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Chapter One
Why You Should Sell

Okay. So, in this chapter, we are going to be talking about the reason why you
should consider selling.
Selling is a skill; it is a skill that people somehow have underestimated, a skill that
people have overlooked, and selling is a skill that a lot of people are scared of.
You will hear people say something like: I don't know how to sell, I don't know how
to convince people to buy my product, or, I don't know how to make people get
interested in what I'm selling. All of these are simply excuses that are preventing you
from selling. Moreover, some of these excuses are born out of ignorance; because,
if you can come to the understanding and to the awareness of Why You Should Sell,
you will realize and see for yourself that selling is something you are supposed to be
What you don’t know is that every single day you are selling something; either
you're selling an idea to someone, you’re involved in an argument or a debate, or in
a conversation with someone, what you’re trying to do is that you’re selling your
opinion to the other person. You’re trying to make the other person see your point
and see why they should agree with what you’re saying.
If you're trying to make a good impression on someone that you're meeting for the
first time, as a young guy, you see a fine girl and you’re trying to make a good
impression, what you're trying to do is that you are trying to sell yourself as a good
person, you’re trying to sell your attitude, and your personality to the person so the
person can get interested in you.

Majority of the activities we do as humans are directly and indirectly sales. We are
selling. Every single moment, every single time, as we are stepping out of our house
meeting people, we are making sales, we are selling. The difference is that the sales in
this regard do not involve cash transactions. Therefore, you can disregard it as selling,
but it is simply the same principle, the same concept that works with selling a product.
You really should consider selling something because if you are able to master how to
sell, and you start selling, your income becomes unlimited. I often hear people say
they prefer to work for someone, just stay in the office, don't have to talk to anybody
or convince anybody to buy anything, anearmuffs like that. At the end of the month,
they get their pay and are good to go.
Now, the truth is that, if you are working for Dangote who happens to be the richest
man in Africa, there is a fixed amount of money you are getting paid every single
month, but imagine yourself working as a salesman for the same Dangote Company.
Now if you're working as a manager in Dangote and you’re being paid some #100,000
salary per month, which is all the income you get every month; or if they are being
nice and you’re hard-working, they pay you #1,000,000 per month as your total
income every month, nothing more than #1,000,000 is all you get, except you have
other investments.
However, if you work as a salesperson in the same Dangote Company, you can make
more money than your manager can. How? Let me explain that: most salespeople earn
commission (apart from companies that exploit salespeople, in the sense that, they’ve
fixed an amount of money that can be made as a salesperson in a month. Therefore,
whether you make more sales than is required, you’ll still get the fixed amount). I'm
talking about salespeople that work based on commissions and are rewarded based on
their efforts.
All right, salesmen are rewarded based on their effort, in such a way that if they tell
you that if you can sell five products, you get so and so commission. For instance, let's

say you can sell one product, you get a 10% commission and the product goes for
50,000 Naira. 10% of 50,000 Naira is 5,000 Naira that means, in a month, if I sell
200 units and have a commission of 5,000 per unit, my income will be 1 million
Naira. Yes! I make 1 million Naira in a month, if I’m able to sell 200. What if I push
myself to the limit and I sell 1000 units? Then I make a whopping 5million Naira in
a month! Now you can see that as a salesperson I have control over my income, over
my earning, I invariably determine how much I earn at the end of a month, a day, or
a week.
Therefore, you should consider selling because you have absolute control over your
income. You decide how much you are going to earn if you are an affiliate marketer,
you can have unlimited earning potential as you will get percentage(s) on every
single product you sell. And this means that, you are to get paid for the number of
sales you make, one thing people have not come to understand.
The reason why people are running from selling, is that they are promoting products
they’re not emotionally connected to. They push a product that is trending, what
everybody is selling, what everyone is using, and not because they have a connec-
tion or a passion in line with the sales.
I was in a company about five, six years ago, and I love the reward system of this
company. It was an amazing reward system. I can make a lot of money every month.
I saw people in the company who are making 5 million Naira in a month and I
admire that because these guys were making a lot of money from this company, so,
I thought that if I do what they did, I will get the result they got. As much as I was
doing what they did so I can get tveil kind of resultyear hat I didn't understand was
the unsaid or the unwritten line: the fact that they were passionate about what they
were selling! Hence, the strength, the energy, and the passion they commit or put
into the promotion and selling of that same product will be different from yours,
because you are just simply doing it for the money. You are doing it because they are

making money, but they are doing it because they love it; they are passionate about
it. That is one thing you have to learn, you have to be able to divert your love for
money into your love for the product. If you love your product more than the money,
money will come, but if you love money more than your products, you will soon get
frustrated and quit.
Okay! People who claim that they don't like selling, that they don't want to get
involved in sales are yet to discover the products they are passionate about.
I had a conversation with a lady somewhere in Nigeria. I was trying to get her to start
a business, but she kept saying she doesn't like running after people to get her
money; she doesn't like telling people or reminding people that are yet to pay for her
product. What she was trying to say in essence is that she does not know how to
persuade or convince people into paying for her services. Thereafter, I stopped
persuading her. Whenever I meet people with such mindset, with that limiting belief
system, it’s always very hard for me to progress with them, all I do is to just let them
be. At that moment, I couldn't make her see the things she's missing out on. I had to
tell her this: "you will get the job you're looking for."
After a couple of days, I saw her doing something passionately, and I asked her: why
can't you convert this thing you love doing so passionately into a business, and get
paid for it? At that moment, she got over the limiting mindset she had before, she did
not think about the fact that she would need to convince people to pay for the
services, her mind overcame that limitation, and automatically it started projecting
into the future. She started saying to herself: “wow if only I can do this for people,
I'll be able to control my time and make money from it.”
Summarily, one of the reasons why you need to sell is to have control over your
income; you can decide how much you're earning every month. And also, find what
you are passionate about.
I was going through my account statement, and to the glory of God, I have been able

