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Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

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Understanding the Interplay: Oil price and renewable energy investment in

Africa’s net oil importing and net oil exporting countries
Ishaya Tambari *, Pierre Failler , Shabbar Jaffry
Centre for Blue Governance, University of Portsmouth, P01 3DE, United Kingdom


This study investigates the symmetric and asymmetric relationships between oil price and renewable energy investment (REI) in six African countries (Algeria,
Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa), examining the differences between net oil-importing and net oil-exporting countries in Africa. The study employs
autoregressive distributed lag bounds testing and the non-linear autoregressive distributed lag approaches to analyse the data. The results reveal symmetric and
asymmetric relationships between oil prices and REI across the countries examined. Algeria, Egypt, and Nigeria exhibit symmetric relationships, whereas Angola,
Ethiopia and South Africa demonstrate asymmetric relationships. Oil prices have statistically significant effects on REI in all countries, albeit with varying levels of
magnitude. In symmetric relationships, oil price influences REI in the long run for Egypt and Nigeria, while Algeria shows significant effects in both the short- and
long-term. In asymmetric relationships, a positive change in oil price has a significant negative impact on REI in the long run for Angola, Ethiopia, and South Africa,
while a negative change in oil price positively affects REI. Notably, Ethiopia does not exhibit statistical significance regarding negative oil price change. Overall, the
study provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between oil prices and REI in Africa, emphasising the need for strategic policies to promote renewable
energy adoption and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

1. Introduction renewable energy sector has also attracted significant investment and
international partnerships, contributing to economic growth and job
African countries are experiencing significant developments in creation (Microsoft.NET, n.d.). Similarly, South Africa has implemented
renewable energy markets, leveraging diverse natural resources, and successful renewable energy procurement programmes, attracting sub­
implementing supportive policies to transition to a more sustainable stantial investment in wind and solar power sectors, and driving job
energy future. The renewable energy markets in Algeria, Angola, Egypt, creation and economic development (PwC, n.d.). As one of the largest
Ethiopia, South Africa, and Nigeria are also influenced by the global economies in Africa, Nigeria recognises the importance of diversifying
push for clean energy and the need to mitigate climate change, and the its energy mix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The country has
significance of renewable energy in achieving sustainable development set ambitious targets for renewable energy deployment and imple­
goals and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (IRENA, n.d.). These mented various policy measures to encourage investment in the sector.
countries are aligning energy strategies with international commit­ These efforts endeavour to expand energy access, promote energy se­
ments, such as the Paris Agreement that acknowledges the importance of curity and unlock the economic potential of renewable energy in Nigeria
transitioning to renewable energy sources. With its vast solar potential (IRENA, n.d.).
and favourable policy environment, Algeria has made notable progress The transition towards renewable energy is driven by various factors,
in developing solar projects and promoting solar energy adoption, including concerns regarding climate change, energy security and the
endeavouring to increase the share of the renewable energy in its elec­ need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels (IEA, 2021; Oyewo et al., 2021;
tricity mix and diversify energy sources beyond fossil fuels (Beyond the Tambari et al., 2020). In response to these challenges, significant in­
Grid for Africa, n.d.). Angola is exploring its potential for developing vestment has been made in renewable energy technologies, infrastruc­
hydropower and solar energy to address energy access challenges and ture, markets, and policy frameworks worldwide. However, despite the
reduce dependence on costly fossil fuel imports (Beyond the Grid for overall growth in renewable energy investment (REI), many African
Africa, n.d.). Ethiopia’s commitment to renewable energy has been countries still face substantial challenges in developing renewable en­
demonstrated through flagship projects such as the Grand Ethiopian ergy sectors (Schwerho and Sy, 2017). The need to address energy
Renaissance Dam, which harnesses hydropower resources. Ethiopia’s poverty and promote sustainable development in Africa has underscored

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Tambari).
Received 4 July 2023; Received in revised form 30 January 2024; Accepted 23 February 2024
Available online 5 March 2024
0301-4207/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 1
Relevant literature on oil price and renewable energy investment.
Author(s) Country/Area Period Method Results

Apergis and Payne 11 South American 1980–2010 Panel co- integration and error correction Heterogeneity exists between countries regarding the effects of oil price
(2015) countries modelling on renewable energy consumption.
Eregha (2017) Five energy- 1980–2013 Fully modified and dynamic OLS co- Energy consumption and crude oil price positively and significantly
dependent African integration approaches enhance the growth of output.
Troster et al. United States 1989–2016 Quantiles of distribution Bi-directional causality between changes in renewable energy
(2018) consumption and economic growth at the lowest tail of the distribution;
besides, changes in renewable energy consumption lead economic
growth at the highest tail of the distribution.
Tugcu and Topcu G7 countries 1980–2014 NARDL and asymmetric Causality Strong asymmetric relationship between renewable energy
(2018) approaches consumption and economic growth in the long run.
Tuna and Tuna Five Asian countries 1980–2015 Hacker and Hatemi (2006) tests for No causality is evident between renewable energy consumption and
(2019) symmetric causality analysis and Hatemi economic growth for Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. The
(2012) test increase in income level in the Philippines increases renewable energy
consumption and energy saving policies have no effect economic
Dominioni et al. – 2006–2016 Integrable nonautonomous Lotka–Volterra The transmission effects of oil price on renewable energy consumption
(2019) model Marasco et al. (2016) may be asymmetric.
Toumi and Toumi Saudi Arabia 1990–2014 NARDL Positive impacts on real GDP in the long-term that are unobservable in
(2019) the short-term. The short- and the long- term incidences of positive
shocks on real GDP are not like the negative shock to REC, implying the
existence of asymmetric impacts on renewable energy. Consumption in
both short- and long-term forms.
Cao et al. (2020) China 2000–2017 Fixed effect model Oil price uncertainty has significantly negative effects on corporate
investment efficiency in renewable energy firms.
Tambari and Six African Countries 1990–2018 VAR model Renewable energy investment remains at an infant stage in many
Failler (2020) African countries, with a large deficit compared with the investment
Malik et al. (2020) Pakistan 1971–2014 ARDL and NARDL Symmetric results reveal that oil price increases short- term emissions
and reduces emissions in the long-term. The asymmetric analysis
demonstrates that an increase in oil price lowers emissions, while a
lower oil price raises emissions in the long term, whereas higher oil price
harms the environment.
Murshed and South Asian – Cross-sectional dependency analysis A non-linear U-shaped relationship is evident between oil price and
Tanha (2021) countries renewable energy consumption.
İçen and Tatoglu 42 net energy 2000–2018 Heteroscedasticity and PSAR Price has asymmetric effects on solar, wind and geothermal renewable
(2021) exporters countries energy. In contrast, price and income have an asymmetric effect on oil
consumption. Moreover, the consumption of all energy sources is
sensitive to oil price, and positive shocks in price are more effective on
consumption than negative shocks in price.
Guo et al. (2021) G7 countries 1980–2018 ARDL and NARDL The oil price of G7 countries, except for France and Germany, have a
significant asymmetric effect on renewable energy consumption:
however, there is considerable heterogeneity between England and
Yang and 27 African countries 1990–2018 ARDL and NARDL The symmetric results show that a 1% increase in renewable energy
Danwana consumption is projected to result in an ecological deficit in ecological
(2022) reserve countries. The asymmetric results show that a 1% increase
(decrease) in renewable energy consumption is projected to decrease
(increase) ecological footprint by 0.16% (0.13%) in countries with
ecological reserves.
Ali et al. (2022) ( South Africa 1990–2019 ARDL and NARDL Renewable energy improves environmental quality in both the short and
Ali et al., 2022) long term. Positive shocks in oil price contribute negatively to
environmental pollution in South Africa.
Borozan and Lolic G7 Countries 1997–2019 NARDL Asymmetric effects in the long term imply both negative and a positive
(2022) shock in lagged uncertainty reduce renewable energy consumption.
Eyuboglu and 15 emerging 1990–2015 Bootstrap panel causality test Asymmetric causality is evident from negative shocks of economic
Uzar (2022) countries growth to negative shocks of renewable energy consumption in South
Africa, Thailand, and Turkey. No causal correlations between renewable
energy consumption and economic growth are evident in Malaysia,
Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, and Russia.
Joof et al. (2023) China 1988–2018 NARDL and bootstrap ARDL Oil price symmetrically influence the ecological footprint and
asymmetric analysis shows that a positive shock in oil price enhance
ecological quality while negative shocks deteriorate ecological quality.

