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We Are All Different:

Attention-Grabbing Ideas

Different Glasses


• At least three different pairs of glasses, for example sunglasses,

reading glasses and fancy dress glasses

• Feely bag


Put the selection of different glasses into a feely bag. Pull the glasses
out one at a time, highlighting the word ‘glasses’. If you have sunglasses
or reading glasses, you could add in the object associated with the type
of glasses, such as a sun hat for sunglasses and a book for reading
glasses. Place all of the glasses back into the bag at the end of the

If you are not able to get a collection of glasses, use this glasses
template. Make the glasses engaging for the children by colouring them
in bright colours or decorating with feathers and sequins.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

glasses, eyes, look, see

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Different Wigs


• At least three different wigs

• Feely bag


Put a selection of different wigs into a feely bag. Pull the wigs out one
at a time highlighting the word ‘wig’ or ‘hair’. Remember to make lots of
facial expressions and vocalisations when pulling the wigs out of the
bag. If using colourful wigs, shake them before putting them on to keep
the children engaged.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

hair, blonde (or any colour that matches the wigs you’ve chosen), short,
long, curly, straight, wavy, afro

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Different Foods


• A selection of toy foods

• Feely bag

• A puppet (to ‘eat’ the food)


Put a selection of different toy foods into a feely bag. Pull the foods out
one at a time, naming the food as you do this. Remember to make lots
of facial expressions and vocalisations when pulling the food out of the
bag. The adult should pretend to eat the food, for example peeling a
banana or biting into an apple. Once the adult has pretended to eat the
food, ‘feed’ the food to the puppet.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

While feeding the food to the puppet, the adult can make vocalisations
such as ‘mmm’ and ‘yummy’.

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Different Faces


• A selection of wind-up toys that walk or run

• Feely bag

• Different Faces Activity


Cut out the faces from the Different Faces Activity. Stick the faces on to
your selection of wind-up toys that walk or run. One at a time, pull each
wind-up toy out of the bag, wind it up and then let it go.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

wind, ready, steady, go, happy, blue (or any colour that matches the
pictures in the activity) eyes

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Ribbons and Tassels


• Different coloured ribbons and tassels

• Feely bag


Put the ribbons and tassels into a feely bag. Pull them out of the bag, one
at a time, and exaggerate the pulling movement, especially if it is a long
ribbon. Swish and twirl each ribbon when it is out of the bag.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

swish, twirl, up, down, fast, slow

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The Sun Has Got His Hat On


• A yellow balloon

• A marker pen

• A hat


Blow up the balloon, saying ‘blow, blow, blow’ each time you blow into it.
Once inflated, tie the balloon and use the marker pen to draw a smiley
face on it. Then, place the hat on top of the balloon. Sing the song below:

The sun has got his hat on,

Hip-hip-hip hooray!
The sun has got his hat on,
And he’s coming out today!

Now we’ll all be happy,

Hip-hip-hip hooray!
The sun has got his hat on,
And he’s coming out to play!

The original lyrics to this song, written in 1932, contain inappropriate and racist terminology.
Please be aware of this if looking up the song online and particularly if searching for recordings.
Twinkl is not responsible for any content that might be found through such a search.

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Shaving Foam Hair


• A large piece of black paper

• Shaving foam


Roll the black paper out on to the floor. Take the shaving foam and shake
the bottle, saying ‘shake, shake, shake’ as you do so. Take the lid off
and use the foam to draw a person’s face on the black paper. Choose a
hairstyle for the face (straight, wavy, long, spiky, etc.) and use the shaving
foam to add this to the picture. Remember to highlight the words that
describe the hairstyle as you draw.

An adaptation to this could be to complete the activity using different

coloured salt or sand which would enable you to extend the language
modelled, for example ‘blue, straight hair’ or ‘orange, curly hair’.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

straight, wavy, curly, afro, long, short, spiky, hair

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Windy Day


• Dried leaves or leaves made from paper

• A desk fan


Turn the desk fan on and let the leaves fall into the air, using the fan to
blow the leaves around. While this is happening, sing this song to the
tune of ‘Frère Jacques’:

Wind is blowing
Wind is blowing
Very hard
Very hard
Leaves are falling down now
Leaves are falling down now
The wind is hard
The wind is hard

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

wind, breeze, blow

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Rainbow Colour Fountain


• A white shower curtain

• Several watering cans or spray bottles

• Food colouring

• Water


Put the white shower curtain on the floor. Place some water and a few
drops of food colouring into a watering can or spray bottle. Repeat with
some different colours in different watering cans/spray bottles. Sprinkle
the watering cans/spray bottles on to the white shower curtain to reveal
different colours and create a rainbow.