to make ‘6-figures’ over the last couple of months since the beginning of this year.
I was going through my account statement and I saw that in the month of July this
year, I made total sales of over 700,000 Naira, which was my highest so far this
When I saw that, I tried to remember exactly what I did in the month of July that got
me such a huge amount of income. I saw that in the month of July I made more sales
than every other month. Before July, in the month of March, I made a little bit close
to 400,000 Naira. Around April, I was a little bit close to 300,000. Around May, I
was a little above 100,000 Naira. In June, I made around 630,000 Naira but in July
I had over 700,000 and in August I made just a little below 400,000.
Okay, so why have I been telling you this? I'm showing you that you can decide how
much you earn every single month as a salesman. I love selling. I'm a salesperson.
I'm not ashamed to talk about selling. I'm not ashamed to say how much I love sales.
I call myself a salesperson because that is how I make my money every month – I
I sell a product that I'm passionate about and I make a lot of money from it every
single month. You should sell too because you need to understand that skill called
selling. Selling is a skill. That skill called selling gives you control over everything
about your life.
However, you cannot sell profitably if you don't improve yourself. This means,
through the process of selling you can grow in mindset, You can grow in your
personal development; you can improve in your attitude and relationship with
people, You can learn communication skills; active communication and active
listening skills, you can learn how to connect with people, how to communicate
with people, and how to persuade people, to convince people without being annoy-
Someone said; “salespeople are the most annoying set of people.” That is partially

true because a lot of people are selling unprofessionally without passing through
the process of selling.
In as much as selling is a skill, in as much as everybody wants to sell, selling
alone can improve everything about you as a person. Selling can help you
improve on your attitude, selling can help you improve and work on your
personality, selling can help you control your income, control your time, give
you the freedom you are looking for, and help you build some other areas of
your life; because you’ll only sell as much as you develop yourself.
Let me end by saying that you’ll only sell as much as you develop yourself!
So, if you are going through this book, if you are following through this book,
you need to keep in mind that in as much as this book is dedicated to showing
you how to create a product you are passionate about, you still need to go
through the process of selling. This will most likely be a separate book on its
own and that book will focus on the things that selling will do to you, how
selling is going to improve everything about you, your communication, your
personality, your attitude, your income, your freedom – every single thing!
That will come later as a separate book on its own, but one thing I want you to
take away from this first chapter before you go to the rest of the book is that;
selling gives you control over your life. This is because it helps you to improve
in every area of your life selling, gives you control over your income; you
decide how much you earn based on your capacity to sell every single month.
Therefore, you need to keep an open mind to selling because selling is a skill!
Just like everything you are doing, just as you're going to school to learn a
particular course, to learn how to become a medical doctor, to learn how to
become an engineer, to learn how to become an economist, to learn how to
become whatever you are learning in school, selling is also like that.
Selling is a profession. I don't know why people venture into selling without

going through the school of selling. I have spent six years in business and I’ve
spent the entire six years practically trying to sell, trying to make sales, trying to
understand how selling works. You see how much experience I’ve built over the
last six years, everything I'm saying now, I'm not saying them out of the stuff that
you can read up on the internet, I'm saying them from personal experiences.
Last year, in the space of two weeks, I made massive sales of over 200,000 Naira
because I learnt something about selling and I applied it that particular period and
it gave me major sales, which I'm going to be showing later on in this book.
Therefore, you really should consider selling, even if you have thought about the
fact that you don't like selling. The question is not whether you like selling or not,
the question is that have you found what you love to sell ? Have you found what
you are passionate about?
A medical doctor who loves taking care of people is practically selling his passion,
he is working in a hospital every single day, he is selling his skill to help people, he
is selling his skill to heal people, and he is getting paid for it. The same goes for a
lawyer, a lawyer who is passionate and practice law is selling his skill; to defend
people, to maintain Law and Order, and he’s being paid for it. So why don't you use
your passion to create your product? Create what you love and make an unlimited
amount of income from doing what you love.

Chapter 2
What You Should Sell

In this chapter, I will focus on the three things that I have been able to sell over the
years. These three things have helped me build influence over people around me and
all the people I know.
The first thing is a PRODUCT. You should sell a product!
Let me explain what I mean by selling a product: you should sell a product – it is as
simple as that! lol...
What explanation are you looking for? You should sell a product; find a product you're
emotionally connected with. Find a product that is solving a real-life problem, find a
product that is either a physical product or a digital product, a product that helps you
to connect with what you love, connect with the world, connect with the things you
enjoy, the things you love, the things you are passionate about. Find a product, it might
be a product that someone had created. This is where affiliate and network marketing
comes into the picture. Look for a product that has been created and be an affiliate or
a network marketer of that product. If not, create your own product and sell it passion-
ately. Learn to sell a product, you should sell a product.
The second thing you should sell is a CONCEPT: an idea, a vision, or a principle.
Life adventure could upstage you, you might be going through difficulties in your
relationship and then you coincidentally understood the kind of relationship concept
that works; you can decide to sell the concept. You have studied the concepts, you have
seen that the concept works, why not sell the concept? Alternatively, you have a vision

