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4 Objective Type Ques (A) Multiple Choice Questions Q41. Which of the following statements are true for ure substances? (i) Pure substances contain only one kind of particles, Pure substances may be compounds or mixtures, Puresubstances have the same composition throughout. (iv) Pure substances can be exemplified by all elements ( (a) (ii) and (iy Q2. A mixture of sulphur and carbon disulphide is {a) Heterogeneous and shows Tyndall effect (b) Homogeneous and shows Tyndall effect (c) Heterogeneous and does not show Tyndall effect () Homogeneous and does not show Tyndall effect Q3. Tincture of iodine has antiseptic properties. ion is made by dissolving (a) iodine in potassium iodide (b) iodine in Vaseline (c) iodine in water (d) iodine in alcohol Q4. Which of the following are homogeneous in nature? (i) Kee (ii) Wood Gi) Soit iv) Air (a) (i) and Gi) (©) i) and (i (©) (i and (iv) (4) (itiyand Gj Q6. (1 mark each) . Two substances, A and B were made to react to form a third substance, AzB according to the following reaction 2A + B—» A,B. Which of the following statements concerning this reaction are incorrect? (i) The product A;B shows the properties of substances A and B. (ii) The product will always have a fixed composition. (iii) The product so formed cannot be classified asa compound. (iv) The product so formed is an element. (a) (@, Gi) and Gi (b) Gi), (iti) and (ivy (©) @, (ii) and (ivy (4) Gi), (it) and (ivy ‘Two chemical species X and ¥ combine together to form a product P which contains both X and ¥,X + ¥ > BX and Y cannot be broken down, into simpler substances by simple chemical reactions. Which of the following concerning, the species X, Y and P are correct? Pisa compound Xand Y are compounds Xand Y are elements Phas fixed composition (i), (i) and (it) (, Gi) and Gv) ) and (iv) (iii) and (iv) Qu. Assertion: Elements and compounds are pure substances. Reason: Properties of compounds are different from those of its constituent elements. Q2. Assertion: Alloys are homogenous mixture of metals. Reason : Alloys cannot be separated into their components by physical methods. 2 Q. 1. What is a substance ? Q.2. What is a pure substance 7 Q.3. What are mixtures ? Q.4, Name two types of mixtures. Q.5. What is a homogeneous mixture ? Q.6. What is a heterogeneous mixture ? Q.7. Define a solution. Q.8. What are the constituents of milk ? Q. 9. Which of the following is/are pure substance(s)? Ink, paper, water, milk, butter, ghee, sugar, blood. G Very Short Answer Type Questions Assertion: Air is a mixture. ae Reason: Air can be separated into constituents like oxygen, nitrogen etc. by the physical process of fractional distillation. Q3. its Qa. passing through it. Reason: The particles of sol than 1 nm in diameter. jution are smaller Assertion: Milk is a pure substance. ; Reason: Milk can be separated by physical process into its components. It has components Tike water, fat, proteins etc. Qs. (1 mark each) Q.10. Give an example of a liquid in liquid type solution. Q.11. Give an example of a solid in liquid solution. Q. 12. Give an example of a solid solution, Q.13. Give an example of a gas in liquid solution. Q. 14, Define concentration of a solution. Q.15. What is solubility 7 7, Short Answer Type Questions 4 >nort Answer ‘ype Q.1. Explain what are metaloids ? Give two examples A (Board Term-1, 2016 Set-A-SOPONL) (Board Term 2012 Set-O45) Q.2. Name the only liquid metal and the only Tiquid non-metal, Mention ty Fy Woard Term-1, 2015, Set-KH40QKW) gaseous non-metals. Q.3.(3) Classify the following as homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture : Ait, Soil, Filtered tea, Wood. ‘A (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-074) (b) Which of the following _ materials categorized as pure substance ? (i) Mercury, ) Milk, Calcium oxide, (iv) Ink, are Q.4. Classify sol, aerosol and gel, from the following list: Milk of magnesia, smoke, cheese, mist, mud, butter, ‘A (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-031) Q.5. Name the three categories in which elements can be normally divided. Give any one property of each element belonging to each category. Q.6i) Write one point of difference between concentration and solubility (ii) What is the effect of temperature on the rate of solability 7 U (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-059) ae. 7. List three differences between propertics of metals and non-metals. airamisture ora compound ? State three reasons in support of your answer, Q.9, You are provided with soda water, milk and muddy water. How can you differentiate between them Tyndall effect. of : (i) Homogeneity, (ii) Filtration, (i Q.10. You are provided with a solution of substances 'X. How will you test whether it is saturated or unsaturated with respect to 'X' at a given temperature ? What happens when a hot saturated solution is allowed to cool ? (Al (Board Term-1, 2016, Set-A- 6SOPOXL) Q.11. (a) Why path of light is not visible in a solution when a beam of light is passed through it ? (b) Classify each of following as solution, colloid or suspension : (i) A mixture whose particles are big enough toscattera beam of light passing through it. (ii) A mixture whose particles settle down when itis left undisturbed. (R4U| (Board Term-1, 2016) (@D Q. 12. Rahul and Manay each were given a mixture of iron fillings and sulphur powder. Rahul heated the mixture strongly and a new substance was formed. Write three points of difference between the two. [A] Board Term-1, 2016 Set B- SX419S9, CDDE 2014) Q. 13. (i) How tincture of iodine is prepared ? (ii) Define solubility. 