the importance of REI in the region. price and REI may exhibit asymmetric characteristics (Dominioni et al.,
While a considerable body of literature explores the relationship 2019; Cao et al., 2020; Ipcc and Report, 1969). The concept of the
between oil price and renewable energy consumption, the impact of oil asymmetric effects of oil price refers to the differential impact that
price on REI has received less attention (Apergis and Payne, 2015; positive and negative changes in oil price can have on economic vari­
Dominioni et al., 2019; Rentschler, 2013; Sadorsky, 2009a; Salim and ables or phenomena, suggesting that the effects of oil price increases
Rafiq, 2012). A majority of previous studies focus on the symmetric may differ from those of oil price decreases. In the context of our study
effects of oil price, assuming linear relationships between variables. regarding the impact of oil price on REI, exploring the asymmetric ef­
However, recent research demonstrates that the relationship between oil fects of oil price is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

relationship between these two factors. advance renewable energy development in the region. Moreover, the
This exploration of the asymmetric effects in the oil price–REI rela­ results enhance our knowledge regarding the relationship between oil
tionship is motivated by three considerations. First, substantial fluctu­ price and REI in the context of developing economies, shedding light on
ations in oil price have occurred over the past few decades, indicating the potential asymmetric effects.
the potential for non-linear effects on REI (Murshed and Tanha, 2021). The bulk of the research on oil price and renewable energy focuses on
Second, determining the asymmetric effects of oil price can provide oil price’s effects on renewable energy consumption (Apergis and Payne,
insights into the dynamics of REI in different market conditions. Third, 2015; Dominioni et al., 2019; Rentschler, 2013; Sadorsky, 2009a,
the majority of the research examining the effects of oil price on REI 2009b; Salim and Rafiq, 2012). These studies demonstrate significant
focus on developed countries, and research on developing economies, heterogeneity between countries in the transmission effects of oil price
especially in Africa, is limited. on renewable en ergy consumption, indicating potential asymmetries
To address these gaps, this empirical study investigates the sym­ (Dominioni et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2020; Ipcc and Report, 1969). For
metric and asymmetric effects of oil price on REI in Africa, to answer the example, (Cao et al., 2020) explores the influence of fluctuations in in­
following research questions. ternational oil price on Chinese renewable energy companies’ invest­
ment decisions, with a particular focus on the relationship between oil
i. What are the short- and long-term correlations between oil price price uncertainty and sensitivity to investment opportunities. Employ­
and REI in African countries? ing a robust two-step system-generalised method of moments estimator
ii. Are the effects of oil price on REI symmetric or asymmetric? and analysing a sample of publicly listed renewable energy firms from
iii. How do net oil-importing and net oil-exporting countries in Af­ 2002 to 2016, the study reveals that oil price uncertainty has a signifi­
rica differ in terms of the relationship between oil price and REI? cant negative impact on investment across the entire sample.
However, research attention has shifted towards exploring the
The classification of the six African countries in the study, which asymmetric effects of oil price on renewable energy consumption,
includes Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa, is particularly following weaker relationships between oil price and the US
based on specific criteria related to their characteristics, particularly gross domestic product (GDP) since 1985 (Apergis and Payne, 2010).
their status as major oil-exporting countries. One justification for Studies suggest that the volatility effects of oil price on renewable en­
including Nigeria, Angola, and Algeria as net oil exporters is their sizable ergy consumption can be non-linear, with the impact becoming signif­
contributions to the continent’s overall oil production, which highlights icant only after reaching a critical threshold (Murshed and Tanha,
their crucial roles in the continent’s oil industry. The study not only 2021). These findings highlight the importance of considering
identifies oil-exporting countries but also distinguishes them from net non-linearity when examining the relationship between oil price and
oil-importing countries. This binary categorization adds nuance to the renewable energy consumption.
analysis, recognising that Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Africa are net Oil price volatility can have mixed effects on REI. High oil price can
importers despite their presence in the oil sector. This distinction allows make renewable energy sources more attractive, as they offer a stable
for a more detailed examination of the energy dynamics within the and potentially less costly alternative to oil-based energy (Song et al.,
sample. Second, by selecting countries with varying levels of depen­ 2021). This can incentivise investment in renewable energy projects and
dence on oil exports, the study aims to draw comparisons and contrasts technologies. In contrast, low oil price can reduce the competitiveness of
between their renewable energy investment strategies. The classifica­ renewable energy by making fossil fuels inexpensive (Guo et al., 2021).
tion aligns with the study’s focus on renewable energy investment. This may lead to a decrease in REI, as investors may perceive fossil
Major oil-exporting countries are likely to have different considerations fuel-based energy as more economically viable.
and challenges in transitioning to renewable energy compared to net oil- Symmetric effects assume linearity, wherein the impact of variables
importing nations. This classification sets the stage for exploring how is the same in both directions, while asymmetric effects consider non-
these two groups of countries approach renewable energy initiatives, linearity, which leads to different impacts in positive and negative di­
given their distinct positions in the oil market. Three of the selected rections. Understanding the symmetric and asymmetric effects of oil
countries represent different regions of Africa, each with its own eco­ price on REI is essential for policymakers and investors. The literature
nomic and developmental challenges. The diverse geographical repre­ acknowledges the considerable changes in oil price over the last three
sentation allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the African decades, suggesting potential variations in the effects of oil price on REI
context in the study. Fourth, the choice of these specific countries is (Murshed and Tanha, 2021; Troster et al., 2018). Therefore, examining
driven by their unique policy landscapes. Understanding how countries both symmetric and asymmetric effects is essential for capturing the
with diverse economic structures approach renewable energy implica­ complex relationship between oil price and REI. The asymmetric effects
tions for policy recommendations, particularly for oil-dependent econ­ of oil price on REI in Africa are not yet well understood. The impact of oil
omies seeking to diversify their energy sources. price changes on REI may differ depending on whether oil price is rising
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and non-linear autoregressive or falling. For example, during a period of rising oil price, REI may
distributed lag (NARDL) models are employed to answer the questions become more attractive, as investors seek alternative energy sources to
above. These econometric approaches allow us to examine the short- mitigate the risks associated with oil price volatility. Conversely, when
and long-term relationships between oil price and REI and explore po­ oil prices fall, investors may be less inclined to invest in renewable en­
tential non-linearities and asymmetries in these relationships. ergy, as the relative cost advantage of fossil fuels becomes more
This study makes three main contributions to the existing literature. prominent.
First, it fills a research gap by examining the symmetric and asymmetric Recent research has started to investigate the effects of oil price on
effects of oil price on REI in developing countries, particularly in Africa. REI (Song et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2021). This shift in focus is driven by
Second, it employs both ARDL and NARDL models to provide robust the significance of REI for macroeconomic performance and the need to
analysis and insights into the short- and long-term correlations between understand the impact of energy policies and country-specific charac­
oil price and REI. Third, identifying asymmetric effects can reveal the teristics (Eregha, 2017). Nevertheless, the literature lacks studies
underlying mechanisms and drivers behind the observed relationships, regarding how low oil price may influence the rollout of electricity
potentially indicating that REI responds differently to positive and decarbonisation in developing countries. Moreover, research has not
negative oil price shocks. Uncovering these mechanisms can expand our thoroughly addressed the issue of non-linearity in the impact of oil price
understanding of the factors influencing REI. The findings of this study on REI, which is crucial for capturing potential asymmetric effects.
uncover the dynamics between oil price and REI in Africa, to inform Thus, understanding the relationship between oil price and REI in
policymakers’ and investors’ development of effective strategies to Africa is a complex and evolving area of research. The above review and