that can place Nigeria at the vanguard, why don't you sell that vision?
I have a company I'm running, the name of the company is Terabyte (The Tera Brand
Ltd). What I am simply doing through Terabyte is selling my vision to bring recogni-
tion to all young entrepreneurs and their products in Africa. Therefore, I am selling
that vision through my company, The Tera Brand Ltd.
Bringing recognition to young entrepreneurs and their products across Africa that is
the product we are selling. We have that vision, that vision is what we are acting on,
and that vision is what we are selling to the world. That vision is what is helping us
every single day to get to people, to meet people we network with, and also to build
revenue for the company.
You have a principle you must have learnt, it could be the principle of human manage-
ment, financial management, principles of investing, whatever principle you've learnt
that is working and has been tested. Why don't you sell the principle? You have an
idea, an idea that will reduce wastage across Nigeria; you could have an idea that will
help telecommunications and could be spelt out to the firms. People who do that call
it consultancy. They come up with ideas, study a company, a brand, and they invent of
an idea or ideas that will make the brand well positioned, more recognizable. The
consulting firm simply works out a unique package for their idea(s) and presents it to
the brand, getting paid for it.
So you can choose to sell a product, a product is the first thing you should sell. It could
be a concept, an idea, a vision, or a principle. You can pick any of the four or you can
choose all the four listed. You can now choose to sell a concept; a concept that is work-
ing, an effective concept, or an idea that is bringing a solution, an idea that will help a
company do better; an idea that will make a company triple its revenue. Or a vision to
help people, a vision to raise the younger generation in a more morally and ethical
environment, a vision to bring Nigeria to the forefront of Africa. Principle of academic
excellence, you can sell all of those things.

In addition, the last thing, which is number 3 that you should sell, is YOURSELF.
You are first a brand before any other thing you are selling; you are the first brand
before every other thing you are selling. There is a research I saw , it said, “we are
now in an era where your personality is going to strongly influence whatever you
choose to sell.” So you as a person, how well are you branding yourself?
You as a person how well are you selling yourself? That is why personal branding is
now common, everyone is now a personal brand, and everybody is trying to build a
personal brand. You see those who claim that they are coach, “I’m a relationship
coach, I’m an emotional-intelligence coach,” all of those things simply boils down to
personal branding. Everybody is looking at what they love, everybody is looking at
what they connect to, everybody is looking at what they are passionate about, and
they decide to make those themselves, They have decided to make it their brand, they
decided to project themselves as that particular thing, so sell yourself!
Be that person such that when they think about your name, what comes to their mind?
What comes to the mind of people when they mention the name Clement Oyinlola?
When they did mention your name what comes to their mind? Are they thinking of a
confused person that they don’t even know what he's doing? Most of the time some
people think about Clement Oyinlola, either they connect me with Terabyte or they
connect me with TradeWithTera.
It is so because I have built a personal brand, and I've established those two. I’ve
established Terabyte, I've established TradeWithTera. When people think about
Clement Oyinlola, those two pictures come to their minds. When people did think
about your name what comes to their mind?
There has to be something that comes to their mind. You have to create a personal
brand. If you noticed, the personal brand has a way of pushing your business and
product ahead, because people now trust your integrity and they can put confidence
in your business. A lot of people are doing business because of you. You will hear

people saying something like, “I'm doing this business because you are doing it.”
What they are trying to tell you is that you, as a person, have built a personal brand
that we can trust, and so whatever you choose to do we can follow you because we
trust you.
All right, that is one thing personal branding will do to you. Personal branding will
build trust and will make people trust you and that is why you need to sell yourself.
Sell yourself! Let you, as a person, be the reason why people choose to buy a prod-
uct. There is one business I’m currently doing, I've heard a lot of people tell me that,
“I’ve seen this business with somebody else before but I don't trust that person but
when I saw you doing that same business, I can trust the business because you are
doing it”, I've gotten messages like that. It is because I've over time built a personal
brand, so Clement Oyinlola is a brand on its own.
When something is coming out of Clement Oyinlola, people have this natural way
to trust what is coming out because they know Clement Oyinlola as a personal
brand, as a product on its own, as a trustworthy person, a trustworthy product, a
brand that we can trust, that is Clement Oyinlola. So whatever comes out of Clement
Oyinlola will build trust.
You should sell those three things. We are moving to the third chapter, which is
identifying what to sell. This is where we’ll be talking about the five acts to create a
profitable product.

Chapter 3
Identifying What to Sell

I'm going to talk about identifying what to sell and this is where we're going to be
discussing the five Hacks to create a profitable product. We are going to talk about
the S.C.A.L.P framework
The S.C.A.L.P framework is the five hacks that you need to put into consideration if
you are going to be creating a profitable product.
The: S stands for Skill
C stands for Content
A stand for Audience
L stand for Leads
P stand for Packaging.
So we are going to be starting with the first act and that is the SKILL.
Okay, let me start by saying this, whenever anyone comes to me about starting a
business and that I should give them a business idea or I should give them something
they can do, one primary question I always asked all the time is; what skill do you
have? Because it's not possible for me to tell you a business or to show you a busi-
ness you want to do without knowing the skills you have.
For instance, you are a salesperson like me, that is, you just love to sell, the truth is
that no matter how much you love to sell there will always be something that you
love to sell more than others will. I can help you, I can teach you strategies to sell, I
can teach you techniques to sell but I also have my product that I sell and that my