To make this activity a little bit more difficult, invite the children to come
up and use the watering can/spray bottle to help make the rainbow
colours on the shower curtain.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

spray, sprinkle, colours, rainbow

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Rainbow Sponge


• A sponge

• Paints that match the different colours of the rainbow

• A roll or large sheet of paper


Carefully squirt small blobs of each paint colour on to the long edge of
the sponge. When all the rainbow colours are in a row, swipe the sponge
across the paper making a rainbow shape. You could also sing colours
of the rainbow song whilst doing this.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

rainbow, drip, squirt, swipe, swish, colours

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Marble Painting


• A clear plastic box with a lid

• Different coloured paints

• Paper to fit in the bottom of the box

• Marbles


Place the paper in the bottom of the box and let the child choose the
coloured paint that they would like. Drip the paint on to the paper in the
box and then drop in a handful of marbles. Secure the lid on the box and
shake it, moving the marbles around the bottom. Take the lid off the
box and take out the paper to reveal the swirly patterns of the marble

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

drip, squirt, drop, roll, shake, colours

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It’s Raining


• A white shower curtain

• A small stool

• A clear umbrella (big enough for the child to sit underneath, on

the stool, and not get wet)

• A watering can


Lay the shower curtain out on the floor, place the stool in the middle
and invite a child to sit on it. Put the umbrella up and give it to the child
to hold over themselves. Gently pour water onto the umbrella using the
watering can. While this is happening, sing this song to the tune of ‘Here
We Go Round The Mulberry Bush’:

This is the way it rains today, rains today, rains today.

This is the way it rains today, splish, splash, splosh.

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It’s Snowing


• A roll of black paper

• A small stool

• A clear umbrella

• Cotton wool balls


Lay the black paper out across the floor, place the stool in the middle
and invite a child to sit on it. Put the umbrella up and give it to the child
to hold over themselves. Drop the cotton wool balls on to the umbrella
(you could also sprinkle white glitter on to it). While this is happening,
sing this song to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush’:

This is the way it snows today, snows today, snows today.

This is the way it snows today, fall, fall, fall.

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Splish, Splash, Splosh


• A shower curtain

• A large activity tray

• Water

• Wellington boots


Spread the shower curtain out across the floor, put the large activity tray
in the middle and fill it with a few inches of water. Ask the children to put
on their wellington boots and invite them to walk or jump in the water.
While this is happening, sing this song to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round
The Mulberry Bush’:

This is the way we make a splash, make a splash,

make a splash.
This is the way we make a splash, splish, splash, splosh.

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Runaway Colours Experiment


• Fruity, rainbow-coloured sweets

• A plate

• Warm water in a jug


Place the fruity, rainbow-coloured sweets around the edge of the plate in
a circle shape. Slowly pour the warm water into the middle of the circle
until it touches the edge of the sweets. Encourage the children to watch
as the colours begin to run.

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

drip, pour, run, rainbow, colours

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Making Faces


• Flat, round biscuits

• Icing in a range of colours (ready-made or homemade from

icing sugar, water and food colouring)

• Sprinkles

• Small round sweets

• Liquorice laces or teeth-shaped sweets


Spread some icing on the top third of the biscuit and cover with sprinkles
to make the hair. Ask the child to choose which coloured sweets they
would like to use for the eyes and nose then help them stick the sweets
to the biscuit with icing. Let them choose either a liquorice lace or teeth-
shaped sweet to use as the mouth and stick into place with icing. Let the
icing dry and then enjoy!

Key Words to Emphasise During the Session

mix, drip, spread, body parts

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Designing Glasses


• Glasses Template

• Glue

• Paint

• Feathers, sequins, stickers

• Coloured pens and pencils


Cut out the template of the glasses and let the child decorate it using the
colours and decorations that they choose. While this is happening, sing
this song to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush’:

This is the way we stick on sequins, stick on sequins, stick on sequins.

This is the way we stick on sequins, stick, stick, stick.

This is the way we stick on feathers, stick on feathers, stick on feathers.

This is the way we stick on feathers, stick, stick, stick.

This is the way we stick on glitter, stick on glitter, stick on glitter.

This is the way we stick on glitter, stick, stick, stick.

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