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Project 1
Task 1: Add an Automatic Table 1 table of contents below the text “This Month” on page 1
Task 2: Add a Trade Mark Sign immediately after the text “WareWolf” on page 4
Task 3: Add a Soft Round bevel shape effect to the SmartArt graphic near the top of page 1
Task 4: In the bullet list near the bottom of page 4, change the default bullet to a picture
bullet based on construction.jpg in the Pictures folder.
Task 5: On page 2, format the next beginning with “Volunteers at Trey Research” and
ending with “… recyclables as they worked” as two columns.

Project 2
Task 1: Apply the Pencil Grayscale art effect to the picture near the top of the page
Task 2: Set the line spacing to 1.15 lines for the entire documnet
Task 3: Copy the text “Blue Yonder Airlines is sponsoring a contest that is open to all
Graphic Design Institute students.” and paste only the text (without the formatting) at the
end of the paragraph after the graphic. Note: Do not delete the original text.
Task 4: Insert a Sun shape in the bottom center of the last page

Project 3
Task 1: Add a 3pt Box page border in Purple, Accent 6, Darker 25%
Task 2: Apply the Metal Frame picture style to the picture of pastries
Task 3: Apply an Offset: Bottom (Offset Bottom) shadow to the text “Congratulations!”
Task 4: Replace all instances of the text “class” with “seminar”
Task 5: Decrease the list level of the bulleted list by one level.
Task 6: Insert a Scroll: Horizontal Scroll shape with the text “Bakery and Cafe” in the
bottom left of page.
Project 4
Task 1: Add the contents of the file legalstuff.docx located in the Documents folder after the
text “The frequency of inspections … will be increased.” And before the text “You are not
authorized to discuss …”.
Task 2: Locate the Intense Quote style text near the end of the document, “Lastly, I believe it
…”, and add a bookmark named “Internal” at the beginning of the paragraph.


Task 3: Apply the Black & White (Word) document formatting style to the document.
Task 4: Create a bulleted list from the text on page 2; “Lunch boxes, bags, briefcases, …
authorized to make.”
Task 5: Apply a Pink highlight to the text “DO NOT COPY OR REDISTRIBUTE” near the
top of the page.
Project 5:
Task 1: Add a SmartArt Vertical Bullet List below the text “It wasn’t until the Industrial
Revolution … an industrial one.”. Add the text “Weekdays” to the top green shape.
Task 2: Add a table with four rows and four columns in the “Cultivated Land Summary”
section, below the text “The table below lists the summary counts.”
Task 3: Merge all cells in the bottom row of the table below the “Days of the Week” heading
into one cell.
Task 4: In the table below the “Days of the Week”, adjust the column width so that all
columns are the same width
Task 5: Add a Status of “Requires committee review” to the document
Task 6: Modify the citation source to change the Year to “2021”
Task 7: Show all hidden formatting symbols in the document.
Task 8: Set Alternative Title “Days of the Week” and Description “This is summary table”
on the table below header “Days of the Week”.
Project 6
Task 1: Remove the background from the guitar picture, being careful not to crop off the
Task 2: Add a hyperlink to the text “tailspintoys.com” in the last paragraph that is linked
to the web site address http://tailspintoys.com
Task 3: Add a Grid Quote text box below the guitar image with the text “GOOD SOUNDS”.
Align it to the bottom center of the page
Task 4: Apply the Ion theme to the document.
Task 5: In the two-column list add a Column break immediately before the text
Project 7
Task 1: Convert the four paragraphs beginning with “Dry mouth” and ending with


