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Departmental PSI 7999189909

Prelim Exam-1 Total Questions-25

Test-5 Total Marks-25

1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

1) I have seen the film last night.
2) Father has been ill since ten years.
3) Whom did you see?
4) My brother is engineer.

2. Choose the correct impossible conditional clause.

If they had offered me a decent salary,_____
1) I will accept the job.
2) I would have accepted the job.
3) I could accept the job.
4) I would had accepted the job.

3. A comma is used to___

Which one of the following correctly fills the blank in the sentence
1) Separate phrases in apposition
2) Coordinate clauses
3) Introduce a list
4) None of the above

4. The doctor gave him medicine.

In the passive form, the sentence will be:
a) He has been given medicine by the doctor.
b) Medicine was given to him.
c) He was given medicine.
d) Medicine has been given to him by the doctor.
1) Only a and d are correct
2) Only c and d are correct
3) Only b and c are correct
4) All four are correct

5.Recognize which kind of adverb is used in the sentence?

He writes quite beautifully
1) Adverb of place. 2) Adverb of manner
3) Adverb of degree. 4) Adverb of time

6. Very few flowers are as lovely as the rose.

Identify the correct comparative degree of the above sentence.
1) Rose is lovelier than many other flowers.
2) Rose is lovelier than most other flowers.
3) Rose is more lovely than many other flower.
4) Rose is lovelier than any other flower.

7. Select proper modal verb.

John: My house is very near the motorway.
Jack: It_____ very noise.
1) Can be. 2) May be
3) Must be. 4) Could be

8.Match the following:

a. Boast. I) At
b. Arrive. Ii) In
c. Interested iii) From
d. Die. iV) Of
Answer option
A B. C. D
1) iV. i ii. iii
2) iV. ii i iii
3) iV. iii. ii i

4) iii. iV. ii i
9 Rewrite the sentence removing 'too' from the following sentence.
These mangoes are too cheap to be good.
1) These mangoes are cheap but good.
2) These mangoes are so cheap that they cannot be good.
3) The mango is cheap and good.
4) The mango is very cheap.

10. a) Man proposes, but God disposes.

b) I opened the book, and began to read it.
c) Though Tuntun was fat, she danced well.
d) There lived a great prince who was rich and powerful.
Pick out the complex sentence.
1) (a) and (d) only. 2) (b) and (c) only
3) (c) and (d) only. 4) (a) and (b) only

11.Although no goals were scored, it was an exciting game.

Identify the type of clause underlined.
1) Noun clause
2) Adjective clause
3) Adverb clause of condition
4) Adverb clause of contrast
12. Identify the correct indirect narration of the sentence given below:
He says, "I am working hard."
1) He said that he was working hard.
2) He says that he is working hard.
3) He says he is working hard.
4) He said that he is working hard.

13.Could you please give me a glass of___Water?

Fill in the article.
1) a. 2) an
3) the. 4) no article

14. Choose the correct question-tag for the following statement.

'I helped you immediately'.
1) No? 2) Did I?
3) Isn't it? 4) Didn't I?

15.Choose the word closest in meaning to the word in capital.

He bought his angry wife some flowers, but she refused to be
1) Crucfy. 2) Dignify
3) Pacify. 4) Deity
16.He has a passion for indigenous goods.
Select the alternative which is closest to the opposite in meaning of
the underlined word.
1) Native. 2) Foreign
3) Cheap. 4) Simple

17.Match the following:

A. B
a) Let the cat out. i) To cause trouble
of the bag
b) Like a cat on hot. ii) To tell a secret
tin roof
c) Set the cat among. iii) Nearly catch Someone and then
the pigeons allow to escape
d) Play cat and mouse with. iv) Very nervous.
A. B. C. D
1) iv I. Ii. Iii
2) ii. Iii iv. I
3) ii. iV. I. Iii
4) iv. Iii Ii. I
18. Which pair will fill in the blanks in following sentences?
A] _____ those wet things out.
B] I’ll give you _____ tonight.
1] Wriggle ring 2] wrinkle ring
3] wring ring 4] wrestle ring

19. out of the four alternative choose the one that can be substituted
for the given words/
Sentence as the phrase or group of words.
A person who studies the formation of the earth.
1] Meteorologist 2] Anthropologist
3] Geologist 4] Seismologist

20. Select the INCORECTLY spelt word.

(1) Insolence
(2) Idleness
(3) Inershia
(4) Indolence.