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 1 demonstrate that while some studies have explored the effects of
oil price on renewable energy consumption, the literature on REI in
Africa remains limited. The impact of oil price volatility on REI in Africa
is likely to be influenced by symmetric and asymmetric effects. By
considering the asymmetric effects, we reveal insights into how
renewable energy responds to changes in oil price, depending on
whether the price is rising or falling. The significance of examining
asymmetric effects lies in its potential to reveal nuanced dynamics and
patterns in REI practices, allowing us to assess whether the magnitude
and direction of the impact of oil price volatility on REI differ under
different market conditions. Understanding these nuances can provide
valuable insights for policymakers and investors in terms of decision-
making and strategic planning. Further research is needed to provide
a more comprehensive understanding of these dynamics and inform
effective policies and strategies for promoting REI in Africa.

2. Theoretical framework

The resource curse hypothesis represents a significant theoretical

framework in the realm of natural resource economics. Originating from
the observation that some countries blessed with abundant non-
renewable resources, particularly oil, face economic challenges, this
hypothesis highlights a potential paradox. Instead of serving as an
economic boon, the reliance on oil revenues may inadvertently impede a
nation’s capacity to diversify its economic activities. The crux of the
resource curse hypothesis lies in the idea that countries overly depen­ Fig. 1. The steps in the ARDL and NARDL Procedures.
dent on non-renewable resources may find it challenging to channel
their bib_joof_et_al_2023economic gains into alternative and sustainable institutional dynamics and facilitates the transition towards renewable
sectors, such as renewables. energy sources. The findings of these studies not only corroborate the
A key implication of the resource curse hypothesis is the hindered challenges outlined by the resource curse hypothesis but also contribute
development of renewable energy sources in nations reliant on non- to a more comprehensive understanding of how resource dependence
renewable resources. The substantial revenues generated from oil may shapes economic trajectories and, potentially, the transition to renew­
create a disincentive for governments and private entities to invest in able energy sources. As we navigate the complexities of
alternative and cleaner energy options. This reduced inclination towards resource-dependent economies, these empirical insights guide our
diversification may stem from the immediate economic gains associated theoretical understanding, emphasising the need for context-specific
with the extraction and export of non-renewable resources. Conse­ approaches to address the multifaceted challenges associated with the
quently, the resource curse hypothesis suggests that, despite the eco­ resource curse.
nomic windfalls from oil, nations may find themselves trapped in a cycle
that limits their ability to transition to more sustainable energy prac­ 3. Materials and methods
tices, including renewable energy investment.
The theoretical underpinning of the resource curse hypothesis gains 3.1. Data
further depth through empirical studies that examine its applicability to
renewables. For instance, (Li et al., 2023) contribute to this discourse by This study samples six African countries (Algeria, Angola, Egypt,
evaluating the role of renewable energy and research and development Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa). The major oil-exporting countries
(R&D) in the context of the resource curse hypothesis. Their study delves in the sample include Nigeria, Angola and Algeria, which accounted for
into the intricate dynamics between resource dependence and sustain­ 58% of total crude oil production from Africa in 2021 (British Petro­
able development, specifically examining how investments in renewable leum, 2022). We use annual data for renewable energy production, oil
energy and R&D may mitigate the adverse effects associated with price, per capita real GDP and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from
resource dependence. By linking the resource curse hypothesis to sus­ 1990 to 2020. The selection of variables references previous studies
tainable development, Li et al.’s research offers a nuanced perspective, (Apergis and Payne, 2015; Sadorsky, 2009b), economic theory (Shah
suggesting that strategic investments in renewables and innovation can et al., 2018; Tambari et al., 2023) and data availability to ensure
play a pivotal role in breaking the shackles of resource dependence. comprehensive and accurate empirical results. The secondary data used
Ref. (Anser et al., 2020) extend the exploration of the resource curse in the analysis are obtained from various sources. Renewable energy
hypothesis by investigating its mediation role in the relationship be­ production is used as a proxy for REI based on the high correlation be­
tween financial development and clean energy sources. Their study in­ tween the two variables (Tambari and Failler, 2020; Shah et al., 2018;
troduces the dimension of ‘go-for-green’ resource policies, emphasising Tambari et al., 2023). This approach is based on the high correlation
the potential of aligning financial development strategies with clean between renewable energy production and investment, as an increase in
energy initiatives. Anser et al.’s findings underscore the importance of renewable energy production reflects a corresponding increase in in­
policy interventions in mitigating the resource curse, particularly when vestment in renewable energy sources (Shah et al., 2018; Tambari et al.,
framed within the broader context of fostering financial development 2023). Accordingly, increased investment in renewable energy infra­
and promoting clean energy sources. structure and technology is expected to lead to higher levels of renew­
Furthermore, (Ahmad et al., 2023) contributes to the theoretical able energy production over time. When investors allocate capital
landscape by incorporating considerations of institutional issues into the towards the development and expansion of renewable energy projects, it
resource curse hypothesis. Their research underscores the significance of should ultimately result in a greater capacity to generate renewable
a comprehensive policy framework that not only acknowledges the energy.
challenges posed by resource dependence but also addresses

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Fig. 2. Main findings.

Renewable energy generation is measured as the total generation burning (units: million metric tonnes of CO2 per person). GDP is
from various sources such as hydroelectricity, solar, wind, biomass and measured in billions of US dollars, interest rate in percentages and the
waste, hydroelectric pumped storage, non-hydroelectric renewables, oil price in dollars per barrel. Due to a lack of domestic oil price data, the
geothermal, tide and wave (units: billions of kilowatt-hours). Per capita average annual oil price in US dollars per barrel is adjusted for inflation
CO2 emissions are measured based on fossil fuel consumption and using each country’s annual consumer price index (CPI) to obtain the

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 2
Summary statistics.
Variable Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis

Algeria REI 319.39 251.00 956.00 54.00 233.96 1.27 3.75

OP 0.74 0.62 2.88 0.25 0.53 2.44 9.83
RGDP 3117.58 3113.00 5591.00 1452.00 1430.65 0.35 1.71
CO2 3.27 3.20 4.23 2.70 0.41 0.60 2.50

Angola REI 3100.26 2219.00 10050.00 725.00 2735.41 1.18 3.33

OP 22.78 1.21 309.05 0.09 57.10 4.30 21.86
RGDP 2201.36 1896.00 5408.00 329.00 1726.36 0.45 1.74
CO2 0.76 0.78 1.40 0.30 0.28 0.40 2.80

