
The weapons of the moment can kill more people more secretly
and more unpleasantly than those of the past. This progress as
for want of another word I must call it this progress has been
going on for some time. It has been said of each new weapon
that it is so destructive and horrible that it will frighten people
into their wits and force the nations to give up war for lack of
cannon fodder. This hope has never been fulfilled, and I know
no one who takes refuge in it today. The acts of men and women
are not dictated by such simple compulsions and they
themselves do not stand in any simple relation to the decision
of the nations which they compromise. Grapeshot, TNT and gas
have not helped to outlaw war and I see no sign that the
hydrogen bomb or a whiff of bacteria will be more successful in
making men wise by compulsion. Secondly, science at the same
time has given the nations quite new occasions for falling out. I
do not mean such simple objectives as someone else's uranium
mine or a Pacific Island which happens to be knee-deep in
organic fertilizer. I do not mean merely another nation's
factories and her skilled production. These are all parts of the
surplus above our simple needs which gives our civilization the
character andvwar in our times battens on this surplus. This is
the object of the greed of nations and this also gives them the
leisure to train and the means to arm for war. At
bottom, we have remained individually too greedy to distribute
our surplus and collectively too stupid to pile it up in any more
useful form than the traditional mountains of arms. Science has
created the surplus. Now put this year's budget beside the
budget of 1750, anywhere in the world, and you will see what
we are doing with it.

21. The object of the greed of nations is to____

a. create the surplus by using science.
b. multiply the power of the war-makers.
c. compare the budget of 1750 and of this year.

d. grab the surplus of other nations.

I} Only b
ii} Only d
iii} Only c
Iv} Only a

22. Men will not be wise by__

a. distributing the surplus in the world
b. using the hydrogen bomb or a whiff of bacteria in war
c. giving up war for lack of cannon fodder
d. multiplying their war power
i} Only b
ii} Only d
iii} Only
iv} Only a

23. A feature of each new weapon is that it__

a. is created by science
b. frightens people into their wits
c. is dictated by men's compulsions
d. can kill people more secretly and more unpleasantly
i} Only d
ii} Only a
iii} Only c
iv} None of the

24. The hope which has never been fulfilled is that

a. the progress in producing weapons will stop
b. the new weapon will force the nations to give up war
c. every nation will have the leisure to train and the means to
arm for war
d. science will stop creating the surplus in the world
i} Only d
ii} Only b
iii} Only c
iv} Only a

25. The most suitable title for this passage is

a. Men and Warfare
b. Science and Progress
c. Science and War Weapons
d. The Greed of Nations and War Compulsions
i} Only d
ii} Only c
iii} Only b
iv} Only a

1-3 6-4 11-1 16-2 21-2

2-2 7-3 12-2 17-3 22-3
3-1 8-4 13-3 18-1 23-#
4-4 9-3 14-2 19-3 24-2
5-3 10-2 15-1 20-2 25-2

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