'A\ (Board Term-I, 2012 Set-050) (ii) What would happen if you were to take a saturated solution at a certain temperature and cool it slowly ? [R+A| (Board Term-I, 2016 Set-B-BSSFOQQ) Qu. /e an example for each of the following : () Solid - Liquid homogeneous mixture. (ii) Gas - Gas homogeneous mixture. (ii) Liquid - Liquid heterogeneous mixture. (A) (Board Term-I 2015, Set-LOV7LN7) Q.15.What do you mean by a concentration of a solution ? Mention two ways, of expressing the concentration of a solution. (Foard Term-1, 2015, Set-K34UQKW) Q.16.(a) State any one difference between pure and impure substances, R¥A (b) What will you observe when : (i) Carbon disulphide is added to the compound iron sulphide ? (DDE 2014) Q.17.Compare solution, suspension and colloids in terms of (i) Stability Filterability Gi) Tyndall effect. Q.18. (a) Compare metals and non-metals based on their physical properties (any four points). (b) What are metalloids ? Give two example. (©) Identify metals from the following : boron, sodium, mercury, carbon. [R2U] (Board Term-1 2016, Set A-2, NIRJKB8) (Board Term-1, 2013, Set-7ZTHA8G) Q..20. Give reasons: () (a) Survival of fish and other aquatic animals become difficult during summers ? (b) When a beam of light is thrown on a clear solution of copper sulphate kept in a dark 100m, it does not glow. (ii) Give two reasons why crystallization is better than simple evaporation. Q.19.(a) How can we say that sugar is a pure substance whereas milk is not ? (b) Which of the following materials fall in the category of a pure substance ? (Ice (ii) Iron (ii) Wood (iv) Brick [A] Board Term-I, 2015, Set-LOV7LN7) % Long Answer Type Questions (6 marks each) Wines etree ee Q.1. Classify different types of pure substances. Differentiate them on the basis of their chemical properties giving examples of each. [R+U (Board Term-I, 2016 Set-F7RE418) Q. 2. (a) Can a homogeneous mixture have a variable composition ? Justify giving an example. (b) What happens whe (i) Dilute sulphuric acid is added to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder. Dilute sulphuric acid is added to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder heated to red hot followed by cooling. (Board Term-I, 2015, Set-3GS246G) 1] Q. 3. (a) State two ways by which you can change a saturated solution to unsaturated solution. (b) Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture by giving one example of each.(U] (Board Term-1, 2014 Set-SO1QHXJ), (Board Term-I, 2012 Set-045) 1) Q. 4. (a) List any three characteristics of colloid. (NCT 2014) (b) Name the two components of a colloid. (©) Identify colloid from the _ following mixtures : Muddy water, Sugar in water, Ink, Blood, Soda water, Foam. [R+A) (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-021; DDE 2014) Mowing characteristics distinguish in tabular form the behaviour of true solution, suspension nal colloidal solution, {U| Board Term-1, 2012 Set-034) Q. 6. (a) Give two reasons to support the statement that (i) Chromatography COs is a compound and not a mixture, (ii) Distitlation. (b) Classify the following as pure substance (A) (Board Term-1 2013, Set-AGROS4) or a mixture, If mixture, indicate whether homogencous or heterogeneous. (i) 2A carat gold (ii) Air (iii) Concrete. (A| Board Term-I 2013, Set-AGRO94) Q.7.(a) A solution contains 60 g of common salt in 240 g of water. Calculate the concentration in terms of mass by mass percentage of solution. (b) Give the principle of the following technique used in separation of mixture : (i) Centrifugation Q2. Which of the following are physical changes? (i) Melting of iron metal ii) Rusting of iron Bending of an iron rod Drawing a wire of iron metal (, (@, (i) and iv) (@, (iii) and ¢ivy (i Q3. Which of the following are chemical changes? () Decaying of wood (i) Burning of wood Sawing of wood (iv) Hammering of a nail into a piece of wood (a) and (i) (©) Gi) and ii) (©) (ii) and Gv) (4) (i) and (iv) 3 Q.1. What is filtration ? Q.2. How can we separate cream from milk ? Q.3. How can we separate a mixture of two immiscible liquids ? Q.4. How can we separate a mixture of two mi: liquids ? Q.5. How can we obtain different gases from air? hacen fa) (b) () (d) Qu. Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Ans. G Very Short Answer Type Questions Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and Feason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. Assertion: Burning a matchstick is a chemical change. Reason: Chemical changes are irreversible changes whereby the chemical composition also changes and a new substance is formed, (a) Explanation: Burning a match stick is an irreversible (chemical) change because when we burn it it produces smoke and turns into ash, Assertion: Cream can be separated from curd by centrifugation, Reason: In centrifugation, immiscible liquids separate out in layers depending on their densities. cy Explanation: Cream can be separated from curd by centrifugation. In this technique, the denser Particles are forced