Read the passage given below carefully and answer Q. No.'s 21 to 25

based on it.
A flash of sapphire, a flutter of wings, and the tiny bird - or was it an
insect? - vanishes, the briefest mirage. Moments later it reappears,
this time at a better angle. It's a bird all right, a thumb-size dervish
with hyperkinetic wings that can beat 80 times a second, producing
the faintest hum. Tail feathers paddle, steering gently in three
dimensions. As the bird stares into the trumpet of a bright orange
flower, a thread-thin tongue flickers from its needle beak. A sunbeam
glances off its iridescent feathers, the reflected colour as dazzling as a
gemstone hung in a sunny window. Little wonder hammingbirds
inspire heartfelt affection and stuttering efforts at description. Even
reserved scientists
can't resist such words as 'beautiful', 'stunning' and 'exotic'. A greater
wonder is that the seemingly fragile hummingbird is one of the
toughest beasts in the animal kingdom. Some 330 species thrive in
diverse and often brutal environments: from Alaska to Argentina;
from the Arizona desert to the coast of Nova Scotia; from the lowland
forests of Brazil to the 4,600-metre-plus snow line of the Andes.
Mysteriously, the birds are found only in North and South America.
'They're living at the edge of what's possible for vertebrates, and
they're mastering it,' says Karl Schuchmann, a German ornithologist,
who knows of a captive hummer that lived 17 years. 'Imagine the
durability of an organism of only five or six grams to live that long,' he
says. Its cranberry-size heart, which averages 500 beats a minute
(while perching!), would have thumped four and a half billion times,
nearly twice the total for a 70-year-old-person. Yet these little birds
are durable only in life. In death their delicate, hollow bones almost
never fossilize. This was one reason for the astonishment that greeted
the recent discovery of jumble of 30-million-year-old fossil bird
remains that may include an ancestral hummingbird. Like modern
hummers, the fossil specimens had long, slender bills and shortened
upper wing bones topped by a knob that may have let them rotate in
the shoulder socket for hovering flight.

21. Which of the statements are correct/true in the context of the

passage ?
(a) Though the hummingbird is small and weak, it survives in different
and harsh environment.
(b) The hummingbird is found all over the world.
(c) Karl Schuchmann found the fossils of the hummingbird.
(d) Heartbeats of the hummingbird are 500 beats per minute while
(e) Hummingbird beats his wings 80 times per minute.
(1) (a) and (d) only
(2) (b), (c), (d) only
(3) (a), (d), (e) only
(4) (c), (d), (e) only

22. The passage is

(a) Reflective
(b) Narrative
(c) Expository
(d) Descriptive
(e) Discursive
(1) (a), (b), (e)
(2) (c), (e)
(3) (b), (e)
(4) (c), (d)

23. Match the words with their meaning.

(a) kinetic (i)an unusual, exciting, coming from distant country
(b) iridescent (ii)beak
(c) exotic (iii)remains of animals preserved in rock for a long time.
(d) thump (iv)strong and quick beating
(e) fossils (v)showing many colours which change with movements
(f) bill (vi)active/moving

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (ii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (v) (vi)
(3) (vi) (v) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(4) (ii) (vi) (v) (iii) (iv) (i)

24. What reactions arose in the mind of the writer when he sees
humming birds in action ?
(a) of wonder
(b)feeling of affection
(c) irritating
(d)feeling of fear
(e) exclamations like stunning, exotic.........
(1) (a), (c), (d)
(2) (a), (b), (e)
(3) (a), (d), (e)
(4) (b), (c), (e)

25. The meaning of Ornithologist is__

(1)a scientist who studies animal life.
(2)a person who studies birds in their natural habitats.
(3)a person who studies vegetation.
(4)a person who is nature lover.

1-3 6-2 11-4 16-2 21-2

2-2 7-3 12-1 17-3 22-1
3-1 8-1 13-3 18-3 23-2
4-3 9-2 14-4 19-3 24-3
5-2 10-3 15-3 20-3 25-2

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