Egypt REI 13926.74 13996.00 20178.00 9700.00 2534.73 0.33 3.13

OP 0.81 0.77 2.34 0.13 0.46 1.06 5.16
RGDP 1887.65 1398.00 3599.00 651.00 999.10 0.48 1.72
CO2 2.08 2.14 3.03 1.40 0.44 0.18 2.40

Ethiopia REI 5070.90 2833.00 14358.00 1062.00 4669.60 1.01 2.45

OP 0.87 0.86 2.41 0.12 0.50 0.65 4.04
RGDP 340.45 244.00 936.00 112.00 253.62 1.00 2.68
CO2 0.09 0.07 0.60 0.04 0.10 4.55 23.87

Nigeria REI 6029.39 5775.00 8234.00 4387.00 877.45 0.94 4.00

OP 2.48 0.97 18.53 0.13 4.18 2.70 9.59
RGDP 1422.94 1268.00 3223.00 270.00 944.10 0.29 1.62
CO2 0.54 0.58 0.77 0.32 0.14 0.06 1.95

South Africa REI 17912.13 16644.00 32457.00 8746.00 5738.73 1.14 3.71
OP 0.70 0.67 1.76 0.24 0.33 1.01 4.44
RGDP 4837.26 5091.00 8007.00 2502.00 1601.89 0.23 1.79
CO2 8.66 8.70 9.96 7.24 0.60 0.15 2.96

All REI 7726.47 5759.00 32457.00 54.00 7038.19 0.92 3.51

OP 4.73 0.83 309.05 0.09 24.45 10.80 131.57
RGDP 2301.20 1845.50 8007.00 112.00 1881.85 0.82 2.85
CO2 2.57 1.40 9.96 0.04 2.96 1.32 3.36

Note: OP, RGDP, REI, and CO2 represent the price of oil, real GDP, REI, and CO2 emissions, respectively. Std. Dev. Is the standard deviation.

real oil price. production. Additionally, the expectation of the relationship between
Data on renewable energy generation and CO2 emissions from 1990 CO2 and renewable energy is negative, as renewable energy consump­
to 2020 are obtained from the US Energy Information Administration. tion is negatively associated with per capita CO2 emissions growth
The real GDP series, which is measured in billions of US dollars at (Chen et al., 2022).
constant 2015 price, is obtained from the United Nations economic
database. The nominal oil price series represents the average crude price
of different types of petroleum (Dubai, Brent, Nigerian and West Texas 3.3. Econometric techniques: ARDL and NARDL
Intermediate) measured in US dollars per barrel. Real oil price is
calculated by deflating nominal oil price using each country’s implicit This study adopts ARDL and NARDL approaches to test for symmetric
CPI. Nominal oil price data is sourced from the British Petroleum (BP) and asymmetric relationships between the variables for four reasons
annual report and CPI data for individual countries are obtained from (the steps are presented in Fig. 1). First, ARDL is suitable for variables
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Energy Agency and that are either I(0) or I(1). Second, ARDL estimates provide unbiased
International Financial Statistics (IFS). Real interest rate, adjusted for results that capture long-term relationships between variables. Third,
inflation as measured by the GDP deflator, is obtained from the World the model estimates a single reduced equation rather than a series of
Bank Development Indicators and the IMF’s IFS (See Fig. 2). equations, unlike other approaches such as Johansen co-integration.
Finally, the ARDL model is more suitable for different sample sizes,
3.2. Econometric model whereas other methods can be influenced by sample size (Sadorsky,
2012). Therefore, this study estimates an error correction model (ECM)
Aligned with this study’s objectives and previous literature such as [ using the bounds testing approach. The ARDL–ECM model is as follows:
(Sadorsky, 2012)], the model employed in this study is expressed as p1

follows: ΔREIt = α + γ 1 REIt− 1 + γ2 OPt− 1 + γ3 RGDPt− 1 + γ4 CO2t− 1 + δ1 ΔREIt− i
REI = f(OP, RGDP, CO2) (1) p2
∑ p3
∑ p4

+ δ2 ΔOPt− i + δ3 ΔGDPt− i + δ4 ΔCO2t− i + ϵt .
where REI represents renewable energy generation per capita, Op de­ i=0 i=0 i=0
notes oil price and RGDP represents real GDP per capita. (2)
The inclusion of REI, OP and RGDP in Equation (IEA, 2021) is sup­
ported by previous research. (Shah et al., 2018) demonstrates a signif­ In this equation, Δ represents the first-difference operator, α is the
icant relationship between real GDP and renewable energy, indicating constant parameter, REI represents the logarithm of REI, OP represents
that economic growth can drive the growth of renewable energy. Hence, the logarithm of oil price, RGDP represents the logarithm of real GDP
a positive association can be assumed between GDPs per capita and REI. and CO₂ represents the logarithm of CO2 emissions. The coefficients γ
Oil price serves as an alternative to renewable energy, implying that represent the long-run estimates, δ represents the short-run estimates, p
increased oil price may incentivise greater investment in renewable denotes the lag orders of the variables and is the error term.
energy sources (Simionescu et al., 2020), and the expectation is nega­ The bounds’ testing approach is applied to test the null hypothesis of
tive, as increased oil price could also lead to a rise in non-oil energy no long-run co-integration, characterised by the condition γ₁ = γ₂ = γ₃ =

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 3 decreases in the main explanatory variables on dependent variables.

Unit root test results. The NARDL equation is as follows:
a. Traditional Unit root test results
zt = κ+ dt+ + κ− dt− + μt (3)
Variable Level First difference

ADF PP ADF PP where zt is REIt, dt is OPt, RGDPt, and CO2t, and κ+ and κ− stand for the
asymmetric long-term parameters and are white noise processes.
Algeria REI 2.14 2.03 6.94*** 6.61***
The decomposition of dt is as follows:
− − −
OP − 2.54 − 2.09 5.88*** − 5.77***
RGDP 1.74 1.92 4.01*** 4.03***
− − −
dt = d0 + dt+ + dt− (4)
CO2 − 2.50 − 2.67 _6.49*** − 6.35***

Angola REI − 1.89 − 2.05 − 5.69*** − 5.49*** where dt represents a k*1 vector; d0 is a given preliminary value; d+
OP 2.79 2.50 6.25*** 6.13***
represents the partial sum processes of positive change and is repre­
− − − −
RGDP − 2.55 − 2.48 − 5.84*** − 5.61*** ∑t + ∑t
CO2 − 3.24 − 3.14 − 6.66*** − 6.58*** sented as d+t = j=1 dj = j=1 max (Δdj , 0); and dt stands for the

Egypt REI − 2.20 − 2.08 − 5.08*** − 5.03*** partial sum processes of negative change and is expressed as d−t =
∑t ∑t
j=1 dj = j=1 min (Δdj , 0). The NARDL–ECM is as follows:
OP − 3.14 − 2.85 − 6.55*** − 6.19*** −
RGDP − 2.39 − 2.29 − 6.54*** − 5.51***
CO2 − 2.96 − 2.66 − 5.75*** − 5.37*** ΔREIt = β + θ1 REIt− 1 + θ2 RGDPt− 1 + θ3 CO2t− 1 + ω+ + − −
1 OPt− 1 + ω1 OPt− 1
Ethiopia REI − 3.26** − 3.79** − 6.71*** − 6.76*** p1
∑ p2
∑ p3
∑ p4

OP − 1.52 − 1.74 − 5.17*** − 4.95*** + φi ΔREIt− i + ρi ΔGDPt− i + τi ΔCO2t− i + π+i ΔOP+t− i
RGDP − 2.21 − 1.92 − 7.50*** − 6.45*** i=1 i=0 i=0 i=0
CO2 − 1.11 − 1.09 − 3.98*** − 3.97*** q− 1