“Addictive personality” to a table. AutoFit the table cells to the contents.
Task 2: Add the contents of the file Farmers.docx in the Documents folder to the end of the
Task 3: Apply the WordArt style Gradient Fill – Gray to the text “Detoxification is the key”
at the top of the document. Align the WordArt to the center of the page
Task 4: Inspect the document and remove any personal information
that is found.
Project 8
Task 1: Add the alternative text title, “Lunch Menu” to the table in the document. Task 2:
Áp dụng phong cách Grid Table 4 Accent 1 cho bảng trong tài liệu Apply table style Grid
Table 2: Accent 1 to the table in the document.
Task 3: Add a Registered Sign at the end of the company name in the header
Task 4: Remove all personal information from the
Project 9
Task 1: Apply a Bright Green text highlight to the text string “And you get to see first!”.
Task 2: Apply the WordArt style Gradient Fill – Gray to the text “Athletic Scholarships”
located at the top of the document. Align the WordArt to the center of the document.
Task 3: Use a Word feature to replace each occurrence of the text chữ “Football” with
Task 4: Add a 12-Point Star with the text “Limited Offer”. Align the star to the bottom-left
of the page.
Project 10
Task 1: Add a Page Break immediately before the heading “Moaning about Mondays”
Task 2: Add a page number to the bottom of each page in the Brackets 2 format
Task 3: Change final Bullet list in below Heading “Which day of the week is the
favourite?” to Numbering list with format 1,2,3.
Task 4: Add the watermark DO NOT COPY 1 to all pages.
Task 5: Change the second numbered list that begins with “1. Not so Fun Facts”, modify
the list to start numbering at “9”.
Project 11
Task 1: Use the Go To feature to navigate to the Bookmark “OldNews” and delete the


paragraph at that location.
Task 2: Under the “Days of the Week:” heading, format the five lines of text starting with
“Topic…” as a numbered list that has a parenthesis after the number.
Task 3: Add a Grid cover page.
Task 4: On the page following the section break, change the page orientation to Landscape.
Task 5: Add the contents of the file Farmers.docx in the Documents folder below the
heading “Which day of the week is the favourite?”.
Project 12
Task 1: Rearrange the text in the SmartArt graphic so that “organically grown” is above
“carefully roasted”
Task 2: Add the contents of the file contact.docx in the Documents folder below the
horizontal line near the middle of the page.
Task 3: Apply the Soft Round Bevel picture effect to the image of a coffee
cup on a saucer.
Task 4: Move the image containing one coffee cup to just below the title
“Fourth Coffee”
Task 5: Add the image heartcup.jpg from the Picture folder below the text in the sidebar.
Project 13
Task 1: Change the line spacing to 1.15 lines for the entire document.
Task 2: Copy the text “UNPLUG AND DO NOT USE THIS DEHYDRATOR” and paste
it after the text “REMINDER:”. The pasted text should be left-justified and bold.
Task 3: Apply the Intense Emphasis style to the text “UNPLUG AND DO NOT USE
THIS DEHYDRATOR” that is located above the image.
Task 4: Add the Integral header with the title “PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT”
Task 5: Apply a Shadow page border to the entire document, with a width of 3pt and a
Orange, Accent 6.
Project 14
Task 1: At the bottom of the first page, sort the table according to the “Match Schedule”
ascending order
Task 2: Configure the table “Division” so that the column titles are repeated on the next
Task 3: On page 2, create a table from the text “Ontario… Oshawa” so that it must


have 3 columns cover the entire width of the windows.


Task 4: On page 2, to the right of “Places to Play”, insert a footnote. Cut the text “We will be
adding more locations soon!” and paste it in the note.
Task 5: After heading “Our motto”, add a Bacis Chevron Process diagram. In this diagram
insert the following texts, from left to right “Make friends”, “Play safe”, “Have fun”.
Task 6: Add the “Project” text to the document’s Status properties.
Task 7: Display tab characters formatting in the document. Be careful not to display any
other formatting symbols.
Project 15
Task 1 Thay đổi lề trang sang kiểu soi gương (Mirrored)
Task 2 Chèn một textbox kiểu “Banded Quote” vào giữa cuối trang bìa và thêm nội dung
“Claudia Kwok, OAGN 119”
Task 3 Cập nhật mục lục
Task 4 Sau đề mục, "Claudia's proposal for Mike's Office" chèn nội dung của văn bản
“Introduction .docx”. Định dạng đoạn văn bản vừa chèn thành 2 cột với khoảng cách 0.8cm
Task 5 Kiểm tra tài liệu và gỡ bỏ các headers, footer, wartermark được tìm thấy
Task 6 Áp dụng kiểu “Line (Distincive)” cho tài liệu

Project 16
Task 1 Adjust the line spacing so that the entire document is double spaced


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