product happens to be my skill.
I have been a Forex trader for over four years, going to five years, that is a skill I
have learned over time. So, I teach people how to trade professionally and profit-
ably because I have learned the skill of trading Forex. Selling is just a bonus skill
for me because I simply use my skill to sell my product, forex, which is my prima-
ry skill. Everybody that loves selling should see selling as a secondary skill, there
has to be a primary skill, or else you will just come and be teaching us how to sell
when you don't even have what you are selling. If you want to teach us how to sell,
what exactly have you sold?
What exactly is that skill that you have built over time and that you have sold?
Except you happen to study Business Management or Marketing in School and
they taught you different ways to do marketing businesses, then you've worked for
multi-national companies and you have been able to test all your knowledge in
those companies then you can come and say that okay marketing is your skill and
in fact, that is even different.
Marketing is a different thing from selling, marketing is a component of selling.
Marketing, advertising… are all components of selling. What skill do you have,
what is that in your hand?
There is this popular story in the Bible when the Lord wanted to rescue the children
of Israel from Egypt and it was time for Moses to come up and to be called to go
to the rescue, now the question that God asked him was that “what is that in your
hand?” That is the same question I am putting to you, what is that in your hand?
If you are going to be creating a profitable product there has to be something you
have in your hand and what I mean you have in your hand I don't mean literally in
your hand, I don't mean physically in your hand I mean to say a skill that you have
in your hand. What is that skill that you have in your hand? What is that thing that
over time you have unconsciously?

A lady came to me some days ago and then she told me she has started cooking. When
she was sharing how she started, she realized she was in debt, she owe a lot of people
some money, and then her boss is no longer paying her salary because she had to come
down to school to write some tests and because she was not at work so they stopped
paying her salary. Then all of a sudden, it clicked in her mind, it dawned on her that
“come on, I can cook, why don't I cook and sell to people, why don't I cook and make
money from cooking what I love.” So, that is what I mean by what is that in your hand.
What is in her hand is the cooking skill. Yours might be how to do makeup, how to make
a diary, how to make groundnut, how to make woofing clothes, it can be how to make a
head warmer, it can be how to make clothes - dresses, it can be how to design architec-
tural structures.
What is that skill? It can be how to play basketball, and it can be how to fight boxing. A
young man messaged me about last year, he told me he wanted to start a business, and
that what business can he start. I asked him ‘what skill do you have? What do you love
doing? What are you passionate about?’ He said it is basketball. I said, “Come on
basketball, that's going to be a beautiful business, why don't you start a coaching session
on basketball, how to play basketball? Why don't you take it to the digital space and
teach people how to play basketball on YouTube, the techniques, or the things you need
to put into consideration if you want to go into a basketball career?
So, there has to be something in your mind. You need to have a skill in your hand, you
have to have a skill in your hand, and I want to show you three things that using what
you have in your hand would give to you.

1. When you use what you have in your hand, that skill you have in your hands will help
you compete better and stronger. Because you are not just picking a random skill, you
are picking a skill you are confident about. As I tell people I say if you wake me in the
middle of the night and ask me any question on Forex trading, I will explain everything

to you without checking Google or without checking any of my notes because I have
mastered the act of trading over the last five years. You will be able to speak confident-
ly; I don't argue with people when people are talking about trading, I won't argue with
them because most of them are ignorant of what they're talking about. So I wait for
them to ask me first so that I'll be able to teach them and tutor them in the right way.
That's one of the three advantages that using the skill you have will do for you; it will
help you to speak confidently, it will help you to talk with full confidence, and with
full assurance. With full assurance about your skill, you will be able to stand shoulder
to shoulder with your competitors, no matter how long they have been in the business,
and you can stand shoulder to shoulder with them because that is what you have in
your hand; that is your skill.

2. It can help you produce an endless stream of income. That skill you are underesti-
mating, that you're looking at like it is just something you love doing, that thing can
produce an endless stream of income for you. Yes! It can produce an endless stream of
income for you trust me it can.

3. It will help you to stand out from the crowded market. You will not be among the
masses; you will not be among the statistics of people who are just selling shoes and
bags on Whatsapp Status. You know, I'm sure you can relate to this, there are so many
people on your contacts that are selling shoes and bags. The new trend people are
following into now is cooking, almost everybody wants to own a kitchen, we will be
hearing something kitchen, something cooking. You will not be among the people who
are just following the crowd, who are following the masses. Even, if what you are
doing many people are doing it, you will be different because you are not picking that
skill at random, and you are picking the skill because it is what you have learned. It is
what you have mastered.

I want to say something clearly; do you remember all I have been saying that your
skill can help you stand shoulder to shoulder with competitions? It can help you
produce an endless stream of income, and it will help you stand out from a crowded
market, but I know there is some limiting mindset or limiting beliefs that are keeping
you where you are. One of them is that, will they get value? You ask yourself, will
people get value from this particular skill?
You love basketball, right? You're not thinking to yourself, “how will I tell people,
how will I package my basketball business, I don't understand, am I supposed to look
for a club to sign me?” What if no club signs you, does that mean you will be broke
forever? No! If you know how to play basketball, why don't you organize an E-book?
Why don't organize a training session? Why don't you organize something that will
create influence for you in that area of basketball? Why don't you do what will give
value to them? Stop asking yourself, will they get value because they will get value.
You are the one that needs to push yourself out there and you will see so much value
that people will get from you.

The second thing is that, will they pay your worth? At least start first!