Nigeria REI − 3.44 − 3.24 − 7.86*** − 7.47*** + π −i ΔOP−t− i + ϵt
OP − 1.05 − 1.44 − 3.99*** − 3.84*** i=0

RGDP − 3.45 − 2.46 − 3.56*** − 3.79*** (5)

CO2 − 2.25 − 2.00 − 4.32*** − 4.01***

South Africa REI − 1.55 − 1.42 − 4.45*** − 4.07***

where θ1 , θ2 , θ3 , ω+
1 , and ω1 are the long-run estimates and φ, ρ, τ, π i ,
− +

OP − 0.95 − 0.96 − 5.91*** − 5.49*** and π i are the short-run estimates. The remaining variables and co­

RGDP − 1.18 − 1.09 − 6.96*** − 6.51*** efficients are the same as defined above. Here, as the main variable, the
CO2 − 3.22** − 3.02* − 6.74*** − 6.41*** oil price variable is decomposed, while the remaining variables function
b. Non-linear KSS Unit root test results as control variables.
Variable KSSa KSSb The bounds’ testing approach is employed for the NARDL procedure,
just as in the ARDL procedure (see Fig. 1), to confirm the null hypothesis
Algeria REI − 1.651* − 2.066*
OP 2.588 − 1.618* that there is no non-linear (asymmetric) relationship, which is repre­
RGDP − 1.917* 1.731* sented by the following: θ1 = ω+ 1 = ω1 = 0. Second, short- and long-

CO2 1.624* − 2.665* term symmetries are established by applying two steps. (i) The null
Angola REI − 0.765 − 1.919* hypothesis of the long-run symmetry, viz. − ω+ 1 /θ1 = ω1 /θ1 , and (ii) the

OP − 1.644* 1.827* ∑q− 1 + ∑q− 1 −

null hypothesis of the short-run symmetry, viz. i=0 π j = i=0 π j .
RGDP − 1.088* − 2.118*
CO2 3.086 − 1.733* Finally, the asymmetric cumulative dynamic multiplier effects of OP+ t− 1
∑h ∂REIt+k −
Egypt REI 0.084* − 2.118* and OP−t− 1 can be computed as the following: v+ h = k=0 ∂OP+ , vh =
t− 1
OP − 2.106 − 1.785* ∑h ∂REIt+k
k=0 ∂OP− , h = 0, 1, 2, …, where vh → − ω1 /θ1 and vh → − ω1 /θ1 when
+ + − −
RGDP 1.748* − 1.628* t− 1
CO2 − 1.733* − 1.759* h→∞.
Ethiopia REI − 1.910* − 1.830*
OP 2.053 2.584* 4. Empirical analysis
RGDP 1.877* − 2.043*
CO2 1.668* − 1.868*
Summary statistics are presented in Table 2 to provide an overview
Nigeria REI − 1.691* − 1.763* of the data used in this study. South Africa exhibits the highest mean REI
OP − 1.870* − 1.998*
among the African countries, while Algeria has the lowest mean. South
RGDP − 1.678* 1.767*
CO2 3.918 − 1.715* Africa’s REI is significantly ahead of the other countries in the analysis,
revealing significant solar and wind energy resources, making the nation
South Africa REI − 1.027* − 2.615*
OP 1.903* − 2.092*
a leader in renewable energy capacity across Africa. As of 2018, South
RGDP − 1.871* − 2.038* Africa had the highest installed capacity for renewable energy on the
CO2 2.046 1.697* continent, considering solar, wind and hydropower (Xu et al., 2019).
Note: *, **, and *** represent the significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels,
respectively. The time lag order is selected based on the Akaike information 4.1. Unit root tests
Note: KSSa represents the raw series, and KSSb represents the demeaned series. * Traditional unit root test such as Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
Indicates significance at the 10% level. (c) Critical values: for raw series (10% = and Phillips–Perron (PP) unit root tests are conducted to determine the
− 1.92) and demeaned series (10% = − 2.66).
stationary properties of the variables, and the results are presented in
Table 3a, revealing that the variables in the study comprise a mix of I(0)
γ₄ = 0. If the relationship fails the bounds test, this indicates a non-linear and I(1) processes. Furthermore, the findings of the KSS non-linear unit
linkage. In such cases, the NARDL is employed to address this issue. root test (Awodumi and Adewuyi, 2020), as illustrated in Table 3b, also
Considering the non-linear nature of macroeconomic variables, econo­ indicate that the variables exhibit stationarity either at level I(0) or at
metric studies (Shin et al., 2014) propose the (asymmetric) NARDL the first difference I(1). Accordingly, both ARDL and NARDL models can
approach, which can determine short- and long-term relationships be employed for our estimations, considering the appropriate order of
among variables and reveal the asymmetric effects of increases and integration for each variable.

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 4
Bounds test results.
Panel A: ARDL F-Test Panel B: NARDL F-Test

Country F-stat Degrees of freedom Conclusion Country F-stat Degrees of freedom Conclusion

Algeria 5.30*** 3 Cointegrated Angola 5.91*** 4 Cointegrated

Angola 1.51 3 Not cointegrated Ethiopia 5.34*** 4 Cointegrated
Egypt 6.22** 3 Cointegrated South Africa 3.52** 4 Cointegrated
Ethiopia 2.45 3 Not cointegrated
Nigeria 7.37* 3 Cointegrated
South Africa 0.69 3 Not cointegrated

Note: *, **, and *** represent the significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively. The time lag order is selected based on the Akaike information criterion. The
critical values are obtained from Pesaran et al. (2001) (Pesaran et al., 2001).