to settle at the bottom and the lighter particles stay at the top when spun. rapidly. In separating funnel technique, immiscible liquids separate out in layers depending on their densities Assertion: To separate a mixture of two or more miscible liquid having the difference in boiling, Point less than 25 K, distillation process is used, Reason: Distillation is a purification technique of separation of two or more miscible liquids, @) Explanation: To separate a mixture of two or more miscible liquids for which difference in boiling Point is less than 25K, fractional distillation Process is used, It is a purification technique of separation of two or more miscible liquids. (1 mark each) Q.6. How can we obtain pure copper sulphate from an impure sample ? Q.7, Give an application of crystallization. Q.8.For the separation of what kind of solute the Process of chromatography used ? KR)(NCERT Exemplar) 2 Q.1. Which separation techniques you will apply for the separation of the following mixtures : ) Oil from water (ii) Camphor from sand (ii) Sodium chloride from its solution in water 'v)Metal pieces from engine oil of a car (v) Cream from milk [A] (NCERT Exemplar) i Long Answer Type Questions 23.) (6 marks each) Name the separation techniques which you will apply for the separation of the following mixtures : (a) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car. (b) Fine mud particles suspended in water. (6) Oil from water. (Board Term-1, 2014 Set-MNN 7 ee ee (d) Sodium chloride from its solution in water. (e) Camphor from salt. (6) Wheat grains from husk. (ii) Classify the following as a chemical or physical change: (a) Water boils to form steam. (b) Burning of paper. (©) An almirah gets rusted. (4) Making a fruit salad with raw fruits. (Al (Board Term-I, 2012 Set-016) [All Q. 2. Define distillation. What type of mixture can be separated by distillation ? Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used for fractional distillation. [RA] (Board Term-1, 2012, Set-033; 21) (NCERT Exemplar) OR How can we separate a mixture of two miscible liquids. Describe the process. (DDE-2014) Q.4. (i) Whats saturated solution ? How solubility ina solution can be increased ? (ii) Draw a flow chart to explain water purification system in water works, +A\(Board Term-1, 2012 Set-075) Q.5. (i) Define sublimation and sedimentation. (ii) You are provided with a mixture of ammonium chloride, common salt, sand and iron filings. Which of these substances can be separated by sublimation and which by sedimentation ? (ii)Can salt be separated by sedimentation 7 Justify your answer. RA] (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-070) Q.6. Mention in sequential order the steps involved in separating the components of air by fractional distillation. Name two main components of air and also give their percentage in air. Which gas is liquefied first as the air is cooled and why ? (REA) (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-061) Q.7.Name the separation technique used in the following cases and explain any one of them : (i) In diagnostic laboratories for blood and urine tests (ii) Purification of salt that we get from sea (iii) Obtaining various constituents of petroleum (iv) Extraction of iron from its ore. [| (Board Term-I, 2016 Set-B- SX41959) . 8. (a) How can we separate a mixture of sodium chloride and ammonium chloride ? Draw a labelled diagram to show the set up for the Process. {b) Name two more substances which can be separated from their mixture by the above method [A] (Board Term-I, 2015 Set K34UQKW; 2016 Set A- 6SOPOXL) (DDE 2017) (NCERT Exemplar) QA Write your observation when the following (An aqueous solution of sugar is heated to ary (ii) A saturated solution of potassium chloride prepared at 60°C iy allowed to cool at room ixture of iron filings and sulphur powder is heated strongly. (iv) beam of Light is passed through a colloidal solut () HCL is added to the mixture of iron and sulphur. A (Board Term-1, 2014 Set-LPS3I7K) Q.10, (a) Mention any two differences between physical and chemical changes. Give one example of each, (b) List any two properties for each of the following case of metals which make them suitable to be used as: (i) Utensils for cooking food (i) Wires for electrical connections. (DDE 2014) U+!A) (Board Term-I 2013, Set- OAHJD6N) Q.11. An apparatus of a separation technique is given below : {i) Explain the above technique. (ii) Which principle is used in it ? (ii) Complete the diagram with proper labelling. {iv)Give its two applications. (DDE 2014) ‘Al (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-040) and water from their mixture. List two criteria that must be fulfilled for using this process. (Al Board Term 1-2016 Set-F7RE418) en oe (Board Term-1 2015 Set-LOV7LN7) Q.12. Observe the diagrams and answer the following ‘ questions : (Board Term-1, 2012 Set-035) the above (i) Identify the separation techniqu diagram. (ii), What do you observe on the filter paper as the water rises up 7 ) Give a reason for the rise of coloured spot on the paper strip. (iv) Give any two applications where you can use this technique. [Al (Board Term-I, 2012 Set-041) (i @N) Q. 13. With a neat labelled diagram explain the process used for separating acetone (or alcohol)

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