A young lady messaged me, one of my friends, she told me about how she loves writ-
ing; she writes poem, she writes articles, and then she did a particular job for people
and then they underpaid her at the end of the day, she came to me and she was like,
“Man this guy underpaid me, what can I do?” I taught her about pricing.
Pricing is something we are going to do some other time, don't worry about whether
they would pay your worth or not start first. Let them underpay you at the beginning,
after you realize that what you are giving them is so much valuable, you would even-
tually realize that people will still come back and pay your worth.
Let me give this instance about my coaching session, I have a VIP group, earlier this

year I started selling the VIP group lifetime access for 22 dollars. After a month that
I saw the amount of value I gave out on that group, and what these guys are going
to be enjoying for the rest of their life, I increased the price from 22 dollars to 33
dollars. I added 11 dollars, and then a lot of people came in again and paid 33
dollars. After a while, I saw that the value is too much, people are getting a lot of
value from this, I increased the price again to 66 dollars. That is double! I doubled
the price to 66 dollars, come on, people still paid.
A lot of you are reducing your prices because you feel that people will not pay. A lot
of people are reducing their prices because they feel that more people will pay if the
price is reduced. No! That is a swindle, which is a lie you're telling yourself.
I have done this before, I have tried it before, I reduced my price I kept reducing it,
I kept reducing it, people were still not paying. Therefore, it is not a question of
reducing your price or not, it's a question of them paying your worth. Their under-
standing and coming to see the value that you're bringing to the table and then pay
you for it. I was increasing my price, I increase my price five times and people still
kept paying, I have over 50 people on my VIP group as I'm making this book.
I increase the price from 22 to 33, from 33 to 66, from 66 I opted for 99, it is current-
ly 99 and I am increasing it to 199 before the end of this year and people are still
going to pay. So don't ask yourself the question, will people pay your worth? And
because of that, you don't push out your product. No! That alone can kill you before
you get started. So, start first and you will be shocked how much people are going
to pay for your work.
Thirdly, will people even listen to you? Come on, they will listen to you. Everybody
has his or her audience. It is not a question of will they listening to you, we are going
to talk about that in the third hack, it is a question of how well are you able to find
the right people that will listen to you.
The right set of people that are connected to you will listen to you; you just have to

find them.
In addition, the last one, number four, is, what if they call you a fraud? They won't
call you fraud, except if you are offering to sell them a scam, if what you’re offering
to them is concrete value, if what you offering to them is a value that is strong enough
to solve their problem, and will meet their needs, they will not call you fraud. Instead
of them calling you fraud, they will come back and be appreciating you.
So, don't let these four limiting mindsets stop you from starting your business, stop
you from creating your product.
Everything I'm saying applies to both physical and digital products. You can use this
for both digital and physical products. Another thing you need to learn is that, don't
go out there and call yourself a relationship coach if you don't have adequate knowl-
edge of what a relationship is all about, and how a relationship works. How well have
you studied relationship that works? How well are you able to bring practical experi-
ences into helping people?
Don't call yourself a content creator when you have never created content. Don't call
yourself an emotional intelligence coach when you don’t even know how to control
your temper. You have to be able to teach and that is why you have to look at what
you have in your hand, not what you admire other people doing. Don't admire people
that are calling themselves a business coach and say you want to call yourself a busi-
ness coach. How many successful businesses have you helped? How many success-
ful business stories do you have?
You must be able to build an influence around the skill you have.

I will end this section by asking you two questions;

● What general knowledge do you have about that field or about that skill?
● What specific aspects of that knowledge get you excited?

What aspect have you connected to? What aspect have you been able to relate to?
What aspect are you able to help other people achieve success in? Have you been
creating content for your own business in such a way that your business page is
known for content and engagements? So you can conveniently come and teach us
how you did that for your own business. So, you will be able to look at your exam-
ple and see how well you have done and be able to pick from yours as well.
Let us move on to the second Hack and that is the content.

Hack Two
Therefore, the second hack, which is the content. The content is very important and
I’ve noticed a lot of people out there who is trying to create a product but so far
they are having struggles creating content around it. That will bring me back to the
first question and the question is; how much do you love or how passionate are you
about what you are doing? If you are as passionate as you think you are or as you
imagine yourself to be, you will not find it too hard to create content. Go out there,
look for people that have an endless flow of content, you will find one common
denominator, that common denominator is that they love and enjoy what they are
So if you’re really struggling to create content, you sit down and check yourself
and you will find out that you don’t have enough or strong enough love or passion
that you think you have. It’s passion that will make you study about that particular
skill and when you are going deeper about a study about the particular skill you are
failing more enough with that skill and content just flows. Like content just flows,
just like you asking me to come to talk about sales and marketing, I don’t struggle,
I don’t need to go and read up a note or visit Google or YouTube to learn some-

thing. What I’ve learned, practice, and done; the result, testimonies, feedbacks I’ve
gotten are all enough content for me.
I used all of those things based on my years of experience, based on my passion, based
on the feedbacks, testimonies and results I’ve seen practically and from people that have
learned from me, I used all those things to create content.
What if you don’t get feedbacks, what if you don’t have a testimony, what if you don’t
have a result yet? Use what you know and build content around it! If all you know is
how to make a cake, creatively create content around that. You can’t create a profitable
product with crappy content. Your content has to match your standard, your content has
to connect with your audience. Your content has to connect with your audience!
Now let me give you some reason why you have to create content;
● Content is a massive and deep tool to connect with your audience; it helps you
connect with your audience.
● Content helps you share your message; instead of you writing a long essay trying to
explain the vision you carry or idea in your head, you can create different content that
will help you to share each of these messages creatively, in a much more fun and inter-
esting manner.
● Content helps you to solidify trust with your audience. It helps your audience to trust
you more. When your audience sees your content and sees how creative they are and
how amazing they are, your content helps them trust you better.
● Content put in a more relevant and consistent position. They see you and how consis-
tent you have been over the years and because of your consistency anyone can admire
you. For example, there is a lady on Instagram, 6figiure-chick, everyone admires her
because of her consistency. In addition, because of that consistency, people naturally
trust her. When you visit her page and you see how consistent she has been, you just
want to learn about her. You just want to see how she does her things, you just want to

see how she can help you because you want to be better, you just want to buy her
course and enroll in her program because of how her content as out her in a relevant
and consistent position.
● The content shows your audience that you are not focusing on the money, that you
are focused on helping them. It tells them your focus is not all about the money, but
you want to help them become better, you want to help them in such a way that they
will do better and become better in their business.
● Content helps you to build up authority in your space. It helps to build authority and
influence. Authority and influence go together in this regard.
Everything said here are the things I’ve enjoyed. I have a deep connection with my
audience, they understand my message clearly, they have strong trust in me, and I
don’t take that for granted. I’m more relevant and consistent, I get referrals almost

And then, people know now that I'm not about money, the ebook you're reading now
is 100% free, it's not about the money.