4.2. Bounds tests 4.3. Net-oil importing countries

Based on the results of the unit root tests, the bounds test co- The ARDL estimates are presented in Table 6a. The long-run analysis
integration approach is used to assess the long-run relationships be­ reveals a negative and significant relationship between oil price and REI
tween the variables from linear and non-linear perspectives. The bounds in Egypt, Ethiopia and South Africa, and the levels of significance differ
test results are presented in Table 4, where panel A displays the F-sta­ among the countries. Specifically, increased oil price has a significant
tistic values for the ARDL model, and panel B presents the F-statistic impact on discouraging REI in Egypt.For instance, a 1% rise in oil price
values for the NARDL model. In panel A, the F-statistic suggests the corresponds to a 0.004%decrease in REI for Egypt. Examining the short-
presence of linear co-integration relationships in Algeria, Egypt, and run effects, the oil price has a significant positive impact on REI in Egypt.
Nigeria; however, it is essential to explore the possibility of non-linear The NARDL estimates are presented in Table 6b, revealing the re­
co-integration in the remaining countries. In panel B, the F-statistic in­ lationships between the variables. In the long run, a positive change in
dicates evident non-linear co-integration relationships in Angola, oil price has a significant negative impact on REI in two countries.
Ethiopia, and South Africa. Consequently, the ARDL approach is Specifically, a 1% increase in oil price leads to a respective decrease in
employed to estimate the models for Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria, while REI by 0.02% in Ethiopia and 0.005% in South Africa. Conversely, a
the NARDL approach is employed for Angola, Ethiopia and South Africa. negative change in oil price has a positive effect on REI. For every 1%
reduction in oil price, REI increases by 0.004% in Ethiopia and 0.014%
4.2.1. Net-oil exporting countries in South Africa, with the result in Ethiopia being statistically
ARDL estimates are presented in Table 5a, primarily focusing on the insignificant.
examination of symmetric and asymmetric effects of oil price on REI. To In the short run, the impact of oil price changes differs across the
understand the results of the key variable of oil price, it is crucial to three countries. A positive change in oil price is associated with a sig­
analyse the findings in each country individually. The long-run analysis nificant negative effect on REI in all three countries; however, a negative
reveals a negative and significant relationship between oil price and REI change in oil price has a significant positive impact on REI in Egypt
in Algeria, Angola and Nigeria, and the levels of significance differ South Africa, whereas the effect is not statistically significant for South
among the countries. Specifically, increased oil price has a significant Africa. Additionally, in Ethiopia and South Africa experienced a signif­
impact on discouraging REI in all three countries. For instance, in icant impact on REI from a negative change in oil price. The ECM(-1)
Algeria, a 1% increase in oil price leads to a 0.048% decrease in REI, and coefficients indicate that REI converges back to equilibrium at a speed
a 1% rise in oil price corresponds to 0.037% and 0.004%decrease in REI of 0.29% in Ethiopia and 0.71% in South Africa following the impact of
for Angola and Nigeria respectively. oil price. This suggests a long-term convergence in the relationship.
Examining the short-run effects, oil price has a significant positive Regarding the control variables, real GDP exhibits a positive and sig­
impact on REI in Angola and Nigeria; however, for Algeria, oil price has nificant relationship with REI in the short and long run for all three
a significant negative effect on REI. These results reveal the symmetric countries. In contrast, CO2 emissions have negative and significant ef­
and asymmetric effects of oil price on REI across the countries studied. fects on REI in South Africa in the short and long run.
Analysing the ECM(-1) coefficients reveals that REI converges back to
equilibrium at a speed of 0.64% in Algeria, 0.74% in Angola and 0.73%
in Nigeria following the impact of oil price. This finding confirms the 4.4. Diagnostic tests
existence of long-run convergence in the relationship between oil price
and REI. Considering the study’s control variables, real GDP has a pos­ After obtaining the estimated coefficients, it is crucial to perform
itive and significant relationship with REI in the short run for all three diagnostic tests to evaluate the validity of the ARDL and NARDL models.
countries. In contrast, CO2 emissions have significant positive effects on Tables 5 and 6 present the results of these diagnostic tests, indicating
REI in Nigeria, in the short and long run, and negative and significant that sequence correlation, nonnormality and heteroscedasticity have no
effects on REI in Angola. A significant positive relationship is found impact on the models for any of the countries studied. Stability tests are
between REI and RGDP in the long run for Algeria. The NARDL estimates conducted using cumulative sum of recursive residuals (CUSUM) and
are presented in Table 5b, revealing the relationships between the var­ cumulative sum of squares (CUSUMSQ) tests to further ensure the
iables. In the long run, Angola’s REI is significantly affected by oil price robustness of the diagnostic tests. Referencing (Pesaran and Shin, 1998),
changes, with a 1% increase in oil prices causing a 0.11% decrease in REI it is essential to apply CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests to assess parameter
and a 1% reduction in oil prices increasing REI by 0.024% in Angola. In constancy. According to (Caporale and Pittis, 2004), the CUSUM and
Angola, a positive oil price change has a significant negative impact on CUSUMSQ1 tests are commonly used to test the null hypothesis of
the REI in the short run, while a negative change has a significant pos­ parameter stability, compared with other alternatives. The CUSUMSQ
itive impact. However, this impact is statistically insignificant. The ECM test, in particular, is preferred as it has the capability to detect changes
(-1) coefficients show that REI converges back to equilibrium at a speed
of 0.34% in Angola. In Algeria and Nigeria the results are consistent with
the ARDL estimates. CUSUM and CUSUMSQ plots are not presented here to save space and are
available upon request.

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 5
Estimates for net-oil exporting countries.
a. ARDL estimation results

Algeria Angola Nigeria

Long-run estimates Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error
OP − 0.048** 0.023 − 0.037*** 0.019 − 0.004** 0.002
RGDP 2.933** 1.018 0.918** 0.425 0.062 0.063
CO2 0.321 2.195 − 0.619*** 0.199 0.257* 0.144
C − 15.687 7.394 0.677 4.49 8.645*** 0.458
Short-run estimates
D(OP) − 0.017* 0.009 − 0.012*** 0.004 0.041*** 0.001
D(OP(-1)) − 0.017** 0.006 − 0.006** 0.003
D(RGDP) 1.877*** 0.642 0.198** 0.099 0.201* 0.111
D(CO2) 3.307** 1.418 − 0.416** 0.209 0.118 0.116
D(CO2 (− 1)) 2.853* 1.493 0.853* 1.493 0.400** 0.158
ECM(-1) − 0.640*** 0.177 − 0.737*** 0.134 − 0.731*** 0.166

Diagnostics Stat. Prob. Stat. Prob. Stat. Prob.

Adjusted R2 0.925 0.813 0.975
F-statistics 28.913 0.000 26.187 0.000 17.379 0.000
Serial correlation for
the LM Test 2.070 0.118 0.198 0.113 0.225 0.853
Normality for the
Jarque–Bera Test 0.059 0.996 0.762 0.898 0.042 0.983
Heteroscedasticity for
Breusch–Pagan– 0.362 0.858 0.762 0.188 0.408 0.631
Godfrey Test
Ramsey RESET test 0.273 0.608 1.351 0.608 0.082 0.784

b. NARDL estimation results

Long-run estimates Algeria Angola Nigeria

Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error

OP+ − 0.031*** 0.019 − 0.011*** 0.003 − 0.006** 0.003

OP- 0.56 0.31 0.024** 0.01 0.01 0.006
RGDP 2.815* 2.004 0.818* 0.441 0.069 0.034
CO2 0.576** 3.109 − 0.683*** 0.166 2.113** 0.126
C 9.945 4.98 0.949 3.1 7.108*** 2.98
Short-run estimates
D(OP+) − 0.016** 0.007 − 0.005* 0.003 0.005** 0.002
D(OP+ (− 1)) − 0.017 0.009 0.003* − 0.012 0.007
D(OP-) 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001
D(OP-(-1)) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.003
D(OP- (− 2)) 0.003 0.002 0.003* 0.002 − 0.001 0.001
D(RGDP) 1.207** 0.119 0.277** 0.113 0.149 0.133
D(CO2) 3.211** 1.316 − 0.256** 0.116 0.498*** 0.161
ECM(-1) − 0.224** 0.109 − 0.338** 0.157 − 0.718*** 0.175
Adjusted R2 0.787 0.887 0.886
F-statistics 29.103 0.000 19.263 0.000 12.856 0.000
Serial correlation for
the LM Test 0.282 0.71 0.244 0.71 0.067 0.841
Normality for the
Jarque–Bera Test 0.517 0.752 0.686 0.752 0.67 0.841
Heteroscedasticity for
Breusch–Pagan– 1.307 0.245 0.812 0.79
Godfrey Test 0.711 0.624
Ramsey RESET test 1.378 0.206 1.477 0.206 2.252 0.114

Note: *, ** and *** represent significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Time lag order is selected based on Akaike information criterion. D is the first-
difference operator. OP+ and OP− are the long-run estimates for positive and negative changes in oil price.

