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In many countries, truancy is a worrying problem for both parents and educators. What
are the causes of truancy, and what may be the effects on the child and the wider.

It is not hard to notice that truancy is a chronic issue that many educational systems have
to face and up until now, educators still have not found a thorough solution for the
problem. The essay here will discuss what causes truancy and the possible effects
regarding the matter.

School non-attendance can be the result of an array of determinants, however, the most
common causes are family factors and school factors. Family factors include parents’
education and household income. There have been studies about the correlation between
parents’ education level and child’s truancy rate. Most of them show that the chance one
child commits truancy would be higher if his or her parents are dropped out from school
or low on educational level. An explanation for this is children tend to see their parents as
the models to learn from, therefore, if the parents do not take the study seriously, so will
the children. Students’ school absenteeism is also proven to have an interrelationship
with their family financial state. Low household income means it is easier for the child to
become a truant as he or she might be aware of the need for money and decide to go to
work instead of coming to classes. Besides family factors, school factors - which consists
of school’s ability to meet students’ requirements and friends’ negative impacts - also
play an important role in school disengagement. In the school climate, where thousands
of youngsters are engaging in, to fully meet all the students’ diverse needs is impractical.
Suppose that the pupils lose interest in the teaching program, or feel isolated because
their relationship with schoolmates and teachers cannot be developed, they will prioritize
staying in places that give them comfort over attending classes. Additionally, should the
children come into contact with friends who are misbehaved, they will run a greater
chance of skipping classes. To be specific, teenagers are easily drawn into their friends’
adverse behaviours such as smoking or using drugs as they consider those actions are
trendy, consequently, they are more likely to be absent on a given school day to go with
those friends.

Truancy has been indicated to have excessive ramifications for the child in specific and
the community in general. When a child starts to establish truancy behavior, it would only
be the matter of time before the action is turned into continual school absenteeism. In the
short-term, the child may experience poor academic results, teachers’ criticisms and even
school expulsion. Not attending classes means the student will not be able to gain
essential knowledge which is not only helpful in exams but also in practical situations.
Furthermore, many schools have a rule that if a student misses more than the allowed
number of sessions, they will either have to repeat or be forced out. However, in the
long-term, through chronic school disengagement, people can predict whether the child is
having domestic problems or not. Issues related to household here can include domestic
violence, job volatility or marital instability. By having early prediction about the child’s
state, individuals can prevent unfortunate events that may happen to that youngster.
Community also faces an effect namely the rise in crime acts, resulting from school
non-attendance. It is reported that the rate of truancy is directly proportional to that of
juvenile delinquency. Stealing, property plundering, substance abusing and drug using are
some of the noticeable behaviors of delinquency. Not only does the issue pose a great
threat to the safety of the community but also affect the overall development level of a

In conclusion, truancy is a controversial issue that different educational systems are

facing and it can bring certain consequences for a community. Therefore, both individuals
and government are responsible for reducing the truancy rates and a variety of strategies
should be devised to tackle the problem.

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