I want to make money, yes! But equally wants to help you create your profitable prod-
uct so that you will also be making money. If you're making money, you'll be able to
pay me without stress. And yes I influence my space.
So these are some of the reasons you must just keep creating content. You just have to
create content.

Now let me show you four ways to build authority in your space.
4 ways to build authority in your space
● Post what you know about your skill. Don't wait till you have all the results, don't

wait till you have all the testimonial or feedback. What you know, post it! And post it
on your preferred social media. People are using WhatsApp now as a platform,
people are using telegram as a platform, people are using Instagram as a platform,
people are using YouTube as a platform, and people are using half (that is
a podcast) as a platform. So you have to choose your platform and you have to post
what you know. Start with what you know come on, tell yourself; “I will start with
what I know, I will start with what I know”
● Show your audience your achievement. If you don't have any achievement
continue talking about what you know but, if you have one achievement talk about
the achievement, share your achievement let people hear your achievement, let
people learn about it.
● In as much as you are creating content, you must also try to collaborate with
other experts; learn to collaborate! Nobody will steal your audience away, nobody
will steal your shine nobody will steal Your Glory collaborate with other experts!
Work with other experts, let your audience see you as somebody ready to partner, let
them see you as somebody who loves team-building, let them see you as somebody
that wants to help them by inviting other experts to come and teach them.
● Create a community around your products; create influence around yourself,
let people see you and they just want to be with you. All of this, as I said before, can
be achieved through creating content or writing content.

Hack three
The audience
You need people to buy from you. You are not selling to yourself alone, you are not
selling to your family members and you're not selling to your phone contact alone.
You need people, much more people to buy from you, and everybody is not your audi-

ence you are not sent to everybody I love to refer.
To this marvel cinematic series, Captain Marvel, I don't know if you've seen it.
Now Captain Marvel, at the end of the movie, the lady does not stay on the planet earth.
She decided to make the entire galaxy her own space not limiting herself to just the
planet earth.
You know some of the avengers came from different galaxies. They all came together
and all have their respective audience. Thor for instance is not from earth, his audience
is Asgard. Asgard is Thor's primary audience, however, at the end of the day decided to
make the earth his settlement and make someone else the Queen of Asgard. This is
what I'm driving out after they've defeated Stephanos. Captain marvel told them "there
are several other galaxies that are waiting for our help".
However, the avengers are not bothered about that because they are focused on protect-
ing the earth, Captain Marvel is focused on protecting the entire galaxy.
So you should also understand that everybody is not your audience, everybody is not
your market. You have people who are looking up to you, you have people who trust
you, and you have people who want to listen to you. So you're not reaching out to
everyone you have to figure out your audience. You have to figure them out and focus
on your audience. That is one of the fastest ways to build influence. Let me quickly
show you 4 things that it will do for you;
1. Finding your audience will help you easily build authority and influence.
2. Your message will be concentrated enough, that is, your message will come strong
and concentrated for your audience.
3. You will not be tagged a generalist, you will be tagged a specialist. They will know
this is what you focus on.
4. People will not confuse you and will not be confused about what you do.
I know you are versatile, you have ideas in everything, and wants to be a jack of all

trade, which is very good. I’m a typical example of that, I can multitask, it’s very
great and awesome to multitask, but if you want to create a very profitable product,
that product and yourself must find a way to locate the right audience.

Let me help you figure out the space you want to build authority,
1. What problem or what need have you identified? Does the solution to that prob-
lem resonate with you? If it doesn’t don’t stress yourself on it. You have to connect
with the problem, you have to connect with the solution and most importantly, you
have to connect with the product.
2. Whom are those going through that problem? Are they secondary school students,
undergraduates, staff, go vernment workers? You have to figure out your audience,
know the kind of audience, and know the demography you are looking out for. What
age range? Are they below 18 or between 18 -25 or just teenagers? Are you just
reaching out to just students within campuses alone? You have to figure it all out.
Now, the solution you are bringing, what exactly is the solution? How exactly do you
intend to solve the problem you have identified and the problem you have connected
3. Why exactly do you want to solve the problem? Is it to make money, or to want
to help? What you should understand here is that as much as you help people get
what they need, you will get what you want. What that means is, if you want money,
look for people with a problem, give them what they need and you will be able to
make money out of the things you are doing for them.
4. When do you want to solve the problem? Is it right now or there is a perfect time
in your mind or according to the trend of things, you are waiting for the moment to
be able to help them?
5. How exactly are you bringing the solution to them? How do you want to submit

and present the solution to them? How do you want to show them your product is
what they need to solve their problem?
With everything said so far, I’ve pointed how important skills are, how important
content is, and know how important your audience is and how to find the right set
of audience. Not everybody is your audience; you just have to find the right set of
audience. Now we will talk about the leads.