in the conditional model parameters, regardless of whether the variance 4.5. Long-run multipliers and symmetry tests
of the regression error is included in the shifting parameters. In this
study, the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ plots indicate that the recursive re­ The NARDL model is applied to assess the asymmetric cumulative
siduals remain within their boundaries.1 The plots of CUSUM and dynamic multiplier effects of oil price on REI and determine whether
CUSUMSQ do not exceed the critical 5% bounds, confirming the exis­ there is asymmetry or symmetry in the short and long run. The results
tence of long-run relationships among the variables and confirming the are presented in Table 7. In the case of the net oil-exporting countries
stability of the coefficients. These findings indicate that the models and (Algeria and Nigeria), and net oil-importing country (Egypt), the
their estimates are robust and stable at a 5% level of significance. asymmetric effects are not significant. In the case of Angola and
Ethiopia, the value of OP+ is greater than OP− , indicating that oil price
has asymmetric effects on REI. Specifically, the impact of increasing oil
price on REI is higher than that of decreasing oil price. This suggests that

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 6
Net oil-importing countries.
a. ARDL estimation results

Long-run estimates Egypt Ethiopia South Africa

Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error

OP − 0.004*** 0.001 0.021*** 0.009 − 0.007** 0.003

RGDP 0.58 0.072 0.317** 0.171 0.541* 0.358
CO2 0.898*** 0.192 − 0.095 0.119 − 2.510** 0.913
C 8.661*** 0.426 8.672*** 1.478 8.016*** 2.257
Short-run estimates
D(OP) 0.007*** 0.002 0.020*** 0.005
D(OP(-1)) 0.011*** 0.001 0.004** 0.002 0.007** 0.003
D(RGDP) 0.073 0.144 0.087* 0.042 0.421* 0.217
D(RGDP(-1)) 0.253** 0.12
D(CO2) 0.012 0.136 − 0.014 0.037 − 1.313** 0.613
D(CO2 (− 1)) 0.336* 0.17 0.023** 0.011 0.412** 0.192
ECM(-1) − 0.779*** 0.174 − 0.562*** 0.109 − 0.934*** 0.183

Diagnostics Stat. Prob. Stat. Prob. Stat. Prob.

Adjusted R2 0.964 0.903 0.976
F-statistics 19.916 0.000 29.896 0.000 20.36 0.000
Serial correlation for
the LM Test 0.221 0.718 0.118 0.695 0.347 0.908
Normality for the
Jarque–Bera Test 0.787 0.643 1.824 0.514 0.821 0.794
Heteroscedasticity for
Godfrey Test 0.628 0.506 0.962 0.72 0.818 0.861
Ramsey RESET test 0.545 0.411 2.535 0.213 2.287 0.148

b. NARDL estimation results

Long-run estimates Egypt Ethiopia South Africa

Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error Coeff. Std. Error

OP+ 0.002 − 0.006** − 0.016*** 0.004 − 0.005* 0.003

OP- 0.013 0.01 0.004 0.003 0.014*** 0.002
RGDP 0.099 0.069 0.358** 0.148 0.565* 0.347
CO2 0.186 2.113** − 0.04 0.116 − 2.102** 0.905
C 1.211 7.108*** 8.923*** 1.24 9.418*** 2.072
Short-run estimates
D(OP+) 0.002 0.005** − 0.004** 0.002 − 0.006** 0.003
D(OP+ (− 1)) 0.003 − 0.012 − 0.010* 0.006
D(OP-) 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.008*** 0.002
D(OP-(-1)) 0.001 0.004 − 0.002** 0.001 0.006* 0.003
D(OP- (− 2)) − 0.001 − 0.002 0.002
D(RGDP) 0.15 0.149 0.105* 0.057 0.447* 0.233
D(CO2) 0.13 0.498*** − 0.012 0.035 − 1.490** 0.678
ECM(-1) 0.187 − 0.718*** − 0.294*** 0.098 − 0.709*** 0.135
Adjusted R2 0.925 0.932 0.956
F-statistics 24.601 0.000 26.658 0.000 17.867 0.000
Serial correlation for
the LM Test 0.018 0.912 0.01 0.967 0.054 0.945
Normality for the 1.447 0.48 1.506 0.498 0.782 0.773
Jarque–Bera Test
Heteroscedasticity for
Godfrey Test 0.715 0.542 0.88 0.567 0.705 0.740
Ramsey RESET test 2.752 0.139 2.905 0.143 2.320 0.166

Note: *, ** and *** represent significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Time lag order is selected based on Akaike information criterion. D is the first-
difference operator. OP_POS and OP_NEG are the long-run estimates for the positive and negative changes in oil price.
Note: *, ** and *** represent significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Time lag order is selected based on Akaike information criterion. D is the first-
difference operator. OP+ and OP− are the long-run estimates for positive and negative changes in oil price.

positive changes in oil price have a stronger influence on REI compared country (Egypt), the test further confirms that the asymmetric effects are
with negative changes. In contrast, the results for South Africa exhibit a not significant. Conversely, the test confirms that the effect of oil price
converse pattern, revealing that the effect of declining oil price on REI is on REI in South Africa is symmetric in the short run but asymmetric in
higher than the effect of increasing oil price. This implies that negative the long run. The effect in Angola and Ethiopia remains asymmetric for
changes in oil price have a more significant impact on REI in South the long and short run. The size of the coefficients of the long-run dy­
Africa compared with positive changes. namic multipliers of oil price indicates that Ethiopia and South Africa’s
A Wald test is conducted to differentiate long-run effects from short- REI are more susceptible to positive and negative changes in oil price
run effects and further validate the above conclusion. In the case of the than Angola; however, Angola is relatively less influenced by negative
net oil-exporting countries (Algeria and Nigeria), and net oil-importing changes in oil price.

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

Table 7
Long-run multipliers and symmetry tests results.
Algeria Egypt Nigeria Angola Ethiopia South Africa

OP +
− 0.418*** − 0.871*** − 0.575*** − 0.330** − 0.982*** − 0.491***
OP− 0.065 0.031 0.203 0.171 0.239*** 0.988***
WaldLong-run 1.758 2.025 2.804* 9.905*** 20.492*** 40.888***
WaldShort-run 2.103 1.629 1.086 11.336*** 14.601*** 0.153

Note: *, **, and *** represent the significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels. The time lag order is selected based on AIC. D is the first-difference operator. OP_POS and
OP_NEG are the long-run estimates for the positive and negative changes in oil prices. Wald refers to the Wald test for the null of symmetry in the price of oil.

5. Discussion indicating a lack of significance. These contrasting findings highlight the

significant relationship between oil price and REI in the six African
This study examines the relationship between oil price and REI in the countries studied.
six largest economies in Africa, which share similar climatic and energy The significant relationship observed between GDP and REI in this
security conditions. The findings align with the existing literature, study is consistent with the broader literature (Inchauspe et al., 2015;
allowing researchers in the field to gain a more comprehensive under­ Omri and Nguyen, 2014; Sebri and Ben-Salha, 2014). The results align
standing of the symmetric and asymmetric effects of oil price on REI in with (Awerbuch and Sauter, 2006), determining that economic in­
Africa. Using the ARDL bounds testing approach, the results indicate the dicators, including GDP, have a crucial role in determining renewable
presence of symmetric relationships in Algeria, Egypt, and Nigeria. energy growth. (Awerbuch and Sauter, 2006) also explores the corre­
Conversely, the NARDL approach reveals asymmetric relationships in lation between GDP, oil price, renewable energy consumption and REI,
Angola, Ethiopia, and South Africa. finding that renewable energy adoption can avoid GDP losses during
The outcomes of the study demonstrate that oil price have statisti­ periods of increased oil price. The connection between GDP and REI is
cally significant effects on REI in all six countries investigated at varying also evident (Bilgili et al., 2016), which concludes that advancements in
levels of significance. Regarding symmetric relationships, oil price has renewable energy technologies significantly contribute to both miti­
significant effects on REI only in the long run for Egypt and Nigeria. gating global warming and increasing GDP. As highlighted in the liter­
Conversely, for Algeria, oil price has a significant impact in both the ature review (Awerbuch and Sauter, 2006) note that REI can prevent
short and long run. Additionally, examining asymmetric relationships GDP losses, reduce oil price and promote further economic growth and
reveals that a positive change in oil price has a significant negative renewable energy adoption (Fang, 2011). Similarly, emphasises the
impact on REI in the long run for Angola, Ethiopia, and South Africa, importance of improving economic conditions while accelerating
while a negative change in oil price has a positive effect on REI; how­ renewable energy development and increasing the share of renewable
ever, no statistical significance is observed for Ethiopia. These findings energy in the energy mix.
underscore the substantial heterogeneity among the countries. Conse­ Considering these findings, it is essential to consider how they
quently, South Africa should prioritise policies related to oil price trends compare to expectations. Given that renewable energy presents an
to leverage REI, while Angola should consider periods of declining oil alternative to crude oil for both consumption and output, a positive
price and Ethiopia should focus on periods of rising oil price. relationship is expected between oil price and REI. Increasing oil price
As noted, the findings of this study align with several previous should theoretically incentivise firms and households to reduce con­
studies exploring the relationship between oil price volatility and sumption and transition to renewable energy (Henriques and Sadorsky,
renewable energy generation (Sadorsky, 2012). These studies indicate a 2008). Consequently, higher oil price would be expected to lead to
positive and significant correlation between oil price and renewable increased investment in renewable energy. Surprisingly, this study re­
energy adoption. For instance, the evidence of this study supports the veals the opposite result, indicating that oil price has a negative effect on
findings (Kumar et al., 2012), which demonstrates that the profitability REI. The negative impact of oil price increases on REI suggests that the
of substituting renewable energy is influenced by oil price changes countries studied are grappling with rising oil price, which hinders the
(Schmitz, 2009). The literature also supports this study’s findings transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
regarding the statistical significance between oil price volatility and REI, The African countries examined in this study have significant po­
as it indicates that an increase in oil price significantly and directly af­ tential for renewable energy generation and fossil fuel production. The
fects the returns of renewable energy stocks. Moreover, (Brini et al., increase in oil price in 2022 has necessitated the exploration of lower-
2017) reveals a direct relationship between oil price and renewable cost alternative energy sources. The literature suggests that oil price
energy consumption, suggesting that an increase in oil price may lead to volatility is a primary driver for the attractiveness of green energy,
a corresponding increase in renewable energy consumption, contrary to making it susceptible to price shocks (Dutta, 2017). Both oil-importing
the findings of this study. Several authors also emphasis how increased and oil-exporting countries should consider reducing oil dependence
oil revenue, driven by oil price, supports the economic growth of and increasing REI; however, for some oil-exporting countries in the
oil-exporting countries, which facilitates REI (Shahbaz et al., 2018). sample, a substantial portion of national income is earned from fossil
Furthermore, evidence from (Reboredo, 2015) suggests that the dy­ fuel export revenue. During periods of increasing oil price, such coun­
namics of oil price volatility contribute significantly to the risk faced by tries tend to provide subsidies, which leads to higher consumption of
renewable energy firms, which hinders renewable energy initiatives. conventional energy sources. Conversely, these countries could invest
The literature also emphasises policy implications, suggesting that the oil revenue in renewable energy projects to increase the adoption of
dynamics between oil price and renewable energy can influence in­ renewable energy. For these countries, the depletion of fossil fuels and
vestment decisions (Shahbaz et al., 2018; Aydin and Acar, 2011). subsequent decline in demand may erode this advantage, highlighting
The findings of this study also contradict those of other studies that the need for increased investment in renewable energy.
indicate no statistical significance between oil price volatility and REI In summary, the findings of this study indicate that oil price has a
(Sadorsky, 2009a; Henriques and Sadorsky, 2008). For example, the negative effect on REI, whereas GDP has a positive effect, suggesting
results oppose the conclusions of (Awerbuch and Sauter, 2006), who that higher GDP promotes REI by reducing dependence on crude oil for
argue that oil price has no impact on REI such as solar and wind energy. power generation and decreasing non-renewable energy consumption.
Similarly, (Inchauspe et al., 2015) finds minimal deviations of only 10% Therefore, significant efforts to boost GDP across these African econo­
in the stock returns of renewable energy firms during oil price increases, mies could drive the transition to renewable energy and enhance REI.

I. Tambari et al. Resources Policy 91 (2024) 104875

6. Conclusion and policy implications CRediT authorship contribution statement

Increasing interest in alternative energy development within envi­ Ishaya Tambari: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
ronmental conservation policies necessitates quality information Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Writing – original
regarding the effectiveness of renewable energy policies and strategies. draft, Writing – review & editing. Pierre Failler: Resources, Software,
However, the majority of the existing literature on REI is based on ex­ Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Shabbar Jaffry: Methodology,
periences from Western countries, which may not apply to developing Resources, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
countries in Africa. This study expands our understanding of the impact
of oil price on REI in selected African countries that rely on fossil fuels Declaration of competing interest
for electricity generation. The findings provide valuable insights into the
relationship between oil price and REI, highlighting both symmetric and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
asymmetric effects. interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
The policy implications of this study are significant. Increasing oil the work reported in this paper.
price leads to decreased REI; however, the suggestion is limited to
countries for which oil price fluctuations significantly influence REI. Data availability
Therefore, policymakers should consider providing subsidies to incen­
tivise REI during periods of high oil price. Countries where oil price Data will be made available on request.
fluctuations significantly influence REI should closely monitor these
changes during booms and slumps in oil price to ensure stability in REI. Table I. Nomenclature
Governments must implement policies that encourage renewable energy
development and diversify the production and use of renewable energy
Abbreviation Description
to promote energy efficiency and environmental protection.
ARDL Autoregressive distributed lag
Various governmental efforts across Africa provide incentives for
REI Renewable energy investment
REI. For instance, the African Development Bank supports green mini-
OP Oil price
grid projects in different countries. Additionally, the Africa Renewable
RGDP Real gross domestic product
Energy Fund and Facility for Energy Inclusion serve as financing plat­
CO2 Carbon dioxide
forms for small-scale renewable projects (IRENA, n.d, Beyond the Grid
C Constant
for Africa, n.d)Nevertheless, these efforts are insufficient, and donors
D First-difference operator
and other stakeholders interested in increasing renewable energy pro­
ECM Error correction model
duction in Africa should collaborate with governments to strengthen the
AIC Akaike information criterion
implementation of renewable energy policies, providing financial sup­
NARDL Non-linear autoregressive distributed lag
port and capacity building, either directly or through conventional aid
CUSUM Cumulative sum of recursive residuals
CUSUMSQ Cumulative sum of squares
Another policy implication of this study relates to the positive cor­
Wald Wald test
relation between real GDP growth and REI. Policymakers should pri­
Note: The abbreviations and symbols used in this manuscript are
oritise economic growth to stimulate REI. A strong economy establishes
defined above for the readers’ convenience.
a conducive environment for implementing renewable energy genera­
tion policies and attracting investment, including private sector partic­
ipation. This study also emphasises the importance of transitioning from Appendix A. Supplementary data
fossil fuels to increase REI and reduce CO2 emissions. The potential
introduction of carbon markets in Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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