Hack Four
Moving on to the next hack 4, the Leads
This is actually where we talk about the major important component...
We talked about it in the past teachings that we are not selling to our family mem-
bers nor phone contacts, but we need a new set of people that we will be selling to
always. That's where advertisement comes in.
One mistake people have been doing over time is that they keep posting the same
product on their status all the time and the same people keep seeing it all the time.
The question is if people are seeing the product daily and they are not buying, why
do you keep posting it? Why don’t you look for new set of people that will see your
product. That is where the advert comes in handy.
Most people don't know the importance of adverts to their business and they don’t
even run adverts at all. What they don’t know is that advert is a way to get an
endless lead of People. I always have this saying that, some people will buy from
you and some will not buy from you, so why stress yourself? Someone else is wait-
ing to buy from you. Move on to the next person. You need to understand just as I
said earlier under audience that not everyone is your audience, not everyone will
buy from you, but you have to be the first to take a step in getting people to buy

from you before they start referring people to you.
You have to go out there and meet your audience out of the audience, build influence
around them and keep getting a fresh new set of people in that same space. Run advert;
because that is the way you can find more customers daily, your client base but never be
static. Always keep building and growing your client base, as a business owner you need
to have a growing client base or customer base, if you don’t, you will run out of sales
and running out of sales is equivalent to running out of business. One thing you should
note is that it’s difficult enough to get one person to buy from you so you have to learn
to treat all your customer with dignity and respect. Nevertheless, don’t settle down with
one customer, don’t celebrate making sales to one person daily when you can sell to 100
other persons.
Advertisement if done right will keep giving you a fresh list of customers, you have to
pay attention to advertisment because it is a way to increase and grow your sales. Lead
generation and advertisement cannot be overemphasized; it’s something you must learn
to do from the start. As you are creating your product, create a system alongside that will
help you to create an endless list of people that will help you to get people that will buy
from you.
You have to work with a game of numbers. Game of numbers in the sense that 100
people are seeing your product, probably 5, or 10 will buy, that means to get 100 people
to buy, you will have to get up to 5000 people to see your products. Therefore, you have
to use that game of numbers to build more people. Run adverts on every platform you
want to use, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, whichever you are comfortable with, just
keeping running advert.
Another way you can effectively make your advert worth every penny is to,
● Ensure that you are running advert and holding live training. Hold live events

like Instagram live, video chat, which should be free.
● Collaborate with other experts. I can’t overemphasize this as it will make your audi-
ence see you as a much more trustworthy person and as a much more influential
● Run adverts on Facebook, Instagram, Google, or which any platform you want to
● Endless creatively create content.

If you’re able to blend all these, you will be able to get leads consistently which is very
important to you selling and to you making sure people are seeing your business. One
thing that kills business is poor feasibility, if people don’t see your business, they
won’t know you’re even existing, if they don’t know you exist, they can’t buy from
you. So you have to make sure that people are seeing you, they know you exist, that
you are worthy to buy from. You need to make them understand that you are someone
of value and that you have what they need. They need to see all these before they can
lay down their money for you and buy what you’re selling.

Hack Five
I don’t know why I decided to end with this, but let me end on the packaging. You have
to understand that different wine has different taste, simply because not every wine has
the same taste.
I’ll discuss three things under this hack and another three things and another three
things. Smiles.

So to the first three things:
· You must be able to figure out the product that will meet with the vision and object
of your business. Why are you doing your business? Once you can figure that out, it
will help you create a product that can meet the vision and objective.
· Identify which of your product will help your customer or create a product that will
help your customer achieve their best result.
· Create a sale funnel that is suitable for that product.
For example, if you are a cake baker, what category of cake do you do? Is it fondant
or whip cream cake ? Which category will help your customer get their heart desire?
Moreover, how do you intend to keep getting sales? Those are the application of the
three points itemized.
You need to start this, keep practicing around this, keep building and growing around
these points and eventually, you will be able to create a system that works for you,
and a system is productive and effective for your kind of product.

There are three ways I encourage people to package themselves.

● Create a low budget product
● Create a medium budget product
● Create a high budget product

A low-budget product is a design to help you build authority; it is more designed as

bait. It is what gets them interested and enticed into what you are doing. It can be
100% free and can be as high as $99, example include eBooks, webinars, bundles…
A medium-budget product is a product that is now focused on helping your customers
to begin their journey to achievement or growth. You want to help your customer to

move from beginner to achieving growth. The product here ranges from $100 to

A high-budget product is a product that is focused on the long-term result.

This is not a rigid formula, you can decide to tweak your pricing. For example, your
low budget can be free, the medium budget can be between $1-$50, and the high
budget can be between $50 to $500. It’s not as if there is a rigid formula to it, you
can tweak it to suit your taste, there is no one size fit all. Every wine has a different
taste no matter what, so you have to find the right packaging for your kind of prod-

Chapter 4
How to Sell

In this section, I’ll discuss the five recycling techniques I use to sell products every
week and month.
● Freemium before premium. I love this because it takes people's minds away from
the money, in the sense that if you want to sell; you will consider that you will give in
value to earn their trust. For example, I’ve been thinking of creating a campaign for
my VIP group, I’m planning on creating a free master class so that I’ll get over a thou-
sand people to join, and out of 1000 if I can get 50 to 100 that will eventually join my
VIP group, that’s okay for me. I’m taking my time to create free, that will be a lead
for them to trust me. One thing people don’t understand about how they should sell is
that they focus too much on the money, you are losing sight of how you ought to help
your audience, your audience doesn’t see you as someone that will help them. They
will only see you as someone particular about collecting money from them, but when
you place yourself as someone, even though broke, ready to help them regardless,
they will see you as someone that cares about value, about them, about their success.
Don’t give a substandard free product, your free product will speak more volume
more than you can talk about yourself. It gives them a projection of what they will be
paying for. It assures them that, if I give this person my money, my money is safe with
him. I'll be able to get the kind of value I'm looking for. So focus your attention on
creating free products instead of just selling all the time.

● Clearly define what is in for them. Every customer wants to know what they
stand to get from you, so don't let a customer come to you and all the customer is
hearing from you is pay, they will pay you, but they don't just want to pay you, they
want you to tell them what they stand to gain. If they pay you let say $50, what will
they get as value for the $50? Make them see what they stand to gain, show them
the benefit, and talk about how your product has helped other people. Talk about
how your products will help to transform their life, talk about how your product
will refine their brand, how your product will make them look gorgeous, look
good, that is what Apple and Nike do, they tell you that if you do use their product
you look more Prestigious, so what do they stand to gain?
● Share your results blow your trumpet. Nobody will blow your trumpet for you;
blow your own trumpet. What that means is, talk about how other people have been
blessed by you. Talk about how other people have been successful through you,
talk about how your products have helped other people achieve their kind of
success or their Desire level of success through your product. Let them see what
other people are saying, ask for feedback, ask for testimony, share them, talk about
how you are helping a lot of people daily to make money online, and you are help-
ing a lot of people to improve on their relationship out there, helping them to do
better in what they are doing.
● Invest in emotions! Give your customers good feelings before they come to you.
Let them feel good about coming to you while they are discussing with you, let
them feel good about themselves after they bought from you. Let them always
come back and thank God for meeting you. First, invest in how you make your
customer feel from the beginning to the end and don't in any way make them feel
like they made a mistake coming to you. Let them always feel like you are the
blessing they're waiting for all their life. Invest in emotion!

● Engage and not be annoying! Stop telling your customers to DM you for price, stop
overloading your status and page with the pictures of your product. We know what you
are selling; we have seen it countless times, if you want to show us again show it to us
in different ways. Show it in a better way, show it more creatively, don't keep showing
the same images for the next two weeks. Come on! It is making you look annoying to
engage with us. Let say you are selling sneakers, show us videos of people that are
working on it, why can't you show us how the sneakers were made? All those behind the
scene of these sneakers, people want to see a story behind almost everything, they want
to see a story behind your product, they want to see how your product is changing lives.
Therefore, engage with them, engage with all of these things and you will see how these
five things will change your business.
These five things I just mentioned were what I did in July that got me over #700,000. I
gave many freebies, I showed them what they stand to gain and show the result of
people from your VIP group, and I gave them a comfortable atmosphere to roll with me
as I was chatting with them over time.
If I want to create massive sales again next month, this is exactly what I'm going to do.
This is not rocket science, there is no secret behind all these things. It is all about your
creativity, your dedication, and your commitment that makes the results differ. That
somebody read this book now, and he’s so committed, dedicated, and creative about it,
you will see how much that person will make from his products. It will be massive
results, but if you read this book and you feel like I don't have the strength, you will
never grow beyond your mind. Okay!

Chapter 5
Where You Should Sell

I'll be talking about email marketing and WhatsApp marketing this is a bonus chapter
anyway it wasn't part of what I intended to do initially but I planned to do it as a bonus
chapter so let's go run through it and see how we should take advantage of this.
Email Marketing has been in trend for decades now, and you will hear many people
telling you to invest in Email Marketing. Get people's email, because you don't know
what can happen to social media, but if you get their email you will know that you
have their contact for life. That is very true and I agree with you 100%.
However, what you need to understand is that, what is the current trend? The current
trend is that email Marketing is invoke. Nevertheless, something else is invoke and is
looking more promising than email marketing, which is WhatsApp marketing. Many
people have not unleashed the power of WhatsApp marketing because WhatsApp
marketing is strong enough.
WhatsApp marketing is strong enough, in such a way that all you need to get is their
phone number. The moment you have the person's phone number, it means that you
have the person to contact for life, except you lost the contact. Right now, we have
techniques in such a way that you can save contacts in your Gmail account, which
means even if you lose your SIM card, you can still recover your number from Gmail.
Therefore, WhatsApp marketing is coming up, it is pulling a lot of strength, and it is
helping people to generate more sales, sales that are more massive every single day.
However, WhatsApp marketing is what I would recommend because;

● It is cheaper
● You don't need to start subscribing to any particular email Marketing. There
are so many email marketing out there and on most of them, you have to pay every
month before we can use them. Now, you don't have to do that, you just have to get
the phone number, subscribe to your data, and message the person over WhatsApp.
If I'm going to pick, I’ll pick WhatsApp over Email, because it is cheaper, it is faster
and then I can get an instant response as compared to email. In email marketing, the
audience is not always online, they only check their Email once a day, except you are
an HR officer who have to be checking their e-mail every 30 minutes or 1 hour. If a
regular person, you check your email twice or three times a day.
But you check your WhatsApp almost every 30 minutes if not 15 minutes while some
people check their WhatsApp almost every 15 seconds so WhatsApp is; one interac-
tive ,it is more cheaper and it also help you to get the contact for life
How do you know which one to focus on?
It all depends on you! If you decide to build your business using Email Marketing,
you have to go through the courses and learn how email marketing works. But if you
choose to go with WhatsApp marketing, you still have to learn how WhatsApp mar-
keting works, because there are so many things about WhatsApp marketing, which
we are going to talk about later, which people are not leveraging on to grow their busi-
Some of the techniques I am testing presently as you're reading this book and most
likely I'll be done testing them soon.
You need to keep this at the back of your mind, as you are going in business, and that
is; the fact that you should keep watching out for the next trend of things and how that
next trend will affect your business. Many people don't know what their audience
now pays more attention to. It’s not as if people don't check mail, people still check
mail and people are still making a lot of money from email marketing, but I am only

telling you that, WhatsApp marketing is faster and it is cheaper.
That's all about the book. If you have learned anything, I would love to hear feed-
back from you.
Thank you very much.


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